Category:In Those Days
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Pages in category "In Those Days"
The following 89 pages are in this category, out of 89 total.
- Any decision, however important, should be confirmed by some authority. That makes the matter perfect. This means that the monarchs who ruled the earth in those days were not irresponsible dictators
- Any imposter, pretender, representing as the incarnation of God or something like that, in those days, the king would not tolerate; immediately would cut his head, what to speak of thieves and rogues
- As mentined above, it appears that Krsna enjoyed the rasa dance with the gopis when He was eight years old. At that time, many of the gopis were married, because in India, especially in those days, girls were married at a very early age
- Eka-patni-vrata, accepting only one wife, was the glorious example set by Lord Ramacandra. One should not accept more than one wife. In those days, of course, people did marry more than one wife
- Evam parampara-praptam, rajarsayah. The Bhagavad-gita, it meant for the rajarsis. King, but they are saintly person. Therefore they are called rajarsi. Raja and rsi, both, combined together, rajarsi. So all the kings in those days, they were all rajarsis
- For the airplanes in those days (Dhruva Maharaja's time) were made of gold, whereas at the present moment airplanes are made of base aluminium. This just gives a hint of the opulence of Dhruva Maharaja's days and the poverty of modern times
- For the atomic bombs there is no counterweapon to neutralize the effects. But by subtle science the action of a brahmastra can be counteracted, and those who were expert in the military science in those days could counteract the brahmastra
- Formerly, without becoming a brahmana specially, they were not initiated. So in those days all the families were very pure. Therefore born of a brahmana father is understood that he has got the training of a brahmana. That is a facility
- Gopala was situated in Vrndavana, which was far from Remuna. In those days, one had to pass through provinces governed by the Muslims, who sometimes hindered travelers
- Guru Maharaja, he saw this. Now I remember those days, when he was instructing, "Do like this. Do like this." At that time, I could not understand. "Oh, why he's talking to me?"
- He (Banasura) was very intelligent and liberal also, and his activities are all praiseworthy because he never deviated from his promise and word of honor; he was very truthful & fixed in his vow. In those days, he was ruling over the city of Sonitapura
- He (the sage) was very, very sorry, but what can be done? The brahmana boy's curse (on Pariksit Maharaja) must be effective. That because in those days brahmanas, even by caste, was very, very strong in spiritual strength
- He was eating little butter, just to satisfy. Practically no eating. Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was a very rich man's son. His father's income was twelve lakhs of rupees in those days. So he adopted this austerity at Radha-kunda
- Here (in SB 3.22.17) we find the word harmya-prsthe. Harmya means "a very big palatial building." Svad vimanat means "from his own airplane." It is suggested that private airplanes or helicopters were also current in those days
- In ancient times, there was not so great an expansion of material activities. In those days the mode of living was simple, and yet the thoughts were sublime
- In India in those days and even until fifty years ago, polygamy was freely allowed. Any man, especially of the higher castes - the brahmanas, the vaisyas and particularly the ksatriyas - could marry more than one wife
- In my childhood I have actually seen my father receive not less than four guests every day, and in those days my father’s income was not very great. Nonetheless, there was no difficulty in offering prasadam to at least four guests every day
- In olden days such practice (controlling the life air by the prescribed yogic process) was very common for the transcendentalist, for the mode of life and character in those days were favorable
- In that great palace, the Pandavas lived with their family members, and Queen Draupadi served her husbands very peacefully. And because in those days Lord Krsna was also there, the palace was also decorated by His thousands of queens
- In the Bible, the first injunction is "Thou shall not kill." This means the people were, in those days, at least people who were all around Christ, they were very much expert in killing. Otherwise why he says first, "Thou shall not kill"?
