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Labor (Letters): Difference between revisions

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<div id="LettertoSirPadampatSinghaniaNewYork20January1966_0" class="quote" parent="1966_Correspondence" book="Let" index="3" link="Letter to Sir Padampat Singhania -- New York 20 January, 1966" link_text="Letter to Sir Padampat Singhania -- New York 20 January, 1966">
<div id="LettertoSirPadampatSinghaniaNewYork20January1966_0" class="quote" parent="1966_Correspondence" book="Let" index="3" link="Letter to Sir Padampat Singhania -- New York 20 January, 1966" link_text="Letter to Sir Padampat Singhania -- New York 20 January, 1966">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Sir Padampat Singhania -- New York 20 January, 1966|Letter to Sir Padampat Singhania -- New York 20 January, 1966]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">The thing is that the idea of constructing a magnificent Temple in New York quite befitting the first city of the world, will cost you not lakhs but crores. Because here the cost of land and other materials and the labor charges all are fabulous. The labor charges here is not less than 12 dollars a day i.e Rs 60/ per day. Besides that you cannot get a vacant land in the New York city. You have to purchase a constructed house then dismantle it and then construct a Temple of your liking. I know it very well that by Grace of His Lordship Sri Sri Dvarakadhisa and by the mercy of Laksmiji Rukmini devi, your honour is quite competent to spend even crores and crores for this purpose but we must remember the difficulty of Exchange. At this stage of critical hours the Government will hardly allow us to spend such huge amount. If they at all sanction the exchange they may allow for lakhs only and therefore I have suggested the estimate as seven lakhs only.</p>
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Sir Padampat Singhania -- New York 20 January, 1966|Letter to Sir Padampat Singhania -- New York 20 January, 1966]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">The thing is that the idea of constructing a magnificent Temple in New York quite befitting the first city of the world, will cost you not lakhs but crores. Because here the cost of land and other materials and the labor charges all are fabulous. The labor charges here is not less than 12 dollars a day i.e Rs 60/ per day. Besides that you cannot get a vacant land in the New York city. You have to purchase a constructed house then dismantle it and then construct a Temple of your liking. I know it very well that by Grace of His Lordship Sri Sri Dvarakadhisa and by the mercy of Laksmiji Rukmini devi, your honour is quite competent to spend even crores and crores for this purpose but we must remember the difficulty of Exchange. At this stage of critical hours the Government will hardly allow us to spend such huge amount. If they at all sanction the exchange they may allow for lakhs only and therefore I have suggested the estimate as seven lakhs only.</p>
<div id="1967_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="2" parent="Correspondence" text="1967 Correspondence"><h3>1967 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoGargamuniSanFrancisco21February1967_0" class="quote" parent="1967_Correspondence" book="Let" index="28" link="Letter to Gargamuni -- San Francisco 21 February, 1967" link_text="Letter to Gargamuni -- San Francisco 21 February, 1967">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Gargamuni -- San Francisco 21 February, 1967|Letter to Gargamuni -- San Francisco 21 February, 1967]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I am in due receipt of your statement. It appears that you have $5,823.04 in the treasury. You can therefore deposit $5,700.00 to my account by transfer advice. Since Neal is not available here, I am sending the recorded tapes to New York for typing as you have the Dictaphone there. I am also returning the letter of authority to the shipping company duly signed by me. There is some defect in microphone also of the dictaphone. What is to be done. The dictaphone seller does not appear to be very honest. When I inquired they told that it should be taken to some local dealers and when it is repaired they say that they are not going to pay for the labor. So if there is any defect, has it to be sent to New York at their expense?</p>
<p>You can send the sets of Bhagavatam keeping there two sets only. And the sets which you have already sold, proceeds may be deposited in my account. Mr. Altman has not got to be paid this month because as soon as I hear from you that you have transferred the amount to my account I shall send $200.00 to India for purchase of harmonium.</p>
<div id="LettertoHayagrivaCalcutta19October1967_1" class="quote" parent="1967_Correspondence" book="Let" index="188" link="Letter to Hayagriva -- Calcutta 19 October, 1967" link_text="Letter to Hayagriva -- Calcutta 19 October, 1967">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Hayagriva -- Calcutta 19 October, 1967|Letter to Hayagriva -- Calcutta 19 October, 1967]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">You are a sincere soul &amp; both your mother Father are happy to see you in Krishna Consciousness. Please continue this attitude throughout your life &amp; you will be blessed not only in this life but in your next eternal life in association with Krishna. Krishna has given you a very nice chance in the city of Wilkes-Barre Penn. &amp; the idea of purchasing land as you have suggested is very nice. I think you can negotiate for this land immediately &amp; the Society will be able to pay $3,000.00. After purchasing the land you can gradually develop it into an asrama by dint of your personal labor as teacher in college. From N.Y. the members may visit the place every weekend because it isn't very far away. They take a 4 or 5 hour journey every week end so a 3 hour journey is not much. If you think you shall stick to your present occupation you can seriously think of this scheme.</p>
<div id="LettertoKrsnaDeviSanFrancisco16December1967_2" class="quote" parent="1967_Correspondence" book="Let" index="238" link="Letter to Krsna Devi -- San Francisco 16 December, 1967" link_text="Letter to Krsna Devi -- San Francisco 16 December, 1967">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Krsna Devi -- San Francisco 16 December, 1967|Letter to Krsna Devi -- San Francisco 16 December, 1967]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I am so glad to know that Krishna did not allow you to do something that was not His plan. Krishna wanted that both you and your husband must be engaged in organizing nice center. Jayananda is unique devotee. He paid you sincerely and therefore as soon as you reached Santa Fe you found out a good place better than the former place. Please utilize your energy in this good task as I am sure success is awaiting you.</p>
<p>If there is labor cheap you can organize there some incense manufacturing concern. I wish that in every center we shall now manufacture incense very good quality. The only thing you have to assured to get the splinters or the thin sticks. If you think it will be possible to get, then immediately start the work. The ingredients are the splinters, charcoal, starch or gum and essential oils. It will be very lucrative business and the profits will be sufficient to maintain the center once you begin the work. I will give you many business ideas by which you can accumulate nice profits. For business four things are required. Namely place, labor, capital and organization. For incense we have already organization. Little capital you are gathering. The poverty place means you can get cheap labor and the place you have already in your possession. Guidance, I am present. So do it immediately and there will be no scarcity of money. I hope you understand me right.</p>
<div id="1968_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="3" parent="Correspondence" text="1968 Correspondence"><h3>1968 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoRayaramaLosAngeles17February1968_0" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="67" link="Letter to Rayarama -- Los Angeles 17 February, 1968" link_text="Letter to Rayarama -- Los Angeles 17 February, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Rayarama -- Los Angeles 17 February, 1968|Letter to Rayarama -- Los Angeles 17 February, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Now, I am anxious to know if you have delivered the manuscript of the Bhagavad-gita to MacMillan and Co., and whether you are now prepared to go to India. Acyutananda is very anxious to see you there and as you have already written him that you are going there. He wants to see you there by the middle of March. I do not know whether you are prepared to go there by that time. But one thing is very encouraging, that if you go there and manage the publication, both Srimad-Bhagavatam and Back To Godhead, print in cooperation with the proprietor of the Radha Press, it will be a very nice proposal. Printing in India is undoubtedly cheaper than in any other place, because the labor is very cheap there. Gargamuni is very much hopeful for selling Back To Godheads, even up to 10,000 copies. If all these proposals are actually practical, then it is lucrative to give it a try. If it is successful then my program will be 6 months in India and 6 months in this country; and if things go on nicely, we can prepare some preachers so that even if I retire, the missionary work will go on under the able guidance of some of my selected disciples, like you, Brahmananda, Rupanuga, etc. Please reply this letter by return of post. I am anxious to know whether the manuscript is delivered to MacMillan.</p>
<div id="LettertoMukundaLosAngeles18February1968_1" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="68" link="Letter to Mukunda -- Los Angeles 18 February, 1968" link_text="Letter to Mukunda -- Los Angeles 18 February, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Mukunda -- Los Angeles 18 February, 1968|Letter to Mukunda -- Los Angeles 18 February, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">You have got already a center in S.F. so it is better to make propaganda so that people may come there in throngs. Gargamuni can make this propaganda by sellng Back To Godheads. Personally, I shall advise you to try for our own temple, either in S.F. or in L.A. You wanted me to talk to some persons who are very rich and I am ready to go with you. In the meantime, as you want to do business and so also Gargamuni, now you can order any amount of Indian goods from Vrindaban De, my younger son. And he has agreed to execute all your orders on 10% commission. I think you should agree to allow him that commission, because unless he gets some profit for his labor, it does not become very encouraging. So if you agree to give him 10%, he will supply all your goods and you may pay on presentation of the documents. If you confirm this then I shall write to him again and both you and Gargamuni can send your order to him without any difficulty.</p>
<div id="LettertoRayaramaLosAngeles24February1968_2" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="79" link="Letter to Rayarama -- Los Angeles 24 February, 1968" link_text="Letter to Rayarama -- Los Angeles 24 February, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Rayarama -- Los Angeles 24 February, 1968|Letter to Rayarama -- Los Angeles 24 February, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">He is writing a letter that he is going to write me details after he is free from the responsibility of the marriage. Regarding buying a small printing shop, I am not very much optimistic. If you can organize a regular press for printing all our magazines and books and engage all our boys and girls in the press work that will be nice proposal, but if you purchase a small printing work where I understand even Back to Godhead cannot be published, what is the use of that press. Better we are negotiating with Hitsaranji and if we are able to open a nice center in India we shall purchase some machine from America and start a press there. In India the labor is cheaper extensively than in America. My idea is that if we are able to have a nice branch in India we can do the printing works nicely under your supervision. But, if you can start a full fledged press in N.Y. that will be still more better. A full fledged press means we must have two typographic machines at least and engage some of the girls for composition and the boys may be engaged in printing and machine manipulating. That will be a great success. If Mr. Kallman purchases a big machine for printing our books, then it will be very much helpful. I cannot advise you to purchase a small printing press because that will not help us. The same energy can be transferred to India when we are in possession of a bigger house. There is every possibility of Sharma's help in our publishing power, but that is not yet settled. As soon as I hear from him favorably I shall ask you to make direct correspondence with him. I am just waiting his favorable next reply.</p>
<div id="LettertoBrahmanandaLosAngeles24February1968_3" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="82" link="Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 24 February, 1968" link_text="Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 24 February, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 24 February, 1968|Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 24 February, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">If Mr. Kalman can equip the press for printing our books, Bhagavatam esp., and other books also, and if our boys and girls can efficiently take up the printing work, that will be very nice. If we have got a press in our control with full equipment it will be a great boon. If such manipulation is not possible, then I wish to start a nice press in our Indian branch and get all our books and printing work done there. For a nice arrangement of our Indian branch I am already in negotiation with Indian friends and I have proposed a big industrialist to become the president of the Indian branch. In India labor is very cheap in comparison with your country, and especially if we have our Indian branch in Vrindaban we can have labor there as our inmates of our institution. There are many Vaisnavas who will be ready to work without any renumeration simply in exchange of their food and lodging. If we take American machines there and some of our American students to see the management we can get there labor practically without any charges, but this idea can be done as said when we get a nice house to accommodate everything.</p>
