Category:At The End
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Pages in category "At The End"
The following 395 pages are in this category, out of 395 total.
- A householder is recommended to quit home at the end of fifty years and live a life in the forest; then, being fully detached from family affection, he may accept the order of renunciation as a sannyasi fully engaged in the service of the Lord
- A materialistic person works throughout the whole week very, very hard. He is always asking, "Where is money? Where is money?" Then, at the end of the week, he wants to retire from these activities and go to some secluded place to rest
- A person who accepts the path of devotional service, at the end he reaches the supreme abode. BG 8.28 - 1972
- A person who accepts the path of DS is not bereft of the results derived from studying the Vedas, performing austere sacrifices, giving charity, or pursuing philosophical and fruitive activities. At the end he reaches the supreme abode - BG 8.28
- A petari is a kind of big basket that is carried in pairs on the ends of a rod balanced over the shoulders. The man who carries such a load is called a bhari
- A practical example is Dhruva Maharaja, who at the end of his tapasya was fully satisfied. When the Lord wanted to give Dhruva a benediction, Dhruva refused it. Svamin krtartho'smi varam na yace - CC Madhya 22.42
- A sawman was cutting wood by the saw. So at the end of business it was half cut so he pulled down a plug so that next day he will come and he'll again begin sawing. So went away. So one monkey came. So monkey sat down there and began to pull on the plug
- A woman is generally very much attracted by a man's long arms. A serpent's body is round & it becomes narrower and thinner at the end. The beautiful arms of a man appear to a woman just like serpents, and she very much desires to be embraced by such arms
- Activities of the material world means to act in such a way that you become liberated at the end and go back to home, back to Godhead. That is real activities of this material world
- After accepting sannyasa, Lord Caitanya remained within this material world for another twenty-four years. Within this period, whatever pastimes He enacted are called the sesa-lila, or pastimes occurring at the end
- After cultivating such knowledge within the womb of his (Sukadeva Gosvami's) mother, he came out at the end of sixteen years and immediately left home so that he might not be captured by the influence of maya
- After taking rest, the Deity must be awakened at the end of the day, and immediately some food and some water must be offered to Him
- Again "to be." Again, at the end of this month, again "to be." Again "will be." Say "We have no money." That's all. Why do you say indirectly? "It will be." So many managers and so many discrepancies
- Again, when the entire universe is vanquished at the end of Brahma's lifetime, there is another avyakta state. But beyond these two unmanifested states is another unmanifested state, the spiritual atmosphere, or nature
- Ajamila in his early life was a devotee, but in his youth he fell down. Still he was saved by the Lord at the end
- Ajamila, for example, was saved by the Supreme Personality of Godhead from the greatest danger, that of going to hell. He was saved simply because he chanted the name Narayana at the end of his life
- Akrura continued, "Only by chance do we assemble together in a family, society, community, nation, at the end, because every one of us has to give up the body, we must be separated. One should not, be unnecessarily affectionate toward family members"
- Although by special blessing the Pracetas would enjoy material facilities for millions of years, they would not be attached to them. Thus at the end of their material enjoyment they would be promoted to the spiritual world and return to Godhead
- Although in the beginning Narada Muni appeared very angry and cursed them, at the end the two demigods Nalakuvara and Manigriva were able to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, face to face
- Although the Mayavadis have undergone penances, austerities - very strictly they follow the principles of spiritual life - but because they are under maya, at the end they are thinking that "I am God, Purusa," the same disease, purusa
- Always remain enthusiastic and inspire others and your life will be glorious and at the end you are sure to go back to Home, back to Godhead
- And whoever, at the end of his life, quits his body remembering Me (Krsna) alone at once attains My nature. Of this there is no doubt
- Any person who desires the fruits of the four principles religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and, at the end, liberation, should engage himself in the devotional service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Anyone who quits his body, at the end of life, remembering Me (Krsna), attains immediately to My nature; and there is no doubt of this. BG 1972 Introduction
- Anyone who understands the philosophy is benefited. It does not mean that a Krishna Conscious person has to leave a legacy as far as possible, but at the end it depends on a particular person's fortune to accept it or reject it
- Arjuna in the beginning was declining to serve Krsna on consideration of his bodily attachment, but at the end he decided, "No, it is my duty to serve Krsna, not to serve my senses." And that is the instruction of Bhagavad-gita
- As a spider secretes saliva and weaves a web by its own movements but at the end winds up the web within its body, so Lord Visnu produces this cosmic manifestation from His transcendental body and at the end winds it up within Himself
- As stated in the Hari-bhakti-vilasa at the end of the Twentieth Vilasa (20.366, 379, 382): evam ekantinam prayah kirtanam smaranam prabhoh, kurvatam parama-pritya krtyam anyan na rocate
- As stated in the Hari-bhakti-vilasa at the end of the Twentieth Vilasa (20.366, 379, 382): krtyany etani tu prayo grhinam dhaninam satam, likhitani na tu tyakta-parigraha-mahatmanam
- As stated in the Hari-bhakti-vilasa at the end of the Twentieth Vilasa (20.366, 379, 382): prabhate cardha-ratre ca madhyahne divasa-ksaye, kirtayanti harim ye vai te taranti bhavarnavam
- At the end (of creation) there is irreligion, and then Lord Siva and the atheists full of anger, etc. All of them are different representative manifestations of the energy of the supreme power, the Lord
- At the end he (the devotee) gives up his material body, or the material energy, and as pure soul he enters the kingdom of God
- At the end he (Vidura) was again received by the denizens of Pitrloka & posted in his original position. The demigods are also associates of the Lord without personal touch whereas the direct associates of the Lord are in constant personal touch with Him
- At the end he (who becomes completely surrendered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead) becomes liberated, and this liberation is also specified. BG 1972 purports
- At the end of a Brahma's night, the creation again takes place, and the living entities, reserved within the belly of the Lord, are let loose to play their respective parts as if being awakened from a deep slumber
- At the end of Bhagavad-gita (18.66) Sri Krsna advises Arjuna: "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear." This is the most confidential part of knowledge
- At the end of Brahma's life, selected personalities go back home, back to Godhead. Dhruva Maharaja is one of them
- At the end of Brahma's one hundred years, when his meditation was complete, he developed the required knowledge, and as a result he could see in his heart the Supreme within himself, whom he could not see before with the greatest endeavor
- At the end of each and every millennium, when all the material worlds are dissolved, everything enters the body of Garbhodakasayi Visnu, who is lying on the lap of Sesa Naga, another form of the Lord
- At the end of each day of his life, the universe is fully covered with dense darkness by the influence of time, and then again, during his next day, that self-effulgent lord, by his own effulgence, manifests, maintains and destroys cosmic manifestation
- At the end of each day's fighting, they lived at night as friends in Jarasandha's palace, and the next day they fought again. In this way they passed twenty-seven days in fighting
- At the end of each millennium the creative forces, namely the material nature and the living entities who struggle in the material nature, all merge together into the transcendental body of the Lord
- At the end of each year, the Prajapati's daughters become very agitated upon seeing the extremely effulgent disc of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and thus they all suffer miscarriages
- At the end of every 4,320,000,000 solar years, when Brahma, the lord of one particular universe, goes to sleep, there is one annihilation. And at the end of Lord Brahma's life, which takes place at the end of Brahma's one hundred years of age
- At the end of every chapter, the author admits the value of the disciplic succession. He never claims to have written this transcendental literature by carrying out research work
- At the end of every four yugas, the great saintly persons, upon seeing that the eternal occupational duties of mankind have been misused, reestablish the principles of religion
- At the end of every kalpa the sun is covered by a great cloud, and incessant rain covers the lower planetary systems up to Svargaloka
- At the end of five months, hunger and thirst make themselves felt, and at the end of six months, the fetus, enclosed by the amnion, begins to move on the right side of the abdomen