- In the days of Haridasa Thakura, all the brahmanas worshiped Narayana in the form of the salagrama-sila. Therefore begging from a brahmana’s house meant taking krsna-prasadam, which is transcendental - nirguna
- In the glorious days, or before the advent of the age of Kali, the brahmanas, the cows, the women, the children and the old men were properly given protection
- In the Satya-yuga people generally lived for one hundred thousand years. Dhruva Maharaja's ruling the world for thirty-six thousand years was quite possible in those days
- In this verse (CC Adi 17.253) we find the word dvija, indicating that the student was a brahmana. Actually, in those days, only members of the brahmana class became students of Vedic literature
- In those days (during the time of Daksa) this (the place where the River Sindhu (now the Indus) meets the Arabian Sea) was the site of a holy lake named Narayana-saras, where there were many saintly persons
- In those days (of Caitanya) in Bengal there were many places known as Kanai Natasala, where pictures of the pastimes of Lord Krsna were kept. People used to go there to see them. This is called krsna-caritra-lila
- In those days (of Lord Caitanya) also, the caste brahmanas were very proud. They were not prepared to accept chastisement even from a teacher or spiritual master
- In those days (Satya-yuga), people used to live for one hundred thousand years
- In those days (when Yudhisthira ruled the earth and seas) the King of Hastinapura (now part of New Delhi) was the emperor of the world, including the seas, up to the time of Maharaja Pariksit, the grandson of Maharaja Yudhisthira
- In those days - those days means at least five thousand years ago - they selected a place and, "Let us fight and decide our fate," ksatriyas. Why the public should suffer? So in this way Kuruksetra was selected to fight between the two parties
- In those days exchange was by barter; therefore Krsna might have seen His parents acquire fruits & other things by bartering grain. So He imitated. But His palms were very small, & He was not very careful to hold the grains tight, so He was dropping them
- In those days if a brahmana should curse someone it would come true. They had the power to curse or give benediction
- In those days if my father would spend twenty-five rupees, it was a great festival. Why not? In those days, fifty, sixty years ago, the money value was at least twenty times
- In those days in the jungles there were many hermitages. Those who wanted to live secluded life in the jungle, in the forest, they would have their home, very small cottage, and their means of living was milk and fruit
- In those days one paisa was also subdivided into small conchshells, but at the present moment the prices for commodities have gone so high that there is nothing one can get in exchange for only one paisa
- In those days the path from Varanasi to Vrndavana was infested with robbers, and therefore there were ksatriyas to protect travelers
- In those days there was no banking system like the one now found in Western countries. If one had excess money, he would deposit it with some merchant, usually a grocer. That was the banking system
- In those days there were various disturbances in the country that were creating a panic in society
- In those days, and also even now, the palatial buildings of respectable people, especially in the villages of Bengal, were divided into two parts
- In those days, by misusing their brahminical heritage, the brahmanas passed a law to the effect that anyone not born in a brahmana family was to be considered a sudra. Thus even the ksatriyas and vaidyas were also considered sudras
- In those days, India was more or less following the principle of smarta-vidhi. Srila Sanatana Gosvami had to keep pace with this, and his Hari-bhakti-vilasa was compiled with this in mind
- In those days, no one could distinguish between a pure Vaisnava and a pseudo Vaisnava. Therefore Ramadasa Visvasa was known as a Vaisnava because he worshiped Lord Ramacandra
- In those days, Svarupa Damodara and Raghunatha dasa Gosvami lived with Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, whereas all other commentators lived far away from Him
- In those days, the brother of the husband could beget children through the womb of his sister-in-law. This was known as devarena sutotpatti
- In those days, the Hindus were so strict that if a brahmana accepted service from a non-Hindu, he was immediately ostracized from Hindu society. Despite this, Rupa and Sanatana Gosvamis were made principle authorities in the science of Krsna by Mahaprabhu
- It appears that in those days a man could be purchased for any purpose. Hariscandra was in need of a person to sacrifice as the animal in a yajna and thus fulfill his promise to Varuna, and a man was purchased from another man for this purpose
- It appears that in those days in the western part of India there were many small kingdoms, ruled by the Yadu dynasty, Andhaka dynasty, Vrsni dynasty and Bhoja dynasty
- It appears that in those days soldiers used to go to the battlefield highly decorated with golden ornaments and with helmets and turbans, and when they were dead the booty was taken by the enemy party
- It appears that in those days there were many tapo-vanas, or forests especially meant for retirement and the practice of austerities
- It is confirmed by Sukadeva Gosvami that in those days the river flowing through the city of Hastinapura, present-day New Delhi, was known as the Ganges, although today it is called the Yamuna
- It is said that in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Portuguese businessmen used to come aboard their ships. In those days, Saptagrama, situated on the southern side of Bengal, was very rich and popular
- It is suggested that private airplanes or helicopters were also current in those days
- It is understood that not only at the present moment but in those days also there were skyscrapers
- It was stated in the First Chapter of Madhya-lila, verse 149, that Ramananda Raya was bade farewell from Bhadraka. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura states that in those days the place called Remuna also included Bhadraka
