Category:Eternal Blissful Life of Knowledge
Pages in category "Eternal Blissful Life of Knowledge"
The following 72 pages are in this category, out of 72 total.
- A devotee, by executing devotional service, not only realizes what the spiritual world actually is, but factually goes there to live an eternal life of bliss and knowledge
- Actual life is spiritual existence, or brahma-bhuta existence, where life is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge
- Actually, spiritual body means eternal life of bliss and knowledge. This body which we are possessing now, material body, it is neither eternal, nor blissful, nor full of knowledge
- After dark, the moon comes out just like a line, then it increases, & one night it becomes full. Similarly, as your heart becomes cleansed of the material dirty things, your real form, eternity blissful life of knowledge, becomes visible, just like moon
- Ananda-maya is the blissful life of knowledge and eternity. As it is said in the Vedanta-sutra, ananda-mayo 'bhyasat
- As long as one is absorbed in impersonal thoughts or in thoughts of the void, his entrance into an eternal blissful life of knowledge is not completed
- As soon as one is conversant with the real principles of religion, he is at once liberated to the eternal life of bliss and knowledge
- Because the pure devotee engaged in Krsna consciousness in devotional service of the Supreme Lord achieves eternal blissful existence that is full of knowledge, his achievements and those of the common worshiper of the demigods are different. BG 1972 pur
- Being elevated to the heavenly planets or other material planets does not mean attaining an eternal life of knowledge and bliss. At the end of the material world, all attainments of material elevation will also end
- Better to live for a moment with full consciousness of the supreme interest to be fulfilled. The supreme interest of life is eternal, with full knowledge and bliss
- Every human being should try to understand how the spirit soul can be happy and where he can attain an eternal, blissful life of knowledge. Human beings are meant to study these subject matters, not to be absorbed in caring for the temporary body
- Every one of us is searching after real happiness in life, namely eternal life, eternal or unlimited knowledge and unending blissful life
- Everyone wants the eternal life of bliss and knowledge. In the material world an eternal life of bliss & knowledge is progressively realized in the upper planets but after reaching there one is inclined to achieve progress along the path back to Godhead
- Everything is present in Vaikunthaloka. There we can have an eternal, blissful life full of knowledge (sac-cid-ananda). It is not compulsory for us to rot in this material world
- Generally, ordinary persons are engaged simply in working hard in the material world, and they have no information that there is another kingdom or another sky, which is known as the spiritual sky, where life is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge
- Go back to home, back to Godhead, where we get eternal, blissful life of knowledge. This is the sum and substance of Krsna consciousness movement
- If you want divine life, if you want spiritual elevation back to Godhead, back to home, that means eternal life, blissful life full of knowledge, then we have to train ourselves in divine consciousness or Krsna consciousness
- If you want to reach to the ultimate goal of life, where only blissful life, sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah, eternal body of knowledge and bliss, then you have to become sura
- In Krsna's abode not only is life eternal, blissful and full of knowledge, but there are ample vegetables, milk, jewels, and beautiful homes and gardens tended by lovely damsels who are all goddesses of fortune
- In the cosmos of three-fourths energy of the Lord there is neither death nor fear, and one is full of the blissful life of happiness and knowledge
- Krsna Consciousness means blissful life, and also that blissful life is eternal and full of knowledge
- Krsna consciousness movement is the process of clearing the consciousness, and as soon as the consciousness is clear and pure it is transferred to the spiritual world for eternal life of knowledge and bliss
- Negation is no good. You must have some positive gain. So this Krsna consciousness movement is negation of the materialistic way of life and regain the blissful eternal life of spiritual understanding. So simply negation is no gain
- Not only this earth but also all the planets of the universes are places of misery because in none of the planets within the universe is there eternal life, eternal bliss and eternal knowledge
- One can be saved only by complete knowledge of the eternal life of bliss and awareness. The whole Vedic scheme is meant to educate men in this art of attaining eternal life
- One must therefore take to Krsna consciousness and advance in Krsna consciousness by properly following the regulative principles. Then one can attain an eternal, blissful life in peace and knowledge
- One should better take to the spiritual world to enjoy eternal life full of bliss and knowledge and never return to this miserable material existence. BG 1972 purports
- One should take little risk in order to enter into the eternal life, blissful life. One should take a little risk. That is advised by Narada
- Only there (in Vaikuntha) can one get an eternal blissful life of knowledge
- Our program is not a bogus thing, it is the eternal reality of transcendental life of full bliss and knowledge in the service of the Lord
- Spiritual life means eternal, blissful life of knowledge. That is spiritual life
- Sri Narada Muni in his previous life was just an ordinary maidservant's son, so how he became so perfectly transformed into the spiritual body of eternal life, bliss and knowledge is certainly important
- Sridhara Svami said, "As the cause of all causes, You (The Supreme Lord) have entered my body as the Supersoul, and I have the prerogative of enjoying the supreme blissful life of knowledge along with You"
- Such persons (persons who identify with the body) are attached to gramya-sukha, which means "material happiness," without knowledge of eternal, blissful spiritual life
- Survival does not mean that one should die; survival means that one should not die, but should enjoy an everlastingly blissful life of knowledge. This is survival. The Krsna consciousness movement is meant to make every person fit for survival
- Taking an intoxicant doesn't help; the same anxieties are there when you are finished being drunk. If you want to be free and want life eternal with bliss and knowledge, take to Krsna. No one can know God, but there is this way:. the process of KC
