So that is explained, that sat-saṅgān mukta-duḥsaṅgaḥ. As soon as one associates with Kṛṣṇa's name, he associates with Kṛṣṇa. Therefore asat, māyā, cannot touch him. If he's purely chanting without any offense, māyā cannot touch him. Ceto-darpaṇa-mārjanaṁ bhava-mahā-dāvāgni-nir... (CC Antya 20.12). And as soon as māyā cannot touch him, then bhava-mahā-dāvāgni-nirvāpaṇam. The blazing fire of material existence extinguished immediately. This is the first gain by chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra offenselessly, the first gain is mukti. Bhava-mahā-dāvāgni-nirvāpaṇam means mukti. By chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra, nāmābhāsa, not pure name. As soon as one comes to the platform of chanting pure Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra, without any offense, he becomes immediately enhanced in love with Kṛṣṇa, prema, kṛṣṇa-prema. Just like Caitanya Mahāprabhu. Caitanya Mahāprabhu was chanting as ācārya. He was crying. Tava nāma-grahaṇe bhaviṣyati. Śūnyāyitaṁ jagat sarvaṁ govinda-viraheṇa me. So what is that verse? Cakṣ..., cakṣuṣā prāvṛṣāyitam. Cakṣuṣā prāvṛṣāyitam. Tava nāma, kadā tava nāma-grahaṇe bhaviṣyati. This is the ultimate, ultimate realization of chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra, that one should cry. Caitanya Mahāprabhu has said like that. So Kṛṣṇa and Kṛṣṇa's name, identical.
Bhava-maha-davagni-nirvapanam means
Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures
As soon as māyā cannot touch him, then bhava-mahā-dāvāgni-nirvāpaṇam. The blazing fire of material existence extinguished immediately. This is the first gain by chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra offenselessly, the first gain is mukti. Bhava-mahā-dāvāgni-nirvāpaṇam means mukti.
Lecture on SB 1.10.13 -- Mayapura, June 26, 1973: Page Title: | Bhava-maha-davagni-nirvapanam means |
Compiler: | Rishab |
Created: | 20 of Nov, 2012 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0 |
No. of Quotes: | 1 |