Category:God and Bali Maharaja
Pages in category "God and Bali Maharaja"
The following 74 pages are in this category, out of 74 total.
- Although Bali Maharaja was a devotee, he was attached to material possessions, and therefore the Lord, being very kind to him, showed him special favor by appearing as Lord Vamana to take away all his material possessions, and his mind as well
- Although Indra was learned and his prime minister, Brhaspati, was also learned, neither of them begged to be able to render loving service to Lord Vamanadeva. Therefore Bali Maharaja lamented for Indra
- Although it is contradictory to say that the Supreme Personality of Godhead or His incarnation is poverty-stricken, we find in the revealed scriptures that when the Lord incarnated as Vamana, He begged some land from Maharaja Bali
- Although the Lord was going to Bali Maharaja to beg something, He is always complete and has nothing to beg from anyone. Indeed, He is so powerful that in His full opulence He pressed down the surface of the earth at every step
- Although the Personality of Godhead is so great that the goddess of fortune is always under His command for enjoyment, He still extended His hands to take charity from Maharaj Bali
- Appearing as Vamana and begging Bali Maharaja for three feet of land, the Lord took possession of the entire three worlds. Thus Bali Maharaja became a great devotee of Lord Vamana
- Bali Maharaja appreciated the Lord's mercy not only upon him but upon many other demons. Because this mercy is liberally distributed, the Supreme Lord is called all-merciful
- Bali Maharaja certainly became an exalted devotee, but he was somewhat anxious because his association was not purely devotional. The Supreme Personality of Godhead therefore assured him that his demoniac mentality would be annihilated
- Bali Maharaja considered the Supreme Personality of Godhead a better friend to the demons than to the demigods. In the material world, the more one gets material possessions, the more he becomes blind to spiritual life
- Bali Maharaja could not understand how the Supreme Personality of Godhead favors His devotees by forcibly stopping their materialistic activities
- Bali Maharaja could understand that the Lord had some hidden purpose in punishing him. Consequently he was neither unhappy nor ashamed because of the awkward position in which he had been put by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Bali Maharaja could understand the pretense of Lord Vamanadeva, who had taken the side of the demigods and come before him as a beggar
- Bali Maharaja did not become poor; by donating all his possessions to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he became a successful devotee and got everything back again with the blessings of the Lord
- Bali Maharaja did not get back all his material possessions merely because of his charity to the Lord
- Bali Maharaja endured all these severe tests and austerities is the mercy of the Supreme Lord. The Lord certainly appreciates the devotee's forbearance, and it is recorded for the future glorification of the devotee. This was not an ordinary test
- Bali Maharaja offered everything to the Lord - his wealth, his kingdom and even his own body - sarvatma-nivedane balih
- Bali Maharaja possessed all the lands of the universe, and he happened to be charitably disposed toward the brahmanas. The Lord therefore pretended to be a beggar brahmana, and He asked Bali Maharaja for a measurement of three footsteps of land
- Bali Maharaja rightly said that Lord Vamanadeva was not at all prudent in regard to His own personal interests. Lord Vamanadeva had approached Bali not for His personal welfare but for the welfare of His devotees
- Bali Maharaja said to God: Because You were working on behalf of Your devotees, You do not regard this as cheating. Never mind. I cannot be considered a devotee
- Bali Maharaja said to God: daivena nitah prasabham tyajita-srih: "It is to bring me to the right platform of eternal life that You have put me into these circumstances"
- Bali Maharaja said to God: Nonetheless, because although You are the husband of the goddess of fortune You have come to me to beg, I must satisfy You to the best of my ability
- Bali Maharaja said to God: On behalf of the demigods, You disguised Yourself to cheat me, saying that You wanted only three paces of land, but later You expanded Your body to such an extent that with two footsteps You covered the entire universe
- Bali Maharaja said to God: So please do not think that I wanted to cheat You; I must fulfill my promise. I still have my body. When I place my body for Your satisfaction, please put Your third step on my head
- Bali Maharaja was indeed a fully surrendered devotee, but even some demons who were not at all devotees but merely enemies of the Lord attained the same exalted position achieved by many mystic yogis
- Bali Maharaja was prepared to give everything to Lord Visnu, and Sukracarya, being a professional priest, might have been anxiously waiting, doubting whether there had been any such instance in history in which one had given everything in charity
- Bali Maharaja was so powerful that he fought with Indra and took possession of the three worlds
- Bali Maharaja was very pleased to see the features of Vamanadeva and was ready to give Him as much land as He could ask, but because Lord Vamanadeva asked only three paces of land, Bali Maharaja considered Him not very intelligent
- Bali Maharaja washed the lotus feet of Vamanadeva, and the water with which he did so became equal to the Ganges. Bali Maharaja, who perfectly knew all religious principles, therefore took that water on his head, following in the footsteps of Lord Siva
- Bali Maharaja would lose all his property because of defying orders of Sukracarya, yet because of devotional service to the Lord, he would get more than he expected, and in the future, in the eighth manvantara, he would occupy the throne of Indra again
- Being very pleased with Bali Maharaja for giving all his possessions, the Lord returned his kingdom and made him richer than the opulent King Indra. Even now, Bali Maharaja engages in devotional service by worshiping the SPG in the planet of Sutala
- By materialistic calculations, Sukracarya thought that Bali Maharaja would under no circumstances be able to keep his promise to the brahmacari, Lord Vamanadeva
- By the supreme will of the Lord, he (Bali Maharaja) now had to go to the hellish planets, but because he went there by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he lived there more opulently than one could expect to live in the planets of heaven
- Here (in SB 8.22.31) the word mad-asrayah is very significant. Because the Lord wanted to give Bali Maharaja the exalted position of Indra, the demigods might naturally have been envious of him and might have fought to disturb his position
