I am very glad to know this and I am anxious to meet you and render my full cooperation in this great, important and noble endeavour for welfare of the entire human society. I hope this noble movement will unite the communists and the capitalists alike for the common goal of life which still remained veiled for want sufficient intelligent class of men.
Communism (Letters)
1947 to 1965 Correspondence
The Christian cult or any other cult cannot save the people from being under the clutches of the growing communism but the Bhagavatam cult can save them because of its philosophical and scientific approach.
I am therefore thinking of bringing a Sankirtana party from India but I do not know how to do it. Unless there is an organized party or association it is very difficult to do it. The Rama Krishna Mission here is busy in preaching a misrepresentation and therefore practically they have failed to preach the real cult of India. The so called Yogis also could not establish the real cult of Bhagavad-gita. They are after material gains.
1968 Correspondence
If a man is poor, he is at once accepted as non-civilized. If a man is falsely proud, he is accepted as civilized. By frustration, people are gradually becoming communists and hippies, and the guardians of the society must now take up the situation very seriously, without further delay.
The Krishna Consciousness movement is meant for overhauling the whole situation. We are creating men of character, and we are training our disciples to become Lovers of God, or Krishna. From the very beginning, they are trained to refrain from the following four principles of degradation: 1) Sex life outside of marriage, 2) Meat eating, or eating of any animal food, 3) All forms of intoxication, 4) Gambling and idle sports.
Student life means complete celibacy, but that is not observed in your country, rather they are indirectly encouraged by distribution of contraceptive pills. If things are allowed to go on like this, the future of the Western world is very dark. By such unrestricted association of young boys and girls, is gradually turning them to be victims of the hippy and communist philosophy. So far I have considered it is very difficult to turn the people's face toward spiritual advancement. There is so much protest all over the world in the Catholic church on account of the Pope's refusal to sanction the contraceptive method. Even if you change the locality, you cannot expect very good audience. But still, wherever we may remain, we have to chant and distribute Prasadam, and I think the best method is to do it in the public parks.
1969 Correspondence
So actually there is no material advancement here. Here, I am seeing practically that Gaurasundara, such a nice intelligent and qualified boy, he has to work hard 12 hours simply for his subsistence. I think there are many instances like that, so this is not material advancement. You can call it capitalist advancement, and the reaction for such advancement is communism. Such movement is simply suppressed in your country, but actually the reaction is this. So the Western type of civilization, industrialism and capitalism, is no material advancement. It is material exploitation. When one gets the bare necessities of life, namely peaceful home, sumptuous eating, necessary sex life, and feeling of security, then it is called material advancement. In the absence of such four preliminary necessities of life, it is not at all material advancement—just try to understand.
Therefore, if you want to do something for India, the only remedial measure that you can take is to spread Krishna Consciousness amongst the peoples. Otherwise, the next step is surely communism as you have already suggested. You say that there is a communist menace, and materialism is trying to dominate, but at the same time, religious faith is also progressing. Two things cannot go on simultaneously. Actually, India is the country of religion. The present government policy to kill religious faith of the people is resulting in frustration of religious life because it is not organizedly taught.
1970 Correspondence
Regarding Yugoslavia, the communist country, if they are anxious for our association why not take this opportunity immediately. The communists are first class disciples of Kali; therefore our attention should be more upon them because of their serious materialistic fever. So you can make immediately correspondence with the Yugoslavian friends, and as Tamala is going there very soon, he can immediately open a center with the cooperation of local people. So, with George's recommendation letter, if somebody goes there, I am sure it will be a successful attempt. Actually I am very much eager to start a temple in the communist country.
There are many impersonalists within our experience who renounced this world to merge into the impersonal existence, but being baffled there they come down again to the material world to find out engagement as altruist, philanthropist, communist, etc.. So there is no stand on impersonalism, but there is steady stand in Bhakti cult because in this cult God is there, the devotee is there and the devotional service activities are there, and when they are joined together that makes us able to stand on the Absolute platform.
Now because you have come to me it will be my prime duty to guide you and utilize your talents for Krsna's service. I am very glad to learn that you have got an opportunity to stay as a scholarship student in the Soviet Republic of Armenia. I think you should take this advantage and try to introduce the philosophy of Krsna Consciousness in the communist countries.