- At the end of his life, by chanting the four syllables of the name Narayana, he (Ajamila) was saved from the gravest danger of falling down
- At the end of His twenty-fourth year the Lord accepted the sannyasa order of life in the month of Magha. After accepting this order He (Caitanya) became a full-fledged preacher of the Bhagavata-dharma
- At the end of His twenty-fourth year, in the month of Magha, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted the sannyasa order during the waxing period of the moon
- At the end of his wicked life
- At the end of his wicked life, just by calling the name of "Narayana (Krsna)," he (Ajamila) was saved despite so much sin
- At the end of January every year there is still a great assembly of saintly persons and pious men, just as there is an assembly of saintly persons in Prayaga every year called the Magha-mela fair
- At the end of Krsna's pauganda age, Krsna's hair sometimes hangs down to His hips, and sometimes it becomes scattered. In this age His two shoulders become higher and broader, and His face is always decorated with marks of tilaka
- At the end of life one worries about how his wife will be protected and how she will manage the great family responsibilities. In this way a man usually thinks of his wife before death
- At the end of life the body belongs to the fire, because the body is given to the fire and burned to ashes. Or the body is thrown into the street to be eaten by the dogs and vultures
- At the end of life the transcendentalists either think of the brahma-jyotir, the Paramatma or the Supreme Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna. In all cases they enter into the spiritual sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- At the end of life, a person thinks of what he has done throughout his whole life; thus he gets another body (dehantara) according to his thoughts and desires at the end of life
- At the end of life, he (a Krsna conscious person) is naturally transferred to the transcendental plane of Lord Krsna; consequently he makes no attempt to increase his longevity. He is at once raised to the platform of liberation. BG 1972 purports
- At the end of life, one must free himself from worldly affairs and completely engage in the service of the Lord
- At the end of life, when one has to go back home, back to Godhead, everyone has to take care of himself without help rendered by another
- At the end of Lord Brahma's day, everything up to Svargaloka is inundated with water, and the next morning, when there is darkness in the universe, Brahma again brings the phenomenal manifestation into existence
- At the end of Manu's time there is not necessarily a devastation, but at the end of the Caksusa-manvantara, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by His illusory energy, wanted to show Satyavrata the effects of devastation
- At the end of my life, if I get a good balance, bank balance, then I shall live peacefully without any botheration. - So everyone hopes like that for future. But what is this civilization? They have no future hope
- At the end of one hundred years, one who has not acted as a human being in a life of tapasya (austerity & penance) must certainly be embodied again in a body like those of cats, dogs and hogs. This life of lusty desires and sense gratification is risky
- At the end of Satya-yuga and the beginning of Treta-yuga, a fierce battle took place between the demigods and the demons on the bank of the Narmada
- At the end of Srimad-Bhagavatam, in the Twelfth Canto, the Twelfth Chapter contains forty-three verses in which Sri Krsna-dvaipayana Vedavyasa recapitulates Srimad-Bhagavatam’s entire subject matter
- At the end of summer Madhavendra Puri returned to Jagannatha Puri, where he remained with great pleasure during the whole period of Caturmasya
- At the end of ten thousand years of severe austerities performed by the Pracetas, the SPG, to reward their austerities, appeared before them in His very pleasing form. This appealed to the Pracetas and satisfied the labor of their austerities
- At the end of the complete dissolution, Dhruva Maharaja would go directly to Vaikunthaloka, to a spiritual planet in the spiritual sky. Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura comments in this connection that Dhruvaloka is one of the lokas like Svetadvipa
- At the end of the Daksa-yajna and the disastrous incidents there, Daksa offered his prayer to Lord Siva
- At the end of the day of Brahma, all the lower planetary systems are covered with water, and the beings on them are annihilated
- At the end of the day, under the insignificant portion of the mode of darkness, the powerful manifestation of the universe merges in the darkness of night. By the influence of eternal time, the innumerable living entities remain merged in that dissolution
- At the end of the Dvapara-yuga of the twenty-eighth divya-yuga, Lord Krsna appears on earth with the full paraphernalia of His eternal Vraja-dhama
- At the end of the Dvapara-yuga, I studied this great supplement of Vedic literature named Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is equal to all the Vedas, from my father, Srila Dvaipayana Vyasadeva
- At the end of the festival Minaketana Ramadasa went away, offering his blessings to everyone. At that time he had some controversy with my (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami's) brother
- At the end of the festival Minaketana Ramadasa went away, offering his blessings to everyone. At that time he had some controversy with my brother
- At the end of the four-month Caturmasya period, Caitanya Mahaprabhu again consulted with Nityananda Prabhu daily in a solitary place. No one could understand what Their consultation was about
- At the end of the millennium, ignorance personified assumed the form of a demon, stole all the Vedas and took them down to the planet of Rasatala
- At the end of the millennium, the Lord Himself in the form of Rudra, the destroyer, will annihilate the complete creation as the wind displaces the clouds
- At the end of the millennium, the would-be Vaivasvata Manu, of the name Satyavrata, would see that the Lord in the fish incarnation is the shelter of all kinds of living entities, up to those in the earthly planets
- At the end of the millennium, when the Personality of Godhead Lord Narayana lay down within the water of devastation, Brahma began to enter into Him along with all creative elements, and I (Narada Muni) also entered through His breathing
- At the end of the month of January in the year 1432 sakabda (A.D. 1510), Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted the sannyasa order from Kesava Bharati, who belonged to the Sankara-sampradaya
- At the end of the month of Phalguna, He witnessed the Dola-yatra ceremony, and in His usual ecstatic love of God, He chanted and danced in various ways on the occasion
- At the end of the Ninth Canto, Twenty-fourth Chapter, Sukadeva Gosvami summarized the activities of Krsna
- At the end of the Ninth Chapter He (the Lord) has said, "Just always think of Me." The same instruction is repeated here (in BG 18.64) to stress the essence of the teachings of Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 purports
- At the end of the second, third, fourth and fifth years, when Rohita wanted to return to his capital, the King of heaven, Indra, approached him as an old brahmana and forbade him to return, repeating the same words as in the previous year
- At the end of the seventh month the child is moved by the bodily air and does not remain in the same place, for the entire uterine system becomes slackened before delivery
- At the end of the Sixth Chapter (BG), it has been clearly stated that the steady concentration of the mind upon Krsna, or in other words Krsna consciousness, is the highest form of all yoga. BG 1972 purports
- At the end of the Sixth Chapter (of Bhagavad-gita) the Lord says that out of all the yogis, he who thinks of Krsna within himself is considered to be the most perfect. BG 1972 purports
- At the end of the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that even though all nefarious activities of the personality of Kali are present, there is a great advantage in the age of Kali. One can attain salvation simply by chanting the holy name of the Lord
- At the end of the village resides a baula and all the buildings, both the temples and the house, appear to be newly constructed. In Mahesapura there are Deities of Sri Radhavallabha and Sri Sri Radharamana
- At the end of the year, all the devotees from Bengal, headed by Advaita Acarya, again came to see the Lord. Indeed, there was a great rush of devotees to Jagannatha Puri
- At the end there will be no rain. Then this whole planet will be ablaze with fire. That is the beginning of destruction. Everything will die - all trees, plants, animals, everything. It will be made into ashes by the fire
- At the end, he (who is in Brahman atmosphere) enters into the eternal kingdom of God, either merging into the impersonal Brahman or associating with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- At the end, when I (Mother Earth) felt I was so fortunate, the Lord left me
- At the fag end of life, when the invalidity of old age attacks a man, his body becomes useless for all purposes
- At the present time, even the oldest man in the family does not leave home, being attracted by wife, children, money, opulence, dwelling, etc. Thus at the end of life one worries about how his wife will be protected
- Because of my fear of the vast water at the end of the millennium, the Vedas come out of my (Brahma's) mouth, and the Lord enjoys those vast waters and protects the Vedas
