While I was in Boston, you presented me a set of original Sanskrit Srimad-Bhagavatam with your affectionate letter signed by all the devotees. It was a great opportunity in the Boston Temple and I enjoyed the days very much with your company. Please try to develop your center likewise. In Boston always 50 to 100s of devotees chanting, dancing and engaged in Krishna conscious business. That is the aim of our Krishna Consciousness Movement. We do not want stopping the natural instincts of the living entities. We simply want them to be dovetailed in Krishna's service.
Boston (Letters 1970)
1970 Correspondence
Your letter dated December 21 along with the picture of the new house was duly received by me while I was in Boston and we enjoyed the few days of meeting together in that Temple. It was a great transcendental pleasure to meet you all. Your statement in the letter, "All glories to Sankirtana, Prasadam and Srimad-Bhagavatam" is very welcome. Before coming to your country, when I was in India and I was planning to come here, I was thinking in the same way. I was thinking that my preaching work in this country would be a difficult job for me on account of the country's position being completely different from the principles of Bhakti cult. At that time I was also thinking of chanting and dancing in Sankirtana as well as distributing prasadam in the matter of my preaching Bhagavatam. So this planning has by the grace of my Guru Maharaja and Krishna become successful in the practical field.
I am informed by Sriman Syamasundara das Adhikari that in connection with the contribution of Sriman George Harrison for publishing my book, Krishna, you were advised to contact me in my Boston Temple. But I have left Boston Temple on the 29th of December and now my present address is ISKCON Temple, 1975 La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90034. So you can contact me here in this connection. In the meantime, I am advising my representative Sriman Brahmananda Brahmacari, president of my New York Temple, and he is authorized to deal on my behalf in this connection. I am advising him (Brahmananda) also to see you in this connection.
Don't be in a hurry. You are engaged in more important business to organize the Hawaii center and I wish it may be converted into New Navadvipa Dhama. In Navadvipa Dhama there is a railroad station called Samudragarh, and it is said that sometimes the ocean was there. So, on the Pacific Ocean, if you can establish New Navadvipa, that will be a great achievement. I am sure your husband, with your cooperation, will be able to do it very quickly. When I was in London, I was wearing on your cloak daily because there it was severe cold. But this side is very nice. It is not cold at all. So when I get back the coat which you have sent to Boston, surely I shall utilize it properly.
I am in due receipt of your letter dated January 5, 1970. I am so glad to learn that you are going to be married with Citsukhananda on Sunday, 11th January, at the Radha-Krishna Temple. I like this marriage ceremony because it has given practical proof of my ideas that boys and girls of this country better be married and engaged in preaching work. By the grace of Krishna, our centers managed by the married couples, like Boston, Hawaii, Detroit, New Vrindaban, St. Louis and Buffalo, etc., are doing very well. Similarly, when you are married, as it was discussed in Los Angeles, you also go somewhere, probably in Mexico as you desire, and organize a center there and start an edition of BTG in Spanish language. Our BTG in French language and German language are improving sales and people are appreciating. So why not in Spanish language, which you know well and I think Citsukhananda also knows well. So this is very good news. I was, since a long time, thinking of your marriage. Now Krishna has given you this opportunity. Utilize it properly and be happy. I am glad to learn that Hamsaduta is going to officiate the ministerial function in the marriage, and I think he has got the tape of all the mantras in this connection. So be married, chant Hare Krishna and be happy. This is what I want.
I beg to acknowledge I am in due receipt of your letters dated 24th and 31st of December 1969. So, I am very glad that you are determined to go ahead in Krishna Consciousness and, if you remain serious and steady, certainly you will make infallible progress. Of course, Maya is very strong, there is a chance of our falling down at any moment, but if we are able to catch hold of Krishna's lotus feet by chanting the Hare Krishna mantra, then Krishna gives us all protection from the onslaught attack by Maya. Remember this principle always and follow the footsteps of Jayapataka, he is very good example, and, even there is some misunderstanding, try to tolerate and don't be agitated. I am very glad to learn that you appreciate the activities of our Boston Temple, and I was also very pleased to see their routine work.
Regarding Art Department, Muralidhara has already gone to Boston, and now you have a good board of artists. And I am glad that Devahuti is also returning, so all combined together produce at least one nice picture daily.
