Category:God Is The Supreme Absolute Truth
Pages in category "God Is The Supreme Absolute Truth"
The following 82 pages are in this category, out of 82 total.
- A class of common men claim that one can accept many different paths & still reach the same place, & they maintain that the Supreme Absolute Truth may be worshiped either as the Goddess Kali, or Goddess Durga, or Lord Siva, Ganesa, Rama, Hari, or Brahma
- A person in Krsna consciousness is above even the brahmanas, because a brahmana by quality is supposed to know about Brahman, the Supreme Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- According to a mantra in Taittiriya Upanisad (yato va imani bhutani jayante) this cosmic manifestation is but an emanation from the Supreme Absolute Truth, and it rests in the Supreme Absolute Truth
- According to the injunction of the Upanisads ("the Supreme Absolute Truth is He from whom everything emanates"), it is understood that the whole cosmic manifestation emanated from Brahman, the Supreme Absolute Truth
- Actually this philosophy (of Karma-mimamsa) stresses the impersonal feature of the Supreme Absolute Truth. Because Lord Caitanya did not like such impersonalism, He rejected it
- All of these (the supreme controller, the controlled living entities, the cosmic manifestation, eternal time, and karma) taken completely form the complete whole, and the complete whole is called the Supreme Absolute Truth. BG 1972 Introduction
- Although Vedic literatures confirm the fact that the Supreme Absolute Truth has multiple energies, the Mayavadi impersonalists still try to establish that the Absolute Truth has no energy
- As the Vedanta-sutra says at the very beginning, athato brahma jijnasa: "Now let us begin to inquire about the Supreme Absolute Truth" - CC Intro
- As we are all individual living beings and have our individuality, the Supreme Absolute Truth is also, in the ultimate issue, a person, & realization of the Personality of Godhead is realization of all of the transcendental features. BG 1972 Introduction
- At that time (when one becomes a great transcendentally realized soul), due to his thick and thin relationship with the Supreme Absolute Truth, one begins to render some sort of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Atma, the Supreme Absolute Truth, cannot be understood... Nayam atma na pravacanena labhyah... By becoming a great debater one can understand the Supreme - that's not possible
- Being completely aware of Brahman, the Supreme Absolute Truth, not a bogus. If you want to receive knowledge, then you must approach a guru who is brahma-nistham. That is the qualification of guru
- By His inconceivable energies, the Supreme Absolute Truth can remain unchanged and yet produce this cosmic manifestation with all its living entities, just as touchstone can produce unlimited quantities of gold and yet remain unchanged
- By misunderstanding the inconceivable energies of the Supreme, one may falsely conclude that the Supreme Absolute Truth is impersonal. Such a deluded conclusion is experienced by a living being when he is in an acute stage of disease
- Despite being a material product, if the sun can maintain its original temperature & yet produce so many byproducts, is it difficult for the Supreme Absolute Truth to remain unchanged in spite of producing so many by-products by His inconceivable energy?
- Despite the fact that unlimited energy is always being generated, the Supreme Absolute Truth remains always the same. He is not affected by the emanation of unlimited energies. Sankaracarya has therefore incorrectly established his theory of illusion
- Dhruva Maharaja realized that the Supreme Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, acts through His different energies, not that He becomes void or impersonal and thus becomes all-pervading
- For the Supreme Absolute Truth, there is no change. It is simply that a by-product results from His inconceivable powers of action. In other words, a relative truth - a by-product - is produced out of the Supreme Truth
- For the Supreme Absolute Truth, there is no change. It is simply that a by-product results from His inconceivable powers of action. In other words, a relative truth is produced out of the Supreme Truth
- From the beginning of creation, the three syllables om tat sat have been used to indicate the Supreme Absolute Truth (Brahman). They were uttered by brahmanas while chanting Vedic hymns and during sacrifices for the satisfaction of the Supreme
- If one pretends to be a devotee of the Lord but does not understand the difference between dry speculative knowledge and knowledge of the Supreme Absolute Truth, then such a person's devotion borders on impersonalism and is rank with cheap sentimentalism
- If we say that the Supreme Absolute Truth is impersonal, we mean that His personality is not material
- If you find a person (one who is coming in disciplic succession & fully convinced about the Supreme Absolute Truth), surrender & try to please him, serve him & question him. Surrender unto him is surrender to God. Question to learn, not to waste time
- Imagining the living entity to be God, Sankaracarya has misrepresented all the mantras of the Vedanta-sutra with the motive of proving that there is no separate existence of the living entities and the Supreme Absolute Truth
