diamond | diamondlike | diamonds
Pages in category "Diamond"
The following 37 pages are in this category, out of 37 total.
- Because they are so poor that they cannot purchase diamond. But diamond must be there. They are so poor-hearted, their education has been so poorly given that they cannot understand
- Brahma's description is given here, the example is very nice, valuable stone, just like diamond. Diamond has got power to illuminate
- Brahma, although he is very powerful, he is known as creator of this universe, but he is just like diamond. He inherits power from the Supreme Lord, so he becomes powerful
- If one gets a diamond, he possesses something valuable. But in this civilization you are simply making plastic plates and plastic cups. Indeed, in Japan I have seen pasteboard homes. And everyone is thinking that he is advanced
- If we go to a jeweler and say, "Can you give me a diamond?" he will understand that this is a fool. He could charge us any price for anything. That kind of searching will not do at all
- If you are so foolish that you go to a butcher shop and ask him to supply diamond or gold, then you'll be cheated. You must know at least where to go and purchase gold or diamond. These are valuable things. That requires little intelligence and sincerity
- In order to wear a gold or diamond nose pin or earring, one has to pierce the ear or nose. Such pain endured for the sake of sense gratification is endured on the path of karma-kanda, the path of fruitive activity
- It is described that after the appearance of the Lord, when Dhruva Maharaja thought and compared his determination to his final reward, he realized that he had wanted a few particles of broken glass but instead had received many diamonds
- The chairs and other furniture were made of ivory and bedecked with gold and diamonds, and jeweled lamps dissipated the darkness within the palace
- The city (of Indra) was full of courtyards, wide roads, assembly houses, and not less than one hundred million airplanes. The crossroads were made of pearl, and there were sitting places made of diamond and coral
- The diamond seller caters to a minority. Why are they allowed to sell. Always when there is something valuable only a minority will be able to purchase. Our books are not commercial, they are religion and philosophy
- The floors of the houses in that city were made of sapphire, crystal, diamonds, pearls, emeralds and rubies. Because of the luster of the houses in the capital, the city was compared to the celestial town named Bhogavati
- The palace was very beautiful, with its coral thresholds at the entrances and its doors bedecked with diamonds. Gold pinnacles crowned its domes of sapphire
- The people of Kali-yuga, endowed as they are with limited intelligence, have rejected the priceless diamond of devotional service to Krsna and instead chosen the cheap doll of fruitive activity and dry speculation
- The sages, headed by Sanaka, had opened doors everywhere. They had no idea of "ours" & "theirs." With open minds, they entered the seventh door out of their own will, just as they had passed through the six other doors, which were made of gold & diamonds
- The vaidurya diamond is especially meant for the Personality of Godhead, but one who achieves the liberation of bodily equality with the Lord is especially favored with such diamonds on his body
- Their (the residents of Vaikuntha) chests are beautifully broad and fully decorated with necklaces of a brilliant diamondlike metal surrounded by costly jewels never to be found in the material world
- There is a very nice story - these are very instructive story from Bhagavata. There was a very nice prostitute. Her fee was, if anyone wants to visit that prostitute, she was charging one hundred thousands of, what is called, diamond pieces
- There was a prostitute whose charges was one lakh of pieces of diamond. It doesn't matter, a big diamond or small diamond. That was her charges. So one man was suffering from leprosy
- We don't have a large number of followers. As soon as you try to sell a diamond, you cannot expect many customers. Nonetheless, a diamond is a diamond, even if there are no customers. The number of customers is not the test
- What is this diamond? The diamond is made by the interaction of sunshine. All these valuable stones, they are products of sunshine
- When a diamond is set in a golden ring, it looks very nice. The gold is glorified, and at the same time the diamond is glorified. BG 1972 purports
- With the choicest rubies set in its diamond walls, the castle created in the sky by Kardama Muni, appeared as though possessed of eyes. It was furnished with wonderful canopies and greatly valuable gates of gold