Category:Just As
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Pages in category "Just As"
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- A brahmana can serve the Lord by using his intelligence, and the ksatriya can serve the Supreme Lord by using his military arts, just as Arjuna served Krsna. Arjuna was a warrior; he had no time to study Vedanta or other highly intellectual books
- A common man who has no interest in spiritual values has no need to approach a spiritual master just as a matter of following fashion
- A devotee is peaceful because he is fully surrendered to the SPG and thinks of himself as completely helpless; just as a child feels complete peace in depending on the parent, so a devotee is completely peaceful, for he depends on the mercy of the SPG
- A forgetful, conditioned soul is fearful. But a liberated soul is never fearful, just as a small child completely dependent on the mercy of his father is never fearful of anyone
- A godly person is full of knowledge, and a demoniac person is full of ignorance. Just as a child is attracted by a beautiful doll, similarly a demon, who is less intelligent and full of ignorance, is attracted by material beauty and an appetite for sex
- A great soul may forgive offenses, but Krsna does not excuse offenses to the dust of that great soul's feet, just as one can tolerate the scorching sunshine on one's head but cannot tolerate the scorching sunshine on one's feet
- A learned man takes the essence of knowledge from all places, just as a bumblebee collects honey from each and every flower
- A living being, being the part and parcel of the supreme whole purusam purnam, has as his natural function to serve the Supreme Being, just as the parts and parcels of the body, or the limbs of the body, are naturally meant to serve the complete body
- A living entity and the Absolute Personality of Godhead are never to be considered equal, just as a fragmental spark can never be considered the original flame
- A paramahamsa accepts only the active principle of everything; just as a swan accepts only the milk from a mixture of water & milk, he accepts only the Supreme Personality of Godhead as his life and soul, neglecting all external, material things
- A perfect ksatriya king is always jubilant as soon as he gets a chance to fight, just as a sportsman is eager when there is a chance for a sporting match
- A person in the mode of goodness is satisfied by his work or intellectual pursuit, just as a philosopher, scientist, or educator may be engaged in a particular field of knowledge and may be satisfied in that way. BG 1972 purports
- A pure devotee is a soul who is forever surrendered to the Lord (Krsna), just as a child is surrendered to his parents or an animal to its master
- A pure devotee is a soul who is forever surrendered to the Lord (Krsna), just as a child is surrendered to his parents or an animal to its master - CC Preface
- A pure devotee who knows the science of Krsna consciousness makes no distinction between Lord Jagannatha and His body. He knows that they are identical, just as Lord Krsna and His soul are one and the same
- A sannyasi in the renounced order is certainly part and parcel of the complete whole, just as a shining molecular particle of sunshine is part and parcel of the sun itself. Krsna is like the sun, full of six opulences
- A society devoid of cow protection and brahminical culture is not under the direct protection of the Lord, just as the prisoners in the jails are not under the protection of the king but under the protection of a severe agent of the king
- A son inherits the property of his father. Similarly, when the devotee is fully Krsna conscious, undisturbed by dualities, he is sure that he will return home, back to Godhead, just as one inherits his father's property
- A Vaisnava will never say that metal has no connection with Krsna. It is a product of one of His energies, just as this material world is a product of the sun
- A woman, therefore, should consider her husband, her house and her children to be the arrangement of the external energy of the Lord for her death, just as the sweet singing of the hunter is death for the deer
- A worldly fire (of war) can be extinguished only by the water of the mercy cloud of saints, just as a forest fire can be extinguished only by rains falling from a cloud
- A wrong act committed by a servant leads people in general to blame his master, just as a spot of white leprosy on any part of the body pollutes all of the skin
- According to smrti regulation, the cow is the mother and the bull the father of the human being. The cow is the mother because just as one sucks the breast of one's mother, human society takes cow's milk
- According to the philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda-tattva, Lord Siva is not different from Lord Visnu, but still Lord Siva is not Lord Visnu, just as yogurt is nothing but milk and yet is not milk nevertheless
- According to this verse (SB 4.8.78) and other Vedic literatures, such as Bhagavad-gita, the resting place of Brahman is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, just as the resting place of the sunshine is the sun globe
- According to Vedic sastra, the inhabitants of the higher planetary systems live for 10,000 years, and just as Brahma's day is calculated to equal 4,300,000,000 of our years, one day in the higher planetary systems equals six of our months
- Actually a living entity is transcendental to material existence, but because of his mentality of lording it over material nature, his material existential condition does not cease, and just as in a dream, he is affected by all sorts of disadvantages
- Actually our material senses are not our real senses. They are covered, just as the body is covered by clothes. Our real body is within the material body. Dehino 'smin yatha dehe - BG 2.13
- Actually there are only two energies. All of the planetary systems and universes are resting on the energies of Krsna. Just as all the planets in the solar system are resting in the sunshine, everything within the creation is resting on Krsna-shine
- Actually this process of Krsna consciousness or self-realization is not very difficult. Krsna taught it to Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita, and if we understand Bhagavad-gita just as Arjuna did, we will have no problem in coming to the perfectional state
- Actually we do not make distinctions between carnivores and vegetarians, for the grass has life just as the cow or the lamb. A guideline, however, should be the Vedic instruction given in Isopanisad
- Actually, all these boys were demigods descended from higher planets to assist Krsna in His pastimes. The demigods garbed in the dress of the cowherd boys were encouraging Krsna in His dancing, just as one artist encourages another with praise
- Actually, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was always merged in ecstatic emotion, but just as a potter's wheel turns without the potter's touching it, the Lord's bodily activities, like bathing, going to the temple to see Lord Jagannatha, and taking lunch
- Actually, you have only one Spiritual Master, who initiates you, just as you have only one father. But every Vaisnava should be treated as prabhu, master, higher than me, and in this sense, if I learn from him, he may be regarded as guru
- After many, many years, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Madhusudana, the killer of the demon Madhu, having entered the semen of Kardama, appeared in Devahuti just as fire comes from wood in a sacrifice
- After receiving semen from Maharaja Citraketu, the King of Surasena, Queen Krtadyuti gradually developed in her pregnancy, O King Pariksit, just as the moon develops during the bright fortnight
- After the death of Dantavakra, just as at the time of Sisupala's death, in the presence of all the persons standing there a small particle of spiritual effulgence came out of the demon’s body and very wonderfully merged into the body of Lord Krsna
- After the rainy season, the farmers begin to rebuild the partitioning walls of the paddy fields so that the water will be conserved, just as yogis try to use their conserved energy for self-realization
- After you understand your relationship with God, you can act in that way. just as a man or woman may not be related, but as soon as the relationship is established that one is husband and the other is wife, then the dealings begin
- Agitated by three material qualities, the elements supplied by the material energy produce varieties of things, just as an artist produces varieties of pictures by mixing the three colors red, yellow and blue
- Akrura began to think, "Just as a blade of grass floating on the waves of a river may by chance come near the shore and gain shelter, a conditioned soul carried away by the waves of material existence may sometimes be saved by the grace of Krsna"
- All the devotees engaged in the cleansing ceremony of the Gundica temple and danced in front of the Ratha-yatra chariot, just as they had done in the past
- All the gopis, the personal friends of Srimati Radharani, are equal to Her. Krsna is pleasing to the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi, just as the moon is pleasing to the lotus flower
- All the luminaries in the sky circumambulate this planet (the polestar), just as bulls tread around a central pole for the purpose of crushing grains
- All the pastimes of Krsna can be seen in any of the universes, just as the sun can be seen in its movement through 3,600 palas
- All the pastimes of the Lord are eternal, blissful and full of knowledge, just as the form of Krsna Himself is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge - sac-cid-ananda-vigraha - BS 5.1
- Although He (God) is in His abode, His energy is distributed everywhere, just as the sun is localized as well as expanded everywhere, since the rays of the sun, being nondifferent from the sun, are accepted as expansions of the sun disc
- Although He is the Supreme Person, now, influenced by maya, He has assumed the form of a boar to please His devotees, the demigods, just as a restless child leans toward someone
- Although she knew all the truths of life and death, and although her heart was cleansed of all dirt, she was very aggrieved at the loss of her son, just as a cow is affected when her calf dies
- Although the creation of the internal potency was manifested, the other potency appeared to be sleeping, and the Lord wanted to awaken her to activity, just as a husband wants to awaken his wife from the sleeping state for enjoyment
- Although the great sages could subdue the disturbance by their powers - just as they could kill the King - they considered it improper on their part to do so. Thus they did not attempt to stop the disturbance
- Although the mind may be merged in spiritual consciousness, one should always be very careful in dealing with it, just as one is careful in dealing with a snake
- Although there are many methods or boats by which one can cross the ocean, the Kumaras recommend that the King take shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord, just as one would take shelter of a good boat
- Although these things were very difficult to give up, Maharaja Bharata was so exalted that he gave them up just as one gives up stool after evacuating. Such was the greatness of His Majesty
- Although they are different mixtures of different materials (sky, air, electricity, water and earth), such mixtures do not take place automatically, just as a mixture of colors does not take place automatically without the touch of the living painter
- Although you (the four Kumaras) are traveling in all planetary systems, people cannot know you, just as they cannot know the Supersoul, although He is within everyone's heart as the witness of everything
- Ambika (goddess Durga), who was known as Daksayini (Sati), again accepted Lord Siva as her husband, just as different energies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead act during the course of a new creation
- Amongst the created living entities, one being can excel another in one capacity or another. The Lord is an individual, just as the living entities are individual, but He is different in that He is the supreme individual
- An advanced devotee does not live within the material body but within his spiritual body, just as a dry coconut lives detached from the coconut husk, even though within the husk. The pure devotee's body is called spiritualized body
- An intelligent devotee of the Lord, by studying the Bhagavad-gita, can know that behind the creation is the hand of the Supreme Lord, just as in the generating electrical powerhouse there is the resident engineer
- An uncontaminated soul or living entity can get a chance to meet the Paramatma face to face. Just as one gets a chance to consult with the Paramatma within his heart, one also gets a chance to see Him actually situated before him
- Another difficulty in performing the Vedic rituals is that if one fails to satisfy even one demigod out of the many hundreds of thousands of demigods, just as Daksa failed to satisfy Lord Siva, there will be disaster
- Another gopi said, "The river Yamuna is unfortunate like us; it does not get Krsnas mercy. The river simply remains stunned, stopping its waves, just as we also stop crying for Krsna in expectation"
- Any living being, beginning from the Brahmas (there are innumerable Brahmas) to the insignificant ant, are all born in darkness & they require factual light from the Lord to see Him directly, just as the sun can be seen only by the direct light of the sun
- Arani wood is used to ignite a sacrificial fire without matches or any other flame. Just as fire appears from arani wood, the Supreme Lord appears when there is friction between devotees and nondevotees
- As confirmed by the Bhagavad-gita, it is clear that the living entities are also a display of the Lord's superior energy (para prakrti), just as the material world is a display of the Lord's inferior energy (apara prakrti)
- As Dhruva Maharaja, the King's son, kept himself steadily standing on one leg, the pressure of his big toe pushed down half the earth, just as an elephant being carried on a boat rocks the boat left and right with his every step
- As far as happiness derived from sense enjoyment is concerned, it can be obtained automatically in course of time, just as in due course of time we obtain miseries even though we do not desire them
- As far as material conveniences are concerned, they automatically come, just as the maidservants of a queen follow the queen wherever she goes. Liberation is no problem for the pure devotee, and all material conveniences are simply awaiting him
- As far as material happiness is concerned, that comes without effort, just as tribulations come without effort
- As he (a person) approaches, he sees the destination from a distant place, just as we see a city from a distance. At that time he simply understands that the city is situated at a distance. When, however, he comes still nearer, he sees the domes & flags
- As in a cinema we simply see a show or facsimile of the real thing, in Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that this material world is but a combination of matter modeled after the reality, just as a mannequin of a girl in a store window is modeled after a girl
- As long as the body is there there will be different degrees of health and unhealth. We have to tolerate these things just as we have to tolerate the seasonal changes of sometimes hot sometimes cold
- As many living creatures come out from perspiration and from a dead body without any cause, similarly, the whole living world has come out of the material combinations of the cosmic manifestation. BG 1972 purports
- As on this earth planet we have a multivariety of living entities, we can understand from Vedic literatures that in the sun also there is a variety of living entities, but their bodies are made of fire, just as ours are made of earth
- As protector of the brahmanas, you always protect the regulative principles they follow, just as a cowherd boy keeps a stick in his hand to give protection to the cows
- As Ravana, vomiting blood from his ten mouths, fell from his airplane, just as a pious man falls to earth from the heavenly planets when the results of his pious activities are exhausted
- As soon as a pure devotee hears the glories and transcendental qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is seated in everyone's heart, his mind immediately flows toward the Lord, just as the waters of the Ganges flow toward the sea
- As soon as Brahma left, Lord Sri Krsna immediately returned to the bank of the Yamuna and rejoined His calves and cowherd boyfriends, who were situated just as they had been on the very day they had vanished
- As soon as Dhruva Maharaja joined the narayanastra arrow to his bow, the illusion created by the Yaksas was immediately vanquished, just as all material pains and pleasures are vanquished when one becomes fully cognizant of the self
- As soon as there is creation by the Lord's glancing over the material nature, immediately the living entities spring up in their different living conditions, just as different types of vegetation grow after a rainfall
- As spiritual sparks, the living entities have the tendency to be inactive in the association of the material energy, just as sparks of a fire have the tendency to be extinguished as soon as they leave the fire
- As stated in the Vedic versions, the Supreme Personality of Godhead has multipotencies. According to expert opinion, Kubja represents the bhu-sakti potency of Krsna, just as Srimati Radharani represents His cit-sakti potency
- Association with a great saintly person also results in liberation, just as whether one goes toward fire knowingly or unknowingly, the fire will make one warm
- At night, by the grace of the moonlight, the clouds in the sky can be seen moving. Yet the moon itself also appears to be moving, just as a living being appears to be moving because of false identification with matter
- At Pradyumna's words, the demon Sambara, being insulted, felt just as a snake feels after being struck by someone's foot
- At present, due to our polluted consciousness, we are turning the world into a materialistic and hellish place, and because we are ignorant of our constitutional position, we have created innumerable problems, just as in dreams we create so many problems
- At that time (when the husband retires from family life, goes to the forest and adopts the life of vanaprastha) the wife is to follow her husband and take care of him, just as she took care of him in householder life
- At that time the Lord of the universe, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the well-wisher of all living entities, will descend and kill them, just as Indra smashes the mountains with his thunderbolts
- At that time, when Daksa saw Lord Siva, who rides upon a bull, his heart, which was polluted by envy of Lord Siva, was immediately cleansed, just as the water in a lake is cleansed by autumn rains
- At the end of January every year there is still a great assembly of saintly persons and pious men, just as there is an assembly of saintly persons in Prayaga every year called the Magha-mela fair
- At the outset, the Personality of Godhead talked with Arjuna just as a friend talks with a friend. But such friendly discussions generally end in friendly - and fruitless - debate
- At the place of pilgrimage at Prabhasa, he came to know that all his relatives had died due to violent passion, just as an entire forest burns due to fire produced by the friction of bamboos. After this he proceeded west, where the River Sarasvati flows
- At the present moment we have accumulated so much material dust on the mirror of the mind, just as on Second Avenue (New York City) there is dust and soot over everything due to the heavy traffic
- At whosever house Sri Caitanya accepted His alms by taking prasadam, He would convert the dwellers to His sankirtana movement and advise them just as He advised the brahmana named Kurma
- Atheistic rascals think that there is no God and that the creation has taken place by chance, just as a man and woman meet by chance and the woman becomes pregnant and gives birth to a child. Actually, however, this is not the fact
- Aural realization of the transcendental messages implies total realization, just as fructification of one part of a tree implies fructification of all other parts
- Balarama could quickly understand that He was being carried away from His friends by a demon who intended to kill Him. He struck the head of the demon with His strong fist, just as the King of the heavenly planets strikes a mountain with his thunderbolt
- Because of not observing the required rules and regulations, he is impure, but I was obliged to hand over my daughter to him just as one teaches the messages of the Vedas to a sudra
- Because of the appearance of the autumn season, the water of the ocean becomes calm and quiet, just as a person developed in self-realization becomes free from disturbance by the three modes of material nature
- Because the words ha rama are the spiritual summum bonum, the fact is the same, whether they are uttered by yavanas or by great devotees, just as fire is the same both for a child and for an elderly man
- Because we are part and parcel of Krsna - just as a son is part and parcel of his father - there is a natural love between us. However, somehow or other the son leaves home and forgets his father
- Because you have heard it from a pure devotee of the Lord, therefore it is transmitted from you to another. Just as an aerial message, is transmitted from one place to another, similarly, this Guru parampara system is working
- Before the creation of this cosmic manifestation, I alone existed with My specific spiritual potencies. Consciousness was then unmanifested, just as one's consciousness is unmanifested during the time of sleep
- Behind the laws of nature is the living brain of God, just as there is always a lawmaker behind all the laws of the state. It does not matter whether or not we see the lawmaker behind the common laws; we must admit that there is a lawmaker
- Being impelled by lust, an ordinary worker will work hard day and night; similarly a devotee can work hard day and night to satisfy Krsna. Just as karmis are working hard to satisfy kama-krodha, a devotee should work in the same way to satisfy Krsna
- Being ordered by his father, Parasurama killed his mother, Renuka, just as if she were an enemy
- Being overcast with misfortune, Sisupala continued to insult Krsna, and Lord Krsna patiently heard him without protest. Just as a lion does not care when a flock of jackals howl, Lord Krsna remained silent and unprovoked
- Being repeatedly baffled in his attempts, Rukmi took his sword and ran swiftly toward Krsna, just as a fly proceeds toward a fire. But as soon as Rukmi reached Krsna, Krsna cut his weapon to pieces
- Being thus informed, the grandson of King Vena immediately began to follow Indra, who was fleeing through the sky in great haste. He was very angry with him, and he chased him just as the king of the vultures chased Ravana
- Believing in the words of His (Caitanya's) spiritual master, He introduced the sankirtana movement, just as the present Krsna consciousness movement was started with belief in the words of our spiritual master
- Bhagavad-gita makes it clear that one can attain the highest perfection of spiritual life simply by offering service according to his ability, just as Arjuna served Krsna by his ability in the military art
- Bhakti, devotional service, dissolves the subtle body of the living entity without separate effort, just as fire in the stomach digests all that we eat
- Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu is divided into four parts, just as the ocean is sometimes divided into four parts, and there are different sections within each of these four divisions
- Both cause and effect are nothing but energies of the Lord. Therefore, O my Lord, just as a wise man, by considering cause and effect, can see how fire pervades wood, those engaged in devotional service understand how You are both the cause and effect
- Both misconceptions can be removed by one stroke of bhakti-yoga, just as in the sunlight both the sun and the world and everything within the sunlight are properly seen
- Brahma cannot create the seeds, but he can manifest the seed into a tree, just as a gardener helps plants and orchards to grow by the watering process
- Brahma found Krsna, the S. P. of Godhead, playing the part of a small cowherd boy; he saw that little child with a lump of food in His left hand, searching out His friends and calves, just as He had been doing one year before, after their disappearance
- Brahma said, "So-called liberation and bondage have no meaning for a person who is already engaged in Your devotional service, just as a rope is not fearful to a person who knows that it is not a snake"
- Brahma, Narada and all others are simultaneously one with the Lord and different from the Supreme Lord. We are all one with Him, just as the gold ornaments are one in quality with the stock gold, but the individual gold ornament is never equal in quantity
- Brahman means the greatest, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead is greater than the greatest, just as the sun globe is greater than the sunshine, which is all-pervading in the universe
- But as soon as he opened his eyes he saw the Supreme Personality of Godhead personally present, just as he had been seeing the Lord in his heart
- By bhakti-yoga one can become directly aware of his progress in spiritual life, just as a person who eats can understand that his hunger is satisfied
- By good fortune one of these souls may somehow or other be delivered from the ocean of nescience, just as one of the many big logs in a flowing river may by chance reach the bank
- By His external potency the Lord manifests the material creation, just as the sun with its rays creates fog. The material creation is but a perverse reflection of the eternal Vaikuntha nature
- By His inconceivable energies, the Supreme Absolute Truth can remain unchanged and yet produce this cosmic manifestation with all its living entities, just as touchstone can produce unlimited quantities of gold and yet remain unchanged
- By His inconceivable power the Lord remains aloof from these hellish circumstances, just as the sky remains separate from the air although seemingly mixed with it
- By His marginal potency the Lord expands Himself as living beings who are part of Him, just as the sun distributes its rays in all directions
- By His own potency, He is present within the hearts of all living entities, just as the air or vital force is within the bodies of all beings, moving and nonmoving. In this way He controls the body
- By maya (Krsna controls a nondevotee). Just as the government controls everything. A kingdom is controlled by the king's departments. Just as you control your beloved. For example, if you have a beloved child, you control him for his benefit
