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  1. A common man with all the four defects of human frailty is unable to teach that which is worth hearing. BG 1972 purports
  2. A common man’s visit to a holy place and an exalted saintly person’s visit there are different. The common man leaves his sins in the holy place, and a saintly person or devotee cleanses these sins simply by his presence
  3. A common master looks to the necessities of his servant, so how much more would the all-powerful, all-opulent Supreme Lord look after the necessities of life for a fully surrendered soul
  4. A comparison is made (in CC Madhya 19.185) between ordinary milk (the transcendental bliss of a devotee in santa-rasa) and concentrated milk - the transcendental bliss relished by the devotees situated in dasya-rasa
  5. A composition which is even in broken language, if it is meant for glorifying the Supreme Lord, that is appreciated
  6. A compromise was selected by Arjuna by his sharp intelligence, and he separated the jewel from the head of Asvatthama. This was as good as cutting off his head, and yet his life was saved for all practical purposes
  7. A concomitant generation of material energies is the principal cause of the mind's being materially affected. Thus the gross body of five elements is produced
  8. A concrete description of the eternal form of the Lord is given here (in SB 3.28.1). The Lord's sole is depicted with distinctive lines resembling a thunderbolt, a flag, a lotus flower and a goad
  9. A conditioned living being is under the full control of material nature, represented by eternal time and activities under the dictation of different modes of nature
  10. A conditioned living entity should become aware of his real position and should pray to the Lord, How much longer will I be under the rule of all these bodily functions such as lust and anger?
  11. A conditioned soul, entangled in material contamination, is sure to act in the material atmosphere, and yet he has to get out of such an environment. BG 1972 purports
  12. A conditioned soul, even one so great as Brahma, who manages the affairs of the entire universe, cannot compare to the Personality of Godhead, for He can produce numberless universes simply by the spiritual rays emanating from the pores of His body
  13. A conditioned soul cannot freely move from one place to another even on this earth, and what to speak of one planet to another
  14. A conditioned soul condemns the supreme creator when he meets reverses. Sometimes he accuses the Supreme Personality of Godhead of being crooked because some people are happy and some are not
  15. A conditioned soul falsely thinks himself happy in the material world, but if he is favored by the instructions of an unalloyed devotee, he gives up his desire for material enjoyment and becomes enlightened in Krsna consciousness
  16. A conditioned soul has no free choice; he has to accept a certain type of body according to his karma
  17. A conditioned soul is absorbed in material existence under the influence of different modes of external energy. Absorbed in the false ego, he thinks that he is doing everything by himself
  18. A conditioned soul is already allured by the modes of material energy, & there is every chance of being allured again, even while performing transcendental discipline. This is called yogat calita-manasah: deviation from the transcendental path. BG 1972 p
  19. A conditioned soul is always engaged in some type of sense gratification, but when he understands by good association that it is only a repetition of the same thing, and he is awakened to his real Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
  20. A conditioned soul is always helped by the SPG in three ways - by the scriptures, the spiritual master and the Supersoul within the heart. The Lord is the deliverer of the conditioned soul and is accepted as the Supreme Lord of all living entities
  21. A conditioned soul is bewildered by the Lord's illusory energy (maya). Maya’s business is to keep the conditioned soul forgetful of his real relationship with Krsna
  22. A conditioned soul is completely under the control of material nature. Wandering here and there - always and everywhere - he is subjected to the results of his past deeds
  23. A conditioned soul is enwrapped in his fruitive activities by the force of eternal time. But the Supreme Lord, when He incarnates on the earth, is not influenced by kala, or the material conception of past, present and future
  24. A conditioned soul is forced to accept a particular type of body by the higher authority of material laws, but here (in SB 3.20.8) it is clearly said that the Lord was not forced to accept the form of a boar by the external power
  25. A conditioned soul is hampered by four defects: he is sure to commit mistakes, he is sure to become illusioned, he has a tendency to cheat others, and his senses are imperfect. Consequently we have to take direction from liberated persons
