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  • ...conscious, there cannot be blissful life. If, if... You may rest assured. You may try in so many ways. Andhā yathāndair upanīyamānāḥ. Leaders may ...of Godhead, particularly." And therefore he wrote this Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. You'll find this in the Third Chapter of the First Canto. Hmm.</p> ...
    195 KB (32,056 words) - 16:33, 20 May 2018
  • ...Mahatma never surrendered to Kṛṣṇa. He surrendered to yourself; therefore you killed him. (Indian laughs) He surrendered to his countrymen, and his count <p>Prabhupāda: Just see. How great fool he was. And he's a saint. You see.</p> ...
    86 KB (13,862 words) - 15:22, 19 May 2018
  • ...s a big Brahman and a part-and-parcel Brahman. The words "part and parcel" you have only written into the śrutis for your own...</p> ...tion. It is spoken by the Lord Himself. Mamaivāṁśaḥ. He is not rascal like you, that He will say something which is mistaken.</p> ...
    169 KB (27,373 words) - 01:30, 17 May 2018
  • ...duty as a kṣatriya, you should know that there is no better engagement for you than fighting on religious principles; and so there is no need for hesitati ...uffer sinful reactions because of eating only polluted things. Bhuñjate te tv aghaṁ pāpā ye pacanty ātma-kāraṇāt. Anyone who eats for sense plea ...
    73 KB (12,225 words) - 16:02, 20 May 2018
  • ...is possible. Prabhaviṣṇave namaḥ. Viṣṇu is so powerful, omnipotent. He can do that. So only by Viṣṇu mantra, by becoming a Vaiṣṇava, one can tran ...nta philosophy especially and all other philosophy. So "What is this, that you are chanting like a sentimental person?" So Caitanya Mahāprabhu replied, " ...
    184 KB (30,549 words) - 05:57, 18 May 2018
  • <p>Interviewer: Were you born in this country or were you born in...</p> ...ble brāhmaṇa family, and very highly educated. His scholarly manifestation you'll find in the explanation of one verse:</p> ...
    143 KB (22,974 words) - 18:51, 16 May 2018
  • ...ra Purī? Oh, you are so fortunate. The Deity has stolen condensed milk for you. Take it." So he came forward and he was so pleased that Lord has stolen. " ...understand Kṛṣṇa or do not understand Kṛṣṇa, it doesn't matter. Simply if you love Kṛṣṇa, then your life is perfect. That's all. ...
    259 KB (43,592 words) - 00:50, 20 May 2018
  • ...desireless, then I am dead. What is my life? Desire... Somebody says that "You become desireless." That is an impossible, sir. Desireless means don't desi ...ryone can take part. There is no distinction. There is no distinction, and you derive the same profit. That is recommended.</p> ...
    156 KB (25,424 words) - 05:18, 20 May 2018
  • ...pose I am discussing, you are discussing something, but if I am imperfect, you are imperfect, what is the value of such discussion? That is the point. The ...t "We have very little evidence for this theory," but he said that "All of you should not be disturbed because our previous theory, we had no evidence wha ...
    177 KB (29,759 words) - 18:16, 16 May 2018
  • ...Hindu monk, within the eighty-five years, how many Hindus they have made? You can count maybe a dozen only. Huh? Did they make any Hindus, European, Amer ...o make little shade like this, just like upon the wall the shade is there. You make to the walls so that the water may not spoil the painting.</p> ...
    144 KB (24,395 words) - 23:17, 16 May 2018
  • ...54) that He can be seen and understood only by devotional service. Bhaktyā tv ananyayā śakyaḥ.</p> ...cosmic activities. Of course, there are atheists of various categories who do not believe in a creator, but that is due to a poor fund of knowledge. The ...
    82 KB (13,538 words) - 19:51, 16 May 2018
  • ...ur enemies, or you break friendship and create enmity between friends. Are you not ashamed of posing as a devotee while performing these abominable action ...man. These are all stated. So why research? You consult Vedic literature, you have got all information, everything. How the world is created, how it will ...
    106 KB (16,568 words) - 18:16, 21 May 2018
  • ...rnment is like this, the law is like this. Then I am intelligent. And if I do not know anything, if I think everything is automatically going on, then I ...ith a qualified guru? What have we done to qualify to come in contact with you?</p> ...
    132 KB (22,093 words) - 05:11, 20 May 2018
  • ...tākā was seeing one government official in Krishnanagar, and he said, "Did you bring me any of that baḍā?" They all want.</p> ...he has become so famous, and still, you do not say more than other yogis? You are asking this question, 'How he has become?' That means he has already be ...
    104 KB (16,378 words) - 19:49, 16 May 2018
  • ...r over very stalwart, very strong men. Just like what is the... Cleopatra. You have heard the Grecian history. She was very beautiful, and she conquered m ...You are running your car by authority—"Keep to the right." Why? Why don't you defy it? So authority we have to obey. But the difficulty is: who is author ...
    188 KB (29,838 words) - 05:18, 20 May 2018
  • ...Arjuna, you are talking, you are lamenting so badly, and at the same time you are talking just like a very learned man."</p> ...re not learned, but you are talking just like learned man." What is that? "You are talking"?</p> ...
    144 KB (23,000 words) - 03:53, 18 May 2018
  • ...ply wasted Our time; due to reasons beyond Our control, We could not serve you. Mother and father, please excuse Us for Our sinfulness."</p> ...e business of cats and dogs and hogs, just try to understand how much loss you are suffering.</p> ...
    126 KB (19,163 words) - 06:22, 21 May 2018
  • ...so long the machine is working. But as soon as the machine does not work, you have to change your car. It is like that.</p> ...work, then similar type of body will be given to you. By nature. You are, you have got this body by nature. Māyayā, yantrārūḍhāni māyayā.</p> ...
    138 KB (22,379 words) - 12:40, 19 May 2018
  • ...flower for this, I have enclosed one picture which I have drawn and which you may consider. But Radha-Krishna must also appear on this letterhead.</p> ...hat the taste is the same. The taste is the conclusion, and from the taste you can understand that both leaves are from the same tree.</p> ...
    97 KB (16,217 words) - 16:11, 1 March 2013
  • ...bodily connection. So long there was no bodily connection with that woman, you didn't care for her. But as soon as there is bodily connection, immediately ...lay: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Just like I'll give you another example. According to Manu-saṁhitā, our Vedic literature, the Ma ...
    124 KB (20,711 words) - 08:03, 19 May 2018
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