- Karna had been insulted during Draupadi's svayamvara. In those days a very qualified princess would select her own husband in a ceremony called a svayamvara
- King Prthu ruled over the world many thousands of years before the so-called prehistoric age, it is clearly mentioned here (SB 4.21.12) that in those days not only were all the different parts of the world known, but they were ruled by one king, Prthu
- Krsna spoke all these words five thousand years ago. Apart from taking account of millions of years, because nature's law is the same, so even in those days, five thousand years ago, you'll find the demonic people as they are now
- Krte means satya-yuga. People were very restrained, all paramahamsas. In those days it was possible to meditate
- Once two brahmanas, one old & one young, went to visit Vrndavana on a pilgrimage. It was a long trip, & in those days there were no railways, so travelers underwent many hardships. The old man was much obliged to the youth for helping him on the journey
- One can go from this (Atisara) village to Panihati and from there to Varaha-nagara, north of Calcutta. In those days the Ganges flowed to the south of Calcutta through Kali-ghata, which is still known as Adi-ganga
- Saintly persons like Vidura must be treated as well as a denizen from heaven. In those days denizens of heavenly planets used to visit homes like that of Maharaja Yudhisthira, and sometimes persons like Arjuna and others used to visit higher planets
- Satyakama was born of a maidservant, but he wanted to become brahmin. So he went to Gautama Muni: "Sir, make me your disciple." In those days, Vaidic brahminical culture, without becoming brahmin, he cannot be initiated
- Since this (CC Antya 3.56) is a quotation from the Nrsimha Purana, this indicates that in the puranic age there must also have been mlecchas and yavanas (meat-eaters), and the words ha rama, meaning "condemned," were also uttered in those days
- The brahmin community, especially in those days, five hundred years ago, were not very rich, because they did not care for material opulence. That is the specific quality of brahmins
- The difference between the presentation of welcome addresses today and in those days is that formerly the welcome addresses were presented to a person like Maharaja Pariksit
- The jina means the deerskin. That is very essential, because formerly the brahmacaris used to go to guru-grha. In those days the guru-grha was not palatial building. Now if you haven't got palatial building, nobody will come
- The mind, by nature, is always oscillating, for it is very fickle, but the breathing exercise is meant to control it. This process of controlling the mind might have been very possible in those days millions of years ago
- The provinces passed over by the Lord in those days were differently named, but the direction given is sufficient to indicate that He traveled through Delhi, Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Saurastra and Gujarat and at last reached Dvaraka
- The queen suggested that "At least you make him (Buddhimanta Khan) a Muhammadan. Then that will be the punishment." So the king, or the Nawab, said, "All right, I shall make him." Because in those days, to make a Hindu a Muhammadan, it was very easy
- The rsis in those days, however, could not even imagine that in the advanced days of the age of Kali the lowest of the sudras will be elected as administrators and will open organized slaughterhouses for killing cows
- The state in the days of Maharaja Yudhisthira or Maharaja Pariksit was a welfare state in the real sense of the term because no one was unhappy in that state, be he man or animal. Maharaja Pariksit was an ideal king for a welfare state of the world
- The twenty-five percent of his (Rupa Gosvami's) accumulated wealth which he kept for personal emergencies was deposited with a good business firm, since in those days there were no banks
- The village of Saptagrama is located on the Eastern Railway from Calcutta to Burdwan, and presently the railway station is called Trisabigha. In those days there was a large river there known as the Sarasvati, and present-day Trisabigha is a great port
- The word brahma-tejasa, used in this verse, is significant. In those days, brahmanas were so powerful that simply by desiring and by chanting a Vedic mantra, they could accomplish very wonderful effects
- There was but one victim like Ajamila in those days, but in this age of Kali the poor innocent students are daily victims of cinemas which attract men only for sex indulgence
- There was no need to refer to books, and therefore there were no written books in those days - before the beginning of Kali-yuga
- They (Rupa and Sanatana) changed their names to Sakara Mallika and Dabira Khasa. Practically they became Muhammadan. And in those days many other Muhammadans, they also became this follower of Caitanya cult, especially Haridasa Thakura
- This is the greatest contribution; our books have given us a respectable position. People have no faith in this church or temple worship. Those days are gone
- To convert a Hindu into a Muslim was an easy affair in those days (of Caitanya Mahaprabhu). If a Muslim simply sprinkled water on the body of a Hindu, it was supposed that the Hindu had already become a Muslim
- We do not gain any profit simply by researching the analogous provinces of those days up to now, but it appears that the desert of Rajasthan and the provinces of scanty water like Madhya Pradesh were present even five thousand years ago
- When Caitanya Mahaprabhu was residing at Jagannatha puri, Haridasa Thakura, who happened to be Muhammadan by birth, was with Him. In Hindu temples, especially in those days, no one but a Hindu was allowed to enter
- With one paisa in those days, one could purchase sufficient vegetables to provide for a whole family. Even thirty years ago, vegetables were occasionally so inexpensive that one paisa’s worth could provide for a whole family for a day