Category:Can Go
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Pages in category "Can Go"
The following 180 pages are in this category, out of 180 total.
- A general example is given: If one wishes to arrive at a certain place, there are many roads leading there, and one can go to that place by any one of these roads
- A living entity can go wherever he likes - to heaven or to hell - simply by preparing himself for either place. There are many heavenly planets, many hellish planets, and many species of life
- A sixteen-year-old boy can go safely all over the world, but a sixteen-year girl cannot. That is not possible. By nature, they are weak. So they require protection
- A yogi can go anywhere he desires without mechanical help
- Abrahma-bhuvanal lokah punar avartino 'rjuna (BG 8.16). Abrahma-loka. The highest planetary system, Brahmaloka, he can go. That is also required superior judgment, what he has done for being promoted
- According to the statement of the BG, persons trying for the Pitrlokas can go there; similarly, persons trying to improve the conditions on this earth can also do that, & persons who are engaged in going back home, back to Godhead, can achieve that result
- According to the statement of the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.25), persons trying to qualify themselves for promotion to the higher, heavenly planets can go there
- According to the Vedic system, if you say something very emphatically, you must prove by Vedic evidences. Otherwise you can go on talking; nobody will hear
- After the results of one's sacrifices, charity and other pious activities expire, one must return to the lower planetary systems and again feel the pangs of birth and death. However, one who becomes Krsna conscious can go back to Krsna
- All kinds of yogis-karma, jnana, hatha, etc.-eventually have to attain devotional perfection in bhakti-yoga, or Krsna consciousness, before they can go to Krsna's transcendental abode and never return. BG 1972 purports
- All the money can go towards building, there will be no division of Book Fund/Building Fund for the time being
- All the residents of Siddhaloka are spacemen, and they can travel in space without mechanical help. The residents of Siddhaloka can go from one planet to another individually by virtue of their yogic perfection
- And they are going to moon. They are going nowhere, simply taking laboratory photo, studio photo, and cheating. Why this cheating can go on? You do not know
- Answer (for what is next after civilized form of life) is there in the Vedic literature that there is higher planetary system. We can see at night, there are so many millions and millions of planets. So we can go there. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita
- Any advanced student, if he wants to know about science practically, he can go to some country or . . . either to preach or to learn. So our coming and going throughout the whole world . . . we are interested to enlighten people about the science of God
- Anyone knows that an unbridled horse is dangerous to ride. He can go in any direction at any speed, and his rider is likely to come to some harm. Insofar as the mind is unbridled, Krsna agrees with Arjuna that the yoga system is very difficult work indeed
- Anyone who carries Krishna within himself, constantly, can go anywhere and turn the place into a sacred pilgrimage. That is the verdict of Srimad-Bhagavatam and blessings of Lord Caitanya
- Anything you practice, you'll be successful. So if by practicing Krsna consciousness, you can go back to home, back to Godhead, why should you neglect it? That will solve your all problems
- As it is said, jnana-tapasa, little knowledge and little austerities. Then you become purified, and mad-bhavam agatah, you can go to the spiritual nature, the kingdom of God. I think this process is not at all difficult
- As you get different types of body, your atmosphere, your activity, your knowledge - everything - becomes relative. So for a higher relative standard, better standard of life, you can go to the higher planets. Similarly, you can lower down also
- Because I am chanting Hare Krsna mantra I can go on committing all kinds of sinful activities. It will be neutralized by my chanting. - This is offense
- Bhagavad-gita has taught that one can go back to home, back to Godhead, in any position, provided he knows how to tackle the situation
- Brahmanas go to marketplaces where grains are purchased and sold wholesale, and there they collect grains left by the merchants. In this way, such exalted brahmanas maintain their bodies and families
- By cultivation of this Krsna culture, devotional service, you can go back to home, back to Godhead, and you get exactly the same body as Krsna has got. And what kind of body Krsna has got? He has got a body, sac-cid-ananda-vigraha
- By giving some charity for pious activity he (a grhamedhi) can go to a higher planetary atmosphere in the heavenly planets in his next life
