Category:I Thank You (Prabhupada)
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Pages in category "I Thank You (Prabhupada)"
The following 246 pages are in this category, out of 246 total.
- A sincere worker is always recognized by Krishna. I do not know how shall I thank you, but I am confident of my future hopes in the sincere students like you, Brahmananda and others; & now if I die I will die blissful, the work will go on
- As soon as you reject Krsna's offer, that means you are most sinful, you are rascal number one, you are lowest of the mankind, and your knowledge has been taken by maya. That's all. Thank you very much
- As your spiritual master, I have my whole-hearted thanks for your service. May Krsna bless you. You have done a great service for being recognized by Krsna, and continue with this work
- Even though you might not have understood, you can correct it now and don't be disappointed. Your humble repentance is just like a Vaisnava student, so I thank you very much for this humbleness
- Everything appears very very nice and I am very much pleased, thank you so much. On your recommendation I accept the boys named by you for first initiation
- I (Prabhupada) am so very much pleased to know that everything has been resolved so nicely, and Sydney center has moved to a larger and better location. All these are very good news, and I beg to thank you very much
- I (Srlia Prabhupada) beg to offer my sincere thanks to all my friends and disciples who are helping me to push forward the Krsna consciousness movement in the Western countries
- I always thank my Spiritual Master Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja for His favor by sending me some sincere representative of Him in missionary activities in this part of the world
- I am advising my men in Vrndavana to begin the function (of inaugurating Krsna-Balarama Temple) from the 16th of April as desired by you. Thanking you for your suggestion
- I am always remembering how nicely you are preaching and helping me to fulfill the order of my Guru Maharaj. Thank you very much. May Krishna bless you both
- I am always very much encouraged when senior devotees like yourself and Rupanuga Maharaja are tending to their Lordships. This gives me assurity that our high standard will continue. Thank you very much for this
- I am in due receipt of your "Simple Living and High Thinking" magazine. The article is very well-written and convincing. Thank you very much
- I am in due receipt of your check for the amount of 200 dollars. Thank you very much for this kind offering. I hope by now you have been to our center in Montreal
- I am in due receipt of your letter dated 76-12-27 along with two copies of the Russian Easy Journey to Other Planets. Thank you very much. This is very, very good. I'm very pleased. It is another epoch making event
- I am in due receipt of your letter dated August 6 and enclosed daksina and I thank you very much
- I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 6, 1975 and your invitation to come to your house. I thank you very much for it, and shall be please to come on July 19th. I shall be accompanied with up to six disciples
- I am in due receipt of your letter dated Nov. 30, 1976 accompanied by your translation of Srila Bhaktivinode's songs. Thank you very much. You have done nicely
- I am in due receipt of your letters accompanied by the fall quarterly newsletter and the BBT calendar. Thank you very much. They are very nice
- I am in due receipt of your poem offering and I want to thank you very much for it. I have appreciated the sentiments expressed within and I hope that you will continue to advance more and more in your Krsna consciousness
- I am in due receipt of your Sri Vyasa Puja offering and I thank you very much for it. I hope everything is going nicely in your preaching
- I am in due receipt of your Vyasa Puja and Janmastami cards and I thank you very much for them. Please continue to render very nice service and certainly Krishna will be pleased upon you
- I am in receipt of your letter dated 17th inst. and copies of 8th Canto, vol 1 Srimad-Bhagavatam. Thank you very much
- I am in receipt of your letter dated December 7, 1973 along with the wonderful photos of Denver Temple. Thank you very much. I am very pleased. Carry on as you are doing. When I return to the U.S. next summer I will certainly consider visiting there
- I am so glad to note how nicely you are distributing KRSNA book. Thank you very much. We have got now 10,000 KRSNA book, Vol. one, third edition, already printed in Japan and sent to L.A.
