Category:Krsna's Describing
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Pages in category "Krsna's Describing"
The following 70 pages are in this category, out of 70 total.
- Because Arjuna is above such darkness (of ignorance), the Personality of Godhead agrees to describe His various opulences. BG 1972 purports
- Bhagavad-gita has to be accepted as it is, from the disciplic succession, and it is described herein (BG 4.1) that the Lord spoke to the sun-god, the sun-god spoke to his son Manu, and Manu spoke to his son Iksvaku. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) has described (in Sixth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita) different process of yoga system. That's a fact. But He concludes that one who is thinking of Krsna always within himself with faith and love, he is the topmost yogi
- He (Krsna) has described in so many ways different types of religion. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) has described the symptoms of sadhu. By the last three, four slokas, He has described what is the symptom. Everything should be accepted by the symptom, characteristic
- How does one become qualified? That is also described. For instance, in Bhagavad-gita Krsna describes the qualities of a brahmana as follows: samo damas tapah saucam ksantir arjavam eva ca jnanam vijnanam astikyam
- In Bhagavad-gita (5.18) Krsna also describes the pandita: "The humble sage, by virtue of true knowledge, sees with equal vision a learned and gentle brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog, and a dog-eater." That is a learned man. Not this degree-holder
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.15) Lord Krsna describes such materialistic persons as mudhas (rascals): na mam duskrtino mudhah prapadyante naradhamah
- In Bhagavad-gita Krsna describes what one should do when giving up the body. For the dhyana-yogi (meditator) Sri Krsna speaks the following verses - BG 8.11-12
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.54), Lord Krsna describes self-realization as follows: Self-realization (the brahma-bhuta SB 4.30.20 stage) is symptomized by joyfulness. One never laments for any loss, nor is one very enthusiastic when there is some gain
- In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna describes the material universe as a nonpermanent place full of miseries. Why, then, would He seek pleasure in matter? He is the Supersoul, the supreme spirit, and His pleasure is beyond the material conception - CC Intro
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna has expressively given a description of His transcendental appearance, disappearance and activities
- In the Bhagwat Geeta the Lord personally described as to the method of approaching Him, His real features, His different Potencies known as the Mohamaya and the yogamaya
- In this statement (to Nanda Maharaja about worshiping Govardhana Hill), Lord Krsna practically described the whole economy of the vaisya community
- In this verse (BG 17.4) the Supreme Personality of Godhead describes different kinds of worshipers according to their external activities. BG 1972 purports
- In this verse (BG 7.8) Sri Krsna is describing how we can become Krsna conscious fully, in all stages of life. All living entities must drink water. The taste of water is so nice that when we are thirsty nothing but water seems to do
- It is not at all possible to describe the unlimited pastimes of Sri Krsna, even though He Himself describes them in His incarnation of Sahasra-vadana, the thousand-mouthed Sesa Naga
- Krsna and Balarama present Themselves as younger brother and elder brother, but in the scriptures They are described as the original Supreme Personality of Godhead and His expansion
- Krsna described in sankhya-yoga that "This is your duty. You are ksatriya. Why you are rejecting fighting?" In this way, in so many ways . . . The soul is immortal, the body is perishable, so your grandfather or your kinsmen, they'll not die
- Krsna describes in the Bhagavad-gita: Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, I perpetually cast into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life
- Krsna describes the material universe as a nonpermanent place full of miseries. Why, then, would He seek pleasure in the material form? He is the Supersoul, the supreme spirit, and His pleasure is beyond the material conception
- Krsna has described everything in the Bhagavad-gita, and today, this night, we are trying to explain the mission of Krsna. Because the same mission is being carried out by us beginning from Brahma
- Krsna has now explained about the personal, the impersonal and the universal and has described all kinds of devotees and yogis. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna is describing Himself. You try to understand from the statement of Krsna with your logic, argument, science and everything. You will find complete answer
- Krsna is describing what can be directly perceived by the common man; thus part of His variegated energy is described in this way. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna was beautiful because every part of His body was perfectly arranged without any defect. Such perfect bodily features of Krsna are described as follows
- Krsna's attractive features are also described by Vrnda, the gopi after whom Vrndavana was named
- Krsna's perfect bodily features are described as follows: "My dear enemy of Kamsa, Your broad eyes, Your rising chest, Your two pillar-like arms and the thin middle portion of Your body are always enchanting to every lotus-eyed beautiful girl"
- Krsna's speech, which contains all good qualities in the universe, is described in the following statement by Uddhava
- Lord Krsna describes this form of complete perfection in the BG (8.15): The great souls who engage in My devotional service attain Me, the Supreme Lord, and do not come back to this miserable material life, for they have attained the highest perfection
- Lord Krsna was astonished in the beginning at Arjuna's uncalled-for plea for compassion, and He described his compassion as befitting the non-Aryans. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Krsna, having assured Arjuna that he was born with the divine qualities, is now (in BG 16.6) describing the demoniac way. The conditioned living entities are divided into two classes in this world. BG 1972 purports
