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Pages in category "Fund"
The following 69 pages are in this category, out of 69 total.
- A gentleman named Bhramaravara from Kendrapada, in the province of Orissa, contributed funds to establish these Deities (of Nityananda, Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Advaita) in the temple. The management of the temple was under the Tota-gopinatha gosvamis
- Actually due to our lack of Krishna Consciousness sometimes we become disturbed with shortage of funds. But we should be confident that our necessities will certainly be fulfilled by the Supreme Lord
- After the Battle of Kuruksetra the state treasury was exhausted, and therefore there was no surplus fund except the fund from tax collection and fines. Such funds were sufficient only for the state budget
- All the money can go towards building, there will be no division of Book Fund/Building Fund for the time being
- Ample money is already coming without your having to go, and Srila Prabhupad has taken responsibility for providing funds whatever you need himself
- An account would be opened under the name INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS BUILDING FUND and that it would be operated jointly by the Founder-Acarya A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami and the Zonal Secretary for India Tamala Krishna Das Adhikari
- Because people are without Krsna consciousness, they have become thieves, and consequently they are being punished by the laws of material nature. No one can check this, not even by introducing so many relief funds
- Big commercial and industrial firms have contributed many thousands of rupees to a defense fund that burns the money in the form of gunpowder, but unfortunately, if they are asked to contribute liberally to advance the KC movement, they are reluctant
- By the grace of Krsna, we have no debts. No. We have no scarcity of money. They will simply find out. Now in Bombay I am getting from my Book Fund seven lakhs of rupees per month regularly
- I (Prabhupada) have heard that you have mentioned to Brahmananda that your temple will contribute $3,000 dollars for my book fund. This is very good news for me, and try to send it as soon as possible
- I am coming soon to see that the Vrindaban construction is finished by Janmastami. I will take care of the necessary funds
- I am in due receipt of the BBT Trustees report and have heard your proposal for funding the Mayapur project. Yes your proposal sounds very nice and you may do it. It is very good that this project be a world-wide effort
- I am so glad that somebody has donated sufficient funds to construct the throne. Your design appears to be very nice, nicer than the design which I gave you drawn by Gaurasundara
- I am thinking that the press department may immediately be begun now in Boston in the new house, so there is necessity for funds for purchasing printing equipment and the necessary paraphernalia for printing our many books
- I am very encouraged by the report of how nicely our books are being distributed. This is our main business all over the world. If you give full attention to this, there will never be any shortage of funds
- I desire that this project be completed as soon as possible. They inform me that the construction can be completed in five months if funds are provided adequately
- I do not know the price of the house, neither I know what funds will be raised in my presence but I can promise that whatever funds can be raised on that occasion I shall pay to you for your house
- I have already informed Ramesvara Maharaj to transfer the funds to Calcutta that are available
- I may also inform you that my followers here, who come regularly and enjoy my Keertan and discourses on the Bhagwat Geeta, - are all citizens of America. Whether I may also raise funds from them
- I understand that due to financial needs you are doing Sankirtana party in order to raise funds. Regarding the solution to your getting the necessary funds as well as your request for men to lead the Sankirtana, this must be decided by the GBC
- I want to raise the funds for our building projects at Bombay, Vrndavana and Mayapur by selling these books widely all over India, so these pandal programs are a golden opportunity to sell many many books
- If preaching is pure, automatically leaders, managers, funds, everything will be given profusely by Krishna, without any doubt
- If the building fund is being nicely raised, that is all right and you may stay in Calcutta. If not, then when I go to Gorakhpur I shall call for you from there, but if fund raising business is going on nicely, you can stay
- If there is sale contract, my students here (SF) and in New york will be able to raise the fund very seriously. In the absence of any sale contract everything appears to be in the air and Mr. Taylor or his lawyer can change his word as he has already done
- In case you do not like this arrangement, then you may keep the temple as your private property and as my disciple I will give you guidance. But you may not use the ISKCON name to collect funds or to take loans
- In our country, Vivekananda: daridra-narayana-seva. The whole Ramakrishna Mission is collecting fund only on this rascal plea
- In the material world one may collect funds all over the world in order to distribute food freely, yet those to whom the food is given may not even feel appreciative. The value of Krsna consciousness, however, will gradually be very much appreciated
- Introducing so many relief funds and humanitarian institutions
- It is good news that you have come to your senses that nothing should be done by contractor. Everything should be done by ourselves. Mr. Saraf is experienced, so take his help. So go on raising funds, constructing, and send me the plans
- It is nice proposal. They are giving us land, giving us a temple. And we can raise funds and construct as we increase men. In the meantime we can manage the temple. It is good proposal
- Madhudvisa said the Souvenir Fund was Rs. 95,000/-; whether it is spent, then pay from Building Fund, what can be done?
