Category:Krsna's Qualities
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Pages in category "Krsna's Qualities"
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- A devotee is always thinking of how better to serve Lord Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and how to broadcast His name, fame and qualities throughout the world
- A gopi told mother Yasoda, "Taking advantage of this opportunity, the most exalted demigods like Lord Brahma and Lord Siva come down to offer their evening prayers, and they accompany the cowherd boys in glorifying the qualities of Krsna"
- A living entity situated in the status of pure goodness can understand the form, qualities and other features of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A particle of gold is also gold, a drop of water from the ocean is also salty, similarly, the living entities, being part and parcel of the supreme controller, isvara, or Bhagavan, Krsna, have all the qualities of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- A person with mundane senses cannot fully understand the name, qualities, form and pastimes of Sri Krsna. The Puranas are therefore meant to explain and supplement Vedic knowledge
- Above the impersonal feature is the Paramatma, or the Supersoul, and above that is the Supreme Personality. Srimad-Bhagavatam gives information about the personal qualities of the Absolute Truth, qualities which are beyond the impersonal aspect
- According to one's receptiveness - whether one be a devata, asura, Yaksa or Raksasa - Krsna's quality is proportionately exhibited
- According to Srila Jiva Gosvami, the third quality, intolerance of another's unhappiness, can be subdivided into (1) protection of the surrendered souls and (2) well wishes for the devotees
- Adding to the list these four exceptional qualities of Krsna, it is to be understood that the aggregate number of qualities of Krsna is sixty-four
- After developing a taste for such things (chanting and remembering Krsna), one should try to live in Vrndavana and pass his time constantly remembering Krsna's name, fame, pastimes and qualities under the direction and protection of an expert devotee
- After hearing Ramananda Raya speak of the qualities of Radha Krsna, Lord Caitanya desired to hear from him about the reciprocation of love between Them
- After hearing Ramananda Raya speak of the qualities of Srimati Radharani and Krsna, Lord Caitanya desired to hear from him about the reciprocal exchange of love between Them
- After hearing the statement of Lord Krsna, King Nagnajit said, "My dear Lord, You are the reservoir of all pleasure, all opulences and all qualities. The goddess of fortune, Laksmiji, always lives on Your chest"
- Although not having fully realized Krsna, persons who have even once surrendered completely unto His lotus feet and who have become attracted to His name, form, qualities and pastimes are completely freed of all sinful reactions
- Although the Lord sometimes appears in this material world, He has nothing to do with the modes of material nature, and He acts with full independence in His transcendental position. This is the special quality of the Lord
- Although these qualities are present in Narayana, the dominating Deity of the Vaikuntha planets, they are even more wonderfully present in Krsna
- Anyone who is able to compose such transcendental literature (of the Lord’s name, fame, qualities, form, entourage and so on) is our esteemed master
- Apart from these fifty qualities, there are five other qualities found in the Supreme Personality of Godhead that are partially present in demigods like Siva
- As soon as one chants Hare Krsna, immediately he remembers Krsna, Krsna's activities, Krsna's pastimes, Krsna's form, Krsna's quality, Krsna's attributes - everything. That is called to absorb the mind in Krsna. You become immediately the first-class yogi
- As soon as we regain our spiritual body and get out of the contamination of birth and death, we should be qualitatively as good as Krsna
- As soon as you chant the holy name of Krsna, immediately you will see the form of Krsna, you will realize the qualities of Krsna, you will immediately remember the pastimes of Krsna. That is pure chanting of Hare Krsna mantra
- Atah sri-krsna-namadi na bhaved grahyam indriyaih: (CC Madhya 17.136) Krsna and His name, fame, qualities and paraphernalia cannot be materially understood
- Beauty, humility, mercy, merit, patience and expert intelligence are all manifested in Krsna. But besides these, Krsna has other qualities like good behavior, mildness and magnanimity
- Because Krsna has four extraordinary qualities not possessed by Lord Narayana, the goddess of fortune, Laksmi, always desires His company
- Because we are minute particle of Krsna . . . we have got qualities of Krsna not cent percent; seventy-eight percent. When they are perfect, so minute quantity, then we can also become a little more advanced than at the present moment
- Because we are part and parcel of Krsna, all the qualities of Krsna in minute quantity, they are within us. We are sample of Krsna, but wherefrom we get this fighting spirit? The fighting spirit is there in Krsna
- Being requested by Maharaja Pariksit, Sukadeva Gosvami continued to speak about the transcendental pastimes of Lord Krsna in the matter of His form, qualities, fame and paraphernalia
- Besides all of the above-mentioned fifty qualities, Lord Krsna possesses five more, which are sometimes partially manifested in the persons of Lord Brahma or Lord Siva
- Brahma said, "As it is described in Brahma-samhita, the brahmajyoti is nothing but Your personal bodily effulgence. There are many Visnu incarnations & incarnations of Your different qualities, but all those incarnations are not on the same level"
- Brahma said, "I cannot even think of You perfectly with my mind, which is the master of the senses. Your qualities, Your activities and Your body cannot be conceived of by any person within this material world"
- Brahma says, "Dear Krsna, the inconceivable qualities, beauties & activities which You have revealed by Your presence on this planet cannot be calculated by any material measurement. If one even tries to imagine, that is also impossible"
- By chanting and hearing of Krsna we can actually associate with Him, for He is absolute and nondifferent from His names, qualities, forms and pastimes
- By chanting and hearing the holy names of Krsna, a person can remember the forms and qualities of Krsna
