Category:Advancing in Devotional Service to God
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Pages in category "Advancing in Devotional Service to God"
The following 112 pages are in this category, out of 112 total.
- A devotee is concerned with his execution of devotional service, and he should therefore mix with devotees only, in order to advance his objective. He has no business mixing with others
- A devotee is inspired by the Supersoul within the heart to advance in devotional service in a variety of ways. The devotee does not feel hackneyed or stereotyped, nor does he feel that he is in a stagnant position
- A devotee may act as an ordinary human being or as a strict follower of Vedic injunctions. In either case, everything he does is favorable for the advancement of devotional service because he is in Krsna consciousness
- A madhyama-adhikari is a sraddhavan, a staunchly faithful person, and he is actually a candidate for further advancement in devotional service
- A pure devotee is not envious, hateful, or lazy in the discharge of devotional service. Confident of his advancement, he continually performs his prescribed devotional duties. This is called tat-tat-karma-pravartana
- According to Srila Rupa Gosvami, any book which gives enlightenment in the matter of advancing devotional service is considered to be revealed scripture
- According to the cult of devotion, generally known as the Vaisnava cult, there is no bar against anyone's advancing in the matter of God realization. A Vaisnava is powerful enough to turn into a Vaisnava even the Kirata
- Aditi accepted her husband as her guru, so that he would direct her how to advance in spiritual consciousness, devotional service, by worshiping the Supreme Lord
- Advancement in devotional service, or Krsna consciousness, is characterized by increasing renunciation of material enjoyment
- Advancement of devotional service means
- After attaining this liberated stage, one has to become engaged in devotional service to the Lord. After attainment of the brahma-bhuta (liberation) stage one can further advance to engagement in devotional service
- All these different items are favorable in elevating saintly persons situated in santa-rasa to the advanced stage of devotional service
- Although aristocratic birth and other such opulences are impediments to advancement in devotional service because they are causes of false prestige and pride, these opulences never disturb a pure devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- And one should also not be very enthusiastic about constructing new temples, nor should one be enthusiastic about reading various types of books, save and except the ones which lead to the advancement of devotional service
- Anyone who takes part in this movement, regardless of what he is, can gain the topmost result achieved by a perfect sannyasi, namely brahma jnana (spiritual knowledge). Even more important, he can advance in devotional service
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.40), svalpam apy asya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat: "Even a little advancement on this path (of devotional service to God) can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear"
- As one advances in devotional activities, the process becomes progressively clearer and more encouraging. Unless one gets this spiritual encouragement by following the instructions of the spiritual master, it is not possible to make advancement
- As one advances in devotional service, all his doubts are completely eradicated (bhidyate hrdaya-granthis chidyante sarva-samsayah). Thus the knot of his desire for fruitive activities is cut to pieces
- As one advances in devotional service, he attains love of Godhead, and as he advances in this love, he becomes free from all material bondage
- Atonement is certainly unnecessary when one has achieved spontaneous love and, above that, attachment with love, which are signs of increasing advancement in kadacitki. Even in the stage of abhasa-rupa bhakti, all the reactions of sinful life are uprooted
- Being enthusiastic, being confident, being patient, giving up the association of unwanted persons, following the regulative principles and remaining in the association of devotees - one is sure to advance in devotional service
- Being so favored by the Lord, Brahma's schemes and plans are all infallible. If sometimes Brahma is seen to be bewildered, he is bewildered by seeing the action of the internal potency, that is also for his further advancement in transcendental service
- Bhagavata says that religious principle is first-class. Which one? Sa vai pumsam paro dharmo yato bhaktir adhoksaje (SB 1.2.6). That religion which helps you to advance your devotional service and love of God. That's all
- Bhakti means one who advances in bhakti, he becomes..., he has no more any taste for material enjoyment. The more one increases in bhakti cult, he decreases his tendency for material enjoyment. That is the test
- Bhaktim param devotional service is so potent that the more one advances in this line, the more he loses his attraction for material life
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura writes in this connection that Sri Radha-kunda is the most select place for those interested in advancing their devotional service in the wake of the lady friends (sakhis) and confidential serving maids (manjaris) of Radharani
