Category:Blazing Fire
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Pages in category "Blazing Fire"
The following 151 pages are in this category, out of 151 total.
- A blazing fire is visible by its exhibition of heat and light; similarly, when the living entity within the heart becomes enlightened with full spiritual knowledge and detached from the material world, he burns up his material covering
- A description of this (the master of all integration can create devastation by the disintegrating blazing fire emanating from His mouth) can be found in the Eleventh Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, wherein the universal form of the Lord is described
- A life in this material world is like a blazing forest fire. No one goes to set fire to the forest, yet the fire takes place. Similarly, everyone wants to be happy in the material world, but the miserable conditions of material life simply increase
- A person who has the pure characteristics of a brahmana due to devotional service, which is like a blazing fire burning to ashes all the sinful reactions of past lives, is certainly saved from the consequences of sinful acts
- A serpent may be very angry and ready to bite, but the furious snake is helpless when faced by a blazing fire in the forest. Although an enemy of a devotee may be very strong, he is compared to an angry serpent before the fire of devotional service
- A society with no taste for spiritual culture is a blazing fire, and everyone in that fire perpetually suffers the threefold miseries
- Actually everyone in this material world is burning in the blazing fire of material consciousness. That's a fact. Somebody is trying to solve by forgetting it through the influence of intoxication or something else artificially. That is not the solution
- After Akrura visited Hastinapura and reported the condition of the Pandavas to Krsna, there were further developments. The Pandavas were transferred to a house which was made of lac and was later set ablaze
- All materialists, who are always in the blazing fire of material activities, may come under the shade of His (Lord Nityananda) lotus feet and be fully relieved and satiated
- All the planets, they are rotating on account of heat of the sun. If the sun moves little this side or that side, everything will be blazing fire or frozen into ice. This is scientific truth
- Although the blazing firewood, the sparks, the smoke and the flame cannot stay apart because each of them is part and parcel of the fire, still they are different from one another
- Although the material world is blazing fire, to a devotee it appears full of pleasure
- Animals who have four legs can flee from the forest fire or can at least try to flee, but the snakes are immediately killed. Similarly, the blazing fire of Krsna consciousness is so strong that the snakes of ignorance are immediately killed
- Appreciating Matali's service, Jambhasura, the best of the demons, smiled. Nonetheless, he struck Matali in the battle with a trident of blazing fire
- Arjuna said, "My lord, I promise that I shall give protection to your children, and if I am unable to do so, then I shall enter into blazing fire so that the sinful contamination which has infected me will be counteracted"
- As a blazing fire burns dry grass to ashes with the assistance of the breeze, may that Sudarsana cakra burn our enemies to ashes
- As a blazing fire burns everything within a room, Lord Visnu, situated in the heart of the yogi, burns up all kinds of impurities
- As a blazing fire turns firewood to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the fire of knowledge burn to ashes all reactions to material activities
- As clouds pour water on a blazing fire in the forest and thus extinguish it, the intelligent men who work as the spiritual masters of society pour water on the blazing fire of miseries by disseminating spiritual knowledge
- As Durvasa Muni said this (SB 9.4.44-45), his face became red with anger. Uprooting a bunch of hair from his head, he created a demon resembling the blazing fire of devastation to punish Maharaja Ambarisa
- As one cannot stop a blazing fire by constantly pouring ghee upon it, one cannot satisfy oneself by increasing plans for sense enjoyment. The blazing fire is the forest fire of material existence. This forest fire occurs automatically, without endeavor
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (4.37): As a blazing fire turns firewood to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the fire of knowledge burn to ashes all reactions to material activities
- As the blazing fire of death, I cause great fear to whoever makes the least discrimination between himself and other living entities because of a differential outlook
- As the blazing fire turns firewood to ashes, O Arjuna, so does the fire of knowledge burn to ashes all reactions to material activities. BG 4.37 - 1972
- At the end there will be no rain. Then this whole planet will be ablaze with fire. That is the beginning of destruction. Everything will die - all trees, plants, animals, everything. It will be made into ashes by the fire
- Blazing fire and moist fuel go ill together. Peace and morality can prosper only by the principles of Maharaja Pariksit and his followers
- By advancement in spiritual knowledge, which is considered to be like blazing fire, all material desires are burned to ashes
- By distributing the holy name of the Lord, he cleanses the hearts of the most fallen people; therefore he extinguishes the blazing fire of the material world. Not only that, he broadcasts the shining brightness of Krsna’s effulgence throughout the world
