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  1. Currents of blood flowed from the gorilla's head with great force, but the stream of blood simply enhanced his beauty, like a stream of liquid manganese coming out of a great mountain. The striking of Balarama's club did not even slightly disturb him‏‎ (26 categories)
  2. Dancing and shouting with a loud voice, he made the entire surface of the earth tremble as if from an earthquake. As he yawned again and again, he seemed to be trying to swallow the whole sky with his mouth, which was as deep as a cave‏‎ (26 categories)
  3. Dear son, we have been defeated by our enemies, and therefore we are very much aggrieved. Please mercifully fulfill our desires by relieving our distress through the strength of your austerities. Please fulfill our prayers‏‎ (26 categories)
  4. Desire cannot be completely absent because I am living entity. So my desire should be not to forget Krsna. That's all, that one desire. That is real desire. All other desires, they are foolish. We cannot be desireless, but we should desire only bona fide‏‎ (26 categories)
  5. Devotee means he is able to tolerate all kinds of discomfort and whims of the material nature, and because he is so much absorbed in serving Krishna, he takes no time to become angry or take offense with others or find out some fault, no‏‎ (26 categories)
  6. Devotees always bathe themselves in devotional service in order to be relieved from the various tribulations of material existence. By doing this, the devotees enjoy supreme bliss, and liberation personified comes to serve them‏‎ (26 categories)
  7. Do it very cautiously, because after all, we are beggar. That you should consider. But if somebody comes forward, that is our business - to induce others, moneyed man. Let his money be spent. That we are doing actually‏‎ (26 categories)
  8. Do not give up chanting. Then Krsna will protect you. This is the example. "Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna," you practice. Naturally, when you are in danger, you will say, "Hare Krsna"‏‎ (26 categories)
  9. Do you think this flower which is coming out daily in your garden in different colors and different smell and flavor, they are being done without any artistic sense? This is nonsense. There is sense. There is God's potency‏‎ (26 categories)
  10. Don't be satisfied that you have understood. No. This should be distributed. In my old age I have come to your country carrying the order of my spiritual master to distribute it. You are all young boys and girls; take this message and distribute it‏‎ (26 categories)
  11. Both demons and demigods, have been born of the same father, Kasyapa, and thus we are related as brothers. But now we are exhibiting our personal prowess in dissension. Therefore we request You to settle our dispute and divide the nectar equally among us‏‎ (26 categories)
  12. But spiritual purpose, if you work more than twenty-four hours... Unfortunately, you haven't got more than twenty-four hours at your disposal. Still, you won't feel fatigued. I tell you. This is my practical experience‏‎ (26 categories)
  13. By Your love-filled glance, with its cool and pleasing smile of sympathy, and by the sweet, nectarean words emanating from Your beautiful face, free us from the anxiety caused by this Vrtrasura, who always pains the cores of our hearts‏‎ (26 categories)
  14. By his (Aniruddha's) bedside sitting place were other paraphernalia for residential purposes - nice drinks such as milk & sherbet and nice eatables which could be chewed or swallowed. Above all, she pleased him with sweet words and very obliging service‏‎ (26 categories)
  15. By remaining in Kamsa's association, they (some of the chief devotees, such as Akrura) would be able to see the SP of G take birth and display His childhood pastimes, and Akrura would later go to Vrndavana to bring Krsna and Balarama to Mathura‏‎ (26 categories)
  16. By your own work you can recruit men locally, that is the best process. So immediately resume the preaching work amongst the Africans and show yourselves as always meek and humble and refrain from a tough attitude and in this way gain their confidence‏‎ (26 categories)
  17. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He is also incarnation of Krsna, but He accepted Isvara Puri as His guru. They do not require guru, but just to keep pace with the official program, even God personally, He accepted spiritual master‏‎ (26 categories)