- By nature we try to protect the body. This is self-preservation. It is a natural law of the living entity, just as eating is a natural law and sleeping is a natural law. Why do I protect the body? Because within the body is the soul
- By observing their husband progressing in spiritual existence, Saubhari Muni's wives were also able to enter the spiritual world by his spiritual power, just as the flames of a fire cease when the fire is extinguished
- By pleasing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one pleases everyone, just as by watering the root of a tree one satisfies every branch, twig and leaf of the tree
- By reciting this mantra (dhyeyah sada savitr-mandala-madhya-varti narayanah sarasijasana-sannivistah), every living entity should take shelter of Narayana just as the sun rises
- By scholarship we may be able to manufacture some theory of Bhagavad-gita, just as Mahatma Gandhi did when he interpreted Bhagavad-gita in an effort to support his theory of nonviolence
- By the fifth month, Maharaja Dhruva, the son of the King, had controlled his breathing so perfectly that he was able to stand on only one leg, just as a column stands, without motion, and concentrate his mind fully on the Parabrahman
- By the force of time one attains whatever material happiness is available within the fourteen worlds, just as one attains distress in due course of time. But since spiritual consciousness is not attained in this way, one should try for it
- By the grace and help of Lord Vasudeva, who is all-pervading, one can engage his senses in devotional service without deviation, just as the Lord acts without deviation
- By the mercy of the spiritual master and Krsna, one receives the seed of devotional service. He has only to sow the seed in the field of his heart, just as a gardener sows the seed of a valuable tree
- By training the mind, one actually attains tranquility, for the mind is always dragging us over nonpermanent things, just as an unbridled horse will pull a chariot on a perilous course
- By worshiping or satisfying Acyuta, the SP of G, Krsna, one can satisfy everyone, just as one can water the branches, leaves and flowers of a tree simply by watering its root or as one satisfies all the senses of the body by giving food to the stomach
- By worshiping the demigods, one worships the different parts of the Lord, just as one might water the branches and twigs of a tree
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructs us that just as Krsna is worshipable, Krsna’s place, Vrndavana, is also worshipable
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu states in the present verse of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta (Adi 7.128), sarva-visva-dhama: omkara is the resting place of everything, just as Krsna is the resting place of everything
- Carrying out the order of His father, who was bound by a promise to his wife, Ramacandra left behind His kingdom, opulence, friends, well-wishers, residence & everything else, just as a liberated soul gives up his life, and went to the forest with Sita
- Consciousness may be pervertedly reflected by the covering of material circumstances, just as light reflected through colored glass may appear to be a certain color. BG 1972 Introduction
- Damodara refers to Krsna's being bound with rope by His mother, Yasoda. It is said that just as Lord Damodara is very dear to His devotees so the month known as Damodara or Karttika is also very dear to them
- Dantavakra said, "Krsna, although You are my relative, You are foolish. You are our greatest enemy, so I must kill You today just as a person removes a boil on his body by a surgical operation"
- Day after day the symptoms increased, and at night they increased even more. All these symptoms, such as transcendental anxiety, agitation and talking like a madman, were present, just as they are described in the sastras
- Dear King, just as a tree with a fire burning in the hollow of the trunk gradually dries up, we are drying up due to the fire of hunger in our stomachs
- Death means, according to Vedic literature, sleeping for seven months. Just as I give up this body, I have to enter into the womb of some kind of mother. These things are explained in the Vedic literatures. I am not manufacturing
- Deity worship is just as important as book distribution
- Deity worship or lecturing in the colleges is just as important as book distribution. So, these things must be done very nicely and at the same time, book distribution should be done
- Deluded by material energy, the conditioned soul wants to lord it over material energy, just as a moth wants to enjoy a fire. This illusion is the net result of the conditioned soul's forgetfulness of his eternal relationship with the Supreme PG
- Deluded by material energy, the conditioned soul, enamored by eighty-one varieties of manifestations, wants to lord it over material energy, just as a moth wants to enjoy a fire
- Desiring to create these universes, You create them, maintain them and again wind them up by Your own energies, which are under the control of Your second energy, called yogamaya, just as a spider creates a cobweb by its own energy and again winds it up
- Despite all these changes (dogs, cats, men or gods), as living entities, we are eternal. Just as in previous lives we have prepared for this body, in this lifetime we are preparing for another body. We get our bodies according to our karma, or activities
- Devaki, having been initiated by Vasudeva, became beautiful by carrying Krsna, the original consciousness for everyone, the cause of all causes, within the core of her heart, just as the east becomes beautiful by carrying the rising moon - SB 10.2.18
- Devotees are always eager to see one of the Lord's innumerable forms. It is said that just as no one can count how many waves there are in the sea, no one can count the forms of the Lord
- Devotees have no interest in seeing other planets, but while going back to Godhead, they see all of them as passing phases, just as one who is going to a distant place passes through many small stations
- Devotional service is just like a seed, and if it is sown in the heart of a living entity, and if he goes on hearing and chanting, Hare Krsna, that seed fructifies, just as the seed of a tree fructifies with regular watering. BG 1972 purports
- Devotional service, or bhakti-yoga, is the function of the internal energy; thus there is no place for the inferior energy, or material energy, just as there is no place for darkness in the effulgence of spiritual light
- Dharma is given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, just as the law is given by the state government. Man-made dharma has no meaning
- Dhrtarastra replied, "I can understand that your instructions are valuable. Unfortunately, they do not stay in my flickering mind, just as the glittering lightning in the sky does not stay fixed in a cloud"
- Dhruva Maharaja was completely covered by an incessant shower of weapons, just as a mountain is covered by incessant rainfall
- Dhruva Maharaja's bow and arrows twanged and hissed, causing lamentation in the hearts of his enemies. He began to shoot incessant arrows, shattering all their different weapons, just as the blasting wind scatters the assembled clouds in the sky
- Dhruva thereafter lived in his father's palace which had walls bedecked with highly valuable jewels. His affectionate father took particular care of him & he dwelled in that house just as the demigods live in their palaces in the higher planetary systems
- Dhruvaloka, our polestar, is the center for all other stars and solar systems, for all of them circle around Dhruvaloka just as a bull crushes grains by walking around and around a central pole
- Do not try to concoct your own theories. This is not the process. You must write just as you have heard from your Guru and nothing else. Otherwise, your writing is useless
- Due to his strong bodily conception, his memory is destroyed, and again and again he runs after material enjoyment, just as an animal runs after a mirage in the desert
- Electrified by the power of the Lord, the material nature at once creates innumerable universes, just as in due course a tree decorates itself with innumerable grown fruits
- Elevated transcendentalists may sometimes forgo the rules and regulations of the Vedas, since they do not need to follow them, just as the demigods travel in space whereas ordinary men travel on the surface of the earth
- Even a machine needs separate energy. It is stated in this verse (SB 4.9.7) that the material energy acts in varieties of material bodies, just as fire burns differently in different wood according to the size and quality of the wood
- Even if one is mentally very advanced, he does not know that he is under the influence of the inferior energy, just as an intoxicated person does not know what condition he is in. Opulence, therefore, places one in a position of intoxication
- Even the very body of a devotee becomes spiritualized, just as an iron rod put into fire becomes as qualified as fire because it becomes red hot and will immediately burn anything it touches
- Even today, in India, at the end of August the people are accustomed to celebrating Krsna's birthday, regardless of sect, just as in the Western world Jesus Christ's birthday is celebrated at Christmas
- Every endeavor is covered by some sort of fault, just as fire is covered by smoke. Therefore one should not give up the work which is born of his nature, O son of Kunti, even if such work is full of fault. BG 18.48 - 1972
- Every endeavor requires land, capital, organization, and labor. Just as, in business, one requires a place to stay, some capital to use, some labor, and some organization to expand, so the same is required in the service of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Every living being is controlled by the laws of nature at every minute, just as a citizen is controlled by the influence of the state
- Every living entity, being part of the Supreme Lord, is meant to serve the Lord, just as every part of the body is meant to serve the whole body
- Everyone is hankering after happiness, just as in the desert everyone is hankering after water. If in the desert there is a drop of water, it may of course be said that water is there, but the benefit from that drop of water is very insignificant
- Everyone is originally Krsna conscious. But this Krsna consciousness has been covered, just as the sun is sometimes becomes covered by the clouds. But still the sun is there
- Everyone should be very responsible and take charge of his dependents just as a spiritual master takes charge of his disciple or a father takes charge of his son
- Everyone, including the demigods headed by Lord Brahma, is working under His control, just as a bull, prompted by a rope in its nose, is controlled by its owner
- Faithless unbelievers do not see what is clearly evident, just as owls do not see the rays of the sun
- False ego is the demarcation between spiritual & material existence, just as the moving cloud is the demarcation between moonlight and darkness. In the rainy season, when the clouds appear for the first time, the peacocks dance with joy upon seeing them
- For spiritual and material progress, the four occupational divisions of society have been set up by Me." So that is obligatory, just as the state law is obligatory. You cannot say, - I don't accept this law
- For this disobedience I (Rahugana) shall now punish you (Jada Bharata) just as Yamaraja, the superintendent of death, punishes sinful people. I shall give you proper treatment so that you will come to your senses and do the correct thing
- Fortunately, Garuda was not an ordinary bird, and he felt the strokes given by Bhaumasura just as a great elephant feels the impact of a garland of flowers
- From the beginning of devotional service the path of liberation immediately opens, just as the coconut taken from the tree immediately begins to dry; it simply takes some time for the shell and pulp to separate from one another
- From this subtle state of unmanifestation comes manifestation, just as from ether, air is generated; from air, fire is generated; from fire, water is generated; and from water, earth becomes manifested
- Fulfilling my (Bhismadeva) desire and sacrificing His own promise, He (Krsna) got down from the chariot, took up its wheel, and ran towards me hurriedly, just as a lion goes to kill an elephant. He even dropped His outer garment on the way
- Fulfilling my (Bismadeva) desire and sacrificing His own promise, He (Krsna) got down from the chariot, took up its wheel and ran toward me hurriedly, just as a lion goes to kill an elephant. He even dropped His outer garment on the way - SB 1.9.37
- Garga Muni said, "Your child is so powerful that anyone who will become a devotee of your boy (Krsna) will never be troubled by enemies. Just as demigods are always protected by Lord Visnu, the devotees of your child will always be protected by Narayana"
- Generally householders have children, and then the wives of the householders should be engaged in caring for the children, just as women acting as teachers care for the children in a nursery school
- God is materially impersonal, just as the executive head of the state may be impersonal in the government offices, although he is not impersonal in the government house
- God remains completely in His internal potency and yet has full knowledge of the external & internal energy, just as His devotee remains always in a transcendental position, keeping himself in God's service without becoming attached to the material body
- Gold is actually a type of stool. A person with a bad liver generally passes yellow stool. The color of this stool attracts a materialistic person, just as the will-o'-the-wisp attracts one who needs heat
- Having accepted the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, she (Yogamaya) circumambulated Him and started for the place on earth known as Nanda-gokula. There she did everything just as she had been told - SB 10.2.14
- Having enjoyed sense gratification for many, many years, O King Pariksit, Yayati was accustomed to it, but he gave it up entirely in a moment, just as a bird flies away from the nest as soon as its wings have grown
- He (a disciple) must not take on unlimited disciples. This means that a candidate who has successfully followed the first 12 items can also become a spiritual master himself, just as a student becomes a monitor in class with a limited number of disciples
- He (a person born in a low family that chant the holy name to please God) is competent to speak on the importance of the transcendental name, just as Thakura Haridasa did
- He (a person who is completely liberated) is above all materialistic criticism, just as Krsna is above all criticism. BG 1972 purports
- He (a rare person) can do this (uproot the weeds of sinful actions with no possibility that they will revive) simply by discharging devotional service, just as the sun can immediately dissipate fog by its rays
- He (a rare person) can do this (uproot the weeds of sinful actions with no possibility that they will revive) simply by discharging devotional service, just as the sun can immediately dissipate fog by its rays - SB 6.1.15
- He (Balarama) immediately took up an available weapon (most probably the elephant’s tusk which He carried) and killed the eight brothers one after another, just as a lion kills a flock of deer
- He (Gadadhara dasa) is stated to be the luster of the body of Srimati Radharani, just as Srila Gadadhara Pandita Gosvami is an incarnation of Srimati Radharani Herself
- He (God) is full of all energies, He is all-pervasive in spite of His residing in Goloka Vrndavana, just as the sun, although situated in a particular place within the universe, is present by its sunshine throughout the universe
- He (Krsna) bathes in the ocean of transcendental convulsions. Before Krsna's beauty, these convulsions often continue without treatment, just as ordinary convulsions which a physician will allow to continue, not even allowing a drink of water for relief
- He (Krsna) smashed not only the weapons but also the soldiers and assistants of Paundraka, just as during the dissolution of this universe the fire of devastation burns everything to ashes
- He (the spiritual master) feels so glad that he smiles as he enjoys the progress of the disciple, just as a smiling parent enjoys the activities of a child who is trying to stand up or crawl perfectly
- He (the Supreme Lord) is the original controller of the senses, just as the king is the original controller of all the activities of the state, and the citizens are secondary controllers. BG 1972 purports
- He (Vidura) was always partial to the Pandavas, just as a bird protects its eggs by its wing
- He (Vyomasura) was immediately thrown to the ground with great force and killed, just as an animal is killed in the slaughterhouse. After killing the Vyoma demon, Lord Krsna released all His friends from the caves of the mountain
- He (who is ignorant of the spirit soul) goes outside to search for happiness, just as a deer without knowledge of the water beneath the grass goes out to the desert to find water
- He is one of the chief secretaries of the government, and he is such a fool. He is taking this movement (Krsna Consciousness) as a religious movement, just as we have so many sentimental religions. But this is not sentimental
- He killed them just as the leader of a pack of boars kills barking dogs, one after another. In this way, Aniruddha was able to escape the palace
- He then forgot the insult because King Rahugana pitifully begged pardon at his lotus feet. After this, he began to wander all over the earth, just as before
- Here (in SB 3.2.23) is an example of the extreme mercy of the Lord, even to His (Krsna's) enemy. It is said that a noble man accepts the good qualities of a person of doubtful character, just as one accepts nectar from a stock of poison
- Here the word yatha-vidhi, or "just as it behooves" is significant. He (Krsna) reciprocates "just as it behooves" with His different types of admirers and devotees
- His (karma-yogi's) perfect spiritual vision cannot but penetrate the encagement of every material body, just as a red-hot iron cannot but burn everything that it contacts
- His (Krsna's) activities are just like the waves of the Ganges River. Just as there is no limit to the flowing of the waves of the Ganges, there is no cessation of Lord Krsna's incarnations in different universes
- His senses being agitated, Lord Siva, victimized by lusty desires, began to follow Her (Mohini-murti), just as a lusty elephant follows a she-elephant
- His senses being agitated, Lord Siva, victimized by lusty desires, began to follow Her, just as a lusty elephant follows a she-elephant
- His spiritual effulgence and knowledge were covered because his body was dirty, just as the splendor of a valuable gem is covered by dirt. He only wore a dirty loincloth and his sacred thread, which was blackish
- His treasury will always remain unknown to everyone. He will be the reservoir of unlimited glories and good qualities, and his position will be maintained and covered just as Varuna, the deity of the seas, is covered all around by water
- Holding the elephant by its tail, Krsna began to pull it, and with very great strength He dragged it for at least twenty-five yards, just as Garuda drags an insignificant snake
- How Krsna is attracted by His own beauty is described in Lalita-madhava (8.34). Upon seeing His own picture, Krsna lamented, How glorious this picture is! It is attracting Me just as it attracts Radharani
- How this (eagerly searching for Krsna being just as good as seeing Krsna face to face) is so cannot be explained, but it is factually realized by those who are pure devotees of the Lord
- However, Krsna was not leaving the Pandavas, just as He never left Vrndavana. In the sastra, the Vedic literature, it is said, vrndavanam parityajya padam na gacchati: Krsna never goes even one step from Vrndavana
- I am a very insignificant living being, like a small red-beaked bird. Just as such a bird drinks the water of the sea to quench its thirst, so I have touched only a drop of the ocean of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's pastimes
- I am the proprietor of this body. Just as one is covered by a shirt and coat which are external to his real body, similarly we are covered by this gross body
- I create after the Lord's creation by His personal effulgence (known as the brahmajyoti), just as when the sun manifests its fire, the moon, the firmament, the influential planets and the twinkling stars also manifest their brightness
- I do not wish to accept a material body, for such a body is the source of all distress, lamentation and fear, everywhere in the universe, just as it is for a fish in the water, which lives always in anxiety because of fear of death
- I have no objection to your printing it with the name "Revatinandana Swami's Cookbook'', but the royalty should go to the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. Just as I am publishing Bhagavad-gita As It Is with Macmillan Co. but the royalty is going to the BBT
- I thank you for the copy of Easy Journey to Other Planets in the Finnish language. Now go throughout all of Europe with your travelling party and distribute my books profusely, just as the Radha-Damodara TSKP is doing in America
- I worship Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, whose nectarean mercy flows like a great river, inundating the entire universe. Just as a river flows downstream, Lord Caitanya especially extends Himself to the fallen
- If my father is happy and I am the son of my father, why should I be unhappy? I can naturally conclude that I shall enjoy my father's property just as my father is enjoying it
- If one chants the holy name of the Lord, even in a helpless condition or without desiring to do so, all the reactions of his sinful life depart, just as when a lion roars, all the small animals flee in fear - Garuda Purana
- If one possesses more and more, a benediction itself may become a curse, for just as achieving material opulence in this material world requires great strength and endeavor, maintaining it also requires great endeavor
- If one thinks he is independent of Krsna, he becomes dependent on the illusory energy of Krsna, just as if one thinks that he is independent of the government and its regulations, he becomes dependent on the police force
- If one would do this (accepting a spiritual master), he would feel completely refreshed, just as one feels after taking a bath
- If out of ignorance one does so (imitating the activities of the rasa-lila), he will be destroyed, just as if he were to imitate Lord Siva, who drank poison produced from the ocean
- If possible Jayananda's picture should be hung in the ratha of Lord Jagannatha, and in all of our temples a day may be set aside for holding a festival in his honor, just as we do on the disappearance day of the other great Vaisnavas
- If sometimes devotees should like to come together and chant Hare Krsna and discuss, just as we instituted our Istagosthi program, then this of course I have no objection to
- If the yogi is curious to know what the moon is like, he can transfer himself there, or if he is interested in higher planets, he can transfer himself there, just as travelers go to New York, Canada, or other cities on the earth
- If there were no one to control, there would be no meaning to the conception of the supreme controller (isvara), just as there is no meaning to a king without his subjects
- If women, who are usually very much attached to their husbands, worship their husbands as representatives of Vasudeva, the women benefit, just as Ajamila benefited by calling for Narayana, his son
- If you begin this process (chanting Hare Krsna & eating Krsna prasadam) of service, then it will be possible - one day Krsna will reveal Himself to you: "I am like this." just as Krsna is revealing to Arjuna
- If you don't get shelter in some planet - just as they're going in the moon planet, but do not get shelter and come back - similarly, supposing they (Mayavadis) are getting shelter, but that shelter is not very secure; they again come back
- If you stick to this point (rejecting false ahankara identification), and continue - just as you might continue your activities and keep your temperature at 98.6 degrees - then you are a healthy man
- If, for instance, we chant Hare Krsna on the street, we will see that Krsna is going with us, just as when we look up and see the moon overhead, we perceive that it is also going with us
- Impersonal Brahman is a feature of the Absolute distinct from the material variegatedness, just as light is a conception distinct from its counterpart, darkness
- In autumn all the reservoirs of water become enriched with growing lotuses. The muddy water again becomes normally clear and decorated, just as fallen, conditioned souls once more become spiritually enriched in devotional service
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.4) the Lord says, maya tatam idam sarvam jagad avyakta-murtina: I am the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but everything rests upon My energy, just as an earthen pot rests on the earth
- In every form of life the bodily demands are satisfied by the arrangement of nature. This gratification is arranged, just as there is an arrangement for distress
- In his helpless condition, gnats, mosquitoes, bugs and other germs bite the baby, whose skin is tender, just as smaller worms bite a big worm. The unborn child, deprived of his wisdom, cries bitterly
- In his youth, King Bharata gave up his attractive wife and children, as well as his beloved friends and opulent kingdom, just as one gives up stool after passing it
- In India there are still thousands of yogis and sages, and every twelve years or so they meet in particular holy places - Allahabad, etc. - just as in America they have businessmen's conventions
- In India, actually, everyone is a devotee. They have simply been mislead by the politicians and so many things. By Lord Caitanya's mercy we are again reviving their dormant Krishna Consciousness, just as we are doing in our centers all over the world
- In my (Bhismadeva) opinion, this is all due to inevitable time, under whose control everyone in every planet is carried, just as the clouds are carried by the wind
- In one word, he (the child) is unhappy, even in his boyhood, just as he was unhappy in his childhood, what to speak of youth
- In order to follow in his (Prahlada's) footsteps, saintly persons will try to emulate his character by practicing freedom from animosity, just as the purifying processes rectify gold of inferior quality
- In order to regulate the activities of the living entities, God has given us codes, just as a king gives codes of law in a state, and whoever breaks the law is punished
- In order to taste the essence of that loving affair, Krsna appeared just as the moon appears on the horizon of the sea
- In spite of coming in contact with the pastimes of the Lord, the impersonalists do not fully realize the benefit to be derived, and thus they become just as morose as the materialists do in pursuing their fruitive activities