That does not matter because you are not personally tending me in Boston, that is formality. I want to see that all my disciples are engaged 24 hours in the service of the Lord. If one is engaged full time in the service of the Lord, under my direction, that is my personal service.
I am so glad to receive your letter, dated 25 December, 1969, addressed to Boston and now redirected here. I have come to Los Angeles on the 29th ultimo. I am living in a very nice house for which they are paying $600 per month. The house is very calm and quiet and quite suitable for my work, and two devotees are always engaged to assist me. I go, every morning, for a walk in the nice neighborhood called Beverly Hills. So everything is alright here, temperature, atmosphere, facilities, by Krishna's Grace. The Temple here is also well managed. Every day they are going to perform Sankirtana on the streets, twice, and, on the average, they are collecting not less than $200 daily. So, our only means of subsistence is Krishna's grace and all our needs are fulfilled by the Lord. I am getting reports from all other centers that all of them are selling Back to Godhead everyday from 50 to 400 copies per day, according to the importance of the local situation.
I beg to thank you for your New Year's greeting card which I have received here in L.A. after returning from London via Boston. I am so glad to see your quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam about the socialistic view of Sri Narada Muni. It is very nice and I have also mentioned it in the preface of my first volume of Srimad-Bhagavatam. Krishna Consciousness Movement is so nice that it can adjust the disagreement between socialism and capitalism. At the present moment, neither of these isms is perfect from the philosophical point of view, but if both parties take this common formula of Krishna Consciousness each one will supplement the other. I think, therefore, that this Krishna Consciousness Movement should be pushed thoroughly all over the world and I am seeing practically that it has got powerful effect.
The following books are being sent to you by separate post: Sri Isopanisad, Two Essays and Back to Godhead published by our own ISKCON Press in Boston.
I do not follow what you mean by that they are starting to sell samosas. We should not sell any Prasadam, we shall distribute Prasadam and we can ask for contributions. That should be the method. But our magazines should be sold as many as possible and I am glad to learn that sometimes you are selling more than 200 copies.
Now Brahmananda will be going to Boston for the further development of the center and one of the items I suggested before should be to distribute free copies of BTG to a group of respectable persons every month with special reference to presidents of the foundations who are inclined to give contributions to religious institutions. You may convey this message to Satsvarupa and Brahmananda. Hope this will find you alright.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 31 December, 1969 and have duly noted the contents. I have just arrived here in Los Angeles from London via Boston and your letter was forwarded to me here.
Please inform Yamuna devi that I have her nice letter, and I shall reply it in due course. Also offer my blessings to all devotees, Janaki, Malati and all others. Ask Gurudasa to send me some pictures of the Installation Ceremony and some of them may be directly sent to Boston for publication in BTG.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your two letters post dated 2 and 4 January, 1970 respectively, the former redirected here from Boston.
You have inquired about my books and I am pleased to report that three volumes of Srimad-Bhagavatam and one small booklet entitled "Easy Journey to Other Planets" were published from India. And since I have come to the Western countries, Messrs. MacMillan and Company have published my book Bhagavad-gita As It Is, and my Society has published Teachings of Lord Caitanya and Sri Isopanisad. Now by the Grace of Srila Prabhupada we have got our own press in Boston. On this press our Srimad-Bhagavatam shall be printed up to the Sixth Canto starting from the month of February.
Recently, in the month of October, we have purchased one house in Boston at a cost of $70,000 and have started our own press at a cost of $20,000. You will be pleased to know that the American boys took to work in some professional press to learn the arts of operating press work, bookbinding etc. They earned some money by so working and now they have started the press working themselves; otherwise, it would not have been possible. So Your Holiness' blessings for these sincere devotees are very much welcome.
Regarding opening account in Boston: is there any branch of First National City Bank of New York? If not, then the present account in N.Y. should be continued. Another, separate account in same Boston bank where ISKCON has got its account may be opened. In that case you may send me the requisite papers. I want to continue the account in N.Y. because this account is coming down since I have stepped in your country, and sometimes the bank reference gives good facilities. Last time this bank's good reference resulted in my immigration visa without difficulty; otherwise we were struggling for it for three years.
Regarding the small press which you have purchased, I do not think you can divert your attention for printing separately our message because that will require a separate energy and will not help in the matter of selling our BTG. If they receive such pamphlets, they will not be inclined to purchase BTG. Whatever you want to publish, you can send it in an article form to Boston for being printed in BTG, and with your Sankirtana Party you may concentrate the selling of BTG as far as possible.