- Here Lord Vamanadeva, as an ideal brahmacari, refuses Bali Maharaja's offer to give Him anything He might want. He says that without contentment one could not be happy even if he possessed the property of the entire world or the entire universe
- His Lordship Vamanadeva also teaches sannyasis and brahmacaris that one should not ask more than necessary. He wanted only three paces of land, although Bali Maharaja wanted to give Him anything He wanted
- Lord Vamana covered all the lands of the universe with His first two steps and then asked Bali Maharaja where to place the third step
- Lord Vamanadeva indirectly indicated to Bali Maharaja that he was occupying more land than he needed
- Lord Vamanadeva requested three paces of land from Maharaja Bali, and when Maharaja Bali agreed to grant them, the Lord immediately covered the entire world with two footsteps
- Maharaj Bali was so fortunate that the Lord extended before Him His hand, which was reddish from touching the breast of the goddess of fortune, who is always smeared with red kunkum powder
- Maharaja Bali wanted to give everything to Vamanadeva, who had appeared as a beggar, but Sukracarya, being Maharaja Bali's familial spiritual master in the line of seminal succession, could not appreciate Maharaja Bali's promise
- Material opulence offered to the demigods causes forgetfulness of the Lord, but opulence was given to Bali Maharaja for continuing service to the Lord, which was free from any touch of maya
- O King of the demons (Bali), you have promised to give Me (Vamanadeva) three steps of land, but I have occupied the entire universe with two steps. Now think about where I should put My third
- Of course, to advance in Krsna consciousness, one can take all risks. To please Vamanadeva, Bali Maharaja risked defying the orders of his spiritual master, Sukracarya
- Out of the twelve authorities, Bali Maharaja is one of the authorities because he sacrificed everything to satisfy the Lord
- Since Bali Maharaja had been arrested by Lord Vamanadeva, he was certainly to be considered an offender
- Since the Lord had covered the entire universe with two steps, one might ask how Bali Maharaja's head could be sufficient for His third step? Bali Maharaja, however, thought that the possessor of wealth must be greater than the possession
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: My dear King, how shall I glorify the character of Bali Maharaja? The SPG, the master of the three worlds, who is most compassionate to His own devotee, stands with club in hand at Bali Maharaja's door
- Sukracarya should have encouraged Bali Maharaja to give everything to Lord Visnu. This would have been a sign of love for the Supreme Lord. But he did not do so. On the contrary, he wanted to punish his devoted disciple by cursing him
- Sukracarya was rejected by Bali Maharaja due to his inability to save Bali Maharaja from the path of repeated birth and death
- The history of Bali Maharaja and his charity to Vamanadeva is described in the Eighth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The king dedicated his own personal body to fulfill the measurement of the Lord's third step. For such a personality, even the kingdom of heaven, which he conquered by his strength, was of no value
- The Lord (Vamanadeva) visited the arena of sacrifice arranged by Maharaja Bali. Although at heart He was willing to regain the kingdom of the three planetary systems, He simply asked for a donation of three steps of land
- The Lord appeared before Bali Maharaja as a brahmana beggar, and Bali Maharaja gave Him everything he had
- The Lord appears in each incarnation to save the world from irreligious principles and especially to protect His devotees (paritranaya sadhunam (BG 4.8)). Vamanadeva, for example, appeared to save the devotee Bali Maharaja
- The Lord assured Bali Maharaja of all protection, and finally the Lord assured him of protection from the effects of bad association with the demons
- The Lord became Bali Maharaja's doorkeeper not because of his giving everything to the Lord, but because of his exalted position as a lover of the Lord
- The Lord gave him (Bali Maharaja) the good counsel to prevent defamation by offering his head. A Vaisnava does not fear any punishment. Narayana-parah sarve na kutascana bibhyati - SB 6.17.28
- The Lord had taken all his possessions, the head of Bali Maharaja, the possessor, would provide adequate place for the Lord's third step
- The Lord is so merciful that although Bali Maharaja did not actually offer obeisances but only endeavored to do so within his mind, the Supreme Personality of Godhead blessed him with more mercy than even the demigods could ever expect
- The Lord's purpose was to cheat him, Bali Maharaja took pleasure in understanding how the Lord will cheat His devotee to glorify the devotee's position
- The Lord, as the proprietor of everything, could take from Bali Maharaja all the land he possessed, but he did not do so because Bali Maharaja possessed all those lands by king's rights
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead assured Bali Maharaja that he would always remain under the Lord's protection - mad-asrayah
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead did not ask Bali Maharaja to separate from his family; instead, the Lord allowed him to stay with his family members - jnatibhih parivaritah
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is described as Uttamasloka, "He who is worshiped by the best of selected Sanskrit verses," and His devotees such as Bali Maharaja are also worshiped by punya-sloka, verses that increase one's piety
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead promised to protect Bali Maharaja and his associates from all dangers, He is addressed here (in SB 8.23.6) as durga-pala, the Lord who gives protection from all miserable conditions
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, being full in Himself, actually has nothing to want for His self-interest. Lord Vamanadeva, therefore, had not gone to Bali Maharaja for His own self-interest
- Through his friendship with the Lord, Arjuna attained the desired result. (9) By surrendering everything he had to the Lord, Maharaja Bali attained the desired result
- When approached by Lord Vamanadeva, Bali Maharaja was actually in possession of all the dvipas, or islands in space
- When Vamanadeva appeared before Bali Maharaja, Bali Maharaja immediately wanted to offer Him respectful obeisances, but he was unable to do so because of the presence of Sukracarya and other demoniac associates
- While Bali Maharaja was describing his fortunate position in this way, the most dear devotee of the Lord, Prahlada Maharaja, appeared there, like the moon rising in the nighttime