- Because they cannot enter into network stem of the lotus stem of the Lord, all material speculators differ in conclusions, and at the end they make a useless compromise by saying, "as many conclusions, as many ways," according to one's own inclination
- Being elevated to the heavenly planets or other material planets does not mean attaining an eternal life of knowledge and bliss. At the end of the material world, all attainments of material elevation will also end
- Being fully absorbed in Krsna consciousness (samadhi-yoga). always thinking of Krsna, Vasudeva, Maharaja Nabhi attained success at the end of his life and was promoted to the spiritual world, Vaikunthaloka
- Bhagavad-gita was spoken by the Lord just to change this view (bodily concept of life), & at the end Arjuna decides to fight under the directions of the Lord when he says, "karisye vacanam tava." "I shall act according to Thy word." BG 1972 Introduction
- Both at the beginning and at the end, all elements remain unmanifested, and only in the middle are they manifested, and this does not make any real material difference. BG 1972 purports
- Both at the beginning and at the end, all elements remain unmanifested, and this does not make any real material difference
- By surrendering (unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead), one will not only be released from all miseries in this life, but at the end he will reach the Supreme God
- By surrendering unto Krsna we come immediately under His protection and are relieved of all miseries. This is validated by all scriptures. At the end of Bhagavad-gita, Sri Krsna says: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja . . . - BG. 18.66
- By this advancement in life (becoming cleansed of sinful reactions), one not only becomes happy and opulent in this life, but also, at the end, he enters into the eternal kingdom of God. BG 1972 purports
- By understanding Vedic literature, and one can understand his relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead by performing the different processes. Thus one can approach Him and at the end attain the supreme goal. BG 1972 purports
- By understanding Vedic literature, one can approach Him and at the end attain the supreme goal, who is no other than the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Charity is recommended to be given at a place of pilgrimage and at lunar or solar eclipses or at the end of the month or to a qualified brahmana or a Vaisnava or in temples. Such charities should be given without any consideration of return. BG 1972 pur
- Cranelike politicians especially are too much attached to the false prestige of position and rank, and so they always seek reelection, even at the fag end of life. These are some of the symptoms of an uncultured life
- Death is a process of changing the body at the end of the duration of the present life. An intelligent person must be prepared for this and must try to have the best type of body in the next life
- During one day of Brahma there are fourteen Manus, and at the end of each Manu there is devastation up to the earthly planets, and the vast water is fearful even to Brahma
- During the performance of the yajna, the body relinquished by Maharaja Nimi was preserved in fragrant substances, and at the end of the Satra-yaga the great saints and brahmanas made the following request to all the demigods assembled there
- During the time of cow-stealing in Virata-nagara, he (Trigarta) was able to arrest Maharaja Virata, but later Maharaja Virata was released by Bhima. In the Battle of Kuruksetra he also fought very valiantly, but at the end he was killed by Arjuna
- Even at the fag end of his life he (the politician) thinks that everything will be spoiled without him. He is so foolish that he does not see that many other politicians who thought like him have come and gone, with no gain or loss for want of them
- Even for material motives, one should not worship anyone other than the Supreme Personality of Godhead; one must fully engage himself in the devotional service so that all his desires will be fulfilled and at the end he can go back home, back to Godhead
- Even though Lord Siva appeared to preach Mayavada philosophy, at the end of his pastime in the form of Sankaracarya, he preached the Vaisnava philosophy
- Even today, in India, at the end of August the people are accustomed to celebrating Krsna's birthday, regardless of sect, just as in the Western world Jesus Christ's birthday is celebrated at Christmas
- Every human being must advance his spiritual life and at the end return home, back to Godhead. Maharaja Rsabhadeva strictly followed all these principles
- Everyone is engaged in maintaining the body, home and family. Consequently everyone becomes confused at the end of life, not knowing what spiritual life and the goal of human life are
- Everything that is created, sustained, and at the end annihilated is within the compass of the mahat-tattva and is known as the material world
- Existence of material enjoyment can endure as long as life is fresh, but at the fag end of life everything becomes tasteless, and everything appears to be vain and painful
- Foolish leaders may have some respect from the people at the end of life, but that does not mean that such leaders will be immune to the natural laws under which everyone is tightly bound by the hands and feet
- For creation, which is surrounded by the quality of passion, You (Krsna) appear reddish; and at the end, when there is a need for annihilation, which is surrounded by ignorance, You appear blackish - SB 10.3.20
- For one who explains the supreme secret to the devotees, devotional service is guaranteed, and at the end he will come back to Me. BG 18.68 - 1972
- For the person in the mode of passion there might be some kind of ephemeral happiness in the beginning and at the end distress, but for the person in the mode of ignorance there is only distress both in the beginning and at the end. BG 1972 purports
- For their return to the Vaikuntha world, it was arranged that Jaya & Vijaya, for three consecutive births, would act as deadly enemies of the Lord & that at the end of these lives they would return to the Vaikuntha world & serve Him as His associates
- Formerly, at the end of Dvapara-yuga, all the cowherd men of Vrndavana had arranged to worship King Indra, but they gave this worship up, following the advice of Krsna
- Formerly, especially in Bengal, the higher castes (namely the brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas) observed four months after the birth of a child as a quarantine. At the end of the fourth month, the mother could see the sun rise
- From the southern side of the sacrificial fire known as Anvaharya came a fearful personality who looked like the destroyer of the entire creation at the end of the millennium
- Fruitive work, in which almost all people in general are engaged, is always painful either in the beginning or at the end. It can be fruitful only when made subservient to the devotional service of the Lord
- Gavayas, the species of cow mentioned herein (SB 3.21.44), bear a bunch of hair at the end of their tails. This bunch of hair is used in temple worship to fan the Deities
- Generally it is seen that one who has risen from a poverty-stricken life and becomes wealthy creates some charitable institution at the end of his life so that other poverty-stricken men might be benefited
- Generally the cuckoo sounds its cooing vibration at the end of night or early in the morning. When the queens heard the cooing of the cuckoo at the end of night, they said, "Dear cuckoo, your voice is very sweet"
- Generally, a thoroughly trained person takes to spiritual perfection at the end of his life. According to the Vedic system, therefore, life is divided into four stages
- Gopis lament, "When You (Krsna) come back at the end of the day, by seeing Your beautiful face we are so much attracted that we are unable to stop looking upon You constantly"
- Having come to understand that even Lord Brahma is not immortal because at the end of the millennium Lord Brahma will also die, Hiranyakasipu is very carefully asking him for benedictions that will be almost as good as immortality
- He (Krsna) is always unlimited. That means that He has no creation or end. He is, however, death (in the form of time), as described in Bhagavad-gita. Krsna says, "I am death. I take away everything at the end of life"
- He (Maharaja Marutta) was so powerful an emperor that at the day's end of sacrifice, the demigods from the other planets like Indra, Candra and Brhaspati used to visit his palace. And because he had the gold peak at his disposal, he had sufficient gold
- He began to quote one of Lord Brahma's prayers from Srimad-Bhagavatam, but he changed two syllables at the end of the verse
- He was called Mahapurusa because as a king he gave the citizens all facilities, and as a householder he executed all his duties so that at the end he became a strict devotee of the Supreme Lord
- He's sleeping. Why? Don't sleep and you can sleep at the end. Don't in the front. It is disturbing
- His (God's) pastimes are eternal and are manifested in due course once in a day of Brahmaji, as the sun rises on the eastern horizon at the end of every twenty-four hours
- I am anxious to hear from you about the clogging of the tapes in dictaphone. Please ask the supplier why it is clogging at the end say from .25 to .30 situation. How to solve this problem. Please let me know
- I had some argument with my Spiritual Master, and at the end I was defeated. But at that time, because I was already married, I could not take His words very seriously
- I promise you you will not fail to be really happy in this life and in the end reach the Supreme destination
