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  1. Better allow them (the grhasthas) to live together. What can be done? But we cannot lose them. After training so much, if they are lost, then that is a great loss. This I am giving hint. Now you GBC, you change them. Make process‏‎ (28 categories)
  2. Bhinna prakrtir astadha. Just like I am speaking, it is being recorded, recorded. But in my absence, if the record is played, it will exactly vibrate the same sound. So that is my energy or anyone's energy, but bhinna, separated from me‏‎ (28 categories)
  3. According to SB, there are twelve authorities, & they are all famous because they were all great devotees of the Lord. These authorities are Brahma, Narada, Lord Siva, Manu, Kapila, Prahlada, Janaka, Bhisma, Sukadeva Gosvami, Bali, Yamaraja & the Kumaras‏‎ (28 categories)
  4. Actually, the Lord does not give up His body, which is eternal, but as He can change His body from the form of Visnu to that of an ordinary human child, He can change His body to any form He likes. This does not mean that He gives up His body‏‎ (28 categories)
  5. Actually we have need of many men in India, at least another 50 or 60. But they need not be important men. Assistant men will do nicely. So if you can arrange to send 50 or 60 men here for propaganda work in Calcutta and Bombay, that will be very nice‏‎ (28 categories)
  6. After coming back to his hermitage, Kardama divided himself into nine personalities just to give pleasure to Devahuti, the daughter of Manu, who was eager for sex life. In that way he enjoyed with her for many, many years, which passed just like a moment‏‎ (28 categories)
  7. All demonic personalities like Pralamba, Dhenuka, Baka, Kesi, Arista, Canura, Mustika, Kuvalayapida elephant, Kamsa, Yavana would all fight vigorously, either with the Lord Hari directly or with Him under His names of Baladeva, Arjuna, Bhima, etc‏‎ (28 categories)
  8. All the devotees should be satisfied. They have given their lives to Krishna, so we should see they are always happy. Their service is voluntary. It is not that we can force anyone to do anything. If we do they will go away and that is a great loss‏‎ (28 categories)
  9. All these women auspiciously glorified their lives despite their being without individuality and without purity. Their husband, the lotus-eyed P of G, never left them alone at home. He always pleased their hearts by making valuable presentations‏‎ (28 categories)
  10. Although the thunderbolt revolved around Vrtrasura's neck with great speed, separating his head from his body took one complete year - 360 days, the time in which the sun, moon and other luminaries complete a northern and southern journey‏‎ (28 categories)
  11. Both Indra & Prthu were envious and angry with each other, but since both of them were Vaisnavas, or servants of Lord Visnu, it was their duty to adjust the cause of their envy. This is also a first-class example of cooperative behavior between Vaisnavas‏‎ (28 categories)
  12. Both brothers, Lord Krsna and Lord Baladeva, went to Mathura from Vrndavana and killed Their maternal uncle (Kamsa), who had given so much trouble to Their parents, Vasudeva and Devaki‏‎ (28 categories)
  13. Brahma found Krsna, the S. P. of Godhead, playing the part of a small cowherd boy; he saw that little child with a lump of food in His left hand, searching out His friends and calves, just as He had been doing one year before, after their disappearance‏‎ (28 categories)
  14. By His grace was the demon named Maya saved from the blazing Khandava Forest, and thus we could build our assembly house of wonderful architectural workmanship, where all the princes assembled during the performance of Rajasuya-yajna and paid you tributes‏‎ (28 categories)
  15. By manipulating a fire-generating stick, great saints and sages can bring forth the fire lying dormant within wood. In the same way, O Lord, those expert in understanding the Absolute Truth try to see You in everything - even in their own bodies‏‎ (28 categories)
  16. By the grace of the Lord His dhamas and He Himself can all be present simultaneously, without losing their original importance. Only when one fully develops in affection and love of Godhead can one see those dhamas in their original appearance‏‎ (28 categories)
