Category:Don't Spoil Money
Pages in category "Don't Spoil Money"
The following 18 pages are in this category, out of 18 total.
- Canakya Pandita, he was great politician, he is advising that if you have got money, spend it for Krsna. Don't keep it. Spend it for Krsna. Why? It will be spoiled. Today or tomorrow. Somebody will take and spoil it. Better, if you spend it for Krsna
- Concerning your idea to go port to port by ship, why waste time and energy. Don't spoil money purchasing boat. Port to port we can go by airplane
- I have seen many, spoiling father's money like anything. And the same man, when he is beggar in the street, he feels happy
- If you have got money keep it with you. Don't spoil it unnecessarily. Concentrate on bhajan along with your father and mother. That is my advice
- If you have got money, don't spoil it like Ravana, but engage it in Krsna's service
- If you have got money, just spend it for very costly temple, for installing Laksmi-Narayana, Radha-Krsna, Sita-Rama, like that. Don't spoil your money in other way. Then you'll always remain rich. You'll never become poor
- In the name of scientist, they are exploiting this innocent person, taking their money and spoiling it without any good result
- It is my habit to see that money is not being squandered. If money is spent unnecessarily, I feel very badly. You are collecting with great effort, and I do not like to see it spoiled
- Just like your moon expedition, simply a waste of time and unnecessarily expenditure of money. So many billions of dollars you have spoiled, and what you have got? A little dust, that's all
- Just see how they are spoiling hard-earned public money. Because there is no good leader, all these rascals are benefitting, taking their money, and enjoying, and giving bluff information to the public. This should be stopped
- There is no question of scarcity of money. Don't spoil money, but spend for real purpose, that's all
- They are attempting so much to go to the moon planet. But we are doubtful whether they are actually going. But no benefit has been derived by this excur. . . Simply you have spoiled your energy, time and money