When I was in India, I knew that the Russian people have translated many Vaisnava literatures into the Russian language. There is a book known as Ram Caritmanas written by one great devotee poet Tulsidas. So the communists are generally known as non-believers in God, but I don't think they are against any cultural literature like our Bhagavad-gita AS IT IS, Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Krsna, etc. In future if you can introduce these literatures in Russian language either by publishing them in book shape or in influential magazine, that will be a great help to our missionary activities.
The purpose of my going to India at the present moment is to give some idea to the communistic tendency of the people so that everyone may take Krsna Consciousness for a solution of all problems of life. When I came to your country, U.S.A., I began my preaching work by chanting Hare Krsna Mantra and by talking some philosophy from Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam and thus the younger generation of your country gathered around me and now they are gratefully acknowledging that they have got something substantial, when they were feeling confused and frustrated. Many young boys and girls are now happy by getting this Krsna Consciousness and similarly I hope the communist young boys and girls in India will also feel similarly if they accept this Krsna Consciousness Movement.
Lord Caitanya appeared in Bengal and He said that simply by chanting Hare Krsna Mantra everyone will have perfection by one's idealistic way of life. Now it is the time for the Bengalis or for the Indians to understand that this Hare Krsna Mantra will also bring in the perfection of communistic ideas. If you can therefore arrange a small meeting with the Bengali Communist leaders, I can try to convince them how Krsna Consciousness Movement is very much congenial for their purpose.
I hope the Mayapur land purchase is by this time completed. In your previous letter you wrote that if I am present there it will be done. Immediately also for this purpose I am going to Calcutta.
In India our preaching work is going on. Practically everyday we have got an outside nice meeting. There is regular newspaper coverage, but the difficulty is that the whole country is now communist infected. People are in very much perturbed condition. All of them are expecting me to do something for ameliorating the situation, but I am simply advising them to chant Hare Krsna because this transcendental sound is the only panacea for all material diseases.
The pictures painted by Vasudeva are very nice and will be installed at our new place under construction on October 31st, 1970.
You write to say that "the communist goal is to achieve a paradise on earth," but in the Bhagavad-gita Krsna has definitely stated that "from the topmost planet down to the lowest, all are places of misery where repeated birth and death take place"—so what kind of paradise can they achieve? Any society without religion is animal society. The difference between animal and human being is that an animal has no intelligence and therefore is not expected to follow any regulative principles, but human life is a life of responsibility and the human beings are meant for satisfying the material necessities of life under regulative principles or laws. In other words, religion is laws of God.
I'm very happy to hear that you are once again in Berlin. When you first went to Germany by yourself, I was praying that Krishna would help you in every way to establish a center there in Berlin. Now you have done it by the grace of Krishna. Berlin is one of the most important cities in Europe and is one of the gateways to the communist world, and since your temple has a central location with good room space, everything is set for our preaching program. It is a good sign that the Berlin people are receiving our Sankirtana so well that with only one other devotee you have distributed 100 magazines in an afternoon. Yes, on Sankirtana we want everyone we meet to go away with a magazine and having heard and chanted Hare Krishna Mantra. That will be the sign of success. Please have Mandali Bhadra's mother help you in every way possible. I think she is well acquainted with Berlin and she can render good service. So give a start to our Krishna Consciousness Movement there and that will be your success.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 9th December, 1970.
You write to say, "We notice that even the communist protestors can't help smiling and answering back 'Hari Bol!' " So there is sufficient hope to reform them by Caitanya Mahaprabhu's grace of chanting the Hare Krsna Mantra. Kali Yuga is the fallen age undoubtedly, and there are different varieties of fallen souls. In Calcutta the so-called disturbance-makers are also some of them. I went to America and some of the souls were accepted by Lord Caitanya and today the Bengal being Lord Caitanya's place they are in such pitiable condition, so I wish that some of you among my American disciples may try to reclaim these fallen souls to the order of Lord Caitanya's Vaisnavite platform.
When I was in Calcutta, many Naxalite and Communist youths used to see me. They were arguing with me, but I defeated them smilingly. They left after offering me their respects. I think they can also be reformed provided we diagnose and administer the proper medicine for them. I am not very much hopeless about Calcutta situation or even if there is some risk we should try to reform them and if we are successful, the people of India will hail us to great estimation and adoration and that will give us good impetus for pushing on our Movement, Krsna Consciousness.
