Category:First Qualification
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Pages in category "First Qualification"
The following 39 pages are in this category, out of 39 total.
- A Brahmin, according to Vedic culture, a Brahmin is considered . . . Brahmin means vidya-vinaya-sampanne. He is very gentle and very learned. That is the first qualification of Brahmin. Not by birth but by qualification
- A sadhu, the first qualification is he must be a staunch devotee of Krsna, or God, whatever you say. That is sadhu
- At the present moment, all the government men, their first qualification is whether he went to jail during this movement. Yes. The more one suffered imprisonment, he is given more exalted post. Not only jail; in the jail they were beaten very severely
- At the present moment, how the whole world, whole atmosphere, is condemned is described in the next verse (SB 1.1.10) The first qualification is short span of life. In India the average age, span of life, is thirty years. The vitality is so reduced
- Brahmana means one who has acquired these qualifications, satya sama damo titiksa. The first qualification of brahmana is to become truthful. He'll never speak lies. That is the first qualification. Satya sama, then controlling the senses
- Brahmana, his qualification is that he knows what is his business. And that business is sat-karma. Sat-karma means a brahmana has to become very learned. Pathana. He must be a serious student of Vedic religion. That is first qualification
- First qualification is that their life is very short span of life. Then again, mandah, lazy. They do not know; ill-educated. They do not know what is the aim of life. Mandah, or slow
- First qualification of sadhu is titiksavah. Titiksavah and karunikah: at the same time, kind. These two examples we find in the character of Lord Jesus Christ
- He also wants to see that not a moment is wasted without engagement in Krsna consciousness. He is always careful not to spoil life's valuable time. That is the first qualification of a madhyama-adhikari
- He promised before his spiritual master, before the Deity, before the fire, "No illicit sex," but he's having illicit sex. So how he is advanced? He's not even truthful, the first qualification. He's unclean
- In our Krsna Consciousness movement the first qualification required by the devotees is enthusiasm. Then work it out patiently and with conviction that it will surely be done
- In spiritual life truthful is very essential. That is the first qualification, brahminical qualification: satya, sama, dama, titiksa, arjavam, and astikyam, jnanam, vijnanam brahma-karma svabhava-jam (BG 18.42), it is stated in the BG
- Nobody can understand Bhagavad-gita unless he is a devotee of Lord Krsna. That is the first qualification. It is clearly said here (in BG 04.01). You cannot go beyond Bhagavad-gita
- Not that anyone with a saffron cloth and having a long beard. That is not sadhu. Sadhu means the devotee of the Lord. That is his first qualification
- Samo damah, brahminical first qualification, can be practiced provided you agree to undergo tapasya, tapah. And it is not very difficult
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura comments that saralata, or simplicity, is the first qualification of a Vaisnava, whereas duplicity or cunning behavior is a great offense against the principles of devotional service
- That is the first qualification of the demons. They do not know what is right doing and what is wrong doing
- The 1st qualification is that one should not be deluded by pride. Because the conditioned soul is puffed up, thinking himself the lord of material nature, it is very difficult for him to surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- The asuras, they are asuci, unclean. That is their misfortune, that they cannot understand what is the right way, what is the wrong way. So suci, cleanliness, is the first qualification of the daiva-prakrti or devatas
- The devotees are saintly persons or sadhus. The first qualification of a sadhu, or devotee, is ahimsa, or nonviolence. Persons interested in the path of devotional service, or in going back home back to Godhead, must first practice ahimsa, or nonviolence
- The first and foremost qualification to understand the science of God or to become Krsna conscious is to understand yourself
- The first qualification is amanitvam. Don't be puffed up with your false knowledge. Having this little degree from the university, you are thinking that you have become so learned, you don't care for God even. This is nonsense
- The first qualification is kind. Just like these sannyasis. Our Rupanuga Gosvami. He has got a nice child, wife, nice wife. But, being kind to the humanity, he has accepted sannyasa. This is kindness. No homely comfort. This is kindness
- These are the first qualifications. Then controlling the mind and the senses, simplicity, full knowledge, and practical application of knowledge, and faith in the Vedas and the spiritual master
- "They do not know what are the "do's" and what are the "do not's." This is the first qualification of the asuras. They do not know. Because they do not like to take lesson from superior. They manufacture their own lesson
- Those who are advancing in Krsna consciousness, undergoing tapasya, austerities, their first qualification is to forgive the offender
- Titiksava. This is the first qualification of saintly person or God's servant or God's son. Very tolerant
- To be materially impoverished is the first qualification of a devotee. One who does not possess anything in this material world but simply possesses Krsna is called akincana
- We are bringing them from which status? You cannot expect that they will be perfect all of a sudden, overnight. But their mind being fixed up on Krsna consciousness, that is the first qualification. They do not know anything beyond Krsna
- When you come to the Brahman platform, na socati na... This is the first qualification - no more lamentation, no more hankering
- Who is a demon? A demon's first qualification is he does not know what is real duty, or what one should do and what one should not do