- In order to distinguish His transcendental body from ordinary material bodies, some philosophers have explained Him (the Supreme Absolute Truth) as being impersonal. In other words, material personality is denied, and spiritual personality is established
- In the beginning of Srimad-Bhagavatam it has already been said that the Supreme Absolute Truth exists in His own abode without any touch of the deluding energy
- In the beginning of Srimad-Bhagavatam the Lord is described as svarat, which means "completely independent." That is the position of the Supreme Absolute Truth. The Absolute Truth is not only sentient, but is also completely independent
- In the Padma Purana it is said: The mystics derive unlimited transcendental pleasures from the Absolute Truth, and therefore the Supreme Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, is also known as Rama. BG 1972 purports
- In the Supreme Absolute Truth there is every possible inconceivable energy existing
- In the Svetasvatara Upanisad it is stated that the Supreme Absolute Personality of Godhead is full of inconceivable energies and that no one else possesses such energies
- In the Twelfth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, Krsna says that the impersonalist takes more trouble to come to Him. He will come later, but it will take some time. This is because impersonal understanding of the Supreme Absolute Truth is partial understanding
- In the Vedanta-sutra the distinction between the energy and the energetic is accepted from the very beginning. In that Vedanta-sutra the first aphorism (SB 1.1.1) clearly explains that the Supreme Absolute Truth is the origin or source of all emanations
- Inquisitiveness is called brahma-jijnasa. That is required. Human society, human being must be interested in knowing that, the Supreme Absolute Truth, who has given us these codes and laws
- It is confirmed in the Taittiriya Upanisad (3.1.1): yato va imani bhutani jayante. "The Supreme Absolute Truth is that from which everything is born"
- One religion, Vedic religion. Vedic religion means to accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead as the Supreme Person Absolute Truth. This is Vedic religion. Those who have read Bhagavad-gita, it is said there in the Fifteenth Chapter
- Only in the state of ignorance can one accept the Mayavadi conclusion that this cosmic manifestation & the living entities are false or illusory. No sane man would impose ignorance & illusion upon the Supreme Absolute Truth, who is absolute in everything
- Sankaracarya has misrepresented all the mantras of the Vedanta-sutra to prove that there is no separate existence of the living entities & the Supreme Absolute Truth. This is similar to the politician’s attempt to prove nonviolence from the BG
- Srila Jiva Goswami says: "By scrutinizingly reviewing all the revealed scriptures and judging them again and again, it is now concluded that Lord Narayana is the Supreme Absolute Truth, and thus He alone should be worshiped"
- Still there are so many stubborn commentators on Bhagavad-gita who consider the Supreme Absolute Truth and the living entities to be one and the same. BG 1972 purports
- Surayah means those who are demigods. There are two kinds of people: sura and asura. Asura means demons, and sura means godly. Those who are demigods, those who are godly, they are simply searching after the Supreme Absolute Truth
- Surrender to authority and know Him by signs. Don't surrender to a fool or a rascal. Find one who is coming in disciplic succession, one who is fully convinced about the Supreme Absolute Truth
- The club and disc are meant for the infidel miscreants and demons, and the lotus flower and conchshell are for the devotees. But because the Lord is the Supreme Absolute, the result of all His weapons is one and the same
- The Complete Whole, or the Supreme Absolute Truth, is the complete Personality of Godhead. Realization of impersonal Brahman or of Paramatma, the Supersoul, is incomplete realization of the Absolute Complete
- The first verse of the First Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam describes the Supreme Absolute Truth as He who instructed Brahma through the heart
- The impersonal conception of the Supreme Absolute Truth, as described in this chapter (of BG 12), is recommended only up to the time one surrenders himself for self-realization. BG 1972 purports
- The impersonalist, they think, we are cent percent one with the Lord or the Supreme Absolute Truth, but that is not a fact. If one is cent percent one with the Supreme Lord, then how he has come under the control of maya? This question, they cannot answer
- The Lord informs Brahma that knowledge of Him, the Supreme Absolute Truth, as it is stated in the revealed scriptures, is very subtle and cannot be understood unless one is self-realized by the grace of the Lord
- The Mayavadi philosophers, they say that God, the Supreme Absolute Truth, is impersonal, and the Vaisnava philosophers, they say in the ultimate, Absolute Truth is Person and He is, He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is Krsna