- I replied Him at that time, who would care for the message of Lord Caitanya while we are a subject nation? In this way, I had some argument with my Spiritual Master, and at the end I was defeated
- I shall go by the staircase and reach the upstair at the end of the day when office will be finished, - then you can do that. But if you are intelligent, you shall take the advantage of the elevator; within a minute you go there
- I write at the end of my letters to my disciples, "Your ever well-wisher'', and as such, I cannot become otherwise than being ever well-wisher of my disciples, even though he may leave me
- If a man lives outside the home and spends a week in a city or somewhere else, at the end of the week he becomes very anxious to return home and enjoy sex with his wife
- If a woman worships Your (Lord Kamadeva's) lotus feet for a particular purpose, You also quickly fulfill her desires, but in the end she becomes broken-hearted and laments. Therefore one need not worship Your lotus feet for some material benefit
- If at the end of life you can remember Narayana, then life is successful. You go back to home, back to Godhead
- If one continues to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is full of narratives of the pastimes of the Lord, at the end of this life, one is sure to be transferred to the eternal, transcendental abode of the Lord
- If we are practiced to think of Krsna always, naturally, at the time of death, at the time of end of this body, if we are so fortunate to think of Krsna, His form, then we become materially free, no more this material body
- If we can continue to act in pure consciousness, then, at the end of this body we shall be free from material contamination, our spiritual life will be revived
- If we continue to act on that platform of consciousness, then, at the end of this body - not even at the end of this body; even in the presence of this body - we shall be free. We shall be free from material contamination
- If you engage this body for the service of the Lord, it becomes spiritualized. As I have already explained, the iron rod, constantly in touch with fire, it becomes, at end, it becomes red hot
- If you simply follow the simple program that I have initiated you will be happy in this life time and in the end you will go back to home, back to Godhead
- In Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna advised Arjuna many times to surrender unto Him, especially at the end of the Ninth Chapter
- In Durvasana, or Darbhasayana (now known as Tiruppullani), which is seven miles east of Ramnad, there is a temple of Lord Ramacandra. The hill known as Mahendra-saila is near Tirunelveli, and at the end of this hill is a city known as Tiruchendur
- In Kali-yuga vice increases to such a point that at the termination of the yuga the SG Himself appears as the Kalki avatara, vanquishes the demons, saves His devotees, and commences another Satya-yuga. Then the process is set rolling again. BG 1972 pur
- In one place He said that dharma-samsthapanarthaya, "I have come to reestablish the religious principle," and at the end He says sarva-dharman parityajya. This sarva-dharman, all kinds of religious principles pertaining to the bodily concept of life
- In spite of so much hard labor, at the end we find disappointment. Bha means bhaya, or fear. In material life, one is always in the blazing fire of fear, since no one knows what will happen next
- In the Battle of Kuruksetra Susarma fought very valiantly, but at the end he was killed by Arjuna
- In the beginning it (the body) was nothing, and in the end it will be nothing. Why then should one commit sinful activities when it is manifested? It is not possible for anyone to do this unless he is rascal number one
- In the beginning of creation there was only the Supreme Personality, Narayana, and there was no existence of Brahma or Siva. Therefore, one who at the end of his life remembers Narayana attains the perfection of life - ante narayana-smrtih - SB 2.1.6
- In the beginning this (sexual intercourse of men & women) may be very pleasing to the senses, but at the end, or after some time, it becomes just like poison. They are separated or there is divorce, there is lamentation, there is sorrow, etc. BG 1972 p
- In the course of a month, a head is formed, and at the end of two months the hands, feet and other limbs take shape
- In the Hayasirsa-pancaratra it is explained that although in each and every Upanisad the Supreme Brahman is first viewed as impersonal, at the end the personal form of the Supreme Lord is accepted
- In the human form of life one should perform activities in such a way that at the end he goes back home, back to Godhead. This is self-realization
- In the material world also we have various paraphernalia for our pleasures in life, but because all this paraphernalia is made of matter, it is all destructible at the end
- In the other dissolution, which occurs at the end of Brahma's day, all the lower planetary systems are destroyed. When Lord Brahma rises after his night, these lower planetary systems are again created
- In the sastras there is description when Krsna comes down, descends, in this universe. In one day of Brahma at the end of Dvapara-yuga
- In the Sixth Chapter (of BG) the subject of yoga is explicitly detailed, and at the end of the Fifth it is only preliminarily explained. BG 1972 purports
- In the smrti-mantra it is said that at the beginning of Brahma s millennium, the source from which everything emanates is the Absolute Truth, and at the end of that millennium the reservoir into which everything enters is that same Absolute Truth
- In the sruti-mantra it is stated that the absolute whole, or Brahman, is the ultimate source of everything. Everything emanates from Him, everything is maintained by Him, and at the end everything enters into Him again. That is the law of nature
- In the sruti-mantra, it is also stated that the absolute whole or Brahman is the ultimate source of everything. Everything emanates from Him, and everything is maintained by Him. And at the end, everything enters into Him. That is the law of nature
- In the Vedic civilization it is recommended that one retire from family life at the end of his fiftieth year and go to vana, the forest. When he becomes expert or accustomed to forest life, or retired life as a vanaprastha, he should accept sannyasa
- In the Vedic hymns it is stated that in the beginning there is only Visnu and that He alone remains at the end
- In the verse beginning 'aham eva,' the word 'aham' is expressed three times. In the beginning there are the words 'aham eva.' In the second line there are the words 'pascad aham.' At the end are the words 'so 'smy aham'
- In this age people are degrading so much that at the end of the day, if he can have a full belly meal, he says: "Oh, I am now satisfied." Just like animal
- In this chapter I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) have to some extent described the essence of the pastimes of Lord Caitanya at the end. If I die in the meantime and cannot describe them in detail, at least the devotees will have this transcendental treasure
- In this way the Lord performed sankirtana every day, and at the end of sankirtana there was a mango-eating festival every day for twelve months
- Indra was certainly very advanced in knowledge, but instead of asking Vamanadeva for engagement in His service, he used the Lord to beg for material possessions that would lie finished at the end of one age of Manu
- Intelligent persons must go there (the holy places) at the end of life, and for that matter, after fifty years of age, to live a life of spiritual regeneration for the sake of being freed from family attachment
- It (svayambhur naradah sambhuh (SB 6.3.20)) was spoken by Yamaraja to the servants who went to take Ajamila to hellish condition of life, and he was saved by the Visnuduta. Because at the end of his life he chanted - Narayana
- It is also said that at the ultimate stage, at the end of this age, if a man lives for twenty to thirty years, he'll be considered a grand old man
- It is not good that you do something wrong and at the end you simply write "please forgive us"
- It is said that at the end of creation the sun becomes twelve times more scorching than usual. This twelve-times-hotter temperature is called Siva-jvara
- It is said that at the end of this millennium, that if somebody lives from twenty to thirty years, he will be considered as very old man
- It is said that the KC movement will be prominent within the next ten thousand years, but after that people will all become mlecchas and yavanas. Thus at the end of the yuga, Krsna will appear as the Kalki avatara and kill them without consideration
- It is the duty of the state, duty of the father, duty of the teacher, duty of the spiritual master to give chance to the small children to develop in such a way that he becomes fully realized spiritual soul at the end
- It is the misconception of the impersonalists that one can worship any imaginary form of the Lord, or Brahman, and at the end merge in the Brahman effulgence. Of course, to merge into the bodily effulgence (Brahman) of the Supreme Lord is also liberation
- Janma-labhah parah pumsam ante narayana-smrtih (SB 2.1.6): if we can somehow or other remember Krsna, Narayana, at the end of life, our life will be successful
- Just before the beginning of Kali-yuga - or, in other words, at the end of Dvapara-yuga - Lord Sri Krsna appeared and left His instructions in the form of Bhagavad-gita, in which He asked all living entities to surrender unto Him
- Kakudmi waited, and at the end of the musical performances he offered his obeisances to Lord Brahma and thus submitted his long-standing desire
