Category:Bharata (son of Rsabhadeva)
Bharata | "Maharaja Bharata" | "King Bharata"
- Mahārāja Bharata
- son of Lord Ṛṣabhadeva and Jayantī
Compiling notes:
- "Bharata Maharaja was obliged to take his birth as a stag"|deer
- "Bharata-varsa"
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Pages in category "Bharata (son of Rsabhadeva)"
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- A vivid example is Bharata Maharaja. Although in his next life he became a deer, in the life after that he became completely free from all material contamination and was elevated to the kingdom of God
- According to the law of daya-bhak, when one inherits an estate, he must hand it over to the next generation. Bharata Maharaja did this properly
- According to the logic of atmavan manyate jagat, everyone thinks of others according to his own position. Therefore Maharaja Bharata felt that the deer had left him due to his negligence and that due to the animal's noble heart, it would again return
- According to Vedic civilization, there is voluntary renunciation. Just like Maharaja Bharata, he was the emperor of the world, and at the age of twenty-four years he gave up everything
- Actually Bharata Maharaja in his birth as Jada Bharata was completely liberated from material dualities. He was a paramahamsa and therefore did not care for bodily comfort
- After death, others forget everything that has happened in their past lives, but Bharata Maharaja did not forget
- After giving up the body of a deer, Bharata Maharaja took birth in a very pure brahmana family. There was a brahmana who belonged to the dynasty of Angira. He was fully qualified with brahminical qualifications
- After perceiving the moonshine, Maharaja Bharata continued speaking like a crazy person. He said: The deer's son was so submissive and dear to me that due to its separation I am feeling separation from my own son
- After performing the preliminaries of various sacrifices, Bharata offered the results in the name of religion to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva. In other words, he performed all the yajnas for the satisfaction of Lord Vasudeva, Krsna
- After quitting his body as a king (Maharaja Bharata) , Maharaja Bharata was transferred to the body of a deer, but he retained the same consciousness
- After the end of his material way of life, he (Bharata Maharaja) divided the property to his sons and left. And he was living alone at Pulahasrama near Haridwar, and undergoing severe tapasya. That is human life, to accept tapasya
- All material desires vanished. In this steady position, he (Bharata) felt full satisfaction and was situated in devotional service
- Although Bharata Maharaja acquired the body of a deer, he again left his hearth and home, in this case the Mountain Kalanjara
- Although Bharata Maharaja had to accept the body of a deer, he could remember Narayana at the time of death. Consequently he took birth as a perfect devotee in a brahmana family
- Although Bharata Maharaja was awarded the body of an animal, he did not forget what had previously happened due to his purposeful mistake
- Although Bharata Maharaja was very aggrieved due to the separation of his so-called son, the deer, he thought that the moon was splashing gargled water on him from its mouth and that this water would subdue his high fever
- Although Bharata received the body of a deer, by constant repentance he became completely detached from all material things. He did not disclose these things to anyone, but he left his mother deer in a place known as Kalanjara Mountain, where he was born
- Although he (Bharata) lost his human body and received the body of a deer, he did not forget the incidents of his past life
- Although he had a deer's body, he remembered his spiritual position, but he still had to wait until the next life for perfection. In the next life he took birth as Jada Bharata
- Although in the body of a deer, Bharata, due to his rigid devotional service in his past life, could understand the cause of his birth in that body. Considering his past & present life, he constantly repented his activities, speaking in the following way
- Although Rsabhadeva recommended His eldest son, Bharata, as emperor of the earth, he still had to follow the instructions of the brahmanas in order to govern the world perfectly
- Although these things were very difficult to give up, Maharaja Bharata was so exalted that he gave them up just as one gives up stool after evacuating. Such was the greatness of His Majesty
- As far as the deer was concerned, Bharata Maharaja became very sympathetic, but he forgot that it was impossible for him to elevate a deer to spiritual consciousness, because, after all, a deer is but an animal
- As Jada Bharata, Bharata Maharaja was always engaged in devotional service within his mind
- At that time (when the Vedas were written), the whole planet was called Bharatavarsa, after Emperor Bharata Maharaja, the son of Rsabhadeva
- Because Bharata Maharaja was always thinking of the deer and forgetting his worship of the Supreme Lord, he acquired the body of a deer
- Because his attraction for the deer was so intense, Bharata Maharaja could not concentrate upon worshiping the Lord or performing his ritualistic ceremonies
- Because of protection by the SP of Godhead, the deer (Maharaja Bharata) remembered his relationship with the Lord and next took birth in a good brahminical family and performed devotional service (sucinam srimatam gehe yoga-bhrasto 'bhijayate) - BG 6.41
- Before him (Bharata) the land was known as Ilavati-varsa, but just after the coronation of Bharata, the son of Rsabha, this land became famous as Bharata-varsa
- Being attached to raising the deer, Bharata forgot the rules and regulations for the advancement of spiritual life, and he gradually forgot to worship the Supreme Personality of God. After a few days, he forgot everything about his spiritual advancement