P.S. your letter addressed to Boston address is certainly missing.
Whatever is suitable for you I shall do, but today I am sending another tape herewith. The edited copies should be four, out of which one may be sent to Boston, one to me and two may be kept by you for future reference. The original transcription copy also may be sent to Satsvarupa.
I am so glad that you are giving attention to selling our books, and you have got a good assistant also. You will be pleased to know that George Harrison has paid the entire expenditure ($19,000) for printing our Krishna picture book, and very soon I am going to send the MS to Japan. Our own press is now busy with other books.
Regarding the tapes; I think the distribution to many centers is becoming puzzling. Therefore, I will send the tapes one to Boston and the other to Detroit alternately. I think that will solve the problem. So I will go on doing that, and you be in correspondence with Bhagavan das and do the needful. Regarding the demons' tilak: There is no necessity of putting Saivite tilaka on their foreheads, although most of the demons are like that. When there is particular mention that a demon is the devotee of Lord Siva, in that case the Saivite tilaka may be marked.
You will find in the enclosed copy of the letter that Dalmia-Jayan Trust has contributed one pair of Murti, and similarly the Birla Trust has contributed four pairs of Murtis. Now I request you to carry these Murtis to America by your shipping line. The Murtis are being prepared in Vrindaban, under the direction of Sri H.S. Sharma, Secretary to Dalmia Jayan Trust. The Murtis are already packed and ready for dispatch, so on hearing from you, immediately they will be sent to your care for being carried by your shipping lines to the respective destinations; namely Boston, Montreal, New York and Los Angeles. So kindly send your instructions to the following address: H. S. Sharma, Dalmia Charitable Trust, 4 Scindia House, New Delhi.
Please be in correspondence about German BTG publishing with Brahmananda. He is now staying in Boston and coming to New York every weekend.
With great difficulty, I was able to get the "P" Form passed by the Controller of Foreign Exchange, and, someway or other, I reached Boston on 17th September, 1965. I was thinking, while on board the ship "Jaladuta," why Krishna had brought me to this country. I knew that Western people are too much addicted to so many forbidden things according to our Vedic conception of life. So out of sentiment I wrote a long poetry addressing Lord Krishna as to what was His purpose in bringing me to this country.
In this way, the younger generation became attracted, and gradually many branches were opened one after another. After New York, the next branch was opened in San Francisco, then in Montreal, then in Boston, and in Los Angeles. We have now the following centers in the States, Canada, Europe, Japan, and Australia: (see insert sheet A following page 2).
In most of the centers our activities are in rented houses, only in Boston and Buffalo we have our own houses. In Boston we have got our own press, ISKCON Press, where our books and magazines are published partially. The major portion is printed outside our press especially in Japan.
It is good news that by joint agreement you are now established as a nice Krsna Consciousness family in Boston center where you are working on the press. Please do persevere and make advancement in this Krsna Consciousness movement. In this connection, I may inform you that now we are in need of devotees who are very well versed in the scriptures. The means of understanding the spirit of the scriptures is to chant regularly sixteen rounds daily without fail and follow the regulative principles rigidly. All our students must carry out these daily duties of regular chanting without offense of ten kinds, following the regulations, and studying our literatures, both in the weekly classes and individually, with close attention for thorough understanding of the transcendental subject.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 12 February, 1970, and I am very glad to know that you are doing well in Boston Temple.
I did not know where you were staying and I was very much anxious about your health, so I wrote to Subala and he has conveyed my message to you. Now I am relieved to learn that your are engaged in cooking and your injury is healing nicely. I am also feeling very well here in Los Angeles. Gargamuni has rented a nice house with a sunny compound for me, and I am being attended by two good boys, Nanda Kumar and Devananda.
Our Isopanisad is now published. This excellent book of God-Consciousness should be introduced as study book for school and college students because it is so nicely explained about God-Consciousness. Any sincere gentleman serious about knowing God-Consciousness must read this book. A little education will make every one aware what is meant by God. It is a challenge to the atheists, agnostic, skeptics and gross materialists. Please get this book in quantities from Boston and try to introduce it.