- By My causeless mercy, be enlightened in truth about My personality, manifestations, qualities and pastimes
- By the grace of a bona fide spiritual master like Sukadeva Gosvami, it is quite possible to know everything of the superior energy of the Lord by which the Lord manifests His eternal name, quality, pastimes, paraphernalia and variegatedness
- By these blunt senses, we cannot understand Krsna. We cannot understand what is Krsna, what is Krsna's name, what is Krsna's fame, what is Krsna's form, what is Krsna's quality. We cannot understand
- Caitanya told Sanatana Gosvami about the beautiful aspects of Krsna. He said that one who understands these beautiful qualities enjoys an ocean of nectar
- Chanting is so easy and sublime. One who is chanting Hare Krsna mantra, if he is offenseless he'll always remember Krsna's form, Krsna's pastimes, Krsna's qualities, Krsna's entourage
- Description of Krsna is possible for one who is empowered. Krsna-sakti vina nahe tara pravartana (CC Antya 7.11). Unless endowed with the mercy of the Lord, one cannot preach of the Lord’s name, fame, qualities, form, entourage and so on
- Desiring to understand the glory of Radharani's love, the wonderful qualities in Him that She alone relishes through Her love
- Desiring to understand the glory of Radharani's love, the wonderful qualities in Him that She alone relishes through Her love, and the happiness She feels when She realizes the sweetness of His love
- Devotees of the Personality of Godhead know that Sri Krsna, the son of the King of Vraja, is the Absolute Truth. They do not discriminate between Sri Krsna's name, form, qualities and pastimes
- Devotees of the Supreme Lord are twenty-four hours daily engaged in glorifying the pastimes of the Supreme Lord. Their hearts and souls are constantly submerged in Krsna, and they take pleasure in discussing Him with other devotees. BG 1972 purports
- Dhama refers not only to Krsna's form but also to His name, His qualities and His paraphernalia. Everything becomes manifest simultaneously
- Dhiroddhata qualities were visible in the character of Lord Krsna because, when He was writing a letter to Kalayavana, Krsna addressed him as a sinful frog
- Durvasa would become angry, and the Pandavas would be cursed. But Krsna saved them from this calamity by His trick and by His all-cognizant quality
- Either in waking or in sleep, a devotee of the Lord can never be free from thinking of Krsna's name, form, qualities and pastimes. Thus a devotee of Krsna can conquer both sleep and ignorance simply by thinking of Krsna constantly
- Either in waking or in sleep, a devotee of the Lord can never be free from thinking of Krsna's name, form, quality and pastimes. BG 1972 purports
- Every living entity can be attracted by the beautiful qualities of Kṛṣṇa
- Everyone in the fourteen worlds meditates upon Him, and all the denizens of Vaikuntha sing of His qualities and pastimes
- From Bhagavad-gita we understand the quality of the Lord's energy that is superior to the material quality of energy
- From the very beginning of their lives, Sukadeva Gosvami and the four Kumaras, known as catuh-sana, were liberated and self-realized on the Brahman platform. Nonetheless, they were attracted by the qualities of Krsna, and they engaged in His service
- From their very births, the nine great mystic yogis (Yogendras) were impersonal philosophers of the Absolute Truth. But because they heard about Krsna's qualities from Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and the great sage Narada, they also became Krsna's devotees
- He (Arjuna) could realize that the Lord was still present before him by His instruction, by His form, by His pastimes, by His qualities and everything else related to Him
- He (Cupid) was born as the son of Krsna and celebrated by the name Pradyumna. Because he was begotten by Lord Krsna directly, his qualities were most similar to those of Krsna
- He (Lord Caitanya) also teaches that the place known as Vrndavana is as good as Lord Krsna because, Lord Krsna being the Absolute Truth, there is no difference between Him and His name, qualities, form, pastimes, entourage and paraphernalia - CC Preface
- He also performs welfare activities for the whole world. All these qualities are not visible in expansions like Narayana
- He appears in the material world to satisfy His devotees, and His qualities are so attractive that Krsna Himself becomes eager to understand Himself
- He has "no good qualities" (gunaih hinah) means that Krsna has no material qualities, and because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He acts independently, not caring for conventions in social or religious principles
- His (Krsna's) name, fame, quality, form, pastimes and entourage are all identical to the Lord, and therefore chanting the glories of the Lord invokes the personal presence of the Lord
- His (Krsna's) qualities, therefore, cannot be counted by anyone, however great one may be
- His (Lord Krsna) pastimes astound the goddess of fortune, and His bodily strength turns Govardhana Hill into a small toy like a ball. His spotless qualities are unlimited, and His behavior satisfies everyone
- His childhood companions would also be struck with wonder, and when they came back home they would narrate the story to their parents, and everyone would appreciate the qualities of their Krsna
- His remembrance by His form, quality, name, fame, pastimes, etc., is also attractive for the pure devotee, so much so that he forgets all forms, quality, name, fame and activities of the mundane world
- His sweet words, His simplicity, His shyness, His humility, His constant readiness to offer respect to the elderly, and His charity. All of these qualities are considered ecstatic provocations for parental love
- If by studying the form, name, qualities, pastimes and paraphernalia of the Supreme Godhead one is attracted to the Lord, he can execute devotional service, and the form of the Lord will be impressed in his heart and remain transcendentally situated there
- If one's mind is fixed on Krsna (His name, qualities, form, pastimes, entourage and paraphernalia), all one's activities - both subtle and gross - become favorable - CC Preface
- If one's mind is fixed on Krsna (His name, quality, form, pastimes, entourage and paraphernalia), all one's activities - both subtle and gross - become favorable
