Category:Brahma's Creating
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Pages in category "Brahma's Creating"
The following 136 pages are in this category, out of 136 total.
- After 4,300,000,000 solar years, when Brahma awoke to create again by the will of the Lord, all the rsis like Marici, Angira, Atri and so on were created from the transcendental body of the Lord, and I (Narada) also appeared along with them
- After being attacked by the demons and evolving a form of a beautiful woman in the twilight, Brahma next created Gandharvas and Apsaras
- After being created from the navel of Garbhodakasayi Visnu, Lord Brahma, the original created living being within the universe, created many other different types of living entities to reside in this universe
- After creating persons for economic development, Brahma created sages who would set the example for spiritual realization
- All (four social orders and four vocational divisions) were systematically planned and created by Brahma for the regular promotion of self-realization
- All the living entities created by Brahma are conditioned souls and are inclined to lord it over material nature
- Although Brahma created the principles of nescience as a matter of necessity for those living entities who were destined to ignorance by the will of the Lord, he was not satisfied in performing such a thankless task
- Although he created the different influences of nescience, Lord Brahma was not satisfied in performing such a thankless task, but he had to do it because most of the conditioned souls wanted it to be so
- As an obedient servitor of the Lord, Brahma creates all these (five nesciences) as a matter of necessity, but he is not happy in doing so because a devotee of the Lord naturally does not like to see anyone falling down from his real position
- As the spider very easily creates the network of its cobweb and manifests its power of creation without being defeated by others, so also you (Brahma) yourself, by employment of your self-sufficient energy, create without any other's help
- Before the factual creation of the living entities in different varieties of species, the conditions under which a living being in the material world has to live were created by Brahma
- Being the most intelligent personality, Lord Brahma could take charge of creating all the variety found within this material world
- Brahma also created the medical science, military art, musical art and architectural science, all from the Vedas. They all emanated one after another, beginning from the front face
- Brahma attempts to create the different planetary systems and their inhabitants, expanding the population through his progeny, like Manu and other progenitors of living entities, who work perpetually under the order of the Supreme Lord
- Brahma could create many powerful demigods, including Lord Siva. So they are isvaras, or lords of the universe. But they are not the supreme powerful. The supreme powerful is Govinda, Lord Krsna. He is the Transcendence
- Brahma created another set of good children, who were mostly in favor of worldly fruitive activities
- Brahma created even the sacrificial ingredients out of the bodily limbs of the Garbhodakasayi Visnu, which means that the cosmic order was created by Brahma himself. Nothing is created out of nothing, but everything is created from the person of the Lord
- Brahma created four principles of knowledge: sankhya, or empirical philosophy for the analytical study of material conditions; and yoga, or mysticism for liberation of the pure soul from material bondage
- Brahma created four principles of knowledge: tapas, or the various kinds of voluntary austerities performed for spiritual perfection
- Brahma created four principles of knowledge: vairagya, the acceptance of complete detachment from material enjoyment in life to elevate oneself to the highest spiritual understanding
- Brahma created Rudra to help him in his creative endeavor, but from the very beginning Rudra began to devour the whole creation, and thus he had to be stopped from such devastating activities
- Brahma created the fifth Veda - the Puranas and the histories - from all his mouths, since he could see all the past, present and future
- Brahma created the four great sages Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat to entrust them with these four principles (sankhya, yoga, vairagya and tapas) of spiritual advancement
- Brahma created the universe as it was before. This means that he created everything by the same name and form as in the previous cosmic manifestation
- Brahma created this material world for the use of the living entities, but it was created according to a plan that they would be given directions by Brahma in the Vedas in order that they might ultimately leave it and return home, back to Godhead
- Brahma creates all forms of living beings of different shapes in terms of different desires within the universe. He also creates the sun, moon and other demigods
- Brahma creates the different species of life all over the universe, which means that the Lord creates the whole manifestation either by Himself or through the agency of His authorized deputies
