Category:Krsna's Advice
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Pages in category "Krsna's Advice"
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- A devotee, his business is that "Because I have got this material body and because I had my past misdeeds, although I am suffering, it does not matter. It comes and goes. It does not matter. Let me do my duty." That is advice of Krsna
- According to Bhagavad-gita 18.66, "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me." This is the advice of Lord Krsna. Our only aim should be to act in Krsna consciousness for the satisfaction of the Lord. This is oneness, or aprthag-dharma
- According to one's attitude, Krsna becomes one's direct adviser, or Krsna becomes unknown
- Actually this universe is very difficult to understand, yet learned sages have advised, as Krsna has also advised, that this material world is duhkhalayam asasvatam; (BG 8.15) in other words, it is a place of misery and temporality
- After hearing this advice, the gopis did not seem very happy; therefore Krsna began to stress the point in a different way
- Agham dhunvanti: All reactions to sinful activities are cancelled when one surrenders to Krsna. In Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna Himself advises personal surrender to Him - BG 18.66
- All the rules & regulation that are there, it may be painful, but we cannot give it up. We have to learn how to tolerate. Therefore Krsna advises, tams titiksasva bharata: My dear Arjuna, the good descendant of Bharata Maharaja, you try to tolerate this
- Arjuna is advised herewith (BG 2.22) by the Lord not to lament for the bodily change of his old grandfather and his teacher. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna was advised to fight and sacrifice the material body for the cause of religion. BG 1972 purports
- As indicated elsewhere in Srimad-Bhagavatam (sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayoh (SB 9.4.18)) and as advised by Lord Krsna in Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.65), man-mana bhava mad-bhaktah, one should constantly think of the lotus feet of Lord Krsna
- As soon as we confront Krsna, Krsna advises: sarva-dharman parityajya
- As the Lord advises in the Bhagavad-gita, "Whatever you do, do it for Me; whatever you eat, first offer it to Me; whatever charity you want to give, first give it to Me; and whatever austerities and penances you want to perform, perform them for Me"
- At the conclusion of the BG, Lord Krsna advised complete surrender unto Him, promising all protection to His devotee. Unfortunately, people are so fallen that they cannot accept the instructions of Krsna; therefore Krsna returned with the same mission
- Because he is more like an animal, a materialist suffers more. The devotee, on the other hand, takes Krsna's advice in Bhagavad-gita - 2.14
- Because the whole world is running on under the false impression of sense enjoyment, therefore He (Krsna) comes and advises, sarva-dharman parityajya - BG 18.66
- Because we are all Krsna's sons - we are suffering - so He wants to see that our sufferings are mitigated immediately. But we are obstinate. We don't accept the supreme father's advice. That is our difficulty
- By reading your letter, it seems that you are very fortunate. Krsna has given you the best opportunity for developing your Krsna consciousness and certainly He wants to help you. Therefore He has advised you to approach me
- For the impersonalists to get out of this temporary body, Krsna here (in BG 8.13) advises that they vibrate the syllable om. In this way they can be assured of transmigration into the spiritual world
- Formerly, at the end of Dvapara-yuga, all the cowherd men of Vrndavana had arranged to worship King Indra, but they gave this worship up, following the advice of Krsna
- He (Krsna) also advised him (Indra) to remain as King of heaven but to be careful of false pride. After this, the transcendental surabhi cow who had come with Indra to see Krsna offered her respectful obeisances unto Him and worshiped Him
- He (Krsna) is ready to give us advice from within and from without - from within as Supersoul and from without as the spiritual master. Therefore it is said, guru-krsna-krpaya bhakti-lata-bija (CC Madhya 19.151). Both things are required - guru and Krsna
- How Krsna is advising that sarva-dharman parityajya, (BG 18.66) "You give up all religious system?" He came - dharma-samsthapanarthaya. He came to reestablish the principles of religion
- If we misuse our intelligence and do not take advice from Krsna and manufacture so many plans for prosperity, that will all fail
- If we take, if we read Bhagavad-gita in the spirit of understanding like Arjuna, the perfect disciple, and if we accept the advice and the instruction of Krsna, the perfect teacher, then we should know that we have understood Bhagavad-gita
- If we think that we can be happy without Krsna consciousness, Krsna does not object to that. Yathecchasi tatha kuru (BG 18.63). After advising Arjuna, He simply said - Now I have explained everything to you. Whatever you desire, you can do