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.1.1) it is also stated: tene brahma hrda ya adi-kavaye. Thus Krsna gives His personal instructions just as Kapiladeva gave His personal instructions
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.9.42), Bhisma, a great authority to be followed by devotees, says that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is situated in the core of everyone's heart, just as the sun may be on everyone's head
- In such a condition, people do not become very enthusiastic to receive this Krsna consciousness movement, just as a diseased person suffering from jaundice does not relish the taste of sugar candy
- In that gigantic pot my body is of insignificant measurement, and even though one of the many universes is created by me, innumerable universes are coming and going from the pores of Your body, just as atomic particles are seen flickering in the sunlight
- In the Brahma-samhita (5.46) it is said that just as a flame transferred from another flame acts like the original, so the Visnus who emanate from Mulasankarsana are as good as the original Visnu
- In the clear sky of autumn, the beautiful moon among the beautiful stars becomes the cynosure of all eyes, just as Lord Sri Krsna is the central attraction in the Vrsni dynasty or in the family of Yadu
- In the feature of Lord Caitanya, the Lord is an ideal renouncer, just as Sri Rama was an ideal king. Lord Caitanya accepted the order of sannyasa and exemplified exceedingly wonderful principles in His own life
- In the fourteenth incarnation, the Lord appeared as Nrsimha and bifurcated the strong body of the atheist Hiranyakasipu with His nails, just as a carpenter pierces cane
- In the material creation everything is temporary. Just as our bodies are developing due to the spiritual spark that is within, the whole creation is coming into being, developing and passing out of being, due to the spirit of the Lord which is within it
- In the material world the qualities of the demigods are highly appreciated, just as, even in our experience, the qualities of a gentleman are more highly appreciated than the qualities of a man in ignorance or in a lower condition of life
- In the material world, although the Lord is all-pervasive in His impersonal feature, the living entities have forgotten their Krsna consciousness to a greater or lesser degree, just as sparks sometimes fall from a blazing fire
- In the Padma Purana it is stated that just as Radharani is dear to Krsna, similarly the kunda known as Radhakunda is also very dear to Him. Radharani is the only gopi who is dearer to Krsna than all the other gopis
- In the Sixth Canto of SB, in connection with Ajamila's deliverance, Yamaraja says, dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam: real religion is that which is given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, just as real law is that which is given by the government
- In the smrti it is said: yathagneh ksudra visphulinga vyuccaranti. Just as sparks manifest in a large fire, similarly the small individual souls are present in the big spiritual flame
- In the transcendental world also, Krsna reciprocates with His pure devotees in the transcendental attitude, just as the devotee wants Him. BG 1972 purports
- In the Vaikuntha world there is complete harmony between the residents and the Supreme Personality of Godhead, just as there is complete harmony within space between the big and the small skies
- In this way, one can perfect his life by engaging in devotional service under the directions of the sastras and the spiritual master. Devahuti understands this and is thus submitting to her son just as Arjuna submitted to Sri Krsna on the battlefield
- It (Krsna's material energy) is as important as spiritual energy, but it is engaged to punish the conditioned soul, just as the police department is engaged in punishing criminals
- It (the material universe) forms an insignificant part of the spiritual sky, but it is not outside the spiritual sky, just as a prison is not outside of the city
- It does, however, indicate that in a broader sense there is one interest, just as in a family the interest of all members is one, or in a nation the national interest is one, although there are many different individual citizens
- It has been decided (niruktam) by expert saintly persons that Krsna is the root of everything and that worshiping Krsna is worshiping everyone, just as supplying water to the root of a tree means satisfying all of its branches and twigs
- It is a fact that we are constantly being kicked by maya, just as the male ass is kicked in the face by the she-ass when he comes for sex. Similarly, cats and dogs are always fighting and whining when they have sex - CC Intro
- It is a fact that we are constantly being kicked by maya, just as the male ass is kicked in the face by the she-ass when he comes for sex. Similarly, cats and dogs are always fighting and whining when they have sex. These are the tricks of nature
- It is also confirmed in the Brahma-samhita that the material potency, known as Durga, is acting just as a shadow which moves with the movement of the substance
- It is confirmed in the Isopanisad that the presence of the Lord is perceived everywhere by the liberated soul, just as the sunshine and the reflection can be perceived everywhere although the sun is situated far away from the surface of the globe
- It is explained in the Second Chapter (BG) that the living entity is transmigrating from one body to another just as one changes dress. This change of dress is due to his attachment to material existence. BG 1972 purports
- It is in the form of Maha-Visnu that the Lord manifests the material universes. Just as a husband and wife combine to beget offspring, Maha-Visnu combines with His wife maya, or material nature
- It is indicated in the revealed scriptures that the son represents the father; therefore the son's meeting with Me would be just as good as the King's meeting with Me
- It is natural that one should accept the wife selected by one's father, just as a son accepts the name given by the father or as he accepts the property offered by the father. That is the general course in increasing the population of the world
- It is natural that sometimes Lord Visnu wants to fight. Just as He has the tendencies to create, to enjoy, to be a friend, to accept a mother and father, and so on, He also has the tendency to fight
- It is not compulsory that one live in the temple, but in order to make spiritual advancement, one must follow all the rule and regulations of Krishna Consciousness, just as the devotees in the temples do
- It is not possible to be happy independantly, just as no one part of the body can be happy without cooperating with the stomach. BG 1972 Introduction
- It is said in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.5.18), tal labhyate duhkhavad anyatah sukham: As far as material happiness is concerned, that comes without effort, just as tribulations come without effort
- It is said in the Manu-smrti that lust cannot be satisfied by any amount of sense enjoyment, just as fire is never extinguished by a constant supply of fuel. BG 1972 purports
- It is said in Vedic literature that one Visnu is present everywhere by His omnipotence, just as the sun appears in many places to many persons. BG 1972 purports
- It is said that giving good counsel to a foolish person causes the fool to become angry, just as feeding milk to a snake only increases its venomous poison. Saint Vidura was so honorable that his character was looked up to by all respectable persons
- It is significant that Lord Siva personally offered his prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead just as he was taught by his father, Lord Brahma. Similarly, he was also preaching to the princes according to the parampara system
- It is Srimad-Bhagavatam's opinion that the process of Deity worship is not actually necessary, just as the specific prescriptions of the Pancaratra & other scriptures do not have to be followed
- It is Srimad-Bhagavatam’s opinion that the process of Deity worship is not actually necessary, just as the specific prescriptions of the Pancaratra and other scriptures do not have to be followed
- It is stated by Sukadeva Gosvami that all the members of the Yadu dynasty had many children. Just as Krsna had many sons, grandsons and great-grandsons, each one of the kings named herewith also had similar family extensions
- It is stated that just as the atoms and particles of dust are floating within the air along with the birds and their number cannot be calculated, so innumerable universes are floating within the pores of the transcendental body of the Lord
- It is the duty of the vaisyas to give protection to the cows, just as the ksatriyas are to give protection to the human beings. Because the Lord was a child, He (Krsna) was put in charge of the calves with His cowherd boy friends
- It is the nature of demons to give devotees trouble, just as in the West, Lord Jesus Christ was crucified because he was preaching God consciousness
- It is their (paramahamsa's) nature to talk only of Krsna at every moment, as if such topics were newer and newer. They are attached to such topics, just as materialists are attached to topics of women and sex - SB 10.13.2
- It is understood from various Vedic scriptures that just as there is the ocean of salt water on this planet, there are various kinds of oceans on other planets
- It is understood that when an ordinary person is placed in jail, he is sent there by force because he has been proven a criminal. A criminal may think that he and the governor are one, just as rascals and fools think that Krsna is one of them
- It is when people are a little grown-up, when they have got little independence and their own ways of doing things, then if they marry there is often difficulty to adjust, just as it is more difficult to bend the bamboo when it is yellow
- Its (Aristasura's) body was so big, stout and strong that a cloud hovered over its body just as clouds hover over mountains
- Just as a boy is educated in order to become happy later, one should be educated in this life in order to attain an eternal and prosperous life after death
- Just as a boy at the beach creates something in which he is not interested, the Lord, keeping everything under His control, causes creation, maintenance and annihilation
- Just as a calf can derive milk from a cow, all living entities - including animals, birds, bees, reptiles and aquatics - can receive their respective foods from the planet earth, provided that human beings are not asat, or adhrta-vrata
- Just as a child is connected to his mother by the umbilical cord, so the first-born living creature, Brahma, by the supreme will of the Lord, is connected to the Lord by a lotus stem
- Just as a condemned person can be relieved by a special favor of the chief executive head, the president or king, so the condemned people of this Kali-yuga can be delivered only by the SPG Himself or a person especially empowered for this purpose
- Just as a cow cannot deliver sufficient milk without being affectionate to her calf, the earth cannot produce sufficient necessities without feeling affection for those who are Krsna conscious
- Just as a creeper grows and grows and grows and at last attaches itself to something and then expands, when the devotional plant gets to the lotus feet of Krsna, it expands
- Just as a deer, because of ignorance, cannot see the water within a well covered by grass, but runs after water elsewhere, the living entity covered by the material body doesn't see the happiness within himself, but runs after happiness in material world
- Just as a devoted wife becomes afflicted at the passing away of her husband, when a spiritual master passes away, the disciple becomes similarly bereaved
- Just as a devotee is never bewildered by his material body, the Lord is never bewildered by the external energy of this material world
- Just as a devotee wants to satisfy the Lord in all respects, the Lord even more wants to satisfy the devotee. Such are the exchanges of loving affairs
- Just as a dog or servant is very much satisfied to get a competent, perfect master, or as a child is completely satisfied to possess a competent father, so the living entity is satisfied by completely engaging in the service of the Supreme Lord
- Just as a dog wanders here and there for a piece of bread or punishment, the living entity perpetually wanders about trying to be happy and planning in so many ways to counteract material misery. This is called the struggle for existence
- Just as a father gives some playthings to the crying child to satisfy him, the whole material creation is made possible by the will of the Lord to allow the bewildered living entities to lord it over things as they desire
- Just as a father sacrifices many things out of affection for his son, great saintly persons sacrifice all kinds of bodily comforts for the benefit of human society. In this connection there is a verse concerning the six Gosvamis
- Just as a fire turns whatever we put into it to ashes, this process (Krsna consciousness) turns to ashes all the sinful reactions of our past lives
- Just as a government may issue trade licenses in order for its citizens to act in a certain way, the Vedas contain injunctions that restrain and regulate all of our fruitive activities
- Just as a great python, although lying in one place, not endeavoring for its livelihood, gets the food it needs to maintain body and soul, one who is desireless also obtains his livelihood without endeavor
- Just as a highly posted manager is almost as independent as the owner of a firm, Brahma is described here as independent because, as the Lord's representative to control the universe, he is almost as powerful and independent as the Supreme Personality
- Just as a householder, although different from the identity of his house, thinks his house to be identical with him, so the conditioned soul, due to ignorance, accepts the body to be himself, although the body is actually different from the soul
- Just as a king can maintain the whole country's citizens because he is the proprietor. Without being the proprietor, how can one become everyone's friend? So these things have to be understood
- Just as a king gives protection to his citizens, these devotees, following the principles of devotional service, will give protection to all the people of the world
- Just as a king is seated on a chariot, the living entity is seated in the body. The sitting place is the heart, and the living entity sits there and engages in the struggle for existence, which goes on without progress perpetually
- Just as a knowledgeable person can easily distinguish gold from iron, one who has the proper realization can easily distinguish the transcendental activities of the spiritual world from material activities
- Just as a lion is very ferocious to other animals but very kind and submissive to his cubs, so Lord Nrsimha appeared ferocious to Hiranyakasipu and very kind to His devotee Prahlada
- Just as a living being attains a transcendentally attractive form by rendering service to Lord Hari, similarly, all the in habitants of the land and the water assume beautiful forms by taking advantage of the newly fallen water
- Just as a lotus is extremely beautiful in autumn, a woman at the threshold of youthful beauty is extremely attractive
- Just as a maddened bull elephant follows a female elephant who is able to conceive pregnancy, Lord Siva followed the beautiful woman (Mohini-murti) and discharged semen, even though his discharge of semen never goes in vain
- Just as a man cannot escape the cruel hands of death, the cow-shaped earth could not escape the hands of the son of Vena. At length the earth, fearful, her heart aggrieved, turned back in helplessness
- Just as a materialistic person is always absorbed in thoughts of material gain, a maha-bhagavata like Prahlada Maharaja is always absorbed in thoughts of Krsna
- Just as a monkey jumps from one tree to another, the conditioned soul jumps from one body to another
- Just as a mother produces various children, both male and female, the womb of mother earth produces all kinds of living entities in various shapes. Thus it is possible for mother earth to take on innumerable shapes
- Just as a person born in a particular family cannot understand the position of his great-grandfather, who lived before the birth of the recent generation, we are unable to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, or Krsna
- Just as a person born recently in a family cannot understand the situation of his distant forefather, no one within this material world can understand the position of the Supreme Lord in the spiritual world
- Just as a person haunted by a ghost exhibits madness, the best of the he-goats, attracted by the many she-goats, engaged in erotic activities and naturally forgot his real business of self-realization
- Just as a person not inclined to die must nonetheless give up his longevity, opulence, fame and everything else at the time of death, so, at the appointed time of victory, one can gain all these when the Supreme Lord awards them by His mercy
- Just as a person traveling on the road rests one foot on the ground and then lifts the other the conditioned soul takes shelter of another body and then gives up the one he had before - SB 10.1.40
- Just as a pet monkey dances according to the desires of its master, the King (Puranjana) danced according to the desires of the Queen
- Just as a policeman may enter a house without trespassing, a servant has the right to go anywhere, because everything belongs to God. We have to see things in this way, as they are. That is Krsna consciousness
- Just as a poor man becomes happy upon receiving some treasure, when one attains to devotional service, his material pains are automatically vanquished
- Just as a prisoner cannot move or enjoy life fully, so the living entities who have been conditioned by the laws of material nature cannot experience their actual ever-joyful nature
- Just as a prisoner, who has undergone troublesome prison life, is set free again, the person who has always engaged in impious and mischievous activities is put into hellish conditions
- Just as a simple spark from a fire can't harm the fire, so my bewildering potency was completely unsuccessful in thwarting Your (Krsna's) superior illusory power. Therefore I find myself to be most insignificant & think of myself as a most useless person
- Just as a small child on the lap of his father or mother is fully protected, a devotee, in all conditions, is protected by the Supreme Lord
- Just as a small insect falls forcefully into a fire and the insignificant creature becomes invisible, when Hiranyakasipu attacked the Lord, who was full of effulgence, Hiranyakasipu became invisible
- Just as a stone is indifferent to all kinds of attacks and reattacks of external situations, similarly one practices jada-yoga by tolerating voluntary infliction of pain upon the material body
- Just as a student in a law class is to be understood to have already graduated from general education, anyone who is engaged in the chanting of the holy name of the Lord (Hare Krsna mantra) must have already passed all lower stages
- Just as a student is elevated from a lower class to a post-graduate class, the divisions of labor (catur-varnyam) are created to elevate us from the lowest stages of consciousness to the highest stage of KC. This process is a process of cooperation
- Just as a student studies a subject for four or five years and then takes his examination and receives a degree, similarly, with the subject of life, if we practice during our lives for the examination at the time of death
- Just as a woman can deliver a child after being impregnated by the semen of a man, so material nature can supply the material elements after being glanced upon by Maha-Visnu
- Just as a woman cannot beget children without uniting with a man, material nature cannot beget living entities without being in union with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Just as a worm on a vegetable transfers itself to one leaf and then gives up the previous one, the conditioned soul takes shelter of another body and then gives up the one he had before - SB 10.1.40
- Just as a worshiper of the sun achieves the sun or a worshiper of the demigod of the moon achieves the moon. Similarly, if anyone wants to worship a demigod like Indra, he can attain that particular god's planet. BG 1972 purports
- Just as Advaita Prabhu, He simply offered Ganga-jala and tulasi to please the Lord to come. Caitanya Mahaprabhu came
- Just as an ordinary living entity takes his birth by taking shelter of the semen of a certain living entity, the Supreme Personality of Godhead accepts the shelter of the semen of His devotee and comes out as His son
- Just as an ordinary man always engages his mind in material activities, a devotee always engages his mind in spiritual activities. This is called brahma-satra, or meditating upon the Supreme Lord always
- Just as an ordinary materialistic businessman thinks of nothing else when he is absorbed in his business, a pure devotee, when engaged in the service of the Lord, does not think of anything beyond that engagement
- Just as aquatics always desire to remain in the vast mass of water, all conditioned living entities naturally desire to remain in the vast existence of the Supreme Lord
- Just as Arjuna and Krsna were victorious in the Battle of Kuruksetra, this Krsna consciousness movement will surely emerge victorious if we but remain sincere devotees of the Lord and serve the Lord according to the advice of the predecessors
- Just as Arjuna was made to be illusioned by family affection & thus the Bhagavad-gita was spoken, so the Yadu dynasty was made to be intoxicated by the will of the Lord, nothing more. The devotees & associates of the Lord are completely surrendered souls
- Just as Arjuna, who was a warrior, had to fight to satisfy Krsna, Prthu Maharaja performed his royal duties as king for the satisfaction of Krsna. Indeed, whatever he did as emperor of the whole world was perfectly befitting a pure devotee
- Just as aromas are distinct from the material vehicle in which they are carried, the soul is unattached to material activities. This analysis can be considered by a person who is fully under the shelter of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord
- Just as atomic particles of dust pass through the openings of a window, so the networks of universes pass through the pores of the skin of the purusa
- Just as Baladeva knocked out the teeth of Dantavakra, the King of Kalinga, during the gambling match at the marriage ceremony of Aniruddha, Virabhadra knocked out the teeth of both Daksa, who had shown them while cursing Lord Siva
- Just as before, they saw all the symptoms of transcendental ecstatic love manifested in the body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Although externally He appeared bewildered, He was tasting transcendental bliss within
- Just as being born the son of a big man affords one a chance to become a big man, so being born the son of a brahmana gives one a chance to become a brahmana
- Just as Bhagiratha brought down the Ganga and liberated his forefathers, similarly, we must bring a deluge of love of Godhead that can extricate the conditioned souls from the clutches of gross materialism
- Just as by clapping the hands one can cause many birds to fly away, similarly the birds of all sinful activities which are sitting on the body can be made to fly away simply by dancing and clapping before the Deity of Krsna
- Just as by executing various pious activities one achieves different positions in heavenly life, by acting impiously one achieves different positions in hellish life
- Just as children are taken care of by the parents, women as a class should be taken care of by the father, husband or grown-up son
- Just as disobedient citizens serve the government indirectly. Prisoners come to the prison house on account of their disobedience of the laws of the state. So, in the prison house, they are forced to obey the laws of the state
- Just as doctors are sought when one is diseased, according to the Vedic way of life there is a class of brahmanas to whom one should go for prescribed atonement for sinful activities
- Just as drops of ghee on a fire never extinguish the fire but a flood of ghee will, similarly, overindulgence in lusty desires mitigates such desires entirely
- Just as drops of perspiration which fell from the toe of the Lord became the sacred Ganges, so teardrops from the transcendental eyes of the Lord became Bindu-sarovara
- Just as during the formation of this body we have to pass through so many difficulties within the womb of the mother, at the time of death there are also many difficulties
- Just as everything in the material world exists in the sunshine, which is the energy of the sun, so everything exists on the basis of the spiritual and material energies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Just as fire appears from arani wood, the Supreme Lord appears when there is friction between devotees and nondevotees
- Just as fire distributes energy in the form of heat and light, the Lord displays His energy in different ways. He thus remains the ultimate controller, sustainer and dictator of everything
- Just as fire sterilizes all unclean things, the sun-god also keeps everything sterilized, especially dirty things within the mind, thus enabling one to attain elevation to the platform of spiritual understanding
- Just as fish can swim within water, the residents of Vidyadhara-loka can swim in the ocean of air
- Just as fog can block the actions of a certain portion of the sun’s rays although it cannot cover the sun - although maya is inferior in quality to the marginal potency, the living beings, it nevertheless has the power to control the living beings
- Just as gold is continually transferred from one place to another in due course of purchase and sale, so the living entity, as a result of his fruitive activities, wanders throughout the entire universe, being injected into various bodies
- Just as he (Aniruddha) was to be punished for the kidnapping, the soldiers from Dvaraka arrived, headed by Balarama, and a fight ensued amongst the ksatriyas
- Just as heat and light emanate from fire, these two energies - the physical elements and the living entities - emanate from the Supreme Lord. Therefore the Lord says, aham vai sarva-bhutani: "I expand the physical and spiritual categories"
- Just as heat is the source of material energy, the inspiration of Lord Aniruddha is the energy by which one can engage in executing devotional service
- Just as I am doing. Sometimes I go to the bank, sometimes keep accounts, sometimes preach, hold the class, write books, sometimes cook, sannyasi should be expert in all departments, and he should distribute his experience to others, that's all