- Brahma creates the whole of human society, animal society - everything. Ksirodakasayi Visnu lies on the milk ocean within the universe, of which He is the controller and maintainer
- Brahma creates the whole of human society, animal society - everything. Ksirodakasayi Visnu lies on the milk ocean within the universe, of which He is the controller and maintainer. Thus Brahma is the creator - CC Intro
- Brahma engaged himself in the matter of creation. His former body transformed into fog
- Brahma first created the nescient engagements like self-deception, the sense of death, anger after frustration, the sense of false ownership, and the illusory bodily conception, or forgetfulness of one's real identity
- Brahma is a living being, jiva-tattva. He is not Visnu-tattva. Just see how much a living being can be powerful. Now, Brahma was created by this Garbhodakasayi Visnu, and Brahma in his turn, he created all these planetary systems
- Brahma is called here (in SB 3.32.12-15) adyah sthira-caranam. He is the original, first-created living entity, and after his own birth he creates the entire cosmic manifestation. He was fully instructed in the matter of creation by the Supreme Lord
- Brahma is entrusted with creation, Visnu maintains and Rudra, Lord Siva, destroys
- Brahma is one of the living entities, but due to his devotional service he is very powerful. This primal living entity, master of the mode of material passion, is directly empowered by the Garbhodakasayi Visnu to create innumerable living entities
- Brahma is so powerful that he is in charge of creating an entire universe, yet he personally came to receive the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Brahma is the most exalted personality in the universe because of his causeless DS unto the Lord in mature transcendental knowledge. He therefore created all the fourteen planetary divisions for inhabitation by the different types of living entities
- Brahma is the most intelligent creature, so intelligent that he is given the power of creating this universe. So not that in the beginning there was no intelligence. The first-class intelligence is there in the beginning of the creation
- Brahma knew very well that without devotional service to the Lord there is hardly any benefit for the conditioned souls, and therefore he at last created his worthy son Narada, who is the supreme spiritual master of all transcendentalists
- Brahma was entrusted with the work of creating the planetary systems. The Lord instructed him that when he meditated he would very easily know where and how the planetary systems must be arranged
- Brahma's mind was not in correct order when he created the demons. It must have been full of passion because the entire creation was passionate; therefore such passionate sons were born
- Brahma, the first living creature within the universe, created several sons for the propagation of various kinds of species. The most powerful of his sons is Bhrgu, who is also the greatest sage. BG 1972 purports
- Brahma, the first spiritual master, supreme in the universe, could not trace out the source of his lotus seat, and while thinking of creating the material world, he could not understand the proper direction for such creative work
- Brahmaji agreed to this proposal (desiring to serve the Lord), and therefore he is given the responsible post of creating generations in the vacant universe
- Brahmaji clears up the wrong impression held by the less intelligent and affirms that he creates the universal variegatedness after the potential creation by the glaring effulgence of Lord Sri Krsna
- Brahmaji wanted to create the whole cosmic situation as it was in the previous millennium, and because, in the last devastation, knowledge of the Absolute Truth was altogether erased from the universe, he desired that the same knowledge again be renovated
- Brahmaji, although eternally related with the Lord in the transcendental humor of friendship, and although entrusted with the most exalted post of creating different grades of living entities, is still conscious of his position
- By His will, I create, Lord Siva destroys, and He Himself, in His eternal form as the Personality of Godhead, maintains everything. He is the powerful controller of these three energies
- By the grace of the Lord, who instructed him through the heart (tene brahma hrda), Lord Brahma could create a huge universe. Those who are actually pure devotees of the Lord are instructed by the Lord through the heart, where the Lord is always situated
- Education, charity, penance and truth are said to be the four legs of religion, and to learn this there are four orders of life with different classifications of castes according to vocation. Brahma created all these in systematic order
- Empowered by God. God created Brahma, and he was empowered to create the universe
- Even Brahma, the creator of the universe, admits that he is not the actual creator but is simply inspired by the Lord Narayana and therefore creates under His superintendence those things already created by Him, the Supersoul of all living entities
- Everyone in this material world is a rascal. A particular living entity desires, "If I can get the opportunity to obtain the post of Brahma, then I can create a big universe." Thus he receives the body of Brahma