<div id="LettertoBrahmanandaLosAngeles1March1968_4" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="94" link="Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 1 March, 1968" link_text="Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 1 March, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 1 March, 1968|Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 1 March, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Regarding supplies from India: I have induced my younger son, Vrindaban De, to supply all kinds of Indian craftsmanship, namely ornaments, cloth, fine arts, dolls, saris, wooden slippers, linen shirts, or, anything that is sellable here, on 10% commission, and he has agreed. Mukunda and Gargamuni have agreed, and they are going to place orders to him. I think he may get 10% commission for his labor, and he can supply everything you may require from India. The terms is 25% should be advanced, and the balance paid on delivery of the documents. This arrangement, I think, will help to import all kinds of Indian art without any difficulty, and you can arrange for importing things that you may require.</p>
<div id="LettertoRayaramaLosAngeles3March1968_5" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="102" link="Letter to Rayarama -- Los Angeles 3 March, 1968" link_text="Letter to Rayarama -- Los Angeles 3 March, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Rayarama -- Los Angeles 3 March, 1968|Letter to Rayarama -- Los Angeles 3 March, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">In the meantime there is a good news for us that Jayananda, the president of our San Francisco center, is attempting to have their own house in San Francisco. I am returning to San Francisco on the 8th March. I shall see how the matters have proceeded there. Now, if somewhere we get our own house and start our own press and we sit down together for publishing Back to Godhead and other books, how will you like the idea? Most probably I will get my permanent resident visa, and if we sit together for concentrating our energies in the matter of important publication work, it doesn't matter whether we are in USA or in India. Our proposal to open a press in India was to get cheap labor, but here in USA, if our brahmacaris work in the press, there is no question of labor expenditure at all. Subala das has got some experience in working in the press. Similarly, yourself, Purusottama, Madhusudana, and others have got some experience. So how would you like the idea of starting a press in our own building at San Francisco? I shall be glad to hear from you after mature consideration.</p>
<div id="LettertoSivanandaNewYork19April1968_6" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="148" link="Letter to Sivananda -- New York 19 April, 1968" link_text="Letter to Sivananda -- New York 19 April, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Sivananda -- New York 19 April, 1968|Letter to Sivananda -- New York 19 April, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Your reasoning is all right that the Brahma energy must have conscious direction to manifest form. Therefore He who gives that direction is the Ultimate Controller or Param Isvara. In Brahma Samhita it is said: "Isvarah paramah krsnah saccidananda vigrahah, anadir adir govindah sarva karana karanam (Bs. 5.1)." Krishna is the Supreme Controller of all controllers and therefore, He is the Origin of everything including the Brahma Energy. This Govinda is the cause of all causes, and He is without any cause. This is the beauty of the sastras, that one sloka finishes billions of years hard labor of mental speculation. Just try to give evidence like this.</p>
<div id="LettertoSubalaMontreal23June1968_7" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="215" link="Letter to Subala -- Montreal 23 June, 1968" link_text="Letter to Subala -- Montreal 23 June, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Subala -- Montreal 23 June, 1968|Letter to Subala -- Montreal 23 June, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 17, 1968, and noted the contents with great pleasure. Rest assured that your hard labor and sincere exertion to serve Krishna will never go in vain. I hope that by this time you might have received a check for $100 from Hare Nama Brahmacari. And I have advised him to send you at least $50.00 per month for the next 3 months to help you. In the meantime, you try to become self sufficient. I have also advised Sriman Umapati Brahmacari to join you. He is now in San Francisco as in S.F. they will require his help during the Rathayatra Festival. I am advising him to join you just after the festival. I hope both of you will be good combination, because Woompati writes "Subala is my good friend and it will give me great joy to work with him in your divine service."</p>
<div id="LettertoBalaiMontreal4July1968_8" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="223" link="Letter to Balai -- Montreal 4 July, 1968" link_text="Letter to Balai -- Montreal 4 July, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Balai -- Montreal 4 July, 1968|Letter to Balai -- Montreal 4 July, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I thank you very much for your letter of June 20, 1968, and I am so glad to learn that you are living happily as householders. I want to see all my disciples to live such peacefully and execute such Krishna Consciousness. That is the perfection of life. It does not matter whether one is Brahmacari or householder, the real test is how he is executing Krishna Consciousness.</p>
<p>Yes, we are in need of our own press very urgently, and as Advaita has in his view to conduct such press, and he is laboring so hard for fulfilling this desire, certainly Krishna will be very pleased on him and you also for such endeavor. It is contemplated that we may start the press here in Montreal, because there is ample space. It is not yet settled up, but if we decide to start, then how Advaita can help this enterprise? Anyway, unless Advaita becomes quite conversant with the matter of conducting a press, I shall not try to start a press of our own. And when he is satisfied, then we shall start a well-equipped press.</p>
<div id="LettertoSyamasundaraMontreal15July1968_9" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="240" link="Letter to Syamasundara -- Montreal 15 July, 1968" link_text="Letter to Syamasundara -- Montreal 15 July, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Syamasundara -- Montreal 15 July, 1968|Letter to Syamasundara -- Montreal 15 July, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter with thanks, dated July 8, 1968, and I must say that the Rathayatra festival was so successful for your diligent labor only. If you would not have constructed such a nice ratha (car) in such a short time, it would not have been possible to perform the grand festival. By Krishna's Grace you have got the talent of carpentermanship, and you have fully utilized your energy in the service of Krishna. You have carved so many Jagannatha Murtis, and the car also, so Krishna must have been very much satisfied with your service. Srimad-Bhagavatam says that the highest perfectional stage of everyone's talent is to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, by his craftsmanship, scientific knowledge, philosophical research, or similar any other energy. Please continue this attitude of service and success of life is assured for you. I have learned the description of the Rathayatra festival verbally from so many persons who came to see me from San Francisco, and I have received the photo album from Gurudasa. But I have not received any newspaper clippings, which I am very much anxious to see.</p>
<div id="LettertoHayagrivaMontreal17August1968_10" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="261" link="Letter to Hayagriva -- Montreal 17 August, 1968" link_text="Letter to Hayagriva -- Montreal 17 August, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Hayagriva -- Montreal 17 August, 1968|Letter to Hayagriva -- Montreal 17 August, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Even if the government does not acquire our land, if in our vicinity some such industry (coal or oil industry) is started, the whole idea of Vrindaban will fade away. Vrindaban conception is a transcendental village, without any botheration of the modern industrial atmosphere. My idea of developing New Vrindaban is to create an atmosphere of spiritual life where people in bona fide order of social division, namely, Brahmacaris, Grhasthas, Vanaprastha, Sannyasis, or specifically Brahmacaris and Sannyasis, and Vanaprasthas, will live there independently, completely depending on agricultural produce and milk from the cows. The life should be simplified without being hampered by laboring day and night for economic development, without any spiritual understanding.  The New Vrindaban idea is that persons who live there will accept the bare necessities of life to maintain the body and soul together and the major part of time should be engaged in development of Krishna Consciousness. The whole Vedic principle is to develop Krishna Consciousness, without creating much botheration for the program of sense gratification.</p>
<div id="LettertoAnapurnaAnandaMontreal4September1968_11" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="297" link="Letter to Anapurna, Ananda -- Montreal 4 September, 1968" link_text="Letter to Anapurna, Ananda -- Montreal 4 September, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Anapurna, Ananda -- Montreal 4 September, 1968|Letter to Anapurna, Ananda -- Montreal 4 September, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">So far your marriage is concerned, I am very sorry that Ananda's parents are not willing in this marriage ceremony; now it is up to you for deciding whether you should get married or not. But I think you should, under the circumstances, the best thing will be that you get yourself married legally, according to the state laws and get a certificate and I think, Ananda, you should try to remain in Vancouver, and work. And by your labor you try to open a branch in Vancouver, and that will be very nice thing. And when I go to Vancouver, from Seattle, I shall offer my blessings in observing the rituals of our marriage system.</p>
<p>I shall give you one engagement and if you secure one dictaphone then I shall send you regular tapes for transcribing it into English version, and you will make two copies. One copy shall be sent to me, another copy shall be sent to Hayagriva Brahmacari. As Govinda dasi and her husband, is trying to help me in compiling essays and texts of Caitanya Caritamrta, similarly, I shall give you a task for the Science of Devotion.</p>
<div id="LettertoAllDevoteesNewYork7September1968_12" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="298" link="Letter to All Devotees -- New York 7 September, 1968" link_text="Letter to All Devotees -- New York 7 September, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to All Devotees -- New York 7 September, 1968|Letter to All Devotees -- New York 7 September, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Prabhupada has requested that 7 temples be established there. Its main activity will be cow protection and to show the world that simply by living with cows and land and chanting HARE KRISHNA a perfect society will prevail.</p>
<p>A great deal of work is required and Swamiji has requested at least four devotees to go there immediately. New Vrindaban lacks so-called necessities as hot running water and toilets, so that only stout and sturdy devotees are needed, especially those with carpentry experience and can do manual labor.</p>
<p>New Vrindaban will be especially attractive to householders who will want to raise their children in full K.C.</p>
<p>So, all devotees who are interested in living in New Vrindaban, either immediately or in the near future should please contact me. Those with carpentry experience should especially do so.</p>
<div id="LettertoRayaramaSeattle17October1968_13" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="378" link="Letter to Rayarama -- Seattle 17 October, 1968" link_text="Letter to Rayarama -- Seattle 17 October, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Rayarama -- Seattle 17 October, 1968|Letter to Rayarama -- Seattle 17 October, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">So zero has no value. And millions of zeros put together does not make any value. But one is put on the left side of the zero, it increases the value. Then one zero becomes 10, two zero becomes 100, three zero becomes 1000, so it is very nice. This point should be clearly discussed, that without God consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, any attempt of human civilization so-called philosophical or political or economical or labor, they are all zeros. The human society should be divided as a social order, as the intellectual men, the administrator class, and the mercantile class, and the laborer class. And so far spiritual order, they should be divided as the renounced order of life, retired order of life, householder, and student life. Third point, all these 8 divisions are meant for understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and this Krishna Consciousness movement is meant for teaching this necessities of human civilization. Fourth point, so far the administrator class of men, or mercantile class of men, and laborer class of men, there are many institutions but to train a first class intellectual man, there is no institution all over the world. And there is no institution for spiritual training also.</p>
<div id="LettertoRayaramaSeattle17October1968_14" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="378" link="Letter to Rayarama -- Seattle 17 October, 1968" link_text="Letter to Rayarama -- Seattle 17 October, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Rayarama -- Seattle 17 October, 1968|Letter to Rayarama -- Seattle 17 October, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">All animals like deer, camel, ass, monkey, even flies and snakes, none should be ill treated. Even they enter into the house or in the fields and take their eatables, they should not be stopped. Because they have also got the right to eat, eatables supplied by the Lord. And they will not eat more, neither they will take at home, They are better than human beings. If a human being is allowed to enter into the field or into the garden, he will try to take away something for selling or stocking, but the animals do not. So the innocent animals should be accepted as children of the householder.</p>
<p>Nobody should take to very hardship labor. The modern civilization has discovered severe types of dangerous industries, and laborers are attracted for high wages. But they should not accept such work. Then naturally there will be less capitalistic idea. Because the laborer cooperates, therefore demoniac persons they take advantage and make unnecessarily increase of artificial demands of the body. Better one should be satisfied with agricultural produce than go into large cities to be engaged in industry. Peaceful life depending on agricultural produce can bring him real happiness and prosperity, not otherwise.</p>