- Just as I am the abode of all mutually contradictory characteristics, so Radha's love is always full of similar contradictions
- Just as I was thinking of meeting you, by chance we have actually met
- Just as in a dream we may create so many things, which actually have no existence, so when we are awake we shall see that everything is simply a dream. BG 1972 purports
- Just as in a tug-of-war, the single mind of Lord Caitanya was attracted in five directions by the five transcendental attributes of Lord Krsna. Thus the Lord became unconscious
- Just as in an office it is the duty of the worker to see that the proprietor or the master is satisfied, so everyone's duty is to see whether the Supreme Personality of Godhead is satisfied by one's activity
- Just as in civilized human society the law is a life for a life, no living entity can encroach upon another living entity as far as the Supreme Lord is concerned
- Just as in ordinary material procreation the father gives the seed and the mother develops the body by supplying the necessary blood to the embryo, similarly, the living entities, parts and parcels of the supreme father
- Just as in the Ford factory the workers see Mr. Ford in every corner, those who are conversant with the science of Krsna can see Him in every atom of the creation
- Just as in the vanaprastha stage the wife follows the husband, similarly when the spiritual master retires for nirjana-bhajana, some of his advanced devotees follow him and engage in his personal service
- Just as in this world the man-eaters drank their victims' blood, dancing and singing in jubilation, their victims now enjoy drinking the blood of the sacrificers and celebrating in the same way
- Just as in your body: for proper maintenance we require the head, the arms, the belly and the legs. All these parts of the body are required. You cannot say, "We do not require the head." That is nonsense - we require everything
- Just as innumerable atomic infinitesimal fragments pass through the holes of a screened window, so millions and trillions of universes in their seedling form are coming out from the bodily pores of Maha-Visnu
- Just as intelligence is always within the heart, so a beloved chaste wife should always have her place on the chest of a good husband. This is the proper relationship between husband and wife. A wife is therefore called ardhangani, or half of the body
- Just as Isopanisad indicates, the Supreme Absolute Truth is both impersonal and personal eternally, but His personal aspect is more important than the impersonal one
- Just as it is recorded that Lord Jesus Christ said that the first commandment is that one should love God with all his heart, and soul and mind. Similarly Krsna instructs that everyone should surrender unto Him in Love
- Just as it is the duty of the brahmanas to elect a proper king, it is the duty of the king to see that all the varnas-brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra - are fully engaged in their respective occupational duties
- Just as it is the nature of all living entities within this material world to become envious of their competitors, King Indra, although King of heaven, was also envious of King Prthu and therefore wanted to stop him from performing one hundred sacrifices
- Just as jnanis think that merging into the existence of the Lord is the highest truth, these seven exalted personalities (the seven great sages) accept devotional service as the perfection of life
- Just as King Indra is in charge of distributing rain all over the world to satisfy everyone in due course, so Lord Krsna satisfies everyone by pouring down His causeless mercy
- Just as King Puranjana began to search out his better half, the Queen, one who is decorated with knowledge and instructions from saintly persons should try to search out his original consciousness, Krsna consciousness
- Just as Krsna attracted the gopis by the sweet sound of His flute, the author of Caitanya-caritamrta prays that He will also attract the reader's mind by His transcendental vibration
- Just as Krsna behaves like an ordinary man when He descends to this planet, so the members of the Yadus and the residents of Vrndavana execute activities just like ordinary men. But they are not ordinary men; they are as liberated as Lord Krsna Himself
- Just as Krsna does not take a step away from Vrndavana, Krsna’s devotee also does not like to leave Vrndavana. However, when he has to tend to Krsna’s business, he leaves Vrndavana
- Just as Krsna is addressed in the Brahma-samhita as adi-purusa, the original personality, so King Prthu, being an empowered incarnation of the Lord, is referred to in this verse (SB 4.20.21) as adi-rajah, the original or ideal king
- Just as Krsna is completely spiritual, the gopis are also spiritual, and this is confirmed in the Brahma-samhita - BS 5.38
- Just as Krsna is never born and never dies, His devotees who return to Godhead never die and never take birth within the material world
- Just as Krsna used to call His cows by their different names, so the gopis imitated Him, calling the cows by their respective names
- Just as life in this material world has its beginning in material sound, similarly a spiritual life has its beginning in this spiritual sound vibration
- Just as liquid sugar juice progresses from one stage to another, similarly transcendental love for the Supreme Lord develops by stages
- Just as Lord Brahma and Lord Siva have many faces, the King of heaven, Indra, has many eyes
- Just as Lord Brahma undergoes birth, old age, disease and death, so also a small ant or insect undergoes the same process. The point is that the living entity has to be free from this bondage because he is by nature eternal
- Just as Lord Krsna and Srimati Radharani are the object and shelter of the mellow of conjugal love, so, in the mellow of servitorship, Krsna, the son of Maharaja Nanda, is the object, and servants like Citraka, Raktaka and Patraka are the shelter
- Just as Lord Ramacandra descends along with Laksmana and Bharata, an expansion of Sankarsana,* so the members of the Yadu dynasty and the cowherd men of Vrndavana also descend with Lord Krsna in order to join in the transcendental pastimes of the Lord
- Just as Lord Siva worships Sankarsana in Ilavrta-varsa, Bhadrasrava, accompanied by his intimate servants and all the residents of the land, worships the plenary expansion of Vasudeva known as Hayasirsa
- Just as Lord Sri Krsna formerly performed the rasa-lila dance and other pastimes at Vrndavana, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed uncommon pastimes moment after moment
- Just as Lord Visnu is always worshiped and surrounded by different demigods like Lord Siva, Lord Brahma, Indra, Candra and others, when Krsna traveled through the Vrndavana forest or walked on Govardhana Hill, He was accompanied by the cowherd boys
- Just as materialists engage their minds in reading newspapers, magazines and so many materialistic literatures, we must transfer our reading to these literatures. BG 1972 Introduction
- Just as misery comes without our trying for it, so the happiness we deserve will also come, by higher arrangement. A dog has a material body, and I have a material body. So my sex pleasure and the dog's sex pleasure is the same
- Just as no one can check the sunshine from spreading all over the universe, no one could check the influence and reign of King Prthu, which would remain undisturbed as long as he lived
- Just as no one can understand the expansion of the spiritual energy of the Supreme Lord without His causeless mercy, no one can understand the transcendental sex life between Radha and Krsna without following in the footsteps of the damsels of Vraja
- Just as no one can understand what is going on beneath the sea, no one could understand what policy King Prthu was following to make everything successful. Indeed, King Prthu's path of diplomacy was very grave
- Just as one can appreciate the real taste of milk with the tongue and not with the eyes, nostrils or ears, one can similarly appreciate the Absolute Truth perfectly and with all relishable pleasure only through one path, devotional service
- Just as one can cross with no exertion over the little bit of water contained in the hoofprint of a calf, so Arjuna, by the grace of Krsna, was able to very easily jump over the ocean of the Battle of Kuruksetra
- Just as one can understand the supply of fire in wood, the water in a waterpot, or the sky within a pot, one can understand whether a living entity is a demon or a demigod by understanding that living entity's devotional performances
- Just as one can understand the three aspects of the sun - the sunshine, the sun itself and the sun-god - one can also understand the three aspects of the Supreme Absolute Truth - Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- Just as one going to America can get some idea what the country is like by reading books, one can also have knowledge of the spiritual planets by reading Vedic literatures
- Just as one is immediately frightened upon seeing a live serpent or even the form of a serpent, one endeavoring for self-realization should similarly fear a materialistic person and a woman. Indeed, he should not even glance at their bodily features
- Just as one suffers pain when his head is cut off in a dream, in ignorance one suffers not only while dreaming but also while awake. Without the mercy of the SPG, one continues in ignorance and is thus subjected to material distresses in various ways
- Just as our spirit is present within the body, the Lord is present within the universe as Paramatma. Due to the presence of Ksirodakasayi Visnu, the material creation exists, just as due to our presence our bodies are existing
- Just as physicians are always present in all countries and at all times, so also brahmanas or ksatriyas are always present in every part of the earth, by dint of personal and practical qualifications
- Just as Radha is dear to Lord Krsna, so Her bathing place (Radha-kunda) is dear to Him. She alone is His most beloved of all the gopis
- Just as Radhika went mad at the sight of Uddhava, so Lord Caitanya was obsessed day and night with the madness of separation
- Just as rainfall satisfies everyone's desires, Maharaja Prthu used to satisfy everyone. He was like the sea in that no one could understand his depths, and he was like Meru, the king of hills, in the fixity of his purpose
- Just as Ravana, although born of a brahmana father, Visvasrava, was nevertheless called an asura or Raksasa because of his offenses against Lord Ramacandra & Hanuman, so Ramacandra Khan also became asura because of his offenses against Haridasa Thakura
- Just as serpents agitated by Garuda rush towards Garuda with upraised hoods, all the Yaksa soldiers prepared to overcome Dhruva Maharaja with their upraised weapons
- Just as some devotees are perfected by the execution of devotional service, so some of them are eternally perfect
- Just as sound is generally present in all other elements (air, fire, water and earth) because it is produced from the sky. Similarly, the two characteristics of santa-rasa are present in other transcendental relationships
- Just as springtime in the present indicates the nature of springtimes in the past and future, so this life of happiness, distress or a mixture of both gives evidence concerning the religious and irreligious activities of one's past and future lives
- Just as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in the form of Visnu saved the elephant Gajendra from the clutches of a crocodile, so He saved all the people of South India from the clutches of various philosophies by converting them into Vaisnavas
- Just as Sri Krsna explains in Bhagavad-gita in so many ways that the entire material creation is resting on one of His portions, Brahma-samhita explains the same subject
- Just as Srimati Radharani inquired from Her personal friend Visakha, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, reciting that very verse, began speaking like a madman
- Just as Srimati Radharani is dear to the Supreme Lord Krsna (Visnu), so Her bathing place (Radha-kunda) is equally dear to Krsna. Among all the gopis, She alone stands supreme as the Lord's most beloved
- Just as Srimati Radharani is most dear to Lord Krsna, so Her lake, known as Radha-kunda, is also very dear to Him. Of all the gopis, Srimati Radharani is certainly the most beloved
- Just as Srimati Radharani is most dear to Sri Krsna, Her bathing place (Radha-kunda) is also dear to Him. Among all the gopis, Srimati Radharani is supermost and very dear to Lord Krsna
- Just as Srimati Radharani talked inconsistently with a bumblebee in the presence of Uddhava, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in His ecstasy talked crazily and inconsistently day and night
- Just as sunshine is spread throughout the solar system. And just as the sun disc is covered by the glaring effulgence of the sunshine, the transcendental form of the Lord is covered by the glaring effulgence called brahmajyoti
- Just as the air is blowing everywhere in space, so everything is existing within Krsna. If this is the case, when the material creation is dissolved, where does it go
- Just as the air or wind cannot be checked by anyone, the two nostrils, situated in one place, enjoy the sense of smell without impediment. When the tongue is present, the mouth continually tastes all kinds of relishable foodstuffs
- Just as the barking of a dog may be considered unlawful, offensive speech may also be considered sinful, for it is just like barking
- Just as the capital of a state is especially gorgeously filled with various high buildings and lustrous palaces, the heart of the body is filled with various desires and plans for material enjoyment
- Just as the celestial waters of the Ganges flow unobstructed into the ocean, so when My devotees simply hear of Me, their minds come to Me. I reside in the hearts of all
- Just as the cloud pours water on the forest fire to extinguish it, so the spiritual master extinguishes the blazing fire of material existence. I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of my spiritual master
- Just as the combination of father and mother is the cause of childbirth, so the combination of the material energy and the glance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the cause of the manifestation of the material world
- Just as the devotees are always anxious to see the Supreme Lord satisfied in every way, similarly the Supreme Lord is very anxious to present Himself before His devotees
- Just as the devotees are always eager to render service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord is also very eager to bestow benediction upon the pure devotees
- Just as the driver of a bullock cart ties ropes through the nostrils of his bulls to control them, the SPG binds all men through the ropes of His words in the Vedas, which set forth the names and activities of the distinct orders of human society
- Just as the English government gives rich and respectable persons the title "lord," so the Muslims give the title Mullik to rich, respectable families that have intimate connections with the government
- Just as the external energy consists of two parts, so Lord Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, assumes two forms to create the material world with the efficient and material causes
- Just as the eye is always protected by the eyelid, they are protected by the sons of Prtha, who snatched back their rightful kingdom from the hands of their enemy Duryodhana, just as Garuda snatched nectar from the mouth of Indra, the thunderbolt carrier
- Just as the false ego creates the subtle sense objects, Maharaja Bharata created five sons in the womb of Pancajani, his wife. These sons were named Sumati, Rastrabhrta, Sudarsana, Avarana and Dhumraketu
- Just as the final moment arrived for him, Bhisma spoke this verse (of SB 1.9.42) while looking at Lord Krsna
- Just as the five gross elements of nature - namely earth, water, fire, air and ether - are both within and without all living beings in this world, the Supreme Lord is both inside and outside this existence, & those who are His devotees can realize this
- Just as the forefathers of a Vaisnava son or grandson feel transcendental bliss, the trees feel blissful because the flute is a member of their family
- Just as the fountainhead, Lord Krsna, is the cause of all incarnations, so Sri Radha is the cause of all these consorts
- Just as the fountainhead, Lord Krsna, is the cause of all incarnations, so Sri Radha is the cause of all these consorts (the goddesses of fortune, the queens, and the milkmaids of Vraja)
- Just as the fruits & flowers of a tree in due course of time undergo six changes - birth, existence, growth, transformation, dwindling & then death - the body, which is obtained by the spirit soul under different circumstances, undergoes similar changes
- Just as the Ganges is sacred because its water emanates from the toes of Narayana, so whenever water or anything is in touch with devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is purified and spiritualized
- Just as the gopis at Vrndavana used to think of Krsna while He was away from the village for cowherding engagements, the citizens of Dvaraka were all immersed in thought of the Lord while He was away from Dvaraka to attend the Battle of Kuruksetra
- Just as the government has many different departments, so, within this material world, the government of the Supreme Lord has many departments, and all these departments function in proper order out of fear of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Just as the human citizens should be given all kinds of protection, so the cows also should be given full protection
- Just as the illumination of a fire, which is situated in one place, is spread all over, the energies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Parabrahman, are spread all over this universe
- Just as the king has the right to keep his treasury confidential and secret, the people should also keep their individual earnings a secret. There is no fault in such dealings
- Just as the Lord inundated South India on His tour there, He also inundated the western part of the country with love of Godhead
- Just as the mind can fly anywhere one likes without mechanical arrangement, so the akasa-patana airplane can fly at the speed of mind. Beyond this akasa-patana system is the Vaikuntha process, which is completely spiritual
- Just as the mind is the cause of bondage, it can also be the cause of liberation
- Just as the months of the year are known according to the twelve different names of the Supreme Lord, the Vaisnava community marks twelve parts of the body according to these names
- Just as the moon was produced by the churning of the sea, by the churning of spiritual love affairs the moon of Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared. Indeed, Caitanya's complexion was golden, just like the moon
- Just as the moon was produced by the churning of the sea, by the churning of spiritual loving affairs the moon of Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared. Indeed, Lord Caitanya's complexion was golden, just like the luster of the moon - CC Intro
- Just as the moonshine follows the moon at night, immediately after King Malayadhvaja departed for Kulacala, his devoted wife (Vaidarbhi), whose eyes were very enchanting, followed him, giving up all homely happiness, despite family and children
- Just as the most sinful wretch lives in a ghostly body after death and moves about in the ether, so the impersonalist, although rising to the point of liberation in the transcendental position, falls back down to the material world
- Just as the one sun is the object of vision of many different persons, so the one partial representation of Lord Krsna who lives in the heart of every living entity as the Paramatma is a variously perceived object
- Just as the original cause of an earthen pot is the potter, so the creator of the material world is the first purusa incarnation (Karanarnavasayi Visnu)
- Just as the Russian and Chinese Communists think that everything belongs to the state, we think that everything belongs to God. This is merely an extension of the same philosophy, and to understand it one simply needs a little intelligence
- Just as the senses are pacified when consciousness and life return, so when Krsna was freed from this danger (Bakasura), all the boys, including Balarama, thought that their life had been restored - SB 10.11.53
- Just as the shining particles of the sun's rays always exist with the sun, the living entities exist eternally as parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Just as the small seed of a banyan fruit has the potency to create a big banyan tree, the Lord disseminates all varieties of seeds by His potential brahmajyoti (sva-rocisa), and the seeds are made to develop by the watering process of persons like Brahma
- Just as the soul is not annihilated, even after annihilation of the material body, so also these spiritualized activities are not annihilated, even after the annihilation of the body or mind
- Just as the sun can act through the sunshine and thus distribute its heat and light, so Krsna, by His inconceivable power, can appear in His original spiritual form in any material element, including stone, wood, paint, gold, silver and jewels
- Just as the sun disperses darkness, the appearance of a great sage like Narada disperses ignorance. When one meets Narada or his representative, a spiritual master, one is freed from all anxiety brought about by ignorance
- Just as the sun globe is passing over many places across this earthly planet, so krsna-lila, or the transcendental advent and pastimes of Krsna, are also going on continuously, either in this or another universe
- Just as the sun is a localized planet with the sunshine expanding unlimitedly from that source, so the Absolute Truth is the Supreme Personality of Godhead with His effulgence of energy, Brahman, expanding unlimitedly
- Just as the sun is never polluted by any contamination, the Supreme Lord is never polluted by any sinful activity. Although Krsna's actions may sometimes seem impious, He is never polluted by such actions
- Just as the sun manifests a portion of his own light in all the effulgent gems that bear such names as surya-kanta - BS 5.49
- Just as the sun's rays are minute particles of the brilliant constitution of the sun, so a living entity is a minute particle of the Supreme Spirit
- Just as the sun-god evaporates water for eight months and, during the rainy season, returns it profusely, this King will also exact taxes from the citizens and return these monies in times of need
- Just as the sun-god expands his shining rays up to the Arctic region without impedance, the influence of King Prthu will cover all tracts of land up to the Arctic region and will remain undisturbed as long as he lives
- Just as the sunshine is composed of so many atomic particles, so the brahma-jyotir is composed of so many spiritual sparks
- Just as the sunshine is nondifferent from the sun, the cosmic manifestation is also nondifferent from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Supreme Personality is therefore all-pervasive within this material creation
- Just as the sunshine is spread all over the universe, the energy of the Lord is spread all over the creation, and everything is resting in that energy
- Just as the sunshine is spread all over the universe, the energy of the Lord is spread all over the creation, and everything is resting in that energy. BG 1972 purports
- Just as the superintendent of a jail is not a prisoner but the controlling officer, so Lord Siva, Lord Visnu, and Lord Brahma control these three gunas and are not under the control of the gunas
- Just as the Supreme Personality of Godhead accepts various incarnations, He takes on forms made out of matter - clay, wood, metal and jewels
- Just as the water of the Ganges flows naturally down towards the ocean, such devotional ecstasy, uninterrupted by any material condition, flows towards the Supreme Lord
- Just as the waves of the ocean become agitated on a full-moon day, Lord Balarama became greatly disturbed
- Just as the women of Mathura ecstatically described the fortune of the gopis of Vrndavana and the transcendental qualities of Krsna, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu described the different mellows of Krsna and became overwhelmed with ecstatic love
- Just as the words of the astrologer Sarvajna gave news of the poor man's treasure, the Vedic literatures advise one about Krsna consciousness when one is inquisitive to know why he is in a distressed material condition
- Just as there are different departments in each state in this material world - the civil department and the criminal department - so, in God's creation, there are two departments of existence
- Just as there are environmental differences on this planet, there are other planets which have far different atmospheres and environments
- Just as there are five kinds of air functioning within the body, and so many organs - the hands, legs, tongue, genitals, rectum, etc. - all working differently
- Just as there are four types of miscreants who never surrender to Krsna, there are four types of fortunate men who worship Him, and they are categorized in the next verse: BG. 7.16
- Just as there are many hundreds of thousands of higher planets above this earth, so there are many millions and billions of spiritual planets belonging to the spiritual sky
- Just as there are many orbs in the material world called stars or planets, in the spiritual world there are many spiritual planets called Vaikunthalokas. The spiritual universe, however, is situated far, far away from the cluster of material universes
- Just as there are many physiological constructions within the body they work in one order for the satisfaction of the stomach, and just as in a machine there are hundreds & thousands of parts yet they run in harmony to fulfill the function of the machine
- Just as there are many united states in various parts of the world, in olden days the entire world was ruled through many states, but there was a supreme emperor who ruled over all subsidiary states
- Just as there are millions of fruits on the udumbara tree, millions of universes float on the waters of the river Viraja
- Just as there is a Brahma-sampradaya coming directly from Lord Brahma, the Rudra-sampradaya comes directly from Lord Siva
- Just as there is a difference between life and death, there is a difference between spiritual sense gratification and material sense gratification
- Just as there is an orbit of the sun, there is an orbit of Krsna's pastimes, which are manifested one after the other. During the lifetime of fourteen Manus, this orbit expands through all the universes, and gradually it returns
- Just as there is material variegatedness in this world, so, in the spiritual world, there is also variegatedness. Those in ignorance of this think that spiritual existence is opposed to material variety. BG 1972 purports
- Just as there is no chance that darkness can exist in the sunshine, in a pure Krsna conscious person there can be no existence of maya