- My students here raised fund by one scheme of dancing a fund of $4000.00 since I have come here and they have spent in different items almost all the fund. But they cannot take up the matter seriously unless there is fact
- Now combinedly go on with your preaching work. I am very glad to know that you are keeping your accounts up to date with BTG and the book fund. This is good and proper management. So you continue to keep these accounts weekly
- Now we have got many many books in England and we must raise funds for our place there, so try to increase the selling of literatures and magazines and deposit everything in the building fund
- One's devotional service is spoiled when he becomes too entangled in the following six activities: eating more than necessary or collecting more funds than required
- Only sacrifice recommended in this age is the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra because in this age it is not possible to accumulate the needed funds for performing sacrifices, not to speak of finding expert brahmanas who can chant the mantras perfectly
- Ordinarily, if someone can walk, it is illogical to say he cannot walk. But in reference to God, such a contradiction simply serves to indicate His inconceivable power. With our limited fund of knowledge we cannot accommodate such contradictions
- Our policy should be for maintenance to take from many persons. Big donations should go to the building and book funds. Our policy is "madhukari'' or the profession of the bumblebee
- Please do the needful. Fifty percent of BBT funds are for printing books and fifty percent are for construction of temples. So these buses are like temples, moving temples
- Presently there are many bogus institutions which are collecting funds from the public for the purpose of giving food to starving people, but these funds are invariably misused
- So far foodstuffs, you should collect profusely. If you collect more distribute more, and if you collect less, distribute less, but only distribute what you have collected. If there is no food, do not contribute our own funds for this purpose
- So far the concert of Indian musicians and dancers for raising funds for the new temple, yes you may do that, I have no objection
- Such funds (from tax collection and fines) were sufficient only for the state budget, and having no excess fund, the King was anxious to get more wealth in some other way in order to perform the horse sacrifice
- The 10th January they are selling tickets for admission, and again on the 22nd January the premier showing of the movie "Hare Rama Hare Krishna" has been donated to us. So both are good opportunities to raise funds
- The construction fund should only be used for construction items like cement and iron and the party's name should be mentioned
- The name of your exhibition is approved by me and it is a very good idea that you want to get federal funding
- The same incident sometimes happens in New York temple. When there is a shortage of funds, sometimes they find money accidentally without knowing the source
- The taxing process was easy, and it was not meant for squandering, but was for strengthening the reserve fund. The soldiers were recruited from all parts of the world, and they were trained for special duties
- There will be no scarcity of money for the work, so you try to raise fund locally as far as possible. But whenever there is scarcity of money, you will have it in the usual way as you have already got it. So do everything very nicely and quickly
- They (disciples of Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura) merely came back to India falsely advertising that they had converted all the foreigners to the ideas of Vedanta or KC, & then they collected funds in India & lived satisfied lives of material comfort
- This money must be paid for by BBT and not deducted from the M-V construction funds. So this amount should also be transferred here immediately so that work in Vrindaban may not be hampered
- Unfortunately, there are many so-called followers of Caitanya Mahaprabhu who are satisfied simply to construct a temple, make a show of the Deities, collect some funds and utilize them for eating and sleeping
- Unlawfully accumulated money is now being snatched from miserly citizens by various methods of state taxation for the future civil and international war fund, which is spending money in a wasteful and destructive manner
- We have already started one Temple project and we are raising funds for this purpose. Unless this temple is finished in Bhubaneswar we cannot take any new project
- We have got the plans drawn by Saurabha and that architect, Mr. Suri, still, if we have not got sufficient funds and if there is long delay to get them, better to go ahead and build something little cheaper and very simple
- We require such funds so that we can print our books and over-flood all of the world with Krishna Conscious literature. That is the goal
- When Madhavananda and Hamsaduta were there, they were collecting funds to construct a temple there at Bhaktivedanta Manor. Please report to me what was done with these funds
- When spiritual instincts, which are inherent qualities in every living being, are kindled by daily prayer meetings, it is then only the people in general develop the qualities of the gods and the Trust Board of Mahatma Gandhi Fund should not miss this
- With our limited fund of knowledge we cannot accommodate such contradictions (God walks and does not walk), and therefore we conceive of the Lord in terms of our limited powers of understanding
- You go ahead and arrange the meeting with Birlas and Bangurs and there will certainly be no difficulty for raising the required funds for our Calcutta project
- Your idea of raising some funds and support in the West and then going back to Taiwan is a very good idea. Do it. This is a very good program. This is a very gentlemanly idea. Unless one has an office and a sitting place, no one really cares about you