<div id="LettertoHamsadutaLosAngeles28November1968_15" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="455" link="Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 28 November, 1968" link_text="Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 28 November, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 28 November, 1968|Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 28 November, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Also in France he may open one center and many of my students may come to help him. In Europe I require 3 centers, one in London, one in Paris, and one in Hamburg.</p>
<p>In New York, Advaita and Uddhava are preparing to start press to print our books and magazines, so in this endeavor they will require more manpower. I think that Vaikunthanatha is suitable in this connection so he may make arrangements to come to New York to work in bookbindery establishment and also take classes in bookbinding to be paid for by Advaita and Uddhava. The money he earns for his labor shall be utilized for our new press program.</p>
<p>Regarding the "Inside Iskcon" journal, if it is not very troublesome the idea is all right. Since you describe a necessity for warmer shoes, leather may be utilized and their is no harm.</p>
<div id="LettertoGurudasaLosAngeles1December1968_16" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="460" link="Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 1 December, 1968" link_text="Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 1 December, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 1 December, 1968|Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 1 December, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">As you may have heard, our Bhagavad-gita As It Is is now published and can be ordered from the New York temple by writing to Brahmananda. Please try to popularize this book throughout England as much as possible. Because if these books are read, there is no doubt that many sincere souls shall be attracted and will join you in your work for Krishna. So please try for selling these books, it shall be considered as the greatest service.</p>
<p>You have requested of me to write one letter for opening the "board meeting" so when the meeting is arranged definitely I will send the same. So far as the dictionaries go, the Niruktih is the better of the two. I think that you may send me few more of the published Prahlada Maharaja prints so that other temples may be inspired and also may try to republish them in some American papers.</p>
<p>Once again I thank you for your nice labors and hope that you are all well.</p>
<div id="LettertoHamsadutaLosAngeles12December1968_17" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="486" link="Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 12 December, 1968" link_text="Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 12 December, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 12 December, 1968|Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 12 December, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Such French edition was my great ambition and now that you have achieved success, I request you all to improve it continually so the French speaking people will have opportunity to take advantage of our Krishna Consciousness movement.</p>
<p>So now there is plenty engagement for everyone at the temple and if you can secure funds simply by selling our literature, by prasadam program and by some sewing labor, then it will not be necessary to take karmi jobs outside. So Krishna has given you very good facilities to be engaged and make profit at the same time for the temple so even though you may live poorly, if you can support yourselves simply with these activities it will be very good.</p>
<p>You have expressed some new ideas to improve BTG of the English Back To Godhead, but I think that there is no need to interrupt their way of thinking. Now you have a chance for your own edition so do it nicely and according to your own ideas. You are artist, so you have facilities to make a very nice edition to sell to the French public. Since in Montreal 75% of the populace are speaking French I think you have very good chance to popularize and improve this magazine.</p>
<div id="LettertoUddhavaLosAngeles19December1968_18" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="502" link="Letter to Uddhava -- Los Angeles 19 December, 1968" link_text="Letter to Uddhava -- Los Angeles 19 December, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Uddhava -- Los Angeles 19 December, 1968|Letter to Uddhava -- Los Angeles 19 December, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I am in due receipt of your letter dated Dec. 17, 1968, and I have noted the contents carefully.</p>
<p>From your letter it is clear that as of yet you have no idea of how much the price will be to print our books. This is a very important factor and I think that now that Vaikunthanatha and Patita Uddharana are in NY to help you you should utilize their labor to arrive at some figure. As you know, Dai Nippon is printing our books for a price of approximately $1.20 per book with shipping paid so I do not know if our own press will be able to compete with such price. I there is good milk available plentifully in the market place there is no need to keep a cow. So similarly, if we can get our books printed and cheaply and with no trouble of labor then it is an adequate arrangement. From the beginning Advaita and yourself have been very sincere and enthusiastic about this project but now I think we must be very businesslike in investigating the price which will be required to print our books. So immediately you should look seriously into this question and inform me of your findings as you are able.</p>
<div id="LettertoUddhavaLosAngeles19December1968_19" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="502" link="Letter to Uddhava -- Los Angeles 19 December, 1968" link_text="Letter to Uddhava -- Los Angeles 19 December, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Uddhava -- Los Angeles 19 December, 1968|Letter to Uddhava -- Los Angeles 19 December, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Please convey my thanks to Patita Uddharana for his nice letter. I will be looking forward to seeing the epic poem which he promised to be sending me soon.</p>
<p>P.S. I have asked Hayagriva to invest some money in purchasing press and he has almost agreed. Apart from labor and other cost you can give me an estimate of price of the materials required.</p>
<div id="LettertoRukminiLosAngeles19December1968_20" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="505" link="Letter to Rukmini -- Los Angeles 19 December, 1968" link_text="Letter to Rukmini -- Los Angeles 19 December, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Rukmini -- Los Angeles 19 December, 1968|Letter to Rukmini -- Los Angeles 19 December, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">As our movement continues to spread around the world we will be requiring so many of such paintings so that so many devotees and friends may engage their eyes in seeing Krishna and His devotees. So please try to improve your artistic abilities as far as possible. I am sure that Jadurani will always be a help to you in this matter.</p>
<p>So far as offering to Krishna apple cider, this can be done only if it is prepared by devotees. These food manufacturers do not take proper precautions in cleanliness nor do they have devotion to Krishna in their labors so it is not very acceptable offering. If you can make this preparation yourself then it will be alright.</p>
<p>So please continue to engage yourself in Krishna's service very sincerely and I am sure that Krishna will help you in all ways to advance more and more. I am always praying that Krishna will give you strength to continue to go on nicely. Please convey my blessings to all of your good god-brothers and god-sisters in Boston.</p>
<div id="LettertoGurudasaLosAngeles24December1968_21" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="512" link="Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 24 December, 1968" link_text="Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 24 December, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 24 December, 1968|Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 24 December, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Regarding your analogy of sowing KC seeds, I may inform you that there is a Bengali proverb—Sa bure Meoya Phale. This means that fruits like chestnuts and pomegranates, or similar other valuable fruits and nuts take some time to be fructified. So any good thing comes in our possession after hard struggle and endeavor. So Krishna Consciousness is the greatest of all good fruits. We must therefore have necessary endurance and enthusiasm to get the result. We shall never be disappointed when things are presented in reversed order. Anyway, your honest labor is now coming to be fructified. Always depend upon Krishna and go on working with enthusiasm, patience and conviction.</p>
<p>In the meantime, I have received one letter from Sri C. Govinda which is also very encouraging. I understand that Sri Govinda and Pandit Trika are now cooperating with you. Please keep them as good friends. Mr. Govinda appears to be very intelligent man and he has grasped the Sankirtana movement is very suitable for the younger generation in the Western world.</p>
<div id="1969_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="4" parent="Correspondence" text="1969 Correspondence"><h3>1969 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoBhurijanaLosAngeles18January1969_0" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="36" link="Letter to Bhurijana -- Los Angeles 18 January, 1969" link_text="Letter to Bhurijana -- Los Angeles 18 January, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Bhurijana -- Los Angeles 18 January, 1969|Letter to Bhurijana -- Los Angeles 18 January, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">All of the super-excellent qualities of kirtana were present on this tape and it was thus a great joy to hear it. On this tape Rupanuga has set an example for all householders because there was singing on this of Hare Krishna by all of his family members. It was all sounding very nicely, and I am going to show this tape to the Sankirtana Party which is here in Los Angeles so they may take example from such nice kirtana.</p>
<p>I am very pleased that you are graduating from college in a few days and are anxious to engage your labors in spreading this Krishna Consciousness movement. Also I request you to study carefully the Bhagavad-gita As It Is because there is so much important service that an intelligent boy such as yourself can do in preaching work and spreading our movement around the world. You have very good example from your god-brother, Rupanuga, and so continue to help him as you are doing, and it shall be very successful for you.</p>
<div id="LettertoPrabhasCandraMittraLosAngeles17February1969_1" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="130" link="Letter to Prabhas Candra Mittra -- Los Angeles 17 February, 1969" link_text="Letter to Prabhas Candra Mittra -- Los Angeles 17 February, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Prabhas Candra Mittra -- Los Angeles 17 February, 1969|Letter to Prabhas Candra Mittra -- Los Angeles 17 February, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I am sending herewith one letter of declaration from the Bank of America as well as from the First National City Bank of America for your kind perusal. So, for experimental sake, if you immediately dispatch the following goods and ship them to Los Angeles, your bills with bill of lading will be presented to the Bank of America and will at once be honored. For the time being you can ship the goods by any suitable steamer company to Los Angeles.</p>
<p>In the meantime, I am trying to negotiate with Srimati Morarji. So if you agree, immediately send book the following goods, send me the invoice and upon presentation to the Bank of America (Pico and La Cienega Branch, 85-01 W. Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif.), they will pay the amount of your bill. If you agree to this them immediately send the following goods:</p>
<p>1. 1 first class harmonium with good bellow which sustains without much labor.</p>
<div id="LettertoJayapatakaHawaii11March1969_2" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="169" link="Letter to Jayapataka -- Hawaii 11 March, 1969" link_text="Letter to Jayapataka -- Hawaii 11 March, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Jayapataka -- Hawaii 11 March, 1969|Letter to Jayapataka -- Hawaii 11 March, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Relishing the transcendental sweetness of Krishna Kirtana is only possible when one is actually advanced, towards perfection. Srila Rupa Goswami used to say, wishing if he had possessed millions of ears, and billions of tongues then he could chant the Hare Krishna mantra a little bit relishably. In the conditioned stage, we chant Hare Krishna mantra officially without any attachment and try to finish the rounds as soon as possible. Sometimes we also forget to chant the prescribed number of rounds. But Haridasa Thakura even at the last stage of his life, he was chanting 300,000 beads although Lord Caitanya personally asked him to not labor so hard. But Haridasa Thakura said that he would continue the practice till the end of his life. So that is the position of transcendental taste. Please therefore chant very sincerely with your present aptitude of mind and Krishna will bless you more and more in understanding this secret of transcendental vibration. Of course, sometimes the public may misunderstand such tears of bliss, so we may better have to check it from the vision of ordinary persons.</p>
<div id="LettertoRupanugaHawaii14March1969_3" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="173" link="Letter to Rupanuga -- Hawaii 14 March, 1969" link_text="Letter to Rupanuga -- Hawaii 14 March, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Rupanuga -- Hawaii 14 March, 1969|Letter to Rupanuga -- Hawaii 14 March, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated the third of March, 1969, and I think I shall be able to go to your center from Boston. There is an important engagement in Boston on the 24th April, and perhaps next on the 29th and I think after finishing these I can go to your place. So you can fix up your program in consultation with Satsvarupa. The idea of inviting everyone to Sankirtana in a larger meeting hall is very good. Instead of attending small groups of meeting, we can arrange to assemble them at one place—that will be less laborious and more convenient for us.</p>
<p>Prahladananda has sent me a check for $30 towards my book fund and I am very much thankful to him. I am enclosing the reply of his letter herewith.</p>
