Category:Existence of Brahman
Pages in category "Existence of Brahman"
The following 39 pages are in this category, out of 39 total.
- Desires to expand the mind by perfecting mystic yoga, merging in the existence of Brahman, or attaining whimsical material prosperity are all included within the category of greed
- Devotional service of God involves 9 transcendental processes, such as hearing and chanting, by performing such easy and natural devotional services the devotees achieve the highest perfectional results, superior to merging into the existence of Brahman
- If enemies try to be liberated or to merge into the existence of Brahman, if they desire to be elevated to the higher planetary systems as karmis, or even if they desire to return home, back to Godhead, they will certainly be baffled
- If one 2) wants some material prosperity (sakama or sarva-kama), or wants to merge into the existence of the Supreme Brahman effulgence (moksa-kama), he is recommended to take to the path of devotional service, hear & chant of Visnu or of His devotee
- In this example there is a mixture of conjugal love and neutral love, but the conjugal love has surpassed everything. Actually, Brahman realization is only a stunted existence
- Jnanis, they also want. They, being fed up of this material way of life, they want to merge into the existence of Brahman. That is jnani
- Jnanis, they say brahma satyam jagan mithya: "This world is false. There is no enjoyment. Actual enjoyment, to merge into the existence of Brahman." So that is also a subtle sense enjoyment
- Kaivalyam narakayate. For a Krsna conscious person, even merging into the existence of Krsna, or Brahman, as impersonalists aspire to do, is uncomfortable. Kaivalyam narakayate tridasa-pur akasa-puspayate
- Kamsa and other enemies of Krsna merged into the existence of Brahman, but why should Krsna's friends and devotees have the same position
- Mayavadi philosophers desire to merge into the existence of the Brahman effulgence, although this aspect of liberation is always neglected by devotees
- Mayavadi philosophers strive to refrain from materialistic activities and merge in Brahman, and although they may actually merge in the Brahman existence, for want of activity they fall down again into materialistic activity
- Mayavadis think that Brahman, when merges into the existence of Parabrahman, then business is finished. No. Business is not finished. Because we are individuals. It is not possible to remain without any activity
- Most of the creation is in the spiritual sky. One who desires to merge into the existence of the Supreme Brahman is at once transferred to the brahma-jyotir of the Supreme Lord and thus attains the spiritual sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- One who desires to merge into the existence of the Supreme Brahman is at once transferred to the brahma-jyotir of the Supreme Lord and thus attains the spiritual sky
- Other paths, such as the path of jnana and the path of karma, are not very profitable. Pious activities can elevate one to the higher planetary systems, and by speculative knowledge one can merge into the Brahman existence, but that is not real profit
- The desire of the impersonalist to merge into the existence of Brahman is also material because such an impersonalist wants to gratify his senses by merging into the existence of Krsna instead of serving His lotus feet
- The great saint Prabodhananda Sarasvati, a devotee of Lord Caitanya, has stated: kaivalyam narakayate tridasa-pur akasa-puspayate. For a pure devotee, kaivalya, merging into the existence of Brahman, Brahman effulgence, is no better than living in hell
- The highest perfection of transcendental realization is to take pleasure in hearing and describing the transcendental qualities of the Lord and not in merging into His impersonal Brahman existence, for which the impersonalist monist aspires
- The karmis, under the direction of Vedic instructions, try to elevate themselves to higher planetary systems. The jnanis try to merge into the existence of Brahman, the impersonal feature of the Lord
- The living entity is actually under the full control of material nature, but still he thinks himself independent. Even when he is elevated by speculative knowledge and tries to merge into the existence of Brahman, the same disease continues
- The moksa-kami wants to achieve liberation by merging into the existence of the Supreme Brahman, and because of this desire to merge into the existence of the Lord, he is not yet pure
- The most important thing to be noted is that there may be many liberated persons who might have merged into the existence of the impersonal Brahman, but a devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, is very, very rare
- The visitors said, "All of you are factually relieved from all material contamination and are situated in the transcendental position of liberation and Brahman existence"
- They (Mayavadis) simply think of merging into the existence of Brahman because of their disgust with material existence
- They also engage in Krsna's devotional service and give up the desire for liberation and the desire to merge into the existence of impersonal Brahman
- This same goal (merge into the Supreme Brahman) is attained by atheists who deny the existence of God. If such atheists are killed by an incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they also merge into the Brahman existence of the Supreme Lord
- Time is compared here (SB 3.21.18) to a big wheel which has 360 joints, six rims in the shape of seasons, and numberless leaves in the shape of moments. It rotates on the eternal existence, Brahman
- To the impersonalists liberation means merging into the existence of impersonal Brahman. But factually this is not moksa because one has to again fall down into this material world from that impersonal position
- Transcendentalists on the path of philosophical speculation can be divided into two categories - the pure worshipers of impersonal Brahman and those who wish to merge into the existence of impersonal Brahman
- When people become interested in sense gratification, some of them desire to be liberated & merge into the existence of Brahman & others want to perform magic through mystic power & become incarnations of God. These are all against the principles of DS
- Who want some temporary material happiness, sacrifice their material possessions to satisfy demigods such as Indra, the sun-god, etc. And who are impersonalists, sacrifice their identity by merging into the existence of impersonal Brahman. BG 1972 pur
- Without Krsna, there could be no existence of Brahman or Paramatma. Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the ultimate realization of the Absolute Truth