- Just as there is no happiness in any of the activities of a madman, so in material activities the mental concoctions of happiness and distress are false. Actually everything is distress
- Just as there is no limit to the flowing of the waves of the Ganges, there is no cessation of various features of Lord Krsna's pastimes in different universes
- Just as there is no possibility of a fire's occurring deep in the forest due to human effort, so also there was no power in the universe which could vanquish the descendants of Yadu, who were protected by the Lord
- Just as there may be a garland with many flowers, Krsna is the source of innumerable universes, which may be compared to a big garland of lotuses. This is God. Yasyaika-nisvasita-kalam athavalambya/ jivanti loma-vilaja jagad-anda-nathah - Bs. 5.48
- Just as these cyclic changes take place one after another, we change from one body to another, and it is natural to conclude that after leaving the present body we shall receive another body - bhutva bhutva praliyate
- Just as these desires are the fundamental reason for Krsna's appearance whereas destroying the demons is only an incidental necessity, so for Sri Krsna Caitanya, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, promulgating the dharma of the age is incidental
- Just as this planet is predominately composed of earth, there are other planets which are predominately composed of fire, water and air
- Just as those who are greedy see everything as a source of money-making and those who are lusty see everything as being conducive to sex, the most perfect devotee, Prahlada Maharaja, saw Narayana even within a stone column
- Just as those who mistake a currency note for ordinary paper discard it and cannot utilize the money
- Just as uncontrolled senses are the enemies of all yogis engaged in advancing in spiritual life, this Prahlada, who appears to be a friend, is an enemy because I cannot control him
- Just as various characteristics develop in the progression from ether down to earth, so the five characteristics of devotion develop and are all found in the relationship of conjugal love
- Just as we are all living beings, Krsna, God, is also a living being. Krsna is not impersonal. Because we are all individual persons but our knowledge and opulence are limited
- Just as we are. In these verses from Srimad-Bhagavatam is a list of mahajanas, including Svayambhu, or Lord Brahma. So this sampradaya of ours is called the Brahma-sampradaya
- Just as we have got a few students here, sincere students, both boys and . . . they are developing. If not complete, but they are developing, Krsna. Otherwise, why they shall waste their time in chanting Hare Krsna? They are developing
- Just as we might suffer by violating the laws of the state, as soon as we violate the laws of God we are subjected to so many tribulations
- Just as we now have such a mechanical arrangement, at that time there were also certain arrangements, although there was no machine
- Just as we sometimes perform a marriage ceremony in the temple. What is this marriage ceremony? It is the combination of man & woman, boy & girl. They are already there they are living like friends - what is the use of this marriage ceremony? It is Vedic
- Just as we surrender unto Krsna, we have to surrender unto His representative, the spiritual master. The guru is Krsna's external representative, and the internal guru is Krsna Himself situated in everyone's heart
- Just as we wish to use our senses for sense gratification, the senses also require strength from the body in reciprocation
- Just as when a fort is safe when it is defended by a great general, if Krsna is placed in the fort of the mind, there will be no possibility of the enemy entering
- Just as when an electric current is passed into some metal, the whole metal becomes surcharged with electricity; so too, when Krsna is interested in some matter, that matter becomes Krsna-ized
- Just as when the darkness & the light come together, the darkness cannot stand before the light, so maya cannot remain in the presence of Krsna. Always remember therefore to chant Hare Krsna, and that will save you in all circumstances without any doubt
- Just as when the darkness and the light come together the darkness cannot stand before the light, so maya cannot remain in the presence of Krishna
- Just as when the light and the darkness come together, the darkness cannot stand before the light, so maya cannot stand before the presence of Krishna
- Just as when there is war one person or nation may side with another person or nation and show partiality, Lord Krsna on the battlefield shows some partiality and sides with Arjuna
- Just as you are all feeling separation grief for me, similarly I am feeling for you
- Just as you are repeating changes of dress, so you are repeating birth and death, and this is the cause of your miseries. If you do not understand this, then all your activities end in defeat
- Just as you are thinking of me so often, similarly, you should know that I am often thinking of you also
- Just as you cannot check your distressing condition of life, similarly you cannot check your happy condition of life. It will come automatically
- Just as you have a gold mine and are preparing so many golden utensils and ornaments and many other things. But they are all gold because the original is gold
- Just as, in delirium, a man is diseased and his brain becomes puzzled, and gradually he forgets himself and becomes a madman. He is gradually forgetting
- Just as, when you eat, you do not require to ask anyone whether you are feeling strength or your hunger is satisfied. If you eat, you understand that you are feeling energy. You don't need to inquire from anyone
- Just as, whether you say earring or necklace or bangle or wristwatch, these are all made of gold, and so they are gold. But, at the same time, you cannot say that this is all gold - you must say, - This is a gold necklace. This is a gold earring
- Just by embracing his son, the King was filled with ecstatic love, just as if he had touched Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu directly
- Just to please His dear wife, the Lord brought back the parijata tree from heaven, just as an ordinary husband would do. But Indra, the King of heaven, induced by his wives (henpecked as he was), ran after the Lord with full force to fight Him
- Kaliya took shelter within the water of the Yamuna for the following reason. Just as Garuda went to the island of the Kaliya snake, he also used to go to the Yamuna to catch fish to eat
- Kapila Muni's body is completely in the mode of goodness and therefore cannot manifest the mode of ignorance in the form of anger, just as the pure sky cannot be polluted by the dust of the earth
- Kapiladeva said: "Just as the celestial waters of the Ganges flow unobstructed into the ocean, so when My devotees simply hear of Me, their minds come to Me, who reside in the hearts of all"
- King Bharata - after whom India is called Bharata-varsa - was also a pure devotee, and at an early age he left his household life, his devoted beautiful wife, his son, friends and kingdom just as if they were stool
- King Citraketu was not destined to get a child by providence, or the will of the Supreme. Just as sterile grain cannot produce more grain, a sterile person, by the will of the Supreme Lord, cannot beget a child
- King Puranjana begged his Queen to return to her original beauty. He tried to revive her just as a living entity tries to revive his original consciousness, Krsna consciousness, which is very beautiful
- Krsna and the gopis entered the water of the Yamuna just as an elephant enters a water tank with his many female companions
- Krsna appears and disappears in innumerable universes, just as the sun appears and disappears during the day
- Krsna chastised him very severely, & smashed his chariot to pieces by shooting an arrow. Then with the help of His disc He separated Paundraka's head from his body, just as Indra shaves off the peaks of mountains by striking them with his thunderbolt
- Krsna continued, "Just as one extracts and uses fire after manipulating ordinary wood, after dealing with these demoniac princes I shall bring forth Rukmini, like fire, from their midst"
- Krsna continues, "Since the priest went away, I have been staying in this bush. It is very good that you have come here. Now just remove Me with care"
- Krsna created further astonishment for Brahma, and for the mothers of the boys, by establishing the lunch pastimes in the forest again and replacing all the calves and boys, just as they had appeared before
- Krsna cut Banasura's arms with His Sudarsana disc just as a gardener trims the twigs of a tree with sharp cutters
- Krsna had 16,108 wives in Dvaraka, and each and every one of them was attracted to Krsna just as iron is attracted by a magnet
- Krsna immediately caught his (Aristasura's) horns and tossed him away, just as a gigantic elephant repels a small inimical elephant. Although the demon was perspiring and appeared very tired, he took courage and got up
- Krsna invests His spiritual energy into material energy, and then it can act, just as iron can act like fire after being heated by fire. The material energy can act only when empowered by the spiritual energy
- Krsna is the original Supreme Being, the original spirit soul. We are simply minute parts and parcels of Krsna. If we connect with Krsna, we are illuminated just as Krsna is illuminated
- Krsna killed the King of Kasi with His arrows. He specifically arranged to throw the head of the King of Kasi into the city of Kasi so that his relatives & family members could see it. Krsna did this just as a hurricane carries a lotus petal here & there
- Krsna lifted the Govardhana Hill, just as a boy picks up a frog's umbrella, and stood several days continuously just to give protection to the residents of Vrndavana
- Krsna pulled the elephant from this side to that, from right to left, just as He used to pull a calf by its tail in His childhood. After this, Krsna went in front of the elephant and gave it a strong slap
- Krsna said, "A person who is tolerant is always prepared to tolerate everything, even though distressful. Just as a criminal can perform the most abominable acts, a greatly charitable person like you can give anything & everything for which he is asked"
- Krsna says that this special prerogative of the human being is nut awakened very easily, except by some good association. Just as we have this Krsna conscious association
- Krsna sometimes acts on what appears to be the principles of passion or ignorance, but for Krsna there is nothing but Krsna, just as for the electrical engineer electrical energy is simply electricity and nothing else
- Krsna then began to kick his (Aristasura's) body, just as one squeezes a wet cloth on the ground. Being thus kicked by Krsna, Aristasura rolled over and began to move his legs violently
- Krsna was born during the month of September, yet it appeared like springtime. The atmosphere, however, was very cool, although not chilly, and the rivers and reservoirs appeared just as they would in sarat, the fall
- Krsna was somewhat angry, and thus He began to whirl the horse (Kesi demon) around. After a few rounds, He contemptuously threw him a hundred yards away, just as Garuda throws a big snake
- Krsna's pastimes are always present in the material world in one of the many universes. These pastimes appear in the universes one after the other, just as the sun moves across the sky and measures the time
- Krsna, accompanied by Uddhava and Satyaki, would ride on the chariot just as the sun-god rides on his chariot in the morning, appearing with his blazing rays on the surface of the world
- Krsna, as He is, is compared to the sun. He first appeared from the ocean of the womb of Devaki, and gradually He satisfied the inhabitants of the places surrounding Mathura, just as the sun enlivens the lotus flower in the morning
- Krsna, the SP of Godhead, belongs to everyone, but just as the sun rises from the east, although there are other directions from which it could rise, so by His own choice the Lord appears in a particular family, and that family becomes famous
- Krsna, with the aid of His Sudarsana cakra, immediately separated the demon's five heads from his body. The demon then fell into the water, just as the peak of a mountain falls into the ocean after being struck by the thunderbolt of Indra
- Kunti addresses Lord Krsna as vrsni-rsabha, the child of the dynasty of Vrsni. It was because Krsna appeared in the Vrsni dynasty that this dynasty became famous, just as Malaysia & the Malaya Hills became famous because of the sandalwood that grows there
- Kuntidevi prays that just as the River Ganges flows toward the sea, her attraction will flow incessantly toward Krsna's lotus feet. This is called unalloyed devotion. Thus Kuntidevi prays that her attraction for Krsna will flow without hindrance
- Less intelligent men cannot conceive of the transcendental all-spiritual form of the Lord, but they are astounded by His different energies, just as the aborigines are struck with wonder by the manifestation of lightning
- Licking his lips with bifurcated tongues, the serpent (Kaliya) looked at Krsna with double hoods, and his eyesight was full of poison. Krsna immediately pounced upon him, just as Garuda swoops upon a snake
- Lord Brahma saw the Absolute Truth (Krsna) assuming the role of a child in a family of cowherd men and standing all alone, just as before, with a morsel of food in His hand, searching everywhere for the calves and His cowherd friends - SB 10.13.61
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied to the champion, Kesava Kasmiri, that just as he was greatly proud of being a favorite devotee of mother Sarasvati, so someone else, like Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself, being favored by the SPG, could become a sruti-dhara
- Lord Krsna appeared to be cruel to Canura, and He immediately struck him thrice with His fist. The great wrestler was jolted, to the astonishment of the audience. Canura then took his last chance and attacked Krsna, just as one hawk swoops upon another
- Lord Krsna struck Salva with sixteen arrows, and with showers of arrows He overpowered the airplane, just as the sun in a clear sky overpowers the whole sky by an unlimited number of molecules of sunshine
- Lord Siva has a Vaisnava sampradaya, the disciplic succession known as the Rudra-sampradaya. Just as there is a Brahma-sampradaya coming directly from Lord Brahma, the Rudra-sampradaya comes directly from Lord Siva
- Lord Siva holds almost all the powers of Lord Visnu, and he is also above the qualities of the living entity, but he is not exactly like Visnu, just as yogurt, although transformed milk, is not exactly like milk
- Lord Siva is in one sense the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but in another sense he is not, just as curd is milk although we have to distinguish between the two
- Lord Siva offered his respectful obeisances to Brahma because Brahma was his father, just as Kasyapa Muni was the father of Vamana
- Lord Siva was ordered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to preach the impersonal, or Mayavada, philosophy for a particular purpose, just as Lord Buddha preached the philosophy of voidness for particular purposes mentioned in the sastras
- Lord Siva was reluctant, but Sati, as a woman, the daughter of a king, wanted enjoyment. She wanted to go to her father's house, just as her other sisters might have done, and meet them and enjoy social life
- Lord Siva, with his trident in hand, dances over the rulers of the different planets, and his hair is scattered, just as the clouds are scattered over all directions in order to plunge the different planets into incessant torrents of rain
- Lord Visnu activates material nature by the power of His glance, and then the ironlike material nature becomes a material-supplying agent just as iron made red-hot becomes a burning agent
- Love of God is dormant in everyone, and it can be awakened from its dormant position by the execution of pure devotional service, just as a person bitten by a serpent can be awakened by ammonia
- Lust and love have different characteristics, just as iron and gold have different natures
- Making a material comparison, they (impersonalist) say that just as the sky, which we think of as unlimited, is impersonal, if God is unlimited He must also be impersonal
- Material energy cannot cover the Lord, just as darkness cannot cover the sun. Darkness can cover a jurisdiction which is very insignificant in comparison to that of the sun
- Material nature has no power to create without the power of the purusa, just as a prakrti, or woman, cannot produce a child without the connection of a purusa, or man. The purusa impregnates, and the prakrti delivers
- Mathura was also made the capital of the kings of the Yadu dynasty because the Yadus were a very pious family and knew that Mathura is the place where Krsna lives eternally, just as He also lives in Dvaraka
- Matter is the secondary manifestation of spirit, for matter is produced from spirit. Just as the material elements are caused by the Supreme Lord, or the Supreme Spirit, the body is also a product of the spirit soul
- Medical science agrees that at every moment the material body is changing. just as living entities are not bewildered by this, an enlightened man is not bewildered when the body undergoes its ultimate change at death
- Mr. Ford was destined to become a rich man. His destiny was there, and so he became a rich man. Another man may work just as hard as Ford, but this does not mean he will become as rich as Ford. This is practical
- Mustika also struck Balarama, and Balarama returned the stroke with great force. Mustika began to tremble and vomit blood. Distressed, he gave up his vital force and fell down just as a tree falls down in a hurricane
- My dear Lord, just as a puppeteer controls his dancing dolls and a husband controls his wife, Your Lordship controls all the living entities in the universe, such as the brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras
- My final decision is that the universe is just like a tree, with root upwards. Just as a tree has branches and leaves so the universe is also composed of planets which are fixed up in the tree like the leaves, flowers, fruits, etc. of the tree
- Nanda continued, "Krsna killed all these animals and demons just as a lion kills an ordinary animal. How wonderful it is that Krsna took in one hand the big, heavy bow made of three joined palm trees and broke it very quickly"
- Narada appears in the same transcendental body, just as a man awakes from sleep in the same body
- Narada Muni is referred to here (in SB 4.8.40) as bhagavan because he can bless any person just as the Supreme Personality of Godhead can
- Narada Muni says that according to his opinion the enemies of Krsna are better situated because they are fully absorbed in thoughts of Krsna in terms of killing Him, just as a very lusty man always thinks of women and their association
- Narada reached the cottage of Krsna-dvaipayana Vyasa on the banks of the Sarasvati just as Vyasadeva was regretting his defects
- Nature is only a power, and behind the power is a powerhouse and a brain, just as behind electrical power there is an electrical powerhouse, where everything is conducted by the brain of the resident engineer
- No amount of chosen words are sufficient to enumerate the Lord's glory, yet He is satisfied by such prayers, just as a father is satisfied even by broken linguistic attempts of a growing child. Thus the Lord smiled & accepted the prayers of Queen Kunti
- No one can estimate the opulence of Krsna. That is unlimited. However, just as one sees the moon through the branches of a tree, I wish to give a little indication
- No one can understand the loving intimacy between Gadadhara Pandita and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Gadadhara Pandita gave up his vow and service to Gopinatha just as one gives up a piece of straw
- No one has ever ruled this planet, which is surrounded by all the solar systems, planets and stars. All the luminaries in the sky circumambulate this planet, just as bulls tread around a central pole for the purpose of crushing grains
- No one has independent existence, just as no electric lamp has independent effulgence
- No, God is not so cheap. God has multienergies, and one of these energies is Durga. It is not that she is all and all, for there are many millions of Durgas, just as there are many millions of Sivas and millions of universes
- Nor does the Lord become a formless entity at any time, for ultimately He is the eternal form, the primeval Lord. His impersonal aspect, or Brahman effulgence, is but the glow of His personal rays, just as the sun's rays are the glow of the sun-god
- Now expanding Himself so as to appear as all the calves and cowherd boys, all of them as they were, and at the same time appear as their leader, Krsna entered Vrajabhumi just as He usually did while enjoying their company - SB 10.13.20
- Now I want to retire, and you all appointed GBC men must do the work that I am doing. Therefore, I have recommended this traveling extensively for the GBC men, just as I am doing it
- Now the Supreme Personality of Godhead has killed him just as if the demon were an animal. Unto that supreme pastime form of Lord Nrsimhadeva, we eternally offer our respectful obeisances
- O chief of the ascetics, just as there are two energies possessed by fire - namely heat and light - these inconceivable creative energies are the natural characteristics of the Absolute Truth
- O King Pariksit, he vigorously took up his trident and with great force attacked Lord Indra, the King of heaven, just as Kaitabha had forcefully attacked the Supreme Personality of Godhead when the universe was inundated
- O King Pariksit, Narada Muni approached these sons of Prajapati Daksa, who were engaged in tapasya to beget children, and spoke enigmatic words to them just as he had spoken to their elder brothers
- O King, although he had committed a gravely sinful act, it was nullified at once by that sacrifice, just as fog is vanquished by the brilliant sunrise
- O learned brahmanas, just as hundreds and thousands of small rivulets issue from great reservoirs of water, innumerable incarnations flow from Sri Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the reservoir of all power
- O Lord, we pray that You let us be born in any hellish condition of life, just as long as our hearts and minds are always engaged in the service of Your lotus feet
- O Maitreya, O friend of the distressed, the glories of the Supreme Lord can alone do good for people all over the world. Therefore, just as bees collect honey from flowers, kindly describe the essence of all topics - the topics of the Lord
- O my (Dhruva's) master, Lord Brahma is fully surrendered unto You. In the beginning You gave him knowledge, and thus he could see and understand the entire universe, just as a person awakens from sleep and visualizes his immediate duties
- O my Lord! O unlimited one! Although I was merged in the ocean of nescience, I have now, after a long time, attained You, just as one may attain the seashore
- O my Lord, the unborn, You have shaken hands with me just as a friend does with a friend (as if equal in position). I shall be engaged in the creation of different types of living entities, and I shall be occupied in Your service
- On all planets there are principal personalities, just as in the United States the chief person is the President
- On Battlefield of Kuruksetra there were great fighters called maharathas. Just as military men in modern days are given titles like lieutenant, captain, commander, & commander-in-chief, formerly there were titles like eka-ratha, ati-ratha, & maha-ratha
- On every planet there is a predominating person, just as we now see that in every country there is a president
- On the bank of the Bindu-sarovara Lake, Kapiladeva personally expounded Sankhya philosophy to His mother, Devahuti, just as Krsna personally expounded the knowledge of Bhagavad-gita to His friend Arjuna
- On the whole, all the different conditions of the heart mentioned above can be melted under certain circumstances, just as a hard diamond sometimes is melted by a combination of certain chemicals
- One can purify the mind either by the breathing process or by the chanting process, just as one can purify gold by putting it in a fire and fanning it with a bellows
- One cannot dictate to the spiritual master, just as a patient cannot demand that his physician prescribe a certain type of medicine
- One cowherd boy said, "How is it possible for Him (Krsna) to lift Govardhana Hill in one hand and hold it up just as the king of elephants holds a lotus flower"
- One has to approach the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the impersonal Brahman effulgence just as one has to approach the sun through the sunshine
- One has to awaken his Krsna consciousness by first regretting his past deeds. Just as King Puranjana began to flatter his Queen, one should, by deliberate consideration, raise himself to the platform of Krsna consciousness
- One has to become a gosvami and control his senses. One should not simply use his senses for sense gratification; rather, the senses should be employed just as much as required for maintaining body and soul together
- One has to understand Your appearance with great intelligence because the material energy is also emanating from You (Krsna). You are the original source of the material energy, just as the sun is the source of the sunshine
- One loses his real remembrance of his position as part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead just as a man who sleeps forgets himself
- One may or may not know the value of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, but if one somehow or other chants it, he will immediately be purified, just as one who takes a potent medicine will feel its effects
- One must be very careful to guard himself against such offenses at the feet of pure devotees, just as one protects a creeper by all-around fencing
- One must give up one's material occupational duties, just as one must give up his material body. Whatever one's occupational duty, even according to the varnasrama system, one must give it up and engage in one's spiritual function
- One must sacrifice everything to realize Krsna, just as Arjuna did. He did not want to kill his family members, but when he understood that these family members were impediments to Krsna realization, he accepted the instruction of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- One needs to be trained to become a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra, just as one is trained to become an engineer, doctor or lawyer
- One of the friends of Mother Yasoda continues, "But still, just see how wonderful it is that this great Govardhan Hill is resting on the finger of your child's left hand, just as though it were a toy. Is this not very mysterious?"