- If you are actually intelligent, then you'll think that, "Who can be more intelligent than Krsna? Let me take His advice." That is real intelligence
- If you want to remodel your life, the society, the human society, nationally or internationally - everything is spoken here, international - then you have to take to the advice of Krsna
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.14), Krsna advises that one be tolerant: tams titiksasva bharata. Following this advice of Krsna's, one should not be morose or unhappy because of circumstantial changes. This is the symptom of a devotee
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.9) Lord Krsna advises, yajnarthat karmano 'nyatra loko 'yam karma-bandhanah: "Work done as a sacrifice for Visnu has to be performed, otherwise work binds one to this material world"
- In Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna Himself advises personal surrender to Him: Give up all varieties of religiousness and just surrender unto Me, and in return I shall protect you from all sinful reactions. Therefore you have nothing to fear - BG 18.66
- In His letter Krsna advised Kalayavana that he should immediately go and find some dark well for his residence, because there was a black snake named Krsna who was very eager to devour all such sinful frogs
- In offering initiation, our Krsna consciousness movement asks one to come to the conclusion of sastra by taking the advice of the supreme speaker of the sastra, Krsna, forgetting the principles of the materialistic way of life
- In the Bhagavad-gita, Krsna advises everyone always to think of Him, render devotional service to Him, worship Him and offer obeisances to Him
- In the winter we do not like taking a bath, but in the summer we wish to take a bath twice, thrice or more a day. Thus Krsna advises us not to be disturbed by such relativities and dualities when they come and go
- In this bewildered condition, baffled condition of the society, we should consult Krsna. Krsna is ready to give you advice, as He was ready five thousand years ago to give advice to Arjuna
- Indra further declared, "These cowherd men in Vrndavana have neglected my authority on the advice of this talkative boy who is known as Krsna. He is nothing but a child, and by believing this child, they have enraged me"
- It is Krsna who personally advises all living entities to return home, back to Godhead
- Joking with Rukmini in Dvaraka, Krsna once advised her to accept another husband because He was unfit for her. Rukmini, however, unable to understand His joking, took them very seriously & immediately fell to the ground in fear of separation from Him
- Just like Arjuna. He fought. He killed. Killing is not good business, but he killed on the advice of Krsna, and he became a bhakta by killing
- Krishna advised him especially to be engaged in his occupational duty, and at the same time always be thinking of Krishna. This is the secret of not being a victim of Maya
- Krsna advises 4 things: man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65). Then what will be the result? Mam evaisyasi. Simply by practicing these things. It does not require any M.A., Ph.D. Simply you have to agree, Yes, I shall think of Krsna
- Krsna advises everyone just to surrender unto Him alone, and that is the way of Vedic instruction
- Krsna advises everyone to surrender to Him (sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja) - BG 18.66
- Krsna advises in BG 18.65: man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru. The perfect yoga system consists of always thinking of Krsna, always engaging in devotional service, always worshiping Krsna and always offering obeisances unto Him
- Krsna advises to live village life, agriculture, and utilize time for understanding your spiritual life
- Krsna advises us to always become Krsna conscious, and we should always think that we are acting for Krsna. Of course, we should work by the order of Krsna or His representative, not whimsically
- Krsna advises, Himself, how to become a sadhu, a saintly person. That is also only follow four principles: You simply think of Krsna. You just become devotee of Krsna, you simply worship Krsna. - You offer your obeisances unto Me
- Krsna consciousness, means to practice this, how to fix up the mind always at the lotus feet of Krsna. Krsna also advised the same thing: man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru. This is yoga, meditation
- Krsna continued, "After all, you have to prepare yourself for your next life. I therefore advise that you select someone who can help you in both this life and the next, for I am completely unable to help"
- Krsna continued, "That was not very rightly done. Therefore, since it is better late than never, I advise you that you (Rukmini) may now select one of the great ksatriya princes and accept him as your life's companion, and you may reject Me"