- By Krsna consciousness movement you can get out of all this miserable condition of life. You can go back to home, back to Godhead, and evolve your eternal life. And eternally, you can enjoy life with Krsna. Try to understand
- Even if one does not have money, he can preach the Hare Krsna mantra to everyone. One can go everywhere, to every home, and request everyone to chant the Hare Krsna mantra. Thus the entire world situation will become very happy and peaceful
- Even if you are born very lowest, you can go. Krsna is open to everyone. Simply you become qualified, that's all
- Even one is the most sinful man, but if he gets the Krsna science, he is free. He is free, and he can go. He can cross over the material ocean of ignorance very easily
- Even without taking the shape of an animal, Visnu could kill him by hurling His Sudarsana cakra, which can go anywhere without the Lord's physical presence. Therefore Hiranyakasipu was careful to guard against all kinds of weapons
- Everyone knows that the mind is so swift that in even one ten-thousandth of a second it can take us millions of miles. If we have seen something millions of miles away, the mind can go there immediately
- Everywhere. Living entities’ name is sarva-ga. Sarva-ga means it lives everywhere; or it can go everywhere
- Evolution takes place in the lower species of life, nature's law. But when you come to the human form of life you have got your responsibility. Wherever you want, you can go
- Formerly people were going in bullock cart or horse carriage from one village to another. "That was primitive. Now we can go hundred miles away from home for earning money and taking risk to die at any moment. That is progress"
- From here (human form of life) we can make further improvement. What is that further improvement? We can go to the better planets. There are many better planets
- Further progress means this human form of life you can go to the higher planetary system. Urdhvam gacchanti sattva-sthah (BG 14.18). Yanti deva-vrata devan - BG 9.25
- Generally the yogi first of all becomes mature in controlling the air passing within the body, thus bringing the soul to the top of the brain. Then when the body bursts into flames, the yogi can go anywhere he likes
- Government opens some liquor shop, gives license. That does not mean that government is encouraging drinking. The liquor shop is there. Those who are drunkard, they can go. That's a facility. That's all
- He (Sukadeva Goswami) concludes that there is nothing beyond this gigantic feature of the Lord. None of the materialistic thoughtful men can go beyond this conception of the gigantic form
- He did not think that He's a statue; it is image. He knew God. That was his conviction. So God said, "How do you think that a statue can go with you? I am a statue. I cannot go." Then this boy replied, "Well, if a statue can speak, He can go also."
- Here is the direction, the bottle of Bhagavad-gita. Krsna says, "It should be understood by the devotee, or you have to understand Bhagavad-gita from a devotee." This is the direction of this medicinal bottle. How you can go otherwise?
- Here the jnanis have got a very nice body, brahminical body, pure, cleansed and beautiful, knowledge. The higher development, they can go still up, Maharloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka, Satyaloka, Siddhaloka, Brahmaloka
- How to become dhirah. It is not spiritual consciousness, it is not so easy thing that you can go. But by the grace of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, it is being easily distributed. That is the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- I am at your service. I have dedicated my life for this. Whenever you call me, whenever you invite me, I can go anywhere. Why Arlington Church? I can go to any place. Because it is my duty to give you, to deliver you this message of SB and Bhagavad-gita
- I am chanting Hare Krsna mantra I can go on committing all kinds of sinful activities. It will be neutralized by my chanting - This is offense. Namno balad yasya hi papa-buddhih. Papa-buddhih means the desire for committing sinful activities
- I cannot say that I will have such-and-such body my next life. But in one sense, if I am intelligent, I can prepare my next body. I can prepare my body to live in certain planets, in certain societies. Even you can go to the higher planets
- I have given this example that you have got a very nice sputnik, airplane; you can go many thousands and millions miles up. But if you don't get any shelter either in the moon planet or any other planet, then you come back again
- I may be very good swimmer, but that is no hope. That is no hope of my life. Any moment, I can go down into the depth of the ocean. Similarly, we are struggling very hard in this material ocean of existence. Simply struggling
- I think you can keep him to assist you so you can go for collecting, and he can manage locally
- If he can go to South America that will be very nice. And he should take to preaching very seriously. A sannyasa should be strong minded, not childish