  18. The other day I saw you both Krsna & Subala standing together, & you were keeping your hand upon Krsna's shoulder, & both of you were joyfully smiling. When I saw this in the distance, my eyes at once became overflooded with tears‏‎ (26 categories)
  19. The other party was equipped with all military strength supported by big generals like Bhisma, Drona and Salya and it would have been physically impossible for Arjuna to win the battle had the Lord not helped him by every kind of tactic‏‎ (26 categories)
  20. The people who are reading Krsna book very seriously, and tries to understand Krsna, he will understand. Krsna is very kind. As soon as he begins reading Krsna book with a little faith and adherence, Krsna will be very much pleased‏‎ (26 categories)
  21. The priest continued, "Would the sannyasi whose name is Madhavendra Puri please come and take this pot of sweet rice and enjoy the prasadam with great happiness! You are the most fortunate person within these three worlds"‏‎ (26 categories)
  22. The queens said, "At the present moment, you (dry rivers) appear very lean and thin, so we can understand that your position is exactly like ours. We have lost everything due to being separated from Syamasundara, we no longer hear His pleasing words"‏‎ (26 categories)
  23. The queens said, "We can appreciate your heart is full of anxiety for Syamasundara. You (the cloud) appear excessively eager to see Him, & we see that for this reason only, drops of tears are gliding down from your eyes, just as they are from ours"‏‎ (26 categories)
  24. The reception was made not simply by decorating the roads and streets as above mentioned, but by worshiping the Lord with requisite ingredients like incense, lamps, flowers, sweets, fruits and other palatable eatables, according to one's capacity‏‎ (26 categories)
  25. The sage Maitreya said: When such cursing and countercursing was going on between Lord Siva's followers and the parties of Daksa and Bhrgu, Lord Siva became very morose. Not saying anything, he left the arena of the sacrifice, followed by his disciples‏‎ (26 categories)
  26. The sages (Kumaras) were so eager to see the Lord within Vaikuntha-puri that they did not care to see the transcendental decorations of the six gates which they passed by one after another. But at the seventh door they found two doormen of the same age‏‎ (26 categories)
  27. The sastra recommends: the vaisya section of humanity should arrange for the food of the entire society through agricultural activities & should give full protection to the cows, which are the most useful animals because they supply milk to human society‏‎ (26 categories)
  28. The shore of the lake was surrounded by clusters of pious trees and creepers, rich in fruits and flowers of all seasons, that afforded shelter to pious animals and birds, which uttered various cries. It was adorned by the beauty of groves of forest trees‏‎ (26 categories)
  29. The sons of King Pracinabarhi, known as the Pracetas, underwent severe austerities within the seawater to carry out the order of their father. By chanting and repeating the mantras given by Lord Siva, they were able to satisfy Lord Visnu, SPG‏‎ (26 categories)
  30. The sons of Maharaja Pandu were sitting silently nearby, overtaken with affection for their dying grandfather. Seeing this, Bhismadeva congratulated them with feeling. There were tears of ecstasy in his eyes, for he was overwhelmed by love and affection‏‎ (26 categories)
  31. The test is within our hand. If during mangala-arati we feel laziness, that means I'm not yet spiritually advanced. And if one feels enthused, "Now it is time for mangala-arati, let me stand up, let me do this," then it is spiritual‏‎ (26 categories)
  32. The third-class devotee - who is not advanced in knowledge of the Absolute Truth but simply offers obeisances with great devotion, thinks of the Lord, sees the Lord in the temple & brings forth flowers and fruits to offer to the Deity - becomes liberated‏‎ (26 categories)
  33. The twelve authorities are Brahma, Narada, Lord Siva, Manu, Kapila, Prahlada, Janaka, Bhisma, Sukadeva Gosvami, Bali, Yamaraja and the Kumaras. These personalities are still remembered because they were all great stalwart devotees of the Lord‏‎ (26 categories)
  34. Spiritually, even if you still go in the interior of village, poor man, living in a cottage, he is taking bath three times and doing his professional work, a cultivator, having little food, and chanting Hare Krsna. They are happy actually‏‎ (26 categories)
