Category:Dirty Things
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Pages in category "Dirty Things"
The following 81 pages are in this category, out of 81 total.
- Abhadra. We have got so many dirty things within our heart. So these dirty things can be cleansed simply by Krsna consciousness. There is no other method
- After dark, the moon comes out just like a line, then it increases, & one night it becomes full. Similarly, as your heart becomes cleansed of the material dirty things, your real form, eternity blissful life of knowledge, becomes visible, just like moon
- All the great sages who are thoughtful and saintly persons incessantly recount Your spiritual qualities. These sages have already burned up all the unlimited dirty things and, by the fire of knowledge, strengthened their detachment from the material world
- All the various activities exhibited by the incarnations of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are certainly pleasing to the ear and to the mind. Simply by one's hearing of these activities, the dirty things in one's mind immediately vanish - SB 10.7.1-2
- Anyone who is keeping Krsna within his heart, he becomes cleansed of all dirty things. And because the dirty things are there, that means he is not keeping
- As soon as your heart is cleansed of all dirty things, then the all the problems of material existence immediately solved
- Because we are part and parcel of God, so we have got good qualities. It is covered by material contamination. Gold is gold - but it is covered by mud, dirty things, one cannot understand whether is it gold or something else. So our position is like that
- By chanting the holy name of God gradually your dirty things within the heart will be cleansed and you will see properly your constitutional position and then you will act accordingly and then your life will be happy and prosperous
- By chanting this mantra, simple mantra, without any education, without any philosophical knowledge, simply if we chant, your heart will be cleansed of all dirty things and you'll understand that you are part and parcel of Krsna
- By practicing pranayama to control the air within the body through yoga, and by eating only air and dry leaves fallen from the trees, you (Vasudeva and Devaki) cleansed from your minds all dirty things - SB 10.3.34-35
- By repeated chanting of this transcendental sound vibration, dirty things in the materialistic mind become cleansed. The dirty things in the materialistic mind are the modes of passion and ignorance
- Chanting is a spiritual method for cleansing our heart. Because all dirty things are there in the heart, if the heart becomes cleansed, then we can understand things as they are
- Cleanliness is next to godliness. Actually, our material conditioned life means the mind is covered with dirt, all unclean, dirty things. That is the disease
- Conditional life means that the mind is covered with dirty things, and this is our disease. When we are in the lower modes of tamo-guna and rajo-guna, these dirty things are very prominent
- Ei murkhe 'visaya' kene diba: "Why should I (Krsna) give such a foolish person the dirty things of material enjoyment?" Sva-carana-mrta: "It would be better for Me to give him shelter at My lotus feet"
- Even though all dirty things may be cleansed away, sometimes subtle desires remain in the mind for impersonalism, monism, success & the 4 principles of religious activity. All these are like spots on clean cloth
- Every conditioned soul is full of the reactions of his past life, but all dirty things are immediately burned to ashes if one simply executes devotional service
- Everyone is perfect, but he's covered with some dirty thing. Just like gold is covered with some dirty earth. But if you wash the gold, or, by chemical process if you cleanse, then real gold will come out
- Hare Krishna is so nice that it clears the dirty things from the mind of the devotee and the more one is used to chant the Holy Name offenselessly, the more one develops love of God, forgetting the whole material nonsense
- Heart is full with varieties of sense enjoyment. Therefore by daily, regular worshiping Bhagavatam, we become free from the dirty things
- Hrdy antah-stho hy abhadrani vidhunoti: He washes off all dirt from the mind. Material existence is caused by dirty things within the mind
- I am not iron, but I am covered with dirty things; I look like iron. This is the position. Actually I am not iron; I am gold, because I am part and parcel of God. If God is good, then I am good
- I am taking so much care of this material body, which will not exist, which I shall become 'Dust thou art; dust thou beist.' Again it will mix up with dirty things. I am taking so much care of this body. What about that living force, which is important
- If God is good, then I am good. So because I am covered by the material dirty things, I look like not gold. So this is the test. As soon as you become God conscious, your original all good qualities will manifest automatically
- If one takes to the service of the lotus feet of the Lord, or takes to Krsna consciousness, he is immediately cleansed of the many dirty things which have accumulated in his innumerable births
- If we follow the process regularly, then we gradually become advanced in spiritual consciousness. Material world and spiritual world. Material world means dirty things, and spiritual world means clean
- If we perform this Krsna sankirtana, then immediately our core of heart, which is filled up with all dirty things will be cleansed
- If you continually hear, then gradually all the dirty things, kama-lobhadaya, these things will be finished, and you will be purified, and then that is the way of your liberation. Muktaye. Gunesu saktam bandhaya ratam va pumsi muktaye
- If you directly collect water from the rain, it is distilled water, without any contamination, without any dirty things, clear, very nice
- If you follow the rules and regulation, then there will be no dirt. Hare Krsna. Ceto-darpana-marjanam. Our, this process is simply to make the mind dirtyless
- If you simply read our books very carefully, then immediately this disease of heart palpitation, anxiety, will cease because on account of the dirty things, product of this tamo-guna and rajo-guna... That is disturbing us
- In this way (by pranayama yoga, and by eating only air and dry leaves fallen from the trees cleansed your minds from all dirty things), desiring a benediction from Me (Krsna), you (Devaki and Vasudeva) worshiped Me with peaceful minds - SB 10.3.34-35
- It is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 4.21.31): The waters of the Ganges flow from the tip of the lotus feet of Krsna, and by bathing in that water, everyone - including fruitive actors and all sages - can wash dirty things from the mind
- O best of the brahmanas, my body is filled with dirty things, and my vision has been bitten by the serpent of pride. Due to my material conceptions, I am diseased
- One who goes to the Ganges does not mind the foam and dirty things floating in the water. With his hand, he pushes away such nasty things, bathes in the Ganges and gains the beneficial results