- If I like, I can go to the higher planetary system; if I like, I can go to the lower planetary system; if I like, you can go to the beastly life or godly life. As I desire, I'll get. The Lord is situated in my heart and in your heart, and He is working
- If one desires, one may also remain here on earth. Or yanti mad-yajino 'pi mam: (BG 9.25) if one becomes a devotee of Krsna, one can go to Him
- If one flies in outer space, he can go very high up, but unless he reaches a planet he must come down again to earth
- If one has no money, no intelligence, he can use his words. He can go to the people, and he can say: "Please chant Hare Krsna." So this preaching work, the service of Krsna, is not, blocked by any disqualification if one is ready to serve
- If one wants to go there, there is a particular ritualistic process. If you adopt that, then you can go in your next life. That means after quitting this body you get a different body and you get your birth there. That is Vedic process
- If somebody says, "Why shall I take advantage of this elevator? I shall go step by step," he can go. But there is chance
- If the president thinks that he can be spared, then he can go
- If there is distribution of prasadam then we can go everywhere, whole day program. Kirtana and distribution. So that is going on. And simply dry philosophy, what people will understand
- If you actually serious to know about spiritual subject matter, then you must have to, abhigacchet, this word is used when the sense is "must." Not that without, I can go, I can have spiritual knowledge without having accepted a spiritual master
- If you at all interested in the understanding of spiritual subject matter, then you must approach a bona fide spiritual master. Tad vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet. Abhigacchet means must. It is not that if you like, you can go
- If you have got power, you can go other country, but it doesn't require. In whichever village, whichever country or town you are, you become a guru. This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission. Amara ajnaya guru haya tara ei desa
- If you like you can go to the Pitrloka. If you want to remain here as human being, you can also remain here, but you have to work for it to keep your position, status
- If you like, you can go again back to the cycle of 8,000,000 forms of lower animals. Or you can develop your self-consciousness for higher species of life, which is called deva. Deva means demigod. That is described in the BG - yanti deva-vrata devan
- If you like, you can go back to home, back to Godhead. That is perfection of life. And if you don't like, then remain here
- If you persist that, "I must go and enjoy independently," so God says: "All right, you can go." This is the position. You have to take sanction. That is a fact. When you persist, God sanctions. And you come and enjoy
- If you want to go to the higher planetary system where the demigods live, you can go. Therefore the karmis, by performing Vedic ritualistic ceremonies, they want elevation to the higher planetary system where the prolongation of life is very, very big
- If you want to go to the higher planetary system, you can go. Then take shelter of the demigods, worship Indra, Candra, Varuna. They are trying to go to the moon planet, but one cannot go there unless he's qualified to go there
- If you want to go to the moon planet, oh, there is no necessity of going by some sputnik or by mechanical arrangement. You can go there simply by following the consciousness to go to the moon planet. That is there in the Vedic literature
- If you want to go to the sun planet or moon planet - there are many heavenly planets - you can go there. Yanti deva-vrata devan. Then you have to prepare in this life how to go there. You cannot go there by force, with your sputnik or some jet
- In free life one can go from one home to another home, but in prison life one cannot do that but must stay in his cell. All these planets are like cells. We are trying to go to the moon, but it is not practical by mechanical means
- In his bodily strength and in the strength of his senses, Maharaja Prthu was as strong as the wind, which can go anywhere and everywhere. As far as his intolerance was concerned, he was just like the all-powerful Rudra expansion of Lord Siva, or Sadasiva
- In our childhood we saw some yogi, he used to come to my father. So he said that he could go anywhere within very few seconds
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.10) the Supreme Lord (Krsna) says: To those who are constantly devoted to worshiping Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me
- It is a foolish imagination that we can go to other planets in the present body. If we want to go to Devaloka, the planets of the demigods, we must achieve the required qualifications, and the same is true if we want to go back to the kingdom of God
- It is not possible at the present moment that you can go to a secluded place and peacefully sit there and meditate upon . . . it is not possible in this age. It is impossible. If you try artificially, it will be failure