- The poor fund of knowledge held by the impersonalists cannot accommodate how the Supreme Absolute Truth can be a person, because whenever they think of a person they think of a person of this material world. That is their defect
- The process of mystic yoga, the speculative method for searching out the Supreme Absolute Truth, does not appeal to one who is always absorbed in thoughts of Krsna
- The sruti confirms that the Supreme Truth Absolute Personality of Godhead never reveals Himself to anyone who is falsely proud of his academic knowledge
- The Supreme Absolute Truth has His inconceivable potency, out of which this cosmos has been manifested. In other words, the Supreme Absolute Truth is the ingredient, and the living entity and cosmic manifestation are the by-products
- The Supreme Absolute Truth is complete in His perfection when He is both infinite and infinitesimal. If He is simply infinite and is not infinitesimal, He is not perfect
- The Supreme Absolute Truth is unlimited. No living being can know about the unlimited by his limited capacity. The Lord is impersonal, personal and localized
- The Supreme Absolute Truth Personality of Godhead is never impersonal. All the Vedic scriptures glorify the transcendental performance of His various personal activities and pastimes
- The Supreme Absolute Truth, Brahman, is immutable, and when we find a by-product - the living entity or this cosmic manifestation - it is a transformation of the Supreme's energies, or a by-product of the Supreme
- The Supreme Absolute Truth, the Personality of Godhead, is compared to a blazing fire, and the innumerable living entities are compared to sparks emanating from that fire
- The Supreme Lord manifests Himself to the devotee in proportion to the devotee's service attitude and surrender. Arguments and debates are totally inadequate means for understanding the Supreme Absolute Truth
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, is one with the Supreme Brahman, the Supreme Absolute Truth. Everything is in Him in the beginning, and at the end all manifestations enter into Him
- The Upanisads and Vedanta-sutra aim at the same goal: the Supreme Absolute Truth. When we accept the import of Vedanta-sutra and the Upanisads directly as they are stated, we become glorified
- The word arama means enjoyer; therefore anyone who takes pleasure in the cultivation of the knowledge of these seven items (the Supreme Absolute Truth, the body, the mind, endeavor, conviction, intelligence, and nature) is known as atmarama
- There are innumerable living entities, but there is one living entity who is the Supreme Absolute Godhead. The difference between the singular living entity and the plural living entities is that the singular living entity is the Lord of all
- There are many philosophers who propound a concept of the Absolute Truth in which God cannot do this or that. They deny the incarnation of God, or the Supreme Absolute Truth in human form
- There are many philosophical speculations about the constitutional position of the living entities and the Supreme Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- There are many similar Vedic hymns which definitely establish that the Supreme Absolute Truth is a person who is not of this material world
- There are those who try to understand the Supreme Absolute Truth by cultivation of knowledge, and they can be counted in the second class. BG 1972 purports
- There is a class of men with demoniac mentality who are always reluctant to accept the Lord as the Supreme Absolute Truth
- There is no question of transformation as far as the Supreme Absolute Truth is concerned
- There is not one single instance in which one has arrived at the Supreme Absolute Truth by means of his own mental speculation. Therefore the word mogha-jnanah indicates that the process of mundane knowledge is bewildering
- They (Mayavadis) further say that God is imaginary, that people think of God only because of ignorance, and that when the Supreme Absolute Truth is befooled by the external energy, maya, He becomes a jiva, or living entity
- They (the demigods) were very glad that the Lord was appearing to fulfill His mission, and they addressed Him as satyam param, or the Supreme Absolute Truth
- They (the four Kumaras) could only understand the Supreme Absolute Truth when they personally saw the Personality of Godhead with their own eyes
- Those who want to see God or the Supreme Absolute Truth by the agency of their imperfect senses, they say that God is impersonal. They're imperfect. That is a realization of the imperfect senses. Perfectly, perfect vision of the Supreme Lord is a person
- To enter into or to become merged into the unlimited eternity of the Supreme Absolute means to enter the original home of the living being
- When a chair is produced out of wood, it is said that a by-product is produced. The Supreme Absolute Truth is immutable, & when we find a by-product - the living entity or this cosmic manifestation - it is a transformation, or a by-product of the Supreme
- When explaining the first aphorism of the Vedanta-sutra, Sankara most unceremoniously tried to explain that Brahman, or the Supreme Absolute Truth, is impersonal. He also cunningly tried to switch the doctrine of by-product into the doctrine of change