- Being repentant, he (Bharata Maharaja) remained in a solitary forest and always thought of Krsna. Then he was given the chance to take birth in a very good brahmana family
- Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.41), "One who falls from the path of self-realization takes birth in a family of brahmanas or wealthy aristocrats." Although Maharaja Bharata appeared in the royal family, he became neglectful and took birth as a deer
- Bharata left his home, wife, children, kingdom and everything else to advance his spiritual life in the forest, but again he fell victim to material affection due to his attachment to pet deer. What, then, was the use of his renouncing his family
- Bharata Maharaja always carried affection for Krsna within his heart. Although Bharata Maharaja was the crown jewel of kings, he was still wandering about and begging alms in the city of his enemies. He was even offering respects to candalas
- Bharata Maharaja at the age of only twenty-four years left his young wife, young children and the whole empire Bharatavarsa and went to the forest for meditation. There are many such instances
- Bharata Maharaja considered himself most unfortunate, for due to the animal's absence, there was nothing auspicious for him in the presence of the sun
- Bharata Maharaja did not aspire to receive some benediction from demigods. His aim was to please the Supreme Lord
- Bharata Maharaja gradually fell into this condition (of blind love) due to his material love for the deer
- Bharata Maharaja had to accept the body of a deer due to being overly compassionate for this infant deer
- Bharata Maharaja left his kingdom and Lord Buddha left his kingdom - these are all different attempts to get out of Maya's influence. But our philosophy is that things employed in Krsna's service have no more influence of Maya
- Bharata Maharaja ruled the whole planet (it was called Bharatavarsa and the Vedas were also written that time), but gradually the planet was divided up. So the dharma of Vedic culture should not simply be considered Indian or Hindu in a sectarian sense
- Bharata Maharaja was a great devotee, but he did not attain success in one life
- Bharata Maharaja was constantly thinking of the activities of the deer, forgetting that such meditation and diversion of attention was killing his progress in spiritual achievement
- Bharata Maharaja was determined to finish his business in this material world, and he did not at all care for the world of duality. He was complete in Krsna consciousness and was oblivious to good and evil, happiness and distress
- Bharata Maharaja was the firstborn son of Maharaja Rsabha in a rich ksatriya family, but due to his willful negligence of his spiritual duties and his excessive attachment to an insignificant deer, he was obliged to take birth as the son of a deer
- Bharata Maharaja was very noble and exalted, and therefore when the deer was absent from him he thought himself unworthy to give it protection. Due to his attachment for the animal, he thought that the animal was as noble and exalted as he himself was
- Bharata Maharaja would think: Alas, the deer is now helpless. I am now very unfortunate, and my mind is like a cunning hunter, for it is always filled with cheating propensities and cruelty
- Bharata Maharaja, at the time of death, would be forced to accept the body of a deer due to his attraction for the deer. In this regard, a question may be raised. How can a devotee be affected by his past misconduct and vicious activities
- Bharata Maharaja, now Jada Bharata, was successfully accepted by King Rahugana, ruler of the states known as Sindhu and Sauvira
- Bharata Maharaja, Rsabhadeva's eldest son, was specifically very exalted. For this reason the other sons were advised to serve him for his pleasure. That was to be their duty
- By His own actions and by the actions of His devotees, Krsna teaches us how to become cautious in devotional service. Through the medium of Bharata Maharaja, Krsna teaches us that we must be careful in the discharge of devotional service
- By studying the activities of Maharaja Bharata, we can learn the art of becoming completely freed from all material attachment
- Dausyanti Bharata: There are many Bharatas in history, of which Bharata the brother of Lord Rama, Bharata the son of King Rsabha, and Bharata the son of Maharaja Dusyanta are very famous. And all these Bharatas are historically known to the universe
- Destiny fixed the time for Maharaja Bharata's enjoyment of material opulence at one thousand times ten thousand years. When that period was finished, he retired from family life and divided the wealth he had received from his forefathers among his sons
- Devotees interested in hearing and chanting (sravanam kirtanam) regularly discuss the pure characteristics of Bharata Maharaja and praise his activities
- Due to attachment for the deer, Maharaja Bharata lay down with it, walked about with it, bathed with it and even ate with it. Thus his heart became bound to the deer in affection
- Due to his (Bharata Maharaja's) strong position as a devotee, he was gifted with the remembrance of his past life
- Due to his (Bharata's) having been elevated to the topmost platform of devotional service, he did not forget the incidents of his past life. This special benediction saved him from further deterioration
- Due to his (Bharata's) past activities in devotional service, he became determined to finish his devotional service even in the body of a deer
- Due to his foolishness, Bharata became attached to an insignificant deer and thus fell down and had to accept the body of a deer
- Due to his stringent execution of devotional service, Maharaja Bharata could remember the activities of his past life and how he was raised to the spiritual platform