  35. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult must be preached all over the world. This does not mean that people should take to His teachings and remain sudras or candalas. As soon as one is trained as a pure Vaisnava, he must be accepted as a bona fide brahmana‏‎ (26 categories)
  36. Sri Caitanya was a little embarrassed by the Bhattacarya’s statement; therefore He uttered the name Visnu to save Himself. The Lord herein (CC Madhya 10.182) confirms that if one is overestimated, glorification is just another form of blasphemy‏‎ (26 categories)
  37. Sri Sri Siksastakam, 1968 - Glories to the sri-krsna-sankirtana, which cleanses the heart of all the dust accumulated for years together. Thus the fire of conditioned life, of repeated birth and death is extinguished‏‎ (26 categories)
  38. Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: Visvarupa, who was engaged as the priest of the demigods, had three heads. He used one to drink the beverage soma-rasa, another to drink wine and the third to eat food. O King Pariksit, thus I have heard from authorities‏‎ (26 categories)
  39. Sridama, Subala & Stoka Krsna said, "All of them (the demons) are very strong, so it is very difficult to approach this place. Dear brothers, You are the only persons who can kill such demons. Other than You, no one can go there for fear of being killed"‏‎ (26 categories)
  40. Struck with the club by Vrtrasura like a mountain struck by a thunderbolt, the elephant Airavata, feeling great pain and spitting blood from its broken mouth, was pushed back fourteen yards. In great distress, the elephant fell, with Indra on its back‏‎ (26 categories)
  41. Such incarnations (of Lord Visnu) are visible in every manv-antara (i.e., in the course of the reign of each Manu, who lives for 71 x 4,320,000 years). Fourteen such Manus take their birth and die, to yield a place for the next, during one day of Brahma‏‎ (26 categories)
  42. Such pure love of Godhead (when a devotee thinks of Him as his pet son, personal friend or most dear fiance) is unadulterated by any tinge of superfluous nondevotional desires and is not mixed with any sort of fruitive action‏‎ (26 categories)
  43. The aim of life is God realization, God realization, that "There is God, His name is Krsna, His address is Vaikuntha, His number is this, He has got so many friends, He has got so many lovers." Everything we are giving. But still, the rascal will not take‏‎ (26 categories)
  44. The appearance of Lord Visnu at that time could be compared to the rising of the full moon over the eastern horizon. The objection may be raised that since Lord Krsna appeared on the 8th day of the waning moon, there could be no rising of the full moon‏‎ (26 categories)
  45. The attempt of the atheistic Sankhya philosophers to consider material nature the source of these elements (earth, water, fire, etc.), forgetting Krsna, is useless, like trying to get milk from the nipplelike bumps of skin hanging on the neck of a goat‏‎ (26 categories)
  46. The author of CC, Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami, uses the words prema-vivarta to refer to one who reads the book or hears about Jagadananda Pandita’s loving dealings with Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In either case, such a person very soon achieves love of Krsna‏‎ (26 categories)
  47. The beauty of the city was enhanced by the inhabitants, both men & women, who were dressed in fresh, washed clothes & decorated with sandalwood pulp, pearl necklaces and flower garlands. Incense burned everywhere, fragrances like aguru scented the air‏‎ (26 categories)
  48. The bhakti-yoga process is that if I do not like to see artificially the beauty of woman or man, if I try to see the beauty of Krsna, naturally my, this propensity of seeing beautiful man or woman becomes extinguished. You do not require to shut your eyes‏‎ (26 categories)
  49. The body needs food, but a devotee should not accept foodstuff to satisfy the tongue in sense gratification. It is recommended in Bhagavad-gita that one should accept as much food as necessary to keep the body fit, but one should not eat for luxury‏‎ (26 categories)
  50. The bogus propaganda put out by people claiming to be God has killed God consciousness all over the world. Members of the Krsna consciousness movement must be very alert to defy these rascals, who are presently misleading the whole world‏‎ (26 categories)

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