- Everything was created by Brahma in the beginning
- Factually Lord Brahma does not create the living entities. In the beginning of the creation he is empowered to give different bodily shapes to the living entities according to their work during the last millennium
- First of all, Brahma created from his shadow the coverings of ignorance of the conditioned souls. They are five in number and are called tamisra, andha-tamisra, tamas, moha and maha-moha
- Following the will of the S P of Godhead, I create, Lord Siva destroys, and He Himself in the form of Ksirodakasayi Visnu maintains all the affairs of material nature. Thus the supreme controller of the three modes of material nature is Lord Visnu
- From His (Krsna's) navel, the stem of a lotus flower grows, and on that lotus flower the first creature, Brahma, is born. Within the stem of that lotus flower are fourteen divisions of planetary systems, which are created by Brahma
- From historical point of view it is copied because Vedas are created by Brahma long, long, many millions, millions of years, and Bible is created two thousand years
- From the abdomen of Garbhodakasayi Visnu, a lotus flower sprouts. Lord Brahma, the first creature of the universe, is born from this lotus flower, and subsequently, Lord Brahma creates the whole universe
- From the womb of Matrka, the wife of Aryama, were born many learned scholars. Among them Lord Brahma created the human species, which are endowed with an aptitude for self-examination
- He (Krsna) instructed Brahma, the lord of the universe, and Brahma, having received Krsna's instructions, created the entire universe. Krsna will also give instructions to us if we simply take to devotional service
- His (Hiranyakasipu's) first proposal is that he not be killed by any of the different forms of living entities created by Lord Brahma within this material world
- How much brain he has that he has created this universe, Brahma. He has created the demigods, he has created the planets
- I offer my obeisances to the original personality within this universe, Lord Brahma, who is cognizant and who can apply his mind and realized intelligence in creating this cosmic manifestation
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.10) it is confirmed that Lord Brahma created all living entities, including human beings and demigods, and advised them to perform yajna according to their material desires - saha-yajnah prajah srstva
- In that same verse it is stated that the Lord is the creator, maintainer and annihilator of the cosmic manifestation and that He enabled Lord Brahma to create the universe by infusing him with the knowledge of the Vedas
- In the beginning of creation Brahma created not only saintly sons like Sanaka, Sanatana and Narada but also demonic offspring like Nirrti, Adharma, Dambha and Falsity
- In the beginning of creation Brahma created the Manus, along with the ritualistic sacrificial method, and blessed them: Continue these sacrificial rites, and you will be gradually elevated to your proper position of self-realization
- In the beginning of the creation there was a great need of population; Lord Brahma was creating one son after another and ordering them to increase. However, when the Kumaras were requested to do so, they declined
- In the beginning, Brahma created four great sages named Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana and Sanat-kumara. All of them were unwilling to adopt materialistic activities because they were highly elevated due to their semen's flowing upwards
- In the material creation Brahma has to create all kinds of living entities with bodies suitable to their material conditions. Brahma wants to be protected by the Lord because he has to contact many, many vicious living entities
- In the other dissolution, which occurs at the end of Brahma's day, all the lower planetary systems are destroyed. When Lord Brahma rises after his night, these lower planetary systems are again created
- It is understood that the most intelligent creature, Lord Brahma, was first created. Then Lord Brahma created other saintly sages like Marici, Bhrgu, Atreya, Vasistha and Lord Siva. They in their turn created different types of bodies according to karma
- Lord Brahma creates the material world, Lord Visnu maintains it, and Lord Siva destroys it
- Lord Brahma is a great devotee of the Lord; therefore he has been empowered or inspired by the Lord to create such a universe as the one manifested before us. The Lord also inspired Arjuna to fight in the field of Kuruksetra
- Lord Brahma is born from the mahat-tattva. Brahma creates the entire universe, Lord Visnu maintains it, and Lord Siva annihilates it
- Lord Brahma prayed for His ( Sri Krsna) mercy so that he might be able to create the universal affairs as he did before; only by the Lord's causeless mercy could he create both material and spiritual personalities like Marici and Narada respectively
- Lord Brahma thus engaged his senses in the Lord by re-creating the conditioned living entities to act in the re-created universe. This material universe is thus created and annihilated by the will of the Lord
