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Pages in category "Nondual"
The following 47 pages are in this category, out of 47 total.
- All the divine expansions of the nondual Supreme Being are endowed with these same superexcellent qualities
- As confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.2.11): Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.2.11): Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan
- He (Arjuna) could realize that Lord Krsna, his friend, was still present before him by His transcendental presence in different nondual energies
- He (Brahma) has described expansions of the Supreme Lord, Govinda, in his Brahma-samhita (BS 5.38), - I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is nondual and infallible. He is the original cause of all causes, even though He expands in many, many forms
- If one cannot externally serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one can serve the Lord within one's mind, since the activities of the mind are as good as those of the other senses. This is called the nondual or absolute situation - advaya jnana
- If one mistakenly considers his position to be equal to that of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he becomes contaminated by the doctrine of nonduality, and his efforts in transcendental life are rendered ineffective
- In general, the monists cannot grasp the intricate philosophy of nondualism. So Dr. Radhakrishnan has spun out of his imagination a theory by which he tries to establish dualism in nondualism
- In the Absolute, all manifestations of the Supreme Lord are nondual, just as the multifarious forms of Visnu, the controller of maya, are nondual
- In the relative world such qualities (God's qualities) are displayed in a perverted manner, and therefore we experience nonduality as a perverted reflection
- In the SB there is a statement about the Absolute Truth, what is the Absolute Truth. That it is stated,"Those who are actually in knowledge of the Absolute Truth, they speak of the Absolute Truth in this way." Advaya-jnanam: nondual. There is no duality
- It is inconceivable for Mayavadis because they think in terms of mundane sense perception and therefore think that nondualism necessitates losing one’s separate identity
- Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Bhagavan or Paramatma
- Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan
- Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan - SB 1.2.11
- Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth say that it is nondual knowledge and is called impersonal Brahman, the localized Paramatma and the Personality of Godhead
- One has to give up all the nonduality of philosophical life in the material world and come to the actual life of reality in the spiritual world in order to attain perfection
- One surrenders to a person, not to impersonal nonduality. Whenever there is a question of surrendering or offering obeisances, there must be an object of surrender or obeisances
- The Absolute Truth may be realized in three phases, but is one nondual truth. Brahman (the glowing effulgence), localized Supersoul, and Bhagavan - the Supreme Person - are three features or aspects of God
- The actions of Sri Advaita Prabhu give tangible proof of inconceivable nondualism. One who therefore surrenders unto Sri Advaita Prabhu can easily follow the philosophy of inconceivable simultaneous dualism and monism
- The duality of knowledge and knower is not accepted by the nondualist, but in this verse (BG 6.20-23) transcendental pleasure-realized through transcendental senses-is accepted. BG 1972 purports
- The nondualist Mayavadi philosopher who falsely believes that he is nondifferent from the Lord is unable to call Him like Advaita Prabhu
- The process of understanding the Absolute Truth adopted by the misguided nondualist is very difficult, whereas the devotee's way of understanding the Absolute Truth comes directly from the Lord, who is pleased by devotional service
- The real tattva, or truth, consists of Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan. As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.2.11): "Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan"
- The word advaita means "nondual," and His name is such because He is nondifferent from the Supreme Lord - CC Intro
- The word advaita means nondual, and his name is such because he is nondifferent from the Supreme Lord
- There are some philosophers, called nondualists, who because of their impersonal conception think that varieties are false
- This sound of the Lord is identical with the Lord, as we have tried to explain by the nondual position of the Lord
- This statement by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.2.11): Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramatma or Bhagavan
- Those who are in knowledge of the Absolute Truth, they say: "Absolute Truth, that thing which is nondual." Nondual. "And that Absolute Truth is known in three phases." What is that? Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan
- Those who know the Absolute Truth know it in three phases, as explained in SB 1.2.11: Those who are in knowledge of the nondual Absolute Truth know very clearly what is Brahman, what is Paramatma, and what is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- What, then, is the ultimate truth? The answer is that nondual knowledge is the ultimate truth. It is devoid of the contamination of material qualities. It gives us liberation. It is the one without a second, all-pervading and beyond imagination
- When a nondualist comes to sense that the Lord is worshipable and that the devotee is simultaneously one with and different from the Lord, then only can he surrender unto the Lord, Vasudeva. Pure devotional service begins from that point