Brahmananda and Advaita have come here yesterday, and I am giving them advice about our future press activities. They have already printed Isopanisad paperbook very nicely and the price is also very cheap. You may ask Boston to send you copies for sale there in London.
I am very pleased to note that you are nicely engaged in preparing Bhoga at the Boston temple and you are also going on Sankirtana. Please study very carefully all our books and learn our philosophy with the help of our many experienced students there in Boston, and remain happy in Krsna Consciousness under the care and guidance of Sriman Satsvarupa and Sriman Brahmananda as you are their younger sister.
Regarding the small booklet, Jayadvaita from Boston has sent me two pages writing which I am enclosing herewith. So with additional alteration of this idea, plus your idea, if you write a suitable introduction, then we shall print them with some pictures on nice paper as many copies as you require for putting them within the paper covering of the records, and that will be a good introduction. But one thing, I must warn you in this connection that these records are distributed amongst teenagers, therefore the language and presentation should be suitable for their understanding. I think you will understand me right in this connection. So, after writing the pamphlet and if possible getting it edited amongst yourselves, you can send the copies one to me and one to Boston for printing. So this is my idea, now you can work upon it as you think it fit.
Upendra said that the Australian public does a great deal of reading and there is good chance for selling our magazines and books. Immediately after publication, in L.A. they are selling Isopanisad up to 40 copies per day. Perhaps because it is only paperback. Henceforth we shall issue many such books with pictures on the covers. Upendra has seen it, and if you like, send orders to Brahmananda immediately for dispatch from Boston.
We have our new book, "Isopanisad," published. It is very attractive and instructive also. Try to get them from Boston center.
Outside our Society, people are appreciating our movement gradually, and you will be pleased to know that they are also contributing for various activities of the Society. Perhaps you have heard the name of George Harrison, the celebrated musician of England. He has contributed nearly about two lakhs of rupees, the entire cost of publishing the first part of my book, KRSNA. Similarly, just the day before yesterday, one boy has contributed 15,000 rupees for my book fund. We have got in many places our own buildings, just like in Boston where we have got our own press, ISKCON Press, in Buffalo, in Detroit, and just yesterday, on the Advent Day of Srila Prabhupada Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, we have completed the negotiation for purchasing a big church property worth 20 lakhs of rupees.
So as advised previously, I may again repeat the same that if Scindia Steam Navigation Co. has not as yet replied my letter or your letter, then the Murtis should be dispatched without delay by other freighters through the shipping agents Messrs. Cox and Kings. I shall arrange for clearing the goods at the destination.
I may once more give the following list for dispatch of the Murtis, and please note the corrected Boston address.
I am just now in receipt of five tapes collected from Detroit. So I think all the tapes that were sent to Detroit and Boston are now within your jurisdiction. In the meantime, I also sent you L.A. Tapes #12, 13, and 16, and today I am sending #17. This means all the tapes recorded in L.A. are now in your custody. So instead of sending tapes anywhere else, the tapes will go regularly to Boston.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 21 February, 1970, together with the edited copies of KRSNA. I like your editing very much, you have done it very nicely. I have also received the tapes which you sent to Satsvarupa for re-recording, that is a good program. But we have experienced some difficulties in sending tapes to several centers, and therefore we have now agreed to make the process central by forwarding all tapes to Boston for complete processing there according to a regular schedule.
I am very much pleased to learn that the Columbus center has been nicely organized since you have gone there and things are going on nicely. In the meantime, I have received news from Boston that Aravinda alone cannot make the layout business very quickly. I think, therefore, if you sometimes go there, help him in this connection, and again come back, that will be very nice. If you so desire, you can remain in Boston and take up the charge of layout business. And sometimes you may go with Kirtanananda Maharaja. That will be nice.
Regarding Neil's study of Sanskrit, I am very glad to learn of his seriousness to study, and we need many such Sanskrit scholar devotees. When it is convenient, he may study with Pradyumna in Boston, and there are Sanskrit courses at the university there also. In the meantime, for his studies, Manva Dharma Sastra is not bona fide. The Hitopadesa is alright for study.
I have received information from the Scindia Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. that the pair of Deities, 24 inches high, weighing about 50 kilograms the pair, will be arriving in Boston sometimes by the end of May 1970. They will be delivered by the New York Agents of the company. The Deities will be carried by the vessel "Jalapalaka." So you may note this, and you have to prepare a bigger throne for accommodating the larger Deities.