- Lord Brahma was created by Lord Visnu; then Lord Brahma created Lord Siva and other great sages, headed by Bhrgu Muni. These great sages included Bhrgu, Marici, Atreya, Vasistha and others. All these great sages were in charge of creating population
- Lord Brahma, approaching the Lord, addressed Him thus: My Lord, please protect me from these sinful demons, who were created by me under Your order. They are infuriated by an appetite for sex and have come to attack me
- Lord Brahma, empowered with the energy to create the cosmic manifestation - srsti-sakti
- Manu replied: To expand himself in Vedic knowledge, Lord Brahma, the personified Veda, from his face created you, the brahmanas, who are full of austerity, knowledge and mystic power and are averse to sense gratification
- My dear great and powerful Lord Siva, you were created first from the mouth of Lord Brahma in order to protect the brahmanas in pursuing education, austerities, vows and self-realization
- My dear King, the seeds, roots, herbs and grains, which were created by Lord Brahma in the past, are now being used by nondevotees, who are devoid of all spiritual understanding
- O object of my worship, I am born from the house of Your lotus navel for the purpose of creating the universe by Your mercy. All these planets of the universe were stationed within Your transcendental abdomen while You were enjoying sleep
- On the disappearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, who is the object of transcendental enjoyment for the senses of devotees, Brahma, with folded hands, began to re-create the universe, full with living entities, as it was previously
- Once upon a time, when Brahma was thinking of how to create the worlds as in the past millennium, the four Vedas, which contain all varieties of knowledge, became manifested from his four mouths
- One can get all types of information from the Vedas & Brahma was impregnated with all-perfect knowledge so that it was possible for him to create. Brahma knew the perfect description of creation as it was exactly apprised to him by the Supreme Lord Hari
- One thing is certain: Brahma was completely dependent on the mercy of the Lord because after his birth he could create living beings by the Lord's grace only, and he could see the form of the Lord
- Our history begins from the beginning of the creation because the creation takes place with the birth of Brahma from the abdomen lotus flower of Lord Visnu. Then Brahma gradually creates
- Seeing Brahma present before Him, the Lord accepted him as worthy to create living beings, to be controlled as He desired, and thus being much satisfied with him, the Lord shook hands with Brahma and, slightly smiling, addressed him thus
- Since there were not very many living entities in the beginning, Visnu entrusted Brahma with the business of creation, and Brahma in his turn created many hundreds and thousands of demigods and great sages to continue with the creation
- Sri Vidura said: O great sage, please let me know how Brahma, the grandfather of the planetary inhabitants, created the bodies of the living entities from his own body and mind after the disappearance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Such a person, being unsatisfied, begins to blaspheme Lord Brahma, saying that he does not know the art of creating well and is simply inexperienced
- The creation of the demigods is of eight varieties: (7) the Bhutas, Pretas and Pisacas, and (8) the superhuman beings, celestial singers, etc. All are created by Brahma, the creator of the universe
- The creator, Brahma, as the incarnation of the passion mode of the Personality of Godhead, creates the universal affairs with unfailing desires in every millennium by the force of the Lord's energy
- The different grades of living entities are not created by Brahmaji by his capricious whims, but he is entrusted with the task of giving the living entities different grades of body so that they can work accordingly
- The first living creature is Brahma himself, and from him were created sages like Marici, who in their turn created Kasyapa Muni and others, and Kasyapa Muni and the Manus created different demigods and human beings, etc
- The first living entity to come out was Lord Brahma, who is independently able to create the rest of the manifested universe
- The gopis were dissatisfied with the work of Brahmaji because Lord Brahma, as creator of this particular universe, created eyelids which obstructed their seeing Lord Krsna
- The great Lord Brahma was able to create nine personalities because of these austerities, including you, to help him in the functions of creation
- The living beings are created by the creator Brahma, and just to maintain the created living being progressively towards the path back to Godhead, the system of performing sacrifice is also created by him
- The Lord has the power to protect. Of the three deities Brahma, Visnu and Mahesvara, the first has the power to create, the second has the power to protect, and the third has the power to destroy
- The Lord, as the Supersoul within Brahma, gave him the intelligence to create. The creative power, therefore, of every living entity is not his own; it is by the grace of the Lord that one can create
- The prison house of the material world is created by Brahma under instruction of the Personality of Godhead, and at the conclusion of a kalpa the whole thing is destroyed by Siva
