Category:My Presence (Prabhupada)
"my presence"
Pages in category "My Presence (Prabhupada)"
The following 43 pages are in this category, out of 43 total.
- All the devotees are now appreciating the presence of their Spiritual Master by following His instructions although He is no longer physically present. This is the right spirit
- All these GBC members, they must be well expert in explaining; otherwise what is the use of this writing, taking so much labor, books? They should go, preach, understand. And when there is difficulty, I am present
- Although a physical body is not present, the vibration should be accepted as the presence of the spiritual master, vibration. What we have heard from the spiritual master, that is living
- As far as my blessing is concerned it does not require my physical presence. If you are chanting Hare Krishna there and following my instructions, reading the books, taking only Krsna prasadam etc...
- I am asking all GBC members to come to Mayapur early and hold the meeting in my presence
- I am dealing with all neophytes. If I don't keep them alive by personal presence
- I am now in India, so in my presence another GBC may not be required, but if required in my absence, my question is whether it will be possible for you to take charge
- I am speaking in the dictaphone, but after some time, without me, it will speak exactly like this. So I am speaking, but I'm not present there. Similarly, material world means it is being conducted by Krsna, but still personally, He's not present there
- I am trying to get a nice place at Vrindaban and when the place is there, I shall personally be present with some devotees, and appreciate the atmosphere of Vrindaban
- I am very sorry to inform you that the London management is not going on nicely. I have received so many unfavorable reports and the most astonishing report is that our small van which you had purchased in my presence has been taken away
- I came here alone in 1965. Gradually the young men here took the philosophy very nicely, and now they themselves are spreading and opening many branches, even without my presence. Similarly, you can do this also, under my instructions
- I do not follow why you should feel uneasy in my presence. The easiest thing for you & for all others is to follow my instructions wherever you may be or I may be
- I do not know the price of the house, neither I know what funds will be raised in my presence but I can promise that whatever funds can be raised on that occasion I shall pay to you for your house
- I feel happy when I see my spiritual boys and girls especially those who have been married by my personal presence are very happy in their conjugal relationship. Even if there is some misunderstanding you should always remain rigid in service of Krishna
- I have heard that there is some worship of yourself by the other devotees. Of course it is proper to offer obeisances to a Vaisnava, but not in the presence of the spiritual master. After the departure of the spiritual master, it will come to that stage
- I never came here because American boys or people wanted me. They did not feel any need of my presence. But I came here, because it is my duty. My Guru Maharaja ordered me
- I regret I shall not be able to physically attend your Rathayatra at Buffalo, but my presence is always with the devotees who are serving so nicely
- I shall remain your personal guidance, physically present or not physically, as I am getting personal guidance from my Guru Maharaja
- I understand that you are feeling my absence. Krishna will give you strength. Physical presence is immaterial; presence of the transcendental sound received from the spiritual master should be the guidance of life
- I went to your country for spreading this information of Krishna Consciousness & you are helping me in my mission although I am not physically present there but spiritually I am always with you
- I wish that you may come here for a week, suspending all other business and finish this Bhagavad-gita in my presence
- In my presence one should not become guru, so on my behalf, on my order... Be actually guru, but by my order
- In the absence of physical presentation of the Spiritual Master the vaniseva is more important
- It does not mean that when Krsna was present on this planet, Krsna was absent in Goloka Vrndavana. No. It is not like that. Just like I am now present here, I am absent in my apartment. Krsna is not like that. Krsna can be present everywhere
- Never think that I am absent from you. Physical presence is not essential; presence by message (or hearing) is real touch
- Now the Krsna consciousness movement is going on in my presence. Now after my departure, if you do not do this, then it is lost. If you go on as you are doing now, then it will go on
- That is the real presence. Physical presence is not important
- The Deity worship should be done just in the way it was carried out in my presence. You should see that such a high standard is maintained and that there are no irregularities. Irregularity means breaking the schedule
- The GBC have not been able to fully participate in the Mayapur festivities due to the annual meeting. Therefore, I am asking all GBC members to come to Mayapur early and hold the meeting in my presence
- The GBC meeting (Mayapur 1975) should be held five days before the actual festival is to begin and it will be held in my presence. As far as your proposals are concerned the real thing is that we must make broader constitution of the management by GBC
- There is no need of taking instructions spoken in dream while the Spiritual Master is still present
- We should take advantage of the vani, not the physical presence, because the vani continues to exist eternally
- Wherever I go Devananda and Purusottama go also as my personal assistants. I do not know if you are prepared to send fare for three, but if my presence will be nice there, send the money for at least two
- Whether I am present or not present, it doesn't matter. As Krsna is living eternally, similarly, living being also lives eternally. But kirtir yasya sa jivati: "One who has done service to the Lord lives forever"
- While commenting on this particular verse, we have in our presence the statement of a great modern politician who has recently died and left his will, which discloses his poor fund of knowledge of the codes of God mentioned by Maharaja Pariksit
- Without my personal presence there you cannot do anything. Simply correspondence. Anyway, be careful there is no underhanded dealings in this transaction. It is very much risky, so be careful