  17. Certainly we are opposed to abortion, and we can advise that it is not good, but do not take an active part in this political agitation against abortion. We are not much concerned in that way, so do not waste time approaching politicians‏‎ (28 categories)
  18. Another meat-eater said, 'Sir, please hear me. Since the day I joked with some Hindus in this way, my tongue chants the Hare Krsna hymn and cannot give it up. I do not know what mystic hymns and herbal potions these Hindus know‏‎ (28 categories)
  19. Aquatic birds such as swans, ducks, water chickens, and cranes become greatly excited by the fragrance of lotus flowers, and the charming sound of bumblebees fills the air. The inhabitants of those lands are important leaders among the demigods‏‎ (28 categories)
  20. Are you one of those exalted, liberated saints such as Dattatreya and other highly advanced, learned scholars? May I ask whose disciple you are? Where do you live? Why have you come to this place? Is your mission in coming here to do good for us?‏‎ (28 categories)
  21. Arjuna said to Lord Krsna: I have dishonored You many times, jesting as we relaxed, lay on the same bed, or sat or ate together, sometimes alone and sometimes in front of many friends. O infallible one, please excuse me for all those offenses‏‎ (28 categories)
  22. As you think of Krsna, as you see Krsna, as you read of Krsna, as you work for Krsna, some way or other, if you remain in Krsna consciousness, that is your benefit. And that benefit will save you from taking birth again in the material world‏‎ (28 categories)
  23. An ordinary child would cry, but these were not ordinary children, they immediately made preparations to punish the doormen, for the doormen had committed a great offense. Even to this day a saint is never checked from entering anyone's door in India‏‎ (27 categories)
  24. Ananda cannot be impersonal. You can make experiment. Suppose if you are put into a big room without any man coming there, so you cannot feel very comfortable for long time. You will feel lonely. You shall try to come out‏‎ (27 categories)
  25. And it is very easy. And you can do in happy mood. And what is the process? We chant Hare Krsna and eat Krsna-prasada and study Bhagavad-gita philosophy, hear nice musical sounds. Is it very difficult? Is it very difficult? Not at all‏‎ (27 categories)
  26. Another gopi said, "He is the only friend of the suffering living entities. When He plays His flute, all the cows and other animals of Vrndavana, although engaged in eating, simply take a morsel of food in their mouths and stop chewing"‏‎ (27 categories)
  27. Another gopi said, "With leaves and flowers decorating His (Krsnas) body, He looks like some hero. When He plays on His flute and calls the cows with Balarama, the river Yamuna stops flowing and waits for the air to carry dust from His lotus feet"‏‎ (27 categories)
  28. Anyone in this world, however careful he may be, must commit some sinful activities, even though he does not want to. For example, one may trample many small ants and other insects while walking on the street and kill many living beings unknowingly‏‎ (27 categories)
  29. Anyone who has accepted this Krsna consciousness movement, if he follows the principles, then he's surely going to home, back to home, back to Godhead. That is certain. But if you deviate, if you become attracted by maya, that is your business‏‎ (27 categories)
  30. Arjuna inquired, "My dear girl (Kalindi), you are so beautiful with your raised breasts. May I ask you who you are? We (Arjuna and Krsna) are surprised to see you loitering here (near the Yamuna) alone. What is your purpose in coming here?‏‎ (27 categories)
  31. As I am old man, I am traveling all over the world, now to give me relief, the GBC members . . . I shall expand into twelve more, so that they can exactly work like me. Gradually they will (be) initiators. At least first initiation‏‎ (27 categories)
  32. As Kesi's last breath came, his eyeballs bulged in their sockets and he passed stool and urine simultaneously. Thus the vital force of his life expired. When the horse was dead, his mouth became loose, and Krsna could extract His arm without difficulty‏‎ (27 categories)
  33. As iron has the power to burn when made red-hot in the association of fire, so the body, senses, living force, mind & intelligence, although merely lumps of matter, can function in their activities when infused with a particle of consciousness by the SPG‏‎ (27 categories)