- If those who are attached to demigod worship fortunately associate with the devotees, their dormant devotional service and appreciation of the Lord's qualities gradually awaken. In this way they also engage in Krsna's devotional service
- If we remain always with Krsna, then we acquire the qualities of Krsna. So God is all-good. Therefore I become good, by association with God
- Impersonalists interpret this word nirguna as "having no quality." Because they are unable to estimate the qualities of the Lord in transcendental realization, they conclude that the Supreme Lord has no qualities. But that is actually not the position
- In the abode of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there is no influence of material energy (dhamna svena sada nirasta-kuhakam). Any place where the SPofG is present by His name, form, qualities or paraphernalia immediately becomes a dhama
- In the atmarama verse of the SB, it is said that those who are already situated on the platform of self-realization are attracted by the transcendental qualities of Krsna. This means that Krsna's qualities are not material but pure and transcendental
- In the spiritual world the Absolute has no differentiation between His name, between His quality, form, entourage. They are the same
- In the technical Sanskrit terms, such qualities as Krsna's name, fame, etc., are accepted both as reservoirs of and stimulation for love of Krsna
- In these blunt material senses you cannot understand what is this Hare Krsna mantra. It requires purification of the senses, when you will understand what is Krsna's name, namadi, what is Krsna's form, what is Krsna's quality, what is Krsna's entourage
- In this way a neophyte can gradually develop attachment for Krsna's name, fame, form, qualities and so forth
- In this way, because of Krsna's sweet qualities, Caitanya Mahaprabhu made different types of mistakes in His mind. Thus by reciting the following verse, He ascertained the presence of Lord Krsna
- In this way, Krsna is endowed with all opulences, transcendental qualities and mystic powers. No ordinary living being can compare to Him
- Indra said, "Now by Your grace I can understand that You (Krsna) are the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, and that You are transcendental to all material qualities"
- Indra said, "Your (Krsna's) name, fame, form, qualities, paraphernalia and pastimes are all beyond this material nature, and they are never disturbed by the three material modes"
- Intoxicated by ecstatic love for Lord Krsna, he becomes overwhelmed and incessantly dances without clothing and sings about Lord Krsna's qualities and pastimes
- It is not possible to count the qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- It is only because He (Krsna) has qualities that the conditioned living entities can have qualities
- Kapiladeva said to Devahuti, "Those who assemble together to understand My qualities, pastimes and form, and thus glorify Me congregationally and derive transcendental pleasure therefrom, such fortunate devotees never desire to become one with Me"
- King Nanda said, "Actually, he (Garga Muni) said that my son has many varieties of names, according to His different qualities and activities"
- Krsna also possesses five other qualities, which are manifest in the body of Narayana, and they are listed as follows: 56) He has inconceivable potency. 57) Uncountable universes generate from His body. 58) He is the original source of all incarnations
- Krsna and His pastimes, His name, quality, paraphernalia, entourage, everything is spiritual
- Krsna appeared Himself five thousand years ago in India, and He exhibited His godly qualities, established Himself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead by His various activities, and still people are dying to see God. That is very regrettable
- Krsna appears on this earth or within this universe without any change in His spiritual body or spiritual qualities
- Krsna has four more qualities, they are as follows: 61) He is the performer of wonderful varieties of pastimes (especially His childhood pastimes). 62) He can attract all living entities all over the universes by playing on His flute
- Krsna has four special qualities
- Krsna has four special qualities, which are: (1) He is able to manifest wonderful pastimes; (2) He is expert at transcendental flute playing; (3) He is surrounded by loving devotees; (4) He possesses unparalleled personal beauty
- Krsna has the transcendental quality of bhrtya-vasyata, becoming subordinate to His bhrtya, or servant. Now, although everyone is bhrtya & although Krsna has the quality of becoming subordinate to His bhrtya, the position of mother Yasoda is the greatest
- Krsna has unlimited qualities. The devotees are attracted by His uncommon beauty, mellows and fragrance. Thus they are differently situated in the different transcendental mellows. Therefore Krsna is called all-attractive
- Krsna Himself is called Madana-mohana, Govinda, Gopijana-vallabha and countless other names as He plays in His different pastimes with His devotees. The three Deities - Madana-mohana, Govinda and Gopijana-vallabha - have very specific qualities
- Krsna is absolute, & there is no difference between Krsna's name, Krsna's form, Krsna's quality, Krsna's pastimes, etc. This absolute position of Krsna is difflcult to understand for any person who is not a devotee of Krsna in the parampara. BG 1972 Pref
- Krsna is also described as a meticulous dresser and a magnanimous personality. These are generally considered to be the qualities of great personalities
- Krsna is called the Supreme Brahman because He is the cause of creation, the cause of maintenance and the cause of dissolution. Lord Brahma, Lord Visnu and Lord Siva are different expansions of these material qualities
- Krsna is complete spirit and He's absolute, therefore His name is also spirit; His name, His form, His quality, His, I mean to say, opulence, His paraphernalia - everything is spiritual
- Krsna is living force, we are also living force. Krsna has got creative power; we have got also creative power. Exactly all the qualities. Krsna has got loving propensity; we have got loving propensity
- Krsna is never influenced by the material qualities. He is always free from such qualities, but He appears to act under material influence. This understanding is aropita, or an imposition
- Krsna is not void. Whenever we speak of Krsna, He is present with His form, qualities, name, entourage and paraphernalia. Therefore, Krsna is not impersonal