- One of the gopis began to play on a flute, and another praised her the way Krsna's boyfriends praised Him while He played on His flute. One of the gopis took another gopi on her shoulders, just as Krsna used to take His boyfriends
- One should always consider that behind all these activities (souls take another body) is superior superintendence. The living entity works in the material world just as the office worker works at his job, and a service record is kept of his performance
- One should concentrate his mind upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who alone distributes Himself in so many manifestations just as ordinary persons create thousands of manifestations in dreams
- One should know from the expert spiritual master, the advantages and disadvantages of discharging devotional service, just as Maharaja Pariksit asked his spiritual master, Srila Sukadeva Gosvami
- One should know that beyond this material nature is another nature, which is spiritual. Just as there are material forms in this material world, there are spiritual forms in the spiritual world. This is confirmed by all Vedic literature
- One should never consider his body material, just as one should never consider the body of the Deity worshiped in the temple to be made of stone or wood
- One should not consider Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam to be ordinary books, and one should take care of them just as carefully as one takes care of the Deity
- One should not deprecate the Supreme Lord for the creation of this miserable world, just as one should not blame the king for creating a prisonhouse in the government
- One should understand that just as the taste of sugar increases as it is gradually purified, so when love of Godhead increases from rati, which is compared to the beginning seed, its taste increases
- One who is still immature in the cultivation of spiritual knowledge may be attracted at any moment by the illusion of temporary happiness, just as the ocean is agitated by the rushing rivers and blowing wind that occur during the rainy season
- One who patiently follows the regulative principles of devotional service, the time will undoubtedly come when he will achieve the desired result, just as the females reap results by becoming pregnant
- Only because of different causes does a person see a difference between himself and others, just as one sees the reflection of a body appearing differently manifested on water, on oil or in a mirror
- Originally, in our uncontaminated condition, we possessed a form as good as God's, but just as rain falls to the ground, so we come in contact with this material world, which is manipulated by the external material energy of Krsna
- Other demons covered Indra, along with his chariot and chariot driver, with incessant showers of arrows, just as clouds cover the sun in the rainy season
- Our activities are arati, kirtana, classes, just as we do here in Los Angeles. Everything is done in conformity to a regular standard
- Our devotion for Krsna is natural. Just as a son has natural devotion to his father and mother, we have natural devotion to Krsna
- Our first business is to preach to the devotees and to maintain the highest standard of Vaisnava education. Management must be there as well, just as I am preaching daily from S. Bhagavatam, B.G., but I am also going to the bank, making investments, etc
- Our loving propensity expands just as a vibration of light or air expands, but we do not know where it ends
- Our words are made beautiful (by speaking of Your activities) just as tulasi leaves are beautified when offered unto Your lotus feet, and as long as our ears are always filled with the chanting of Your transcendental qualities
- Outer space is like an ocean of air. Just as there are islands in the watery ocean, these planets in the ocean of space are called dvipas, or islands in outer space
- Outer space may be compared to an ocean of air, and each and every planet is floating on it just as a boat or island floats on the ocean. Sometimes planets are called dvipa, or islands, and sometimes they are called boats
- Parasurama then used his axe with great force to cut off Kartaviryarjuna's arms, just as one might lop off the hoods of a serpent
- Parents sometimes dislike our movement, just as Prajapati Daksa disliked the activities of Narada and accused Narada of dishonesty
- Perfect self-realized souls, engaged in the service of the Lord, are unafraid of maya, just as law-abiding citizens of a state never fear the police
- Persons who are infected with the disease of material attachment and who suffer from the pangs of repeated birth and death cannot relish such recitation of the Lord's glories, just as a person suffering from jaundice cannot relish the taste of sugar candy
- Pierced by the arrows of Lord Ramacandra, both Kumbhakarna and Ravana lay on the ground and left their bodies, fully absorbed in thought of the Lord, just as they had in their previous births as Hiranyaksa and Hiranyakasipu
- Please be always strongly fixed up in the Lotus Feet of Krishna, just as the bees are fixed up in the honeycomb
- Please do not put me into forgetfulness. Please always remind me to chant, even You send me to hell, it doesn't matter, just so long as I can always chant Hare Krishna
- Political suggestions by Vidura are known as expert, just as, in modern times, Pandita Canakya is considered the authority in good counsel in both political and moral instructions
- Prahlada Maharaja advises his friends (SB 7.6.3): My dear friends, material pleasure which is due simply to this material body - is essentially the same in any body. And just as misery comes without our trying for it
- Prakrti is always under control, whether inferior or superior. Prakrti is female, and she is controlled by the Lord just as the activities of a wife are controlled by the husband. BG 1972 Introduction
- Prakrti, by the energy of Lord Krsna, becomes the secondary cause (of creation), just as iron becomes red-hot by the energy of fire
- Prakrti, or material nature, is connected with both the Supreme Lord and the living entities, just as a woman is connected with her husband as a wife and with her children as a mother
- Prasadam is transcendental, and there are no transformations or contaminations, just as there are no contaminations or transformations in the body of Lord Visnu Himself
- Purnasya purnam adaya purnam evavasisyate (Sri Isopanisad, Invocation). The food offered to Krsna is qualitatively as good as Krsna; just as Krsna is avyaya, indestructible, the food eaten by Krsna, being identical with Him, remains as before
- Putana took upon her lap Him (Krsna) who was to be her own annihilation, just as an unintelligent person places a sleeping snake on his lap, thinking the snake to be a rope - SB 10.6.8
- Radha and Krsna are indeed the same, just as musk and its scent are inseparable, or as fire and its heat are nondifferent
- Ramananda Raya was a greatly advanced scholar in devotional service, and by the grace of Lord Caitanya he gathered all transcendental conclusions just as a cloud gathers water from the ocean
- Realizing our identity means realizing that we are Krsna's eternal parts and parcels, that we are very minute, infinitesimal, and that we have a perpetual and eternal relationship with Krsna, just as a part has its relationship to the whole
- Rebuking Indra with harsh, cruel words that were piercing to the heart, these demons showered him with arrows, just as torrents of rain wash a great mountain
- Receiving Krsna, the Pandavas were enlivened, just as if awakened from unconsciousness or loss of life. When a man is lying unconscious, his senses and the different parts of his body are inactive
- Regarding your question about controversial talks going on, this kind of talk isn't befitting my advanced students. This is childish. In Krishna's service, there is no inferior & superior. Deity worship is just as important as book distribution
- Religion means the order of God, just as law means the order of the state. Now, if in your social system there is no state, where is the question of the state's order? You will simply manufacture your own order
- Religion nowadays has degenerated so that people more or less accept it just as some moral code now, because there's no knowledge of God
- Roaring like a thundering cloud, in great anger the demon began to beat Pradyumna with his club, just as a thunderbolt beats a mountain. Pradyumna protected himself with his own club and eventually struck the demon very severely
- Rukmini was the daughter of King Bhismaka, ruler of the province known as Vidarbha. Just as Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, Rukmini is the supreme goddess of fortune, Maha-Laksmi
- Sacrifice is the means for counteracting such accumulated sins (committed by fruitive workers). The demigods are pleased when such sacrifices are performed, just as prison officers are satisfied when the prisoners are turned into obedient subjects
- Sadhucchistam is significant in this verse (SB 4.22.43). Prthu Maharaja got his kingdom from great saintly persons like Bhrgu and others just as one gets remnants of food. After the death of King Vena, the whole world was bereft of a popular ruler
- Sahadeva said, "Just as by watering the root of a tree one automatically waters the branches, twigs, leaves and flowers, so by offering the first worship to Krsna we shall satisfy everyone present in this meeting, including the great demigods"
- Saubhari Muni enjoyed sense gratification in the material world, but he was not at all satisfied, just as a fire never ceases blazing if constantly supplied with drops of fat
- Seeing me so distressed, the moon is certainly splashing its shining nectar upon me - just as a friend throws water on another friend who has a high fever. In this way, the moon is bringing me happiness
- Seeing that the earth on the ends of His (Varahadeva's) tusks was frightened, He rose out of the water just as an elephant emerges with its female companion when assailed by an alligator
- Seeing the bumblebees following Purvacitti, Maharaja Agnidhra said: Just as great sages resort to the branches of Vedic literatures, the bumblebees are enjoying the showers of flowers falling from your hair
- She (Devaki) is your younger sister, and you should protect her, just as you would protect your daughter. Why should you kill her? - In this way he (Vasudeva) placated Kamsa
- She (Diti) frankly said that her whole body was distressed by sex desire because of her husband's (Kasyapa) presence, just as a banana tree is troubled by a mad elephant
- She is very submissive to the love of Her friends. (24) She is the chief gopi. (25) She always keeps Krsna under Her control. In short, She possesses unlimited transcendental qualities, just as Lord Krsna does
- Similarly, the threefold miseries of material existence cannot be mitigated simply by material activities. Such activities have to be spiritualized, just as by fire iron is made red-hot, and thereby the action of fire begins
- Simply by such faith and service you will understand that Krsna is the SP of Godhead. Just as we are preaching Krsna consciousness; we are not wasting your time or our time, because we are in full faith that Krsna is the SP of Godhead
- Since Dhruva Maharaja was blessed by the Lord, due to his transcendental qualities everyone was bound to offer him all respects and benediction, just as water, by its nature, flows downward
- Since Maharaja Bali's rebukes were truthful, King Indra did not at all become sorry, just as an elephant beaten by its driver's rod does not become agitated
- Since the Lord is the original source of all emanations, intelligent persons, enlightened by Vedic knowledge, seek the shelter of the Lord, just as birds who leave the nest again search out the nest to take complete rest
- Since the Pracetās had already attained the Lord's mercy, they were no longer subject to the contamination of the material modes. The material modes dissipated from them just as the darkness of night immediately dissipates when the sun rises
- Since there are many different karmis, or workers, there may be different judges or rulers to give them justice, but just as one central emperor controls different departmental rulers, there must be one supreme controller to guide all the judges
- Since transcendental behavior is different from mundane behavior, it should not be taken that the Lord receives service from His wife just as a demigod or human being might receive service from his wife
- Since we cannot avoid the plan of the Supreme Godhead, we must agree to be directed by Him, just as a blind man is led by a person who has eyes
- Situated in eternal trance and freed from illusion impelled by the modes of material nature, she (Devahuti) forgot her material body, just as one forgets his different bodies in a dream
- Siva wants to see that form (God's form) perfectly, just as the devotees want to see it. The words rupam priyatamam svanam are specifically mentioned (in SB 4.24.44), indicating that Lord Siva wants to see that form which is very dear to the devotees
- So have Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Nimbarka and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His followers. They all accept Krsna as the Supreme, just as Arjuna himself did. This is the simplest method
- So the general rule is that if one is inquisitive... Just as we follow in our, this Krsna consciousness society we ask everyone to come. We don't make any imposition that with such and such qualification one can sit here or hear. No
- Some (conditioned souls) are fortunate to contact devotees, and by this contact they are delivered from the ocean of nescience, just as a log floating down a river accidentally washes upon the bank
- Sometimes an ever-liberated personal associate of the Supreme Personality of Godhead descends into this universe just as the Lord descends
- Sometimes He serves Lord Caitanya as His guru, sometimes as His friend and sometimes as His servant, just as Lord Balarama played with Lord Krsna in these three different moods in Vraja
- Sometimes in spite of our full Krishna Consciousness we fall a victim to maya but that is temporary just as seasonal changes such calamities do come & pass away & we have to endure them
- Sometimes in this house in the sky (gandharva-pura) the conditioned soul drinks, eats and has sex. Being overly attached, he chases after the objects of the senses just as a deer chases a mirage in the desert
- Sometimes it happens that one's father accumulates wealth by illegal ways, and the son takes away the money, although it is hard-earned by the father, just as a small fish in the ocean eats the material body of a large, old fish
- Sometimes Krsna consciousness appears like a type of madness to mundane people, just as the activities of mundaners are considered a form of madness by Krsna conscious men
- Sometimes They (Krsna and Balarama) played with amalaka fruits and bael fruits, just as small children play with balls. Sometimes They danced and made tinkling sounds with Their ankle bells
- Sometimes we may think we are very fortunate, just as President Nixon was thinking, "I am very fortunate. I have become the president of the United States." Then he soon realized that he was most unfortunate. Actually this is the situation for everyone
- Sometimes we see that a powerful preacher is killed, or sometimes he is put into difficulty, just as Haridasa Thakura was
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu received them all, just as He had in previous years. The women, however, saw the Lord from a distance
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s pastime of fainting after eating betel nuts is a solid instruction to all of us that one should not touch betel nuts, even those offered to Visnu, just as one should not touch grains on the Ekadasi day
- Sri Ksetra is a place of aisvarya-lila, just as Vrndavana is the place of madhurya-lila
- Srila Gaurasundara advised him (Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami), "From within, keep yourself and your mind completely aloof, but externally execute the material duties just as they need to be done"
- Srila Haridasa explained that just as fear of nocturnal creatures like thieves, ghosts, and hobgoblins evaporates at dawn's first light, so all sins and offences are erased and liberation is attained in the clearing stage of chanting the holy name
- Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami offers his respectful obeisances to Srimati Radharani, taking a straw in his mouth. Indeed, he prays - O Gandharvika, Srimati Radharani, just as Lord Krsna never rejects a surrendered soul, please don't reject me
- Srimad-Bhagavatam gives evidence of where these planets (hellish and heavenly planetary systems) are and indicates how far they are from this planet, just as astronomers have calculated how far the moon and other heavenly bodies are from earth
- Srutadeva said, "The nondevotee is unable to see You (Krsna) face to face, just as a person whose eyes are blocked by the covering of a cloud cannot see the sun, although persons flying above the cloud can see the sunshine brilliantly, as it is"
- Such (internal, marginal and external) energy is simultaneously one with and different from the Lord, just as the sunshine is simultaneously one with and different from the sun planet
- Such (Vidura) a devotee is neither a sudra nor a brahmana. He is transcendental to divisions of mundane society, just as the Personality of Godhead assumes His incarnation as a hog, but He is neither a hog nor a Brahma. He is above all mundane creatures
- Such a person (one who is on the path of liberation by Krsna consciousness) cannot think of any living being as separate from Krsna, just as the leaves and branches of a tree are not separate from the tree. BG 1972 purports
- Such a universe may be gigantic, but it can be measured, just as we measure our body as seven spans. Generally everyone's personal bodily measurement is calculated to be seven spans of his hand
- Such forms (God's manifestations) are temporarily shown to the asuras only, and when such exhibitions are withdrawn the asuras think that the Lord is no more existent, just as the foolish audience thinks the magician to be burnt to ashes or cut to pieces
- Surya is the life and soul of this universe, and there are innumerable universes for which a sun-god is the life and soul, just as the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the life and soul of the entire creation
- Svayam-jyotih: He (God) is light Himself. We have experience in the material world of one light's being a reflection of another, just as moonlight is a reflection of the sunlight. Sunlight is also the reflection of the brahma-jyotir
- Taking up His fierce chopper, His shield, His bow and a quiver of arrows, Lord Parasurama, exceedingly angry, chased Kartaviryarjuna just as a lion chases an elephant
- That is our main program, this traveling and preaching just as I am doing. Now you have to keep the institution in living condition in the near future
- That is the symptom of a pure devotee of Lord Krsna. Just as when a man is fully absorbed in some particular thought he sometimes forgets his other bodily activities
- The Absolute Truth is not without variety. Just as there is material variety, there is spiritual variety. Because the Mayavadi philosophers are seeing the Absolute Truth from a distance, they think that the Absolute Truth has no variety
- The Absolute Truth is the Absolute Person who has no equal or competitor. The impersonal Brahman rays are the rays of His transcendental body, just as the sun's rays are emanations from the sun
- The all-powerful Lord can purify the devotee of all sinful reactions, just as the sun can sterilize all sorts of infections by its powerful rays
- The appearance and disappearance of the body have nothing to do with the living entity, just as the waxing and waning of the moon have nothing to do with the moon
- The appearance of the individual living entities is not factually due to material nature alone, just as a child produced by a woman is not her independent production
- The author of the Caitanya-caritamrta prays that just as Krsna attracted the gopis by the sweet sound of His flute, He will also attract the reader's mind by that transcendental vibration - CC Intro
- The bamboo trees standing by the banks of the rivers & the lakes were also happy to see their descendant so engaged in the service of the Lord, just as persons who are advanced in transcendental knowledge take pleasure in seeing their descendants engaged
- The Bhagavad-gita says that just as our outer garments are changed, so this body is changed. Yoga means the process of getting out of this material embodiment
- The Bhuma-purusa was also attracted by the beauty of Krsna, and He concocted this pastime just as a pretext to see Krsna
- The body has a relationship with the SPG, just as the soul does. Since both of them are energies of the Lord, neither of them is false, because they come from the reality. One who does not know this secret of life is described as abudhah
- The body is generated from activity, and activity is generated from the body, just as a tree is generated from a seed that is generated from a tree. This reciprocal cause and effect is called maya
- The brahma-jyotir is described in the Brahma-samhita as the rays emanating from that supreme spiritual planet, Goloka Vrndavana, just as the sun's rays emanate from the sun globe
- The brahma-jyotir is the beginning of the spiritual world, and beyond the brahma-jyotir are the Vaikuntha planets. In other words, the brahma-jyotir stays outside the Vaikuntha planets, just as the sunshine stays outside the sun
- The Brahma-samhita (Bs 5.38) states: Due to the rays of the Lord’s bodily effulgence, millions of universes are created, just as planets are created from the sun
- The brahmajyoti is the beginning of the spiritual world, and beyond the brahmajyoti are the Vaikuntha planets. In other words, the brahmajyoti stays outside the Vaikuntha planets, just as the sunshine stays outside the sun
- The brahmana youth returned to Vrndavana and began to pray to Gopala Krsna. "Dear Lord, You must come with me." He was such a staunch devotee that he spoke to Krsna just as one would speak to a friend
- The brahmana's son who cursed Pariksit Maharaja, he was only twelve years old, a boy, and because he cursed Pariksit Maharaja that, "Within seven days he will have to die," so he had to die. Just a small brahmana boy, how he was powerful
- The brahmanas should simply guide them (ksatriyas and vaisyas) in spiritual cultivation, just as the wind carries the clouds to other places to pour water. The wind itself does not take up the responsibility for pouring water
- The brain is nothing but matter, but when electrified by the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the brain can act, just as iron can burn when made red-hot by the influence of fire
- The bricks, stone and wood used in the construction of the temple are spiritual, just as the Deity, although made of stone, is not stone but the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself
- The bull is the father of human society because the father earns for the children just as the bull tills the ground to produce food grains. Human society will kill its spirit of life by killing the father and the mother
- The citizens began to speak in ecstatic language to receive the Lord, just as wards welcome their guardian and father
- The condemned bitterness of the nimba is due to its own past work, just as the sweetness of the mango is also due to its own karma
- The conditioned soul becomes enwrapped in the material world, whereas the Supersoul, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, leaves it without being affected, just as a snake sheds his skin
- The cowherd men said, "By picking up Govardhana Hill, just as a child picks up a mushroom, He (Krsna) saved us so wonderfully. May He continue to glance mercifully over us and our cows. May we live peacefully under the protection of wonderful Krsna"
- The crows take pleasure in a place where garbage is thrown out, just as the passionate fruitive workers take pleasure in wine and woman and places for gross sense pleasure
- The demon's name was Sankhacuda because on his head there was a valuable jewel resembling a conchshell. Just as the two sons of Kuvera had been puffed up over their wealth and opulence and did not care for Narada Muni's presence
- The demons also have their own types of beverages in the form of liquors and beers, just as the demigods use soma-rasa for their drinking purposes
- The devotee does not desire any achievement other than pleasing the SP of Godhead. His life's mission is to please Krsna, and he can sacrifice everything for Krsna's satisfaction, just as Arjuna did in the Battle of Kuruksetra. BG 1972 purports
- The devotee does not want this power consciously or unconsciously, but the Lord is careful about His devotee, just as a mother is always careful about her little child, who is completely dependent on her care
- The devotee has to cleanse his heart just as the Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu cleansed the Gundica temple. In this way one can be pacified and enriched in devotional service
- The devotee who renders unalloyed service to the Lord gets the right to be promoted to Vaikunthaloka, just as a son inherits the property of his father
- The devotee, in full ecstasy, sometimes imitates the pastimes of the Lord, just as the cowherd boys used to imitate the behavior of the jungle animals. However, he does not actually become the Lord
- The devotees are also yogesvaras by the unlimited power of the Lord, just as a child is powerful by the strength of the parents. They do not try to protect themselves by any artificial means, but are saved by the mercy of the parents
- The devotees or worshipers of the demigods may achieve only partial benefits, which are also perishable, just as the demigods themselves are
- The diversity of the Vaikunthaloka is one with the Lord, just as the diversity of soldiers is one with and the same as the king
