Category:I Am Always (Prabhupada)
" i am always" | "i always am" | "always i am" | "i was always" | "i will always" | "always i was" | "I am here, always" | "I am also always" | "I am speaking always" | "I am doubtful. Always" | "I am saying always" | "I am therefore always" | "I am touring always" | "I am asking always" | "I am having always" | "I am praying always" | "I am looking always" | "I am remembering always"
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Pages in category "I Am Always (Prabhupada)"
The following 81 pages are in this category, out of 81 total.
- I am always feeling separation for you all
- I am always glad to hear from my beloved disciples
- I am always glad to hear from my beloved disciples, but I am finding difficulty to reply so many letters daily, so I want to encourage the disciples to refer their questions as much as possible to the GBC men and other senior students
- I was always thinking of my Guru Maharaja, although I was that time not initiated. But the impression was there
- That is the first business, make books and distribute. So I am always encouraged to hear that you are increasing in this respect of making books in foreign languages
- Anyway by sincerely working by carefully executing the instructions of the Spiritual Master, you will be all successful by Krishna's Grace. I am always praying to Krishna for your advancement in Krishna Consciousness, all of you, sincere souls
- As you are talking of myself that I am your only shelter, similarly I am always thinking that you all boys and girls are only my hopes
- I (Prabhupada) am always very much pleased with your humble attitude, and a Vaisnava devotee of Lord Caitanya always thinks himself as naradhama, the lowest of mankind; although he is narottama, the best of the mankind
- I am always afraid of this crack, but I am sure if our aim is to serve Krishna sincerely and the Spiritual Master simultaneously, that will be our success
- I am always anxious to be with you for the remaining days of my life, preaching Krishna Consciousness in the Western World
- I am always anxious to go and see the Govardhana hills in New Vrindaban and I hope Krishna will fulfill my desire as soon as possible
- I am always anxious to know about the activities of my Temples so far established. I always pray to Krsna that you, all my students, may go ahead in this Krsna Consciousness Movement
- I am always at your service, and you are welcome to write and inquire from me at any time
- I am always dreaming of a world Sankirtana Party, but your idea of marching 300 soldiers all over the world with the Hare Krishna Mantra is almost in fulfillment of my dream
- I am always eager to hear that Gurukula is going well so be very vigilant that this program with the older boys in New Vrindaban as well as all levels of teaching at Dallas are just to the standard as I introduced it
- I am always emphasizing book distribution. It is the better kirtana. It is better than chanting. Of course chanting should not stop, but book distribution is the best kirtana
- I am always encouraged to learn of your activities in the San Francisco temple, and I think that by the Grace of Caitanya Mahaprabhu you shall do very great service to His Sankirtana Movement
- I am always pleased and looking forward to seeing more beautiful pictures in our books. In India we make life members simply from the high quality and appearance of our books with illustrations. Our society is unrivalled in this respect
- I am always praying that my disciples will gradually increase our war against maya on all fronts
- I am always praying to Krishna for your advancement in Krishna Consciousness, all of you, sincere souls
- I am always praying to Krishna to give you His all blessings for bringing you back to Home, back to Godhead. Wherever you may be, it doesn't matter, but don't give up the principles of spiritual life, that is my request
- I am always praying to Krishna to help you more and more so if you remember to always increase your efforts to make progress in spreading this movement, then Krishna will certainly save you, rest assured
- I am always praying to Krsna that my disciples will not fall away from the path of Krsna Consciousness
- I am always praying to Krsna that the New Vrndavana attempt will be more and more successful and ideal for your country; that is my only prayer
- I am always prepared to meet you both in this connection, and I hope that such a meeting will be a great epoch in the human society for changing the chaotic condition
- I am always thinking about you, along with your good husband Gaurasundara, because you have been of such good assistance to me for pushing on this Krsna Consciousness movement in your country and other places around the world
- I am always thinking of and appreciating the important work you are all doing there in our Krsna Conscious Gurukula. Please keep steadfast in the program as I have instructed
- I am always thinking of Caracas temple. Although I went there once, it has given me some impression. Now I am an old man, and am depending on you to carry on our mission more enthusiastically. The seed is already there. Now water it
- I am always thinking of you and your service. So there is no question of you being separated from me at any time
- I am always thinking of you, and I am feeling separation. I wish to return at the earliest opportunity. I cannot stop my western world activities
- I am always thinking of your New Vrindaban. The first thing I find in the taste of the milk. The milk which we are taking here is not at all comparable with New Vrindaban milk
- I am always urging my students to follow the regulative principles without fail and to resist the onslaught of Maya by chanting Hare Krishna at least 16 offenseless rounds daily
- I am always very much encouraged to hear from my disciples and to reply them, but now I am old man and I have inclination for philosophy and translating
- I am always very much enthusiastic to open branches, so if another branch can be opened for propagating Krishna Consciousness, it is always welcome. If we have got opportunity to open such branch, we must take advantage
- I am always very much pleased with our Library Party's preaching. Their work is most important
- I am always well... in the sense that even if there is suffering, I know Krsna will protect me. But this suffering is not due to my sinful activities
- I am always wondering why after so many years nothing can be done to print profusely my books and literatures in European languages