- Krsna is the original source of Brahma, who is the original source of this universe. Brahma is a representative of Krsna, and therefore all the qualities and activities of Krsna are also present in Lord Brahma
- Krsna says, "By My causeless mercy, be enlightened in truth about My personality, manifestations, qualities and pastimes"
- Krsna says, janma karma ca me divyam: (BG 4.9) whatever He does, being always transcendental, has nothing to do with material qualities
- Krsna's age, His transcendental bodily features, His beauty, and His mildness are qualities pertaining to His body
- Krsna's dhiroddhata qualities have been accepted as great because Krsna uses them only to protect His devotees. In other words, even undesirable traits may also be used in the exchange of devotional service
- Krsna's name, form, qualities and pastimes are all divya, divine. Our present material senses have to be purified by engagement in the Lord's service, and our first engagement begins with the tongue
- Krsna's name, form, qualities, pastimes, paraphernalia and abode are all part and parcel of Krsna. However, understanding Krsna begins with hearing and chanting His name. Then there is His form
- Krsna's name, form, quality, etc., is not understood by these blunt senses, so how it is to be done? Now, sevonmukhe hi jihvadau. Again jihvadau: beginning from the tongue, controlling the tongue
- Krsna's qualities as follows: 59) He is the giver of salvation to the enemies whom He kills. 60) He is the attractor of liberated souls. All these transcendental qualities are manifest wonderfully in the personal feature of Krsna
- Krsna's quality is proportionately exhibited. This proportionate exhibition of Krsna's power is misunderstood by less intelligent men to be Krsna's partiality, but actually it is no such thing
- Krsna's words are absolute, as well as His form, qualities and activities. They are always fresh and new. If they were not, how could the devotees glorify them day after day with greater enthusiasm
- Krsna, of course, means Krsna and His confidential devotees; Krsna is not alone. When we speak of Krsna, "Krsna" means Krsna in His name, in His form, in His qualities, in His abode and in His associates. Krsna is never alone
- Krsna-bhajana is not so easy. But if you voluntarily, if after hearing so many qualities of Krsna, transcendental qualities, if you somehow or other become attracted to Krsna consciousness, then your life is successful
- Lord Krsna answered Mucukunda, "Perhaps you know that My incarnation Anantadeva has unlimited mouths, and for an unlimited time He has been trying to narrate fully about My name, fame, qualities, activities, appearance, disappearance and incarnations"
- Lord Krsna possesses all these (Brahmanya) qualities, and He is worshiped by persons who themselves possess such qualities
- Lord Krsna thought: "Neither the gopis nor I shall notice this, for our minds will always be entranced by one another's beauty and qualities"
- Lord Krsna was talking to the young brahmana just to test his knowledge about the arca-vigraha. In other words, those who have understood the science of Krsna - Krsna’s name, form, qualities and so forth - can also talk with the Deity
- Lord Krsna, who is the possessor of inconceivable potencies & qualities of transcendental knowledge and bliss, is the basic cause of ecstatic love. Krsna also becomes the reservoir (impetus) of ecstatic love by His different incarnations and expansions
- Maharaja Pariksit asked, "So how was it possible for them to get freed from the material condition just by thinking of a paramour?" One should consider here that Krsna and ordinary living beings are qualitatively one
- Maharaja Pariksit associated with the Lord even from the womb of his mother up to the last day of his valuable life, and thus he acquired all the essential good qualities of the Lord in all perfection
- Material senses cannot appreciate Krsna's holy name, form, qualities and pastimes
- Mayavadi philosophers, who have a poor fund of knowledge, simply dismiss the subject by explaining that krsna means "black." Not understanding the qualities of Krsna, these atheistic rascals do not accept Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Mucukunda knew very well that wherever the Lord is personally present by His transcendental name, qualities, form and so on, there cannot be any darkness of ignorance. He is like a lamp placed in the darkness; He immediately illuminates a dark place
- Mundane rascals cannot understand that whatever Krsna does, being absolute in nature, is all-good. This quality of the Lord is explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 10.33.29
- My dear friend, please tell Me what to do. My ears have been plundered by the qualities of Krsna's sound. Now, however, I cannot hear His transcendental sound, and I am almost dead for want of it
- Nanda Maharaja appreciated the words of Garga Muni, but because of his deep affection he could not understand who Krsna was, although Garga Muni had said that Krsna's qualities would be exactly like those of Narayana
- No one can understand the transcendental nature of the name, form, quality and pastimes of Sri Krsna through his materially contaminated senses - Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.234
- No one can understand the transcendental nature of the name, form, quality and pastimes of Sri Krsna through his materially contaminated senses. BG 1972 purports
- O infallible one, I have become shameless after hearing of Your qualities, and I have become attracted to You
- Of these eighteen maha-ratha sons of Krsna, Pradyumna is considered the foremost. Pradyumna happened to be the eldest son of Queen Rukmini, and he inherited all the qualities of his great father, Lord Krsna
- One can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead by understanding the sample, the living entity, because all the qualities of God exist in a minute quantity in the living entities
- One cannot understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, or His form, quality or name simply by mental speculation or by discussing Vedic literature. One must understand Him by devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- One may estimate the qualities of the Lord at one moment, but the next moment the qualities have increased; so it is not possible to make an estimation of the qualities of the Lord. He is therefore called nirguna, one whose qualities cannot be estimated