- Emperor Bharata is a typical example of detachment. He had everything enjoyable in the material world, but he left it. This means that detachment does not mean artificially keeping oneself aloof and apart from the allurements of attachment
- Emperor Bharata was so attracted by the beauty of the lotus feet of Krsna that even in his youthful life he gave up all kinds of attachments to family, children, friends, kingdom, etc., as though they were untouchable stools
- Even if one falls down due to immaturity or bad association, his devotional assets are never lost. There are many examples of this - Ajamila, Maharaja Bharata, and many others
- Even such an exalted personality as Bharata, who had attained loving affection for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, fell down from his position due to his affection for some animal. Consequently he had to accept the body of a deer in his next life
- Even though he (Bharata) was engaged in worshiping the Deity, his mind was restless due to his inordinate affection. While trying to meditate, he would simply think of the deer, wondering where it had gone
- Even though in the body of a deer, Maharaja Bharata did not forget the SPG; therefore when he was giving up the body of a deer, he loudly uttered the following prayer: "The SPG is sacrifice personified. He gives the results of ritualistic activity"
- Everyone is trying to be happy. That happiness is not possible. That peace is not possible unless you have got a leader or king like Bharata Maharaja, after whose name this planet is called Bharatavarsa
- Feigning meditation, the King (Bharata) would actually think of the animal, and this was but a sign of his downfall
- Finally he (Emperor Bharata) thought of all this (his great kingdom and unconquerable soldiers. His sons and family) as an impediment to spiritual advancement, and therefore he ceased from enjoying it
- First he (Bharata Maharaja) enjoyed his paternal property for one thousand times ten thousand years. At the time of his retirement, he divided this property among his sons and left for Pulaha-asrama
- Following Bharata, there were ninety-nine other sons. Among these were nine elderly sons, named Kusavarta, Ilavarta, Brahmavarta, Malaya, Ketu, Bhadrasena, Indrasprk, Vidarbha and Kikata
- Following the instructions of Bharata Maharaja, we should act not for our personal satisfaction but for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- For instance, Indra is the arm of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Surya (the sun) is His eye. Thus Maharaja Bharata considered that the oblations offered to different demigods were actually offered unto the different limbs of Lord Vasudeva
- For our instruction, Bharata Maharaja acted in such a way. We should be very careful not to be misled by so-called welfare activities conducted in bodily terms. One should not give up his interest in attaining the favor of Lord Visnu at any cost
- Formerly this planet was known as Ajanabha, and after the reign of Bharata Maharaja it became known as Bharata-varsa
- Formerly this planet was known as Ajanabha-varsa, but since Maharaja Bharata's reign, it has become known as Bharata-varsa
- From the history called the Mahabharata we understand that formerly there was only one king on this planet by the name of Maharaja Bharata. He ruled some 5,000 years ago, and the planet was named after him
- From the spiritual point of view the King (Bharata) was actually falling from his exalted spiritual position and unnecessarily becoming attached to an animal. Thus degrading himself, he would have to accept an animal body
- From thousands of years ago, this planet was known as Ilavrta-varsa. But there was a great emperor whose name was Bharata. After his name, this planet was known as Bharata-varsa
- He (Bharata Maharaja) was very anxious to get out of his deer body, and this indicates that his affection for devotional service was intensified, so much so that he was quickly to attain perfection in a brahmana body in the next life
- He (Bharata) again went to the forest of Salagrama and to the asrama of Pulastya and Pulaha
- He (Jada Bharata) knew that although formerly he was King Bharata, he had been transferred to the body of a deer because of his absorption in thinking of a deer at the time of his death
- He had nine equally qualified sons by his first wife, and by his second wife he begot twins - a brother and a sister, of which the male child was said to be the topmost devotee and foremost of saintly kings - Bharata Maharaja
- He possessed all the opulences of the material world, but Krsna is so attractive that He attracted Maharaja Bharata from all his material possessions
- His (Bharata) devotional service unto Vasudeva, Lord Krsna, increased day after day. Lord Krsna, the son of Vasudeva, is the original Personality of Godhead manifest as the Supersoul (Paramatma) as well as the impersonal Brahman
- I (Bharata) became self-controlled and self-realized, and I engaged constantly in devotional service, hearing, thinking, chanting, worshiping and remembering the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva
- I (Bharata) was successful in my attempt, so much so that my mind was always absorbed in devotional service. However, due to my personal foolishness, my mind again became attached - this time to a deer
- I am quitting this body offering obeisances unto Him and hoping that I may perpetually engage in His transcendental loving service." Uttering this, Maharaja Bharata left his body
- I do not know, but the deer might have been eaten by a wolf or a dog or by the boars that flock together or the tiger who travels alone
- I should not be envious and think that for the deer my own welfare will be destroyed. I should certainly raise, protect, gratify and fondle it. When it has taken shelter with me, how can I neglect it?
