Category:My Criticism (Prabhupada)
Pages in category "My Criticism (Prabhupada)"
The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total.
- I am the only one in India who is openly criticizing, not only demigod worship and impersonalism, but everything that falls short of complete surrender to Krishna
- I criticized Dr. Radhakrishnan in my Back to Godhead: "Scholar deluded." I was criticizing him like anything
- I have so much faith and love for you. How can you think that I am criticizing you? If you think this, it is like a thunderbolt striking my head. Please, I am requesting you to send a copy of that letter. Otherwise the pain in my mind will not go away
- I know you are working hard and sincerely. I have no business to criticize you but as head of the institution or your spiritual master, it is my duty to find out your faults
- I never criticized church, mosque, never. Because whatever it may be, at least there is God consciousness. So they're good. I criticize only these rascals, disobey the commandments
- If you criticize my dress, I criticize your dress, that's all. Then you go on criticizing dress, where is the talk between gentlemen? That is our disease, that we are concerned with the dress, this body, not the person who has the dress
- If you want philosophy, the aim of life, the destination of life, then we can talk, what is the destination of life, what is required. If you criticize me, then I can criticize you also
- In Kali-yuga, you cannot strictly follow, neither I can strictly follow. If I criticize you, if you criticize me, then we go far away from our real life of Krsna consciousness
- We do not criticize the communistic idea, but we want to make it perfect
- We do not want to criticize anyone, but sometimes it so happens: big, big scholars, big, big politicians, they misguide people
- What is this meditation of wine, women and fish? He does not like us because we reject all other bogus philosophy. For that many people criticize me, but why should we accept nonsense. We accept Bhagavad-gita, as Krishna spoke it
- Whenever there was question of Jesus, I never disrespected Jesus. Never criticized him, because I know that he is powerful representative of God. We took it from Guru Maharaja