- The earth floats in space among many millions of other planets, all of them bearing huge mountains and oceans. It floats because Krsna enters into it, as stated in Bhagavad-gita (gam avisya (BG 15.13)), just as He enters the atom
- The elevated transcendentalist can surpass all the regulations of the Vedas, just as the demigods traveling in space surpass all the jungles and rocks on the surface of the globe, although a common man, has to face all those impediments
- The embodied living entity is diseased by the very construction of his body. The body is the symbol of diseases. The disease may differ from one variety to another, but disease must be there just as there is birth and death for everyone
- The energy of the Lord acts throughout the creation, just as heat and light, the energies of the sun, act within the universe and make everything work
- The entire process of liberation begins just as we have now begun this chanting and hearing
- The explanation of the quadruple forms in the Vedic literature cannot be understood by the speculation of a conditioned soul. The quadruple forms should therefore be accepted just as They are described
- The external illusory energy of Krsna, known as maya, is always ashamed to stand in front of Krsna, just as darkness is ashamed to remain before the sunshine
- The external potency of Godhead, called maya, can never associate with the Lord, just as darkness cannot remain in the presence of light; yet darkness, being but an illusory and temporary covering of light, has no existence independent of light
- The fire-god Agni became attracted by the beauty of Satadruti while she was circumambulating the bridegroom Pracinabarhi, just as he had previously been attracted to the beauty of Suki, the wife of Saptarsi
- The five brothers are known in the world as regular brothers. The three elder Pandavas took care of the younger brothers, just as the eyelid takes care of the eye
- The followers of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu may take this movement (Krsna consciousness movement) seriously and broadcast it throughout the world, from village to village and from town to town, just as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself did
- The force of time is very strong, and everything is being destroyed by something else - just as one animal is being eaten by another animal. Time scatters everything, exactly as the wind scatters clouds in the sky
- The glowing effulgence known as brahma-tejas is nothing but the rays of the Lord (Krsna), just as the sun rays are rays of the sun disc. So this Brahma weapon also, although materially irresistible, could not surpass the supreme strength of the Lord
- The gopis continued, "A person attached to the wives of others is interested in them as long as there is a need of sense gratification, just as bumblebees have interest in flowers as long as they want to take the honey out of them"
- The great demon Hiranyakasipu, who was extremely angry, swiftly attacked Nrsimhadeva with his club and began to beat Him. Lord Nrsimhadeva, however, captured the great demon, along with his club, just as Garuda might capture a great snake
- The greed for material enjoyment is always existing in the living entity, but Your Lordship is always alert, and in due course of time You strike him, just as a snake seizes a mouse and very easily swallows him
- The impersonalist philosophy, vivarta-vada, generally cites the acceptance of a rope to be a snake as an example of this fact. According to this example, the varieties within our vision are false, just as a rope seen to be a snake is false
- The intelligence is herein (SB 4.25.57-61) depicted as the Queen, and the soul, under mental control, follows the material intelligence just as the King (Puranjana) follows his wife
- The intelligent grown-up sons of the Lord know well that all the acts of material nature are controlled by the Lord, just as a maidservant is under the control of the master, the father of the undeveloped children
- The internal potency is easily realized by the devotees of the Lord by dint of devotional service. Yuyudhana achieved this stage of life, just as he achieved expert knowledge in military science from Arjuna
- The kings who were imprisoned by Magadhendra were put into dark cells, and when Krsna appeared there, the darkness immediately disappeared, just as if the sun had risen
- The ksatriya can serve the Supreme Lord by using his military arts, just as Arjuna served Krsna. Arjuna was a warrior; he had no time to study Vedanta or other highly intellectual books
- The ladies who were bathing could understand the mind of a man simply by studying his demeanor, just as by looking at a child one can understand how innocent he is
- The life of a paramahamsa devotee is used entirely for Krsna, just as the life of a person attached to the material world is used simply for women and money
- The lightning becomes unsteady in its friendship, failing to remain faithfully in any 1 of the clouds, although they are the friends of the entire world, just as lusty women do not remain steady even in the company of men who possess excellent qualities
- The living entities are qualitatively one with the Supreme Lord, just as the sparks of a fire are qualitatively one with the fire
- The living entities have the same qualities as the Lord, just as a drop of sea water is composed of the same chemicals as the great sea itself. Thus there is oneness in quality but a difference in quantity
- The living entity gets into the body just as a person gets into a car, and he goes this way and that
- The living entity, being the fragmental part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, is qualitatively one, just as the parts and parcels of gold are also gold. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity, by accepting his material existence as just so much suffering, can become situated in his spiritual existence. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord (Ramacandra), as an obedient son, accepted the order (of His father, to go to the forest) immediately. He left everything without hesitation, just as a liberated soul or great yogi gives up his life without material attraction
- The Lord appears, just as the morning sun rises, to protect the whole universal creation. His arms display different weapons, and His eight hands are compared to the eight petals of a lotus flower. All the weapons are for the protection of His devotees
- The Lord fulfills the desires of everyone just as one desires. Pure devotees are interested in achieving the transcendental service of the Lord, which is nondifferent from Him
- The Lord Himself personally protects and sustains only His devotees, just as a king personally sustains and protects his own children, while entrusting the protection and sustenance of the state to various administrative agents
- The Lord indicated that in the Mayavadi sampradaya there are many so-called sannyasis who, even though illiterate & unintelligent, hear Vedanta-sutra from their spiritual master just as a matter of formality. Although they listen, they do not understand
- The Lord informed Kardama Muni, "The girl who is coming to be married with you is a princess, the daughter of Emperor Svayambhuva, and so just suitable for your purpose." Only by God's grace can one get a nice wife just as he desires
- The Lord is always present in some universe, just as the sun is present in either the eastern or the western hemisphere
- The Lord is like the two threads that form the length and breadth of a woven cloth. The entire world is controlled by Him just as a bull is controlled by a rope in its nose
- The Lord is so merciful that not only does He fulfill the desires of a devotee who is driven by ignorance and desires for material benefit, but He also gives such a devotee all protection, just as a cow gives milk to a newly born calf
- The Lord left our sight just as when the sun sets it is out of our sight
- The Lord was now prepared to leave this particular universe and go into another, just as the sun rises on one particular planet and sets in another simultaneously but does not change its own situation
- The Lord was thus engaged in vanquishing the radiation of the brahmastra, just as the sun evaporates a drop of dew. He was observed by the child, who thought about who He was
- The Lord's knowledge is unlimited, and therefore one cannot touch where it ends, just as one cannot measure the ocean. What is the extent of our intelligence in comparison to the vast expanse of water in the ocean
- The Lord's omnipresence is perceived and manifested by His unalloyed devotees like Vidura, just as electricity is manifested in an electric bulb
- The Lord, as Supersoul, pervades all things, just as fire permeates wood, and so He appears to be of many varieties, though He is the absolute one without a second
- The Lord, however, by moving slightly aside, dodged the violent mace-blow aimed at His breast by the enemy, just as an accomplished yogi would elude death
- The manifested varieties of the universe are not different from the Lord, just as golden ornaments of different shapes and forms are nondifferent from the original stock reserve of gold
- The many saintly persons in the jungles do not treat the tigers in a friendly way, but they supply prasada foodstuffs to them. The tigers come, take the food and go away, just as a dog does
- The material energy produce varieties of things, just as an artist produces varieties of pictures by mixing the three colors red, yellow and blue. Yellow represents the quality of goodness, red represents passion, and blue represents ignorance
- The material nature is a conditional manifestation of spiritual nature, just as smoke is a conditional stage of fire. Smoke is dependent on fire, but in a blazing fire there is no place for smoke. Smoke disturbs, but fire serves
- The material universes are manifested by the Lord in the form of Maha-Visnu. Just as a husband and wife combine to beget offspring, Maha-Visnu combines with His wife maya, or material nature - CC Intro
- The material universes are manifested by the Lord in the form of Maha-Visnu. Just as a husband and wife combine to beget offspring, the Maha-Visnu combines with His wife Maya, or material nature
- The material world is created to satisfy the whims of the nitya-baddha, or everlasting conditioned souls, just as naughty boys are provided with playing cradles. Otherwise, there was no need of the material world
- The merchants, preachers, kings, and students who were confined to home during the four months June to September began to flow out and attain success in life, just as perfected souls attain the required body as soon as they leave the present one
- The messenger said, "Dear Lord, it is known to You (Krsna) that Jarasandha possesses the power of ten thousand elephants, and with this power he has imprisoned us, just as a lion hypnotizes a flock of sheep"
- The messenger said, "We have now come to the real conclusion of our lives. Our kingly positions were nothing but the reward of our past pious activities, just as our suffering imprisonment by Jarasandha is the result of our past impious activities"
- The mountains, although being struck by torrents of rain during the rainy season, are not shaken, just as those whose hearts are dedicated to the transcendental Personality of Godhead are never disturbed, even when harassed by great misfortune
- The Narada-pancaratra asserts: The infallible Personality of Godhead can manifest His body in different ways according to different modes of worship, just as the vaidurya gem can manifest itself in various colors, such as blue and yellow
- The Nelson Column is a very impressive statue of Lord Nelson and can be seen from a good distance. Just as the residents of Puri compared the Ratha-yatra car to Mount Sumeru, the residents of London considered the car rival to the Nelson Monument
- The opportunity is always there, just as we are offering so many ways to become Krsna Conscious, but if you don't take the opportunity what can I do. That is purposeful negligence of duty
- The other gopi continued, "Does He (Krsna) propose to come back to Vrndavana to extinguish that fire, just as a cloud appears in the sky to extinguish a forest fire by its downpour"
- The parts and parcels are meant to serve the whole, and when they misuse their independence they are subject to the miseries of the laws of matter, just as criminals are subject to police action
- The parts and parcels of the Lord are endowed with specific powers for rendering service unto the Lord, just as a big business magnate's sons are empowered with specific powers of administration
- The pastimes of the Lord (Krsna), beginning from His birth at the prison house of Kamsa up to the mausala-lila at the end, all move one after another in all the universes, just as the clock hand moves from one point to another
- The perfectly realized soul has no conception of how the material body is moving or acting, just as an intoxicated person cannot understand whether or not he has clothing on his body, because he has achieved his real identity
- The Personality of Godhead appeared in Vrndavana as the son of mother Yasoda, who bound the Lord with rope just as an ordinary mother binds a material child
- The Personality of Godhead is omnipresent by His diverse potencies everywhere, just as the power of electricity is distributed everywhere within space
- The Personality of Godhead replied: My dear Lord Brahma, O great lord born from the lotus flower, just as it is dangerous to feed milk to a snake, so it is dangerous to give benedictions to demons, who are by nature ferocious and jealous
- The personified Vedas continued, "Just as sparks dance in a blazing fire, all living entities are dancing on Your support. You are providing them with everything they desire, and yet You are not responsible for their position of enjoyment or suffering"
- The position in space may remain the same, just as we remain in the material world or the spiritual world, but if our Krsna consciousness is strong, we are not in the material world
- The potency of Krsna that is spread everywhere is impersonal, just as the sunlight is the impersonal expansion of the sun globe and the sun-god
- The preachers of Krsna consciousness should be prepared to defeat others by argument, just as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did
- The precarious condition of a householder's life is described herein (SB 5.13.18). A householder's life is full of misery, and the only attraction is sex with the wife who kicks him during sexual intercourse, just as the she-ass does her mate
- The presence of the Supreme Lord can be realized just as the sun is realized first as a reflection on water, and again as a second reflection on the wall of a room, although the sun itself is situated in the sky
- The princes opposing Krsna, who were led by Jarasandha and were all expert in fighting, shot their arrows at the Yadu soldiers just as a cloud splashes the face of a mountain with torrents of rain
- The problem, then, is how to get out, just as you try to get out of a fever. The fevered condition is not your permanent life. Permanent life is enjoyment, but due to the fever you cannot enjoy life
- The puranas say: "Just as the illumination of a fire, which is situated in one place, is spread all over, the energies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Parabrahman, are spread all over this universe." - Visnu Purana 1.22.53
- The pure devotees are of one type only because they have no other object for service but the Lord, and therefore the Lord also reciprocates with such pure devotees just as it behooves, namely, He is always attentive to all the matters of His pure devotees
- The queens said, "We can appreciate your heart is full of anxiety for Syamasundara. You (the cloud) appear excessively eager to see Him, & we see that for this reason only, drops of tears are gliding down from your eyes, just as they are from ours"
- The realized souls in Krsna consciousness take continual pleasure in hearing such transcendental literatures (Srimad-Bhagavatam), just as a young boy and girl take pleasure in association. BG 1972 purports
- The relative world is His (God's) phenomenal representation because it is nothing but an expansion of His transcendental energy. Although He is in His abode His energy is distributed everywhere, just as the sun is localized as well as expanded everywhere
- The remaining Yaksas who somehow or other were not killed had their limbs cut to pieces by the arrows of the great warrior Dhruva Maharaja. Thus they began to flee, just as elephants flee when defeated by a lion
- The sages, headed by Sanaka, had opened doors everywhere. They had no idea of "ours" & "theirs." With open minds, they entered the seventh door out of their own will, just as they had passed through the six other doors, which were made of gold & diamonds
- The son serves the father, just as the servant serves the master. There is affection between master and servant and son and father. The father also serves the son in so many ways; therefore the relationship is reciprocal
- The sons of kings were trained under the guidance of a good brahmana-acarya just as the Pandavas and the Kauravas were put under the instruction of the qualified brahmana professor Sri Dronacarya
- The spirit of enjoyment is present in its pure form in the spiritual world, in relation to Krsna, but we have come here to partake of contaminated enjoyment, just as a man on the Bowery thinks he can enjoy by drinking some liquor
- The spiritual bliss in the mind of Devaki-devi gradually increased, just as the moon increases every night until it becomes a full moon
- The sun works just like the eye of the Supreme Lord, and Brahma works just as the reflected light of the Supreme Lord
- The supplies of Advaita Acarya were inexhaustible and indestructible. As many goods and commodities as He used, just as many again appeared
- The supreme "1" always wants to make our zero efforts valuable by His (God's) association, just as a loving father always wants an unhappy son to be in a prosperous position
- The Supreme Lord appears as the son of one of His devotees just as Lord Krsna appeared as the son of Yasoda & Nanda Maharaja. These devotees could never think of their son as the SPG, for such appreciation would hamper their relationship of paternal love
- The Supreme Lord is the enjoyer & the creator & we, as subordinate living beings, are meant to cooperate to satisfy Him. This cooperation will actually help us, just as food taken by the stomach will help all other parts of the body. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Supreme Person, in His different plenary expansions, lives on innumerable Vaikuntha planets, and the chief planet is Krsnaloka. Just as within the material universe the chief planet is the sun, in the spiritual world the chief planet is Krsnaloka
- The Supreme Person, Krsna, is the central point, and all of us are His parts and parcels, just as hands and legs are parts and parcels of the whole body
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead becomes dependent on His devotee. The Lord is invincible, yet He is conquered by His pure devotee. He enjoys being dependent on His devotee, just as Krsna enjoyed being dependent on the mercy of mother Yasoda
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the cause of all causes, just as a less intelligent person cannot understand that beyond the covering of the clouds there is bright sunshine
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, knowing Himself to be controlled by His devotees, does not leave them for a second, just as the sky overhead never becomes invisible
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the origin of the cosmic manifestation, is covered by the wonderful activities of material nature, just as outer space or the illumination of the sun and moon is sometimes covered by clouds or dust
- The tree of this material world is only a reflection of the real tree of the spiritual world. This reflection of the spiritual world is situated on desire, just as the tree's reflection is situated on water. BG 1972 purports
- The upper planetary system in the creation of the Lord is certainly not vacant or devoid of living entities. From Srimad-Bhagavatam we understand that every planet is full of living entities, just as earth is
- The Vaisnava never accepts another Vaisnava on the basis of birthright, just as he never thinks of the Deity of God in a temple as an idol. And to remove all doubts in this connection, Sukadeva has invoked the blessings of the Lord, who is all-powerful
- The Vaisnava philosophers know how to utilize the temporary construction of this material world, just as a sane man knows how to utilize the temporary construction of the earthen pot
- The Vedas personified, prayed to the Lord as follows, "My dear Lord, it is very difficult to understand spiritual knowledge. Your appearance here just as You are, is to explain to us this most difficult subject of knowledge of the spirit"
- The whole manifestation is the Lord Himself by diffusion of His different energies only, namely the internal, external and marginal, just as the sunlight is the manifestation of the energy of the sun planet
- The whole material or even the spiritual creation is a manifestation of the energy of the Lord, just as the light and heat of a fire are different manifestations of the fire's energy
- The whole relationship, just as we have experience of it in this world, is there in the spiritual world, that relationship is not contaminated by matter. Therefore it is pure and transcendental. It is of a different nature
- The whole universe is under Krsna's mystic power (mama maya duratyaya (BG 7.14)), but Brahma wanted to mystify Him. The result was that Brahma himself was mystified, just as one who wants to kill another may himself be killed
- The wife must remain embraced by her husband. Thus she becomes beloved and well protected. Just as one saves his money and places it under his own personal protection, one should similarly protect his wife by his own personal supervision
- The wind carries the clouds to different parts of the globe, and the clouds distribute rains, to the satisfaction of the people in general, just as rich kings and merchants distribute their accumulated wealth, inspired by religious priests
- The words yajnesam srir vadhur iva indicate that Queen Arci served her husband just as the goddess of fortune serves the Supreme Personality of Godhead Visnu
- The Yaksas, being temporarily victorious, exclaimed that they had conquered Dhruva Maharaja. But in the meantime Dhruva's chariot suddenly appeared, just as the sun suddenly appears from within foggy mist
- The yoga processes are simply ways to elevate oneself to enter into that abode. Actually we belong to that abode, but, being forgetful, we are put in this material world. Just as a madman becomes crazy and is put into a lunatic asylum
- The yogis who practice such breathing exercises are very soon freed from all mental disturbances, just as gold, when put into fire and fanned with air, becomes free from all impurities
- Their (Devotees) example is that just as the stomach is the source of energy of all the limbs of the body, God is the original source of all energy manifested in the material and spiritual worlds
- Their (foolish persons) only profit is to take the trouble of going and coming back, just as at present many material scientists are spoiling their time by trying to go to the moon planet and again coming back
- Their (Persons) struggle for existence is in the wrong direction of material civilization, which is under the external energy. They are led by similar foolish persons, just as one blind man is led by another blind man and both fall in the ditch
- Then (when one has a relationship with Him (Vasudeva) as a servant, friend, parent or conjugal lover) one automatically feels transcendental bliss, just as one becomes happy seeing the shining of the moon
- There are people in the Arabian deserts and in the valleys of the Himalayan Mountains, and the inhabitants of these two places differ from one another, just as the inhabitants of the ice lands also differ from them. There are also different planets
- There are some highly qualified persons who accept only the good qualities of others. Just as a bee is always interested in the honey in the flower and does not consider the thorns and colors
- There are swine, dogs, camels, asses, etc., whose economic necessities are just as important to them as ours are to us, but the economic problems of these animals are solved only under nasty and unpleasant conditions
- There are two symptoms of advancement in the process of devotional service, just as there are two processes while eating. A hungry man feels strength and satisfaction from eating, and at the same time he gradually becomes detached from eating any more
- There is a famous verse about King Viraja. "Because of his high qualities and wide fame, King Viraja became the jewel of the dynasty of King Priyavrata, just as Lord Visnu, by His transcendental potency, decorates and blesses the demigods"
- There is no bodily disqualification of a devotee, just as there is no qualitative difference between the Ganges water and the filthy drain water when they are amalgamated
- There is no distinction between the body and the soul of Lord Jagannatha, for Lord Jagannatha is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), just as the body of Krsna is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha
- There is no limit to the incarnations of the Supreme Lord, just as there is no limit to the waves of the ocean
- There is no mechanical process to see the form of the Lord. It completely depends on the causeless mercy of the Lord. We cannot demand the Lord to be present before our vision, just as we cannot demand the sun to rise whenever we like
- There is no question of stopping activities, just as there is no question of wiping out one's temperature altogether when trying to recover from a disease. "To make the best use of a bad bargain" is the appropriate expression