- If a poor man loses some money or gold, he at once becomes very agitated. Similarly, the mind of Maharaja Bharata would become agitated when he did not see the deer. This is an example of how our attachment can be transferred
- If Bharata Maharaja sometimes could not see the deer, his mind would be very agitated. He would become like a miser, who, having obtained some riches, had lost them and had then become very unhappy
- If it were not due to his past fruitive activity, how could he (Bharata) have been attracted to the deer after giving up the association of his own son and family, considering them stumbling blocks on the path of spiritual life?
- If one does not know of the material sufferings of fallen souls and becomes sympathetic because of bodily comforts, as in the case of Bharata Maharaja, such sympathy or compassion is the cause of one's downfall
- If one purposefully falls victim to sense gratification, he has to be punished, at least for one lifetime, like Bharata Maharaja
- If one submissively hears and chants about the all-auspicious Maharaja Bharata, one's life span and material opulences certainly increase. One can become very famous and easily attain promotion to the heavenly planets, or attain liberation
- If people strictly followed the principles of Bhagavad-gita, they would elect a person who is the Lord's devotee. Then automatically there would be good government. Rsabhadeva therefore recommended Bharata Maharaja as the emperor of this planet
- If we misuse our position and think that we are fully engaged in devotional service and can do whatever we like, we have to suffer like Bharata Maharaja and be condemned to accept the type of body that impairs our devotional service
- In a previous birth I was known as Maharaja Bharata. I attained perfection by becoming completely detached from material activities through direct experience, and through indirect experience I received understanding from the Vedas
- In Brahma-samhita it is said, karmani nirdahati kintu ca bhakti-bhajam: "For those engaged in devotional service, bhakti-bhajana, the results of past deeds are indemnified." According to this, Bharata Maharaja could not be punished for his past misdeeds
- In due course of time, insurmountable death, which is compared to a venomous snake that enters the hole created by a mouse, situated itself before him (Bharata)
- In his next life he (Bharata) took birth in the family of a good brahmana & was known as Jadabharata because he always remained secluded & did not talk to anyone. & later on, he was discovered as the greatest transcendentalist by King Rahugana. BG 1972 p
- In his youth, King Bharata gave up his attractive wife and children, as well as his beloved friends and opulent kingdom, just as one gives up stool after passing it
- In history there are many instances of devotees like Citraketu, Indradyumna and Maharaja Bharata who circumstantially fell down but were still protected
- In spite of his having the body of a deer, however, his (King Bharata) consciousness was as good as it was in the body of King Bharata
- In the body of a brahmana, Bharata Maharaja appeared deaf and dumb, yet he was the most intelligent man in the world
- In the body of a brahmana, Maharaja Bharata was completely absorbed in devotional service within; therefore it was not at all necessary for him to execute the regulative principles of fruitive activity
- In the body of a deer he (Bharata Maharaja) was very careful to remember the cause of his downfall. As a result, he was given a chance to be born in a family of very pure brahmanas. Thus his service to the Lord never went in vain
- In the body of a deer, Bharata Maharaja began to lament: What misfortune! I have fallen from the path of the self-realized. I gave up my real sons, wife and home to advance in spiritual life, and I took shelter in a solitary holy place in the forest
- In the first life, although he (Maharaja Bharata) executed austerities in the forest, he became a victim of too much affection for a small deer, and in his next life he had to take birth as a deer
- In the gardens of Pulaha-asrama, Maharaja Bharata lived alone and collected a variety of flowers, twigs and tulasi leaves. He also collected the water of the Gandaki River, as well as various roots, fruits and bulb
- In the history of India there were many great kings like Bharata Maharaja who even at a very young age practiced tapasya
- In the next birth he (Bharata Maharaja) became a stag, although he did not forget the incident of his previous birth
- In the next life, as Jada Bharata, Maharaja Bharata was careful not to spoil his energy, and therefore he presented himself as a deaf and dumb person. In this way he could concentrate on his devotional service
- In this life he (Bharata Maharaja) could also remember the activities of his past life, and in order to avoid the influence of society, he remained like a deaf and dumb person
- It is not easy for a common man to remember the activities of his past life, but Bharata Maharaja could remember his past activities due to his great sacrifices and engagement in devotional service