- The Sadhyas and Pitas are invisible forms of departed souls, and they are also created by Brahma
- The secondary creation is made by Brahma, but Brahma is created by the Supreme Godhead. Lord Siva annihilates the whole creation, but at the end he is also annihilated by Visnu. Lord Visnu remains
- The Supreme Lord Himself does the real creation by agitating His material energy, and then, by His order, Brahma, the first living creature in the universe, attempts to create the different planetary systems and their inhabitants
- The Supreme Lord is the greatest of all. Even Lord Brahma, who created the cosmic manifestation, is but another opulence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The supreme person within this universe, Lord Brahma, has gotten his exalted post by dint of severe austerities, mystic power and trance. Consequently, after creating the universe, he has become the most worshipable demigod within it
- The Vedas are the source of all knowledge, and they were first revealed to Brahma by the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead while Brahma was thinking of re-creating the material world
- The whole cosmic manifestation is manipulated by the three modes of material nature. It is said that Brahma, the incarnation of the quality of passion, created this universe. But Brahma is the secondary creator: the original creator is Narayana
- The whole universe is born out of the lotus stem which sprouted from the navel of the Lord. Lord Brahma sat on the top of this lotus stem to create the whole universe
- Then Lord Brahma, by his ability to be hidden from vision, created the Siddhas and Vidyadharas and gave them that wonderful form of his known as the Antardhana
- This (CC Adi 3.111) text from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 3.9.11) is a prayer by Lord Brahma to the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna for His blessings in the work of creation
- This Brahma, or Aja, is also a living being, part and parcel of the Lord, but being the most pious devotee of the Lord, Brahma is inspired by the Lord to create, subsequent to the main creation by the Lord, through the agency of material nature
- This brahmanda is the creation of Brahma. He is called one of the demigods. So Krsna says, aham adir hi devanam, "I am the beginning of the devatas, demigods." So if you study Krsna in this way, then you become daiva, divine
- This entire universe is going on under the spell of sexual attachment, which was created by Lord Brahma to increase the population of the entire universe, not only in human society but also in other species
- This primal living entity (Brahma), master of the mode of material passion, is directly empowered by Garbhodakasayi Visnu to create innumerable living organisms
- To create different planetary systems I (Brahma) had to undergo austerities and penance, and the Lord, thus being pleased with me, incarnated in four sanas (Sanaka, Sanat-kumara, Sanandana and Sanatana)
- To increase population, Brahma created woman from the better half of man's body
- Vidura said: Since you know of matters inconceivable to us, tell me, O holy sage, what did Brahma do to create living beings after evolving the Prajapatis, the progenitors of living beings?
- Visnu is the incarnation of goodness, Brahma of passion, and Siva of ignorance. Brahma creates, Visnu maintains, and Siva destroys the material creation
- Visnu is the Lord of the universe because He is its maintainer. Similarly, Brahma creates the different planetary systems and the population, so he also may be considered the Lord of the universe
- When Lord Brahma is empowered by Lord Krsna as the engineer to create the phenomenal world, he becomes the supremely powerful feature within this universe
- When Lord Brahma was inspired (by Krsna), he was able to create the entire universe. Remembering everything about the past and inspiring Lord Brahma to create are vivid examples of the characteristics called svarupa-laksana and tatastha-laksana
- When that Supreme Personality of Godhead who is lying on the Garbhodaka Ocean entered the heart of Brahma, Brahma brought his intelligence to bear, and with the intelligence invoked he began to create the universe as it was before
- When the chief lord of the universe, Lord Brahma, having been inspired by My energy, was attempting to create, he thought himself incapable. Therefore I gave him advice, and in accordance with My instructions he underwent extremely difficult austerities
- While creating all the planets in the universe, Lord Brahma also created the seeds of various grains, herbs, plants and trees. When sufficient water falls from the clouds, the seeds fructify and produce fruits, grains, vegetables, etc
- Within the stem of that lotus were the fourteen worlds. Thus the Supreme Lord, as Brahma, created the entire creation
- You have so lost your intelligence that, despite my orders, you do not deliver the seeds of herbs and grains formerly created by Brahma and now hidden within yourself
- Your appearances as Lord Brahma, Lord Visnu and Lord Siva are meant for the purpose of creating, maintaining and annihilating this cosmic manifestation