Category:Manufacturing Ideas
"manufacture ideas" |"manufacturing ideas" |"manufactured ideas" |"manufacture idea" |"manufactures idea" |"manufactured idea" |"manufacturing idea" |"ideas manufactured" |"manufactured the idea" |"manufacture some idea" |"manufacturing concocted ideas" |"manufacture some idea" |"manufactured some ideas" |"manufacture concocted ideas" |"manufacturing different ideas" |"manufacture any ideas" |"manufacture new type of ideas" |"manufacture our own ideas" |"manufacture so many demonic ideas" |"manufacture his own ideas" |"manufacturing some idea" |"manufacture their own plan with materialistic idea" |"manufacturing nonsense ideas" |"manufacturing so many ideas" |"manufacture all these concocted ideas" |"manufacturing some ideas" |"manufacture his own ideas" |"manufactures some idea" |"manufacturing so many ideas" |"manufacture some ideas" |"manufacture our own idea" |"nasty ideas, they manufacture" |"manufactured their own ideas" |"manufacture our own ideas"
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Pages in category "Manufacturing Ideas"
The following 59 pages are in this category, out of 59 total.
- Arjuna is not willing to fight and Krsna is inducing him to fight. They misunderstand that Arjuna is better than Krsna. But that's not the fact. What Krsna says, we have to execute that. We should not manufacture our own ideas
- At the present moment, it has become a fashion to manufacture some idea. But that is not the Vedic way. Vedic way is to receive the message through parampara system
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's order, yare dekha, tare kaha, 'krsna-upadesa.' Bas, finished, "You become a guru." The trouble is there. You haven't got to manufacture your ideas. Just like I'm quoting from Krsna's preaching
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's preaching and teaching, their effect you have to follow. Then our life will be successful. We don't manufacture ideas. That is not wanted
- Don't make any amendment, interpretation. As Krsna says, you do it; then your life is successful. The instruction is there. It is not that we are manufacturing some ideas
- Don't manufacture ideas. You take what Krsna says. Then it will automatically stop. Speculation, the question of speculation comes when you do not accept what Krsna says
- God consciousness means all the good ideas we are manufacturing, they will be manifested automatically. Therefore our duty should be, if we want to make all human being well-behaved, then we must try to make every one of them God conscious
- Guru cannot become by manufacturing nonsense ideas. He's not guru. He's a rascal. Whatever guru will speak must be evidenced by the sastra. That is guru
- Guru never manufactures idea that "You do this and give me money, and you'll become happy." That is not guru. That is another process of earning money
- Here it is said, mudha, everyone who is simply living in the fool's paradise, manufacturing his own ideas like Ajamila... Somebody has taken, "This is my duty," somebody has... He is a fool. You must know what is your duty from guru
- How one can be pacified fully? When he does not manufacture the fulfillment of desire. We manufacture. The whole material world is going on by manufacturing ideas
- I shall see later on whether or not that Krishna Balarama can be installed there. You cannot paint the Deity with paint to make bluish. Don't manufacture ideas. What is standard you must follow
- I thank you once more for your appreciating my mission of one God, Sri Krishna; one scripture, Bhagavad-gita; and one mantra, Hare Krishna. This idea is not manufactured by me, but it is authoritative statement in the Gita Mahatma Skanda Purana
- If we are actually serious to understand Bhagavan, then we have to take the instruction given by Bhagavan Himself. We cannot manufacture ideas to know Bhagavan
- If you do not follow the sastra - you manufacture ideas - you'll never get success, na siddhim sa avapnoti na sukham, no happiness, and what to speak of param gatim
- If you study according to the Vedic conclusion, don't manufacture ideas and whims and sentiments. If you go through siddhanta, then you'll be more and more firmly fixed up
- If you try to understand in a different way, if you want to give a different interpretation of Bhagavad-gita, that may be a manifestation of your scholarship, but that is not Bhagavad-gita. By your scholarship, you can manufacture some idea
- Krsna advises that whether you understand or not, simply surrender unto Him. What Krsna taught in Bhagavad-gita, we are also teaching, without different manufactured ideas. That is our Krsna consciousness movement
- Krsna also accepted guru. So how you will get the ultimate goal of life without accepting guru? Why do you manufacture this idea? There is no need of manufacturing this. You have to follow
- Krsna consciousness is not an artificial thing, that we have manufactured some ideas and advertising that we are Krsna conscious. No
- Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita that "These, all these living entities, they are My part and parcels," means "as good as I am." But thing is he is concocting; he is manufacturing ideas to become happy. And with the senses he is trying to satisfy himself
- Since they (the materialists) do not believe in the existence of God, they have manufactured the idea that God is impersonal and that to have some conception of God one may imagine any form
- So don't spoil the movement by manufacturing ideas. Don't do that. Go on in the standard way, keep yourself pure; then movement is sure to be successful. But if you want to spoil it by whimsical, then what can be done?