1971 Correspondence
Whatever is done by a great nation or a great man is followed by ordinary persons, so it is my mission to distribute the treasure house of India's transcendental knowledge to the whole world, and your cooperation in this connection will be a great asset. You wanted to see the manuscripts of my lectures, therefore I am sending herewith an Introduction, the lectures and if you so desire I shall be glad to send essays on these subjects:
1. Vedic Conceptions of Socialism and Communism
2. Scientific Values of Classless Society
3. Knowledge by Authoritative Tradition
I shall be glad to hear from you at my London address, ISKCON London, 7, Bury Place
So far Moscow is concerned, there was only one substantial meeting, with one Professor Kotovsky and the tape of that conversation is being transcribed. Also I have written an introduction to the three lectures I had proposed to deliver in Moscow: 1) Vedic conception of Socialism and Communism, 2) Scientific values of a classless society; and 3) Knowledge by Authoritative Tradition. These are yet to be written. Photographs have been taken also. So I will collect all the material available and send it all to you in the very near future for publication in BTG.
So we have to pick them out throughout India—Calcutta, Bombay, Delhi and Madras. If we spend 25 to 30 lakhs Rupees then our Mayapur program will be a great success. So we have to do it. It will be a world center for teaching spiritual life. Students from all over the world will come and we shall revolutionize the atheistic and communistic tendency of rascal philosophers. So we must be responsible for this great task. Not for a single moment shall we be without ISKCON thought. That is my request to you all.
So far maintenance, we should make some monthly subscribers of cash or goods. Just like Goenka is giving foodstuffs, so many others can do the same. A little pocket expenditure can be collected by holding meetings. All the Gaudiya math people collect rice from house to house. Actually the temple should be provided by the local contribution of cash and kind.
Now I am preparing one book answering all types of philosophical arguments. Syamasundara. every morning is putting questions from different angles of vision beginning from Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, etc. and we are trying to answer. We shall discuss also Marx philosophy of communism. It will require some time but I wish that all our preachers should be well versed with all philosophical ideas and after studying all philosophical points of view we will put Krishna Conscious philosophy on the top.
You should see Mr. Dvnva, R.D. Birla promised four sets of Deities. What happened to them? We require pairs in Mombassa and Nairobi also as well as Paris, Berlin, Birmingham, etc.
So far East Berlin, I don't think there is need to push the matter farther. Our real field is the western countries. But I thought if some program could be started in these Communist countries there are many nice boys there who are fed up with their government and want to join us. Later we shall see.
Your idea to take German citizenship and organize the whole of Germany is the first class plan. If you can recruit many members there and get German language books published, that is the very best idea. When Mayapur place is organized you can come and see it, but your place is Germany.
1972 Correspondence
We are likewise in full agreement with your national leaders that the state and the citizens in general must be organized upon philosophical principles.
We, the above institution, have got our spiritual communism idea, and we want to see that not a single person, man or animal, remains hungry or in want of material necessities of life. According to our philosophy, a householder or substantial citizen of the state has to see not only after the well-being of his wife, children, relatives and dependents, that they shall be properly taken care of and will not starve, but also even if a lizard lives in his house, he should see that it is not hungry. Therefore, to give all facilities of living condition to all living entities is our Krishna Consciousness movement.
Thank you very much. Your ideas are not exactly imagination. It is factual, because the leaders of the society should have taken Krishna Consciousness in such serious attitude as described by you. The president of the United States, the Queen of England, the Communist leaders, all business magnates, all should have taken this movement seriously for the upliftment of human society, but because most of them are miscreants, rascals, lowest of the mankind, and lost of all real knowledge, they are still unaware of the importance of the Krishna Consciousness Movement. Indeed, however, it is our duty to enlighten them in different ways through our Sankirtana movement, so that one day may come very soon that they may be enlightened and take this movement with all seriousness and do the best thing for humankind.