- I am so glad to see that you are understanding the distinction between Krsna Consciousness and materialistic frustrated consciousness by association with this Movement. Thank you for your nice appreciation of the Spiritual Master
- I am so much thankful to you all for sending me the first blue print copy of "Isopanisad". It is so nicely done that I am fully satisfied
- I am so much thankful to you for your affection for me, and I pray to Krishna that you may make progress more and more in Krishna Consciousness
- I am sorry I couldn't join you. Thank you for your invitation. I am expecting to go back to Vrndavana in the second week of March. I will be very pleased to see you there
- I am very glad to learn that Eric has learnt Krishna Consciousness better than his parents. I thank him very much. This is the example of unsophisticated mind. The child is innocent and therefore he has taken the consciousness so quickly
- I am very much encouraged by your progress in Krsna consciousness. Now go on in this way always striving to please Krsna and you will feel yourself becoming happy more and more. That I want. Thank you once again
- I am very much obliged to you for expressing your good sentiments on account of my humble service to you all. Your appreciation of my humble service is thankfully accepted
- I am very much obliged to your country, USA. You are mostly cooperating with this movement. All of my students, they are mostly American young boys and girls. There are others also, but you are predominant; therefore I must thank you very much
- I am very much thankful for your promise to help me in my missionary activities
- I am very much thankful to you American, European boys & girls who are helping me in this mission. Go on cooperating in this way, & I am sure this mission of Mahaprabhu will be successful. It must be successful because Caitanya wanted it to be done
- I am very much thankful to you for your sending me the sweater, two pairs of shoes and a cap also. Thank you very much
- I am very much thankful to you that you are joining with this movement every Sunday. So this is very easy. If you continue this, and very soon you will realize God, and your life will be successful
- I am very much thankful to you, you American, European boys and girls who are helping me in this mission. So go on cooperating in this way, and I am sure this mission of Caitanya Mahaprabhu will be successful
- I am very thankful for your letter in appreciation of our Krishna consciousness movement. You will be very much useful in this great movement. Please immediately come to Bombay at the above address and we shall talk in detail and do the needful
- I am very thankful to you for appreciating my humble service
- I beg to acknowledge receipt of your note with the enclosed donation of $15 for my book fund. Thank you very much for this
- I beg to acknowledge, with thanks, the contribution made by my beloved disciple Sriman Jayananda brahmacari. My thanks are due as well to the directors of ISKCON Press, who have taken so much care in publishing this great literature. Hare Krsna
- I beg to thank you for the very nice button you have sent me. Preaching work is our main business as this picture on the button shows. I pray that Krsna blesses you with all strength and intelligence to guide the Sankirtana movement ahead in Denver
- I beg to thank you for your French letter. Your feelings are very nice. Please continue chanting Hare Krishna, study my books, and follow faithfully the four regulative principles. Your path Back to Godhead will be assured
- I beg to thank you for your kindly improving our mission in Western world by the hard work of all my students there, and for keeping my apartments and gardens nicely
- I beg to thank you for your letter along with BTG 29 and the new edition of The Peace Formula essay. They are both very nice. The BTG will be complete when the headings of the essays are bolder and on each page the name of Back To Godhead is printed
- I beg to thank you very much for this contribution which I think must be a gift for Vyasa Puja Day presentation and I have deposited it with Dai Nippon for publication of our literatures
- I beg to thank you very much for your kind feelings of appreciation of my humble service unto you. You are all helping me in pushing forward this mission of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu coming down by disciplic succession to my guru Maharaj
- I beg to thank you very much for your kindly remembering me on Vyasa Puja birth day, and I have duly received your gift of $50.00, and I have appreciated your warm sentiments with great satisfaction
- I beg to thank you very much for your letter dated 8th August, 1971 as well as your Vyasa Puja offering, so nicely composed. I am sending it off to Satsvarupa for future publication
- I beg to thank you very much for your letter pointing out some of the discrepancies of many of the devotees in New York. You are correct regarding the items which you have stated
- I beg to thank you very much for your note along with the paperback cover of the Bhagavad-gita as it is. And I have very much appreciated the whole thing. The design and the painting and everything
- I do not know how shall I thank you, but I am confident of my future hopes in the sincere students like you, Brahmananda and others; & now if I die I will die blissful, the work will go on
- I got your colored pictures, and each and every one of them is so nice and captivating that I have kept them for future paintings by our artists. I thank you very much for these pictures
- I have already written you one letter of thanks for your taking care of the Vrindaban temple. I note that you are reducing the expenses, but why did the Treasurer leave? Even if you restricted the spending, then why did he leave?
