Category:No One Is Greater Than God
Pages in category "No One Is Greater Than God"
The following 48 pages are in this category, out of 48 total.
- Acknowledge that you are limited and subordinate to material nature and to God. No one can be equal to or greater than God. So be submissive
- All the 4 original sampradayas are still scrupulously engaged in the transcendental service of God up to date, & they all declare that Lord Krsna, Mukunda, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, & no other personality is equal to Him or greater than Him
- Another name for God is asamordhva, which indicates that no one is equal to or greater than Him
- Another name for God is asamordhva, which means that no one is equal to or greater than Him. Param satyam, or the Supreme Truth, is He who has no equal or superior. This is confirmed in the sruti-mantras
- Another one of Krsna's names is asamordhva, which means that no one is equal to or greater than Him
- As stated in the Vedas: "The Supreme Lord has nothing to do, and no one is found to be equal to or greater than Him, for everything is done naturally and systematically by His multifarious energies" - Svetasvatara Upanisad 6.8
- At no time can we be as great as Krsna, although we are the same qualitatively. No one is equal to God, and no one is greater than Him
- Because the Personality of Godhead is supreme, no one is equal to Him, and no one is greater than Him. Nonetheless, if one is a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord is easily obtainable
- Bhagavan, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is opulent in all excellence; no one can be equal to or greater than Him
- God is described here as paribhuh, the greatest of all. No one is greater than or equal to Him. Other living beings are described here as beggars who ask goods from the Lord. The Lord supplies the things the living entities desire
- God is great means there are different grades of living entities, and the supreme living entity of whom there is no equal or greater is God. He is God
- God means without competition: one. God is one. Nobody is great... asamordhva. Nobody is greater than Him. Nobody is equal to Him. Everyone is lower. Ekale isvara krsna ara saba bhrtya. The only master is Krsna, God; and everyone, servant
- He (God) is above all; no one is equal to or greater than Him. Nor can anyone reach His level of perfection in any of the above powers by any amount of penance or yogic demonstrations. The yogis are dependent on His mercy
- He (God) is bhagavan svayam, or the original Supreme Personality of Godhead, full with all opulences, all power, all knowledge, all beauty, all fame and all renunciation. No one is equal to or greater than Him
- He (Visnu) is omnipotent, and no one is equal to or greater than Him
- I am fortunate, you are fortunate, but we have got many equals and many greater than. But when you reach somebody where you find nobody is equal to Him and nobody is greater than Him, that is real Bhagavan. This is a logical conclusion, who is Bhagavan
- If someone claims to be God, he has to prove that no one is equal to him and that no one is greater. If he can do this, he is God. This is a very simple definition
- In Bhagavad-gita it is stated that no one can be equal to or greater than the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is confirmed in the Vedas also: eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman
- In the Bhagavad-gita Arjuna says, asamaurdhva. Asama: "There is no equal to you, asama, and urdhva, nobody is greater than You." That is God. Supreme means who has no equal, neither anyone is greater than. Everyone is under. That is called asama urdhva
- In the Svetasvatara Upanisad (6.8) it is said, na tat-samas cabhyadhikas ca drsyate: "No one is found to be equal to Him or greater than Him." That is the definition of God
- In the Vedic language it is said asamordhva. Asama. Asama means "no equal." Nobody is equal. Urdhva. Urdhva means "greater." Asamordhva. In the Bhagavad-gita also this language is used. Nobody is equal or greater than God
- It is further stated, na hy asya varsmanah: "No one is greater than Him." No one is greater than Bhagavan or equal to Him. Everyone is inferior
- Na tasya sama. Sama means equal; adhikasya, or greater. That means everyone subordinate. Everyone subordinate. Everyone is lower than God. He may be very powerful, but nobody can be equal or greater than God. That is the Vedic information
- No one can equal the Lord or be greater than Him, for He is the master of everyone
- No one can excel God in any capacity, and therefore no one can be equal to or greater than Him, nor can anyone attain the stage of equality with God by any kind of endeavor. Jnana, yoga and bhakti are three recognized processes of spiritual realization
- No one is equal to or greater than the Lord. That is the version of the Bhagavad-gita
- No one is equal to the Godhead, and no one is greater than Him. That is the import of the familiar saying "God is great"
- One should conclusively understand that no one is greater than the Supreme Great. Since the Supreme Great demands, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66), every intelligent man must agree to this proposal
- One who is serious, he'll inquire. Otherwise, the formula is all right, "God is great. There is no more greater than Him." But inquire, "How He is great?" Therefore society is required, association is required, to inquire
- Sanandana said, "The Vedic reciters, or the personified Vedas, sing thus, 'O unconquerable Lord, You are the Supreme Personality. No one is equal to You or greater than You. No one can be more glorious in his activities'"
- Satya Sai Baba, he wants to claim himself as Bhagavan, unfortunately. He can not give any faultless message. The definition of Bhagavan is given in the sastras as one who possesses six kinds of opulences. Nobody is greater than Bhagavan, Krsna
- Someone may call himself independent, but he is still dependent on someone higher. The Personality of Godhead, however, is absolute; there is no one higher than or equal to Him
- Svetasvatara Upanisad (6.8) informs us: The Supreme Lord is one without a second. He has nothing to do personally, nor does He have material senses. No one is equal to Him or greater than Him
- The living entity is eternal (nitya) like the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but the difference is that the Supreme Lord is the greatest, no one being equal to or greater than Him, whereas the living entity is suksma, or extremely small
- The Lord (Krsna) says to Arjuna, "tat srnu," or "Hear from Me." No one can be a greater authority than Krsna, and therefore by hearing from Him one receives the greatest opportunity for progress in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord is Supreme, and no one is equal to or greater than Him. Consequently if one thinks that the Lord's names are nondifferent from the names of demigods, he offends. The Supreme Lord and the demigods should never be considered on the same level
- The Lord is the cause of everything. The living entities are innumerable, but the Lord is one. No one is greater than Him, and no one is equal to Him. Thus the Lord is the supreme worshipable object, as understood from the Vedic mantras
- The Lord is therefore not in need of another's favor because no one is equal to or greater than Him. Actually, everyone needs the favor of the Lord for successful understanding of his human mission
- The Lord, or the Supreme Godhead, who is one without a second, is a fully cognizant and eternally joyful personality with a full sense of His identity. No one is equal to Him or greater than Him. This is a concise description of the Supreme Lord
- The marginal potency, or the living entities, is also spiritual (prakrtim viddhi me param), but the living entities are never equal to the Lord. The Lord is nirasta-samya-atisaya; in other words, no one is greater than or equal to the Supreme Lord
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is one without a second. He is above everyone. No one is equal to Him, nor is anyone greater than Him. Therefore He is described here as visva-guru
- There is no one greater than Him (God) or on an equal level with Him, and everything is completely done by His energy, as if by nature
- Where can there be another person equal to God? That is not possible. God is asamordhva; that is, no one can be equal to or greater than Him. There cannot be any competition
- Worship of demigods is discouraged herein because even the greatest demigods like Brahma and Siva only represent part of the opulence of the Supreme Lord. He is the origin of everyone born, and no one is greater than Him. BG 1972 purports