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SB 06.01.10 kvacin nivartate 'bhadrat... cited

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Expressions researched:
"kvacic carati tat punah" |"kvacin nivartate 'bhadrat" |"like the bathing of an elephant" |"manye kunjara-saucavat" |"prayascittam atho 'partham"

Notes from the compiler: VedaBase query: "6.1.10" or "kvacic carati tat punah" or "kvacin nivartate bhadrat" or "like the bathing of an elephant" or "manye kunjara-saucavat" or "prayascittam atho partham"


SB Canto 6

SB 6.1.10, Translation and Purport:

Sometimes one who is very alert so as not to commit sinful acts is victimized by sinful life again. I therefore consider this process of repeated sinning and atoning to be useless. It is like the bathing of an elephant, for an elephant cleanses itself by taking a full bath, but then throws dust over its head and body as soon as it returns to the land.

When Parīkṣit Mahārāja inquired how a human being could free himself from sinful activities so as not to be forced to go to hellish planetary systems after death, Śukadeva Gosvāmī answered that the process of counteracting sinful life is atonement. In this way Śukadeva Gosvāmī tested the intelligence of Mahārāja Parīkṣit, who passed the examination by refusing to accept this process as genuine. Now Parīkṣit Mahārāja is expecting another answer from his spiritual master, Śukadeva Gosvāmī.

Other Books by Srila Prabhupada

Nectar of Instruction

Nectar of Instruction 1, Purport:

Even if such a person atones and is punished by the government, he will again commit theft as soon as he comes out of jail. If punishment in jail is considered atonement, what is the benefit of such atonement? Thus Parīkṣit Mahārāja inquired:

dṛṣṭa-śrutābhyāṁ yat pāpaṁ
jānann apy ātmano 'hitam
karoti bhūyo vivaśaḥ
prāyaścittam atho katham
(SB 6.1.9)
kvacin nivartate 'bhadrāt
kvacic carati tat punaḥ
prāyaścittam atho 'pārthaṁ
manye kuñjara-śaucavat
(SB 6.1.10)

He compared atonement to an elephant's bathing. The elephant may take a very nice bath in the river, but as soon as it comes onto the bank, it throws dirt all over its body. What, then, is the value of its bathing? Similarly, many spiritual practitioners chant the Hare Kṛṣṇa mahā-mantra and at the same time commit many forbidden things, thinking that their chanting will counteract their offenses.


Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures

Lecture on SB 6.1.6 -- Sydney, February 17, 1973:

Again I go to the physician, he gives me medicine, again I'm cured, again disease. This is going on. Why this is? He has got experience, and still he has experienced, he has seen, he has heard, he has full knowledge that "This kind of sinful activity will be fruitful in this way, and I'll have to suffer." Why does he do it? Therefore, he says,

kvacin nivartate 'bhadrāt
kvacic carati tat punaḥ
prāyaścittam atho 'pārtham
manye kuñjara-śaucavat
(SB 6.1.10)

"My dear Śukadeva Goswāmī..." If a man knows it, by knowing he may refrain for sometime from sinful activity, but again he does it. Again he does it. He's forced, he's forced: "Let me do it. All right, I suffer, doesn't matter."

Lecture on SB 6.1.6 -- Nellore, January 5, 1976:

Everyone knows that "I am stealing; it is not good for me," but even though he is put into the jail as prāyaścitta, again he comes back and does the same thing. Then what is the meaning of this legal punishment or prāyaścitta? Therefore Parīkṣit Mahārāja says that

kvacin nivartate 'bhadrāt
kvacic carati tat punaḥ
prāyaścittam atho 'pārtham
manye kuñjara-śaucavat
(SB 6.1.10)

He gave very good example, that "This prāyaścitta or legal punishment is like kuñjara-śaucavat." Kuñjara means elephant, and śauca, taking bath. So kuñjara, the elephant, dips itself into the water and takes bath very thoroughly, and as soon as it comes on the land, it takes some dust and throws over his body.