1973 Correspondence
Now you appear little restless, I know that is your nature, you like to do big things and you are very capable and intelligent young man for executing tremendous tasks on behalf of Krsna. But I think that you have got a huge field of endeavor in the German speaking countries and other countries of Scandinavia, Communist countries and other places like that. Now work very vigorously to develop these places, that is your great task at hand. You needn't look further to find some big challenge. The challenge is very near at hand. That means developing and expanding along the lines as you have begun. Of course we are not ever very much anxious to repeat the same activity many times, that is the nature of the living entity, that he seeks to enjoy varieties of flavors.
One thing to consider before we take any action is that if we buy lots of land, the government may become envious to feed so many men without them working etc. and the communists there are notorious for confiscating property. So I am concerned that if we develop this scheme the government may take some action against us. If you can develop an educational institution, that may help to pacify them.
I shall be in Sydney until the 18th, and shall then be going to New Zealand and Indonesia. I shall return to India during the first week of March. Hoping this finds you all well.
In this way you visit all the important cities and you will get thousands and thousands of life members. We can organize in each and every factory of Mr. Birla Sankirtana Movement and in this way can save the country from Communist tendency if a big man like Birla cooperates with us.
In Indore we have got many life members who will help you. The certificate the Governor has given that you are the real sadhu should be published. If possible the Governor may be induced to become life member so that other government men may follow. Tejiyas Das has already made many M.P.s life members.
I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 21 June and I have carefully studied the contents, including photos of posters from the festival in Heidelberg.
Your report is very encouraging to me. The communists by dry philosophy have spread practically all over the world. We are holding festivals, feasting, philosophy and salvation—why shall we not spread our influence and overthrow them? Regarding your plan to travel around the world staging such Hare Krsna Festivals—es, do it, you have my blessings.
I am also glad to note the work going on in East Germany. Try to impress upon them to make communism God-centered. God is the father of everyone, and we are all His sons. Everything is His property, and everyone has the right to enjoy it. Without being God-centered, Communism will fail. So we have got good potency to be the leaders of the world if we carefully push on this movement.
Regarding killing the demons, yes, Krsna has done it. "paritranaya sadhunam/ vinasaya ca duskrtam (BG 4.8)." But, for us to kill like that we first have to become first class Krsna devotees like Arjuna or Hanuman, then we can fight with the Ravanas and demons. But that requires good strength, and we are not in that position now.
And we shall be able to maintain everything with the sales of the books. The temples will be maintained by the book sales, and if there are no more temples, then the books shall remain.
So far my coming to Moscow, yes I will come, but I may not be arrested. Still I shall go, and I shall speak on pure communism.
1974 Correspondence
Sometimes back, when I was in Moscow, I had discussion with a big professor, Kotovsky, and I challenged him. "Where is the difference between the Communist philosophy and any other? Everyone has to accept a particular leader and follow his instructions under a brand of ism." But because leaders are all fools and rascals, the ultimate result of following them is disappointment. In the western countries there have been many revolutions, in France, England, Germany and Russia, simply to change leaders of this ism to that ism. In India also since India's contact with the western countries, there have been certain types of revolutions, and they are now going on.
If England and America as well as France and Germany can understand this philosophy there will be great theistic revolution which will counteract the atheistic philosophy of Marxism. The present communistic philosophy must be countered by revival of the principles of catur varnyam.
I understand that some philosophers in Russia are thinking of autocracy with good sense. I am also advocating this philosophy. I have explained many times, the Vedic system of autocracy or monarchy in good training of God consciousness can save the world though less political thieves have failed with Marxism but if in England people can come to Krsna Consciousness monarchy is superficially maintained, and if the next Krsna Consciousness autocrat it will be a great revolution in the political field.
Regarding your letter dated October 8, 1974 it was received on October 22, 1974 and replied on October 23, 1974. If you have not yet received it, the copy can be mailed to you.
Regarding the book distribution, apart from our books, the Communist Party has become popular simply by distributing their literatures. I know in Calcutta the Communist agents were inviting friends and reading their literature. The Russians never came to India, but by distributing literature in every language they get a pretty good number of followers. So if it is possible for ordinary third class mundane literature, why not should our transcendental literature create devotees all over the world. I see practically how our books and magazines are becoming popular in your country. So there is good potency for pushing on these literatures very vigorously.