<div id="LettertoJayagovindaHawaii30March1969_4" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="220" link="Letter to Jayagovinda -- Hawaii 30 March, 1969" link_text="Letter to Jayagovinda -- Hawaii 30 March, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Jayagovinda -- Hawaii 30 March, 1969|Letter to Jayagovinda -- Hawaii 30 March, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I feel encouraged to act so busily day and night. But the body sometimes does not allow me to do so. So I have to sleep about 4 to 5 hours. But in comparison to our predecessors, the Goswamis, this engagement in insignificant. These Goswamis used to work almost 24 hours. They used to sleep not more than 2 hours, and they produced immense literature. Of course, it is not possible to be in their level of activities, but as far as possible, we should everyone of us try to work as hard as possible for Krishna's satisfaction. This material body can be adjusted with practice. If we adjust these bodily activities towards Krishna's side, then the labor is fruitful, but if we adjust towards maya's side, then the labor is useless. A little labor done for Krishna is never lost. But the greatest labor done for Maya is simply waste of time. So I think by the Grace of Krishna you are feeling nice now. Please try to work hard for Krishna, and your life will be glorious. By Krishna's Grace and by His desire, you are destined to go to Germany to take up the work of BTG in German. The three boys now working there are very sincere workers. You are also very sincere boy and I am sure when you go there you will find a very nice atmosphere of ISKCON workers.</p>
<div id="LettertoRChalsonNewVrindaban12June1969_5" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="358" link="Letter to R. Chalson -- New Vrindaban 12 June, 1969" link_text="Letter to R. Chalson -- New Vrindaban 12 June, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to R. Chalson -- New Vrindaban 12 June, 1969|Letter to R. Chalson -- New Vrindaban 12 June, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I beg to thank you very much for your kind letter dated June 8, 1969, addressed to our New York temple and forwarded to me. I am very pleased to read the contents. My Spiritual Master, Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja Prabhupada, sometimes used to say that if after selling all of my property I can convert one person to Krishna Consciousness factually, then I shall think my mission is successful. Similarly, I am also thinking like that after reading your letter that if I could induce even one person to Krishna Consciousness through my publication, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, then I shall think my labor is successful. So I am very much encouraged to read your letter, and I have received many such letters from others also, so I am very hopeful.</p>
<div id="LettertoGurudasaNewVrindaban21June1969_6" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="390" link="Letter to Gurudasa -- New Vrindaban 21 June, 1969" link_text="Letter to Gurudasa -- New Vrindaban 21 June, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Gurudasa -- New Vrindaban 21 June, 1969|Letter to Gurudasa -- New Vrindaban 21 June, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I have received your note about the new house, and I have arranged to send the money as requested by Mukunda. I hope the money is already received by you and the transaction is nicely executed. After hard labor, you are getting a nice house just suitable for your purposes. Now decorate it nicely, and go ahead with new vigor and energy to push on the Krishna Consciousness Movement in London. You have already created an impression in the greatest city in the world, and I hope in the future there will be even greater hope for this movement. I am glad to learn that the Beatles have showed guarantee for payment of the rent. It is a nice, friendly gesture. Recently Mr. John Lennon had an interview with one of our disciples, Vibhavati, and it appears that he is also sympathetic with our movement. Another point is that in BTG we shall now publish as many pictures of our Sankirtana Movement in different cities as possible. So get good snaps of your kirtanas and engagement in London, and send the photos on to New York.</p>
<div id="LettertoMukundaLosAngeles28June1969_7" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="401" link="Letter to Mukunda -- Los Angeles 28 June, 1969" link_text="Letter to Mukunda -- Los Angeles 28 June, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Mukunda -- Los Angeles 28 June, 1969|Letter to Mukunda -- Los Angeles 28 June, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Without God, there is no question of happiness, and without God, there are no good qualities in a person. So the leaders of the human society are missing this point, and here is a program of Krishna Consciousness that if sober and truthful men join, certainly we shall be able to give something very sublime to the suffering peoples of the world. As requested by you, I am sending herewith a note addressed to the Archbishop, and you may do the needful.</p>
<p>I am so glad to learn that the lease agreement is already signed, and I shall be glad to hear from you further in this connection. I thank you so much for your hard labor in pushing on this Krishna Consciousness Movement, and surely Krishna will give you more and more strength in this endeavor. Sudama has left Hawaii already, and he is here in Los Angeles. He will not go to London until you are completely equipped to receive other brahmacaris from here.</p>
<div id="LettertoSyamasundaraHamburg31August1969_8" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="537" link="Letter to Syamasundara -- Hamburg 31 August, 1969" link_text="Letter to Syamasundara -- Hamburg 31 August, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Syamasundara -- Hamburg 31 August, 1969|Letter to Syamasundara -- Hamburg 31 August, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated August 27th, 1969, and I have noted the contents with great joy. You are improving in every respect of our London Yatra program, and I think your labor to make friends with the Beatles has been successful in the matter of pressing the Hare Krishna record. I hope by this means many thousands of pounds will flow into Krishna's treasury. We are very poor financially, but by Krishna's Grace we are getting help undoubtedly. That is nice. I came here without any money, singlehanded, and Krishna is sending me so many nice assistants and the required money whenever it is necessary. We should be satisfied with such Grace of Krishna. We do not want any extra money for sense gratification, but Krishna is so kind He is supplying the necessary amount. You will be glad to know that Satsvarupa in Boston has purchased property worth 70,000 dollars.</p>
<div id="LettertoBhagavanLondon22September1969_9" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="575" link="Letter to Bhagavan -- London 22 September, 1969" link_text="Letter to Bhagavan -- London 22 September, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Bhagavan -- London 22 September, 1969|Letter to Bhagavan -- London 22 September, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">So continue to develop your Sankirtana Party activities, and if you are given permission to accept donations, that will increase the strength of your activities there. You may consult with Tamala Krishna in Los Angeles for advice as to how to approach the authorities for obtaining such permission. That 50 people are coming to your Love Feasts and 15-20 people are coming to the kirtanas in the temple is good news also. As you are a sincere servant of Krishna, Krishna is recognizing your efforts to serve Him nicely and thus He is crowning your labors for Him with success. As more and more you increase in sincerity, similarly Krishna will more and more reciprocate by giving you the intelligence to serve Him nicely.</p>
<div id="LettertoVamanadevaTittenhurst21October1969_10" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="624" link="Letter to Vamanadeva -- Tittenhurst 21 October, 1969" link_text="Letter to Vamanadeva -- Tittenhurst 21 October, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Vamanadeva -- Tittenhurst 21 October, 1969|Letter to Vamanadeva -- Tittenhurst 21 October, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I am in due receipt of your letter dated October 14, 1969 and have noted the contents carefully. If you can open a center with Indira Dasi, that will be a great pleasure for me. I want that all married couples should open new centers and carry on by dint of hard labor. Every householder, husband and wife together, they require to live in an apartment, so if they have got an extra room, they can immediately start a center. You have seen in Hawaii how Gaurasundara and Govinda are gradually developing from this beginning to a nice center in Hawaii. Wherever we sit down and chant Hare Krishna people will gather and gradually become our devotees and thus the center is developed. So if you want to open a center, that is very good. But at the same time you must be able to measure your strength whether you will be able to do it. In the meantime Columbus center may require your services, so you may remain there, and when you feel strong you can do it with Krishna's blessings. But if you do it sincerely and seriously, you will be successful. In Japan Sudama and his wife are doing very nicely, and I have got encouraging letter that Bali Mardan is desiring to go to Australia to open a temple.</p>
<div id="1970_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="5" parent="Correspondence" text="1970 Correspondence"><h3>1970 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoSyamasundaraLosAngeles12April1970_0" class="quote" parent="1970_Correspondence" book="Let" index="231" link="Letter to Syamasundara -- Los Angeles 12 April, 1970" link_text="Letter to Syamasundara -- Los Angeles 12 April, 1970">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Syamasundara -- Los Angeles 12 April, 1970|Letter to Syamasundara -- Los Angeles 12 April, 1970]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">They are very much fond of temple activities. I understand that George has got a nice chapel in his house and he is also anxious to develop his Krishna Consciousness, so it is not necessary that he has to become my formal disciple, but in order to develop his Krishna Consciousness, he should give us some opportunities to develop a duplicate temple in Oxon. Our staying in John's Tittenhurst garden was a failure because John wanted to utilize the labor of our men without giving us proper facilities for developing the temple.</p>
<p>Regarding how George may continue his meditation, that meditation may be done by keeping one picture of Krishna, keeping his mind concentrated on the picture of Krishna and softly chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra as long as he likes. That will complete both his meditation and Krishna Consciousness perfectly according to the last verse of the sixth chapter of Bhagavad-gita which says, "And of all yogis, he always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in Yoga, and is the highest of all."</p>
<div id="LettertoUpendraLosAngeles22April1970_1" class="quote" parent="1970_Correspondence" book="Let" index="261" link="Letter to Upendra -- Los Angeles 22 April, 1970" link_text="Letter to Upendra -- Los Angeles 22 April, 1970">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Upendra -- Los Angeles 22 April, 1970|Letter to Upendra -- Los Angeles 22 April, 1970]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">To face difficulty in the course of preaching work is a kind of austerity. These difficulties do not go in vain. The more we face difficulties, the more we draw the attention of Krsna. So in that way we shall be prepared to meet all kinds of difficulties in our preaching work. Such attempt gives us a lift on our progressive march in Krishna Consciousness.</p>
<p>In my last letter to Bali Mardan I have already written that I was very much anxious to hear from you. Now this letter has given me much relief. Thank you very much that you are working so hard for this movement, and surely Krsna will reward sufficiently for your transcendental labor. Be blessed and preach.</p>
<p>I shall send you very soon detailed photographs of our new temple room and I think you will very much appreciate it.</p>
<div id="1971_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="6" parent="Correspondence" text="1971 Correspondence"><h3>1971 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoGurudasaLondon11August1971_0" class="quote" parent="1971_Correspondence" book="Let" index="349" link="Letter to Gurudasa -- London 11 August, 1971" link_text="Letter to Gurudasa -- London 11 August, 1971">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Gurudasa -- London 11 August, 1971|Letter to Gurudasa -- London 11 August, 1971]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">So my request to you now is that yourself and Tamala Krishna go to Delhi to organize a center there and make arrangements for printing our books and magazine in Hindi and recruit life members there also.</p>
<p>I understand that you have been invited by Syama Dasi in Africa. I don't advise that you associate with her because she is sahajiya. To associate with her will hamper pure devotional service. Besides that you are going there for only one month after taking so much labor. What will be the profit? Will they contribute money for our Mayapur project? Unless our Mayapur project is finalized, I don't think any one of you can go outside of India. My advise is that Tamala and yourself immediately make arrangements for going to Delhi and organize that center nicely.</p>
<div id="LettertoDamodaraNairobiKenya3October1971_1" class="quote" parent="1971_Correspondence" book="Let" index="479" link="Letter to Damodara -- Nairobi, Kenya 3 October, 1971" link_text="Letter to Damodara -- Nairobi, Kenya 3 October, 1971">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Damodara -- Nairobi, Kenya 3 October, 1971|Letter to Damodara -- Nairobi, Kenya 3 October, 1971]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Yes, this Govardhana puja is a bona fide procedure, but such things cannot be held in your country. It requires good space to decorate the imitation hill of rice. So when we offer such hill of rice, there must be other things also—a hill of capatis and other things. It is a huge affair. In India practically in all the Visnu temples this is observed and they spend huge amounts for this purpose and they distribute prasadam to thousands and everyone gathers to take even a little portion of it. If you can introduce this Govardhana puja, I have no objection, but it requires hard labor, good management and much money also. But the process is bona fide.</p>