- I have also received the report (about Krsna-Balarama temple) from Gopala Krishna, especially how nice is the prasadam program there. Thank you very much. You have improved the situation there so much. and I am very much obliged to you
- I have always instructed that the standard of arcana worship must be kept very high, because this will insure that every other temple activity will also flourish. So I am relieved to know that now the Deities are in your care. Thank you for this
- I have always my good wishes and blessings for you all because you are cooperating in a great mission. Thank you
- I have duly received your bags for the beads and thank you very much. I hope you are Kirtana nicely and feeling transcendental happiness
- I have especially designed my books in such a way that they will be appreciated by scholarly persons like yourself and therefore it gives me great satisfaction to know that you have appreciated our humble effort.Thank you very much for your kind words
- I have gone through your translation, but it is not acceptable. We have already settled with a Vrindaban gentleman. I am returning herewith your manuscript. Thanking you
- I have just now received your letter, and I thank you very much for understanding our philosophy correctly
- I have just received one check of contribution from Brahmananda and I understand that you have contributed $500, so I thank you very much for this
- I have received a Letter from Jayatirtha saying that you have distributed in one week 522 and 521 big books respectively. This is very wonderful. I thank you so much
- I have received one article from Rupanuga entitled, "Officials approve Krishna Ministry". Thank you very much. We have succeeded by Krishna's blessing. Now do it nicely. It is a great stride
- I have received one very nice letter from your good wife, Citralekha, and I hear that she has now joined you there, so I may thank her here for serving me so nicely in India. She has learned a lot about deity worship
- I have received the copy of the article printed in the University District Herald, and I thank you very much for your nice efforts in publicizing your temple activities
- I have received the enclosed copies of BTG and they are very nice. The layout made by you and the others are completely satisfactory. Thank you very much. I have again begun speaking on the tapes and very soon you will get transcribed copies
- I have received your (Mr & Mrs Kimmel) kind offering of guava jam through your daughter, Urvasi devi dasi. I wanted to thank you very much for becoming so much interested in our Krishna Consciousness movement
- I have to thank Jadurani for nice pictures. She is giving us light about spiritual understanding. So Krsna will bless her with greater energy for Krsna consciousness. Thank you
- I have to thank you. It is all due to you. It is not my credit, but it is your credit that you are helping me in executing the order of my Guru Maharaja
- I thank all of you very much for accepting me as your spiritual master, and I promise that I will take you back to home, back to Godhead
- I thank you all very much for making the Rathayatra festival so successful. Please convey my gratitude to all the boys and girls who participated in this great transcendental service
- I thank you for following the order of your spiritual master. This is the motto of our spiritual life: yasya prasadad bhagavata prasadao
- I thank you for so promptly sending the dried banana. You are always seeing to my comforts and your service in this regard is much appreciated by me. I also thank you for the nice shirts you have made
- I thank you for the copy of Easy Journey to Other Planets in the Finnish language. Now go throughout all of Europe with your travelling party and distribute my books profusely, just as the Radha-Damodara TSKP is doing in America
- I thank you for your appreciation that you accept me on the superhuman platform
- I thank you for your concern for my disciples' health. Actually, they are getting ghee and other milk products daily along with capatis, dhal, and rice. They are also taking fruits and vegetables daily
- I thank you for your granting me an interview yesterday morning but I was not successful in my mission because your dealing with me yesterday was more official than hearty
- I thank you for your having selected me for being listed in this noteworthy publication. I look forward to receiving the completed biography before publication
- I thank you for your kind sentiments expressed and your nice attitude of humbleness and devotion
- I thank you for your sincere preaching effort, and I pray that Krishna may bless you with all intelligence and strength for pushing on this movement
- I thank you for your very nice sentiments. I appreciate the affection that you have for our movement
- I thank you once more for your appreciating my mission of one God, Sri Krishna; one scripture, Bhagavad-gita; and one mantra, Hare Krishna. This idea is not manufactured by me, but it is authoritative statement in the Gita Mahatma Skanda Purana
- I thank you once more for your assurance of service to Krishna and it is very enlightening for me that we have got so many nice souls to serve the cause of Krishna, and in the matter of pushing Krishna consciousness in this country and all over the world
- I thank you once more for your noble sentiments about me and I can simply say that for this nice attitude Krishna will certainly help you. I am fully aware of your sincere service and therefore I pray always to Krishna for your all-round welfare
- I thank you once more for your progress, in the matter of KC, and I shall always pray to Krishna for your steady progress more and more, along with your nice wife
- I thank you so much for having nicely appreciated the Bhagavad-gita As It Is. This book should be read by all of my students at least one chapter per day, and in kirtana class it should be discussed sloka after sloka
- I thank you very much also for your kind appreciation of my humble service in the cause of Krishna Consciousness movement. I think every Indian is responsible for spreading this movement all over the world