Keep distributing as many as possible in huge quantities. This is my pleasure. We must make a large propoganda program for Krsna Consciousness by distributing these books everywhere, all over the world. Just like the communists they are very expert in distributing their literature, their propoganda. At the present moment they are distributing their literature here in India in nine different languages and it is quite effective. Therefore we must print hundreds and thousands of books and distribute them at the same speed and thus we will have a great effect on the mass population of Europe and America. If we can get the masses in the Western countries like Europe and America to become Krsna Conscious, then all the rest of the world will follow. That is a fact.
1975 Correspondence
They should not come to the cities. I wish to introduce this ideal now. Then if we are successful this cheating civilization will stop. They have made these cities as hell. If people do not cooperate with them, then how will the factories run on? And, if the people are satisfied by this arrangement, then what will the communists do?
Regarding registering with the Endowments, will they force our men out? Endowment means that as soon as there is income, they will interfere.
The literature you have published is very nice. The Explosion is very good. I started out with this kind of paper, only I was the only writer, the only editor, the only publisher, and the only distributer. So go on with your publishing. At least each month one Hindi and Telegu magazine should be published from Hyderabad. Arrange like that.
Regarding your question, God does not discriminate, but so long as we have got forms we have to discriminate. Without God consciousness the discrimination is there. Why should think that you are American or that he is an Indian? Upon this platform of discrimination the whole philosophy of nationalism, communism, this ism and that ism is going on. When one learns how to see individual persons without discrimination, then he becomes perfect. That is described in the Bhagavad-gita: vidya vinyaya sampanne/ brahmane gavi hastini/ suni caiva svapake ca/ panditah sama darsinah (BG 5.18). "The humble sage by virtue of true knowledge, sees with equal vision a learned and gentle brahmana, a cow, an elephant, a dog, and a dog-eater (outcaste.)" It is only on the spiritual platform or Krishna consciousness or God consciousness platform that there is no such discrimination. So if you remain on the material platform and artificially desire no discrimination it is not possible.
Regarding China preaching, so far as I know Chinese people, although communists, they are not devoid of God consciousness. If they are sincere communists, they will accept our philosophy. Our philosophy is that every living being is the son of the Supreme Being and whatever we see within our vision—either living beings on the land, on the water—everything belongs to the Supreme Being. Every living being has a right to enjoy the Supreme Father's property. So everyone means not only the human being, but also other living entities, those living in the sky, water, trees, plants, creepers, ants, beasts, birds—all living beings, they are sons of the Supreme Being in different forms.
So we should be compassionate to every living being, accepting them as sons of the Supreme Being. That is the real communistic idea, perfectly enunciated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. So any communist country, if they take help from us, their communistic ideal will be perfect. Let the leading men of any communistic country come and talk with us about our philosophy and they are sure to make him convinced about this loftiest philosophy of Krsna consciousness. We do not criticize the communistic idea, but we want to make it perfect.
I am very happy that you are taking a chance for Krishna, do everything very carefully and sincerely, Krishna will help you. Lord Caitanya predicted that in the modern age this movement would be spread to every town and village of the world. So by the sincere help of you American and European boys and girls it is actually happening. It is not bogus, like communism, socialism and so many isms going on in the world today. But is purely spiritual authorized by the disciplic succession tracing all the way back to Krishna himself who spoke this science of life 5,000 years ago on the battlefield of Kuruksetra. The battlefield is still there and you will be happy to know that yesterday we have been at that very spot where Krishna spoke to Arjuna, and we will build a gorgeous Krishna Arjuna temple there. People will come from all over the world to see it and understand the authority and sublime message of Lord Krishna.
1976 Correspondence
If there is possibility to preach amongst the communists, you must do it immediately. The intelligent communist people will very easily understand our philosophy. We can convince them on the basis of samah sarvesu bhutesu, a Krishna conscious person is equally disposed to every living entity (B.G. 18:54). You become a communist and make the present imperfect idea of communism perfect. The idea of the communist philosophy is that the state should be benefited. But the state being imperfect, the living entities other than the human beings cannot derive any profit. It is therefore no better than the capitalists. For the benefit of the human beings, the capitalist kills the poor animals. Similarly, the communist does the same thing.