- I am always wondering, why others do not write, so many big big preachers we have got, but none of them write, so if you can inspire them to write in more convincing way, that is great service, do it
- I am having always a buzzing sound in my brain. I cannot sleep soundly at night, but still I am working because I try to be in my position of spiritual platform
- I am here, always working, something reading or writing, something reading or writing, twenty-four hours. Simply when I feel hungry, I take some food. And simply when I feel asleep, I go to bed
- I am praying always to Krishna that the boys and girls who have stretched their helping hand in this country in this connection may always be in good health and continue to assist me in my missionary activities
- I am sure your father will be responsive and gradually our mission may be successful. I am always praying to Krishna to protect you because I know purposefully I have sent you in a fiery condition of maya
- I am very much anxious to go there to Florida, because I have heard so much about this city, and because many retired men go there to settle. I am always anxious to open a center there to attract these retired men
- I consider that London Temple is one of our most important centers for the propagation of this Krishna Consciousness movement, therefore I am always concerned that it is running smoothly
- I have seen the pictures of your recent Festival, and it is very, very nice. I have enjoyed the pictures so nicely that I am looking always to them; although I have seen three, four times, still I am not satisfied
- I have written in the first publications of SB, "The spiritual master lives forever by His divine instruction and the disciple lives with him.", because I have always served my Guru Maharaja & followed His teachings I am now even never separated from Him
- I note that you have returned from another successful preaching mission in distant parts of Africa. I am always so much pleased to hear such good news how the traveling preachers are spreading this KC movement to every nook and corner of the world
- I think you should not be disturbed by minor disagreement. If you think that you cannot agree with Umapati, you can stop discussing with him, and if there is any point of judgment, you can refer to me. I am always at your service
- I was always determined that somehow I would do everything possible to fulfill the desire of my Guru Maharaja, and despite all difficulties I always remained enthusiastic
- I'm always retired. I began this movement in my retirement
- If there are some questions which are of extreme importance and cannot be answered by the GBC men then I am always very glad to advise and hear from my beloved disciples
- If there is some very urgent matter, I am always happy to hear from my beloved disciples
- If things go on according to your calculation, this opportunity must be taken; but I am always afraid of persons like Mr. Payne
- If you print books, some day somebody will read. But if we keep money, it creates disturbance. I am therefore always insisting, "Print books, Print books"
- In relationship with my disciples who are so kindly cooperating with me in the matter of my rendering service to my Spiritual Master, for them I am always ready to come back from Goloka Vrindaban, if they are not delivered along with me
- My godbrothers always discouraged me but I did not give up, I am doing my duty and always keeping my spiritual master in front
- My Guru Maharaja gave me a task and always I was discouraged by my god-brothers, but I did not forget him even for a moment, and I was determined to follow my duty, even though sometimes I did not like to do it
- Please be happy in separation. I am separated from my Guru Maharaja since 1936 but I am always with him so long I work according to his direction
- Please continue to engage yourself in Krishna's service very sincerely and I am sure that Krishna will help you in all ways to advance more and more. I am always praying that Krishna will give you strength to continue to go on nicely
- Sankirtana and book distribution should go on together side by side. I am always glad when these activities are increasing and my pleasure is always increasing
- So all of the girls you have mentioned, such as Ekayani, Kancanbala and Indira are similarly very good souls and I am always praying that Krishna will help you all more and more
- So far I am concerned, I am always for cooperation, and I don't criticize anybody. I am very busy with my own work. Rather I welcome everyone's cooperation
- So far your question regarding women, I have always accepted the service of women without any discrimination, so I have no objection if Yamuna devi contributes her ideas on this construction project. Nothing should be done without group consultation
- So I request you to relieve me of management responsibilities more and more so that I can complete the Srimad-Bhagavatam translation. If I am always having to manage, then I cannot do my work on the books
- Take it from me that I am always praying to Lord Krishna for your success in Krishna Consciousness movement. You're very sincere devotee and if you simply stick to the principles, success is sure for your life
- There is a very nice house in the neighborhood of central London demanding 100,000 English pounds corresponding to Rs. 18 lacs; but as you know, I am always penniless, it is only a dream for me
- There is no question of leaving our society. One may think like that but I cannot allow you to leave. That is my inspiration. Those who have left the society I am always thinking of them
- There is no question of your falling from my grace: you have always my blessings upon you, and I am always thinking of you, and praying Krishna to help you and give you more and more advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- To serve his servants may please him more than to serve the king personally. So the Spiritual Master is not alone. He is always with His entourage. We are not impersonalists
- You are always welcome to question me. It is my duty to guide you also, and I am always prepared. How else you will do your work?
- You are living by yourself because you have been hurt by seeing that the children are sometimes mistreated, and because no one has taken your good advice in this connection. But you may be assured that I am always anxious about the welfare of my disciples
- You may be assured that I am always anxious about the welfare of my disciples, so that I am taking steps to rectify this unfortunate situation