- One must acquire brahminical qualities or be perfectly situated in the quality of goodness in order to chant the Gayatri mantra successfully and then attain to the stage of transcendentally realizing the Lord, His name, His fame, His qualities and so on
- One must acquire the brahminical qualities and become perfectly situated in the mode of goodness in order to chant the gayatri mantra successfully. From that point one can begin to transcendentally realize the Lord, His name, His fame, His qualities, etc
- One must try for the point when he simply hears Krishna and immediately all of Krishna, His Pastimes, His Form, His Quality, are in his thoughts. So to always be immersed in thoughts of Krishna this is our process
- One should not uselessly labor in mental speculation to estimate the Lord's qualities. There is no need of adopting the speculative method or exercising the body to attain mystic yoga perfection
- Only by sevonmukha, by engaging oneself in the Lord's service, can one realize the name, form and qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Out of one's own nature one becomes attracted by the qualities of Lord Sri Krsna
- Out of Your causeless mercy You have told me of the glories of Lord Krsna. No one can reach the end of the opulence, qualities and forms of the Lord
- Pasyati. He (Krsna) can see everywhere. Therefore we have to discuss sastra. In the Brahma-samhita it is said, the anga, the different parts of the body of Krsna, has got all the qualities of other anga
- Persons who are desiring to become great souls cannot be without any of the above qualities, so we can know for certain that these qualities are found in Lord Krsna, the supreme soul
- Please bring to me only those sinful persons who do not use their tongues to chant the holy name and qualities of Krsna, whose hearts do not remember the lotus feet of Krsna even once, and whose heads do not bow down even once before Lord Krsna
- Polluted consciousness is a result of not surrendering to Lord Krsna. The Lord's name, form, qualities, pastimes, and paraphernalia are all transcendental and extraordinary; hence blunt material senses cannot perceive them
- Pure devotional service is so sublime that one can very easily forget the happiness derived from material enjoyment, material liberation and mystic or yogic perfection. Thus the devotee is bound by Krsna's mercy and His uncommon power and qualities
- Radharani continued, "'My dear friends, unless I serve the transcendental form, qualities and pastimes of Sri Krsna, all My days and all My senses will become entirely useless"'
- Radharani continued, "In My loving affairs there is a person named Madana. His qualities are thus: Personally He possesses no gross body, yet He is very expert in giving pains to others"
- Rukmini had heard about Krsna’s qualities from different people, and after she heard about them, she decided to accept Krsna as her husband
- Rupa Gosvami says: (CC Madhya 17.136) "We cannot conceive the name, form and qualities of Sri Krsna through our material senses." Because of this, other names for the Lord are adhoksaja and aprakrta, which indicate that He is beyond any material senses
- She (Srimati Radharani) addressed the bumblebee, "Your master Krsna is exactly of your quality. You sit down on a flower, and after tasting a little honey you immediately fly away and sit on another flower and taste"
- Since the name, form, qualities and activities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, cannot be understood by the material senses, He is also called adhoksaja, meaning "beyond sense perception"
- Sisupala could not tolerate such honoring of Krsna and glorification of His qualities because Krsna stole Rukmini. Instead of being happy to hear the glories of the Lord, he became very angry
- Sometimes Krsna even wants to enjoy the pleasure pastimes of fighting. The fighting spirit is also in Krsna, otherwise wherefrom have we gotten it? Because we are part & parcel of Krsna, all the qualities of Krsna are present in minute quantity within us
- Somewhere Lord Krsna was seen performing different types of sacrifices to satisfy the demigods, who are only His qualitative expansions
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "What should all living entities constantly remember?" Ramananda Raya replied, "The chief objects of remembrance are always the Lord's holy name, qualities and pastimes"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu explains that Krsna - the Supreme Personality of Godhead, or the Absolute Truth - has a spiritual body that is distinct from material bodies, and thus His name, abode, entourage and qualities are all spiritual
- Sri Krsna is present by His name, by His form, by His pastimes, by His paraphernalia, by His qualities. Anything about Krsna is non-different
- Sri Yamunacarya Albandru of South India said: O my Lord! You are unknowable to persons involved with atheistic principles despite Your uncommon qualities, features, and activities. BG 1972 purports
- Srila Rupa Gosvami has attempted to give evidences from various scriptures about all sixty-four qualities present in the person of the Supreme Lord
- Srila Rupa Gosvami, after consulting various scriptures, has enumerated the transcendental qualities of the Lord as follows
- Srimati Radharani continued, "It is very difficult to actually understand Krsna - His name, His qualities, His form, His pastimes, His paraphernalia and His entourage"
- Srimati Radharani's earrings are the name, fame and qualities of Lord Krsna. The glories of Lord Krsna's name, fame and qualities are always inundating Her speech
- Supreme Person is neither very fat nor very thin; He is always transcendental to material qualities, and yet His bodily luster is blackish. His eyes are reddish, He is all-powerful, and He is equipped with all different kinds of opulences
- That Krsna is all-attractive is verified by the activities of the four rsis and Sukadeva Gosvami. All of them were liberated persons, yet they were attracted by the qualities and pastimes of the Lord
- The above statement by Krsna seems apparently to be of an envious nature, but according to different pastimes, places and times this quality is accepted as a great characteristic
- The above statement of the qualities of the Lord is just to estimate His qualities as far as a human being is able to see Him. But even if it is so, the above qualities can be divided into many subheadings