Regarding printing of the books, now you are managing these things in Boston. I want just that the books may be printed somehow, somewhere; that is all. So do it as you see fit, there is no need of checking with me. I give you full responsibility in the matter, but only if there is some critical point it may be referred to me.
So far the preface, dedication, acknowledgement for Nectar of Devotion, I shall supply you with these in due course of time. I do not think they are immediately required since you can print the other parts of the book first as you have decided.
Regarding a cover picture for Krishna Consciousness-the Topmost Yoga, I think you can make a picture of a devotee sitting cross-legged chanting japa before Radha Krsna Deities.
I have read the letter from Raman Publications Magazine. So when you receive the copies of their publications, send them to me, and then I shall decide what to do.
I am very glad to know that both Boston and New York centers are blissfully engaged. Now just see things go on nicely.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 25th March, 1970, recommending Michael to be initiated. I have duly initiated him and his beads chanted by me are returned herewith. His initiated name is Madhavananda Das.
I am very pleased to note that you are feeling everything is going on nicely in Boston due to the nice devotees. You are also a very nice devotee, so together work to make Boston center even nicer for the satisfaction of the Lord.
Regarding your tape recorder which was lying with me, you will get it very soon back. It is now being carried by Citralekha, wife of Upendra, who is going to Australia via Hawaii, and she will deliver the machine to you. I am very glad you have repaired your dictaphone and you are anxious to work on it. For the time being I can send you tapes of my lectures which you can transcribe either directly or through the dictaphone, as it is convenient. Both yourself and Gaurasundara or any other educated boy or girl can edit the transcriptions for being printed. For the present I hope you will be glad to do this work because you are always anxious to see me speaking something. I am sending the tape by separate mail, so immediately begin work. If you find this work of transcribing from recorded tapes interesting, you will have ample opportunity to work on this. There are many tapes like this in New York, Boston, and maybe in other places also.
You will be pleased to know that we have got twenty-six centers all over the world, namely; Europe, America, Canada, Japan, and Australia. Of all the centers this Los Angeles center is my headquarters. The temple house is recently purchased by us at a price of $225,000 corresponding to our Indian exchange of 22 lakhs and 50,000 rupees. Out of the 26 centers, in three centers we have got our own premises. In Boston we have got our own press in our own house which was started last October, 1969 at a cost of 9 lakhs of rupees. I am sending herewith one picture of our present headquarters in Los Angeles at the above address.
Regarding Paramatma Das, I think he should simply push on with his school work as much as it may be necessary and the remainder of the time he may spend with the devotees in our Krsna Conscious activities. Certainly he is feeling some inconvenience due to the poor association at the karmi school but this is not a permanent situation. In the past many of our devotees like Lilasukha, Kancanbala, Indira, etc. in New York, Saradia in Boston, some others in Buffalo, and in other places also have finished up their required education in the public schools in spite of continuous feeling of disturbance by the nondevotee students and faculty. So if he finishes up his education in this way remaining under your care at the temple, then the unwanted association will not be harmful, just see that he is strictly executing his prescribed duties and that will keep him strong in spiritual life.
I am glad to know that you are about to enlarge your altar and throne to accommodate the new Deities. However, you should not put the Vyasasana in the rear as they are doing in L.A. L.A. has got a different arrangement than you have got in Boston temple. So you can put the Vyasasana along the side of the Temple room and that will be nice. I also think that you cannot make the same arrangement as L.A. for separate doors for each of the three altars, so simply expand your present altars to fit the new Deities on the basis of the old style.
I have no devotion, nor I have any knowledge, but still I have been designated as Bhaktivedanta, now if You like You can just fulfill the real purport of Bhaktivedanta. 20
The most unfortunate, insignificant beggar, Bhaktivedanta Swami, on board the ship "Jaladuta," Commonwealth Pier, Boston, Massachusetts (U.S.A.), dated 18th September, 1965.
I have received one copy of the latest French BTG, published from Montreal. It is printed in our ISKCON Press in Boston, and they have done it very nicely. If for the present this BTG published from Montreal can be useful? I am sending by separate airmail one copy which you can examine, and if you think they are useful for your purpose, you can immediately ask them to send you as many copies as you need.
Your suggestion for Murari's opening a center at Amsterdam is very much welcome. His wife, Lilavati is very intelligent and both of them can do the preaching work very diligently in that place, so try to give effect to this proposal.
