Category:Bhakti-lata - Devotional Service to God
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Pages in category "Bhakti-lata - Devotional Service to God"
The following 69 pages are in this category, out of 69 total.
- A creeper generally takes shelter of a big tree, but the bhakti-lata, being the creeper of spiritual energy, cannot take shelter of any material planet, for there is no tree on any material planet that the bhakti creeper can utilize for shelter
- According to them, bhakti, or the devotional service of the Lord, is meant for those who cannot perform the high-grade activities
- All these obstructions (diplomatic behavior, animal-killing; mundane profiteering, adoration and importance) have been described in this verse (CC Madhya 19.159) as unwanted creepers. They simply present obstacles for the real creeper, the bhakti-lata
- As advised by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija (CC Madhya 19.151). If we can be successful in getting the mercy of Prahlada and also that of Nrsimhadeva, then our Krsna consciousness movement will be extremely successful
- As one waters the bhakti-lata-bija, the seed sprouts, and the creeper gradually grows to the point where it penetrates the walls of this universe and goes beyond the Viraja River, lying between the spiritual world and the material world
- As soon as an intelligent devotee sees an unwanted creeper growing beside the original creeper, he must cut it down instantly. Then the real creeper, the bhakti-lata, grows nicely, returns home, back to Godhead, & seeks shelter under Krsna's lotus feet
- As soon as one is deviated from the instructions of the spiritual master, the uprooting of the bhakti-lata begins, and gradually all the leaves dry up
- As stated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija: by the mercy of Krsna and guru, one can get the seed of devotional service
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 5.6.18), muktim dadati karhicit. Srila Sukadeva Gosvami told Maharaja Pariksit that Krsna readily grants liberation but does not very readily grant perfection in devotional service
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita and other Vedic literatures, the Supreme Person is realized by devotional service, which is backed by full knowledge and detachment from material association
- Bhakti is nirguna, free from all tinges of material qualities. Although the discharge of devotional service appears to be like material activities, it is never saguna, or contaminated by material qualities
- Bhakti-lata is drdha-vrata, the great vow, for when the mind is completely engaged in devotional service, the mind does not fall down
- Bhakti-lata, the devotional service, the seed of devotional service, can be received by the parampara system through bona fide spiritual master. And if we abide by the orders of spiritual master faithfully, then Krsna becomes pleased
- Bhakti-lata-bija means “the seed of devotional service.” Everything has an original cause, or seed. For any idea, program, plan or device, there is first of all the contemplation of the plan, and that is called the bija, or seed
- Bhakti-lata-bija. It is a seed of developing your original consciousness. Just like in the seed there is potency, in a small seed, mustardlike, but if you sow it, in due course of times it comes out a big banyan tree
- By Krsna's mercy one can receive the bhakti-lata-bija, the seed of devotional service
- By serving both the spiritual master and Krsna he gets the seed of devotional service (bhakti-lata-bija), and if he sows the seed within his heart and waters it by hearing and chanting, it grows into a luxuriant bhakti-lata, or bhakti creeper
- By the grace of the spiritual master and Krsna, one nourishes the bhakti-lata by regularly sprinkling it with the water of sravana-kirtana, hearing and chanting
- By the mercy of the guru and Krsna, one receives the seed of bhakti. This association saves a devotee from the greatest fear
- Empirical knowledge overcoated with devotional service is called jnana-yoga
- Even if he (spirit soul) goes up to the Svargaloka, he will find no permanent abode for his hankering soul. The hankering soul must be satisfied by the perfect scientific process of perfect devotional service
- Even the reactionary work of the fruitive workers can lead one to liberation when it is overcoated with devotional service. Karma overcoated with devotional service is called karma-yoga
- I have got some seed of bhakti, and I keep it in the iron chest. No. You must make cultivation of bhakti-bija
- If by good fortune the living entity meets a bona fide representative of God who gives him the seed of devotional service, and if he takes advantage of such a guru, or His representative, he receives the bhakti-lata-bija, the seed of devotional service
- If one does not distinguish between the bhakti creeper and the other creepers, the sprinkling of water is misused because the other creepers are nourished while the bhakti creeper is curtailed
- If one is not fortunate enough to receive the bhakti-lata-bija from the spiritual master, he instead cultivates seeds as karma-bija, jnana-bija, or political, social or philanthropic bijas. However, the bhakti-lata-bija is different from these others
- If we have got firm faith in guru and firm faith in Krsna - guru-krsna-krpaya paya bhakti-lata-bija (CC Madhya 19.151) - then you get the seedling of bhakti-lata
- In many places devotional service has been compared to a creeper. One has to sow the seed of the devotional creeper, bhakti-lata, within his heart