- Krsna appears in this material world at the end of the Dvapara age of the twenty-eighth catur-yuga of Vaivasvata Manu and brings with Him His Vrajadhama, which is the eternal abode of His highest pastimes
- Krsna replied, "One should engage his mind only in thinking of Me, become My devotee, simply Worship Me, & offer his respectful obeisances unto Me alone. In this way, one can cross over this ocean of nescience very easily and at the end come back to Me"
- Krsna, the Supreme Lord, gives us specific orders so that we can enjoy, in such a way that, at the end, we will understand that this is not our proper life - our proper life is spiritual
- Let him become a family, householder life, then retired life, then... But sannyasa at the end, that is compulsory, not that unless he is shot down by somebody, he's not going to give up family life. That is not Vedic system
- Lord Brahma said: At the end of the dvi-parardha, when the pastimes of the Lord come to an end, Lord Visnu, by a flick of His eyebrows, vanquishes the entire universe, including our places of residence
- Lord Brahma, situated in that lotus, could not perfectly understand the creation, the lotus or himself. At the end of the millennium the air of devastation began to move the water and the lotus in great circular waves
- Lord Caitanya does not pursue the paths of karma-yoga or jnana-yoga or hatha-yoga but begins at the end of material existence, at the point where one gives up all material attachment
- Lord Caitanya's teachings begin from the point of surrender to Krsna. He does not pursue the paths of karma-yoga or jnana-yoga or hatha-yoga but begins at the end of material existence, at the point where one gives up all material attachment - CC Intro
- Lord Krsna instructs that all the planets within the material universe are destroyed at the end of 4,300,000 x 1,000 x 2 x 30 x 12 x 100 solar years
- Lord Siva said, "At the end of this creation, all manifestations of Your (Krsna's) energies, whether in the shape of demigods, human beings or lower animals, enter into You"
- Lord Visnu, or Lord Krsna, instructs a devotee who constantly engages in His service how to approach Him at the end of his material body
- Madhavendra Puri could not sleep. He sat and chanted the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, and at the end of the night he dozed a little, and his external activities stopped
- Madhavendra Puri recited this verse again and again at the end of his material existence. Thus uttering this verse, he attained the ultimate goal of life
- Maharaja Bharata, although a great personality, thought of a deer at the end of his life
- Maharaja Pariksit was involved in politics, but because at the end of his life he heard Srimad-Bhagavatam from Sukadeva Gosvami, he attained perfection very easily
- Many, many philosophers, scholars, and so-called invincible heroes have tried to make the Supreme Lord impotent, formless, and impersonal, but in the end they always suffered terribly
- Moreover, O Lord, the repetition of Your appearance is the desire for all kinds of initiation. Your neck is the place for three desires, and Your tusks are the result of initiation and the end of all desires
- My dear Lord, at the end of each millennium the Supreme Personality of Godhead Garbhodakasayi Visnu dissolves everything manifested within the universe into His belly
- My dear Lord, at the end of the annihilation of the cosmic manifestation, You put the whole universe within Your abdomen; still, by Your unalloyed mercy, You have appeared in my womb - Devaki prayed to Lord
- My point is, that whatever you want at the end, that doesn't matter, but you worship Krishna, and He will award whatever you desire
- Not only must one come to the conclusion that Krsna is everything, but he must remain fixed in this realization. This is the highest perfection of life, and it is this perfection that King Malayadhvaja attained at the end
- Now here is one word used, marginal potency. Marginal potency, the exact Sanskrit word is tatastha. Just like at the end of the land, the sea begins. So there is a marginal land
- Now in this chapter (CC Madhya 1) the pastimes that took place at the end of the Lord’s (Caitanya's) life are summarized. These are described in the Madhya-lila and Antya-lila
- O almighty Lord, at the end of the millennium this planet earth, which is the source of all kinds of herbs, drugs and trees, was inundated by water and drowned beneath the devastating waves
- O King Pariksit, at the end of the past millennium, at the end of Brahma's day, because Lord Brahma sleeps during the night, annihilation took place, and the three worlds were covered by the water of the ocean
- O my dear King, you will be able to enjoy with me as my husband at the end of every year, for one night only. In this way you will have other children, one after another
- O son of Kunti, at the end of the millennium all the living entities merge into My nature, and again when the time of creation is ripe, I begin creation by the agency of My external energy
- O son of Kunti, at the end of the millennium every material manifestation enters into My nature, and at the beginning of another millennium, by My potency I again create. BG 9.7 - 1972
- On principle, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu would distribute prasadam at the end of kirtana performances. Similarly, the members of the Krsna consciousness movement must distribute some prasadam to the audience after performing kirtana
- One (the yoga practitioner) should be sure of success at the end and pursue this course with great perseverance, not becoming discouraged if there is any delay in the attainment of success. Success is sure for the rigid practitioner
- One can imagine what the pangs of birth are like. The child remains for ten months in that horrible condition within the abdomen, and at the end of ten months he is forcibly pushed out
- One cannot simply agree to go ahead suffering the three-fold miseries and stay here. Even that will not be allowed. In this world, he will not only be punished while staying here, but he will also be kicked out at the end
- One dissolution takes place at the end of the life of Brahma. At that time all the planetary systems, including the heavenly systems, are dissolved in water and enter into the body of Garbhodakasayi Visnu
- One dissolution takes place at the end of the life of Brahma. At that time all the planetary systems, including the heavenly systems, are dissolved in water and enter into the body of Garbhodakasayi Visnu, who lies on the Garbhodaka Ocean
- One has to take advantage of this knowledge and mold his life in such a way that at the end, especially in the human form of life, he may go back home, back to Godhead, by practicing Krsna consciousness
- One in the first class (in Krsna conscious) will surely make progress and achieve the result at the end. BG 1972 purports
- One may dream that he has become a king with a good family, wife and children, but immediately at the end of that dream he comes to the conclusion that it is false
- One may try to leave Him, but He is not going to leave you. Once come, "No, sir, you cannot go out." Just like our Ajamila. He was devotee in the beginning, and later on, by bad association of prostitute, he fell. But Krsna took him at the end
- One overly addicted to life at home naturally thinks of his beloved wife at the end of life. Consequently, in the next life he gets the body of a woman, and he also acquires the results of his pious or impious activities
- One should be sure of success at the end and pursue this course (practicing yoga) with great perserverance, not becoming discouraged if there is any delay in the attainment of success. Success is sure for the rigid practitioner. BG 1972 purports
- One should be trained from the very beginning how to become gentle. From the very beginning if one is taught to become ungentle, uncontrolled of senses, how at the end he can become gentle
- One who does not give charity according to the injunctions of the scriptures and one who does not accept charity in that way are considered to be in the mode of ignorance. Such persons follow the path of the foolish. Surely they must lament at the end
- Pariksit was destined to give up his body at the end of seven days, and thus he decided to continue remembering the Lord by His association with the topics of Srimad-Bhagavatam, and thus to quit his body in full consciousness of the presence of the Lord
- Please inform me immediately how you stand in the matter of the $17,000 needed to print Bhagavad-gita As It Is. I want that it should be printed by the time I return to the States at the end of March
- Sages, meditators and devotees constantly keep the form of the Lord within their hearts, or they see the Deity form in the temples; in that way they become liberated from all material contamination and at the end of the body enter into the kingdom of God
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was so fortunate as to see the six-armed form of Lord Caitanya known as Sadbhuja. A Sadbhuja Deity is still situated at one end of the Jagannatha temple. Daily sankirtana performances take place in this part of the temple
- Sarvateja's wife, Akuti, gave birth to a son named Caksusa, who became the sixth Manu at the end of the Manu millennium
- Sarvateja's wife, Akuti, gave birth to a son named Caksusa, who became the sixth Manu at the end of the Manu millennium. Nadvala, the wife of Caksusa Manu, gave birth to the following faultless sons: Puru, Kutsa, Trita, Dyumna, Satyavan, Rta, Vrata