- The above-mentioned qualities and characteristics (of Krsna), which total sixty in number, are visible up to the platform of Narayana
- The appearance of the form of Krsna anywhere, and specifically within the heart, is called dhama. Dhama refers not only to Krsna's form, but to His name, His form, His quality and His paraphernalia. Everything becomes manifest simultaneously
- The Bhagavad-gita, which was imparted 5,000 years ago, is still being read repeatedly by many, many men, and still new light is always being found in it. Therefore, Krsna & His name, fame, qualities - & everything in relationship with Him - is ever-fresh
- The Brahmana said, "These are the words of Princess Rukmini, 'My dear Krsna, O infallible, most beautiful one, any human being who happens to hear about Your transcendental form, pastimes immediately absorbs through his ears Your name, fame & qualities"
- The conclusion is that if one somehow or other becomes attached to Krsna or attracted to Him, either because of His qualities of beauty, opulence, fame, strength, renunciation or knowledge, through affection or friendship
- The demigods prayed - Impersonalists think that Your (Krsna's) many names or forms are according to a particular type of work and quality because they accept You from the position of a material observer
- The demigods said: Actually, only a person who has a little taste for the service of Your lotus feet can understand Your transcendental nature or form and qualities. Others may go on speculating for millions of years
- The devotee said, "Observing all Your transcendental qualities, I have also become attracted and have decided to dedicate my life to Your loving service"
- The fifty qualities of Lord Krsna were all present in his body
- The fifty qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead mentioned above are as deep as an ocean. In other words, they are difficult to fully comprehend
- The fourth Sandarbha is called Krsna-sandarbha, and in this book Krsna is proved to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There are discussions of Krsna’s pastimes and qualities, His superintendence of the purusa-avataras, and so forth
- The holy name of Lord Krsna, His quality, pastimes and so forth are all of the nature of absolute truth, beauty and bliss. Naturally they are very sweet, like sugar candy, which appeals to everyone
- The impersonal brahma-jyotir is only the glaring effulgence of the body of the Lord, and there is no difference in quality between the body of the Lord and the impersonal ray of the Lord, called brahma-jyotir
- The intensity of Her loving service is the highest form of ecstasy. No one can surpass Srimati Radharani in relishing the qualities of the Lord through this supreme transcendental mellow
- The krsna-katha, the Lord's name, fame, quality, entourage, all these things are very sweet. To whom? Those who are liberated from this jaundice of materialism. For them it is very sweet
- The living beings can appreciate the qualities of the Lord as the ultimate goal, but they cannot attain the status quo of such equality
- The living entities, being part and parcel of the supreme controller, isvara, or Bhagavan, Lord Sri Krsna, have all the qualities of the Supreme Lord in minute quantity because we are minute isvaras, subordinate isvaras. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Lord's forms are proof of His inconceivable qualities. Although the Lord maintains innumerable universes within the period of His breath, He is dressed with a form exactly like that of a human being. That does not mean that He is a human being
- The main purposes of this institution is to develop the idea, within the members and humanity at large that each soul is part and parcel of the quality of Godhead Krishna
- The material world is governed by the material modes of nature. Visnu, Brahma & Siva respectively take charge of the modes of goodness, passion, ignorance. Prthu is also an incarnation of those qualities of Krsna by which one rules over conditioned souls
- The material, physical elements, they are inferior quality, energy, of Krsna. But the superior quality of energy we are, living entities
- The Mayavadi means that Krsna, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, His name, His fame, His quality, His entourage - everything belonging to Krsna - these philosophers, followers of Sankaracarya, they believe they are maya. Maya means this material
- The more we cleanse the dirt of material attachment from our hearts, the more we will be attracted by Krsna's name, form, qualities, paraphernalia and activities. This is the sum and substance of the Krsna consciousness movement
- The most complete qualities of Krsna are manifested within Vrndavana, and His complete and more complete qualities are manifested in Dvaraka and Mathura
- The only process for perceiving Krishna and His name, qualities, form is our sincere service attitude with our senses
- The only process for perceiving Krishna and His name, qualities, form is our sincere service attitude with our senses. Beginning from the tongue, all our senses are practically led by the tongue sense, whose business is to vibrate and to taste
- The only purpose of life is to be fully absorbed in thoughts of Krsna and His form, pastimes, activities and qualities. If one is able to think of Krsna in this way, twenty-four hours a day, he is already liberated (svarupena vyavasthitih) - SB 2.10.6
- The people can remain constantly in Krsna consciousness by discussing the Lord's transcendental form, qualities, pastimes and paraphernalia. By doing so, the whole universe can actually live auspiciously and advance peacefully
- The qualities of Krsna are present in the living entity in minute, atomic quantities. A small portion of gold is certainly gold, but it cannot be equal to a gold mine
- The qualities of Krsna captivate and attract everything, living and nonliving. Even birds, animals and trees are attracted to Krsna's qualities
- The quality of Krsna - knowledge, can be further extended into five subheadings, namely intelligence, gratefulness, power of understanding the circumstantial environments of place, object & time, perfect knowledge of everything, & knowledge of the self
- The real position is that He is the original source of all qualities. All qualities are emanating constantly from Him. How, therefore, can a limited person count the qualities of the Lord?