- I thank you very much for assisting me in this mission of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. These reports are very encouraging to me, and I think our men will also be encouraged to increase the book distribution
- I thank you very much for installing Radha-Giridhari. From my childhood I was very much fond of Radha-Krsna, and now my good disciples are helping me to open so many Radha-Krsna temples all over the world. It gives me so much pleasure
- I thank you very much for it and for your appreciation of the Krsna consciousness movement. Please continue reading my books seriously and everything will be revealed to you
- I thank you very much for sending me a record player by air freight, but since you have not mentioned that it is an unsolicited gift, customs has raised objections & they want to levy duty to the extent of 100 Rs
- I thank you very much for sending me the latest copy of Back to Godhead, which is so nicely decorated and painted
- I thank you very much for sending me the poster with pictures of Mr. Ginsberg and myself. It is very nicely done. Now on that I shall lead the kirtana. I shall first of all chant, and our devotees should respond as usual
- I thank you very much for the beautiful ornaments that you have so kindly sent for my Deities. Immediately upon receipt of them I have placed these ornaments upon Sri Sri Radha Krishna, and they are looking very gorgeous
- I thank you very much for the humble sentiments which you have expressed, and I am sure that Lord Nityananda is seeing your sincerity and will be pleased to bless you
- I thank you very much for the Istagosthi notes, and also your nice letter of Feb. 14, 1968. I have read them over, and the question which was asked about why people did not see Krishna as blue, question no. 5; you can't see Krishna with material eyes
- I thank you very much for the news that many cassette-tapes you have sent for continuing the taping process of my lectures and translating. Otherwise they are either unobtainable or very costly here in India, so it is a very nice service
- I thank you very much for the nice sentiments you have expressed, and surely this nice attitude will be a great asset for your further advancement in perfecting your life in Krishna Consciousness
- I thank you very much for this and thank you for your kind letter also
- I thank you very much for this your service. You are a good lady and a good devotee. Your willingness to serve shows what is your progress in Krsna consciousness
- I thank you very much for your acceptance of my guidance. My guidance means Krishna's guidance
- I thank you very much for your appreciation of my association. This association is disciplic and as such all thanks are due to Lord Krishna Who infuses His powers through the bona fide disciplic succession
- I thank you very much for your assurance that I will find London a most flourishing center for our world Sankirtana movement
- I thank you very much for your growing spirit of K.C. and I pray to Krishna for your future progress in life. Please convey my blessings to the other devotees there
- I thank you very much for your guru daksine gift and your nice letter expressing your appreciation for your spiritual master. This is the proper way to receive the blessings of Krsna, by begging the mercy of the spiritual master
- I thank you very much for your hard work in sending out the 200,000 Krishna Consciousness is Authorized pamphlet to leading citizens. Please continue with this important work
- I thank you very much for your invitation to the wedding of your son. I shall be very pleased to attend if I will be in Bombay during that time
- I thank you very much for your inviting me to New Vrindaban, but, considering the local climate as presented by you I think I shall postpone it until the end of April
- I thank you very much for your kind appreciation of "Govinda" my new record album. I am very much happy to hear your kind appreciation, and it is very much encouraging to me
- I thank you very much for your kind invitation to visit Mauritius. I am pleased to inform you that I am arriving at Port Louis from Bombay on the afternoon of September 30th instant. I look forward to meeting with Your Excellency
- I thank you very much for your kind presentation which you have given, even sacrificing your husband's interest. I think, though, that your husband, Mukunda, is also pleased with this action
- I thank you very much for your kind words, and you can pray to Krishna that I may be for some time with you. That is my desire
- I thank you very much for your letter dated April 20, 1969, and the tape of our Sankirtana recording and prayer. Everyone who has heard it here is very satisfied with the result, and I thank you very much for your efforts in this connection
- I thank you very much for your letter dated nil, and I have carefully noted the contents. I have the same feeling upon you as my beloved son. And I still maintain the feeling hoping you will be a great help in the Krsna Consciousness Movement
- I thank you very much for your sentiments, and I was pleased to visit your house. I liked New Vrindaban very much how everything is going on. Now just develop it to bigger scale
- I thank you very much for your simple philosophy of following the instructions of your Spiritual Master. That is the sublime philosophy of Krishna Consciousness
- I thank you very much for your sincere efforts and you have my blessings that you will without a doubt be successful if you stick to the regulative principles and chant at least 16 rounds a day
- I thank you very much for your sincere efforts and you have my blessings that you will without a doubt be successful if you stick to the regulative principles and chant at least 16 rounds a day. Surely Krsna will recognize your service
- I thank you very much for your very nice poetry; I am reading it again and again and I shall most probably arrange to publish it in BTG
- I thank you very much for your very nice presentation of the issue of birth. You have assimilated the process of birth very nicely through the books. This has pleased me very much and I wish that all my students can become as adept...
