Category:My Instructions (Prabhupada)
"I am enclosing herewith the instructions"|"I am enclosing* instructions"|"I am giving instruction"|"I am giving you instruction"|"I am instructing"|"I am sending him some instructions"|"I can give instruction"|"I can give you necessary instructions"|"I can send letters instructing"|"I definitely instructed"|"I gave immediately instructions"|"I gave instructions"|"I gave some instructions"|"I give you instruction"|"I give you instructions"|"I had to instruct"|"I have already given him instruction"|"I have already given instruction"|"I have already given you instructions"|"I have already instructed"|"I have already instructed"|"I have already issued instructions"|"I have already sent necessary instructions"|"I have already sent you instructions"|"I have also instructed"|"I have also sent some instructions"|"I have always instructed"|"I have been giving instruction"|"I have given all of my disciple instructions"|"I have given full instructions"|"I have given further instruction"|"I have given her instruction"|"I have given him all instruction"|"I have given instruction"|"I have given instruction"|"I have given instructions"|"I have given specific instructions"|"I have given the instruction"|"I have given you all instructions"|"I have given you instruction"|"I have got better instruction"|"I have got some instruction"|"I have humbly instructed"|"I have instructed"|"I have no particular instructions"|"I have no special instructions"|"I have nothing to instruct"|"I have now instructed"|"I have previously instructed"|"I have sent Satsvarupa instructions"|"I have written Bhanu instructing"|"I hope this instruction"|"I instruct"|"I instructed"|"I left with you some instruction"|"I may instruct"|"I may personally instruct"|"I must instruct"|"I never instructed"|"I personally gave instruction"|"I remember you were instructing"|"I send herewith instructions"|"I shall definitely instruct"|"I shall give further instructions"|"I shall give him instruction"|"I shall give instructions"|"I shall give you further instructions"|"I shall give you instruction"|"I shall give you instructions"|"I shall give you instructions"|"I shall instruct"|"I shall leave instructions"|"I shall send necessary instructions"|"I shall send you further instructions"|"I shall send you the instructions"|"I simply give the instruction"|"I think this instruction"|"I was instructing"|"I was instructing"|"I will give my next instruction"|"I will give you further instructions"|"I will give you instructions"|"I will instruct"|"I will send instructions"|"I will send you instructions"|"MY FURTHER INSTRUCTION"|"My first instruction"|"My special instruction"|"as previously instructed"|"instruction as I"|"instruction which I"|"instructions I have"|"instructions as I"|"instructions that I"|"instructions that I"|"instructions which I"|"me personally for necessary instruction"|"my definite instruction"|"my former instructions"|"my instruction"|"my instructions"|"my many instructions"|"my next instruction"|"my only instruction"|"my oral instruction"|"my personal instruction"|"our daily class, daily instruction"|"our final instructions"|"our instruction"|"our instructions"|"what your instruction is"
This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.
Pages in category "My Instructions (Prabhupada)"
The following 109 pages are in this category, out of 109 total.