For the benefit of the human beings, the capitalist kills the poor animals. Similarly, the communist does the same thing. Where is the difference? Perfect communism is in the Srimad-Bhagavatam wherein it is stated that you feel for the poor animals as well as the human beings. Srimad-Bhagavatam instructs that even if there is a snake or lizard in the house, it is the duty of the householder to see that they are also eating, not starving. So you have to begin your preaching with such broader idea of communism.
So this is a good wish for Krishna's service. If it is possible take immediate opportunity for it. So far as coming out of Hungary once you enter, if you can preach what is the need of coming out?
They are supposed to be very close associates of Your Holiness, so if you kindly ask them not to obstruct this program, it will be very kind of you. My program is until the middle of August, 1976, in Europe and America. In Europe we are going to open 2 new centres, one in Athens, Greece, and the other on Corsica, a French island. Another good news, we are selling books in Communist countries headed by Russia and Yugoslavia, and learned scholars are appreciating our books. We have published the Bhagavad-gita now in so many different languages, some of which are: English, French, German, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swedish, and now Chinese language, and also Russian language is in progress. We are getting very good response, especially where Spanish and Portuguese are spoken, in South America.
Concerning Arabic translations, someone has already done one. He came to me in Bombay. Also, there is no need to give commentary on the Koran. There is no other religion in the world in truth than this Bhagavat-dharma. However, something is better than nothing. The communism book that you have written, they say that there are some words that may be irritating to the communists. We have just finished a book which Hayagriva is editing at present. It is called Dialectic Spiritualism and within that book, your comments can be added if need be for preaching in the Eastern European countries.
We can make happy, peaceful men, God conscious—this is our aim. The main thing is to distribute books more and more. That remark by the man in Houston is to your credit, that this movement is becoming an epidemic. Actually, everywhere envious people are against this movement, especially communists, because this movement is a threat to them. The main thing is to distribute books—the communist idea is spread practically all over the world on account of distributing huge amounts of literature, but they have no substance. Introduce Rathayatra very nicely and distribute books. Yes, you are welcome to join me. I wanted that besides my permanent secretary that one of the GBC's may accompany me regularly.
When there is a little hope of success in these countries, it encourages me 100 times more than in other places. If they take up this Krishna Consciousness, they'll take it very seriously. This is the perfection of Communist ideology. Everything belongs to God. No private proprietorship. They have gone on the radio, that means they have purified the whole atmosphere. That is the way to introduce, the transcendental sound vibration will act. Utilize this approach. Gradually try to convince them that this movement is the perfection of Communism. Go on singing Krsna kirtana. That is our program. Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to go out chanting. He never spoke philosophy in public, only among higher circles. The chanting is very effective. Along with tampura and mrdanga played very rhythmically let them chant.
You may come to Vrindaban if you like, but preaching in Poland is my greater interest. So, now Vrindaban is somehow being managed. Now the most important work is that side in the Communist countries. If you can do something there, it is more than if you come here. Our business is to glorify Krsna as the Lord of Vrndavana and to popularize Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's Hare Krsna Movement. I was a resident in Vrndavana, but at the age of 70 I tried to preach Krsna consciousness a little bit and now this Institution has come out. So, I think it is more profitable to preach about the Master of Vrndavana, Krsna, outside of Vrndavana. A devotee of Krsna can create Vrndavana everywhere by preaching the glories of Krsna.
I am a little hopeful that if we preach in the communist countries, they will like it. According to our Vaisnava philosophy even a snake or lizard is in the house shall not go without eating, what to speak of other living entities. The communists have an idea for feeding human society, but our idea is expanding. We want to see even a snake not fasting.
1977 Correspondence
So you should understand that as I have taken up this mission with full faith in my guru maharaja, as you also preach earnestly in the countries of South America, you will do the highest good for others and for yourself as well.
Your statement that Guyana is a communistic county but still we are successful in getting people to chant Hare Krsna, is significant. The communist movement is artificial, but the chanting of Hare Krsna is the real and natural situation. Go on cooperating with Hrdayananda Maharaja and gradually spread the book distribution to every home in South America.
Page Title: | Communism (Letters) |
Compiler: | Mayapur, RupaManjari |
Created: | 26 of Oct, 2011 |
Totals by Section: | BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=47 |
No. of Quotes: | 47 |