Category:God Reveals
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
Pages in category "God Reveals"
The following 38 pages are in this category, out of 38 total.
- Above gross experience and dreams is susupti, deep sleep, and when one comes to the completely spiritual platform, transcending deep sleep, he attains trance, visuddha-sattva, or vasudeva-sattva, in which the Personality of Godhead is revealed
- Any amount of scientific method, you cannot see the sun at night. But in the morning you can see the sun automatically, without any torchlight. Similarly, you have to create a situation, you have to put yourself in a situation wherein God will reveal
- First of all you begin, try to learn how to love God. And when you are actually on the platform of love, prema, you will see God always in His form. He becomes revealed. You haven't got to try to see, but He will reveal
- Full knowledge of Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan is revealed to the pure devotees. The Lord says in BG (10.11): Out of compassion for them, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance
- God is always ready to be revealed to you. But how does He reveal? He reveals as soon as you become submissive, you become devotee, you become Krsna conscious, you just follow the path traversed by the great mahajanas, great acaryas
- God reveals to you by your service attitude. And that service attitude begins from your tongue, jihva. Jihva means tongue. How? You chant Hare Krsna and taste krsna-prasadam. Then you will realize. Two things. Very simple method
- If they offer prayers sincerely, God is there within your heart, He'll gradually reveal. The more you become purified, the more He reveals. Then He'll talk with you. So everything depends on the sincerity and seriousness
- If you are actually devotee, then God will reveal. That is stated in the Vedic language
- If you give Him service wholeheartedly, sincerely, then by the mercy of Krsna, you'll make advancement. Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau svayam eva sphuraty adah (Brs. 1.2.234). God will reveal
- If you take to the devotional service submissively, if you become submissive, surrendered, and you render service to the Lord, then, by His causeless mercy, He becomes revealed
- In the case of devotional service, this very same method is accepted from the very beginning, and by the grace of the Lord all factual knowledge becomes revealed in the heart of a devotee due to dictation by the Lord from within
- Instead of bringing the Lord here for some material purpose, to have a son or whatever else, if we go back home, back to Godhead, our real relationship with the Lord is revealed, and we eternally engage in our eternal relationship
- It (chanting Hare Krsna) is also a yogic process. There are many different yogic Processes, but for this age this process is very nice. You'll understand everything of God - how God is inside and outside, how God is working. Everything will be revealed
- It is already stated (naham prakasah) that He (God) is not revealed to everyone. BG 1972 purports
- Maitreya went on: Thus having spoken to Kardama Muni, the Lord, who reveals Himself only when the senses are in Krsna consciousness, departed from that lake called Bindu-sarovara, which was encircled by the River Sarasvati
- Mam eva ye prapadyante mayam etam taranti te (BG 7.14). One who has fully surrendered to the Lord has no fear of the modes of material nature, for everything is but an expansion of the Lord's glories, and these glories are gradually revealed and realized
- My dear Lord, by expanding Your transcendental vibrations, You reveal the actual meaning of everything. You are the all-pervading sky within & without, & You are the ultimate goal of pious activities executed both within this material world and beyond it
- One must receive knowledge from a person to whom the Lord has revealed Himself
- Only unto one who has unflinching devotion to the Lord and to the spiritual master does transcendental knowledge become automatically revealed. Such relationship between the disciple and the spiritual master is eternal
- Our process is how to please Him (God) so that He will be revealed to me. That is real process
- The Lord is the supreme purifier (param brahma param dhama pavitram paramam bhavan (BG 10.12)). The more one is purified and the more he wants to know about the Supreme, the more the Lord reveals to him
- The Lord reserves the right not to reveal Himself to anyone and everyone but to show Himself only to those souls who surrender unto Him
- The Lord said to Brahma that since He was pleased with him, by His grace the mystery (of transcendental knowledge about Him) was being revealed
- The present senses cannot appreciate. It has to be purified. That purification begins from the tongue. Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau. Then God reveals
- The transcendental forms and pastimes of the Lord, as described in Bhagavad-gita, are difficult subject matters for those who are not devotees to understand. The Lord never reveals Himself to persons like the jnanis and yogis
- Therefore please bestow Your grace upon me and reveal again Your form as the Personality of Godhead, O Lord of lords, O abode of the universe. BG 11.45 - 1972
- These senses, present ten senses, cannot realize. Atah sri-krsna-namadi na bhaved grahyam indriyaih. Indriya means sense. Then how to realize? Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau. When you begin service with your tongue, then gradually God reveals
- Those who have no faith and are always doubtful make no progress at all. Men without faith in God and His revealed word find no good in this world, nor in the next. For them there is no happiness whatsoever. BG 1972 purports
- We cannot approach the Absolute by our poor fund of knowledge, but the Absolute becomes revealed out of His own mercy by His own appearance
- We have to please Him (the Supreme Lord) with devotional service, and then He will reveal Himself to us. Then we can understand Him to some extent
- When one's heart is purified by the association of devotees and by the avoidance of the offenses committed when chanting and worshiping the Lord, the transcendental name, form and activities of the Lord are revealed by the Lord
- When the Lord was satisfied by his penance and devotion, He revealed Himself from within with no external endeavor
- You cannot understand God by your present senses, kingdom of God. "But if you engage your service, beginning with the tongue, then God reveals." "God reveals" means He reveals His kingdom, He Himself
- You must always know that "He's the supreme controller and I am also controlled. So if I can please God by my service, then He'll reveal to me." That is the process of knowing God