- The basic principle of self-realization is knowledge that the living entity isn't this material body but that he is different from it & that his happiness is in eternal life, bliss & knowledge. These are transcendental, beyond both body & mind. BG 1972 p
- The bhakti-yoga process directly elevates the soul to the spiritual planets, where life is eternally blissful and full of knowledge; therefore bhakti-yoga is considered to be the greatest of all yoga systems
- The human life is meant for making a solution to this repeated change of bodies and thereby attaining a place in the spiritual sky, where everything is eternal, blissful and full of knowledge
- The intelligent person who places his faith in the Paramatma or the Supreme Personality of Godhead begins to advance toward a blissful eternal life of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- The living entities serving material energy are struggling hard for existence and happiness, which is presented to them as illusion. But those in the spiritual energy are placed under the direct service of the Lord in eternal life, knowledge and bliss
- The living entity has to revert to spiritual consciousness or KC. Then it is certain that he will never come again into this material existence; he will be transferred into the spiritual world for a blissful eternal life of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord instructs His friend, the individual soul, who is also His son, to give up all other engagements and simply surrender unto Him for perpetual bliss and an eternal life full of knowledge
- The position is sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah (Bs. 5.1), eternal life of bliss & knowledge. If we want to come to that, then the process is, we should not any more desire or manufacture some ideas for becoming happy in this material world. This is intelligence
- The progressive journey from one planet to another culminates in reaching the supreme planet of the Lord (mad-dhama), where life is eternal and full of bliss and knowledge
- The scope of the Krishna Consciousness Movement is Universal. The process for regaining one's original spiritual status or eternal life full with bliss and knowledge, is not abstracted dry theorizing
- The Supreme Lord is so kind that He comes Himself to instruct the bewildered living entity how to act obediently and then gradually return home, back to Godhead, where he can attain an eternal, peaceful life of bliss and knowledge
- The topmost Vaikunthaloka is called Goloka Vrndavana. So if you are fortunate enough to take shelter in one of these (Vaikuntha) planets (in the Brahman effulgence), then you are eternally happy in blissful condition of knowledge
- The whole process, the whole process of material activities, material nature, is going on under this principle, that we are required to go back to the eternal world, to get our eternal life and eternal blissful knowledge
- There are sufferings imposed by natural phenomena. So because we have got this body, we are subjected to threefold miseries of life. And we are hankering after eternal life, blissful life, life of knowledge
- There is no possibility of becoming happy within this material world. The father and the sons are eternal, but if a living entity does not come to the platform of his eternal life of bliss and knowledge, there is no question of happiness
- These fragmental portions (of the Supreme) are eternally so, and even after liberation, the individual soul remains the same - fragmental. But once liberated, he lives an eternal life in bliss & knowledge with the Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- They (advanced men) want to be elevated to an eternal life of knowledge and bliss. As Krsna is always compassionate to the fallen souls, His servants, the devotees of Lord Krsna, are also interested in educating the entire populace in Krsna consciousness
- They (grhamedhis) would prefer to transmigrate perpetually from one body to another, or from one planet to another. They do not want the eternal, blissful life in knowledge in the kingdom of God
- This (eternal) platform (of full knowledge, full bliss and full life) is in the eternal atmosphere, or Brahman atmosphere. BG 1972 purports
- This bhagavata-dharma means that how to get out of these four defects of material life, or four miserable condition of material life - birth, death, old age and disease - and get eternal, blissful life of knowledge
- Those who are fortunate, they're taking to this Krsna consciousness, this ideal life, hopeful life, pleasant life, blissful life, life of knowledge. They're taking to it
- Transcendental personalities are full of transcendental bliss, knowledge & life eternal. That's the real position of spiritual existence & as soon as he's fully cognizant of this transcendental position, he at once surrenders unto the lotus feet of Krsna
- Transcendental, spiritual life means eternal, blissful life of knowledge. That is spiritual platform. And material life means temporary life of miserable condition
- Unless and until one is situated on a platform apart from sense gratification, there is no chance of being elevated to the eternal platform of full knowledge, full bliss and full life. BG 1972 purports
- Unless one is KC, nobody can escape the cycle of birth and death. Nobody can. This is the only process if you want to stop. After giving up this body. You get immediately transferred to the spiritual world, & you get your eternal, blissful knowledge life
- We are sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (Bs. 5.1), eternal, blissful and full of knowledge, and part and parcel of the Supreme
- We can exist in lower grade of life like cats, dogs, insects, trees, aquatics, like that. And we can exist also in the same way as we are existing now. And we can exist also exactly like God - eternal life of bliss and knowledge
- We have to prepare for eternal life, blissful life, and life full of knowledge. If we do not do that, then our this human form of life is missing, is misused
- We're going to the spiritual world to have our eternal, blissful knowledge and life. That is our program. So what we will do with this teeny information of moon planet, this planet, that planet? We have got already some information, we are satisfied
- When one is factually experiencing existence of pure spiritual service to Krsna, he enjoys fullness of eternal life full of bliss and knowledge
- When one knows these (Krsna and His transcendental name, form, qualities and pastimes), he surpasses death and the ephemeral cosmic manifestation with it, and in the eternal kingdom of God he enjoys his eternal life of bliss and knowledge
- Who is such a fool that he does not want to be Krsna conscious by this simple method and thus attain the highest perfectional life of eternity, bliss and knowledge?