<div id="1972_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="7" parent="Correspondence" text="1972 Correspondence"><h3>1972 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoJayapatakaHonolulu17May1972_0" class="quote" parent="1972_Correspondence" book="Let" index="261" link="Letter to Jayapataka -- Honolulu 17 May, 1972" link_text="Letter to Jayapataka -- Honolulu 17 May, 1972">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Jayapataka -- Honolulu 17 May, 1972|Letter to Jayapataka -- Honolulu 17 May, 1972]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 5, 1972, and I have noted the contents. Yes, we shall personally supervise everything there at Mayapur, instead of giving everything to contractor. The engineer may simply see that things are being done properly and we shall see that the labor is working properly. Purchase first-class building materials, then there will be first-class building. So far your recommendation for getting money, this arrangement is approved. Accounts and money should be in one place. You have already got Rs. 1,10,000 from me, so if you submit account of this expenditure, you will receive more. All collections and Life Membership money should go to Bombay for deposit in the Building Fund. It is understood that Giriraja has asked Bhavananda for the Life Membership collections, but Bhavananda has not replied. What is the reason? Please do the needful. This fund shall never be used for maintenance. If there is shortage of maintenance, that fund will be also supplied from Bombay.</p>
<div id="LettertoCyavanaLosAngeles23May1972_1" class="quote" parent="1972_Correspondence" book="Let" index="275" link="Letter to Cyavana -- Los Angeles 23 May, 1972" link_text="Letter to Cyavana -- Los Angeles 23 May, 1972">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Cyavana -- Los Angeles 23 May, 1972|Letter to Cyavana -- Los Angeles 23 May, 1972]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">If you can get materials donated as you have with the temporary temple structure, that is the best plan. So during rainy season, you may also work at acquiring materials such as sand, bricks, stone chips, etc. If there will be one retired engineer who will help you in this matter just as they have done in Calcutta, that is also a nice proposal. You can put one advertisement in a newspaper and many men will come for interview. Offer them nice place to live with the devotees and all prasadam and other conveniences should be offered to them. And in return they will see to the materials, labor, architects, etc., and give you their expert advice in all matters. Otherwise we have no construction experience and they may try to cheat us. We shall of course continue to also look after all aspects of the building operation, but we should have the help and assistance of a qualified retired engineer. Try to find out such a person. You may consult with Bhavananda and Tamala Krishna in this respect, as the building work in Mayapur is already well under way and it is going very nicely.</p>
<div id="LettertoJayapatakaAmsterdam30July1972_2" class="quote" parent="1972_Correspondence" book="Let" index="404" link="Letter to Jayapataka -- Amsterdam 30 July, 1972" link_text="Letter to Jayapataka -- Amsterdam 30 July, 1972">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Jayapataka -- Amsterdam 30 July, 1972|Letter to Jayapataka -- Amsterdam 30 July, 1972]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">If you make it a first-class temple, there will be no lack of visitors for preaching, you will never even have to leave that place for preaching. And if you serve nice prasadam, the whole of India will come. So stick to our principles very rigidly, and everyone will come to see these American Vaisnavas. I want that we shall excel the Caitanya Math. They have been struggling for the last 50 years, and we shall surpass them in two years. We are working two shifts of labor: that is American style of doing things. I am very pleased if you can continue in this manner of American style. But if you do not, then I shall remain on the same level, then it is a great discredit to the Americans. But if I defeat my godbrothers, then I am worthy to be called the guru of the Americans. Even there is competition in spiritual life.</p>
<div id="LettertoJayadevaLosAngeles16August1972_3" class="quote" parent="1972_Correspondence" book="Let" index="440" link="Letter to Jayadeva -- Los Angeles 16 August, 1972" link_text="Letter to Jayadeva -- Los Angeles 16 August, 1972">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Jayadeva -- Los Angeles 16 August, 1972|Letter to Jayadeva -- Los Angeles 16 August, 1972]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated August 10, 1972, and I am very much pleased to hear that you are making spiritual progress and you are more serious to attend to the real matter of your life. Go on in this way, reading, chanting, worshiping the deity, and offering the fruits of your labor to Krishna, and attend Mangala Arati at the temple and classes as much as possible, and very soon you will feel yourself becoming perfectly happy. This spot life is meant for becoming God conscious and there is no other purpose or meaning to life outside of this. So now you have got the right spiritual master, the process I've given you, so now it is up to you. If you really want to achieve the goal of your life, then become very serious to always pursue it at every moment and not be distracted by anything false. Sukadeva is the president now in Seattle temple, so if you can assist him in his management and other programs, kindly give him your help.</p>
<div id="LettertoKrsnadasaDallas9September1972_4" class="quote" parent="1972_Correspondence" book="Let" index="478" link="Letter to Krsna dasa -- Dallas 9 September, 1972" link_text="Letter to Krsna dasa -- Dallas 9 September, 1972">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Krsna dasa -- Dallas 9 September, 1972|Letter to Krsna dasa -- Dallas 9 September, 1972]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I was hopeful that you would organize in Sweden. You have got the capacity to do that, you are one of my old disciples and you have proven your abilities to organize things very nicely. You went to Germany and organized very nicely. I know you have got that capacity. Why you have come back? You could have organized Sweden very gorgeously. You are very intelligent and also your wife is intelligent. Formally you were alone, now you are assisted by your good wife. Husband and wife equal double strength. You can do nicely anywhere. You know very well how Gurudasa, Mukunda, and Syamasundara organized the London center with great labor and hardship and now it is one of the first class temples. Syamasundara induced George Harrison to cooperate with us and he paid us nineteen-thousand dollars for Krsna Book. So there are so many works, if someone wants to work there are so many things. So eternally I want to remain your guide provided you want to accept me.</p>
<div id="LettertoBalimardanaHyderabad18November1972_5" class="quote" parent="1972_Correspondence" book="Let" index="581" link="Letter to Bali-mardana -- Hyderabad 18 November, 1972" link_text="Letter to Bali-mardana -- Hyderabad 18 November, 1972">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Bali-mardana -- Hyderabad 18 November, 1972|Letter to Bali-mardana -- Hyderabad 18 November, 1972]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Now you must be able to judge these things as you have got experience and you are there, what can I do from such distant place? If you think it is nice, then try for it. But one thing is, there is no residential place, so what is the use? But if that can be arranged somehow there is no objection. We are not so much after big, big buildings, we are interested to preach only. But if such building will enhance our preaching work and not distract us from the main business, then it is nice. But you must determine if it will be easy task to raise so much money, not that we shall have to labour so much just to get money and after for maintaining, so much so that our spiritual life becomes neglected, no. Real business is to spread the message of Lord Caitanya throughout the world. But if we are able to get the place in downtown centre of New York City, that is the most important location in the world, and from that place we may broadcast Krishna Consciousness all over the world.</p>
<div id="LettertoDhananjayaBombay31December1972_6" class="quote" parent="1972_Correspondence" book="Let" index="653" link="Letter to Dhananjaya -- Bombay 31 December, 1972" link_text="Letter to Dhananjaya -- Bombay 31 December, 1972">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Dhananjaya -- Bombay 31 December, 1972|Letter to Dhananjaya -- Bombay 31 December, 1972]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">By our expending energy for Krsna, that is appreciated, not the actual result of our energy. But if there is lack of energy being devoted for some purpose, then everything will be delayed and possibly stopped. Better to seize the iron while the fire is hot, that my Guru Maharaja used to tell me. So George is now convinced of our movement, he will pay, so why the delay and difficulty? I think you should very seriously and with a cool head apply yourself to getting that place or some other place as soon as possible, at least by springtime. Otherwise Krsna may take away this golden opportunity, being disappointed by our lack of enthusiasm and labor. You may inform me from time to time how your search for the new place is progressing more and more.</p>
<div id="1973_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="8" parent="Correspondence" text="1973 Correspondence"><h3>1973 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoTejiyasBombay5January1973_0" class="quote" parent="1973_Correspondence" book="Let" index="21" link="Letter to Tejiyas -- Bombay 5 January, 1973" link_text="Letter to Tejiyas -- Bombay 5 January, 1973">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Tejiyas -- Bombay 5 January, 1973|Letter to Tejiyas -- Bombay 5 January, 1973]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">We shall henceforward concentrate our full energy in this program of distributing books in India. We shall not be very much concerned any more with properties and big big temples, now we have got our place at Vrndabana and our place at Mayapur, that is sufficient, now let us spend our hard-earned money for printing Krsna's books and distributing widely all over India. If someone steps forward to donate us land or building, that is another thing, but we shall not be very much interested to spend for that.</p>
<p>There are four pillars of a successful business, and that is land, labor, capital and organization. So first is the land. If you get nice land, then everything else will follow. So we have got place, labor, you are gradually getting more, we have got some capital, and we are organized, therefore I see no reason that we shall not be very much successful in India, as we shall be also all over the world.</p>
<div id="LettertoKarandharaAuckland21February1973_1" class="quote" parent="1973_Correspondence" book="Let" index="81" link="Letter to Karandhara -- Auckland 21 February, 1973" link_text="Letter to Karandhara -- Auckland 21 February, 1973">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Karandhara -- Auckland 21 February, 1973|Letter to Karandhara -- Auckland 21 February, 1973]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I am in due receipt of your letter dated 13 Feb. 1973 and have noted its contents carefully. Regarding Sriman Hayagriva Dasa; it is our duty to rectify him. To create a devotee takes much labor and to reject him in a minute is not to our credit so please try to do the needful in this regard. Consult the other GBC men there, then make a proposal to Hayagriva and if still he is incorrigible then you take the necessary steps.</p>
<p>It is not very good policy to move the deities once they have been installed. First thing you should try to get the authorities to reverse their classification of us as a church. Because factually we are not a church. It is true that our congregation is not increasing, simply the inmates are becoming more numerous. We should be classified as a residential temple. This is actually the case in India and it is the same case in Los Angeles. We simply have a bigger family therefore our temple is bigger.</p>
<div id="LettertoTejiyasCalcutta15March1973_2" class="quote" parent="1973_Correspondence" book="Let" index="102" link="Letter to Tejiyas -- Calcutta 15 March, 1973" link_text="Letter to Tejiyas -- Calcutta 15 March, 1973">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Tejiyas -- Calcutta 15 March, 1973|Letter to Tejiyas -- Calcutta 15 March, 1973]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Even if 15 or 20 MPs join our Society that will be a new chapter for us. And your petition is very attractively worded. Actually India is the spiritual leader of the world but the fools and rascals are trying to sabotage the position.</p>
<p>Your school preaching is very much welcomed by me. We are in need of new recruits to carry out so many ambitious programs here in India, so if you can infiltrate the school system as you did in America that will be a great service.</p>
<p>Yes, this program for the factories I have already outlined. Let the labor-management disputes be finished by prasada and regular kirtanas with temples right on the premises.</p>
<p>Your statement that "no intelligent man can resist becoming the member" because of our books is a very good observation. Now these beautiful books have become the firm basis for our movement and any intelligent person in any part of the world cannot but fail to admire them.</p>
<div id="1974_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="9" parent="Correspondence" text="1974 Correspondence"><h3>1974 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoBhavanandaJayapatakaLosAngeles6January1974_0" class="quote" parent="1974_Correspondence" book="Let" index="12" link="Letter to Bhavananda, Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 6 January, 1974" link_text="Letter to Bhavananda, Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 6 January, 1974">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Bhavananda, Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 6 January, 1974|Letter to Bhavananda, Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 6 January, 1974]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Two signators out of three will be valid for drawing money. You deposit the balance Rs 27,000 in this account. I shall try to send more money as soon as I know the account is open and you can purchase land as much bighas as possible. But don't purchase more land than we can utilize. My only desire is that our temple must be a living temple by chanting Hare Krsna Mantra and distributing prasadam as well as distributing books to the intelligent class of men. This time we shall have the first part of Caitanya Caritamrta published 400 pages. I am working on Caitanya Caritamrta continually.</p>
<p>So by the time I reach India, maybe the first week of February, I hope that by that time my quarters will be completely open for use without any difficulty.</p>