- By His grace was the demon named Maya saved from the blazing Khandava Forest, and thus we could build our assembly house of wonderful architectural workmanship, where all the princes assembled during the performance of Rajasuya-yajna and paid you tributes
- Hari Hari Biphale, 1968 part two - If anyone wants to get out of this blazing fire of poison of material enjoyment, then he has to take to this hari-nama-sankirtana, this chanting. That is the only method. So I did not do that
- He had five heads and had long been living within the water. The Mura demon was as brilliant as the sun at the time of the dissolution of the cosmos, and his temper was like blazing fire
- His (Aghasura) jaws appeared like a big mountain cave, without limitation, and his teeth appeared just like mountain summits. His tongue appeared to be a broad traffic way, and he was breathing just like a hurricane. His eyes were blazing like fire
- His (Aghasura) tongue resembled a broad traffic-way, his breath was like a warm wind, and his eyes blazed like fire - SB 10.12.17
- I (Arjuna) see all people rushing full speed into Your (the Universal Form) mouths, as moths dash to destruction in a blazing fire
- I see all people rushing with full speed into Your mouths as moths dash into a blazing fire. BG 11.29 - 1972
- If one forgets all his bodily relationships within this material world and becomes situated in his spiritual identity, it is said that one has been freed from all material contamination by the blazing fire of yogic samadhi, or ecstasy
- If one has got little taste for Krsna understanding, he should be encouraged. That is pancaratriki. Just like if there is little fire you fan it - fan it, and it will come out a big, blazing fire
- If one places himself in the position of a servant of God, it is to be understood that all contamination of his material attachment has been burned by blazing fires of transcendental ecstasy. It is not necessary to manifest a blazing fire externally
- If we want blazing fire, we must use dry fuel
- If you understand your constitutional position, what you are, then immediately this blazing fire will be extinguished, and real knowledge come out. Then what is your real occupation, real activity, you will understand
- If your parents don't receive you as their beloved son, I don't wish to keep you in that blazing fire. I thank you very much for the strength of your mind and Krishna will certainly help you
- In Maharloka one can live even to the time of the partial annihilation of the universe. This annihilation begins when Anantadeva, from the lowest position in the universe, produces a great blazing fire
- In materialistic life, people must certainly engage in activities of animosity. Materialistic life is therefore compared to samsara-davanala, a blazing forest fire that automatically takes place
- In spite of so much hard labor, at the end we find disappointment. Bha means bhaya, or fear. In material life, one is always in the blazing fire of fear, since no one knows what will happen next
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 11.14.19) Lord Krsna tells Uddhava: My dear Uddhava, devotional service in relationship with Me is like a blazing fire that can burn to ashes all the fuel of sinful activities supplied to it
- In the material world the false ego of the living being trying to lord it over the material nature is something like the moth's falling in a blazing fire
- In the material world, although the Lord is all-pervasive in His impersonal feature, the living entities have forgotten their Krsna consciousness to a greater or lesser degree, just as sparks sometimes fall from a blazing fire
- In the spiritual world both the living entities and the Lord are manifest in their original status, like live sparks in a blazing fire
- In this world, family life is exactly like a blazing fire in the forest. There is not the least happiness, and gradually one becomes more and more implicated in unhappiness. In household life, there is nothing favorable for perpetual happiness
- In Vedic literatures it is said that in order to understand the transcendental science of Krsna consciousness, we must try to acquire knowledge of how to extinguish this blazing fire of problems
- It is recommended that we should always keep in touch with the devotional service of the Lord so that the blazing fire of devotional service can gradually burn into ashes material desires and we can become liberated from the repetition of birth and death
- It is said that the blazing fire from the mouth of Sankarsana rages for one hundred years of the demigods, or 36,000 human years
- It is stated that even if one is forced to live within a cage of iron or in the midst of a blazing fire, he should accept this position rather than live with nondevotees who are through and through against the supremacy of the Lord
- It is the business of the guru, to deliver this disciple, sisya, from this blazing fire of samsara, samsrti, bandha, conditioned life, to save him from that position and give him the eternal happiness
- Kaliya then became very angry, and his great hoods expanded. He exhaled poisonous fumes from his nostrils, his eyes blazed like fire, and flames issued from his mouth. The great serpent remained still for some time, looking at Krsna
- Krsna said to Uddhava, "My dear Uddhava, devotional service unto Me is just like a blazing fire which can burn into ashes unlimited fuel supplied to it"