  34. At the present moment if one man is attacked, the passersby will not care for it because they have lost their sympathy or mercifulness for others. Our neighbor may starve, but we don't care for it‏‎ (27 categories)
  35. Attracted by the intelligence, learning, youth, beauty, behavior, opulence & magnanimity of Agnidhra, King of Jambudvipa & master of all heroes, Purvacitti lived with him for many thousands of years & luxuriously enjoyed both worldly & heavenly happiness‏‎ (27 categories)
  36. Balarama triumphantly reached Dvaraka, where He met with many citizens who were all His devotees & friends. When they all assembled He narrated the whole story of the marriage & they were astonished to hear how He had made the city of Hastinapura tremble‏‎ (27 categories)
  37. Banasura heard that the soldiers of the Yadu dynasty were attacking the whole city, tearing down various walls, gates and nearby gardens. Becoming very angry, he immediately ordered his soldiers, who were of equal caliber, to go and face them‏‎ (27 categories)
  38. Because I depended on him, the plunderers have deprived me of my two sons the lambs, and therefore I am now lost. My husband lies down at night in fear, exactly like a woman, although he appears to be a man during the day‏‎ (27 categories)
  39. Because of being covered by the material energy, mahamaya, one identifies himself in these different ways (as brahmana, a ksatriya, a vaisya or a sudra). When the conditioned soul becomes liberated, however, he thinks himself an eternal servant of Krsna‏‎ (27 categories)
  40. Because the sons of Sagara Maharaja had offended a great personality, the heat of their bodies had increased, and they were burnt to ashes. But simply by being sprinkled with water from the Ganges, all of them became eligible to go to the heavenly planets‏‎ (27 categories)
  41. Bhagavad-gita should be discussed amongst the devotees. Sometimes we discuss Bhagavad-gita amongst the non-devotees. That is due to higher order, higher order - Guru Maharaja asked that "You go and speak." So we are doing that‏‎ (27 categories)
  42. Bhakti is not achieved by studying. Bhakti stage is achieved by practice. That is the special significance of our institution, that we are engaging our men in practicing. Therefore they are getting knowledge - not by reading‏‎ (27 categories)
  43. Don't make it a stool society. You see? Make it a honey society. At least, give chance, those who are seeking after honey. Don't cheat people. So they'll come‏‎ (27 categories)
  44. Draupadi prayed, "Krsna, if You like, You can save." So this is the position. So long we try to save ourself, then that is not very good. If you simply depend on Krsna, "Krsna, if You save me, that is all right. Otherwise kill me, as You like"‏‎ (27 categories)
  45. Each verse, read every day carefully. Try to assimilate, understand, & you will get more profit, every day 100 yards forward. They are so important verses. How nicely composed by Vyasadeva. In two lines the whole thing is explained. This is called sastra‏‎ (27 categories)
  46. East of Sumeru is the ocean of milk, in which there is a white city on a white island where the Lord can be seen sitting with His consort, Laksmiji, on a throne of Sesa. That feature of Visnu enjoys sleeping during the four months of the rainy season‏‎ (27 categories)
  47. Either he's externally a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, American, Indian, black, white, it doesn't matter. That is bodily. When you come to the spiritual platform, that is one. Because spirit is one‏‎ (27 categories)
  48. Enclosed you will find one letter from Austin temple. So that is in your zone. He has so many questions, and these types of enquiries should be answered locally. So you can reply this letter and send me a copy also so that I can see how you are answering‏‎ (27 categories)
  49. Enthusiasm and patience, these things required. If under changing conditions, I lose my enthusiasm, if I cannot endure the difficulties of my duty, therefore I go away. Then how I can be leader?‏‎ (27 categories)
  50. Especially in this scientific age, when television, radio messages are broadcast thousands and thousands of miles away, and you can hear, now why can you...? Why Krsna cannot hear your prayer, sincere prayer? How can you say it? Nobody can deny it‏‎ (27 categories)

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