- It is not possible to reach the moon by any material vehicle like a sputnik, but persons who are attracted by material enjoyment can go to the moon by pious activities
- It is not uncommon in India for a person to go to a svami and say, "Swamiji, could you give me some medicine? I am suffering from this disease." He thinks that because a doctor is too expensive, he can go to a svami who can work miracles
- It is our experience in the material world that trees stand in one place, but in the spiritual world a tree can go from one place to another. Therefore everything in the spiritual world is called alaukika, uncommon or transcendental
- It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita (7.23) that the worshipers of the demigods can go to the planets of the demigods. The moon worshipers can go to the moon, the sun worshipers to the sun, etc
- It is very important verse. Tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya, upadeksyanti te jnanam (BG 4.34). That knowledge by which you can go to the point of your self-interest, Visnu, that knowledge you can realize
- Krsna consciousness movement is now well spread all over the world. The framework is there. So anyone can go and preach this Krsna consciousness movement very easily and people will take it
- Krsna consciousness movement is so nice, even the most sinful person can go back to home, back to Godhead
- Krsna consciousness movement now has centers in Vrndavana and Navadvipa so that those who want to live a retired life, whether they be devotees or not, can go there and with determination give up the bodily concept of life
- Krsna says, "Anyone who takes shelter of Me, never mind what he is. He may be lowborn, he may be a sudra, he may be woman, he may be whatever he may be." - He can also go to My kingdom
- Land is your place, but if you are placed in the ocean, however expert... You may be very expert swimmer, but that does not mean that you are happy. You can go on struggling, swimming, very expert swimming, but that does not mean happiness
- Last word (mad-yajino 'pi yanti mam) is, Krsna says that, "If one wants to come to Me," "Then he can also come to Me." Now you make your judgment: if you want to go back to the again animal forms of life, you can go
- Later, you (Rupa Gosvami) can go from Vrndavana to Jagannatha Puri through Bengal (Gauda-desa). There you will meet Me (Caitanya) again
- Man can go on speculating for several millions of years, and if he is not devoted, if he is not a lover of the Supreme Truth, he will never understand Krsna or the Supreme Truth. BG 1972 purports
- Material thought means these fruitive activities. "I shall work very hard, and I shall get so much wealth, and for this purpose I can go to church & temple. If God gives me millions of dollars, then I am ready to go." Real purpose is sense gratification
- Mind is so forceful, everyone has got experience. You are sitting here, you can go immediately to New York. You can go immediately Los Angeles, within a second, mind is so speedy. And the soul is still more speedy
- Next life you can prepare in this life, where you want to go. If you go, want to go to the higher planetary systems, you can go. Yanti deva-vrata devan pitrn yanti
- Nivrtti-marga is the path of negating sense enjoyment, and pravrtti-marga is the path by which the living entities are given a chance to enjoy and at the same time are directed in such a way that they can go back home, back to Godhead
- No, argument you can go on, but if you want to know the truth it will not be attained by argument, because argument is also within your thinking power - thinking, feeling, willing
- Now we cannot fly in the air, but the spirit soul is so light that when freed from the body it can go within a second to Vaikunthaloka, the spiritual world (tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti) - BG 4.9
- Now you are conditioned by the matter; therefore that is not being perfected. But when you are also in pure spiritual life, you can do like that, like God. Immediately, whatever you want, you can do. Immediately, wherever you want to go, you can go
- Now you can go to My transcendental abode, Vaikuntha, by leaving this universe of conditioned living entities. Your visit to Me in this lonely place because of your pure and unflinching devotional service is a great boon for you
- On this earth we have not invented any machine that can go directly from one planet to another, although an unsuccessful attempt has been made to go directly to the moon
- One can go from this (Atisara) village to Panihati and from there to Varaha-nagara, north of Calcutta. In those days the Ganges flowed to the south of Calcutta through Kali-ghata, which is still known as Adi-ganga
- One can go on experimenting by atoning, but the diseases of the soul will remain unless one comes to the platform of rendering devotional service in love and purifying his life
- One can go to the supreme planet (param vrajet) simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra. This is especially meant for the people of this age - kaler dosa-nidhe
