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Pages in category "Administrators"
The following 88 pages are in this category, out of 88 total.
- A king is not allowed to take contribution. Because he is administrator, he can tax, so his source of income is tax. And the brahmanas' source of income is contribution because they are rendering transcendental service
- Akrura continued, "Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto You (Krsna), who appeared as the Lord of the Bhrgus in order to kill all the infidel administrators of the world"
- All these energies are invested in the administrators of the material world, namely Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Lord Visnu, and also in Indra (the King of the heavenly planets), Candra, Varuna and the sun-god
- Arjuna was renowned as a great warrior and administrator. He was such an intelligent man that he could understand Bhagavad-gita within one hour, whereas at the present moment great scholars cannot even understand it in the course of a lifetime
- As for good qualities, it is very difficult to find anyone in state administration with any good qualities. The administrators simply sit in their administrative posts and say no to every request, as if they were paid to say no to the citizens
- Either you become intelligent class of men or you become administrator or you become mercantile class or laborer, if you engage yourself in Krsna consciousness then your position is transcendental. You are no more in the material nature
- Even the animals were given protection by the saintly administrators, not from any sentimental point of view, but because those who have taken their birth in the material world have the right to live
- Every state and its administrators, regardless of the nature of the administration - monarchy or democracy, oligarchy or dictatorship or autocracy - have the prime responsibility to lead the citizens toward God realization
- For a ksatriya, or administrator, there are so many abominable things; a ksatriya has to be violent to kill his enemies, and sometimes a ksatriya has to tell lies for the sake of diplomacy. BG 1972 purports
- For upkeep of the society, human society, there must be intelligent class of men, there must be administrator class of men, there must be productive class of men and there must be worker class of men
- He (God) does not favor either of the unwanted administrators, but by His potential power He creates hostility between such unwanted administrators, as the air creates fire in the forest by the friction of the bamboos
- How is it that educated philosophers, scientists, businessmen, administrators and all the leaders of ordinary men do not surrender to the lotus feet of Sri Krsna, the all-powerful Personality of Godhead? BG 1972 purports
- If one is an administrator, statesman, warrior, politician, etc., then one should try to establish the Lord's supremacy in statesmanship. Fight for the cause of the Lord as Sri Arjuna did
- If the people who are administering justice, they become irreligious, impious, oh, how troublesome situation! This is the first acclamation
- In His personal form, Krsna is just like a cowherd boy, and He thinks of Himself in that way. But when He is in the Vasudeva form, He thinks of Himself as the son of a ksatriya and acts as a princely administrator
- In Kali-yuga, the position of the citizens is very horrible because taxes are exacted in so many forms and are spent for the personal comforts of the administrators
- In the age of Kali there are so many pretenders dressed and posed like administrators or executive heads, but their real identity is disclosed when they are challenged by a real ksatriya
- In the Age of Kali, mlecchas, or lowborn people who have not undergone the purifying process of samskara, who do not know how to apply that process in actual life & who are covered by the modes of passion & ignorance will take the posts of administrators
- In the age of Kali, the sudra class of men are in the posts of administrators, and the cows and bulls, or the mothers and the fathers, unprotected by the vaisyas, are subjected to the slaughterhouses organized by the sudra administrators
- In the human society, whether one is a laborer, merchant, warrior, administrator, or farmer, or even if one belongs to the highest class, a scientist or a theologian, he has to work in order to maintain his existence. BG 1972 Introduction
- Modern administrators raise subscriptions for some political functions, but never give charity to the citizens in any state function. It is just the reverse in the injunctions of the sastras
- Modern administrators want to issue licenses for gambling houses, wine & other intoxicating drug houses, brothels, hotel prostitution & cinema houses, & falsity in every dealing, even in their own, at the same time to drive out corruption from the state
- Pariksit Maharaja was not a foolish and partial administrator who would arrange for the protection of one living being and allow another to be killed
- Persons promoted to the post of the administrator without proper training by culture and tradition
- Powerful administrators are rulers of the poor citizens by dress or office, but factually they are worthless, lower-class men without the cultural assets of the twice-born
- Sinless means they should not indulge in these four prohibited principles. Others may do. But the leaders, the political executive, administrators, and the priests who are conducting the church, they must be free from sinful life
- Such administrators quarrel every day among themselves
- Sudra means workers. They haven't got much intelligence, neither they can work as administrator or traders, but they work and get some salary