- Krsna desired to utilize the opulent financial strength of Maharaja Nanda for worship of the cows & wanted to give a lesson to Indra. Thus He advised His father to perform worship of pasturing land and the cows, with the help of learned brahmanas
- Krsna has advised in the Bhagavad-gita, agamapayino 'nityas tams titiksasva bharata. The so-called distress and happiness, they come and go like seasonal changes. Just like we have got summer season, winter season
- Krsna has advised that this material happiness and distress, they are on account of this body. They come and go. They do not stay. So long we are in this material world, this happiness and distress will come and go
- Krsna is advising Arjuna that either goodness or passion or ignorance, after all, they are activities of this material world. You have to come above, transcend this position of goodness also. So goodness is not qualification for spiritual advancement
- Krsna is advising Arjuna to establish himself in his pure constitutional position as spirit soul, beyond the dualities of material nature
- Krsna is here (in BG 8.27) advising Arjuna that he should not be disturbed by the different paths the soul can take when leaving the material world. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna is personally advising us to take up the opportunities offered by the Krsna consciousness movement. We should take them and not run the risk of committing spiritual suicide
- Krsna is personally advising: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: (BG 18.66) "Give up all your concocted religions and surrender to Me alone." take His advice and be happy
- Krsna is sarvatma. He is situated in everyone's heart as friend. He is the real friend. He is giving me advice. He is within, conscience, or good instruction, counsel
- Krsna personally advises: Those who are not faithful on the path of devotional service cannot attain Me, O conqueror of foes, but return to birth and death in this material world - BG 9.3
- Krsna said, "If you think that you are very much attached to Me and you want My association, I advise you not to personally try to enjoy Me"
- Krsna took the opportunity of their looking at the forest to advise them. "I think you have come out to see the beautiful Vrndavana forest on this night," He said, "but you must now be satisfied. So return to your homes without delay"
- Krsna was advising His most confidential servant, Uddhava, about sambandha, abhidheya and prayojana. These concern one’s relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the activities of that relationship, as well as the perfection of life
- Krsna was advising to kill, to fight. That . . . He is explaining that killing of the body is not killing of the soul
- Krsna, the Supreme Lord, should be accepted as one's best friend. He will never cheat. He will always give His friendly advice and friendly protection to the devotee
- Lord Krsna advises that the worshipers of the demigods are not very intelligent persons because they derive only temporary, exhaustible results
- Lord Krsna has advised us to accept the bhakti-yoga process. Bhakti-yoga will automatically liberate a person from the dualities of life
- Lord Krsna has also advised us in this connection. We should tolerate things instead of becoming agitated
- Lord Sri Krsna advised the brothers of Maharaja Yudhisthira to collect the unclaimed property because it belonged to the King
- Lord Sri Krsna, when He was personally present at Vrajadhama, stopped the worship of the demigod Indra and advised the residents of Vraja to worship by their business and to have faith in God
- Mayavada philosophy and impersonalist philosophy is that they want to close their individual identity and merge into the existence of the Supreme. Now, here Lord Krsna does not advise you . . . that is a suicidal policy
- Men who are ignorant cannot appreciate activities in Krsna consciousness, and therefore Lord Krsna advises us not to disturb them and simply waste valuable time. BG 1972 purports
- My (Krsna) dear boys & relatives, I therefore advise you that even if a brahmana becomes angry with you & calls you by ill names or curses you, still you should not retaliate. On the contrary, you should smile, tolerate him & offer your respects
- Rukmini continued, "My dear Lord, You have advised me that I can still select another from the princely order & divorce myself from Your companionship. But, my dear Lord, it is perfectly well known to me that You are the reservoir of all good qualities"
- Rukmini continued, "My dear Lord, You have advised me to select one of the princes such as Sisupala, Jarasandha or Dantavakra, but what is their position in this world"
- See the life of Krsna. He advised His father to worship Govardhana Hill. He said - My dear father, Govardhana Hill is giving grass to our cows. Why you are arranging for the demigod worship, Indra? There is Govardhana-puja
- She (Kunti) inquired from Akrura whether Krsna proposed to come to advise the fatherless Pandavas how to get free of the intrigues of Dhrtarastra and his sons