- One cannot come to America without proper visa. So how you can go to the other planet without proper visa? So they do not think. That is, therefore, asuras, demons
- One cannot estimate the speed of mind, for within a second the mind can go many millions of miles
- One lady is prepared to donate a nice piece of land and $50,000 for erecting a Radha-Krsna Temple. That is very encouraging. If it is a fact, then I can go there for laying down the foundation stone and from there it may be easier to go to Sydney
- One millennium means 4,300,000s of years. So multiply it, increase it by one thousand times, that is the duration of Brahmas one day. So it is beyond our mind and speculation; still, they are within the material world. So if you like, you can go there
- One should hear of the universal position of the virat form of the Lord as described in Srimad-Bhagavatam. That will help one save himself from material conditional life & elevate him to the path of liberation so that he can go back home, back to Godhead
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is trying to save the human society from this risky life and to understand what is God, how he can go back to home, how he can get eternal life. This is our business
- Regarding the Preface to Bhagavad-gita, I shall send that as soon as I have got some time to write one. In the meantime you can go ahead with the remainder of layout work
- Regarding your going to other's meetings, yes, you can go to preach but do not pick a quarrel or have any violence. Try to attract the sincere devotees there
- Since the moon is so distant, how space vehicles could go there is a doubtful mystery. Modern scientific calculations are subject to one change after another, and therefore they are uncertain. We have to accept the calculations of the Vedic literature
- Sitting on Airavata, an elephant who can go anywhere and who holds water and wine in reserve for showering, Lord Indra looked just like the sun rising from Udayagiri, where there are reservoirs of water
- So far we can see, those who are busy with bolts and nuts, how this dull brain, they can manufacture such things (which can reach topmost planet)? That is not possible. It requires another brain. The yogis can go, the yogis can go
- So this endeavor to go there (to some planets) by so-called scientific advancement is simply defeat, because you will not be allowed, neither you can go there. And actually it is happening so. What they have achieved so far? Nothing
- Stringed instruments are Vedic, but the real Vedic instrument is mrdanga and karatala. Anyway, you have to do according to the time and circumstances if you use these other instruments. So you have got my approval and you can go on
- That is the civilization. Nothing has to be stopped; everything can go on. For bodily comforts we are very much busy; that's nice. But if you increase the bodily comforts, there is no limit. That should not be the purpose of life
- The average person is illusioned in childhood, playing frivolous games. Up to twenty years, easily, you can go on like that. Then when you become old, for another twenty years you cannot do anything
- The basic principle is the illicit sex life. Now, it can go up to murdering and so many things. So if we avoid the basic principles, the further subsidiary sinful activities automatically stopped
- The brahmacaris can go with the sannyasis to preach, and the vanaprasthas should prepare themselves for the next status of renounced life, sannyasa
- The brahmastra is something like atomic weapon, nuclear weapon. It can go to the enemy wherever the enemy is. It doesn't matter. It will go and kill. That is called brahmastra
- The knowledge is there. University is there. You can go, pass your M.A. examination. But if you go to the prison house and become a pickpocket, that is your fault
- The Krsna consciousness idea, is very, very new to them. Krsna, God, can be talked with personally. One can go to God personally. These ideas were unknown in the Western countries. But that is possible. That is a fact
- The living entity is completely dependant in his distress and happiness. By the will of the Supreme he can go to heaven or hell, as a cloud is driven by the air. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity is described in the Bhagavad-gita as sarvaga. Sarvaga means he can go anywhere within this universe. He can go in the spiritual sky also. Sarvaga means including everywhere, if he likes
- The materialists have many branches of philanthropic and altruistic activities from a political, (inter)national angle of vision, but none of the field work can go beyond the jurisdiction of the misconception of identifying the body with the spirit soul
- The mind is so forceful that you are sitting here, and within a second, you can go to your home or homeland, which may be ten thousand miles away, immediately
- The moon planet, the sun planet, Venus and others, so many innumerable planets, Brahma-loka, Satya-loka, Jana-loka, Mahar-loka - these are information we get from Vedic literature. But Krsna says that you can go, you can enter in any one of these groups
