Category:Krsna Is Isvara
Pages in category "Krsna Is Isvara"
The following 44 pages are in this category, out of 44 total.
- A particle of gold is also gold, a drop of water from the ocean is also salty, similarly, the living entities, being part and parcel of the supreme controller, isvara, or Bhagavan, Krsna, have all the qualities of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- Anyone who has got little control, he can be called isvara. That is the dictionary meaning. But even the original isvaras, namely Brahma, Visnu, Mahesvara, they are also not supreme isvara. The supreme isvara is Krsna
- He is described as isvara because He can do whatever He likes. He is the supreme controller. The supreme isvara purusottama is Lord Krsna
- He is isvara, parama-purusa, the Supreme Person. Isvara means the Supreme Person. In the English dictionary also it is said "God means the Supreme Person." God means the Supreme Person. So that Supreme Person is Krsna
- In the Vedas (Krsna) He is described as the chief among all living entities (nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13)). Then again He is addressed as isvara, or the controller
- In this body there are two living entities. One is myself, the individual soul, atma; and the other is Krsna, Paramatma. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese arjuna tisthati
- Isvara means controller. That nature is not controlling. The real controller is Krsna
- Isvara means controller. We are controlled by maya, but Krsna is the controller of maya. That is the difference. We are not controller; we are controlled
- Isvara means Lord. The Supreme Lord is a person. As you are person, He is also person, but He is the chief person
- Isvara means ruler or controller. So all of us more or less a little controller or ruler, but not the absolute ruler. The absolute ruler is Krsna
- Isvara refers to the Supreme Lord as the Supersoul seated in everyone’s heart. Krsna also manifested this potency of expansion as Paramatma in this gathering with the gopis. Krsna was sitting by the side of each gopi, unseen by the others
- Isvara, Krsna, as Supersoul, He is in the core of my heart, sitting with me. I am also in the heart. And I am desiring, and Krsna is fulfilling my desire
- Isvara, the Supreme Lord Krsna as Hrsikesa, He is sitting in everyone's heart as Paramatma, and He is guiding
- Isvara, the Supreme Lord, is situated in everyone's heart. Therefore it is said hrda. Sometimes we get education, instruction from hrda. That hrda, Krsna, sitting in everyone's heart, instructs everyone
- Isvara, the Supreme Lord, is staying within the heart of every living entity. So every living entity means He is staying even with the cats, dogs, hogs, or any lower type of animal
- Isvara, the Supreme Lord, is there in every living entity's heart. So the hog, dog, they have got also heart. There is also Krsna
- Isvara, the Supreme Lord, Krsna. Isvara means the Supreme, isvara means controller. But the supreme controller is Krsna
- Isvara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is situated in everyone's heart. He is supervising what kind of yantra, or machine, this living entity requires for fulfilling his desires
- Isvarah paramah krsnah, sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah, anadir adir govindah, sarva-karana-karanam. This is the definition of Krsna given by Lord Brahma in his book known as Brahma-samhita, very authorized book
- Isvarah paramah krsnah: (BS 5.1) the supreme controller is Krsna. Krsna is never controlled by anyone, for He is the controller of everyone - sarva-karana-karanam
- Krsna exhibits His powers as isvara, or the supreme controller, when He assures His devotee in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.66): "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear."
- Krsna is also mentioned as isvara, the supreme controller who is situated in everyone's heart. Therefore, if some way or other we become attached to Krsna, He will make us free from all danger
- Krsna is always isvara. We are isvara in the family or in the office or in my society. But we are not that type of isvara, that I can live within the heart of everyone. Therefore there is distinction between this isvara and we isvara
- Krsna is the isvara, controller of the whole creation. So if He gives you something to do for His satisfaction, you do that. It does not matter whether you are doing the same thing
- Krsna is the supreme controller (isvarah paramah krsnah). and His body is sac-cid-ananda, nonmaterial
- Krsna seated Himself beside each of the many gopis, and it may be asked herein how He did this. There is a significant word in this verse (BG 18.61): isvara
- The bhaktas they directly come to the original source of Brahma and Paramatma. Bhagavan, isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese 'rjuna tisthati, (BG 18.61) isvarah has expanded in everyone's heart and who is that isvarah? Isvarah paramah krsnah
- The chanter of these names (atma, paramatma, jagadisa, isvara, virat, vibhu, bhuma, visvarupa and vyapaka; which only indirectly indicates Krsna) is not actually attracted to the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna and His transcendental pastimes
- The interpretation is that the Lord as isvara, or the Supersoul in the hearts of both King Yudhisthira and Vyasa, performed still more superhuman action because the Lord desired it
- The isvara, the supreme controller of the world, is seated in the heart of everyone. Not only is He in everyone's heart, but He is also present within the atom
- The living entities, being part and parcel of the supreme controller, isvara, or Bhagavan, Lord Sri Krsna, have all the qualities of the Supreme Lord in minute quantity because we are minute isvaras, subordinate isvaras. BG 1972 Introduction
- The only Lord, master, is Krsna. I have explained, ekale isvara krsna (CC Adi 5.142). Isvara, the supreme isvara, controller, is Krsna. He is the objective of worshiping
- The real isvara or isvarah paramah, the supreme isvara, or supreme independent, is Krsna. The living entity is isvara only when engaged in the service of the Lord
- The Supreme God is Krsna. God means controller. You may have some controlling power, admitted, but you are not Supreme Controller. The Supreme Controller is Isvara
- There are many controllers undoubtedly both in the material and spiritual world, but Krsna is the supreme controller (isvarah paramah krsnah), and His body is sac-cid-ananda, non-material. BG 1972 purports
- We are isvara. Krsna is also isvara. But He's Paramesvara. Therefore we have named "Godhead" purposefully, not "God." We don't say "Back to God." We say, "Back to Godhead.""Head" means the chief
- Where is the difficulty to understand God, isvara, or the purusa? There is no difficulty. Krsna personally says that mattah parataram nanyat kincid asti dhananjaya. Aham adir hi devanam. Aham sarvasya prabhavah