Category:My Movement (Prabhupada)
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Pages in category "My Movement (Prabhupada)"
The following 44 pages are in this category, out of 44 total.
- Actually I began my, this Krsna consciousness movement, and it was not that those who came were in a very purified condition
- Any nonsense can come to me, and I shall prove that there is God; that is my Krsna consciousness movement
- Apart from my Krishna Consciousness spiritual movement I want this--that people may not move from the villages to the town
- Books will always remain. That was the view of my Guru Maharaja, and I also have taken it. Therefore I started my movement with my books
- Building is not very important. Work is important. Activity is important. I started my movement not with buildings, but real activity. So building is opulence. You can do without opulence. You can start anything, even underneath a tree
- I am old man, 73 years old; I may die at any moment. But I am now assured my movement will go on. These boys will carry it. My mission is in that way successful
- I am traveling all over the world. I am going to see how things are going in Dallas or New Vrindaban and another . . . so my touring is natural. I have started this movement. I want to see that it is going on nicely
- I am very glad to note of how you are increasing the "Back To Godhead" distribution there in such a remote place. Our "Back To Godhead" is the backbone of our movement so we should always be thinking how to increase it increase it increase it
- I am very much hopeful of my movement. Please keep steady, follow all my instructions scrupulously, chant Hare Krishna and Krishna will give you all strength
- I am very much hopeful that, with my disciples who are now participating today, even if I die my movement will not stop
- I am very much pleased to know that you are trying to organize a home for retired gentlemen for fully devoting the rest of their lives for service to Lord Krsna. My Krsna Consciousness movement is especially meant for this purpose
- I don't say it is my movement. Neither do I say that I am God. I am simply speaking of the established movement
- I got a free passage through some Indian steam navigation company. So I came by ship. So when I was on the ship at Boston port I was thinking that "I have come here. I do not know what is the purpose, because how the people will accept this movement?
- I have got already invitations from many parts of Europe and they are appreciating my movement. Nobody feels reluctance in joining the chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra
- I like especially New York, because I started the movement here. And because there are so many branches, if I go they'll become enlivened
- I made this movement successful simply by love feast. That is the beginning of my movement
- I think George does not require to become my formal disciple because he is already more than my disciple. He has sympathy for my movement and I have all blessings for him
- I want to retire now and simply concentrate on translating work, but how can I do it if I cannot give over the management of my society to you all my advanced senior disciples?
- I was very much satisfied with how my movement is being received there. After my lecture in the University the Europeans clapped and they were very enthusiastically purchasing my books
- If I go to India for some days, I am sure I shall be able to collect a considerable amount of money for this purpose, but I wish that people from this part of the world should be sympathetic with my movement
- If something is giving me facility to preach my Krsna consciousness movement, why shall I give it up?
- It is not my movement; it is the Vedic culture
- It was my ambition to begin my movement from New York; and by Krishna's Grace, I got good cooperation from some boys like you
- My beloved sannyasi disciple Swami Pusta Krishna has promised to give me a car, and as soon as I get it I shall move from village to village along with some selected assistants and organize this farming village development program
- My Krsna Consciousness movement is especially meant for this purpose
- My movement is so perfect that I can do well even to the cats and dogs, by offering prasadam, by giving him chance to hear Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Take Krsna consciousness diligently, put your arguments, logic, understanding, and you will find it is sublime. That is the basic principle of my movement
- That is the basic principle of my movement
- The brahmanas in India are sometimes very much against my movement because I train and accept brahmanas from Europe and America. But we do not care about their arguments, nor will any other reasonable man
- The present head of the Vallabha Bhattacarya sampradaya of Bombay is named Diksita Maharaja. He is very friendly to our movement, and whenever we meet him, this learned brahmana scholar highly praises the activities of the Hare Krsna movement
- They are very much against me because, in my movement, I am making brahmanas from Europe and America