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Other Books by Srila Prabhupada

Renunciation Through Wisdom

These demons have dismissed even Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu, insulting Him with derogatory name—calling as "son of aunt Śacī."
Renunciation Through Wisdom 2.8: Spiritualists from the West often conclude that such atheistic people are possessed by Satan. In bygone ages many such satanic persons—Rāvaṇa, Hiraṇyakaśipu, Jarāsandha, Kaṁsa—challenged the Supreme Lord's authority. In modern times they have steadily multiplied. These demons have dismissed even Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu, insulting Him with derogatory name—calling as "son of aunt Śacī."


1971 Correspondence

Let us have schools and buildings to train the children from the very beginning in Krishna Consciousness. We will change the present derogatory confused state amongst the younger section. Let us start centers from town to town and give our members facility to travel freely from center to center.
Letter to Bhagavan -- Los Angeles 7 July, 1971: Yes, the government officials should come forward from the practical side, that we are creating young men, devotees of God, with character. They are getting married and leading nice family lives. They are very clean in their habits and take bath twice and thrice. And they are so hopeful of their future life—so much so that people call them bright-faced. So apart from God consciousness, there are these practical results and others. They have given up intoxication, etc. So all these government officials and congressmen should be thoroughly convinced of these practical factors. They are devoid of illicit sex also. So many nice things we are training. So let them come forward. Let us have schools and buildings to train the children from the very beginning in Krishna Consciousness. Just see how they are bowing down before superiors, how they are dancing and chanting. So let them help us. We will change the present derogatory confused state amongst the younger section. Let us start centers from town to town and give our members facility to travel freely from center to center. Let them distribute our books in all government schools, libraries, etc. Then just see the result. We can send our men to all schools and colleges for lecturing. So let us cooperate. America, by the grace of God, is got everything sufficiently and if they are trained in this Krishna Consciousness, they will be first-class country in the world with all riches, beauty, rich philosophy, so many things. So why the government is callous to our movement? There is no good reason. So let them come forward and cooperate with us.

1972 Correspondence

The book contains some derogatory remarks about my Guru Maharaja, therefore we shall having nothing to do with printing it.
Letter to Acyutananda -- Paris 22 July, 1972: Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated June 16, 1972, along with two tapes and one book. The book contains some derogatory remarks about my Guru Maharaja, therefore we shall having nothing to do with printing it. In fact, since Lalita Prasad Thakura has not fulfilled his promise to give us that Birnagar land for our ISKCON center, so we shall not have any more to do with printing any books by Bhaktivinode Thakura or anyone. Try to induce him to fulfill his promise, otherwise we want nothing more to do with the whole business.

1976 Correspondence

It appears that because you had made some derogatory racial remarks against him in the presence of other devotees here in the temple, it has become difficult to manage and win the respect of this devotees.
Letter to Gurukrpa -- Honolulu 18 May, 1976: Please accept my blessings. I have spoken with Sukadeva das Adhikari, the Honolulu Temple President. It appears that because you had made some derogatory racial remarks against him in the presence of other devotees here in the temple, it has become difficult to manage and win the respect of this devotees. If the GBC undermines the efforts of the temple presidents how will things go on smoothly. This situation could have been avoided by sober dealings in a Krsna Conscious manner. I do not want that Sukadeva be removed from his position as I can see that he is sincerely following the principles at present. The GBC can not whimsically change the temple president, there is a resolution to this effect. Why have you threatened to remove him and unnecessarily created this situation? Please be very sober in your dealings with these temple presidents, they are undoubtedly rendering a valuable service and are worthy of respect and encouragement.
Page Title:Derogatory
Compiler:Visnu Murti, Serene
Created:18 of Nov, 2008
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=1, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=3
No. of Quotes:4