- So long you manufacture ideas, you may be pacified for some time, but it will not exist. Therefore you have to stop this manufacturing process, that "I shall be happy in this way." No. That is called free of anxieties
- So our business, Krsna conscious people, our business is very easy. Because we don't manufacture ideas. We take the idea and the words delivered by the Supreme Person, Krsna, or His incarnation, or His representative
- Spiritual master does not manufacture his own ideas. That is not spiritual master. Spiritual master is he who speaks exactly the words which is spoken by Krsna. That is the secret. You cannot change
- Srila Jiva Gosvami has discussed this point in his Tattva-sandarbha, that we cannot accept any manufactured ideas. Because everyone is defective by the four defects of material life, we have to accept the version of Vedas, Puranas
- That is our unique situation. Perhaps throughout the whole world we are trying to preach that "You are not this body. You are different from body." And we have not manufactured this idea. This is the instruction in the Bhagavad-gita
- That is Vaisnavism. We don't manufacture ideas. We don't commit such rascaldom. We simply accept the behavior or the activities of previous acaryas. There is no difficulty
- The acceptance and rejection of things should always be in pursuance of the devotional principles; not that one can independently manufacture some idea of what should be accepted or rejected
- The instruction of Krsna is perfect, and the teacher or guru who speaks the same thing as Krsna says, that is perfect. And if he manufactures his own ideas and becomes more than Krsna, then he's a rascal number one. There is no benefit
- The so-called scientists, the so-called philosophers, poets, they are manufacturing ideas that, "We shall be happy in this way, in that way." So this will not help us, this manufacturing
- They (bogus yogis) have got some nasty ideas, they manufacture different types of religion. Religion is one. That is eternal. God is one. That is eternal. Take anything, like gold. Gold is gold, always gold
- They manufacture so many demonic ideas, but real idea they forget. Real idea is "God is great; I am small. Therefore I am eternal servant of God." Simple thing
- This Krsna consciousness philosophy is very easy because we do not manufacture ideas. We take the ideas and the words delivered by the Supreme Person, Krsna, or His incarnation or representative
- We are, at the present moment, in our material conditions, we are manufacturing ideas, and being baffled also because it is the business of the mind to create something and again reject it
- We cannot follow an upstart, manufacturing some song, manufacturing some ideas. We cannot follow that. What is authorized song, we shall sing. What is authorized method, we shall follow
- We cannot manufacture our own idea. That is blasphemy, sahajiya. Yata mat tata pat. These things are not accepted by mahajana. Mahajana means who follows the previous mahajana. This is the system
- We don't manufacture any ideas. That is not our business. Therefore we present this Bhagavad-gita as it is. As it is. We don't change it
- We have got everything in India, and to become God conscious, to establish the Lord's kingdom, not at all difficult. But we manufacture our own ideas. But we want that rama-rajya, but without Rama. How rama-rajya will be there?
- We haven't got to manufacture. And as soon as you manufacture, fall down. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayah... This manufacturing idea is very, very dangerous in spiritual life. Whatever little success is there for me, I did not manufacture any idea
- We should not any more desire or manufacture some ideas for becoming happy in this material world
- What is the difference between our Krsna conscious and others? They manufactured ideas. Just like Ramakrishna Mission manufactured: daridra-narayana seva. Narayana is there, Laksmi-Narayana. Where is this word, daridra-narayana? He manufactured
- What Krsna taught in the Bhagavad-gita, we are teaching the same thing without any different manufactured ideas. That is our Krsna consciousness movement. And it is open to everyone. The process is very simple
- Who is guru? That is explained, very simple thing. Guru never manufactures idea that "You do this and give me money and you become happy." That is not guru. That is another process of earning money
- You are under the control of the material nature and if you are manufacturing different ideas, nature will give you the facility to have such body. That is called transmigration of the soul
- You manufacture ideas and then I have to waste my time. I have given you everything already, there is no need for you to add anything or change anything
- You should always remember: don't manufacture ideas
- You should know, guru means who carries the order of the Supreme Lord. That is guru. Any rascal who manufactures some idea is not guru