- Carrying out my instructions
- Follow my instructions (Letters)
- I wanted that each GBC man spend one month with me out of the year so that I may personally instruct him. When I am in Los Angeles this program should be initiated
- If you keep all your programs to the standard as I have already instructed in so many ways, then they will easily become satisfied that this is the real way of life
- My only request is that you see that our men strictly are carrying out my instructions regarding following the rules and regulations
- Under my instructions
- You are all following my instruction
- A sannyasi is not supposed to be asked about anything sexual. But still, because you are so much dependent on my instruction, so I must give you information as far as possible
- A strict disciple should always use his intelligence in conformity with the instructions of the Spiritual Master
- All the devotees are now appreciating the presence of their Spiritual Master by following His instructions although He is no longer physically present. This is the right spirit
- As far as possible, we are giving shelter, we are giving prasadam, we are giving instruction, we are giving opportunity to worship Krsna. Why? Because people may take the advantage of the association, Narayana
- Fools do not know how to honor Vaisnavas. By your greatness, please excuse him. I haven't instructed him to do such a thing. I only told him to visit you. Anyway, excuse his aparadha
- From the very beginning I was strongly against the impersonalists and all my books are stressed on this point. So my oral instruction as well as my books are all at your service. Now you GBC consult them and get clear and strong idea
- He (the bona fide spritual master) instructs him through the ear, not privately, but publicly. "You are fit for such and such work in Krsna consciousness. You can act in this way"
- He has associated with a particular type of the material qualities, therefore he has to accept a particular type of body. Karanam guna-sango 'sya. Therefore we are instructing our students, - Associate with the good qualities
- Here in Bombay I have instructed devotees only to go out on Sankirtana party if they have no other engagement
- Herewith Vrindaban is going to you. Please hand over the key as I instructed you and take the letters signed by him. Make three (3) copies in the letter heading of Vrinda Book Co
- His (Syamasundara's) proposal for preaching from village to village in our own bus is very much appreciated by me. I have already instructed him to do this immediately and you also encourage him
- I am always thinking of and appreciating the important work you are all doing there in our Krsna Conscious Gurukula. Please keep steadfast in the program as I have instructed
- I am glad to know that you are anxious to begin tending the Deities in grand style and fashion. Before I instruct you further in this matter, please send me a detailed list of what worshiping methods you are now performing
- I am writing letter to Sri Hrsikesa Brahmacari giving him instructions. You also write them to work for the Society in cooperation with Acyutananda without wasting time in sight seeing
- I beg to confirm herewith my approval of your going ahead for arranging for the Bodoni Book type face as I have already instructed you
- I came here alone in 1965. Gradually the young men here took the philosophy very nicely, and now they themselves are spreading and opening many branches, even without my presence. Similarly, you can do this also, under my instructions
- I had advised Brahmananda not to go to Pakistan after the civil war began there but I am afraid that he was very daring and might have gone against my instruction; so I am very, very much anxious to know about Brahmananda
- I have already instructed in so many ways, then they will easily become satisfied that this is the real way of life for any intelligent person--Krsna Consciousness
- I have already instructed you and all my students that the restless fickle mind can only be controlled by putting the mind to the lotus feet of Krsna
- I have already sent copy of the instructions for celebrating my Guru Maharaja's Advent Day, to Syamasundara, as of yesterday, and you can read it to all the devotees at Istagosthi
- I have always instructed my disciples to eat only healthy foodstuffs which will be beneficial for the body and mind. Not only that, but I have also instructed that whatever they eat must be first offered to the Supreme Lord Krishna for His pleasure
- I have always instructed that the standard of arcana worship must be kept very high, because this will insure that every other temple activity will also flourish. So I am relieved to know that now the Deities are in your care. Thank you for this
- I have given instruction to Tamala how to keep the branches going on simply on the strength of chanting the Mantra and following the rules and regulations
- I have given instructions that in Back To Godhead the pictures of our activities and short descriptions should be more and more published
- I have given specific instructions in this connection to your husband, and if Sanskrit class is to be held, it should be mainly for this purpose. We should simply expend our time for development of Krishna Consciousness
- I have heard that you are very keen to make the Melbourne Rathayatra very wonderful and you have requested extra instructions. One thing is there are many band parties - if you can get band parties to join that would be nice
- I have instructed all of the GBC men to give up their staying in one place and to remain always constantly traveling throughout their zones from temple to temple
- I have instructed that these copies be displayed in our international literature display at our festival in March. Please continue with the nice work
- I have instructed them that if they want to do it, they must send me at least 100,000 dollars monthly - not less
- I have no particular instructions, save and except the instruction which I have also heard from my Spiritual Master. So all instructions in the disciplic succession directly comes from the Supreme Person
- I like this idea of distributing books and preaching, that is Lord Chaitanya's plan, and because you are doing it so nicely you are already making the greatest contribution, so what need there is for some special instruction from me
- I want to know fully what is the position of Bhaktivedanta Manor (I think it is not good) and Germany. You must analyze these problems very carefully and make frequent reports and I will give you further instructions
- I will speak twice or thrice in a week to as many students who will come, intelligent boys and girls, and they will get regular instruction in our Vedic knowledge as it is
- If we follow the regulative principles and chant sixteen rounds, that is our safe position. I think this instruction you will follow. That is my desire
- If you can remember to always remember Krishna and the instructions of your Spiritual Master than surely this will bring the highest benediction to yourself and to those with whom you come into contact
- If you don't accept the instruction, what is the meaning of surrender? Simply by offering obeisances, falling flat for the time being, that is not surrender
- If you fall from the instruction, how you can remain eternal? You have to stay on the platform. Then eternally you are safe. If you fall down from the platform, then it is your fault
- If you perform the spiritual duties rightly, then you are saved. Otherwise, even acarya gives you instruction, if you don't follow, so how he can save you?
