Category:Mentality of Enjoying
Pages in category "Mentality of Enjoying"
The following 31 pages are in this category, out of 31 total.
- A devotee gives up the entire mentality of enjoying and engages in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. That is his constitutional glorified position. At that time he is isvara, fully independent
- Although she has got the body of being enjoyed, but she has the mentality of enjoying. Therefore everyone is described, although by nature everyone is prakrti, not purusa
- As soon as you give up this mentality that, "I am the enjoyer," as soon as we change our mentality that, "Krsna is enjoyer," then immediately we become liberated. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita - 14.26
- He is thinking, "This is a combination of this matter - earth, water, air, fire. So when it will be broken, then everything will be finished. So, so long I have got this opportunity, let me enjoy to the fullest extent." This is called material mentality
- He's already an ass because he's part and parcel of Krsna, and he has come to this material world to enjoy. That is ass mentality. There is no enjoyment. So he's already an ass
- I have forgotten Krsna somehow or other, and I have taken this mentality of purusa, enjoying this material world. I have to rectify this - So if I rectify that, then I become free from the clutches of maya
- If at the time of, if I live like dogs, dog mentality, then naturally at the time of death my mentality will be like a dog and naturally I get a dog's body. Then I enjoy. The dog is also enjoying
- If I created my mind as an ordinary karmi, then I will have to stay within this material world to enjoy the type of mentality which I have created
- In this material world, because our mentality is to enjoy, therefore he is called purusa. Purusah prakrti-stho hi bhunkte prakrti-jan gunan (BG 13.22). Purusa, here purusa, the living entity . . . It is said purusa
- It is not difficult to compromise the real purport of the magnificent scriptural edicts by selfish motivations and cheating mentality. When this happens, people aspire for show-bottle religiosity, material gain, sense enjoyment, & impersonal liberation
- Some of them (those who are materialistic) aspire to enjoy themselves by sharing the happiness of Krsna. This is the mentality of fruitive workers who want to enjoy sense gratification by making a show of service to Krsna
- Sometimes the demoniac arrange for so-called sports, like tennis, with the opposite sex. The purpose of such sporting is to see the bodily construction of the beautiful girl and enjoy a subtle sex mentality
- The demoniac mentality is described here (in BG 16.10). The demons' lust is never satiated. They will go on increasing and increasing their insatiable desires for material enjoyment. BG 1972 purports
- The living entities are not actually enjoyer. They are suffering. They are becoming entangled because by this enjoying spirit we are developing different types of mentality, and at the time of death, according to that mentality, I get the next body
- The mentality is that "Without varieties we cannot enjoy." Variety is the mother of enjoyment
- The name Puranjana indicates one who enjoys possessing different types of bodies. His mentality for enjoyment in the material world is accommodated by different types of bodies
- There is no question of sacrifice, but sacrifice means this doggish mentality that "I am Lord, I am God, I am enjoyer." This doggish mentality has to be sacrificed
- There is nothing to be enjoyed; still, he wants to enjoy. That mentality
- This is very attractive to the raksasa class: "Eat, drink, be merry and enjoy." This is the raksasa mentality
- This mentality (of being an enjoyer) is dragged to the last point of liberation when the living entity wants to become one with the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- This mentality, that "I shall enjoy," that is false, I mean to say, propensity of the living entity. That is called maya
- This mentality: "How I shall become enjoyer? How I shall possess this?" Krsna-bahirmukha hana bhoga vancha kare. He forgets
- Those of demoniac mentality will go on increasing and increasing their insatiable desires for material enjoyment