- I thank you very much once more for the trouble you are taking for me. This is all for Srila Prabhupada's service. Finally don't mind all the trouble which I give you occasionally. Let us cooperate for propagating Krishna Consciousness all over the world
- I thank you very much once more for your ardent desire to cooperate with my missionary work. Krishna will make you happy
- I thank you very much that you are always thinking of me; similarly, take it from me I also always think of you
- I thank you very much that you are sending me letters every week. Your very strong desire to return to Germany is already approved by me, and Krishna das is very much eager to receive you there
- I thank you very much that you have already allotted a nice apartment for me, an entire first floor, so if I had the wings of a dove I could fly immediately to Brooklyn and enter my apartment
- I thank you very much, all of you, for appreciating my humble service which I am trying to render as a matter of duty ordered by my Guru Maharaj I request all my disciples to work cooperatively and I am sure our mission will advance without any doubt
- I think this style is very nice following the tradition of my other Bhagavatam publications. So please continue this process, chapter after chapter, and it will give me complete satisfaction. Thank you very much
- I understand from Karandhara that you are one of the most staunch supporters and workers for distributing our books and I assure you that it is the highest service to my Guru Maharaja. Thank you very much
- I understand that Damodara has gone to N.Y. with manuscript of Teachings of Lord Caitanya. I thank you for your sincere service. I pray Krishna for your more & more improvement in Krishna Consciousness
- I was very happy to receive the new edition of Bhagavad gita the make up is very nice. Every time I see a new publication of my books it gives me so much enthusiasm that my life is increased by 100 years. Thank you for helping me so much
- I wish to thank you for assisting in organizing such a grand Rathayatra on 5th. Avenue in New York. I am very much pleased with your sincere efforts
- I wish to thank you very much for your reading our books so carefully and scrutinizingly. Any man who read these literatures will find a storehouse of transcendental information
- I'm so pleased upon you that on my order you have gone to distant places and faithfully served the cause. I thank you for this attempt
- If your parents don't receive you as their beloved son, I don't wish to keep you in that blazing fire. I thank you very much for the strength of your mind and Krishna will certainly help you
- In the next issue of "Back to Godhead" you should put one note of thanks to Mr. Alexander Kulik of Laguna Beach California. This boy has kindly paid BBT Dollars 25,000.00 for publication of books
- It is owner's residence and therefore the sitting room, bedroom, bath and privy all equipped with first class materials. Everything is nice in the 1st class compartment and thanks to Krishna for His enlightening Sumati Moraji for all these arrangements
- It is very good news for me (Prabhupada) that you are going to have $5300 very soon, and I thank you very much for offering the entire amount to me. I think the whole amount should be utilized for further publication of my books
- It is very gratifying that at last you have got a five-story building, and in the meantime negotiations are continuing for a church. It is very good news and I thank you for your joint invitation
- It is very satisfying that you have introduced Sankirtana Party procession in the public streets and parks on the occasion of Lord Caitanya's Birthday. It is a good addition to my missionary activities and I thank you very much
- Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you very much for your coming here and participate in this great movement. So this evening I shall present before you topics between Krsna and Arjuna. I think most of you know the Bhagavad-gita
- Ladies and Gentlemen, the President, I am very much thankful to you that you are eager to hear about what Krsna wants to speak. Krsna is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Let us go on with our work for Krishna for His satisfaction and for the benefit of the whole world. Thank you once more for your great service
- My blessings are there that you may always have the strength to act according to my orders. Yes, I am feeling a little better. You are welcome to come in January. Thank you for your wanting to help relieve me from the management burdens
- My health is improving by the grace of Krishna, and I am leaving for Bombay by the 22nd instant. Thank you very much for your concern
- Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your appreciative letter dated December 1st, 1975. Yes, when I come next time I will see you
- Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you very much for your kind feelings of appreciation of my humble service unto you
- Please accept my blessings. Thank you very much for the 10 copies of the latest issue No. 2 of Back to Godhead. It is very nicely done