<p>I am glad Bharadraja and others are learning laboriously how to model. materials like bamboo, thatch and tarpolin you can purchase if the prices are cheap. I cannot say how many will be required, but purchase and keep in stock. If Tirtha Maharaja is having a big showing then we have to show more and let everyone see what the American model makers can do. What exhibition of models are you going to show?</p>
<div id="LettertoResolutionBombay1April1974_1" class="quote" parent="1974_Correspondence" book="Let" index="106" link="Letter to Resolution -- Bombay 1 April, 1974" link_text="Letter to Resolution -- Bombay 1 April, 1974">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Resolution -- Bombay 1 April, 1974|Letter to Resolution -- Bombay 1 April, 1974]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">That the Society will construct one additional floor on each of the six existing buildings on the Hare Krishna Land, (purchased in October, 1973.)</p>
<p>2. That the President, Secretary, and Treasurer are hereby authorized to appoint any architect, labor contractor, other contractors, engineers, to purchase, etc. for the purpose of construction.</p>
<p>3. That the construction may begin immediately upon approval given by the Bombay Municipal Corporation.</p>
<div id="LettertoSaurabhaBombay6April1974_2" class="quote" parent="1974_Correspondence" book="Let" index="118" link="Letter to Saurabha -- Bombay 6 April, 1974" link_text="Letter to Saurabha -- Bombay 6 April, 1974">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Saurabha -- Bombay 6 April, 1974|Letter to Saurabha -- Bombay 6 April, 1974]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">If you are collecting money from Mr. Bajoria or any life members take it and send it to the construction fund at New Delhi, in the Punjab National Bank. As far as Mr. Somani, let him come here and I will be very glad to receive him. If he can supply us paper we can start a Back to Godhead magazine in Hindi and Gujarati.</p>
<p>Regarding your report on the marble, let us apply the best one, as indicated by you, even if it costs Rs 8 per square foot including labor. So make contract, take delivery of the stone and engage this man who is the same one doing the Birla Mandir. I have sent a check for Rs 23,000 to Tejyas in Delhi so there is no scarcity of money. This temple must be finished by the deadline. Work very swiftly keeping in view everything expertly and solidly.</p>
<div id="LettertoTejiyasBombay9May1974_3" class="quote" parent="1974_Correspondence" book="Let" index="195" link="Letter to Tejiyas -- Bombay 9 May, 1974" link_text="Letter to Tejiyas -- Bombay 9 May, 1974">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Tejiyas -- Bombay 9 May, 1974|Letter to Tejiyas -- Bombay 9 May, 1974]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">. I have received your letters of May 6 and May 7. You have requested 9 checks listed as follows:</p>
<p>Rs. 193/60—Munna—Sand</p>
<p>Rs. 2975/60—Munna—Sand</p>
<p>Rs. 895/00—Allahbux—Painting</p>
<p>Rs. 110/70—Munna—Labor</p>
<p>Rs. 8804/00—Allahbux—Labor</p>
<p>Rs. 25079/65—Yourselves—draft to Orissa Cement for hundi repayment</p>
<p>Rs. 3500/00—Rockwin India engineering for consultation</p>
<p>Rs. 384/83—Munna—Daily wages</p>
<p>Rs. 19858/70—Sri Girraj Cement Co.—white cement marble chips</p>
<p>The checks are duly enclosed. Please continue to keep accurate accounting and send me the ledger sheets periodically. This will enable me to keep up-to-date records. As for how checks will be handled when I am out of the country, I will arrange for this so do not worry.</p>
<div id="LettertoRupanugaVrindaban4September1974_4" class="quote" parent="1974_Correspondence" book="Let" index="370" link="Letter to Rupanuga -- Vrindaban 4 September, 1974" link_text="Letter to Rupanuga -- Vrindaban 4 September, 1974">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Rupanuga -- Vrindaban 4 September, 1974|Letter to Rupanuga -- Vrindaban 4 September, 1974]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I am glad to learn that in Philadelphia they are increasing Sankirtana. It is our life and soul. Sankirtana should be increased as much as possible. Side by side is book selling. Then our mission will be successful. It is also good that in Atlanta they are doing college courses. Similar attempts should be made in other places.</p>
<p>Regarding the Buffalo project, New Vrindaban is the example. You should develop in a similar way. Have milk, vegetables, simple living, and chanting Hare Krsna. The whole world is engaged in unnecessary hard labor with their factories. It is a brain killing civilization. Let them come to free life. Spend time chanting Hare Krsna, reading books and making their lives successful. This is very essential propaganda. People must be informed.</p>
<div id="LettertoJayatirthaVrindaban20September1974_5" class="quote" parent="1974_Correspondence" book="Let" index="428" link="Letter to Jayatirtha -- Vrindaban 20 September, 1974" link_text="Letter to Jayatirtha -- Vrindaban 20 September, 1974">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Jayatirtha -- Vrindaban 20 September, 1974|Letter to Jayatirtha -- Vrindaban 20 September, 1974]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 12, 1974 copy of which to all GBC Secretaries. My only requet is we must spend money very cautiously and not to waste. For improvement we can spend. I am simply afraid that money may not be wasted. So when I saw that the sanctuary was not being finished it gave me some agitation in my mind. So if people say it will be better than Birla Mandir, then your labor and expenditure is a success.</p>
<p>I am confident that you are a good manager. So you do the needful, so by your management I will get good satisfaction. You are a good manager and a devotee also. That is a good qualification.</p>
<div id="1975_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="10" parent="Correspondence" text="1975 Correspondence"><h3>1975 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoProfOPGoelPerthAustralia10May1975_0" class="quote" parent="1975_Correspondence" book="Let" index="234" link="Letter to Prof. O.P. Goel -- Perth, Australia 10 May, 1975" link_text="Letter to Prof. O.P. Goel -- Perth, Australia 10 May, 1975">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Prof. O.P. Goel -- Perth, Australia 10 May, 1975|Letter to Prof. O.P. Goel -- Perth, Australia 10 May, 1975]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I very much appreciate your proposal. The mass problem at the present moment in India is actually a food problem. I have therefore decided to start some village organization program—namely, people should be invited to live in the village, produce their own foodstuff (grains, fruits, and vegetables), maintain a sufficient number of cows to get a large quantity of milk, produce their own cloth, eat sumptuously for keeping fit in health, and then they can regularly sit down and chant the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. I shall arrange for the irrigation of the land and the people living there should give their labor for their own food and clothing, and then chant Hare Krishna Maha-mantra and cultivate Krishna Consciousness. Besides that, our men should go from village to village with Sankirtana party, hold festival, namely distribution of Bhagavat prasadam and induce them chant and join with us in vibrating the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. In India, they are not less than 95% villagers and Mahatma Gandhi wanted this village organization. I think this is a solid program.</p>
<div id="LettertoRadheswaranandGoswamiPerthAustralia10May1975_1" class="quote" parent="1975_Correspondence" book="Let" index="237" link="Letter to Radheswaranand Goswami -- Perth, Australia 10 May, 1975" link_text="Letter to Radheswaranand Goswami -- Perth, Australia 10 May, 1975">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Radheswaranand Goswami -- Perth, Australia 10 May, 1975|Letter to Radheswaranand Goswami -- Perth, Australia 10 May, 1975]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I wish to open centers in the villages. The mass problem at the present moment in India is actually a food problem. I have therefore decided to start some village organization program—namely, people should be invited to live in the village, produce their own foodstuff (grains, fruits, and vegetables), maintain a sufficient number of cows to get a large quantity of milk, produce their own cloth, eat sumptuously for keeping fit in health, and then they can regularly sit down and chant Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. I shall arrange for the irrigation of the land and the people living there should give their labor for their own food and clothing, and then chant Hare Krishna Maha-mantra and cultivate Krishna Consciousness. Besides that, our men should go from village to village with Sankirtana party, hold festival, namely distribution of Bhagavat prasadam and induce them to chant and join with us in vibrating the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. In India, they are not less than 95% villagers and Mahatma Gandhi wanted this village organization. I think this is a solid program. The people must eat sumptuously—not voraciously and make them fit for working and chanting. In this way, they will be purified and everything will be nicely organized.</p>
<div id="LettertoVahnaHonolulu26May1975_2" class="quote" parent="1975_Correspondence" book="Let" index="283" link="Letter to Vahna -- Honolulu 26 May, 1975" link_text="Letter to Vahna -- Honolulu 26 May, 1975">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Vahna -- Honolulu 26 May, 1975|Letter to Vahna -- Honolulu 26 May, 1975]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 12, 1975 and have read the Cintamani poetry book. It is indirect, impersonal and useless. Who will read these things? Krishna's name is only mentioned in two poems in the whole book. What is this? There are so many poems written by great acaryas. Why do you try to concoct something like this? It is not in our line. How is that our Kirtanananda Swami is there and he has approved printing this? It is a waste of time, paper, money, ink, and labor. There is so much work to do for spreading this Krishna Consciousness. Who will become attracted by such things as this. You should all spend more time reading my books very carefully and stop all this unnecessary manufacturing.</p>
<div id="LettertoMahamsaDetroit3August1975_3" class="quote" parent="1975_Correspondence" book="Let" index="444" link="Letter to Mahamsa -- Detroit 3 August, 1975" link_text="Letter to Mahamsa -- Detroit 3 August, 1975">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Mahamsa -- Detroit 3 August, 1975|Letter to Mahamsa -- Detroit 3 August, 1975]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">The literature you have published is very nice. The Explosion is very good. I started out with this kind of paper, only I was the only writer, the only editor, the only publisher, and the only distributer. So go on with your publishing. At least each month one Hindi and Telegu magazine should be published from Hyderabad. Arrange like that.</p>
<p>Regarding the Malaysian trip being called off, everything must be done very cautiously because our Indian people they are very poor and are prone to steal. We collect money with so much hard labor. But, one thing is that the money is not important. If the man goes away taking our money that is our discredit. The man is more important than the money. We admit everyone to our society, including the cheater, the drug addicted, all qualified. We should take the responsibility to train them. Why has he left? It is our responsibility to train and rectify them.</p>
<div id="1976_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="11" parent="Correspondence" text="1976 Correspondence"><h3>1976 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="Lettertounknown228September1976_0" class="quote" parent="1976_Correspondence" book="Let" index="542" link="Letter to unknown 2 -- 28 September, 1976" link_text="Letter to unknown 2 -- 28 September, 1976">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to unknown 2 -- 28 September, 1976|Letter to unknown 2 -- 28 September, 1976]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">At the age of 70 I had the energy to go outside India and apart from other various duties, engage myself in writing books even at night without sleep. All these have been done in accordance with the direction of my Prabhupada Gurudeva. My foreign devotees, with the help of various machines, do the needful for printing all these books written by me. These books are sold throughout the world for which an all round very hard labor is required. If sale proceeds of my books sold outside India are brought for aforesaid expenses in India, what harms and what is to be envied of. They have been spent for the benefit of the general public, materially as well as spiritually. We get help from foreign government is an absolute false report. What an unjudicious thinking. How can anyone think of that a foreign government will subscribe money for the promotion of Krishna Consciousness? So my request is not to do injustice to us in any way by unnecessary anti propaganda, but to cooperate with us by joining our Krishna Consciousness movement so that it may spread more and more satisfactorily, and for this we shall be highly obliged. Our cooperation on this account is much coveted for. Hare Krishna.</p>
<div id="1977_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="12" parent="Correspondence" text="1977 Correspondence"><h3>1977 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoVARIOUSUnknownPlaceUnknownDate_0" class="quote" parent="1977_Correspondence" book="Let" index="126" link="Letter to VARIOUS -- Unknown Place Unknown Date" link_text="Letter to VARIOUS -- Unknown Place Unknown Date">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to VARIOUS -- Unknown Place Unknown Date|Letter to VARIOUS -- Unknown Place Unknown Date]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Without such making sacrifice for God or Krsna, our life is only full of anxieties, worries, insecurities, and false ideas. Trying to be happy under these conditions is impossible. Still the materialistic men struggle to live long under great difficulty to tryto make a permanent settlement in the material environment, and everything is defeated at the moment of their death. So what is the use of such wasted labor? So we are most pleased that you and other good members and employees of Dai Nippon Company are giving such nice service to Krsna. That means you are getting benefit also. That means whenever Krsna is pleased by our working on His behalf, automatically everything becomes successful. He is the supreme proprietor of everything, so if He likes, He can give any amount of wealth, fame, reputation, like that. Therefore if one dedicates some portion of his energy to Krsna in this way, he is never the loser. And as you are wishing me the best in the new year, so also I wish you nice gentlemen and your co-workers at Dai Nippon the same. May Krsna bless you all more and more, in this year and all years to come.</p>