- It is said in this verse (SB 5.8.27), mrtam, although he (Bharata) had died, anu, afterwards, na mrta janmanusmrtir itaravat, he did not forget the incidents of his past life as others forget them
- It is significant that Maharaja Bharata, by the grace of Vasudeva, remembered his past life. He did not waste a moment; he returned to Pulaha-asrama to the village known as Salagrama
- It was very dangerous for Bharata Maharaja to sacrifice all his regulative principles simply to take care of an animal. The principles enunciated in Bhagavad-gita should be followed. Yam hi na vyathayanty ete purusam purusarsabha - BG 2.15
- Jada Bharata was a perfect yogi. He was formerly the emperor Bharata Maharaja, and he was now the most exalted personality among learned sages and the master of all mystic powers
- Jada Bharata was Bharata Maharaja in the body of a brahmana, and he outwardly conducted himself as if he were dull, deaf, dumb and blind. Actually he was quite alert within
- Just as the false ego creates the subtle sense objects, Maharaja Bharata created five sons in the womb of Pancajani, his wife. These sons were named Sumati, Rastrabhrta, Sudarsana, Avarana and Dhumraketu
- Just like king, Maharaja Bharata, under whose name India is called Bharata-varsa. He was the emperor of the world, but at the age of twenty-four years only he gave up everything - his young wife, young children
- King Bharata - after whom India is called Bharata-varsa - was also a pure devotee, and at an early age he left his household life, his devoted beautiful wife, his son, friends and kingdom just as if they were stool
- King Bharata appeared very beautiful. He had a wealth of curly hair on his head, which was wet from bathing three times daily. He dressed in a deerskin. He worshiped Lord Narayana, whose body was composed of golden effulgence & who resided within the sun
- King Bharata did not desire such things, and this was quite befitting his position, because for a pure devotee whose mind is always engaged in the service of the Lord, even liberation, or merging into the existence of the Lord, is insignificant
- King Bharata was the Emperor of the world, and since his time this planet is known among the demigods as Bharatavarsa. Formerly it was known as Ilavartavarsa. BG 1972 purports
- King Bharata was very eager to attain the association of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, who is called Uttamahsloka because poems and prayers are offered to Him for His favor
- King Bharata, who took his third birth in the family of a good brahmana, is an example of good birth for the revival of previous transcendental consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Maharaja Bharata because of his attachment to a deer, thought of the deer at the time of death, and therefore in his next life he became a deer (yam yam vapi smaran bhavam tyajaty ante kalevaram) - BG 8.6
- Maharaja Bharata could think only of the deer and how the animal could be protected from all kinds of inauspicious things. From the materialistic point of view such kind thoughts may be very laudable
- Maharaja Bharata lamented that although the sun was going to set, due to the poor animal's absence, he could not find anything auspicious
- Maharaja Bharata left his paternal home, the reservoir of all opulence, and started for Pulahasrama, which is situated in Hardwar. The salagrama-silas are obtainable there
- Maharaja Bharata said: This moon has given the deer shelter near itself just to protect it from the fearful attacks of a lion
- Maharaja Bharata thought of a deer at the time of death and so was transferred to that form of life. However, as a deer, Maharaja Bharata could remember his past activities. BG 1972 purports
- Maharaja Bharata thought that since the demigods were different parts of Vasudeva's body, He controls those who are explained in the Vedic mantras. By thinking in this way, Maharaja Bharata was freed from all material contamination
- Maharaja Bharata thought that the animal was disappointed in his protection and had left him for protection of a demigod. Regardless, he ardently desired to see the animal again within his asrama eating soft grass and not fearing tigers and other animals
- Maharaja Bharata was a great king very advanced in devotional service. He had almost reached the point of loving service to the Supreme Lord, but even from that platform he could fall down onto the material platform
- Maharaja Bharata was a very learned and experienced king on this earth. He perfectly ruled the citizens, being himself engaged in his own respective duties
- Maharaja Bharata was as affectionate to the citizens as his father and grandfather had been. Keeping them engaged in their occupational duties, he ruled the earth
- Maharaja Bharata was undoubtedly a great devotee, but because he turned his attention slightly toward a small deer, he had to suffer two more births, one as a deer and another as the brahmana Jada Bharata