- Please accept my greetings and thanks for your appreciative review of Srimad-Bhagavatam. I am trying my best to publish the entire Srimad-Bhagavatam, which will be about 60 volumes. Thank you very much for your encouragement
- Please convey my thanks to Subal for his letter to me dated September 15th, 1969. I am very much encouraged to see how he is gaining skill in managing a temple nicely
- Regarding the Haridwar bungalow. I thank you very much for it, and when I am fit, I will take advantage of it
- Regarding your reminder for my good cooking, I am very much thankful to you & next time when I go to your home, I must serve you good lunches without fail. Now I am far away from you otherwise I would have at once entertained you with lunches
- Silken bead bag. I thank you very much for it. I am now using it for my chanting beads, so it is a welcome gift
- So far my injuries are concerned, by the grace of Krishna and good wishes of friends and relatives it is already completely cured. Thank you very much for your kind inquiries
- So I have given you my all senior disciples and leaders everything so if you will kindly take this matter very seriously and do my work for me I shall be very much thankful to you always
- Sometimes they say about me "74 years young holy man'', and sometimes they say "jet-age parivrajakacarya.'' They also very kindly have written that I have done magic to the foreigners. So I thank you all for your good wishes
- Thank you again and again for distributing my books with great enthusiasm. Now, try to double this enthusiasm. Anyone who even touches one of our books gets such great benefit
- Thank you be blessed my Guru Maharaj will be very much pleased upon you and all other workers on the holy occasion of his disappearance day
- Thank you for appreciating my books. Read them carefully and you will preach very nicely
- Thank you for appreciating my humble efforts on behalf of my spiritual master, Bhaktisiddhanta & Lord Caitanya. Whatever I have done it is due to their potency in Krishna Consciousness. My only achievement is that I have not changed what they have taught
- Thank you for appreciating Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. There is no need to feel sad at the end of a chapter or a volume because there is always another chapter and another volume. There is no scarcity.You want more nectarine and the supply is also there
- Thank you for being attracted to this Hare Krishna movement and engaging yourself in chanting Hare Krishna. You are most fortunate to be giving up your sinful activities
- Thank you for distributing my books so enthusiastically. Please increase this book distribution as much as possible
- Thank you for getting this chaplaincy. Now it should be done nicely and started in other places. It will be very nice if we can get it in every school
- Thank you for helping in this way by taking signatures in support of our movement from the Indian people in Toronto
- Thank you for helping me in this preaching work. Make sure that you preach nicely and at the same time follow the example of perfect behavior given by your spiritual master and the previous acaryas and confirmed in the scriptures
- Thank you for representing me there in LSS by stressing the importance of attendance to the morning and evening programs and following all of the spiritual practices. This is wanted
- Thank you for sending the final edition of the Swedish Sri Isopanisad. It is very very nice. I am very anxious to see all of my books printed in the Swedish language
- Thank you for serving steadily and taking responsibility in Krishna Consciousness. The spiritual master cannot be approached for solving marriage problems. That is not the business of the guru
- Thank you for supplying the account for the money which has been sent to you. I am encouraged that you expect to have the everything completed on time. This I want
- Thank you for the nice photos. Your Deities are very nice there
- Thank you for the nice sentiments expressed therein. Go on chanting and reading our books, and gradually you will advance in Krishna Consciousness
- Thank you for the pecans. I shall be coming to L.A. on the 20th of June for one week & then I shall go to Denver for one week. You can see me in L.A., if you like. Please continue to follow all of the rules & regulations carefully, & chant or read always
- Thank you for understanding this Krsna Consciousness philosophy more and more. Now that you have a little taste, kindly keep it as the most valuable asset of life
- Thank you for your articles. They are very nicely written. They have given us a good amount of space. That means that we can present our philosophy in detail and they will read it
- Thank you for your dreaming like that. It is very pleasing to me. Yes, I want to see like that
- Thank you for your kind sentiments and I am very glad that you have appreciated our International Society for Krishna Consciousness. Our actual credit is that we are simply repeating Bhagavad-gita As It Is without changing it