- Neither Vedic knowledge nor modern science denies the existence of the spirit soul in the body, and the science of the soul is explicitly described in the Bhagavad-gita by the Personality of Godhead Himself. BG 1972 purports
- Not being a cheater, being very frank and open, Arjuna tells Krsna that the system of yoga which He has described is not possible for him to execute
- Now please hear My brief description of this field of activity and how it is constituted, what its changes are, whence it is produced, who that knower of the field of activities is, and what his influences are. BG 13.4 - 1972
- Sadhu is described in the Bhagavad-gita by the Lord Himself, who is sadhu. He said, api cet su-duracaro bhajate mam ananya-bhak, sadhur eva sa mantavyah - BG 9.30
- Sadhu means who is trying to make others sadhu. He is sadhu. Krsna likes such sadhu, as He has described in the last portion of Bhagavad-gita
- Since Krsna is the authority accepted by all, Arjuna put this question (of BG 4.4) before Him in order that Krsna would describe Himself without being depicted by the demons. BG 1972 purports
- So this chapter, thirteenth chapter, is very important chapter. So many rascals are there. They're talking so many things. But if you want real answer, that is described by Krsna to the six questions, Krsna immediately answers in nutshell
- Sometimes atheists argue that since God is invisible to their eyes, they do not believe in God. For them the Supreme Lord is describing a method by which one can see God in His impersonal form
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives the following commentary on this passage (CC Madhya 17.185). A sadhu, or honest man, is called a mahajana or a mahatma. The mahatma is described thus by Lord Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 9.13
- Suppose Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (Bg. 18.66). Before that, Krsna has described everything, why you should surrender to Krsna. At last He says, "You surrender to Me." So there is no difficulty
- That (Krsna comes as death) is described by Krsna Himself: mrtyuh sarva-haras caham (BG 10.34). The Lord, appearing as death, takes away a hero's so-called power. Even Hiranyakasipu could not be saved when Nrsimhadeva appeared before him as death
- The field of activities (the body), knowledge and the knowable have been summarily described by Me (Krsna). Only My devotees can understand this thoroughly and thus attain to My nature
- The Lord (Krsna) described the characteristics of confidential devotees - Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam - SB 11.29.34
- The Lord clearly describes His intimate relationship with His devotees in the BG (9.30-34): "Even if one commits the most abominable action, if he is engaged in DS he is to be considered saintly because he is properly situated in his determination
- The material world is described by Lord Krsna Himself as duhkhalayam asasvatam (BG 8.15), a temporary place of misery
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna has very elaborately described the constitution of the soul in the previous chapter, with a view to deliver His intimate friend Arjuna from the ocean of material grief. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, should be described as the worshipable object, and you should describe the bija-mantra for the worship of Krsna, as well as that for Rama and for other expansions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The system of mysticism described by Lord Krsna to Arjuna beginning with the words sucau dese and ending with yogi paramah is here (in BG 6.33) being rejected by Arjuna out of a feeling of inability. BG 1972 purports
- There are hundreds of thousands of higher and lower types of human forms. But this does not mean that automatically one body evolves into a higher body. No. It is described by Krishna how the soul becomes embodied according to his desire
- This (so much advertised about happiness, but practically we see so few happy people) is because so few people know that the platform of real happiness is beyond temporary things. It is this real happiness that is described in BG by Lord Krsna to Arjuna
- This topmost yoga system was described by Krsna in the Gita to His most intimate friend, Arjuna. In the beginning, the Lord said that this system can be practiced only by a person who has developed attachment for it
- This was described personally by Lord Krsna unto Brahma, with whom the Lord was satisfied upon being properly worshiped
- Those who are actually devotees of Lord Krsna, you have to associate with them. And who is sadhu? Sadhu is described by Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita - the fact is, sadhu means unalloyed devotee of Krsna
- Thus the field of activities (the body), knowledge, and the knowable have been summarily described by Me. Only My devotees can understand this thoroughly and thus attain to My nature. BG 13.19 - 1972
- To come to the platform of truth, one has to know what are the defects of material life, how it is taken by the asuras. That is being described by Krsna, asatyam apratistham
- We should not entertain the nonsensical idea that Krsna, who is always spiritual, also tries to seek pleasure on this material plane. In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna describes the material universe as a nonpermanent place full of miseries - CC Intro
- We're not very intelligent, and, at the same time, we're unfortunate. These are the characteristics of man living in Kaliyuga, a degraded age. So properly speaking we can never attain success in this meditational yoga system described by Krsna
- What was Arjuna's great qualification? Sri Krsna says, "You are My devotee. You are My very dear friend." Despite this qualification, Arjuna refused to execute the meditational yoga system described by Sri Krsna. What then are we to conclude
- When Krsna describes Himself in Bhagavad-gita, He says, raso 'ham apsu kaunteya: (BG 7.8) "I am the taste of liquids." So one can remember Krsna by tasting water
- Who is a sadhu? If somebody says, "A man with red dress or a great beard or something . . ." There are so many conception of sadhu. But sadhu is described in the Bhagavad-gita by the Lord Himself
- Why it is called sanatana-dharma. That I have already explained. The living entity is sanatana, or eternal; God is sanatana; and there is sanatana-dhama, the Lord's eternal abode. As Krsna describes in the Bhagavad-gita (8.20), paras tasmat tu bhavo 'nyo