- Satyavrata, the saintly king of Dravidadesa who received spiritual knowledge at the end of the last millennium by the grace of the Supreme, later became Vaivasvata Manu, the son of Vivasvan, in the next manvantara
- Set into motion by the Supreme Personality of Godhead and wandering in all the four directions, the disc of the Supreme Lord has sharp edges as destructive as the fire of devastation at the end of the millennium
- She (Durga) is carried by her lion carrier, or the modes of passion and ignorance. Everyone struggles very hard to fight through the modes of passion and ignorance and conquer material nature, but at the end everyone is vanquished by nature's laws
- Since Maharaja Pariksit was a Vaisnava, when he heard the description, at the end of the Fifth Canto, of the different hellish conditions of life, he was very much concerned
- Since the kings were so mercifully treated by Lord Krsna, they felt great happiness, and their bright faces appeared just like the stars in the sky after the end of the rainy season
- Siva said: At that time your (Banasura) days will come to an end, and your flag of victory will no longer fly. Then you will see your false prestige smashed to pieces
- So Krishna Consciousness movement is all good from all sides. From social , political, economical, hygienic and many other points of view. And at last it is the greatest gift because at the end, we become associated with Krishna
- Sometimes Maya may come and try to interfere but we must not falter, , we must always follow the chalked out path layed down by the great acharya's and in the end you will see
- Specifically, recitation is recommended on the full moon or dark moon day, on the day after Ekadasi, on the appearance of the Sravana star, at the end of a particular tithi, or the occasion of Vyatipata, at the end of the month, or on Sunday
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "The Koran certainly establishes impersonalism, but at the end it refutes that impersonalism and establishes the personal God"
- Srila Kaviraja Gosvami, strictly following in the footsteps of Sri Vyasadeva, gives a synopsis of the lilas of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. He has given such a description at the end of each canto
- Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami accepted Raghunatha dasa Gosvami as his special guide. Therefore at the end of every chapter he says, sri-rupa-raghunatha-pade yara asa caitanya-caritamrta kahe krsnadasa
- Such days and nights (four ages of earth) accumulate into months and years, and Brahma lives for one hundred such years. At the end of Brahma's life, the complete universal manifestation is vanquished
- Such feelings (exactly like a lover who is dejected in separation from the beloved), which were expressed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for nearly twelve years at the end of His pastimes, are described in brief in this Second Chapter of Madhya-lila
- Such happiness (which is in the beginning may be very pleasing to the senses, but at the end, or after some time, which becomes just like poison) is always in the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: In Ramyaka-varsa, where Vaivasvata Manu rules, the Supreme Personality of Godhead appeared as Lord Matsya at the end of the last era (the Caksusa-manvantara)
- Sukadeva Gosvami explained the cream of Srimad-Bhagavatam in four verses, which had been explained to Lord Brahma at the end of the severe austerities he performed for one thousand celestial years
- Sukadeva Gosvami had long ago stated the same truth, that at the end one must remember Narayana. That is the essence of all spiritual activities
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: When King Satyavrata spoke in this way, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who at the end of the yuga had assumed the form of a fish to benefit His devotee and enjoy His pastimes in the water of inundation, responded as follows
- Thank you for appreciating Sri Caitanya-caritamrta. There is no need to feel sad at the end of a chapter or a volume because there is always another chapter and another volume. There is no scarcity.You want more nectarine and the supply is also there
- That happiness which is derived from contact of the senses with their objects and which appears like nectar at first but poison at the end is said to be of the nature of passion. BG 18.38 - 1972
- That which in the beginning may be just like poison but at the end is just like nectar and which awakens one to self-realization is said to be happiness in the mode of goodness. BG 18.36-37 - 1972
- The absolute controller cannot be impersonal. By our practical life we see - government. "Government" is an impersonal word, but at the end of the government, there is a governor or president, a person
- The Absolute Truth is realized in three phases of understanding, namely as Brahman, or the impersonal universal soul; Paramatma, or the localized universal soul; and at the end as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The answer is that it is possible, for at the end of the millennium You lie down on a leaf of a banyan tree, and just like a small baby, You lick the toe of Your lotus foot
- The atheist class, who does not believe in God, he'll see God at the end of life when he cannot do anything. But before that, if he sees God, then his life is saved. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti (BG 4.9). But that they'll not accept
- The bank is ready to give you money - "Purchase motorcar. Purchase this. Purchase this." And at the end of month after working hard when you get salary, the whole money is taken by the bank, again you have to work. So you are debtor and full of anxiety
- The beauty of Krsna, especially the beauty of His face, is described in SB 9.24.65. At the end of the Ninth Canto, in the Twenty-fourth Chapter, we find a hint of Krsna's beauty. Now we are proceeding to the Tenth Canto, which is considered Krsna's head
- The benedictions (from demigods) will be finished at the end of the cosmic manifestation, along with those who bestow them. If one approaches Lord Visnu for benedictions, He will give him a benediction that will help him return home, back to Godhead
- The bodily relations extend not only to this body but also to the family members, wife, children, society, country and so many other things which end at the end of life
- The Buddhists, they say there is no God - sunyavadi. "Everything, at the end, everything is zero. You have got this body. When the body is finished, then everything becomes zero." Because they do not believe in the soul, not in God
- The composition is faulty, and the meaning of the words has become doubtful, because you have placed the known subject at the end and that which is unknown at the beginning
- The conclusion is that the Mayavadi philosophers are actually atheists. There was much discussion on this issue between Sarvabhauma and Caitanya Mahaprabhu, but despite all his endeavors, the Bhattacarya was defeated in the end
- The creation, maintenance and annihilation of this material cosmic manifestation is completely dependant on the supreme will of the Personality of Godhead. "At the end of the millennium" means at the death of Brahma. BG 1972 purports
- The devotees all replied, "One night at the end of a full year, Junior Haridasa got up and went away. No one knows where he has gone"
- The energy which sustains us by prolonging the duration of our life is Krsna, and Krsna meets us at the end as death. BG 1972 purports
- The first item, hearing, is the most important item of all, and therefore hearing of the Bhagavad-gita and, later on, Srimad-Bhagavatam is essential for the serious candidate who wants to attain the stage of Bhismadeva at the end
- The foolish devotee of the Lord is put into forcible penance by the grace of the Lord, and at the end the devotee becomes perfectly happy, being engaged in the service of the Lord
- The gopis said, "Now, how shall we live even for a moment if He (Krsna) goes away from us? At the end of the day, in the evening, along with His elder brother Balarama, Krsna would return home with His friends"
- The great sage Maitreya continued: In this way the reciters who were glorifying Maharaja Prthu readily described his qualities and chivalrous activities. At the end, Maharaja Prthu offered them various presentations with all due respect
- The great sages and saints are promoted beyond the heavenly planets to Maharloka, but that also is not the place of complete fearlessness because at the end of one kalpa the Maharloka is annihilated
- The great sages and saints are promoted beyond the heavenly planets to Maharloka, but that also is not the place of complete fearlessness because at the end of one kalpa the Maharloka is annihilated and the inhabitants have to transport themselves
- The Hayasirsa-pancaratra explains that although in each and every Upanisad the Supreme Brahman is first viewed as impersonal, at the end the personal form of the Supreme Lord is accepted
- The highest perfection of human life, achieved either by complete knowledge of matter & spirit, by acquirement of mystic powers, or by perfect discharge of one's occupational duty, is to remember the Personality of Godhead at the end of life
- The highest perfection of human life, achieved either by complete knowledge of matter and spirit, by practice of mystic powers, or by perfect discharge of occupational duty, is to remember the Personality of Godhead at the end of life
- The King inquired: At the end of the pastimes of the Lord of the three worlds, Sri Krsna, and after the disappearance of the members of the Vrsni and Bhoja dynasties, who were the best of the great commanders, why did Uddhava alone remain?