- Maharaja Bharata worshiped Lord Narayana by chanting the hymns given in the Rg Veda, and he recited the following verse as the sun rose
- Maharaja Bharata's compassion for the deer was the beginning of his falldown into the material world
- Maharaja Bharata, although a great personality, thought of a deer at the end of his life
- Maharaja Bharata, despite a life of severe penances, thought of a stag at the time of his death and thus became a stag after death. However, he did retain a clear consciousness of his past life and realized his mistake
- My dear King, in this way Bharata was overwhelmed by an uncontrollable desire which was manifest in the form of the deer. Due to the fruitive results of his past deeds, he fell down from mystic yoga, austerity and worship of the Supreme Personality of God
- Naturally his (Bharata's) love for Vasudeva, Krsna, increased more and more and melted his heart. Consequently he gradually lost all attachment for regulative duties. The hairs of his body stood on end, and all the ecstatic bodily symptoms were manifest
- Now I (Bharata) have obtained the body of a deer and have fallen far from my devotional practices
- Now King Bharata considers his meditation false. While engaged in meditation, he was actually thinking of his deer, and he would feel great pleasure when the animal pricked him with the points of its horns
- O King, while Bharata Maharaja was sitting on the bank of that river, a doe, being very thirsty, came there to drink
- Of Rsabhadeva's one hundred sons, the eldest, named Bharata, was a great, exalted devotee qualified with the best attributes. In his honor, this planet has become known as Bharata-varsa
- One day after Bharata Maharaja had taken his bath as usual in the River Gandaki and was chanting his mantra, he saw a pregnant deer come to the river to drink water
- One day, after finishing his morning duties - evacuating, urinating and bathing - Maharaja Bharata sat down on the bank of the River Gandaki for a few minutes and began chanting his mantra, beginning with omkara
- One does not have to ask anyone else for these things, for simply by studying the life of Maharaja Bharata, one can attain all desirable things
- Out of affection, King Bharata accepted the small deer as if it were a prince. This is called moha. Due to his anxiety over the deer's absence, the King addressed the animal as though it were his son. Out of affection, anyone can be addressed as anything
- Pandava brothers, Maharaja Rsabhadeva, King Bharata, so many great kings & saintly persons finished the last part of their lives living as mendicants, sannyasis. Following in the footsteps of the authorities we should understand the Supreme Lord Sri Krsna
- Peace is not possible unless you have got a leader or king like Bharata Maharaja, after whose name this planet is called Bharatavarsa, this Bharata Maharaja. So we have to find out such leader. Then everything will be adjusted
- People are generally addicted to offering obeisances to various demigods, but Bharata Maharaja simply wanted to please Lord Vasudeva. As stated in Bhagavad-gita: bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram
- Prahlada Maharaja rejected his father, and Bharata Maharaja rejected his mother just to satisfy Krsna
- Remaining in that asrama, the great King Bharata Maharaja was now very careful not to fall victim to bad association. Without disclosing his past to anyone, he remained in that asrama and ate dry leaves only
- Rsabhadeva is advising His other sons - that bharatam bhajadhvam - You just be obedient to Bharata. Don't try to rule independently, because if you follow the principles of Bharata Maharaja, that will satisfy the citizens, not ruling over independently
- Rsabhadeva suggested that His eldest son was superior, and He advised the others to serve him. All the brothers of Bharata Maharaja were advised by Rsabhadeva to adhere to Bharata's service
- Rsabhadeva was retiring from the duty of royal position, and before that, He selected, out of His one hundred sons, Bharata as the king, next king
- Rsabhadeva was the direct incarnation of the SPG, the cause of all causes. His son, Bharata Maharaja, who was now acting as the brahmana Jada Bharata, had received his body from the cause of all causes. Therefore he is addressed as karana-vigrahaya
- Rsabhadeva was the son of King Nabhi & the grandson of King Agnidhra, & he was the father of King Bharata, after whose name this planet earth was called Bharata-varsa. His mother was also known as Merudevi, although her name is mentioned here as Sudevi
- Rukmini continued, "From the history of the world we can see that princes like Anga, Prthu, Bharata, Yayati and Gaya were all great emperors of the world, and there were no competitors to their exalted positions"
- Seeing above his head the dark marks on the rising moon, which resembled a deer, Bharata said: Can it be that the moon, who is so kind to an unhappy man, might also be kind upon my deer, knowing that it has strayed from home and has become motherless?