- Sometimes, of course, meditation goes on when one is sleeping, but this is not the recommended process for the execution of yoga. Thus to keep oneself awake Krsna advises that one always keep the tip of the nose visible
- Sri Krsna advises in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.14): O son of Kunti, the nonpermanent appearance of happiness and distress, and their disappearance in due course, are like the appearance and disappearance of winter and summer seasons
- Sri Krsna, advises us to become spiritually inclined, to become transcendentalists. Then only can we understand that we are nothing whatsoever of this material world, that we are eternal, spiritual living entities
- Sri Krsna, using the example of a strongly rooted banyan tree, advises us in Bhagavad-gita how to get rid of this (material) attachment once and for all - BG 15.3-4
- That great souls cheat others may be astonishing to know, but it is a fact that great souls cheat others for a great cause. It is said that Lord Krsna also advised Yudhisthira to tell a lie before Dronacarya, and it was also for a great cause
- That is Krsna's intelligence, how He adjusts. He gives everyone freedom. And everyone is given facilities, but still He's in botheration. Therefore Krsna advises his devotees that, - Don't plan anything. You rascal, you nonsense, you don't give Me trouble
- The activities Arjuna was advised to perform were the transcendental activities of devotional service
- The best process is to take the advice and instructions of Sri Krsna or His bona fide representative. In this way one can be happy in this life and the next
- The fall of Duryodhana, the leading son of Dhrtarastra, was not pleasing to the Lord, although He (Krsna) was on the side of Arjuna and it was He who advised Bhima how to break the thighs of Duryodhana while the fight was going on
- The good living beings are advised by the Lord to follow His good advice, and by doing so they become successful in all spheres of life
- The honest and simple cowherd men, headed by Nanda Maharaja, accepted Krsna's proposal and executed in detail everything He advised. They performed Govardhana worship and circumambulation of the hill
- The honest and simple cowherd men, headed by Nanda Maharaja, accepted Krsna’s proposal and executed in detail everything He advised. They performed Govardhana worship and circumambulation of the hill - SB 10.24.31-33
- The Lord (Krsna) advises, niyatam kuru karma tvam karma jyayo hy akarmanah: "Perform your prescribed duty, for action is better than inaction." The living entity is ordered to act according to his position. Victory or defeat depends on the Supreme Lord
- The Lord advised Arjuna to regulate the senses from the very beginning so that he could curb the greatest sinful enemy, lust, which destroys the urge for self-realization, and specifically, knowledge of the self. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord advised that Arjuna not be inactive, but that he perform his prescribed duty without being attached to the result. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord has given perfect advice in Bhagavad-gita, and Ambarisa Maharaja, as the ideal executive head, ruled the entire world as a Vaisnava, taking advice from Vaisnava brahmanas
- The Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, advises us as follows: The best policy for doing work is to perform all prescribed duties for the satisfaction of Yajna, the Supreme Being - Visnu, the Absolute Truth
- The Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, advises us to become spiritually inclined, to become transcendentalists. Then only can we understand that we are nothing whatsoever of this material world, that we are eternal, spiritual living entities
- The position of the jnanis and yogis is therefore not as secure as the position of the devotees of Krsna. Lord Krsna has therefore advised in the Bhagavad-gita that only a person who has lost his sense takes to the worship of demigods
- The process of centering attention on the unmanifested, the inconceivable, which is beyond the approach of the senses, should never be encouraged at any time, especially in this age. It is not advised by Lord Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- The ritualistic performances recommended in the Vedas mainly depend on the three modes of material nature. Consequently Arjuna was advised to transcend the Vedic activities
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna advised the cowherd men to stop the Indra-yajna and begin the Govardhana-puja to chastise Indra, who was very much puffed up at being the supreme controller of the heavenly planets - SB 10.24.31-33
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, advises, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: "Give up all other varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me"
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, therefore advised the cowherd men to stop the Indra-yajna and begin the Govardhana-puja in order to chastise Indra, who was very much puffed up at being the supreme controller of the heavenly planets