- By developing chanting and hearing, one can advance further and further in regulative devotional service to the Supreme Lord. As one so advances, his misgivings about devotional service and his attraction for the material world proportionately diminish
- By observing the four restrictions and avoiding the ten offenses to the Holy Name (e.g. minimizing the authority of the sastras) you will become qualified to receive the mercy of the Lord and thus advance yourself in His transcendental loving service
- By this, it is clear that a devotee of the Lord in Krsna consciousness should not be satisfied simply by his own advancement in devotional service; he must be willing to work for the welfare of all others
- Despite all kinds of impediments due to surrounding circumstances, he (a perfect devotee) automatically perseveres in devotional service and gradually advances until he once again becomes perfect
- Devotional service must be without any material ambition and there is no material impediment which can check advancement in devotional service
- Even if there is no continuity, if only by chance a person takes interest in a pure devotee's instruction, he can be accepted and advance in devotional service
- Everyone has got a particular relationship with Krsna in his original, constitutional position. That will be revealed gradually as you advance in devotional service in the prescribed rules and regulation. That is called svarupa-siddhi
- He (a devotee) should not lament for any loss or any reverse in his advancement in spiritual life. This patience (dhairya) is the third positive item for advancing in devotional service
- He (a materialistic devotee) is to be considered on the material platform, although he is trying to advance in devotional service. Such a person is a bhakta-praya (neophyte devotee), or bhaktabhasa, for he is a little enlightened by Vaisnava philosophy
- He (a prakrta-bhakta) may, however, follow the regulative principles learned from his spiritual master or from his family who worships the Deity. He is to be considered on the material platform, although he is trying to advance in devotional service
- He (an intermediate devotee) becomes a first-class devotee when, in the course of advancing in devotional service, he feels an intimate relationship with all living entities, seeing them as part and parcel of the Supreme Person
- He (the author of Caitanya-caritamrta) says - Let the neophyte devotees - the devotees who are very expert in arguing though they have no sense of advanced devotional service, who think themselves very advanced because they imitate some smarta-brahmana
- He is initiated, the activities begins officially. Then as he make advance in activities in devotional service, then all the unwanted things - the so-called illicit sex life, meat-eating, drinking, gambling, even up to smoking and drinking tea - finished
- I am the soul, which is eternal, after using the body for some time I have to accept another body (tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13)), according to the laws of nature, unless I render some service with the body for advancement in devotional service
- If a person is actually liberal and intelligent, he can advance and become perfect in devotional service even if he has material desires and serves the Lord with some motive
- If someone engages in devotional service in all seriousness, the Lord instructs him in two ways - through the pure devotee and from within - so that he can advance in devotional service. By cultivating such devotional service, he becomes perfect
- If someone excels another person, the devotee who is excelled thinks how fortunate the other person is to be advancing in devotional service. Such nonenvy is typical of Vaikuntha. However, when one is envious of his competitor, that is material
- If someone takes to the transcendental service of the Lord, even without discharging his prescribed duties, whatever he may be able to advance in the cause is accepted by the Lord (buddhi-yoga). BG 1972 purports
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that bhakti, devotional service, must be unconditional. No material impediments can actually check the advancement of devotional service, be it executed by a common man or a king
- In the beginning, one has to hear from a bona fide spiritual master. This is favorable for advancing in devotional service
- Knowledge gives one the preference to accept devotional service. Unless one comes to the platform of knowledge, the brahma-bhuta stage, one cannot advance in devotional service
- Krsna consciousness - devotional service itself - is the only way of advancing in devotional life. Devotional service is absolute; it is both the cause and the effect
- Krsna explains to Uddhava that the mechanical process of speculative knowledge and yoga is not necessary for advancing in devotional service
- Krsna is very responsive. He responds in proportion to the devotee's advancement in devotional service
- One can rise to this platform of (transcendental) knowledge by the gradual process of advancing in devotional service, or Krsna consciousness
- One can rise to this platform of knowledge by the gradual process of advancing in devotional service, or Krsna consciousness