- The administrative heads as a class will condemn the tenets of Vedic wisdom and will prefer to conduct a so-called secular state, and the so-called educated brahmanas will be purchased by such unscrupulous administrators
- The administrators can remain safely under the protection of the arms of the Lord
- The administrators cannot prevent corrupt activities by allowing wine shops. They must at once close all shops of intoxicating drugs and wine and force punishment even by death for those who indulge in habits of intoxication of all description
- The administrators should never pretend to become nonviolent and thereby go to hell. When Arjuna wanted to become a nonviolent coward on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, he was severely chastised by Lord Krsna
- The administrators should not simply pass resolutions for anticorruptional steps, but they must be ready with sharp swords to kill the persons creating corruptions from the angle of vision of the recognized sastras
- The brahmanas (intelligentsia) emanate from the face (of God), the ksatriyas (warriors and administrators) emanate from the arms, the vaisyas (farmers and merchants) emanate from the thighs, and the sudras (laborers) emanate from the feet
- The brahmanas and the sannyasis are expert in the spiritual advancement of society, whereas the ksatriyas or the administrators are expert in the material peace and prosperity of human society. Both of them are the pillars of all happiness
- The brahmin means the most intelligent class of men in the society. Ksatriya means the administrators, the politicians, the rulers of the society. Vaisya means the productive class, traders, industrialists, those who are producing money or food, vaisya
- The demigods are empowered administrators of material affairs. The supply of air, light, water and all other benedictions for maintaining the body and soul of every living entity are entrusted to the demigods. BG 1972 purports
- The demigods in the celestial heavenly planets, who are appointed administrators of the material affairs, are also devotees of the Lord. But, at the same time, they have desires for material opulence and sense gratification
- The devotees of the Lord or the faithful are persecuted by all means. All these symptoms indicate the time of an incarnation of the Lord to reestablish the principles of religion and to vanquish the maladministrators. This is also confirmed in the BG
- The four social orders - generally known as the "caste system" and consisting of the brahmanas (priests), the ksatriyas (administrators), the vaisyas (merchants and farmers), and the sudras (laborers) - were never meant for a caste system by birthright
- The great administrators, kings and emperors were always under the guidance of learned brahmanas like Krpacarya and thus were able to act properly in the discharge of political responsibilities
- The intelligent class of men, or brahmanas, may give direction for such sacrifices in consultation with the previous acaryas; the administrators may give all facilities to perform such sacrifices
- The king, as the administrator of the state, executed his duties as a servant of the brahmanas. It was not that the kings or brahmanas were dictators, nor did they consider themselves proprietors of the state
- The kings or administrators are similarly chastised in all circumstances whenever they become godless and plan a godless civilization. That is the order of the Almighty
- The ksatriya, or the man who is qualified to protect the sufferers, is meant to rule the state. Untrained lower-class men, or men without ambition to protect the sufferers, cannot be placed on the seat of an administrator
- The ksatriyas, or the ruling administrators of any part of the universe, either on this planet or on other planets, are factually the representatives of the Almighty God, and they are meant to lead the subjects towards the path of God realization
- The Lord appears by His internal potency just to save the saner section of humanity and to alleviate the burden due to the earthly administrators in different parts of the world
- The Lord descends from His abode (Krsnaloka), the topmost planet in the spiritual sky, in order to help the demigod administrators of this material world when they are greatly vexed by the asuras, who are envious not only of God but also of His devotees
- The Lord's (Krsna) chest is the abode of the goddess of fortune. His moonlike face is the drinking vessel for eyes which hanker after all that is beautiful. His arms are the resting places for the administrative demigods
- The most perfect of living beings is Brahma, the supreme administrator of one universe. He possesses seventy-eight percent of the attributes in full
- The organized society should be that there should be first-class men, brahmana. They would give advice to the second-class men, the administrators. And the administrator class of men, they will see that everyone is following the religious principles
- The principal sign of the age of Kali is that lower-caste sudras, i.e., men without brahminical culture and spiritual initiation, will be dressed like administrators or kings
- The rsis in those days, however, could not even imagine that in the advanced days of the age of Kali the lowest of the sudras will be elected as administrators and will open organized slaughterhouses for killing cows
- The so-called administrators are all untrained in the affairs of a ksatriya. The ksatriyas are meant for administration, as the brahmanas are meant for knowledge and guidance
- The so-called administrators are now bewildered by the influence of this age of Kali, and thus they have put all state affairs into disorder. Are you now lamenting this disorder?