By serving Krsna we are not the least loser, but we are simply gainer more and more transcendentally. Keep this point always in front, and work for Krsna and be happy.
I have received some laddus from Boston without any note, but I think it is sent by Rukmini devi, so please offer her my thanks and blessings.
So Satsvarupa is returning to Boston today (Tuesday), and you can get the machine from him as soon as you go there. I understand that you are also expected there within a few days.
Regarding the printing of the Nectar of Devotion, when Brahmananda was here, he informed me that the printing and bookbinding, everything, would be finished within two weeks, but in the meantime I received one paper bill through Gargamuni for $2,042.40 and another bill for $423.32. Formerly you submitted the statement for 20,000 copies of Topmost Yoga, and again you decided to print another 10,000 copies for which another bill was submitted; so the total amount, $2465.72, has just now been telegraphically transferred to your ISKCON Press account No. 516-5642, in the First National Bank of Boston, so you can do the needful.
Please transfer $2465.72 (Two thousand, four hundred, and sixty-five dollars, and seventy-two cents) to the First National Bank of Boston, Brighton Avenue Branch, in favor of account No. 516-5642, ISKCON Press, and charge the same to my account as above mentioned.
I thank you very much that the work with Dai Nippon is going nicely. Gargamuni said that they want to increase price for printing the pictures one side. There is no need of such arrangements, there is no harm to do it as you have got it in TLC. I have received the blueprint from Uddhava and I have already corrected 180 pages and sent it to Boston, and the balance will be sent tomorrow. So there is no anxiety for this.
I am very glad to learn that things are going on very well in Boston. Boston is one of our major centers for the large missionary work of Krsna consciousness movement, so there is always an abundance of Krsna conscious activities going on. It is very good that you are finding this atmosphere of avid service to the Lord to be so congenial. It is the sign of advancement in Krsna consciousness that the devotee does not care for any nice varieties of material engagements based on sense gratification but he finds increasing pleasure in those places where the service of the Lord is being carried out with enthusiasm.
Yes, I am very glad that temple arrangement in Boston is nicely being carried out and new devotees are joining—this is the success of preaching work. Preaching work means increasing the number of our family members. Krsna is our head man in the family; Kartamarshi means head man. According to Vedic system, Kartmarshi is asked in the morning by his wife what kind of foodstuffs he will like to take on that day. And the kartamarshi or the head man of the family will dictate some preparation, and that will be the accepted as the foodstuff for everyone on that day. Similarly, our principle should be to act in the way as Krsna will feel satisfaction.
Regarding my going to Hawaii, you are repeatedly requesting me, and formerly also I promised, but at the present moment I am terribly very busy. Brahmananda is in Japan for printing several books, therefore I am regularly making tapes for sending to Boston. Of course you can say that I can make the tapes from Hawaii, but there is difficulty that my whole library of reference books is here and it is not possible to carry them all. Therefore I have curtailed my moving. I shall go to the Rathayatra festival for one to two days only.
Yes, Kulasekhara is a first class press operator. It is nice. We also started in Boston because Advaita is a first class press operator. But the point is if we do not have a nice press, what is the question of press operator? We have invested in Boston about $20,000, but still it is not well equipped and the major portion of our printing work is being done in Japan. Until we can open a very nice press and print our literature up to date it will not be a good investment. If you want at all the BTG in French and German languages published locally, better you try to get it from a local first class press. I understand that in Germany and Holland there are many well equipped presses.
Pictures for our books are being done now in Boston, so Vasudeva may make as many pictures as possible of Pancatattva and Acaryas, especially your Spiritual Master and my Spiritual Master. Upendra in Australia is already asking for these pictures, so increase the number of these pictures as many as possible.
Regarding the devotees who are ready for receiving sacred thread, they may do so you have asked permission for Kulasekhara, Vrndadevi, Ilavati, Sucandra, and Vasudeva. You are going to London, so I shall send the sacred threads duly sanctified and the mantras may be heard in London. The arrangement is there and Gurudasa has already done it, so you can get them initiated as brahmanas get them initiated as brahmanas during Rathayatra days from 5th to 13rd of July.