- Thank you for your wonderful sankirtana results. It is very pleasing to me that you have sold so many books. Now, continue and increase
- Thank you so much for your eagerness to see me. I am doing the work of my Guru Maharaja and similarly you also help me and we will be all benefited in Krishna Consciousness
- Thank you very much and continue to work very sincerely and Krishna will bless you
- Thank you very much for offering your services at the new university, but first let us get the opportunity and as soon as we start the establishment it will be a great pleasure
- Thank you very much for participating in this sankirtana movement. I am glad to hear that you are enthusiastic about chanting. Keep chanting 24 hours if possible. This constant chanting of Krishna's names will assure you of not falling down
- Thank you very much for selling so many books there. This is very much wanted. Try to sell again more and more each day
- Thank you very much for sending the book reviews. Send more if you can. These are very very encouraging
- Thank you very much for taking so much care of my health for praying to Nrsimhadeva. He is very kind. By all your prayers He will surely take care of me
- Thank you very much for the nice book distribution report. Chicago temple is doing very nicely. Give them many thanks. There are so many devotees there in your zone
- Thank you very much for the offer of the use of your place in Allahabad during the Kumbha. Yes, most probably we are going. I shall let you know later on
- Thank you very much for the pictures of Baltimore yatra, especially I have appreciated the beauty of the Gaura-Nitai Deities which you are going to install. Where were these Deities made?
- Thank you very much for the Tulasi leaves offered to Lord Caitanya's lotus feet. If one is fortunate enough to receive such holy prasadam then all sinful reactions are immediately purified within the heart
- Thank you very much for your kind appreciations of our Krishna Consciousness movement. I am so glad to hear that you have taken to devotional service and are finding it more and more enlivening
- Thank you very much for your kind donation of 2500 Rupees for our food distribution program. It will be very helpful in endeavors
- Thank you very much for your kind donation. May Lord Krishna bless you
- Thank you very much for your kind invitation, and when I return to the U.S., I will seriously consider the proposal
- Thank you very much for your kindly making available your house in Allahabad during the Kumbha Mela. I will have my disciple Gurudas Swami pick up the keys from Dr. Ram Das Tiwari as you have indicated in your letter
- Thank you very much for your nice translation of Markine Bhagavata-dharma. It is well appreciated. I think it can be included in the front of the new printing of the song book, and it can be sung in kirtana like the other songs of Bhaktivinode Thakura
- Thank you very much for your report of the temple activities there. Please offer my thanks to Mr. Pankhania for his kind assistance to our movement
- Thank you very much for your sincere effort in helping me carry out the directions of my Guru Maharaja
- Thank you very much for your sincere efforts in pushing forward this Krsna Consciousness Movement
- Thank you very much for your sincere endeavors to distribute my books widely. If you continue with such desire and determination, Krishna will give you all strength to increase more and more
- Thank you very much for your very good printing and preaching work. May Lord Caitanya bless you
- Thank you very much that you are struggling there alone and silently, and Krishna will surely bless you for this. I suggested in my previous letter that you join the Toronto party if you are feeling alone. But if not, you go on with your present program
- Thank you very much that you are working so hard for this movement, and surely Krsna will reward sufficiently for your transcendental labor. Be blessed and preach
- Thank-you for the newspaper clipping. This proves that Krishna Consciousness is more attractive than material success
- Thanks to you for your good wishes, and your realization that you are the eternal servant of Krishna. It is the primary understanding of our constitutional position. Actually, we are servant, but in the conditioned state, every one of us posing as master
- The book sales are very encouraging, increasing, increasing. It is very good news. Thank you, I want this
- The essay is very good and I thank you for it. You have very nicely understood and described the meaning of "Back to Godhead"
- The newsletters which you have sent are very nice. Thank you very much
- The sacred meeting organized by you at your place yesterday will be remembered by me with great reverence and I must thank you from the very core of my heart for giving me a chance to serve the cause of the Potency of the Almighty God
- The sandesh was the first class sandesh I have tasted in your country, you have mastered the art perfectly well, thank you very much