- Material desire is just like a blazing fire. If a fire is continually supplied with drops of fat, the fire will increase more and more and never be extinguished
- Materialistic life is compared to samsara-davanala, a blazing forest fire that automatically takes place. Lord Siva and his followers in the parampara system try to save people from this dangerous condition of materialistic life
- Materialistic persons are always burning in a blazing fire of material miseries. The gopis were burning in a transcendental blazing fire due to separation from Krsna
- Medical science verifies that when one's temperature is raised to 107 degrees, a man immediately dies. This prajvara, or higher fever, at the last stage of life places the living entity in the midst of a blazing fire
- No one wants a forest fire, but there is often lightning, or carelessness, or friction, or whatever, and the fire immediately takes place. Similarly, this material world is beset with a blazing fire of problems
- Nobody goes to set anala, fire, in the forest. I saw davanala first in my experience at Nainital Station. Very high hill, and there was fire, blazing fire upon the hill. Nobody went there to set fire, but there was fire
- Not only are these activities (uprooting a gigantic banyan or arjuna tree and extinguishing a blazing forest fire simply by closing one's eyes) amazing to hear, but in fact all other activities of the Lord, whatever He may do, are all superhuman
- O son of a brahmana, today the fire of sacrifice is ablaze according to the injunction of the sastra, and I have been freed from all the sinful reactions of my life by the water that has washed Your lotus feet
- One cannot stop a blazing fire by trying to extinguish it with butter
- One is enjoined to sit within a circle of fire, with flames blazing from four sides and the sun blazing directly overhead. This is one kind of panca-tapah recommended for austerity
- One should approach a guru who can extinguish the blazing fire of this material world, the struggle for existence
- Out of the broken, fallen trees came two great personalities, shining like blazing fire. All sides became illuminated & beautiful by their presence. The two personalities immediately came before child Krsna & bowed down to offer their respects & prayers
- Professional reciters may ask money to extinguish the blazing fire within their bellies, but they cannot make any spiritual improvement or become perfect. It is therefore strictly forbidden to recite Srimad-Bhagavatam as a profession to earn a livelihood
- Pure devotional service in Krsna consciousness is the highest enlightenment, and when such enlightenment is there, it is just like a blazing forest fire, killing all the inauspicious snakes of desire
- Samsara is not very palatable thing. Our Vaisnava acaryas say that samsara is just like blazing fire. It is not a very nice... Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, duhkhalayam asasvatam
- Samsara-davanala-lidha-loka. This world is just like blazing fire. People realize it. And when they do not find any solution, they become frustrated, they become confused, they take to intoxication to forget the blazing condition upon life
- Sati concentrated all her meditation on the holy lotus feet of her husband, Lord Siva, who is the supreme spiritual master of all the world. Thus she became completely cleansed of all taints of sin and quit her body in a blazing fire by meditation
- Saubhari Muni enjoyed sense gratification in the material world, but he was not at all satisfied, just as a fire never ceases blazing if constantly supplied with drops of fat
- She (Kubja) took Krsna's lotus feet and placed them on her breasts, which were burning with the blazing fire of lust. By smelling the fragrance of Krsna's lotus feet, she was immediately relieved of all lusty desires
- She then prepared a blazing fire with firewood and placed the dead body of her husband upon it. When this was finished, she lamented severely and prepared herself to perish in the fire with her husband
- Simply by offering prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one is immediately freed from material contamination, the material bodily concept, by the blazing fire of ecstasy
- Simply by offering prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one is immediately freed from material contamination, the material bodily concept, by the blazing fire of ecstasy. This effect takes place immediately, without a second's delay
- So far I remember, the moon is also like the sun, that it is fire blazing, but it is surrounded by a cool atmosphere. Therefore it is soothing. I think there is such description
- Sometimes, due to misery, one becomes very hardened toward his affectionate sons, daughters and wife. This is but part of the blazing fire of the forest of material life
- Sridhara Swami continued, "I have been cracked to pieces by the smashing wheel of material existence, and because of my various sinful activities while existing in this material world, I am burning in the blazing fire of material reactions"
- Summer season, they blaze fire all round and sit down in the midst and meditate. I am giving you some of the examples, how severely they accept tapasya
- Tapa-traya. Tapa means painful condition. Tapa. Just like if you touch fire, it creates a painful condition by burning the part, similarly, this world is also a blazing fire, samsara-davanala
- That (when one has been freed from all material contamination by the blazing fire of yogic samadhi, or ecstasy) is the topmost perfection of yoga