- If you simply execute with full faith the instructions that I have already given you, then you will see so many people will be sent by Krsna to become devotees because of your sincerity
- If you still cannot understand what is my instruction, then how can I help you? New students may say like that. You are intelligent, educated, old student. If you say...
- In the introductory portion signed by you and Gargamuni you have said that I am personally instructing John Lennon and George Harrison in the yoga of ecstasy. This is not very satisfactory
- Instruction is read one or two books thoroughly, but don't show yourself a scholar and simply note down, "I have read this." That's all. This is foolishness
- It is very good to hear from you and that you are chanting and trying to follow my instructions, even though you are so far distant from any of our centers. This proves the potency of Lord Caitanya's mission
- My advice to you both is that you immediately leave the unhealthy and envious association of Bon Maharaja and either proceed to Germany as I have instructed you, or at least go to someone who will be competent to act as siksha guru
- My first instruction to all of my disciples is that they become Krsna conscious devotees themselves and help others to become devotees by spreading this Krsna Consciousness movement all over the world
- My first instruction to you is that you must pass your M.A. Examination before any other consideration. Your degree will be a great asset for the society in the near future
- My instruction is that all of my disciples must attend the mangala arati and chant 16 rounds daily
- My instructions I have already given to you, how to chant the beads, and how to protect yourself from the offenses. I shall advise you again to chant always, increasing the counting
- My oral instruction as well as my books are all at your service. Now you GBC consult them and get clear and strong idea, then there will be no disturbance
- My special instruction to you all is that you practice Sankirtana very rhythmically and in a responsive way. That means one should chant first, and others should follow him. That is a very nice system
- My Spiritual Master, Sarasvati Gosvami Thakura, may appear to be physically not present, but still because I try to serve His instruction I never feel separated from Him. I expect that all of you should follow these instructions
- Now I have enclosed three sacred threads duly chanted by me. In Rupanuga Maharaja's absence, you may obtain a tape and instructions from Bali Mardan Maharaja in New York and hold one fire sacrifice
- Now you GBC consult them and get clear and strong idea, then there will be no disturbance. Disturbance is caused by ignorance; where there is no ignorance, there is no disturbance
- On the whole, all you experienced and advanced students have to manage things very nicely, and if you occasionally come to me here for consultation and necessary instruction that will be easier for me and I can devote my time in finishing the books
- Our program if it is kept pure according to my many instructions, will give you the deserved reputation of being the topmost members of the society. That is very much wanted so that we may hope to change the society as a whole
- People in general, they cannot understand, but those who are preaching, they must be very sincere, the same way, rupa-raghunatha pade, haibe akuti. They should read the literatures, the instruction, just like Upadesamrta
- Please continue to develop things there for women devotees as previously instructed
- Regarding articles for BTG, I have already issued instructions to all centers requesting my disciples to send articles every month
- Regarding initiation... we shall be very careful now in the selection of candidates for initiation and everything must be followed by them very strictly as we have instructed, then we shall see about initiation
- Regarding press starting, I have already given you necessary instructions, and again I say that you complete it as soon as possible. I wish to see the press is started when I go back to USA after my European tour
- Regarding the Teachings in the temple; everyone of my disciples may become a teacher strictly following my instructions
- Regarding the Teachings in the temple; everyone of my disciples may become a teacher strictly following my instructions. I am a bona fide teacher as long as I follow the instructions of my spiritual master
- Take over from me management of ISKCON affairs and work combinedly to open as many centers as possible all over the world. If you simply carry out the instructions which I have given you Krsna will reward you with all success
- The idea of beginning children's books for our school at new Vrindaban is very nice. When I shall come there in mid-May then I shall give you instructions how to do it nicely
- The new thrones are actually super-excellent. I wanted that thrones be constructed like this, so you have introduced it. Personally I have already instructed and you are following