Your proposal to open several new centers is very good news for me. However, for opening new centers Tamala and yourself must be present. There is no need of installing Deities immediately. New temples may be opened by placing Pancatattva and Acarya pictures. Unless we have got sufficient experienced devotees we shall not install Radha Krsna or Jagannatha Deities. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is very kind and lenient. Simply chanting of Hare Krsna will please Him. But when we have Deities like Radha Krsna or Jagannatha we must strictly follow the regulative principles of Arcana. These things are elaborately described in the Nectar of Devotion which is already published. Order some from Boston and later on translate it into French and German. It is very important book for our guidance.
Regarding composing our literatures, diacritic marks will carry weight amongst the scholars, so for the present moment you can do this: wherever a word is required with diacritic mark, or when a verse is needed, since you are translating from our literatures already printed in English language, simply cut the word or verse from the English edition and past it on the layout in the correct place in the text. They are already using this system in Boston for printing the Devanagari script, and the result is very good.
I am very glad also to know that Satsvarupa is becoming more and more responsible for the Boston temple. That is nice. That I want. I have received his letter of 19th June 1970.
Regarding the letter which you wish to send to inquiring persons, yes, if you have the return address to Boston and if Svarupa das can write replies nicely that will be better. But if there is some intricate question he must consult with Satsvarupa. Svarupa can reply in consultation with Satsvarupa, and some of the copies may be sent here so I will see how he is replying.
Please transfer $2517.00 (Two thousand five hundred and seventeen dollars and no cents) to the First National Bank of Boston, Brighton Avenue Branch, in favor of account No. 516-5642, ISKCON Press, and charge the same to my account as above mentioned.
Please transfer $546.00 (Five hundred and forty-six dollars and no cents) to the First National Bank of Boston, Brighton Avenue Branch, in favor of account No. 516-5642, ISKCON Press, and charge the same to my account as above mentioned.
Please transfer $1,500.00 (One thousand and five hundred dollars and no cents) to the First National Bank of Boston, Brighton Avenue Branch, in favor of account No. 516-5642. ISKCON Press, and charge the same to my account as above mentioned.
Yes, you all must read Nectar of Devotion in your spare time. I am very glad to learn that your Boston Sankirtana Movement is very successful. If you are getting enough money now, you can send some extra money to me. I have given a loan to the BTG Department for $3000, so inform this matter to Satsvarupa and if he has got extra money he may return it. All books in soft cover which we have printed should be bound each one copy and sent to me for my library.
13. Our press owned and operated by the Society is housed in our Boston temple buildings. Presently we are printing books regularly and our monthly magazine BTG is being printed in English, French, German and Japanese editions with Spanish, Hindi, Bengali, Dutch and Danish forthcoming. The English edition is understocked at 125,000 copies per month and the other editions are printed at the rate of 10,000 per month. The public demand for our literatures is international and so much greatly increasing that although printing department (editing, transcribing, composing, layout, photography, printing and binding as well as sales) is full-time engaged and the press is kept running almost 24 hours daily we are unable to meet the demands for literatures and so we must also go to outside printers like Japan.
So far it is fixed up that I go to New Vrindaban for Janmastami day by the 20th August. So if you like I can go for a few days before to Boston to see your temple and press. You can fix up this program by talking with Hayagriva and let me know. I think everything is going nicely in Boston.
Offer my blessings to all the boys and girls.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your telegram dated 14th August, 1970 and reading as follows:—will send Hindi BTG by 14 special delivery should reach you on 16 or 17 your eternal servant uddhava das isokrishna boston. However until today there has been no arrival of the Hindi BTG, so I am still waiting for it.
Regarding shipment of books, you need not send Sri Isopanisad because I have already ordered from Dai Nippon 10,000 copies. I think you have already received a list of books which are to be dispatched from Boston. So you can send the balance that is without Sri Isopanisad.
It is very good news that people are gradually taking more interest in your activities there by attending love feasts, classes, Arati and Sankirtana performances. In Japan they are doing nicely and similarly I have not good report from Los Angeles that they are doing nicely also, and in Boston also they are doing nicely.
Please offer my blessings to Bansidhari, Devarsi, Patraka, Divyasuri and Sriman Jim as well as all the other boys and girls.