- The blazing fire exasperating the gopis is different from the fire of the material world. The gopis constantly wanted the association of Krsna, whereas materialistic persons constantly want the advantage of material comforts
- The blazing fire is different from the flames, from the sparks and from the smoke, although all are intimately connected because they are born from the same blazing wood
- The blazing fire of material nature is supervised by Durga. Often she is portrayed with weapons in her hands. She has ten hands, and each holds a different type of weapon. This indicates that she is ruling all ten directions of this universe
- The devastation takes place due to the fire emanating from the mouth of Sankarsana, and thus great sages like Bhrgu and other inhabitants of Maharloka transport themselves to Janaloka, being distressed by the warmth of the blazing fire
- The false ego of the living being trying to lord it over the material nature is something like the moth's falling in a blazing fire. The moth is captivated by the glaring beauty of the fire, and when he comes to enjoy it, the blazing fire consumes him
- The fire of lamentation is always blazing, and the mirage of false happiness is always alluring, but one has no shelter from them. Thus foolish persons live in the cycle of birth and death
- The fire-god said: My dear Lord, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You because by Your favor I am as luminous as blazing fire and I accept the offerings mixed with butter and offered in sacrifice
- The giant fiery demon appeared still more fierce due to the movements of his eyebrows. He exhibited long, sharp teeth and, sticking out his long tongue, licked his upper and lower lips. He was naked, and he carried a big trident, blazing like fire
- The incessant arrows shot by Krsna appeared like a whirlwind of blazing fire killing all the military strength of Jarasandha. As Krsna released His arrows, all the elephants gradually began to fall, their heads severed by the arrows
- The influence of material nature has covered the living entity, and thus it is as if the living entity were always in a blazing fire. But by the process of seriously discharging devotional service, this influence can be removed
- The living entities are eternally part & parcel of God, minute sparks of the original fire, Krsna. As sparks are prone to be extinguished, but not the blazing fire, the living entities can be overcome by material activities, whereas Krsna never can
- The living entity is just like a molecular particle of sunshine, whereas Krsna may be compared to the blazing, shining sun itself. Lord Caitanya compared the living entities to blazing sparks from a fire & the Supreme Lord to the blazing fire of the sun
- The Lord is like a great blazing fire, and the living entities are like small sparks of that fire
- The material nature is a conditional manifestation of spiritual nature, just as smoke is a conditional stage of fire. Smoke is dependent on fire, but in a blazing fire there is no place for smoke. Smoke disturbs, but fire serves
- The material scientists may have discovered the law of gravity, which maintains the integration of objects in the material energy yet the master of all integration can create devastation by the disintegrating blazing fire emanating from His (God's) mouth
- The miserable condition of material life is compared with the blazing fire in the forest. As it is very difficult to extinguish the forest fire, similarly, the problems of material life cannot be extinguished simply by material benefits
- The ocean of material nescience is compared to a blazing fire, but to a devotee this blazing fire is insignificant because he is completely absorbed in devotional service
- The personified Vedas continued, "Just as sparks dance in a blazing fire, all living entities are dancing on Your support. You are providing them with everything they desire, and yet You are not responsible for their position of enjoyment or suffering"
- The pure devotee ignites Krsna consciousness in the hearts of the conditioned souls, and thus the blazing fire of the spiritual world becomes manifest even within this material world
- The purport is that as the blazing fire can burn any amount of fuel to ashes, so devotional service to the Lord in Krsna consciousness can burn up all the fuel of sinful activities
- The result of the greedy capitalist's unnecessary accumulation of wealth is that he must suffer from a blazing fire of anxiety and always be concerned with how to save his money and invest it properly to get more and more
- Then Vrtrasura, the great hero of the demons, whirled his trident, which had points like the flames of the blazing fire at the end of the millennium
- There is a blazing fire of maya, and we have to inform the people, even if we must use broken language. That is no fault. But by Krishna's Grace this problem will soon be solved
- There is a fire that is always blazing over this material world, and everyone is trying to extinguish it, but there is no possibility of extinguishing this fire of the miseries unless we are situated in our pure consciousness, in our spiritual life
- There is bhava-maha-davagni-nirvapanam: the process of stopping the blazing fire of material existence. Next, sreyah-kairava-candrika-vitaranam: his life becomes completely auspicious; & vidya-vadhu-jivanam: he becomes filled with transcendental knowledge
- They (the cowherd boys) were astonished to see that they were completely free from the attack of the blazing fire and that the cows were saved. They secretly thought that Krsna must be not an ordinary boy but some demigod