- The spiritual potency is manifested in the spiritual world. Krsna’s form, qualities, activities and entourage are all spiritual. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita 4.6
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is full in all six opulences, including His attractive beauty, which engages Him in conjugal love with the gopis. Such sweetness is the quintessence of His qualities
- The tongue can thus glorify the name, form, qualities and pastimes of the Lord. The preacher of krsna-katha is always beyond the clutches of death. This is the significance of controlling the urge to speak
- The transcendental qualities of Krsna as follows: 23) steadfast; 24) forebearing; 25) forgiving; 26) grave; 27) self-satisfied; 28) possesses equilibrium; 29) magnanimous; 30) religious; 31) heroic; 32) compassionate
- The transcendental qualities of Krsna as follows: 33) respectful; 34) gentle; 35) liberal; 36) shy; 37) the protector of surrendered souls; 38) happy; 39) the well-wisher of devotees; 40) controlled by love; 41) all-auspicious
- The transcendental qualities of Sri Krsna are completely blissful and relishable. Consequently Lord Krsna's qualities attract even the minds of self-realized persons from the bliss of self-realization
- The Vedas confirm that the Supreme Absolute Truth is anandamaya, or full of blissful pleasure, and that He is abhyasat, by nature the reservoir of unlimited auspicious qualities. BG 1972 purports
- The word 'guna' means 'quality.' The qualities of Krsna are transcendentally situated and are unlimited in quantity. All of the spiritual qualities are full of transcendental bliss
- The word guna-vadam is significant because the qualities of the Lord and His activities and pastimes are the subject matter for the discussions of devotees
- There are another five qualities, which exist in the Vaikuntha planets in Narayana, the Lord of Laksmi. These qualities are also present in Krsna, but they are not present in demigods like Lord Siva or in other living entities
- There are many personalities possessing the qualities of Bhagavan, but Krsna is the supreme because none can excel Him. BG 1972 purports
- There is no difference between His (Krsna's) name, form, quality etc, because Krsna is absolute. Our intimate relation with Krsna can be confidentially revived by our talking of, hearing of, or remembering Him. It is so done due to spiritual potency
- There is no difference between the name, quality, form, pastimes, entourage and paraphernalia of Lord Krsna and Lord Krsna Himself. That is the absolute nature of the Absolute Truth
- There is no need of logical arguments in support of this (Sri Krsna is so attractive that it comprehends all attraction) statement, but out of one's own nature one becomes attracted by the qualities of Lord Sri Krsna
- There is no satiation in chanting the holy name of the Lord, there is no satiation in discussing the qualities of the Lord, and there is no limitation of the entourage of the Lord
- There is the following prayer by a devotee for the vayasyas in Vrndavana, "All glories to Krsna's vayasyas, who are just like Krsna in their age, qualities, pastimes, dress and beauty
- These (being very well-behaved, tolerance, peacefulness, magnanimity and graveness, free from duplicity, patience, respecting everyone) are all originally qualities of Krsna, and when one becomes a devotee they automatically become manifest
- These (there is no difference between Krsna and His body) qualities stimulate the devotee's ecstatic love, they have been analyzed as separate causes of that love
- These fifty qualities (of Krsna) or characteristics are fragmentally present in every living entity. When they are completely spiritually free and situated in their original condition, all these qualities can be perceived in human life in minute quantity
- These qualities are (1) the Lord is always situated in His original position, (2) He is omniscient, (3) He is always fresh & youthful, (4) He is the concentrated form of eternity, knowledge and bliss, & (5) He is the possessor of all mystic perfection
- These qualities are sometimes very minutely exhibited in living beings, but they are fully manifested in the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- These transcendental qualities are as follows: 51) changeless; 52) all-cognizant; 53) ever-fresh; 54) sac-cid-ananda (possessing an eternal blissful body); 55) possessing all mystic perfection
- They (many great sages, headed by Saunaka Rsi) questioned Srila Suta Gosvami, who presided at the meeting, about why Srila Sukadeva Gosvami, a paramahamsa already in the transcendental position, was attracted to a discussion of the qualities of Krsna
- They (Mayavadi philosophers) cannot understand the Absolute Truth and its spiritual varieties - name, form, qualities and pastimes. Consequently they conclude that Krsna's transcendental activities are maya
- They (scientists and learned men) cannot estimate how it is You descend on this earth or in this universe with Your innumerable transcendental potencies, energies and qualities
- They (the Mayavadi philosophers) have falsely accepted the nonspiritual as the spiritual, and as a result they have forgotten the spiritual eternal form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as well as His name, quality and entourage