- In the course of traversing the universal creation of Brahma, some fortunate soul may receive the seed of bhakti-lata, the creeper of devotional service. This is all by the grace of guru and Krsna
- In this way (By the grace of the spiritual master and Krsna) the seed of the bhakti-lata sprouts and grows up and up through the whole universe until it penetrates the covering of the material universe and reaches the spiritual world
- Initiation means by the mercy of Krsna through His agent, the spiritual master, you are getting the seed of bhakti-lata. So you have to take care of yourself by the instruction
- It (the bhakti-lata-bija) attains brahma-loka, the Brahman effulgence, and penetrating through that stratum, it reaches the spiritual sky and the spiritual planet Goloka Vrndavana
- It is specifically mentioned here (in SB 3.29.11-12) that bhakti, devotional service, is meant only for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, Visnu, or Krsna, not for anyone else
- It is the duty of the father and mother to train children in such a way that they will be interested in guru and Krsna. Why? By the mercy of guru and Krsna, he'll get bhakti-lata-bija. And that is real life
- It is the duty of the father and mother to train children in such a way that they will be interested in guru and Krsna. Why? By the mercy of guru and Krsna, he'll get bhakti-lata-bija. And that is real life. That is real religious system
- One has to satisfy the spiritual master to get the bhakti-lata-bija (yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah). The bhakti-lata-bija is the origin of devotional service
- One should accept the superior quality of occupation in the form of the devotional service of the Lord without any tinge of unnecessary desire, fruitive action and philosophical speculation. This alone can lead one to perpetual solace in His service
- One should be very careful to avoid all these unwanted things (such as diplomatic behavior, animal-killing; mundane profiteering, adoration and importance). Sometimes these unwanted creepers look exactly like the bhakti creeper
- One who has not listened carefully to the instructions of the spiritual master is unfit for chanting or for preaching the cult of devotional service. One has to water the bhakti-lata-bija by receiving instructions from the spiritual master
- Out of many millions of living entities, one may be fortunate enough to receive the seed of the bhakti-lata, the creeper of devotional service
- The bhakti-lata continues to grow until it reaches the topmost planetary system, Goloka Vrndavana, where Krsna lives
- The bhakti-lata has no shelter in the material world, nor has it shelter in Brahma-loka, although Brahma-loka is beyond the material world. The bhakti-lata grows until it reaches the spiritual sky, where Goloka Vrndavana is situated
- The bhakti-lata-bija can be received only through the mercy of the spiritual master
- The bhakti-lata-bija is received from the spiritual master by the grace of Krsna. Other seeds, called anyabhilasa-bija, include karma-bija and jnana-bija
- The bhakti-lata-bija is received when one is initiated by the bona fide spiritual master. After receiving the spiritual master’s mercy, one must repeat his instructions, and this is called sravana-kirtana - hearing and chanting
- The cult of bhakti (bhakti-lata) is the first daughter of Malayadhvaja, and as previously described, her eyes are always upon Krsna
- The goal of life is to follow the principles of bhakti, or devotional service, and ultimately attain to the planet of the Supreme Lord in full devotion and love as an eternal servitor of the Lord
- The methods, rules and regulations by which one is perfectly trained in devotional service constitute the bhakti-lata-bija, or seed of devotional service
- The point is that bhakti-lata, the cult of devotion, fixes one in his spiritual position. One so fixed never comes down, and he begets children who are strict followers of the sastric injunctions
- The seed of devotional service is received by a most fortunate person. Those who are cultivating bhakti in the International Society for Krishna Consciousness are the most fortunate people in the world
- The so-called devotee has become victimized by all the unwanted creepers and the real creeper, the bhakti-lata, has been stunted
- This (developing KC by the instructions of spiritual master) is called devotional service, or bhakti-lata. Bhakti-lata-bija. Just like one small creeper, first of all to sow the seed and water it, then gradually it spouts and gradually grows
- This (Krsna does not very readily grant perfection in devotional service) means that Krsna wants to see that a devotee is actually sincere and serious and that he does not have ulterior motives
- This is the watering: hearing about Krsna, chanting about Krsna. So you take the bhakti-lata-bija from the spiritual master - that is called initiation - and develop it by pouring water of hearing and chanting. Then it will grow
- We have already discussed the point that devotional service is followed by knowledge and detachment from material association
- While the bhakti creeper is growing, the devotee must protect it by fencing it all around
- Without hearing such literatures, one cannot make actual progress. And without hearing and following the instructions, the show of devotional service becomes worthless and therefore a sort of disturbance in the path of devotional service