Category:In Relation to God
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
Pages in category "In Relation to God"
The following 50 pages are in this category, out of 50 total.
- A karma-yogi views everything in relation to the Absolute, and therefore he engages everything in the transcendental service of the Absolute. He observes all living entities as so many transcendental servitors of the absolute Godhead, Sri Krsna
- A transcendentalist should always engage his body, mind and self in relationship with the Supreme; he should live alone in a secluded place and should always carefully control his mind. He should be free from desires and feelings of possessiveness
- Above the madhyama-adhikari is the uttama-adhikari, who sees everything in relation to the Supreme Lord. Such a devotee does not discriminate between an atheist and a theist but sees everyone as part and parcel of God
- As His pastime, that Supreme Personality of Godhead, the greatest of the great, accepted the subtle material energy, which is invested with three material modes of nature and which is related with Visnu
- Bathing in the Ganges and serving a pure Vaisnava are also known as tadiya-upasanam. This is also pada-sevanam. The word tadiya means "in relationship with the Lord
- Because this infinitesimal spirit emanates from the infinite Supreme Spirit, the karma-yogi in the highest state can observe everyone and everything with equanimity. Such a karma-yogi views everything in relation to the Absolute
- Bhagavata-dharma is not cheating, for it is related to the Supreme Lord. Bhakti can be applied only to Bhagavan, and if there is no Bhagavan, there is no bhakti
- But the mass of people do not know this (that material miseries can be mitigated by devotional service), and therefore the learned Vyasadeva compiled this Vedic literature, which is in relation to the Supreme Truth
- Even in this material world, a devotee does not see materially manifested things; instead he sees Govinda in everything. When he sees a tree or a human being, a devotee sees them in relation to Govinda
- Even though a pure devotee is present on this mortal planet, he is here in relation to the Lord for engagement in transcendental loving service, and not for any material cause
- He (Siva ) simply advises his great wife (Parvati) that of all kinds of worship, the worship of Visnu is the highest, and greater than that is the worship of a great devotee or anything in relation with Visnu
- He (the intermediate devotee) understands that the Supreme Personality of Godhead and everything related to Him are on the same transcendental platform. Actually none of them are mundane
- He (the most advanced devotee) sees systematically everything in relation to the Supreme Lord and understands that everything that exists is eternally situated within the Lord
- He (the paramahamsa devotee) loves every living being in relation with the Supreme Lord. Real renunciation means perfect dependence on God. Every living being is dependent on someone else because he is so made
- He who sees systematically everything in relation to the Supreme Lord, who sees all living entities as His parts and parcels, and who sees the Supreme Lord within everything never hates anything or any being
- In relation to the Supreme Brahman, the Personality of Godhead, whose glory had been shown by the manifestation of all the four-armed forms of Visnu, Lord Brahma, the lord of Sarasvati, was mystified - SB 10.13.57
- Indeed, the devotional process is very pleasant; we melodiously sing with instruments, and someone will listen and also join (sravanam kirtanam (SB 7.5.23)). Of course the music should be in relation with the Supreme Lord, in glorification of Him
- It was the desire of the Lord, and Maharaja Pariksit, Rsi Samika and his son Srngi were all instrumental in fulfilling the desire of the Lord. So none of them were put into difficulty because everything was done in relation with the Supreme Person
- Seeing everyone and everything in relationship with Narayana does not mean, however, that we must accept the words daridra-narayana, which have been manufactured by some unscrupulous person
- Since He (God) is transcendental, His speech is also transcendental, as is His activity; everything in relation to Him is transcendental. The word amrta refers to one who does not meet with death
- Srila Naradadeva is stressing this particular defect in the Vedic literatures compiled by Vyasadeva, and thus he is trying to emphasize describing everything in relation with the Supreme Lord, and no one else
- Srila Rupa Gosvami says in his Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.2.256): "When persons eager to achieve liberation renounce things which are related to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, though they are material, this is called incomplete renunciation"
- Such act (God's pastimes in relation with the external energy) are as good as hearing rasa-lila in the liberated stage. Conditioned souls should not imitate the activities of liberated souls. Caitanya never indulged in hearing rasa-lila with ordinary men
- Such transcendental realization is made possible by dovetailing all the above items (fruitive activity, empiric philosophy and devotional service) in relation with the Lord
- The Bhattacarya tried to defend himself and his Mayavada school by jugglery of logic and grammar, but the Lord defeated him by His forceful arguments. He affirmed that we are all related with the Personality of Godhead eternally
- The devotee is considered to be one of these (three principal) energies (of the Supreme Lord), never the energetic. The energetic is always the Supreme Lord. The energies are related to Him for the purpose of eternal service
- The holy name of the Lord and topics in relation with Him are always worth hearing, and therefore He is called here in this verse nama-dheya, or one whose holy name is worth chanting
- The mischievous activities of the senses can be stopped only by better engagement in relation with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Personality of Godhead Hari appeared at once on the back of His eternal bearer, Garuḍa, and delivered the elephant. The elephant was conscious of his relation with the Supreme Lord. He addressed the Lord as ādi-puruṣa, or the original enjoyer
- The science of learning a subject matter seriously is different from the sentiments of fanatics. Fanatics or fools may consider the Lord's activities in relation with the external energy to be useless for them
- The variegatedness of the Vaikuntha planets is described in relation to God's transcendental pastimes. But instead of trying to understand the spiritual abode and God's spiritual activities, people are more interested in politics & economic developments
- The whole cosmic creation becomes at once identical with the Lord as soon as service in relation with the Lord is rendered under the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master
- The whole process is to understand the real position of the self in relation to the Superself. BG 1972 purports
- There are five basic rasas or relationships in which we are eternally related to God
- There are many demigods, but he (Lord Siva) recommended Visnu worship as the best. And better than Visnu worship is worship of a Vaisnava. Tadiyanam - His servants, or those who are in relation to Him
- There are nine processes of devotional service recommended - hearing, chanting, remembering, worshiping, praying, serving, engaging as a servitor of the Lord, establishing friendly relations with the Lord, offering everything to the Lord
- They (fanatics) may falsely claim to be higher participants in the internal energy of the Lord, but factually the Lord's activities in relation with the external energy and the internal energy are equally good
- This Bhagavata-dharma is not a cheating dharma. Bhagavata-dharma means in relation with the Supreme Lord. Bhagavati bhaktih. Bhakti can be applied only to Bhagavan. Bhakti means the business between Bhagavan and bhakta
- This is a description of the maha-bhagavata, the great personality who sees everything in relation to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Supreme Lord's presence is realized in three stages
- Those who are not completely free from the clutches of the Lord's external energy should devoutly hear regularly about the activities of the Lord in relation with the external energy
- To the layman His activities, appearance and disappearance, His names, His forms, His paraphernalia, His personalities and all things in relation with Him are mysterious
- Topics like the rasa-lila are meant for the liberated souls and not for the conditioned souls. The conditioned souls, therefore, must hear with appreciation and devotion the Lord's pastimes in relationship with the external energy
- We are not preaching any particular type of sentiment, or any frog's speculation. It is fact. How our relationship with the Supreme Lord can develop, how we are related with Him, these things are fact on philosophical basis
- When one develops an unflinching sense of ownership or possessiveness in relation to Lord Visnu, or, in other words, when one thinks Visnu and no one else to be the only object of love, such an awakening is called bhakti (devotion)
- When the relation is reestablished in relation with the Supreme Lord, there is complete unity between all living beings, even up to the limit of the wild animals and human society