- They engage the power of speech in the glorification of My qualities and form. They also dedicate their minds unto Me and try to give up all kinds of material desires. Thus My devotees are characterized
- This association (conditioned soul and Krsna) is made possible not only by personal contact with the Lord, but also by association with His name, fame, form and quality
- This blunt material eyes, he cannot see Krsna, or cannot hear Krsna's name, namadi. Nama means name. Nama means name, form, quality, pastime. These things cannot be understood by your material blunt eyes or senses
- This process entails hearing, chanting and remembering the holy name, form, pastimes, qualities and entourage of the Lord, offering service according to the time, place and performer, worshiping the Deity, offering prayers
- This text (of CC Adi lila 4.66) from SB 4.3.23, spoken by Lord Siva confirms beyond a doubt that Lord Krsna, His name, His fame, His qualities and everything in connection with His paraphernalia exist in the sandhini-sakti of the Lord’s internal potency
- Those things which awaken ecstatic love are called uddipana. Mainly this awakening is made possible by the qualities and activities of Krsna, as well as by His mode of decoration and the way His hair is arranged
- Those who are in the disciplic succession of the Madhva-Gaudiya-sampradaya should always feel separation from Krsna, worship His transcendental form and discuss His transcendental teachings, His pastimes, His qualities and His entourage
- Those who are self-satisfied and unattracted by external material desires are also attracted to the loving service of Sri Krsna, whose qualities are transcendental and whose activities are wonderful
- Those who engage in the loving service of the Lord become sudhiyah, intelligent, but this is not so of a Vedic scholar who does not understand Krsna's name, fame and qualities
- To be attracted by the qualities of Krsna means to be attracted by Krsna Himself, because there is no real distinction between Krsna and His qualities
- To think of Krsna in any way, in terms of His name, form, qualities, paraphernalia or anything pertaining to Him, is beneficial for everyone
- Topics concerning these qualities (the personal qualities of the Absolute Truth) are greater than topics of impersonal philosophical speculation
- Tulsi is part of Krishna's entourage, she is Krishna-ised or Krishna Conscious, and in this pure state she has all the qualities of Krishna, and therefore she becomes worshipable just like Krishna. There is a saying, love me, love my dog. It is like that
- We cannot actually see one another. How, then, can we hope to see God? It is stated: atah sri-krsna-namadi na bhaved grahyam indriyaih (CC Madhya 17.136). - Material senses cannot appreciate Krsna's holy name, form, qualities and pastimes
- We have got minute quantity of Krsna's qualities because we are minute particles of Krsna, but that is now covered by maya. This maya means . . . when we forget our actual relationship with Krsna, that is called maya, false egotism
- We must know for certain that the qualities of the Lord have nothing to do with mundane qualities. All of them are full of bliss, knowledge and eternity
- We require the water in substance. Then our thirst will be satisfied. But in the transcendental, absolute world, there is no such difference. Krsna's name, Krsna's quality, Krsna's word - everything is Krsna and provides the same satisfaction
- We speak of Vrndavana-dhama, Dvaraka-dhama and Mathura-dhama because in these places the name, fame, qualities and paraphernalia of the Supreme Godhead are always present
- When a person is developed in love of Godhead, his body, mind and everything else are attracted by the transcendental qualities of the Lord. Such is the power of Krsna's merciful activities and transcendental qualities
- When He (Krsna) is death personified to the thieves, it is not that He is without moral principles or that He is cruel; He is still kind, because to punish thieves with death is to exhibit the highest quality of moral principles
- When He (Krsna) is in Goloka Vrndavana His transcendental qualities are exhibited as most perfect, when He is in Dvaraka He exhibits His qualities as very perfect, and when He is in Mathura He exhibits His qualities as perfect
- When our senses are purified by constantly being engaged in the devotional service of the Lord, we can understand Krsna's activities, names, forms, qualities, pastimes and entourage
- When the Vedas say that God has no hands, it is meant that He has no material hands. His hands are sac-cid-ananda-vigraha. If we can understand Krsna's activities, form, qualities and pastimes in this way, we become fit to return home, back to Godhead
- When we speak of Krsna, Krsna is not alone. Krsna means His name, His qualities, His fame, His friends, His paraphernalia, His entourage - all of these are included
- While performing duties according to the order of Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one constantly remembers Him, His names and His qualities
- With His thousands of mouths He sings the glories of Lord Krsna, but although He always sings in that way, He does not find an end to the qualities of the Lord
- With our blunt material senses it is not possible to appreciate or to understand sri-krsna-namadi - Krsna, His name, His form, His quality, His pastimes, His paraphernalia, His abode, so many things. Krsna is not alone, but Krsna begins from the name