- There are many grammarians & nondevotee material wranglers who have tried to present false interpretations of four verses of the Srimad-Bhagavatam but the Lord Himself advised Brahmaji not to be deviated from the fixed conclusion the Lord had taught him
- They think they are very intelligent, overintelligent. They do not take advice of Krsna even. They are so intelligent that Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya, bhaktya mam abhijanati, and still they will stick to their jnana, yoga, karma
- This body, wherever you pinch, you feel pain. Why? Because the consciousness is there. So Krsna advises that consciousness is eternal, not this body
- This Krsna consciousness movement is the greatest boon to the human form of life. When Lord Krsna was present, He advised this Krsna conscious movement in the shape of Bhagavad-gita
- Those who are in the lowest stage of knowledge, they are in the bodily concept of life - the indriya, the senses. Just like cats and dogs, they cannot think more than that. But Krsna advises, No, don't stop here
- Ultimately He advises that one give up all other ways and modes of worship and fully surrender unto Him alone (18.66). Only those who are cleansed of all sinful reactions can have such unflinching faith in the Supreme Lord
- Unless the conditioned soul engages his possessions in the service of the Lord, he eats a forbidden apple and thereby loses his paradise. Lord Sri Krsna therefore advises that one's possessions should be given unto Him
- War is not always bad. Nothing is bad, nothing is good, unless it is used for God. That's it. Our philosophy is everything is good. God is all-good. So if He advises to fight, that is also good
- We are so engulfed in matter that we cannot take the advice of Krsna
- We can discover so many plans and remedial measures, and that will not help us. Only solution is to surrender to Krsna. Krsna gives this nice advice: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam
- We feel pleasure and pain because consciousness is present, and Krsna advises us that it is this consciousness that is eternal, not the body
- We find that in Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna advises go-raksya, the protection of cows. This is essential because if cows are cared for properly they will surely supply sufficient milk
- We have already discussed this transcendental knowledge somewhat. And on the basis of this preliminary discussion, the Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, advises us to become spiritually inclined, to become transcendentalists
- We should not be disturbed by the so-called distress and happiness. They are coming and going. Krsna has advised in the Bhagavad-gita, agamapayino 'nityas tams titiksasva bharata
- We should take direct instruction from Krsna, and He advises, yat karosi, yat juhosi, yat asnasi, yat tapasyasi kurusva tat mad-arpanam (BG 9.27): You can do whatever you like, but the result should be given to Me
- When Gandhari saw, she saw that he was not fully naked, so she regretted, "O my dear son, I asked you to come before me naked. Why you have got this...?" "No, Krsna advised." Then she began to smile, that "My attempt is failure." So Krsna knew it
- When Krsna advised Brahma after creation, then He said, jnanam me . . . this is called catuh-sloki-bhagavata (SB 2.9.33-36), the 4 slokas which is the basic principle of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Jnanam parama-guhyam. The knowledge of Krsna is very confidential
- When Krsna was present on this earth, He saw that Lord Indra, the lord of the heavens and of rain, was somewhat puffed up. Krsna therefore advised His father Nanda Maharaja not to bother worshiping Indra
- When the gopis appeared to be a little bit disturbed and angry from hearing the free advice of Krsna, they diverted their attention to looking at the beauty of the forest
- When the Lord is worshiped directly there is no need of worshiping demigods or offering them sacrifices as recommended in particular circumstances. Lord Krsna therefore advised the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi not to offer any sacrifices to the King Indra
- Who is a Hindu who will deny the authority of Krsna? Is he a Hindu? Every Hindu observes Janmastami, the birthday of Krsna. So why do they not take Krsna's advice and remain practically Hindu
- Why you are making big, big plan of big, big factories? You take to this process for your economic problem solved. Krsna advises, krsi-go-raksya-vanijyam vaisya-karma svabhava-jam (BG 18.44). This is the agriculture, cow protection, trade. No industry
- Why you are sticking to Hinduism and Muslimism and Christianism? Why? That is rascaldom. You take to His (Krsna's) advice and you'll be happy
- Without good rains, grains cannot be produced, and therefore the people would offer sacrifices to Indra. Lord Sri Krsna, however, stopped this age-old ceremony and advised His father to offer the same sacrifice to the Supreme Lord