Lecture on SB 6.1.6-15 -- San Francisco, September 12, 1968:

Now the king is very intelligent. He's putting next question,

dṛṣṭa-śrutābhyāṁ yat pāpaṁ
janānn apy ātmano 'hitam
karoti bhūyo vivaśaḥ
prāyaścittam atho katham
(SB 6.1.9)
kvacin nivartate 'bhadrāt
kvacic carati tat punaḥ
prāyaścittam atho 'pārtham
manye kuñjara-śaucavat
(SB 6.1.10)

Very intelligent question. "My dear sir, Śukadeva Gosvāmī, I can understand that one should take care of his sinful reaction and atone for it as prescribed in the śāstras. But my question is that," dṛṣṭa-śrutābhyāṁ yat pāpam (SB 6.1.9), "one sees that due to this sinful activity one is suffering."

Lecture on SB 6.1.6-15 -- San Francisco, September 12, 1968:

But after cure he again does the same thing. Why? This is the real problem. Why does he do so? He has seen, he has experienced. Therefore Parīkṣit Mahārāja says, kvacin nivartate 'bhadrāt (SB 6.1.10). By such experience, by hearing and seeing, sometimes he refrains that "No, I shall not do these things. It is very troublesome. Last time I had so much trouble." And kvacic carati tat punaḥ: and sometimes he again commits the same mistake. Prāyaścittam atho 'pārthaṁ manye kuñjara-śaucavat (SB 6.1.10). "Therefore, my dear sir, I think this so-called atonement is useless." Useless. Because the prescribed atonement he performs, suppose he becomes free from the sin, but why again he commits? Therefore he says, manye kuñjara-śaucavat.

Lecture on SB 6.1.9 -- Nellore, January 7, 1976:

Nevertheless, in spite of such knowledge one is forced to commit sins again and again, even after performing acts of atonement. Therefore what is the value of such atonement?"

kvacin nivartate 'bhadrāt
kvacic carati tat punaḥ
prāyaścittam atho 'pārthaṁ
manye kuñjara-śaucavat
(SB 6.1.10)

"Mahārāja Parīkṣit said: Sometimes one who is very alert so as not to commit sinful acts is victimized by sinful life again. I therefore consider this process of repeated sinning and atoning to be useless. It is like the bathing of an elephant, for an elephant cleanses itself by taking a full bath but then throws dust over its head and body as soon as it returns to the land."

Lecture on SB 6.1.8-13 -- New York, July 24, 1971:

So Parīkṣit Mahārāja immediately says, "What is the value of this atonement? If he is not corrected, checked that he should not commit such sin any more, then what is the value of prāyaścitta, katham? 'I have committed some sin. I do some atonement. Again I commit. Again I atone. I again I commit. I confess, and again I do the same thing.' So what is the use of such atonement?" His question is... Another question:

kvacin nivartate 'bhadrāt
kvacic carati tat punaḥ
prāyaścittam atho 'pārthaṁ
manye kuñjara-śaucavat
(SB 6.1.10)

For the time being, when he's punished, he thinks, "I shall not commit what mistake I did." But as soon as he's out of the danger, he commits again. So kvacin nivartate abhadrāt. Nivartate means he refrains, abhadrāt, from abominable activities. Kvacic carati tat punaḥ. And again sometimes he commits the same thing. Punaḥ. Therefore habit is second nature. It is very difficult. The example that yasya hi yaḥ svabhāvasya tasya sa duratikramaḥ.(?) Svabhāva, one who has his habit, one who is habituated to do something, it is very difficult for him to give it up.

Lecture on SB 6.1.8-13 -- New York, July 24, 1971:

So Parīkṣit Mahārāja says, "This kind of committing sin and again become relieved by atone, atonement, repetition, it is just like kuñjara-śaucavat." He's giving very nice example. Kvacin nivartate abhadrāt kvacic carati tat punaḥ, prāyaścittam atho 'pārtham (SB 6.1.10). "Therefore this atonement, to me, is nothing but waste of time." How it is waste of...? Kuñjara-śaucavat. The example, kuñjara means elephant. The elephant cleanses the body very nicely in the water, in the lake, or some water, reservoir, but as soon as comes on the shore takes some dust and overthrows. Those who have seen, that have got experience—immediately the whole body becomes dirty.