Latest revision as of 12:09, 11 October 2011


1966 Correspondence

Letter to Sir Padampat Singhania -- New York 20 January, 1966:

The thing is that the idea of constructing a magnificent Temple in New York quite befitting the first city of the world, will cost you not lakhs but crores. Because here the cost of land and other materials and the labor charges all are fabulous. The labor charges here is not less than 12 dollars a day i.e Rs 60/ per day. Besides that you cannot get a vacant land in the New York city. You have to purchase a constructed house then dismantle it and then construct a Temple of your liking. I know it very well that by Grace of His Lordship Sri Sri Dvarakadhisa and by the mercy of Laksmiji Rukmini devi, your honour is quite competent to spend even crores and crores for this purpose but we must remember the difficulty of Exchange. At this stage of critical hours the Government will hardly allow us to spend such huge amount. If they at all sanction the exchange they may allow for lakhs only and therefore I have suggested the estimate as seven lakhs only.

1967 Correspondence

Letter to Gargamuni -- San Francisco 21 February, 1967:

I am in due receipt of your statement. It appears that you have $5,823.04 in the treasury. You can therefore deposit $5,700.00 to my account by transfer advice. Since Neal is not available here, I am sending the recorded tapes to New York for typing as you have the Dictaphone there. I am also returning the letter of authority to the shipping company duly signed by me. There is some defect in microphone also of the dictaphone. What is to be done. The dictaphone seller does not appear to be very honest. When I inquired they told that it should be taken to some local dealers and when it is repaired they say that they are not going to pay for the labor. So if there is any defect, has it to be sent to New York at their expense?

You can send the sets of Bhagavatam keeping there two sets only. And the sets which you have already sold, proceeds may be deposited in my account. Mr. Altman has not got to be paid this month because as soon as I hear from you that you have transferred the amount to my account I shall send $200.00 to India for purchase of harmonium.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Calcutta 19 October, 1967:

You are a sincere soul & both your mother Father are happy to see you in Krishna Consciousness. Please continue this attitude throughout your life & you will be blessed not only in this life but in your next eternal life in association with Krishna. Krishna has given you a very nice chance in the city of Wilkes-Barre Penn. & the idea of purchasing land as you have suggested is very nice. I think you can negotiate for this land immediately & the Society will be able to pay $3,000.00. After purchasing the land you can gradually develop it into an asrama by dint of your personal labor as teacher in college. From N.Y. the members may visit the place every weekend because it isn't very far away. They take a 4 or 5 hour journey every week end so a 3 hour journey is not much. If you think you shall stick to your present occupation you can seriously think of this scheme.

Letter to Krsna Devi -- San Francisco 16 December, 1967:

I am so glad to know that Krishna did not allow you to do something that was not His plan. Krishna wanted that both you and your husband must be engaged in organizing nice center. Jayananda is unique devotee. He paid you sincerely and therefore as soon as you reached Santa Fe you found out a good place better than the former place. Please utilize your energy in this good task as I am sure success is awaiting you.

If there is labor cheap you can organize there some incense manufacturing concern. I wish that in every center we shall now manufacture incense very good quality. The only thing you have to assured to get the splinters or the thin sticks. If you think it will be possible to get, then immediately start the work. The ingredients are the splinters, charcoal, starch or gum and essential oils. It will be very lucrative business and the profits will be sufficient to maintain the center once you begin the work. I will give you many business ideas by which you can accumulate nice profits. For business four things are required. Namely place, labor, capital and organization. For incense we have already organization. Little capital you are gathering. The poverty place means you can get cheap labor and the place you have already in your possession. Guidance, I am present. So do it immediately and there will be no scarcity of money. I hope you understand me right.

1968 Correspondence

Letter to Rayarama -- Los Angeles 17 February, 1968:

Now, I am anxious to know if you have delivered the manuscript of the Bhagavad-gita to MacMillan and Co., and whether you are now prepared to go to India. Acyutananda is very anxious to see you there and as you have already written him that you are going there. He wants to see you there by the middle of March. I do not know whether you are prepared to go there by that time. But one thing is very encouraging, that if you go there and manage the publication, both Srimad-Bhagavatam and Back To Godhead, print in cooperation with the proprietor of the Radha Press, it will be a very nice proposal. Printing in India is undoubtedly cheaper than in any other place, because the labor is very cheap there. Gargamuni is very much hopeful for selling Back To Godheads, even up to 10,000 copies. If all these proposals are actually practical, then it is lucrative to give it a try. If it is successful then my program will be 6 months in India and 6 months in this country; and if things go on nicely, we can prepare some preachers so that even if I retire, the missionary work will go on under the able guidance of some of my selected disciples, like you, Brahmananda, Rupanuga, etc. Please reply this letter by return of post. I am anxious to know whether the manuscript is delivered to MacMillan.

Letter to Mukunda -- Los Angeles 18 February, 1968:

You have got already a center in S.F. so it is better to make propaganda so that people may come there in throngs. Gargamuni can make this propaganda by sellng Back To Godheads. Personally, I shall advise you to try for our own temple, either in S.F. or in L.A. You wanted me to talk to some persons who are very rich and I am ready to go with you. In the meantime, as you want to do business and so also Gargamuni, now you can order any amount of Indian goods from Vrindaban De, my younger son. And he has agreed to execute all your orders on 10% commission. I think you should agree to allow him that commission, because unless he gets some profit for his labor, it does not become very encouraging. So if you agree to give him 10%, he will supply all your goods and you may pay on presentation of the documents. If you confirm this then I shall write to him again and both you and Gargamuni can send your order to him without any difficulty.

Letter to Rayarama -- Los Angeles 24 February, 1968:

He is writing a letter that he is going to write me details after he is free from the responsibility of the marriage. Regarding buying a small printing shop, I am not very much optimistic. If you can organize a regular press for printing all our magazines and books and engage all our boys and girls in the press work that will be nice proposal, but if you purchase a small printing work where I understand even Back to Godhead cannot be published, what is the use of that press. Better we are negotiating with Hitsaranji and if we are able to open a nice center in India we shall purchase some machine from America and start a press there. In India the labor is cheaper extensively than in America. My idea is that if we are able to have a nice branch in India we can do the printing works nicely under your supervision. But, if you can start a full fledged press in N.Y. that will be still more better. A full fledged press means we must have two typographic machines at least and engage some of the girls for composition and the boys may be engaged in printing and machine manipulating. That will be a great success. If Mr. Kallman purchases a big machine for printing our books, then it will be very much helpful. I cannot advise you to purchase a small printing press because that will not help us. The same energy can be transferred to India when we are in possession of a bigger house. There is every possibility of Sharma's help in our publishing power, but that is not yet settled. As soon as I hear from him favorably I shall ask you to make direct correspondence with him. I am just waiting his favorable next reply.

Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 24 February, 1968:

If Mr. Kalman can equip the press for printing our books, Bhagavatam esp., and other books also, and if our boys and girls can efficiently take up the printing work, that will be very nice. If we have got a press in our control with full equipment it will be a great boon. If such manipulation is not possible, then I wish to start a nice press in our Indian branch and get all our books and printing work done there. For a nice arrangement of our Indian branch I am already in negotiation with Indian friends and I have proposed a big industrialist to become the president of the Indian branch. In India labor is very cheap in comparison with your country, and especially if we have our Indian branch in Vrindaban we can have labor there as our inmates of our institution. There are many Vaisnavas who will be ready to work without any renumeration simply in exchange of their food and lodging. If we take American machines there and some of our American students to see the management we can get there labor practically without any charges, but this idea can be done as said when we get a nice house to accommodate everything.

Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 1 March, 1968:

Regarding supplies from India: I have induced my younger son, Vrindaban De, to supply all kinds of Indian craftsmanship, namely ornaments, cloth, fine arts, dolls, saris, wooden slippers, linen shirts, or, anything that is sellable here, on 10% commission, and he has agreed. Mukunda and Gargamuni have agreed, and they are going to place orders to him. I think he may get 10% commission for his labor, and he can supply everything you may require from India. The terms is 25% should be advanced, and the balance paid on delivery of the documents. This arrangement, I think, will help to import all kinds of Indian art without any difficulty, and you can arrange for importing things that you may require.

Letter to Rayarama -- Los Angeles 3 March, 1968:

In the meantime there is a good news for us that Jayananda, the president of our San Francisco center, is attempting to have their own house in San Francisco. I am returning to San Francisco on the 8th March. I shall see how the matters have proceeded there. Now, if somewhere we get our own house and start our own press and we sit down together for publishing Back to Godhead and other books, how will you like the idea? Most probably I will get my permanent resident visa, and if we sit together for concentrating our energies in the matter of important publication work, it doesn't matter whether we are in USA or in India. Our proposal to open a press in India was to get cheap labor, but here in USA, if our brahmacaris work in the press, there is no question of labor expenditure at all. Subala das has got some experience in working in the press. Similarly, yourself, Purusottama, Madhusudana, and others have got some experience. So how would you like the idea of starting a press in our own building at San Francisco? I shall be glad to hear from you after mature consideration.

Letter to Sivananda -- New York 19 April, 1968:

Your reasoning is all right that the Brahma energy must have conscious direction to manifest form. Therefore He who gives that direction is the Ultimate Controller or Param Isvara. In Brahma Samhita it is said: "Isvarah paramah krsnah saccidananda vigrahah, anadir adir govindah sarva karana karanam (Bs. 5.1)." Krishna is the Supreme Controller of all controllers and therefore, He is the Origin of everything including the Brahma Energy. This Govinda is the cause of all causes, and He is without any cause. This is the beauty of the sastras, that one sloka finishes billions of years hard labor of mental speculation. Just try to give evidence like this.

Letter to Subala -- Montreal 23 June, 1968:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated June 17, 1968, and noted the contents with great pleasure. Rest assured that your hard labor and sincere exertion to serve Krishna will never go in vain. I hope that by this time you might have received a check for $100 from Hare Nama Brahmacari. And I have advised him to send you at least $50.00 per month for the next 3 months to help you. In the meantime, you try to become self sufficient. I have also advised Sriman Umapati Brahmacari to join you. He is now in San Francisco as in S.F. they will require his help during the Rathayatra Festival. I am advising him to join you just after the festival. I hope both of you will be good combination, because Woompati writes "Subala is my good friend and it will give me great joy to work with him in your divine service."

Letter to Balai -- Montreal 4 July, 1968:

I thank you very much for your letter of June 20, 1968, and I am so glad to learn that you are living happily as householders. I want to see all my disciples to live such peacefully and execute such Krishna Consciousness. That is the perfection of life. It does not matter whether one is Brahmacari or householder, the real test is how he is executing Krishna Consciousness.

Yes, we are in need of our own press very urgently, and as Advaita has in his view to conduct such press, and he is laboring so hard for fulfilling this desire, certainly Krishna will be very pleased on him and you also for such endeavor. It is contemplated that we may start the press here in Montreal, because there is ample space. It is not yet settled up, but if we decide to start, then how Advaita can help this enterprise? Anyway, unless Advaita becomes quite conversant with the matter of conducting a press, I shall not try to start a press of our own. And when he is satisfied, then we shall start a well-equipped press.