  26. A conditioned soul is one who has forgotten Krsna as his eternal master. Thinking that he is enjoying the material world, the conditioned soul suffers the threefold miseries of material existence
  27. A conditioned soul may be very good and act in the mode of goodness, but still he is conditioned under the spell of material nature
  28. A conditioned soul sees a very beautiful rose, and he thinks that the nice aromatic flower should be used for his own sense gratification. This is one kind of vision
  29. A conditioned soul should never give up the practice of sacrifice, charity and austerity, in any circumstances. The aim of all such sacrifices is to please the Yajna-pati, the Personality of Godhead; therefore the Lord is also Praja-pati
  30. A conditioned soul thinks that he is working stealthily and that no one can see his sinful activities
  31. A conditioned soul tries to enjoy material happiness again and again. Thus he chews the chewed, but, sometimes, in the course of such enjoyment, he becomes relieved from material entanglement by association with a great soul. BG 1972 purports
  32. A conditioned soul under the control of the Lord feels proud to be the husband of one or two wives
  33. A conditioned soul under the spell of material nature cannot understand that any action he performs for sense gratification is faulty and that only his activities in devotional service to God can give him release from the reaction of faulty activities
  34. A conditioned soul works in the service of his temporary body, bodily relatives like the wife and children, and the necessary paraphernalia for maintaining the body and bodily relations, such as the house, land, wealth, society and country
  35. A consummate yogi, who is perfect in understanding Lord Krsna, as is clearly stated herein (mat-cittah, mat-parah, mat-sthanam) by the Lord Himself, can attain real peace and can ultimately reach His supreme abode, the Krsna-loka. BG 1972 purports
  36. A contaminated brahmana considers the guru to be an ordinary human being, and he objects when a Vaisnava is created by the Krsna consciousness movement
  37. A contaminated brahmana may superficially imagine a form of the Lord, but actually he considers the Deity in the temple to be made of stone or wood
  38. A covered road is exactly like a brahmana who is not accustomed to studying and practicing the reformatory practices of Vedic injunctions-he becomes covered with the long grasses of illusion
  39. A cow delivers milk in the presence of her calf; similarly the cow, or earth, fulfilled the desires of Maharaja Gaya, who was able to utilize all the resources of the earth to benefit his citizens
  40. A cow eats green grasses in the pasture and fills her milk bag with sufficient milk so that the cowherdsmen can milk her. Yajnas are performed to produce sufficient clouds that will pour water over the earth. Payah can refer both to milk and to water
  41. A cow was sacrificed in the fire, and by mantra, by chanting of the mantra, the cow will come out with a new body, young body. That was not killing
  42. A creator must possess an all-pervasive body, as pointed out in the Bhagavad-gita (3.14): Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes, heads and faces, and He has ears everywhere. In this way the Supersoul exists, pervading everything
  43. A creeper generally takes shelter of a big tree, but the bhakti-lata, being the creeper of spiritual energy, cannot take shelter of any material planet, for there is no tree on any material planet that the bhakti creeper can utilize for shelter
  44. A creeper has a feeble stem and requires the support of another tree to grow, and while growing, it requires sufficient protection so that it may not be lost
  45. A criminal, if you say: "In the beginning, how he became criminal," is that very intelligent question
  46. A criminal is first reminded of his misdeeds by witnesses in a law court, and then he is punished. If death is complete forgetfulness, why should a person be punished for his past misdeeds
  47. A criminal is put in prison and punished by the government, but the same government, if it likes, can release the criminal from imprisoned life
  48. A daughter would never inherit the property of her father, and therefore an affectionate father, during the marriage of his daughter, would give her as much as possible. A dowry, therefore, is never illegal according to the Vedic system
  49. A dead man cannot become a preacher. So you must be very enthusiastic that, "I shall preach the glories of the Lord to my best capacity." It is not that one has to become very learned scholar to become a preacher
  50. A dedicated devotee should prosecute his work according to the rules and regulations described in devotional service. The results of his activities are completely dependent on the supreme will of the Lord

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