- The perfection will be when a yogi at his sweet will can leave this body and can go any planet he likes. Not only within this material universe, but also even, if he likes, he can go to the spiritual planet also. That is yoga
- The purpose is prasannam yati sat-patham. By the yoga practice you have to make your mind very transparent, clean, and then you can go towards sat-patham, eternal life. That is being taught. So He will go on teaching
- The residents of Siddhaloka, being naturally endowed with the powers of yogis, can go from one planet to another by their natural mystic powers without using airplanes or similar machines
- The ruling of the Supreme Lord must go on. You cannot check it. You cannot avoid it. You can go on with your believe or not believe. That is not the business
- The same judge who gave the verdict cannot check it. But if the man begs for the mercy of the king, the king can check the execution. He can go totally above the law
- The spirit soul, the living entity, has no death, for he is eternal and inexhaustible. Being free from material contamination, he can go anywhere in the material or spiritual worlds
- The Srimad-Bhagavata says that if you want to be free . . . free means just like you are trying to go to the moon planet by so many mechanical arrangements, but if you are free spiritually, then you can go any planet you like, immediately
- The standard of living condition is thousand times better. Therefore it is called heavenly. So if you like, you can go there
- The theory that there is no need of austerity in life, that one can go on speculating & everything will be nice, is neither recommended in the Vedic literature nor in Bhagavad-gita. Such theories are manufactured by showbottle spiritualists. BG 1972 pur
- There are above this Bhurloka, Bhuvarloka, Janaloka, Tapoloka, Maharloka. There are so many planetary system. And down also, Tala, Atala, Vitala, Patala, Talatala, like that. If you want to go down, you can go down. If you want to go up, you can go
- There is a planet named Siddhaloka whose inhabitants can go to any other planet because they naturally have all the perfection of yoga practice. Thus Durvasa Muni, the great mystic yogi, could go through the skyways to any planet, even to Brahmaloka
- There is no possibility that they (material scientists) can go beyond the material sky, enter the spiritual sky and see for themselves the spiritual planets, Vaikuntha
- There is now a railway line to Jhamatapura. If one wants to go there, he can take a train on the Katwa railway line and go directly to the station known as Salara. From that station one can go directly to Jhamatapura
- They are thinking that they can go anywhere by the force of their so-called scientific advancement. But it has not proved successful till now. But still, they will say, "Yes, in future we shall go." All right, in future. Trust no future, however pleasant
- They have brought little sand and rocks after spending millions of dollars, and they are satisfied: "Now I have gone to the moon." This kind of bluffing can go on, but we don’t accept it
- This is ideal wife. She (Sita) could have refused, "Oh, Your father has ordered to go to forest. You can go. I shall go to my father's house or I shall remain here." No. This is ideal wife. She must be prepared to accept any circumstances of the husband
- This is the decision of the Vaisnava. For himself he has no problems, even if he has to stay in this material world, because his only business is to remain in Krsna consciousness. The Krsna conscious person can go even to hell and still be happy
- This material body means reservoir of all sufferings. By artificial method, so-called scientific advancement, we are trying to patch up, but that is not real happiness. You can go on continuing patching up. This is called maya
- Those who are materialistic can go high up to Brahmaloka where Brahma is, but those who are Krsna conscious will reject even that. They neglect even the impersonal brahma-jyotir. They don't care for it
- Those who are not satisfied with one wife or legitimate wife, they can go to the prostitute. But they cannot intermingle in the society and spoil the society
- Those who are trying to enter higher planets can go there, and those who are trying to qualify to enter into Goloka Vrndavana, the planet of Krsna, can also enter there by the process of Krsna consciousness
- Those who are trying to understand the Supreme Absolute Truth through knowledge, they can go up to that impersonal Brahman
- To become purified of material contamination is the necessary qualification for becoming one of the associates of the Lord. No one can become an associate of the Lord or can go back to Godhead without such purification
- Vallabha Bhatta said, "If anyone likes, he can go to Prayaga and extend invitations to the Lord." In this way he took the Lord with him and departed for Prayaga