- There is nothing peculiar looking about Yaksas and Raksasas; they are meat eaters. Just as meat eaters in the ordinary world do not look different. You may show them eating meat, or something like that
- Thereupon Lord Boar killed the demon within the water, just as a lion kills an elephant. The cheeks and tongue of the Lord became smeared with the blood of the demon, just as an elephant becomes reddish from digging in the purple earth
- These expanded living entities (the vibhinnamsa expansions, the marginal potencies of the Lord) are innumerable, just as the minute molecules of sunshine are innumerable expansions of the sun
- These planets float in the air within the vast sky, just as clouds with hundreds of tons of water float in the air or as the great syena eagles, due to the results of past activities, fly high in the sky and have no chance of falling to the ground
- These terms (jiva, mind and ego) identify these Deities (Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha), just as the terms ‘sky’ and ‘light’ sometimes identify the Absolute Brahman
- They (foolish people) cannot understand that just as the material energy of the Lord has a variety of activities, the spiritual energy has variety also
- They (four social orders) should act according to the regulative principles of this institution and satisfy the Lord, just as different parts of the body all engage in the service of the whole
- They (mudha, naradhama, whose knowledge is carried away by maya and atheists) have to be slapped, caned and kicked severely, and they have to suffer. Just as a father has to chastise his unruly boy, so material nature has to employ certain punishments
- They (ordinary men) foolishly think that Krsna is like themselves and that He embraces the gopis just as an ordinary man embraces a young girl - CC Intro
- They (ordinary men) incorrectly think that Krsna is like themselves and that He embraces the gopis just as an ordinary man embraces a young girl
- They (persons who are a little above gross materialists) try to accumulate something for the next life by acts of virtue, just as a man banks some money for future happiness
- They are incessantly chanting the mantras of the Sama Veda and the Upanisads, thus offering prayers to you. Just as great sages resort to the branches of Vedic literatures, the bumblebees are enjoying the showers of flowers falling from your hair
- This conception (of the living enitiy who thinks he is God Himself) has no meaning, just as there is no meaning to seeing one's head being cut off. This is the process by which knowledge is covered
- This is also confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita: the living entity is as if seated on the machine of the body, and the car of the body is moving by the control of material nature, just as the railway trains are moving under the direction of the controller
- This is another way of measuring the duration of a danda, just as time is measured by sand in a glass
- This is confirmed herein (SB 4.7.36) by the wife of Daksa: "Without Your presence (Lord Visnu) , the grandeur of this sacrificial ceremony is useless, just as a body without the head, however decorated it may be, is useless
- This is described in Bhagavad-gita (BG 13.3). Ksetra-jnam capi mam viddhi: the Supersoul is present in every field of activity, just as the individual soul is present in the individual body. Both of them are conscious
- This is necessary (one be more tolerant than the tree and humbler than the grass) because for one who is living in this material world there will be so many disturbances, just as if one were traveling on the ocean
- This is stated in the SB (6.1.15): Just as when the sun rises the all-pervading fog immediately disappears, so in this Kali-yuga, by the process of bhakti-yoga - especially by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra - all one's sins are eradicated
- This is the real guru - one who has seen the truth, just as Arjuna has seen Krsna. Arjuna heard Krsna's instructions and said, - You are the Absolute Truth
- This is the way to understand how the Supreme Brahman (by His favor). Krsna, is present everywhere, just as the sunshine is present because of the sun-god in the sun globe
- This King Prthu will be as powerful as the sun-god, and just as the sun-god equally distributes his sunshine to everyone, King Prthu will distribute his mercy equally
- This knowledge (which Krsna spoke to sun-god) is always being repeated, just as summer, autumn, winter and spring are repeated every year
- This life is a preparation for the next, and if we want to enjoy our transcendental senses, we have to purify ourselves to return home, back to Godhead. For this purpose, Devahuti is submitting to her son just as a disciple submits to his master
- This material world is actually meant for misery, just as a prison house is meant for punishment. Once we attain our constitutional position of brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20), we can enter the kingdom of God, the spiritual world
- This matter is undoubtedly very wonderful. Indeed, my intelligence has become disturbed, just as the flame of a candle is disturbed by a blowing wind. O Narada Muni, you know everything. Kindly let me know the cause of this wonderful event
- This may appear to be against the spiritual concept of life, but just as fire is still beautiful even when surrounded by smoke, she (Devahuti) looked completely pure although it seemed that she was living in a luxurious way
- This omkara is a note of address, such as "O my Lord," just as om hari om means "O my Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead." As we have explained before, the Lord's holy name is identical with the Lord Himself. So also is omkara
- Those who are less than a brahmana by qualification cannot establish any relation with the Lord, just as fire cannot be kindled from the raw earth unless there is wood, although there is a relation between wood and the earth
- Those who are materially interested are called visayis (karmis), which indicates that they are very fond of sense gratification. Such visayis sometimes approach a famous guru and ask to become a disciple just as a matter of fashion
- Those whose minds are overcome by the mode of passion are attracted by the color of gold, just as a man suffering from cold in the forest runs after a phosphorescent light in a marshy land, considering it to be fire
- Through their service, devotees see that Personality of Godhead, just as the denizens of heaven see the personality of the sun
- Thus different types of consciousness develop, just as fire, which is always basically the same, blazes in different ways according to the shape and dimension of firewood
- Thus one regains his original identity, just as a block of gold or silver sheds all dirt and becomes purified when treated with fire. May that inexhaustible SPG become our spiritual master, for He is the original of all other spiritual masters
- Thus prakrti, by the energy of Lord Krsna, becomes the secondary cause, just as iron becomes red-hot by the energy of fire
- Thus when the Personality of Godhead entered into the elements by His energy, all the living entities were enlivened into different activities, just as one is engaged in his work after awakening from sleep
- To assure His parents that Kamsa was dead, Lord Krsna dragged him just as a lion drags an elephant after killing it. When people saw this, there was a great roaring sound from all sides as some spectators expressed their jubilation
- To be more clear, the idea is that Krsna actually cannot be instructed by anyone, just as the ocean does not receive water from any source but itself
- To become Krsna conscious is the highest stage of yoga, just as, when we speak of Himalayan, we refer to the world's highest mountains, of which the highest peak, Mount Everest, is considered to be the culmination. BG 1972 purports
- To emphasize something to an ordinary person, one may repeat it three times, just as one might say - You must do this! You must do this! You must do this
- To manage the whole show the Supreme Lord incarnates Himself as the Karanarnavasayi Visnu just as a magistrate is deputed by the government to manage affairs temporarily
- Today, all of you please try to taste the lunch just as Lord Jagannatha accepted it
- Uddhava continued, "You are already perceiving His (Krsna's) presence twenty-four hours a day, yet He will come and see you very soon. Actually, He is present everywhere and in everyone's heart, just as fire is present in wood"
- Uddhava was certainly informed of the conditions of life on other planets, and all the sages were anxious to know of them, just as we are anxious to know about the planets in space
- Unto one who has transcendental qualities due to friendly behavior with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, all living entities offer honor, just as water automatically flows down by nature
- Vaisnavas accept the SP as the supreme cause and want to serve Him, talk with Him and see Him, just as the Lord is also eager to see His devotees and talk, eat and dance with them. These personal exchanges of love do not appeal to the Mayavadi sannyasis
- Vasistha tells King Dilipa, "My dear King, everyone has the right to execute devotional service, just as he has the right to take early bath in the month of Magh (December-January)"
- Vasudeva said - One has to understand Your (Krsna's) appearance with great intelligence because the material energy is also emanating from You. You are the original source of the material energy, just as the sun is the source of the sunshine
- Vayu, Agni, Varuna and other demigods began killing the demons who opposed them, just as lions kill deer in a forest
- Vrtrasura shook even the mountains and began crushing the surface of the earth with his legs, as if he were the Himalayas walking about. He came before Indra and swallowed him and Airavata, his carrier, just as a big python might swallow an elephant
- We (Brahma and the sages) offer our respectful obeisances unto You (Varahadeva), along with mother earth, in whom You have invested Your own potency, just as an expert sacrificer puts fire in the arani wood
- We actually do not die. At death, we are merely kept inert for some time, just as during sleep
- We are all one with the Lord, just as the gold ornaments are one in quality with the stock gold
- We are always in miserable condition of life, but we do not understand. This is called maya. Just as the cats and dogs, they are animals. They are in a miserable condition of life, but it does not understand
- We are samples of Krsna. Wherefrom do we get the fighting spirit? It is present in Krsna. Therefore, just as a king sometimes engages a wrestler to fight with him, Krsna also engages living entities to engage in fighting
- We are sons of the Supreme, and we can enjoy life very supremely without any misery and without any doubt. Therefore we should not think that Krsna comes here just as we do, being obliged by the laws of nature
- We are turning the world into a materialistic and hellish place, and because we are ignorant of our constitutional position, we have created innumerable problems, just as in dreams we create so many problems. But in actuality there are no problems
- We can only see the gross material body, and when this gross material body ends, we say that everything is finished. In order to understand these things, we have to approach a guru, just as Arjuna approached Sri Krsna
- We can see God eye to eye, just as we are seeing one another, but qualification is required, and that qualification is Krsna consciousness
- We can serve Hrsikesa, the master of the senses, through the senses. We are part and parcel of Krsna, just as the hand is part and parcel of the body. Similarly, our senses are also part and parcel of the spiritual body of Krsna
- We have to follow in the footsteps of such devotees (as Siva, Yamaraja, Brahma, the Kumaras, Kapila, etc.), for by this one easy process one can cross the great ocean of nescience just as one might cross a small hole created by the hoof of a calf
- We must go to one who has open eyes, to one who has seen the Absolute Truth. The Absolute Truth is there, just as the sun is there for everyone to see
- We must receive bona fide information from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, just as Arjuna received information when Krsna spoke the Bhagavad-gita
- We refuse to accept any controller of this universe because if we accept a controller we have to account for our sinful activities, just as when we accept the government we have to account for our unlawful activities
- We should simply go on with our Krsna conscious activities, and the time will come when we will see Krsna, just as Kuntidevi sees Him face to face. There is no doubt about this
- We view the sun as a small disc. Why? It is far, far greater than this earth, but we see it as just a disc. Everyone knows that our seeing power, our hearing power, and so on are limited
- We will not need anyone to ask us whether we are making progress. We will know it automatically, just as a hungry man knows that he has been satisfied by a full meal
- What comes from material nature is not the life, but the body. The living entities accept particular types of bodies from material nature, just as a child takes its body from its mother
- What is the value of our form? This form will be changed after a few years, as soon as we give up the body. Our forms are changed just as we change our suits and dresses, but God doesn't have a form like this; therefore He is sometimes called nirakara
- What is this consciousness? Just as heat or smoke are symptoms of fire, so consciousness is the symptom of the soul. The energy of the soul, or self, is produced in the shape of consciousness
- What will my activities be? My activities will be under the guidance of the supreme consciousness, just as in the office, the managing director is the supreme consciousness
- Whatever we see in this universe is but an expansion of the potency of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, just as the sunshine and heat all over the universe are expansions of the sun
- When a man kills an animal, God, the affectionate father, is perturbed and is pained at heart. Thus the slaughterer of the animal is suitably punished by the material energy, just as a murderer is punished by the government through police action
- When all the soldiers of Jarasandha had been killed and he was the only one left alive, certainly he was very much depressed. Sri Balarama immediately arrested him with great strength, just as one lion captures another
- When an exalted devotee feels that Krsna is invisible, he cries in separation, and sometimes, when he sees that Krsna has returned to care for him, he laughs, just as a child sometimes laughs upon understanding that his mother is taking care of him
- When any material object displays development, it must be understood that there is a spiritual soul within the manifestation. The gigantic universe has developed gradually, just as the body of a child develops
- When called by the Lord the cows were overwhelmed by joyous affection, just as the mother's breast overflows with milk when the child cries for it
- When He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) gives the impetus, many other causes and effects are produced, and thus the whole universe moves, just as iron moves by the integrated force of a magnet
- When he had been purified after undergoing severe austerities for many hundreds of years, he could see that the cause of all causes, the SPG, was spread throughout his own body and senses, just as aroma, although very subtle, is perceived in the earth
- When Krsna and Arjuna went to see Lord Visnu, it is to be understood that Arjuna visited in His Nara-Narayana capacity, just as Krsna, when He displayed His pastimes in Dvaraka, acted in His Vasudeva capacity
- When Krsna appeared before him, Dantavakra's heroic march was immediately stopped, just as the great, furious waves of the ocean are stopped by the beach
- When Krsna consciousness will be perfect, you'll be transferred from this planet, or from this material world, to the spiritual world, and you'll talk with Krsna just (as) you are talking with me
- When Krsna descends to the material world, this same Vrndavana descends just as an entourage accompanies an important personage. Because when Krsna comes, His land also comes, Vrndavana is not considered to exist in the material world
- When Krsna descends to the material world, this same Vrndavana descends with Him, just as an entourage accompanies an important personage. Because when Krsna comes His land also comes, Vrndavana is considered to exist beyond the material world - CC Intro
- When Krsna had the bulls bridled, He pulled them strongly, just as a child pulls a toy wooden bull. Upon seeing this advantage of Krsna, King Nagnajit became very much astonished
- When Krsna was present on this planet, just as the powerful sun drives all darkness to take shelter in caves, He drove away all of His enemies, who fled like owls to take shelter beyond His sight
- When Lord Brahma returned after a moment of time had passed, he saw that although by human measurement a complete year had passed, Lord Krsna, was engaged just as before in playing with the boys and calves, who were His expansions - SB 10.13.40
- When Lord Nrsimhadeva gave Hiranyakasipu a chance to slip from His hand, just as Garuda sometimes plays with a snake and lets it slip from his mouth, the demigods did not consider that incident very good
- When one is a youth, all the ten senses and the mind are completely visible. However, in the mother's womb or in the boyhood state, the sense organs and the mind remain covered, just as the full moon is covered by the darkness of the dark-moon night
- When one wants to supersede a superior power, one's own inferior power becomes ludicrous. Just as a glowworm in the daytime and snow at night have no value, Brahma's mystic power became worthless in the presence of Krsna
- When Ramacandra entered the forest and Laksmana was also absent, the worst of the Raksasas, Ravana, kidnapped Sitadevi, the daughter of the King of Videha, just as a tiger seizes unprotected sheep when the shepherd is absent
- When Ravana attempted to insult Kartaviryarjuna in the presence of the women and thus offended him, Kartaviryarjuna easily arrested Ravana and put him in custody in the city of Mahismati, just as one captures a monkey, and then released him neglectfully
- When the bridegroom, Sisupala, came there with his party with the desire to marry Rukmini, Krsna all of a sudden swept her from the scene, stepping over the heads of all the princes there, just as Garuda carried away nectar from the hands of the demons
- When the living entity is thus unaffected by the modes of material nature, because he is unchanging and does not claim proprietorship, he remains apart from the reactions of the modes, just as the sun remains aloof from its reflection on water
- When the Lord descends on the earth, His eternal associates also come with Him, just as the entourage of a king accompanies him
- When the Lord's pastimes are visible to the human eye, they are called prakaṭa, and when they are not visible they are called aprakaṭa. In fact, the Lord's pastimes never stop, just as the sun never leaves the sky
- When the material energy is engaged in the service of the Supreme Spirit, so-called material energy is also transformed into spiritual energy, just as an iron rod becomes fire when placed in contact with fire
- When the night of Brahma ensues, all the three worlds are out of sight, and the sun and the moon are without glare, just as in the due course of an ordinary night
- When the results of their pious activities are exhausted, they fall down by higher arrangement and again come back to this planet, just as any person raised to a high position sometimes all of a sudden falls
- When the same activities are performed for the satisfaction of the Lord, the beneficial results are distributed to everyone, just as water poured on the root of a tree is distributed throughout the entire tree
- When the temple was cleansed, it was purified, cool and pleasing, just as if the Lord's own pure mind had appeared
- When the trip was nearly over, just as they were about to enter his home village, the youth could no longer hear the sound of the bangles, and he began to fear. "Oh, where is Krsna?" Unable to contain himself any longer, he looked back
- When the yogi is controlled by the mind, he falls down into the material condition. One should be very careful of the mind, just as a husband should be careful of an unchaste wife
- When we come in touch with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we immediately become perfect and fully satisfied, just as a child is fully satisfied when he comes to the lap of his mother
- When we enjoy or relish the vibration of Krsna's teachings in BG, or when we chant HK, we should know that by those vibrations He is immediately present. He is absolute, and because of this His vibration is just as important as His physical presence
- When we see them (stars) glittering at night we can understand that they are reflectors of light; just as moonlight is a reflection of sunlight, other planets also reflect sunlight, and there are many other planets which cannot be seen by our naked eyes
- When we think of coming to Krsna, we should not think that we will be standing before a void or an impersonal bright light. Krsna, God, is a person, just as we are persons
- Whether products of the external internal or marginal potencies of God are simply displays of the same effulgence of God just as light heat & smoke are displays of fire. None of them are separate from the fire all of them combine together to be fire
- While Krsna was dealing with Rukmi in this way, the soldiers of the Yadu dynasty, commanded by Balarama Himself, broke the whole strength of Rukmi's army just as an elephant in a pond discards the feeble stem of a lotus flower
- While playing like a small child with His (Krsna's) associates, the Lord killed many demons, including Aghasura, Bakasura, Pralambasura and Gardabhasura. Although He appeared at Vrndavana just as a boy, He was actually like the covered flames of a fire
- While remaining unaffected by the material modes of nature, He creates, maintains and dissolves the whole cosmic manifestation. We wrongly look upon Krsna & Balarama as ordinary human beings, just as whirling men see the whole world whirling around them
- While returning to their homes, they (the brahmanas, kings, sages and demigods) talked of the dealings of Yudhisthira & even after continuous talk of his greatness they were not satiated, just as one may drink nectar over & over again & never be satisfied
- While the energy works, the energetic remains aloof, just as the sunshine spreads everywhere while the sun itself remains apart. Similarly, there is energy working throughout the cosmic manifestation
- With my mind fixed on Your lotus feet, I am no longer disturbed by persons who blaspheme me, claiming that my activities are not purified. I do not mind their accusations, and I excuse them out of compassion, just as You exhibit compassion
- With physical strength and a bodily luster resembling molten gold, he emerged from the anthill a completely young man, just as fire springs from fuel wood
- With the cooperation of the elderly members of the family, he performed the bathing ceremony (abhiseka) for Lord Ramacandra with the water of the four seas and with other substances, just as it was performed for King Indra
- With woman, the living entity is entangled with lusty desires, and he enjoys sex, just as one enjoys the aroma of a flower. He thus enjoys a life of sense gratification - from his tongue to his genitals
- Within this effulgence (of Goloka) there are innumerable glowing planets, each of them self-luminous. Somewhere, a limited part of that glowing effulgence is covered by material energy, just as a part of the sky is covered by a cloud
- Without His (the Supreme Lord's) presence within the material world, the cosmic body could not develop, just as without the presence of the spirit within the physical body, the body could not develop
- Without Krsna, one cannot live, just as a person cannot live without some enjoyment for his mind
- Without Narayana, all other causes are useless, just as the potter's wheel and tools are useless without the potter himself
- Without the Lord's relation, worship of the demigods is unauthorized (avidhi-purvakam), just as it is improper to water the leaves and branches of a tree without watering its root. Therefore the demigods are also dependent on Narayana
- Worship of Krsna alone includes worship of all the parts and parcels, just as watering the root of a tree also waters all the branches, twigs, leaves and flowers
- Yes, your plan to have all temple presidents report the scores on new men recruited is approved by me. You can keep count which temple is recruiting the most men, just as they keep count of the book distribution
- You are the Supreme Person, and through the temporary modes of material nature You create varieties of manifestation, just as fire, entering into wood of different shapes, burns brilliantly in different varieties
- You can take Krsna's mercy also, provided it is delivered as it is. Just as we are teaching Bhagavad-gita
- You get another body (after our death). Just as when you change your apartment: you fix up your new apartment first; then you leave this one and go there
- You have now demonstrated Your love for Your devotees, just as when You previously saved the five Pandavas from great danger
- You have to take their (the sruti-smrti) particular recommendation for the particular time, just as Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu did when He urged His followers to heed the injunction of Brhan-naradiya Purana - 3.8.126, CC Adi 17.21
- You will see Me in all living entities as well as all over the universe, just as fire is situated in wood. Only in that state of transcendental vision will you be able to be free from all kinds of illusion