- The translating of our books such as Bhagavad-gita and Isopanisad is of the utmost importance and I am very thankful that you are seriously taking on this practical work for spreading Krsna Consciousness in your European zone
- This German Bhagavad gita is a very important achievement and the credit goes to you for your dedicated efforts. Thank you very much
- This is a very feeling festival. So I thank you very much. You have come here. And try to understand our philosophy. You are all educated boys and girls
- This is very good news, prithivite ache yato nagaradi grama sarvatra pracara hoibe mora nama, this is the way of preaching, to spread the news of Krsna in every town and village all over the world. Thank you very much
- This kirtana, always chanting, glorifying. This is the beginning of mahatma. So you come here. You chant. You become mahatma. Thank you very much
- This Krsna consciousness means practical understanding of Bhagavad-gita. This is the sum and substance. I thank you for your capturing the idea
- This preaching work is very pleasing to me. Go on with your translation work, and Krishna will surely bless you. Thank you very much
- This work you are doing for maintaining the African devotees, teaching them the rules and regulations of Krishna Consciousness, is the most important work of the work and I thank you very much
- Today I am using your beadbag. It is very nice, I thank you very much for it
- We will conquer Europe with these books. I can only thank you again and again in sincere gratitude for producing this literature, and pray to Krsna to bless you with all spiritual advancement
- When I was in Mayapur I received your invitation letter dated February 26; I received your letter on March 3rd, and was not able to attend, but I thank you very much
- When you say, "If people won't come to us, here, we will go to them." And this is the process of preaching, and this is required. I thank you very much for your this spirit. Just like I have come to your country, with the same spirit
- Whenever I am slightly indisposed you become concerned, and I thank you very much for such anxiety. But so far as I am concerned, I always wish only to expedite my mission of life to spread Krishna Consciousness in the Western part of the world
- Yes! You have done it very nicely. I thank you very much, so immediately it can be printed in BTG and then later on it can be published in book form
- Yes, this supplying of milk to the temple is wanted. Thank you. In the way that Atlanta is doing, every center must have a farm so we can get all milk and if possible vegetable, even fruit, flowers and milk
- You are all pledged to satisfy Krsna. So if you take up this work seriously, Krsna will be very much pleased upon you. Thank you very much
- You are doing one of the best of services by cultivating Srimati Tulasi Devi so nicely. And she is growing so profusely. That is a sign that you are a great devotee because Tulasi Devi thrives on devotion. Thank you very much
- You are the best man for this task of being responsible for our world headquarters at Mayapur, thank you very much for helping me in this way
- You have been a little bit perturbed that the demons are eternally condemned, and I thank you very much that you have been compassionate with the demons. That is the sign of Vaisnavism
- You have given me great pleasure and I thank you for your attempt to please me
- You have given up everything for selling books door-to-door and working very hard in every way just to push on this movement. For your sincere helping me I thank you all very very much
- You have sent some money for Mayapur and Vrindaban projects and I am very much thankful to you. This money was properly utilized for development of the Mayapur and Vrindaban schemes
- You have wished me to live until all of my publications are finished, and I thank you very much for these good wishes. May it be fulfilled by the good will of all of my disciples
- You should duly collect for Mayapur and I shall advise you when the time comes for utilizing the money. In the mean time go on collecting. I thank you very much for proposing to collect $100,000 for the Mayapur project
- You will be glad to know that I have received your mangos just yesterday and they were so first class. Thank you very much. Now they are all finished
- Your news of more publishing after seeing the newly published books is very happy news for me. Thank you
- Your plan to remain in Boston till March and then start for N.Y. for film opportunities is quite approved by me. Thank you for your energetic enthusiasm
- Your program of life-membership is a good idea. Thank you very much
- Your proposal to cooperate with this movement is very magnanimous, and I thank you for your suggestion. But before doing anything tangible, I wish to discuss with you in detail
- Your vivid description of the prearrangement of Rathayatra ceremony was so nice and elaborate that it has moved my heart. I thank you very much for grasping the momentum of Krishna Consciousness, by your advanced service attitude