- One can take advantage of regulative explanations of the path of devotional service and make progressive advancement in the devotional service of the Lord
- One may be able to perform one item or many items, according to one's capacity, but it is the principal factor of complete attachment to devotional service that makes one advance on the path
- One should not give up anything which can be utilized in the service of the Lord. That is a secret of devotional service. Anything that can be utilized in advancing Krsna consciousness and devotional service should be accepted
- One should not use the body for any other purpose (than advancing in devotional service). One must know that if he uses the body for any other purpose he is simply wasting time, for as soon as the time is ripe, the soul will automatically leave the body
- One who is actually serious about advancing in devotional service should desire only to satisfy the previous acaryas
- Only to the devotees does the Lord give instructions by which to advance further and further in devotional service. To others, the nondevotees, the Lord gives instructions according to the manner of their surrender
- Out of affection they (the devotees who want some benefit) ask the Lord for some material benefit, and when they get it they become so satisfied that they also advance in devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- Sages are naturally inclined to do good to the common man, and when they see a personality like Maharaja Pariksit advance in devotional service, their pleasure knows no bounds, and they offer all blessings in their power
- Simply chant and you get the result. And those who are chanting, those who have joined this movement, those who are seriously engaged, ask them how they are advancing, how they are realizing. The method is very simple
- Sometimes a neophyte devotee or ordinary person thinks highly of speculative knowledge, austerity, penances and renunciation, thinking them the only path for advancement in devotional service. Actually this is not a fact
- That is the test. Test means bhakti paresanubhavo viraktir anyatra syat: if you are actually advancing in bhakti, devotional service, then automatically you don't like these nonsense practices: no illicit sex, no meat eating, no gambling, no intoxication
- The ability to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead or to see Him or talk with Him depends on one's advancement in devotional service, which is called bhakti
- The atmarama stage, is possible when the Lord bestows His mercy upon a devotee for his advanced devotional activity. It is the highest perfectional stage because one cannot reach it unless one has attained pure love of God
- The best process for advancing in devotional service is to abide by the orders of the spiritual master, for only by his direction can one conquer the senses
- The four Kumaras inaugurated their own spiritual party, or sampradaya, known as the Kumara-sampradaya, or later on as the Nimbarka-sampradaya, for the advancement of bhakti
- The more one advances in bhakti-yoga, he becomes humbler, because he has nothing to do with this material world
- The more one advances in devotional activities, the more one can understand Him (Krsna) as He is
- The more one advances in sattva-guna, the more his brilliance is exhibited by devotional service, but the more one is covered by rajo-guna and tamo-guna, the less visible his brilliance, for he is covered by these qualities
- The more one makes advancement in devotional service, the more one becomes detached from material opulence and material activity. This is the spiritual nature, full of bliss
- The neophyte devotee serious about advancing in devotional service must carefully follow the principles of regulative devotional service; otherwise there is every possibility of his falling down
- The nursery school program is very good. That is good that the mothers are being freed to increase their devotional service. It is not that women should only produce children, but they are meant for advancing in devotion
- The sixty-four regulative principles (of devotional service) are as follows: (4) To receive instructions from the spiritual master and inquire about advancing on the path of devotional service
- The state of being established in My personal form is called santa-rasa, and without being situated in this position, no one can advance to actual pure devotional service
- The Vaisnavas generally do not worship any demigods. Srila Narottama dasa Thakura has strictly forbidden all worship of the demigods for anyone who wants to advance in pure devotional service
- Then, as he (the advancing devotee) associates with devotees and tries to adopt the means instructed by the spiritual master in his own life, his misgivings and other obstacles are vanquished by his execution of devotional service
- There are six positive items for advancing in DS. First, while one should not be enthusiastic to attain material achievements, one should be very enthusiastic to attain the perfectional stage of devotional service. This enthusiasm is called utsaha
- There are two symptoms of advancement in the process of devotional service, just as there are two processes while eating. A hungry man feels strength and satisfaction from eating, and at the same time he gradually becomes detached from eating any more