- Vedic literature gives you direction how you can go to the moon planet. There is also direction in the Bhagavad-gita: yanti deva-vrata devan (BG 9.25). Devan means the planetary system occupied by the demigods
- Vultures or hawks can go very high in the sky, but can see a small body on the ground very clearly. This means that their eyesight is so keen that they can find an eatable corpse from a great distance
- We can go on arguing for days together, but there is no decision. That is friendly talk. But when there is talk between a master and disciple, there is no question of arguing. The disciple has to accept what is ordered by the master
- We can go on reading Bhagavad-gita life after life, and we may write a thousand and one commentaries on it, but all such attempts will prove futile - if we are not at all able to grasp this genuine message of Sri Krsna, the teacher of Bhagavad-gita
- We get information from Bhagavad-gita that the spiritual nature is beyond this manifested and nonmanifested cosmic situation. So Krsna says, mad-yajino 'pi yanti mam. If somebody cultivates Krsna consciousness, he can go there. It is not difficult
- When an important man is alive he may have so many guards, and no one can go before him or touch him, but when the same man is dead and lying on the floor, one may kick him in the face, and practically no one will care
- When both of you are ready, you can go somewhere suitable place and open a branch there. That is my mission
- When I am not covered by the material elements, sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam (CC Madhya 19.170), then I can go everywhere, automatically. Just like Narada Muni goes everywhere. He has no impediment
- When I was there last there was one boy who was for making dolls. I want to know how the samples are coming out, if they are nice. Can he teach our students how to do this art? If so, our men can go there and learn, or should he be sent here to USA?
- When one remembers that this world is duhkhalayam asasvatam (BG 8.15), is a place of misery, then we can go. As long as we shall think, "Oh, it is very nice place," we'll have to remain here
- When we'll be spiritually advanced, then there will be no impediment. Now we cannot fly in the air, but when you are free from this body, your spirit soul, within a second you can go to the Vaikunthaloka. It is so light. Within a second
- When you go to the street - "Keep to the left" - this law is meant for human being, not for the dog. The dogs can go from left to right; he has no punishment
- Wherever you find a suitable place you can go, always keeping sure to follow the regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds
- With great austerity, penances and vairagya, they can go up to the param padam. Param padam means Brahman. Nirvisesa-brahman. Not in the material existence, but in the spiritual existence. Aruhya. They can rise up to that
- Within this material world there is a planet called Siddhaloka, whose inhabitants can go from one planet to another without the aid of a machine or space rocket
- Yanti mad-yajino 'pi mam: (BG 9.25) persons who desire to be transferred to the spiritual planets, Vaikunthalokas, can also go there
- You become one of the Life Members of our Society and you can go anywhere and stay there
- You can become demigod; you can go to higher planetary system, where duration of life, standard of comfort, is very, very high, thousand times, thousand times comfortable than at the present moment. Similarly, you can transfer yourself to the abode of God
- You can go behind him. Yes. This man is... You are dozing. Hm
- You can go even back to home, back to Godhead. Mad-yajino 'pi yanti mam. So there is every possibility. Now this is the crucial point of human form of life. We can go in the higher planetary system, we can go in the lower planetary system
- You can go on mental speculating, but if you do even for many hundreds and thousand of years, it is not possible to calculate. You have to accept this truth through the sastra; otherwise, it is not possible
- You can go there (planetary system of demigods) if you prepare yourself to go, next life. But you cannot go by these sputniks. That is not possible
- You can go there, heavenly planets. There you can live for ten thousands of years. Ten thousands of years, and that is also not our year. The higher planetary system, their one day - our six months
- You can go to the forest. That is your interest. But if you try to distribute Krsna's name, that is more, valuable work
- You can prepare your next body in higher planets as demigods or you can prepare your next body within this planet. You can go to the Pitrloka, and if you like you can go to Krsna's abode. That depends on you. You make your choice
- You know what is the speed of mind. You are sitting here, and within a second your mind can go some ten thousand miles away, within a second. So even with that speed and running on, koti-sata-vatsara, you cannot go to the spiritual planet
- Your business must cooperate with the other departments, so that all departments can go on smoothly. Otherwise it is not a very good situation