- There is no difference between the internal and external instructor. We should take advantage of this instruction. That is called vyavasayatmika buddhih, fixed-up resolution. Fixed-up resolution
- There is no necessity of thinking wife as impediment to Krishna Consciousness. While I am living you should act according to my instructions & there is no question of impediment
- There is no need of taking instructions spoken in dream while the Spiritual Master is still present
- These boys and girls, American boys and girls, they're being taught, instructed to become first-class, intelligent man. This is the movement
- This movement is being spread everywhere. Maintain your activities and increase gradually. I have instructed everything in my books. You may translate the Bhagavad-gita first
- We are instructing in the class because there are few disciples who have taken vow to learn from me. Otherwise, I have no business to teach the public. The public may come. But actual interest is to teach my disciples
- We are never alone in Krsna consciousness; you have got so many wonderful brothers and sisters who are really your family, and besides that the spiritual master is always in his instructions, and Krsna is there within your heart
- We are thinking, "I shall be happy in this way. I shall be happy in this..." Nothing. You shall never be happy - this is perfect instruction - unless you go back to home, back to Godhead
- We don't say that "You give me fee, then I give you some mantra." No, we don't say like that. Our instruction is free. I want to see that they are doing it and they are happy, that's all
- We have got everything in writing, in books, in instructions. Our duty is to take them rightly and utilize it properly, advance in Krsna consciousness
- We have no alternative than to teach our disciples to free themselves from materialistic life. We must instruct them in the opposite of material life to save them from the repetition of birth and death
- We have to, according to the sastric injunction, according to the spiritual master instruction, everywhere we have to organize this Krsna family
- We should take up the words from the spiritual master as our life and soul. We should try to carry out the instruction, the specific instruction of the spiritual master, very rigidly, without caring for our personal benefit or loss
- What is the use of working alone. Working conjointly is better. Therefore I have instructed him to call you when he returns to the United States. He has assured me that his college programs are very organized and he is very enthusiastic to increase
- Whatever guru has said accept it, finally. Ara na kariha mane asa. Don't divert from this. This is the instruction. How you can divert from the instruction of guru?
- When you inform me what is your estimation of Delhi and how people are reacting to our Movement, I shall instruct you how to proceed
- Wherever you live, you can follow the regulative principles and my instructions along with chanting. That will make you happy
- While you were driving your car and I was sitting by you hearing your transcendental vibration, this very sincere attempt has enriched your consciousness and my only instruction is that you may constantly do this habit without fail
- With such an artist I can dictate stories for books; if you can assist me in such a project when we are ready to begin it, then I think that you can come here to take direct instructions
- You are all helping me in the execution of my mission so please do not try to do anything beyond the jurisdiction of my instructions
- You are my initiated disciple, and I must instruct you to be sure to always follow the regulative principles like chanting 16 rounds on the beads daily, reading my books, eating only prasadam, and in every way trying to serve Krsna
- You are now serving Krishna under the instruction of your Spiritual Master, so there will be no scarcity of supply of strength unless there is some weakness on your part in the matter of absolute faith in these two shelters
- You have got this land; develop it. Don't go away. Develop it. That is my instruction. Keep cows, as many cows as possible. You don't require practice. Produce your own food, own milk - save time; chant Hare Krsna. This is perfect
- You have not followed my instruction and now you are in trouble
- You have to pick up such many persons, and if you work combinedly together, strictly following my instructions, I am sure you will be successful
- You should tell him (Pandit Ram Natha Kalia) that you are forwarding same under my instructions. Do not enter into correspondence with this man without my consent
- You take instruction from my books, and if you are unable to understand any portion of the books, then you can get it explained by any senior devotee
- Your enthusiastic response to my instructions is very encouraging. Actually the disciple is supposed to find relief from all his problems just by carrying out the orders of the spiritual master
- Your suggestion that the devotees visiting Vrindaban engage in preaching and chanting and not in gossiping is very good. I have instructed that this be taken to the GBC and implanted