- There are two ways of advancing in spiritual culture - by the method of the impersonalist philosophers and by devotional service
- They are not fit for advancing in devotional service, or Krsna consciousness. Such materialistic persons are interested in newspaper stories, novels and imaginary dramas
- This (SB 11.2.42) is the test by which one can tell whether he is advancing in devotional service
- This hankering for advancement in devotional service is not the same as hankering for sense gratification in material existence. In other words, hankering remains in spiritual life, but it becomes purified
- This is a special concession for a devotee. Even if he attains a body that is nonhuman, by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead he advances further in devotional service, whether by remembering his past life or by natural causes
- This is called utsahan niscayad dhairyat tat-tat-karma-pravartanat, enthusiastically executing the regulative activities of devotional service with patience and confidence. In this way one can advance in devotional service without hindrance
- This is the mentality of one who is becoming a pure devotee. When one is elevated to the platform of devotional service by the grace of the Lord and the spiritual master, one first regrets his past sinful activities. This helps one advance
- Those devotees express their feelings in such a way that they automatically melt with ecstasy, and many transcendental symptoms become manifested in their bodies. Anyone desiring advancement in DS must follow in the footsteps of such devotees
- Those who are situated on the platform of santa-rasa get their impetus for advancement in devotional service by smelling the tulasi offered at the lotus feet of the Lord, by hearing the sound of His conchshell, seeing a sanctified place in some mountain
- To advance in devotional service one should be uninterested in the materialistic way of life. That which is the subject matter of satisfaction for the devotees is of no interest to the nondevotees
- To make rapid advancement in the cult of devotional service one should be very active and should persevere in executing the duties specified in the revealed scriptures and confirmed by the spiritual master
- Unless one comes to the platform of knowledge, the brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) stage, one cannot advance in devotional service
- Unless one hears about Sri Krsna from authorities, one cannot make advancement in devotion to Sri Krsna. The revealed scriptures mention nine means of attaining devotional service, of which the first and foremost is hearing from authority
- We can increase our propensity for devotional service by hearing Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam from realized souls. The more we hear from realized souls, the more we make advancement in our devotional life
- We must be disinfected. This is the real process. So we have to taste it. Advancement of devotional service means proportionately we become detached to material attraction
- We should begin our devotional service in whichever position we are. It isn't that we have to learn something extra for advancing in devotional service
- When a person advances in bhakti, it is natural that many persons will come to him requesting to become disciples and will offer him some material gains
- When he (a person) is still further advanced (in devotional service), he can realize that the Absolute Truth is a person with multienergies
- When I hear of your advancement of devotional service by book distribution, it invigorates me although I am an old man. Although I am traveling all over the world, my mind is always in Los Angeles
- When one is freed from all unwanted contamination, he advances with firm faith. When firm faith in devotional service awakens, a taste for hearing and chanting also awakens
- When one is not affected by the bodily conceptions, one can advance to the Lord's devotional service. The more we advance our freedom from the bodily conception, the more we are fixed in devotional service, and the more we are happy and peaceful
- When the fast days overlap with other days (viddha), they are helpful in the advancement of devotional service
- When the mind is in touch with the impersonal Brahman one becomes satisfied, but one must advance further to render service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for one's remaining merged in the Brahman effulgence is not always assured
- When the senses are purified by the process of hearing, chanting, remembering, and worshiping the lotus feet of the holy Deity, etc., the Lord reveals Himself proportionately to the advancement of the quality of devotional service
- When we actually advance in devotional service and chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra offenselessly, we will realize that Krsna and His name are nondifferent
- Advance
- Advancement
- Devotional Service to God
- Stages of Devotional Service to God - Umbrella Category
- Devotional Service to God - Umbrella Category
- Nurturing Devotional Service to God - Umbrella Category
- Devotional Service and Krsna Consciousness - Umbrella Category
- Advance - Umbrella Category
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