- Seeing the footprints of the deer on the ground, Maharaja Bharata praised the footprints out of love, saying: O unfortunate Bharata, your austerities and penances are very insignificant compared to the penance and austerity undergone by this earth planet
- Since Bharata Maharaja was a great devotee, one may ask why he performed so many sacrifices that are actually meant for karmis. The fact is that he was simply following the orders of Vasudeva
- Since Maharaja Bharata was constantly, engaged in devotional service, all the symptoms of ecstatic love were manifest in his body
- Since this was the case with Bharata Maharaja, what can we say of those who are not advanced in spiritual life but who become attached to cats and dogs
- Somehow or other, the King (Bharata) became affectionate to a little deer and, falling from his position, had to accept the body of a deer in his next life
- Sometimes these sacrifices were performed completely and sometimes partially. In any case, in all the sacrifices the regulations of caturhotra were strictly followed. In this way Bharata Maharaja worshiped the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Srila Sukadeva Gosvami continued: My dear King, after giving up the body of a deer, Bharata Maharaja took birth in a very pure brahmana family
- Subsequently (after rule of Maharaja Bharata) the earth has become divided into so many different countries. In this way there is usually one and sometimes many controllers of the various planets in the universe
- Sukadeva Gosvami addresses Pariksit Maharaj there and says, "The great soul of King Bharata was so much attached to the service of the lotus feet of Krsna"
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued speaking to Maharaja Pariksit: My dear King, Bharata Maharaja was a topmost devotee. Following the orders of his father, who had already decided to install him on the throne, he began to rule the earth accordingly
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: My dear King, the activities of Bharata Maharaja are wonderful. He gave up everything difficult for others to give up. He gave up his kingdom, his wife and his family
- Sukadeva Gosvami eulogizes this behavior of King Bharata very highly
- Sukadeva Gosvami said to Pariksit, "He (king Bharata) very easily gave up his lordship over the earthly planet and his affection for his children, society, friends, royal opulence and beautiful wife"
- Sukadeva Gosvami said to Pariksit, "He (king Bharata) was so very lucky that the goddess of fortune was pleased to offer him all kinds of material concessions, but he never accepted any of these material opulences"
- The activities of Bharata Maharaja should be carefully studied for one's spiritual advancement
- The conclusion must be that Maharaja Bharata purposefully became over-addicted to the deer and neglected his spiritual advancement
- The Emperor (King Bharata), at an early age, retired for spiritual perfection but failed to achieve success. BG 1972 purports
- The fact that Bharata Maharaja had to get up at intervals to look for the deer was simply a sign that he had fallen down from the spiritual platform
- The great King Bharata, while sitting on the bank of the river, saw the small deer, bereft of its mother, floating down the river
- The great King Maharaja Bharata began to think: Alas, this helpless young deer, by the force of time, an agent of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has now lost its relatives and friends and has taken shelter of me
- The King Bharata, Bharata Maharaja, under whose name this planet is called Bharata-varsa, he left his kingdom, young wife, children, everything, at the age of twenty-four years, and he went for tapasya. So the Pandavas also. Everyone
- The mass of people should be educated in Krsna consciousness so that according to the democratic process they can select a first-class devotee like Bharata Maharaja to head the government
- The members of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness must take a lesson from the life of Bharata Maharaja to be very cautious and to see that not a single moment is wasted in frivolous talk, sleep or voracious eating
- The name of God is Krsna, because He is so attractive that the pure devotee can give up everything within this material world on His behalf. Maharaja Bharata was an ideal king, instructor and emperor of the world
- The Supreme Lord was advising Bharata Maharaja to be the chief ruler of the planet. This is the real plan of the Supreme Lord
- There are many instances. Just like Bharata Maharaja, he got the body of a deer. There are so many instances. So it is not a permanent settlement that once you have got this human form of body we cannot glide down. We can glide down
- There are so many instances of this in the histories. Bharata Maharaja was obliged to take his birth as a stag due to his intimate attachment to a stag. He thought of this stag when he died
- There is a nice example of this detachment in connection with the character of King Bharata
- There is the instance of the great King Bharata, who was also a great devotee, but he attained Vaikunthaloka in three lives
- There was a difference between Bharata Maharaja's acquiring a deer body and others' acquiring different bodies according to their mental condition at the time of death
- These things cannot be given up. One should not think oneself very advanced simply because one has accepted the sannyasa order. The activities of Bharata Maharaja should be carefully studied for one's spiritual advancement