Lecture on SB 6.1.10 -- Los Angeles, June 23, 1975:

Santoṣa: "Sometimes one who is very alert not to commit sinful acts is victimized by sinful life again. If one atones for the sins after committing them but then repeatedly commits the same sins, his atonement is a useless process. Indeed, it is like the bathing of an elephant, for the elephant fully cleanses itself but then throws dust all over its head and body as soon as it returns to the land."


kvacin nivartate' bhadrāt
kvacic carati tat punaḥ
prāyaścittam atho 'pārthaṁ
manye kuñjara-śaucavat
(SB 6.1.10)

Parīkṣit Mahārāja is devotee. He knows what are these material activities. Punaḥ punaś carvita carvaṇānām (SB 7.5.30). This word is used here, punaḥ. Punaḥ means "again and again." Carvita-carvaṇānām.

Lecture on SB 6.1.10 -- Honolulu, May 11, 1976:

Prabhupāda: (devotees repeat) Oṁ namo bhagavate vāsudevāya. Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, Sixth Canto, First Chapter, verse number ten. (devotees repeat)

kvacin nivartate 'bhadrāt
kvacic carati tat punaḥ
prāyaścittam atho 'pārthaṁ
manye kuñjara-śaucavat
(SB 6.1.10)

So Parīkṣit Mahārāja, he said that everyone in this material world know what is, to some extent at least, or to his capacity, knows "This is right" or "This is wrong." May not be very advanced in knowledge, but something they know, "This is right; this is wrong."

Lecture on SB 6.1.10 -- Honolulu, May 11, 1976:

So criminality we have described. Everyone knows "This is not good," but he is punished. Again he does that. So Parīkṣit Mahārāja said, "What is the use of this atonement?" He further explains in this verse that kvacin nivartate abhadrāt. Abhadra means unclean, wrong things. Bhadra means right thing. Bhadra and abhadra. In India bhadra means gentleman and abhadra means uncivilized man. So sometimes he does like gentlemen and sometimes like foolish rascal. Kvacin nivartate 'bhadrāt kvacic carati tat punaḥ (SB 6.1.10). After coming from the prison house, jail, he decides, "No more I shall commit. I shall now become gentleman." But as soon as his friends, criminals, again mix with them, he again commits the same sinful activity. So in this condition, atonement, if he cannot change his character, so what is the use of this atonement? Prāyaścittam atho 'pārtham (SB 6.1.10). Apārtham means useless. If he cannot change his character, change his mind, then the punishment or prāyaścittam is apārtha, useless. How useless? Manye, "I think it is as useless as kuñjara-śaucavat."

Lecture on SB 6.1.10 -- Honolulu, May 11, 1976:

Kuñjara means elephant. Elephants taking bath. Perhaps you have not seen. In India we had some opportunity. They wash the body very nicely, repeatedly throwing water with the trunk, and as soon as come on the shore of the tank, again take some dust and throws over the body. We have to study from nature that how is that. This rascal washed so nicely his body, and immediately, coming out of the tank, he throws dust. Śaucye manye kuñjara-śaucavat. Very appropriate. It is that hasti-snāna. In Sanskrit it is called hasti-snāna. Snāna means bathing and hasti means elephant. So if we are not changing our character, then what is the use of advancement of knowledge, education? That I told you yesterday, that in spite of so-called advancement of education, culture, science, philosophy, the result is when you go to the airport you are proved you are a dishonest man.

Lecture on SB 6.1.12 -- Los Angeles, June 25, 1975:

So Parīkṣit Mahārāja, he, prāyaścittam atho 'pārtham (SB 6.1.10), he rejected this prāyaścitta policy, "I do something wrong and..." Just like in your country it is very... You make little mistake in driving car and you get a ticket. You go to the police and give some fine.

Page Title:SB 06.01.10 kvacin nivartate 'bhadrat... cited
Compiler:MadhuGopaldas, JayaNitaiGaura
Created:04 of May, 2011
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=1, CC=0, OB=1, Lec=12, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:14