- One who is situated in the spiritual status of life is unaffected by foam and garbage - or any superficial dirty things. This is confirmed by Srila Rupa Gosvami - in Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.187
- One's mind is always agitated by the passionate mode of material nature and bewildered by the ignorant mode of nature. But one can rectify such conceptions by the relation of Visnu and thus become pacified by cleansing the dirty things created by them
- Param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam, if we perform this Krsna sankirtana, then immediately our core of heart, which is filled up with all dirty things, will be cleansed
- Paramahamsa means without any... What is that dirty thing? The dirty thing is to have any slight desire for enjoying this material body. That is called dirty thing
- Persons who are not pure devotees, must have an impure heart full with dirty things of mundane affairs, will not only try to defend Rasaleela by interpretations or decry the dealings but also shall be ruined as by drinking poison a man goes to hell
- Sex life is so strong that they cannot give up even in so-called devotional life. So this is dirty things. Actually it is very dirty. But one can give it up if one is very strongly under the shelter of Krsna
- Sometimes it is found that a small child eats dirty things, but his parents take away the dirty things and offer him a sandesa or some other sweetmeat. Devotees who aspire for material benedictions are compared to such children
- Sometimes within the water there are many stools and other dirty things which are washed away from neighboring mills and factories, but still thousands of men take baths in the Ganges water, and they are very healthy as well as spiritually inclined
- The autumn season takes away the rolling of dark clouds in the sky as well as the polluted water. Filthy conditions on the ground also become cleansed. Similarly, a person who takes to KC immediately becomes cleansed of all dirty things within & without
- The conclusion should be the body and the soul, they are different. It is very simple truth, but because we have accumulated so much garbage dirty things within our heart, we cannot understand even this simple thing
- The conditioned soul has a body full of dirty things - bones, blood, urine, stool and so forth
- The dirty things are stocked within our heart. Just like in the water, in a pond sometimes you will find all of a sudden one bubble comes from within. Phat! That means the dirty things are within, stocked
- The example of a mountain peak's being covered by incessant rain is just suitable, for when a mountain is covered by incessant rain, all dirty things are washed from the body of the mountain
- The first step, so you have noted is that the dirty things which are clouding our spiritual senses must be cleansed by the Sankirtana process. So Krsna Consciousness is a purifying process
- The fortunate King Pariksit, inquiring further, said, "O brahmana, please describe in full detail how and where the mind has to be applied and how the conception can be fixed so that the dirty things in a person's mind can be removed"
- The heart is the stock of so many dirty things. Dirty things means this experience of this material world
- The Lord then personally sat down in the middle and picked up all kinds of straw, grains of sand and dirty things
- The materialistic men are very anxious to have some mystic powers as a result of a controlling process, but the real purpose of yogic regulations is to eradicate the accumulated dirty things like lust, anger, avarice and all such material contaminations
- The more we engage our time, nityam bhagavata-sevaya, the dirty things becomes cleansed, gradually. Just like when you are hungry, you are given foodstuff, you eat. The more you eat, your hunger is satisfied. You'll feel strength
- The most important dirty thing are the modes of material nature
- The original consciousness is polluted by contamination of this material world. Just like water, when it falls from the cloud directly, it is clear and without any dirty things, but as soon as it touches the ground, it becomes muddy
- The personified Vedas praying, "This chanting and hearing of Your transcendental pastimes is the easiest process for self-realization. Simply by submissive aural reception of the transcendental message, one's heart is cleansed of all dirty things"
- The real purpose of yogic regulations is to eradicate the accumulated dirty things like lust, anger, avarice and all such material contaminations
- These dirty things of fruitive work and empiric philosophy can be removed only by association with the Supreme Lord. The Lord, being omnipotent, can offer His association by His inconceivable potencies
- Those who are full of dirty things can take to the line of Krsna consciousness for a gradual cleansing process, following the regulative principles of devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- We can attain the platform of sattva-guna by following the instructions given in Bhagavad-gita. Hearing krsna-katha, topics about Krsna, clears all the dirty things from the mind. Also, if we chant and dance, these dirty things will be wiped away
- We don't claim that we have become liberated from all dirty things. There are so many dirty things still. But little clearance will help us to become a devotee of the Lord
- We have seen that in spite of the very black record of their past lives, persons who take to Krsna consciousness become perfectly cleansed of all dirty things and make spiritual progress very swiftly
- We should always remember that we have got dormant love for Krsna, but it is now covered. We have to uncover it by cleansing the dirty things. That is the method
- We should take advantage of the benediction given by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, & when by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra we are cleansed of all dirty things (CC Antya 20.12), we shall be able to understand very easily that Krsna is the only object of love
- We should try to hear and chant about Krsna always, twenty-four hours a day, and in this way the dirty things will be cleansed from our hearts
- When the sky is clear of all clouds, the stars at night shine very beautifully; similarly, when a person is actually situated in Krsna consciousness, he is cleared of all dirty things, and he becomes as beautiful as the stars in the autumn sky
- When this nirmala, when dirty things are washed away, you remain in pure spiritual life or spiritual body, then the indriyas, the senses... You have got senses
- When we are freed from these dirty things, then our original life becomes manifest. That is called mukti
- When we are in the lower stage of tamo-guna and rajo-guna, these dirty things are very much prominent. Therefore one has to raise himself from the position of tamo-guna and rajo-guna to sattva-guna
- When we become free from these designations, sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam. And you become purified, nirmala. Mal means dirt and nirmala means without any dirt, without any dirty things, simply spiritual