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Pages in category "Roof"
The following 41 pages are in this category, out of 41 total.
- A small cottage can be constructed without any expenditure. Four logs serving as pillars can be secured by any man from the forest. The roof can be covered with leaves, and one can cleanse the inside. Thus one can live very peacefully
- Absorbed in the thought of the transcendental qualities of the Lord (Krsna), who is glorified in select poetry, the ladies on the roofs of all the houses of Hastinapura began to talk of Him. This talk was more attractive than the hymns of the Vedas
- After composing this verse and putting it on the roof of his house, Srila Rupa Gosvami went to bathe in the sea. In the meantime, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to his hut to meet him
- After composing this verse, Rupa Gosvami wrote it on a palm leaf and put it on the roof of the thatched house in which he was living
- After writing this verse on a palm leaf, Rupa Gosvami put it somewhere in his thatched roof and went to bathe in the sea
- An ordinary creeper also grows on and on until it takes a solid shelter on a roof; then it very steadily grows and produces the required fruit
- At that time, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went there to meet him, and when He saw the leaf pushed into the roof and saw the verse, He began to read it
- I have heard that Visvavasu, his mind stupefied with infatuation, fell from his airplane after seeing your daughter playing with a ball on the roof of the palace, for she was indeed beautiful with her tinkling ankle bells and her eyes moving to and fro
- I may suggest that you make one roof garden. On the top of the house you can put soil of six inches and then plant so many tulsi plants and nice bushes. I like garden very much. Just like here in Los Angeles Temple they have made one very nice garden
- I worship Lord Kesava. Coming back from the forest of Vraja, He is worshiped by the gopis, who mount the roofs of their palaces and meet Him on the path with a hundred manners of dancing glances and gentle smiles
- It (knowledge by speculation) may be successful or may not be successful. There is no certainty. But if somebody from the roof says: "The sound is due to this," then our knowledge is perfect
- No one can say that he has discovered a torchlight so powerful that if one goes on a roof and focuses the torchlight on the night sky, the sun will then be seen. There is no such torchlight, nor is it possible
- Not having seen the Lord for a long time, the citizens, both men and women, being very eager to see Him, left their homes and got up on the roofs of the palaces
- On the top of every house, flags were flapping, and the golden waterpots kept on the roofs shone brilliantly
- On this roof there is some sound, and every one of us making some suggestions what is the sound, "This may be like this. This may be like that." This is one process of knowledge - to understand the unseen by speculation
- Only those who go through life being kicked about by fate, slaving hard to fill their bellies and maintain a roof overhead, can harbor so preposterous a wish as to compete with the omnipotent Supreme Controller. It is ludicrous
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya requested the King, "Go up on the roof of the palace. Gopinatha Acarya knows every one of the devotees. He will identify them for you"
- Some of them (ladies) had been taking their lunch, but as soon as they heard that Krsna and Balarama were in the city, they left their eating and ran to the roofs
- Some of them (ladies) placed their clothes in the wrong place. Some anointed their eyes on one side only, some wore ankle bells only on one leg or wore only one earring. In great haste, not even decorated properly, they went to see Krsna from the roofs
- The Gandharva Visvavasu, while flying in the sky, could see Devahuti playing ball on the roof of the palace. Ball playing was also current, but aristocratic girls would not play in a public place
- The procession of elephants, horses, chariots and infantry was very crowded; some of the girls, being unable to see properly in the crowd, got up on the roofs of the houses
- The sinful list we have given, the four principles, illicit sex life, intoxication, meat-eating & gambling. These are the four pillars of sinful life. We request our students first of all break these four pillars. So the roof of sinful life will collapse
- The young queens of Krsna were always dressed with excellent ornaments and garments and were always engaged in sportive activities like dancing, singing or playing ball on the roofs of the palaces
- There was (in Maharaja Drupada's house) a fish hanging on the inner roof of the house under the protection of a wheel
- They (lady) had heard of Krsna, but they had never seen Him, and now their longing was relieved. After going up on the roofs of the palaces of Mathura, the ladies, their faces joyful, began to shower flowers upon Krsna and Balarama
- We can speculate that, "This sound may be for this reason." That, all of them, may be imperfect, and if somebody says from the roof that, "This sound was caused for this reason," that is perfect. That is perfect, because he has got direct experience
- We request that one first break these four pillars, so that the roof of sinful life will collapse. Then by chanting Hare Krsna one can remain established in a transcendental position
- When Lord Krsna passed over the public roads, all the ladies from the respectable families of Dvaraka went up to the roofs of their palaces just to have a look at the Lord. They considered this to be the greatest festival
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to the residence of Srila Rupa Gosvami, He accidentally saw the palm leaf on the roof, and thus He read the verse composed by him
- When the ladies of the city of Dvaraka got up on the roofs of their palaces, they never thought that they had previously many times seen the beautiful body of the infallible Lord. This indicates that they had no satiation in desiring to see the Lord
- When the news spread that Krsna, Balarama and the cowherd boys were within Mathura City, all the inhabitants gathered, and the ladies and girls immediately went up to the roofs of the houses to see Them
- Within & outside of the houses there were varieties of artistic paintings, done with rice pulp, & scented water was sprinkled everywhere, even on the roads & streets. Ceilings & roofs were decorated with different kinds of flags, festoons & green leaves