- They (the cows and boys) said, "My dear Krsna! My dear Krsna! You and Balarama are very powerful. We are now burning from the heat of this blazing fire. Let us take shelter of Your lotus feet. We know You can protect us from this great danger"
- This example stated in the Vedas regarding the sparks of a blazing fire is very appropriate for understanding the condition of different types of living entities
- This material world is just exactly like the blazing fire in the forest. Everyone wants to live here peacefully, but situation develops in such a way that it will not allow you to live in peace. That is the law
- This material world is just like smoke, and the spiritual world is like a blazing fire. The innumerable living entities are prone to fall down to the material world from the spiritual world when influenced by the illusory energy
- This whole world is confusion, just like a blazing fire in the forest. When there is forest fire, all the animals become confused, "Where to go? How to save life?" It is very good example. When there is fire in the forest, all the animals become confused
- This world is just like blazing fire. People realize it. And when they do not find any solution, they become frustrated, they become confused, they take to intoxication to forget the blazing condition of life
- This world is just like blazing forest fire; so everyone is suffering, contaminated. This is the sign, symptoms of contamination, that suffering, threefold miseries-adhyatmika, adhibhautika, adhidaivika
- Thus different types of consciousness develop, just as fire, which is always basically the same, blazes in different ways according to the shape and dimension of firewood
- Vasuki had thousands of eyes and mouths. From his mouths he breathed smoke & blazing fire, which affected the demons. Thus the demons, who appeared like sarala trees burned by a forest fire, gradually became powerless
- Vrtrasura was situated in the blazing fire of battle and was an infamous, sinful demon, always engaged in giving troubles and anxieties to others. How could such a demon become so greatly Krsna conscious?
- We struggle very hard to adjust things in so many ways, but nature's laws are so cruel and dangerous that in spite of our hopes and plans the blazing fire of the problems of material existence continues
- We want to be happy in the material world, but this will never be possible; we shall simply increase the blazing fire of desires
- When Durvasa, who was greatly afflicted by the blazing fire of the Sudarsana cakra, was thus refused by Lord Brahma, he tried to take shelter of Lord Siva, who always resides on his planet, known as Kailasa
- When fire is ablaze we can also experience the presence of Rudra, and when there is an inundation over the earth we can understand that this is also the representation of Rudra
- When fire, being made to blaze by the wind, drinks of this river and then sizzles and spits it out, it produces gold called Hataka
- When Indra, King of heaven, saw this very powerful spear falling toward the ground like a blazing meteor, he immediately cut it to pieces with his arrows. Then, being very angry, he struck Namuci's shoulder with his thunderbolt to cut off Namuci's head
- When King Citraketu heard of his son's death from unknown causes, he became almost blind. Because of his great affection for his son, his lamentation grew like a blazing fire, & as he went to see the dead child, he kept slipping and falling on the ground
- When the great sages consulted one another, they saw that the people were in a dangerous position from both directions. When a fire blazes on both ends of a log, the ants in the middle are in a very dangerous situation
- When the Siva-jvara personified was released, he had three heads and three legs, and as he came toward Krsna it appeared that he was burning everything to ashes. He was so powerful that he made blazing fire appear in all directions
- When there is a merciful cloud over the forest fire, the cloud bursts, rain pours down in torrents, and the blazing fire is immediately extinguished
- When these (the five elements or the five coverings) are all burned into ashes by the blazing fire of knowledge and detachment, one is fixed firmly in the devotional service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- While Atri Muni was engaged in these severe austerities, a blazing fire came out of his head by virtue of his breathing exercise, and that fire was seen by the three principal deities of the three worlds
- With this attitude, Prsadhra became a great saint, and when he entered the forest and saw a blazing forest fire, he took this opportunity to burn his body in the fire. Thus he achieved the transcendental, spiritual world
- You are known as Ananta as well as Sankarsana because of Your ability to destroy the whole creation by the blazing fire from Your mouth
- You cannot stop this fighting. It will automatically come out. Just like the forest blazing fire: nobody goes to set fire there, but it takes place. So this world, nature of this world, is like that
- You have numberless arms, and the sun and moon are Your eyes. I see You with blazing fire coming forth from Your mouth, burning this entire universe by Your own radiance
- You have to beg for the mercy of Krsna; then this blazing fire can be extinguished, not by your arrangement. That is not possible
- Your (Lord Krsna's) form is difficult to see because of its glaring effulgence, spreading on all sides, like blazing fire or the immeasurable radiance of the sun