I am very glad to learn that both you and your good wife, Krsna devi, and your daughter, Visnu Arati, are together in Boston. Your all engagements sound to be very suitable, so please execute your duties in Krsna Consciousness and be happy. I am especially pleased that you are taking charge in the Boston area of placing my books and literatures in the local school-college libraries and you have already had success with placing all our literatures in the two most important libraries of Harvard University and the Divinity School. When I spoke there sometimes back our Krsna Consciousness philosophy was very much appreciated, so I think this is an important place for our literatures to be available to the students and faculty. Please go on with this engagement enthusiastically and Krsna will give you all success in the venture. You are intelligent and hard working devotee of Krsna and Krsna will bless you for this very fine service which you are rendering unto Him.
Also have the pictures done very nicely and in color if possible as it is done by our Art Department in Boston and if you have any questions in this regard you may correspond with them directly. That will be very nice. In the meantime, have all your works read by the other devotees as they may find it convenient to do so and they can give you further suggestions. So go on writing more books; we need many such books for distributing to the public schools as well as for our own schools and send me the draft copies as you make them up. I will be very glad to see to them.
So let Jayapataka Maharaja take good care of them in the meantime. Please see that the unpacked Deities are packed and boxed very securely, as are the others. Please give Jayapataka Maharaja the shipping documents for the Boston and L.A. shipments and tell him to momentarily not try to clear the books on his own as we are arranging for this clearing and forwarding agent to also handle the book shipments. So for the time being he should just keep the Bill of Lading documents safely in hand and eventually he will hand over the documents to the clearing and forwarding agent in Calcutta, whose address I shall inform him of later.
I have instructed Hamsaduta to hand over to you for your sole care all the things that are remaining in 37/1 Hindustan Rd. flat, including my books, table, etc. In addition three sets of Deities there should be taken by you and kept carefully. See that the unwrapped set is securely wrapped and boxed as the others are. Also you can take from Hamsaduta the document Bill of Lading for the shipment of books from L.A. and Boston. I am arranging through a forwarding and clearing house in Bombay, which has a branch in Calcutta, to clear these books, so once I know the address of the Calcutta branch office, I will inform you and you may bring them the documents.
I am requesting you to go to Boston, U.S.A., to work on our ISKCON Press because I know you are an experienced and expert press operator. Your services for carrying on the program of our ISKCON Press smoothly are very necessary. So you should plan for going there as soon as possible.
Regarding the recent upheavals in our Society, that business is finished, now we must all concentrate very carefully on the simple execution of our duty following the principles of regulation very strictly in our daily life. If you remain pure by following the instructions of your Spiritual Master there is no chance for maya to enter into the program. So I do not think you will find any more these politics at our Boston center or elsewhere. So please go there and help print our Society's literature, this is a great opportunity for rendering service to Krsna and the humanity at large.
I think that is you feel too much inconvenience just now by remaining in Boston with Satsvarupa, then you may go to some other center for some time with the art department and carry on your work there. Sometimes such separation for a time is beneficial for husband and wife both, but there is never any question of divorce.
was so much anxious about Advaita and I am very much concerned lest he become further victim of maya. I am anxiously waiting for a letter from him. In the meantime, I have asked that as far as possible, all unpublished manuscripts be printed by him on ISKCON Press. I have also requested Kulasekhara to go to Boston to assist Advaita and I am confident that the tense situation will be relieved.
So far as shipment of the three sets of Murtis is concerned, you may ship as soon as possible one set to Boston and the other two sets may go to L.A. From L.A. one set can be sent to Montreal. So far as the marble Deities are concerned, one set may be sent to San Francisco and the other to Baltimore. I have also written to Jayapataka Maharaja about the building fund. Please consult him about this. Our Calcutta branch should be managed as follows: Jayapataka Maharaja - president; Acyutananda Maharaja - secretary and yourself as treasurer. So if the building fund is being nicely raised, that is all right and you may stay in Calcutta.
The pictures on the Srimad-Bhagavatam Chapters are very nice. My sincere blessings are to Jadurani and the art department. If our books are printed in this standard, that will be very, very good. I do not aspire to any more efficiency in printing, but simply the printing must go on regularly. Offer my blessings to all the workers of ISKCON Press because that is my life. Next time when I go there, I shall first go to Boston. In future, if we get some nice place, some of the workers may come and start our own press here also.
Page Title: | Boston (Letters 1970) |
Compiler: | Visnu Murti, Mayapur |
Created: | 19 of Dec, 2011 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=83 |
No. of Quotes: | 83 |