- The unwanted administrators, puffed up by false power and military strength, thus become engaged in fighting amongst themselves over ideological conflicts and so exhaust themselves of all powers. The history of the world reflects this
- The word ksatra-bandhu refers to the so-called administrators or persons promoted to the post of the administrator without proper training by culture and tradition
- The word ksatra-bandhu refers to the so-called administrators or persons promoted to the post of the administrator without proper training by culture and tradition. Nowadays they are promoted to such exalted posts by the votes of the people
- There must be ideal, first-class men to act as advisors, second-class men to act as administrators, third-class men to produce food and protect cows, and fourth-class men who obey the three higher classes of society
- They (modern administrators) want the kingdom of God without God consciousness. How can it be possible to adjust two contradictory matters?
- They (those who are not actually philosophers, scientists, educators, administrators, etc.,) simply manufacture their own worldly plans and consequently complicate the problems of material existence in their vain attempts to solve them. BG 1972 purports
- They should learn from the Srimad-Bhagavatam how ideal the administrators must be before they can be given charge of different posts
- Those who are not actually philosophers, scientists, educators, administrators, etc., but who pose themselves as such for material gain, do not accept the plan or path of the Supreme Lord. They have no idea of God. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are qualified in goodness, they can be called as brahmin. Those who are qualified with passion, they can be called a ksatriya. Ksatriya means the politicians, administrators. brahmin means highly learned scholars, philosophers, theosophist
- When misuse of human energy is prominent, the saner living beings become perturbed by the awkward situation created by the vicious administrators, who are simply burdens of the earth
- When the people of a state abide by the laws, administration is easy, but if people are criminals they overburden the state administrators. A similar situation sometimes upsets the balance of the cosmic affairs of this material world
- When the ruling administrators, who are known as the ksatriyas, turned astray from the path of the Absolute Truth, being desirous to suffer in hell, the Lord, in His incarnation as the sage Parasurama, uprooted those unwanted kings
- When the world is overrun by demons and atheists, they create a burden, and the demigods, the pious administrators of the universe, become perplexed
- When there are too much criminals in the state, unlawful, lawlessness, the state becomes overburdened, disturbed, overburdened. At that time the administrators are puzzled what to do
- When there is too much lawlessness and there are too many criminals, the state becomes overburdened and disturbed, and the state administrators are puzzled about what to do
- When they saw that now full non-cooperation, they left voluntarily. It is not possible to bring so many administrators, military strength, men. Actually this British Empire was expanding through the help of Indians
- Whenever there are anomalies in this routine work by the administrators, there is an incarnation of the Lord to reestablish the principles of a godly kingdom
- Whenever there are kings and administrators living like animals in the lowest modes of existence, the Lord in His transcendental form manifests His supreme power, the Truth Positive, shows special mercy to the faithful