Category:Distributing Back to Godhead (magazine)
Pages in category "Distributing Back to Godhead (magazine)"
The following 47 pages are in this category, out of 47 total.
- Actually that is our most important business-to distribute our Back to Godhead magazine and if you will go on in this way with enthusiasm and determination for distributing BTG to everyone you meet then Krishna will surely bless you more and more
- Actually we want that BTG be printed in every major language and distributed all over the world so that there is no language barrier in taking to our movement
- Actually we want that every American have a copy of BTG in his hand
- As you can see from other important magazines like "Life" and "Time" they are distributed in foreign countries is the same name without being translated into the local language. If you think that such change will be more convenient, I have no objection
- Back To Godhead is too much important that it must be distributed regularly, as it is the backbone of our mission. So, even it is not printed very expensively and highly, still, it must be distributed even in mimeograph copy
- BTG distribution is solving all financial difficulties there in Washington. So go on selling them vigorously. Sankirtana and BTG distribution are our backbone for preaching and all other things are secondary
- I am glad to hear that you will be going to Gujarat state for about one month and that you are preparing one Gujarati BTG for distributing there
- I am not very enthusiastic about the Harmonist idea, but if you have to sell Back To Godhead for minimum $1.00 then do it, what can be done?
- I am very glad to note of how you are increasing the "Back To Godhead" distribution there in such a remote place. Our "Back To Godhead" is the backbone of our movement so we should always be thinking how to increase it increase it increase it
- I have just heard from Gargamuni that you would like to print future issues of French language BTG in a small size about the size of our "Two Essays." So if you think that this will help increase the sales, then do it with my approval
- I have received good report that you are selling Back To Godhead very nicely, and similarly you should try to sell our Bhagavad-gita As It Is and always request people to chant Hare Krishna
- I shall be glad to hear from you about your other progress in the matter of Sankirtana Party and selling BTGs. That is our main strength for preaching work
- I thank you very much for sending me the latest copy of Back to Godhead, which is so nicely decorated and painted
- I want to send him some various literatures and pamphlets about our society. So you please send him some Back To Godheads, our new prospectus, and press cuttings, etc. which will be of good information for him
- In two days Dvarakadhisa distributed over a hundred (books)... Very good. That's a great service
- It is better undoubtedly to have a full magazine as our English BTG, but if you have no time, or you are doing this or that, then do not neglect it completely - it is better to publish and distribute a one page BTG issue than no issue at all each month
- It should be printed so that Temples can give to persons who offer small donations, even too small to give a BTG to. It will also impress all intelligent people, that our students can present our philosophy so nicely and authoritatively
- Regarding Back To Godhead, when we get copies from Japan, I have program to distribute several thousand copies freely
- Regarding the magazine, if you become a subscriber, then I can get it for you. Free distribution of the "Back to Godhead" has stopped now because it it too expensive. The yearly subscription fee is Rs. 33/- only
- Regarding your selling of BTG, we have taken a great risk of printing 20,000 copies per month, and before taking this risk, we consulted four different centers, and you all agreed. Now you try your best and the result will depend on Krishna's desire
- Regularly, on Sunday of each week the sales proceeds may be totalled for issuing a check to the amount owed to my book fund & to the BTG accounts. Then on each Monday the check may be sent to Los Angeles. So you do this regularly and it will be very nice
- Sankirtana, Love Feast and selling BTG, they are our primary engagements and next Temple worship. Temple worship is needed for the inner section
- Since you have gone to San Francisco, the center is improving daily, beginning from Rathayatra Festival, and you are also selling BTGs nicely. This means Krishna is giving you the opportunity to serve Him
- So at that time, there was no sale of Back to Godhead. I was publishing about one thousand copies and distributing. So there was no income. I was spending three hundred, four hundred rupees from my pocket. At that time, I had income
- The idea is like that of a Bible society in India which distributes millions of dollars in the shape of biblical literature without any consideration of return. Similarly, we have to sacrifice each $750 on this principle
- The magazine is gorgeous, better than Dia Nippon. Continue the standard, increase the pages, increase the articles, increase the distribution. May Krsna bless you more and more. Offer my blessings to your wife
- The present issue is excellently done. It is rich in all respects. Your article, Nine Points, is very instructive. I do not know whether people will take our advice, but we must go on presenting these ideas to the human society
- The sales of Back To Godhead should be divided more evenly amongst our centers. Not that one or two temples do all of the selling and all of the others should simply sleep. Los Angeles can sell 1,500 copies, and similarly, New York and San Francisco
- The Sankirtana party is selling Back To Godhead nicely and if they display the record on a record player in the street, I think we can sell this album very nicely
- The success of our Movement is due to my books and BTG being distributed throughout the world
- There are many people living in German villages and when you distribute BTG in German, if you go from village to village then at that time you will make my mission successful
- There is much potential for selling these issues to the many people who are gradually taking more & more interest in our movement, & please organize your sales there to increase at a steady rate
- There is no scarcity of material, so we may distribute the message regularly, never mind it is not so highly printed. So far collections is concerned of the sales proceeds of Back To Godhead
- These publication are the backbone of our movement, and if we can distribute them successfully, then everything will be all right
- Try to make your press department very nice. The magazine is already selling, and if you make further improvements, the sales will also improve. Just like our English BTG: from 5,000 copies they have increased to 25,000 copies per month
- We are glad that people are donating very liberally to the development of the Society's activities, and people are also eagerly accepting whatever humble contribution we are giving them in the shape of books and magazines
- We are selling Back To Godhead through the personal approach, through the Sankirtana Party, so I expect each center to sell 50 copies daily on the average as we have practical experience here
- We want to distribute as many issues of BTG as possible, so the more you can print and distribute, the more my Guru Maharaja will be pleased to see His Great Dream being fulfilled
- When I learn that you are selling many BTGs and are receiving nice support from the community, I am very much encouraged. Now we have published our Isopanisad and you must try to sell it as far as possible
- Yesterday's report of the activities of Sankirtana party is that they sold 175 copies of Back To Godhead, and collected 130 dollars in donations
- You state that you will be the largest distributer of BTG in the world. This statement is very pleasing to me, because more than anything I want that my students should distribute my books and literatures profusely all over the world
- Your program is going on so nicely there in New Orleans and especially that Sankirtana and BTG distribution are so successful. That is very encouraging
- Your proposal of getting 1,000 subscribers to Back To Godhead from London alone is very encouraging and please do it. You should send your activities report every month in short for publication in Back To Godhead