- This (CC Madhya 9.269) is a verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 5.14.44) concerning the glorification of King Bharata, whom Sukadeva Gosvami was describing to King Pariksit
- This earth planet is called Bharata-varsa because it was ruled by King Bharata. Another significant word used in this verse is bahv-ascaryam, "many wonderful things
- This earth planet is known as Bharata, or Bharata-varsa, due to King Bharata the son of Rsabha, but according to some this land is known as Bharata due to the reign of the son of Dusyanta
- This planet was formerly known as Ajanabha because of the reign of King Nabhi. After Bharata Maharaja ruled the planet, it became celebrated as Bharata-varsa
- This verse (SB 5.14.44) confirms Krsna's all-attractiveness. Maharaja Bharata was so attracted to Krsna that he gave up all his material possessions. Generally materialistic people are attracted by such possessions
- Tigers never wander in the forest in flocks. Each tiger wanders alone, but forest boars keep together. Hogs, wolves and dogs also do the same. Thus Maharaja Bharata thought that the deer had been killed by some of many ferocious animals within the forest
- To immediately rectify his mistake, for a short time he (Bharata) was awarded the body of a deer. This was just to increase his desire for mature devotional service
- We have already seen an example of this (inattention) in the case of Maharaja Bharata
- We have to learn from the great King Bharata how to become cautious in cultivating Krsna consciousness
- Whatever one desires can be attained simply by hearing, chanting and glorifying the activities of Maharaja Bharata. In this way, one can fulfill all his material and spiritual desires. One does not have to ask anyone else for these things
- When Bharata Maharaja ruled the entire globe, he followed the orders of his father and married Pancajani, the daughter of Visvarupa
- When entering the forest, the animal would appear very attractive to Maharaja Bharata due to its childish behavior. Maharaja Bharata would even take the deer on his shoulders and carry it due to affection
- When his (Bharata's) mind was immersed in that lake, he even forgot the regulative service to the Lord
- When I (Bharata) chastised the deer by pushing it away, it would immediately become fearful and sit down motionless, exactly like the son of a saintly person. Thus it would stop its play
- When I placed all the sacrificial ingredients on the kusa grass, the deer, when playing, would touch the grass with its teeth and thus pollute it
- When it itched, he petted it, and in this way he always tried to keep it in a comfortable condition. He (Bharata) sometimes kissed it out of love
- When King Bharata made a mistake and in his next life became a deer, his devotional service did not stop, although some slight chastisement was given to him because of his negligence
- When King Rahugana expressed surprise upon seeing King Bharata's spiritual achievements, Bharata replied: My dear Rahugana, no one can attain the perfected stage of devotional service without being favored by a great soul or a pure devotee
- When Maharaja Bharata took birth as a brahmana, he was not very interested in the duties of a brahmana, but within he remained a pure Vaisnava, always thinking of the lotus feet of the Lord
- When Maharaja Bharata wanted to enter the forest to collect kusa grass, flowers, wood, leaves, fruits, roots and water, he would fear that dogs, jackals, tigers and other ferocious animals might kill the deer
- When Maharaja Bharata was actually worshiping the Lord or was engaged in some ritualistic ceremony, although his activities were unfinished, he would still, at intervals, get up and see where the deer was
- When Maharaja Bharata was on tour, he defeated or killed all the Kiratas, Hunas, Yavanas, Paundras, Kankas, Khasas, Sakas and the kings who were opposed to the Vedic principles of brahminical culture
- When the dacoits brought Bharata Maharaja before the goddess Kali and raised a chopper to kill him, the goddess Kali became immediately alarmed due to the mistreatment of a devotee
- When the priests were about to offer the sacrificial ingredients into the fire, Maharaja Bharata expertly understood how the offering made to different demigods was simply an offering to the different limbs of the Lord
- When the sun rises, all auspicious things begin. Unfortunately, they have not begun for me. The sun-god is the Vedas personified, but I am bereft of all Vedic principles
- While in the prime of life, the great Maharaja Bharata gave up everything because he was fond of serving the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Uttamasloka. He gave up his beautiful wife, nice children, great friends and an enormous empire
- With great faith King Bharata performed various kinds of sacrifice. He performed the sacrifices known as agni-hotra, darsa, purnamasa, caturmasya, pasu-yajna (wherein a horse is sacrificed) and soma-yajna (wherein a kind of beverage is offered)
- With these he (Bharata) offered food to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, and, worshiping Him, he remained satisfied. In this way his heart was completely uncontaminated, and he did not have the least desire for material enjoyment
- Without Krsna consciousness everything will be failure. Therefore Bharata Maharaja, er, Rsabhadeva Maharaja is advising that, You concentrate your service to Bharata