- The Lord (Varaha) found the earth on the bottom of the Garbhodaka Ocean, where the planets rest during the devastation at the end of Brahma's day
- The Lord assumed one fish incarnation to save the Vedas at the beginning of the Svayambhuva-manvantara, and at the end of the Caksusa-manvantara the Lord again assumed the form of a fish just to favor the great king named Satyavrata
- The Lord's pastimes and qualities are unlimited. It is not possible for us to remember all the qualities of the Lord. Therefore, the personified Vedas worshiped to the best of their ability, and at the end they spoke as follows
- The Madhya-khanda of Srila Locana dasa Thakura’s Caitanya-mangala also relates that once at the end of the day, when evening clouds assembled overhead and thundered threateningly, all the Vaisnavas were very much afraid
- The material scientists also want to challenge the inconceivable potency of the Lord by measuring Him with their froglike brains and their scientific achievements, but at the end they simply die unsuccessfully, like the frog
- The merging of the living beings into the body of Maha-Visnu takes place automatically at the end of Brahma's one hundred years. But that does not mean that the individual living being loses his identity
- The most important factor in this verse (SB 4.9.24) is the Lord's instructions regarding how to remember the Supreme Personality of Godhead at the end of life
- The pastimes of the Lord (Krsna), beginning from His birth at the prison house of Kamsa up to the mausala-lila at the end, all move one after another in all the universes, just as the clock hand moves from one point to another
- The process of changing one's nature at the critical moment of death is here explained. A person who at the end of his life quits his body thinking of Krsna attains the transcendental nature of the Supreme Lord
- The purpose of the Vedas is to establish such (religious) principles under the order of the SG, and the Lord directly orders, at the end of the Gita, that the highest principle of religion is to surrender unto Him only, and nothing more. BG 1972 purports
- The reading matter of Srimad-Bhagavatam is so arranged with its original Sanskrit text, its English transliteration, synonyms, translation and purports so that one is sure to become a God-realized soul at the end of finishing the first nine cantos
- The sage Karabhajana Rsi explained the four incarnations of the four yugas, and at the end, in this verse (CC Madhya 22.141), he explained the position of Krsna’s pure devotee and how he is absolved of all debts
- The scientific studies of the cosmic manifestation or the bodily construction independent of the Supreme Lord are different reflective intellectual gymnastics only, but at the end they are all illusion and nothing more
- The secondary creation is made by Brahma, but Brahma is created by the Supreme Godhead. Lord Siva annihilates the whole creation, but at the end he is also annihilated by Visnu. Lord Visnu remains
- The space travelers are very proud: "Oh, I have touched it (the moon)." But what have they gained? Even if we were able to live there, it would not be for long. It will all be destroyed in the end
- The Sudarsana cakra appeared with the effulgence of millions of suns, his heat being as powerful as the fire created at the end of the cosmic manifestation
- The Supreme Lord gives all information in Bhagavad-gita about the aim of life, and at the end of Bhagavad-gita He demands surrender unto Him
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention My expansion of energy the goddess of fortune
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon devotional service
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon fire; the mantra omkara and the Absolute Truth
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon Lord Brahma and Lord Siva
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My bearer, Garuda, the king of the birds
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My bed, Sesa Naga
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My incarnations like Matsya, Kurma and Varaha
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My mark of Srivatsa and the Kaustubha gem
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My Sudarsana disc and Pancajanya conchshell
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My unlimited all-auspicious activities
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My Vaijayanti garland and My club, Kaumodaki
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon My very pleasing abode (the ocean of milk)
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon Narada Muni; Lord Siva and Prahlada
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the elephant Airavata and Dhruva Maharaja
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the residential quarters of Me
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the river Yamuna (Kalindi)
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the Rivers Ganges, Sarasvati and Nanda
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the seven rsis; and the pious human beings
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the sun and the moon
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the three peaks of Trikuta Mountain
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the total material energy; the cows and brahmanas
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the white island, Svetadvipa
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Freed from all sinful reactions are those who rise from bed at the end of night, early in the morning, and fully concentrate their minds with great attention upon the wives of Soma and Kasyapa
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva, is one with the Supreme Brahman, the Supreme Absolute Truth. Everything is in Him in the beginning, and at the end all manifestations enter into Him
- The system of varnasrama-dharma is very scientific. If one is directed by the varnasrama institution, he will naturally think of retiring from family life at the end of his life. Therefore sannyasa is compulsory at the age of fifty
- The time for administrative rectification and the time for Lord Sri Krsna's appearance coincided at the end of the last Dvapara-yuga. Therefore when Sri Krsna appeared, Visnu, the Lord of maintenance, merged with Him
- The transcendental Supreme Person, the Supersoul of all living entities, who are in different statuses of life, high and low, existed at the end of the millennium, when neither this manifested cosmos nor anything else but Him existed
- The Vedic activities are so designed that the conditioned soul who has come to enjoy the material world may do so under direction so that at the end he becomes detached from such material enjoyment and is eligible to enter into the transcendental position
- The whole cosmic order is under Me. By My will it is manifested again and again, and by My will it is annihilated at the end. BG 9.8 - 1972
- Then Vrtrasura, the great hero of the demons, whirled his trident, which had points like the flames of the blazing fire at the end of the millennium
- There are a great number of spiritual planets in this atmosphere, and these planets exist eternally, even when all the planets within this material universe are vanquished at the end of Brahma's life
- There are many religious systems wherein penances and austerities are greatly stressed, but at the end no one understands Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There is therefore no point in such penance (tapasya)
- There are two kinds of dissolutions, one during the night of Lord Brahma and one at the end of Lord Brahma's life
- There is electric energy, there is powerhouse, there is the superintending engineer in the powerhouse. So at the end there is living force. Matter cannot work independently. We have no such experience
- There is no doubt that the impersonalists are unnecessarily taking a troublesome path with the risk of not realizing the Absolute Truth at the ultimate end. BG 1972 purports
- There is no need of advertising yourself that "I am religious, I am philosopher, I am yogi." All is nonsense if at the end there is no Krsna consciousness. So if KC is there, so all these things end. And if there is no KC, these are all useless labor
- They (living beings) can happily live and execute their predestined occupations to attain salvation at the end, following the rules and regulations mentioned in the revealed scriptures
- They (Nitya-baddhas) go on merrily with plans, but by the will of the Lord both the planmakers and the plans are annihilated at the end of a certain period, as above mentioned
- They (people) don't know that the householder's concession for sex life can't be regulated unless one accepts the life of a mendicant. The Vedic civilization enjoins that at the end of one's 50th year one must give up household life. This is compulsory
- They (the family men) are foolish because they think that their attachment to their family, even at the end of their lives, will be able to protect them from the cruel hands of death
- They (the Mayavadi philosophers) sometimes take to so-called devotional service, and as long as they are not liberated they continue their devotional service, but at the end, when they become liberated, they "become one with God." BG 1972 purports
- This confidential knowledge is extremely difficult to understand, yet it is very easy to understand if one takes shelter of a pure devotee. This confidential knowledge is also mentioned at the end of Bhagavad-gita
- This is indicated by Krsna in Bhagavad-gita: That which in the beginning may be just like poison, but at the end is like nectar, and which awakens one to self-realization, is said to be happiness in the mode of goodness - BG 18.37
- This kaisora age can be translated as adolescence. At the end of this period all the gopis said, "Krsna is the killer of the attraction of Cupid, and as such He disturbs the patience of all newly-married girls"
- This offering (to the Deity) is called vaikali-bhoga, food offered at the end of the day
- This practice (of chanting Hare Krsna) will purify him (the devotee), and at the end of his life, due to his constant chanting, he will be transferred to the kingdom of God. BG 1972 purports
- This unflinching faith in Lord Krsna prepares one to become a student of Srimad-Bhagavatam, and one who hears Srimad-Bhagavatam from a devotee like Sukadeva Gosvami is sure to attain salvation at the end, as Maharaja Pariksit did
- Those devotees who are constantly engaged in the service of the lotus feet of the Lord achieve not only all material benefits but also all spiritual benefits, for at the end of life they go back home, back to Godhead
- Those who are after the enjoyment of this material world can also take shelter of the great science of Srimad-Bhagavatam, and they will be successful at the end
- Those who are attached to this body, which is meant to be eaten at the end by dogs and jackals, cannot do so
- Those who strictly follow the rules and regulations of householder life engage in sex only once a month, at the end of the menstrual period. As one looks forward to this opportunity, his eyes are overwhelmed by the beauty of his wife
- Thus Dhruva Maharaja, at the end, left his kingdom, which extended all over the earth and was bounded by the great oceans
- Time will come, as we get information from Srimad-Bhagavatam, that at the end of this age, Kali-yuga, if a man lives for twenty to thirty years he'll be considered as the grand old man
- To describe the unlimited pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is not possible, but I now wish to relate the chief incidents and give a synopsis of those pastimes occurring at the end
- To save themselves from the blazing arrows of Indravaha, which resembled the flames of devastation at the end of the millennium, the demons who remained when the rest of their army was killed fled very quickly to their respective homes
- Too much enjoyment of any of the senses (not only sex) results in sinful activities. Therefore one has to become a svami or gosvami at the end of his life
- Uddhava continued, "Although there are descriptions of different processes of self-realization, at the end Krsna recommends that one give up everything and simply surrender unto Him"
- Ultimately everyone will come to Krsna. Not Krsna consciousness, but Krsna. At the end of this world, devastation, they enter into the body of Krsna. They remain there
- Ultimately it is concluded that the body is a product of material nature, and at the end it merges into material nature; therefore, the conclusion should be that the body belongs to material nature
- Under the bodily concept of life and they're fighting like animals, because that is animal life. Therefore Krsna instructs at the end that "You Hindus, Muslims, Christians, this, that, kindly kick out all these conceptions of religion"
- Understanding that Urvasi was pregnant, Pururava returned to his palace. At the end of the year, there at Kuruksetra, he again obtained the association of Urvasi, who was then the mother of a heroic son
- Unfortunately, there is no training even in childhood, nor can one give up his family life even at the end. This is the situation with the city of Puranjana, figuratively described in these (SB 4th canto chapter 28) verses
- Unless the gross materialist develops a sense of loving service unto the Supreme Lord, the seer of both the transcendental and material worlds, he should remember or meditate upon the universal form of the Lord at the end of his prescribed duties
- Unless we are established in Krsna consciousness, all of our activities will be baffled at the end. This is not the verdict of an ordinary man, but of Sri Krsna Himself
- Venu is very small, not more than six inches long, with six holes for whistling. Murali is about eighteen inches long with a hole at the end and four holes on the body of the flute. This kind of flute produces a very enchanting sound
- Vyasadeva appeared at the end of Dvapara-yuga as the son of Satyavati, and therefore the word dvapara-adau, or "the beginning of Dvapara-yuga," in this context means just prior to the beginning of the Kali-yuga
- We are always full of anxieties, and at last there is death. This is material life. We work very hard, struggle for..., struggle hard for existence, and that also, at the end, we die
- We consider economic development to be the most important thing, forgetting how long we shall live here in this material world. Economic development or no economic development, at the end of sixty or a hundred years our life will be finished
- We shall continuously perform the sankirtana-yajna and continuously chant the Hare Krsna mantra. Then at the end of our lives we shall certainly be able to remember Krsna, and our program of life will be successful
- Whatever their position, certainly Jaya and Vijaya always thought of Krsna. Therefore at the end of the mausala-lila, these two associates of the Lord returned to Krsna
- When I come to Bombay at the end of this month or the beginning of next month, if he can arrange my lecture on Bhagavad-gita in all colleges and universities, I shall speak to the students very gladly
- When the body of the child is completely formed at the end of six months, the child, if he is male, begins to move on the right side, and if female, she tries to move on the left side
- Whenever there is talk of the impersonal Brahman in the beginning, the Supreme Personality is finally established at the end
- While you are human being, you, if you utilize your life in that way, then at the end, when you give up this body, you go back to Godhead for eternal life, eternal bliss, eternal knowledge and live happily, without any material miseries
- Within one hour, the whole Bhagavad-gita was discussed, and Sri Krsna set forth the perfection of all yoga systems to His friend Arjuna. At the end of this great discourse, Arjuna set aside his misgivings and fought
- Woman, who is very attractive in the beginning but in the end very disturbing, is exactly like the flower, which is attractive in the beginning and detestable at the end
- You can fix up the Hindi High School Program as you have proposed, and we shall go. You can fix it for three weeks from now at the end of September
- You can go back to home, back to Godhead at the end of this life. So, my request is that you take it up very boldly and finish your business in this material world
- You have also described (at the end of the Fifth Canto) the varieties of hellish life that result from impious activities & you have described (in the Fourth Canto) the first manvantara, which was presided over by Svayambhuva Manu, the son of Lord Brahma
- You should take advice from a man who can give you right direction, so at the end you may not be ashamed; you may be glorious
- You will have to accept another body. And what is that body? That is not stated. That will be decided at the end of your life, at the time of your death, at the condition of your mind and intelligence at that time
- Yudhisthira sufficiently remunerated the priests & learned sages for their engagement in the execution of the sacrifice & after performing all this, he took bath. This bath at the end of the sacrifice is also technical. It is called the avabhrtha bath