Letter to Syamasundara -- Montreal 15 July, 1968:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter with thanks, dated July 8, 1968, and I must say that the Rathayatra festival was so successful for your diligent labor only. If you would not have constructed such a nice ratha (car) in such a short time, it would not have been possible to perform the grand festival. By Krishna's Grace you have got the talent of carpentermanship, and you have fully utilized your energy in the service of Krishna. You have carved so many Jagannatha Murtis, and the car also, so Krishna must have been very much satisfied with your service. Srimad-Bhagavatam says that the highest perfectional stage of everyone's talent is to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, by his craftsmanship, scientific knowledge, philosophical research, or similar any other energy. Please continue this attitude of service and success of life is assured for you. I have learned the description of the Rathayatra festival verbally from so many persons who came to see me from San Francisco, and I have received the photo album from Gurudasa. But I have not received any newspaper clippings, which I am very much anxious to see.

Letter to Hayagriva -- Montreal 17 August, 1968:

Even if the government does not acquire our land, if in our vicinity some such industry (coal or oil industry) is started, the whole idea of Vrindaban will fade away. Vrindaban conception is a transcendental village, without any botheration of the modern industrial atmosphere. My idea of developing New Vrindaban is to create an atmosphere of spiritual life where people in bona fide order of social division, namely, Brahmacaris, Grhasthas, Vanaprastha, Sannyasis, or specifically Brahmacaris and Sannyasis, and Vanaprasthas, will live there independently, completely depending on agricultural produce and milk from the cows. The life should be simplified without being hampered by laboring day and night for economic development, without any spiritual understanding. The New Vrindaban idea is that persons who live there will accept the bare necessities of life to maintain the body and soul together and the major part of time should be engaged in development of Krishna Consciousness. The whole Vedic principle is to develop Krishna Consciousness, without creating much botheration for the program of sense gratification.

Letter to Anapurna, Ananda -- Montreal 4 September, 1968:

So far your marriage is concerned, I am very sorry that Ananda's parents are not willing in this marriage ceremony; now it is up to you for deciding whether you should get married or not. But I think you should, under the circumstances, the best thing will be that you get yourself married legally, according to the state laws and get a certificate and I think, Ananda, you should try to remain in Vancouver, and work. And by your labor you try to open a branch in Vancouver, and that will be very nice thing. And when I go to Vancouver, from Seattle, I shall offer my blessings in observing the rituals of our marriage system.

I shall give you one engagement and if you secure one dictaphone then I shall send you regular tapes for transcribing it into English version, and you will make two copies. One copy shall be sent to me, another copy shall be sent to Hayagriva Brahmacari. As Govinda dasi and her husband, is trying to help me in compiling essays and texts of Caitanya Caritamrta, similarly, I shall give you a task for the Science of Devotion.

Letter to All Devotees -- New York 7 September, 1968:

Prabhupada has requested that 7 temples be established there. Its main activity will be cow protection and to show the world that simply by living with cows and land and chanting HARE KRISHNA a perfect society will prevail.

A great deal of work is required and Swamiji has requested at least four devotees to go there immediately. New Vrindaban lacks so-called necessities as hot running water and toilets, so that only stout and sturdy devotees are needed, especially those with carpentry experience and can do manual labor.

New Vrindaban will be especially attractive to householders who will want to raise their children in full K.C.

So, all devotees who are interested in living in New Vrindaban, either immediately or in the near future should please contact me. Those with carpentry experience should especially do so.

Letter to Rayarama -- Seattle 17 October, 1968:

So zero has no value. And millions of zeros put together does not make any value. But one is put on the left side of the zero, it increases the value. Then one zero becomes 10, two zero becomes 100, three zero becomes 1000, so it is very nice. This point should be clearly discussed, that without God consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, any attempt of human civilization so-called philosophical or political or economical or labor, they are all zeros. The human society should be divided as a social order, as the intellectual men, the administrator class, and the mercantile class, and the laborer class. And so far spiritual order, they should be divided as the renounced order of life, retired order of life, householder, and student life. Third point, all these 8 divisions are meant for understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and this Krishna Consciousness movement is meant for teaching this necessities of human civilization. Fourth point, so far the administrator class of men, or mercantile class of men, and laborer class of men, there are many institutions but to train a first class intellectual man, there is no institution all over the world. And there is no institution for spiritual training also.

Letter to Rayarama -- Seattle 17 October, 1968:

All animals like deer, camel, ass, monkey, even flies and snakes, none should be ill treated. Even they enter into the house or in the fields and take their eatables, they should not be stopped. Because they have also got the right to eat, eatables supplied by the Lord. And they will not eat more, neither they will take at home, They are better than human beings. If a human being is allowed to enter into the field or into the garden, he will try to take away something for selling or stocking, but the animals do not. So the innocent animals should be accepted as children of the householder.

Nobody should take to very hardship labor. The modern civilization has discovered severe types of dangerous industries, and laborers are attracted for high wages. But they should not accept such work. Then naturally there will be less capitalistic idea. Because the laborer cooperates, therefore demoniac persons they take advantage and make unnecessarily increase of artificial demands of the body. Better one should be satisfied with agricultural produce than go into large cities to be engaged in industry. Peaceful life depending on agricultural produce can bring him real happiness and prosperity, not otherwise.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 28 November, 1968:

Also in France he may open one center and many of my students may come to help him. In Europe I require 3 centers, one in London, one in Paris, and one in Hamburg.

In New York, Advaita and Uddhava are preparing to start press to print our books and magazines, so in this endeavor they will require more manpower. I think that Vaikunthanatha is suitable in this connection so he may make arrangements to come to New York to work in bookbindery establishment and also take classes in bookbinding to be paid for by Advaita and Uddhava. The money he earns for his labor shall be utilized for our new press program.

Regarding the "Inside Iskcon" journal, if it is not very troublesome the idea is all right. Since you describe a necessity for warmer shoes, leather may be utilized and their is no harm.

Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 1 December, 1968:

As you may have heard, our Bhagavad-gita As It Is is now published and can be ordered from the New York temple by writing to Brahmananda. Please try to popularize this book throughout England as much as possible. Because if these books are read, there is no doubt that many sincere souls shall be attracted and will join you in your work for Krishna. So please try for selling these books, it shall be considered as the greatest service.

You have requested of me to write one letter for opening the "board meeting" so when the meeting is arranged definitely I will send the same. So far as the dictionaries go, the Niruktih is the better of the two. I think that you may send me few more of the published Prahlada Maharaja prints so that other temples may be inspired and also may try to republish them in some American papers.

Once again I thank you for your nice labors and hope that you are all well.

Letter to Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 12 December, 1968:

Such French edition was my great ambition and now that you have achieved success, I request you all to improve it continually so the French speaking people will have opportunity to take advantage of our Krishna Consciousness movement.

So now there is plenty engagement for everyone at the temple and if you can secure funds simply by selling our literature, by prasadam program and by some sewing labor, then it will not be necessary to take karmi jobs outside. So Krishna has given you very good facilities to be engaged and make profit at the same time for the temple so even though you may live poorly, if you can support yourselves simply with these activities it will be very good.

You have expressed some new ideas to improve BTG of the English Back To Godhead, but I think that there is no need to interrupt their way of thinking. Now you have a chance for your own edition so do it nicely and according to your own ideas. You are artist, so you have facilities to make a very nice edition to sell to the French public. Since in Montreal 75% of the populace are speaking French I think you have very good chance to popularize and improve this magazine.

Letter to Uddhava -- Los Angeles 19 December, 1968:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated Dec. 17, 1968, and I have noted the contents carefully.

From your letter it is clear that as of yet you have no idea of how much the price will be to print our books. This is a very important factor and I think that now that Vaikunthanatha and Patita Uddharana are in NY to help you you should utilize their labor to arrive at some figure. As you know, Dai Nippon is printing our books for a price of approximately $1.20 per book with shipping paid so I do not know if our own press will be able to compete with such price. I there is good milk available plentifully in the market place there is no need to keep a cow. So similarly, if we can get our books printed and cheaply and with no trouble of labor then it is an adequate arrangement. From the beginning Advaita and yourself have been very sincere and enthusiastic about this project but now I think we must be very businesslike in investigating the price which will be required to print our books. So immediately you should look seriously into this question and inform me of your findings as you are able.

Letter to Uddhava -- Los Angeles 19 December, 1968:

Please convey my thanks to Patita Uddharana for his nice letter. I will be looking forward to seeing the epic poem which he promised to be sending me soon.

P.S. I have asked Hayagriva to invest some money in purchasing press and he has almost agreed. Apart from labor and other cost you can give me an estimate of price of the materials required.

Letter to Rukmini -- Los Angeles 19 December, 1968:

As our movement continues to spread around the world we will be requiring so many of such paintings so that so many devotees and friends may engage their eyes in seeing Krishna and His devotees. So please try to improve your artistic abilities as far as possible. I am sure that Jadurani will always be a help to you in this matter.

So far as offering to Krishna apple cider, this can be done only if it is prepared by devotees. These food manufacturers do not take proper precautions in cleanliness nor do they have devotion to Krishna in their labors so it is not very acceptable offering. If you can make this preparation yourself then it will be alright.

So please continue to engage yourself in Krishna's service very sincerely and I am sure that Krishna will help you in all ways to advance more and more. I am always praying that Krishna will give you strength to continue to go on nicely. Please convey my blessings to all of your good god-brothers and god-sisters in Boston.

Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 24 December, 1968:

Regarding your analogy of sowing KC seeds, I may inform you that there is a Bengali proverb—Sa bure Meoya Phale. This means that fruits like chestnuts and pomegranates, or similar other valuable fruits and nuts take some time to be fructified. So any good thing comes in our possession after hard struggle and endeavor. So Krishna Consciousness is the greatest of all good fruits. We must therefore have necessary endurance and enthusiasm to get the result. We shall never be disappointed when things are presented in reversed order. Anyway, your honest labor is now coming to be fructified. Always depend upon Krishna and go on working with enthusiasm, patience and conviction.

In the meantime, I have received one letter from Sri C. Govinda which is also very encouraging. I understand that Sri Govinda and Pandit Trika are now cooperating with you. Please keep them as good friends. Mr. Govinda appears to be very intelligent man and he has grasped the Sankirtana movement is very suitable for the younger generation in the Western world.

1969 Correspondence

Letter to Bhurijana -- Los Angeles 18 January, 1969:

All of the super-excellent qualities of kirtana were present on this tape and it was thus a great joy to hear it. On this tape Rupanuga has set an example for all householders because there was singing on this of Hare Krishna by all of his family members. It was all sounding very nicely, and I am going to show this tape to the Sankirtana Party which is here in Los Angeles so they may take example from such nice kirtana.

I am very pleased that you are graduating from college in a few days and are anxious to engage your labors in spreading this Krishna Consciousness movement. Also I request you to study carefully the Bhagavad-gita As It Is because there is so much important service that an intelligent boy such as yourself can do in preaching work and spreading our movement around the world. You have very good example from your god-brother, Rupanuga, and so continue to help him as you are doing, and it shall be very successful for you.

Letter to Prabhas Candra Mittra -- Los Angeles 17 February, 1969:

I am sending herewith one letter of declaration from the Bank of America as well as from the First National City Bank of America for your kind perusal. So, for experimental sake, if you immediately dispatch the following goods and ship them to Los Angeles, your bills with bill of lading will be presented to the Bank of America and will at once be honored. For the time being you can ship the goods by any suitable steamer company to Los Angeles.

In the meantime, I am trying to negotiate with Srimati Morarji. So if you agree, immediately send book the following goods, send me the invoice and upon presentation to the Bank of America (Pico and La Cienega Branch, 85-01 W. Pico Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif.), they will pay the amount of your bill. If you agree to this them immediately send the following goods:

1. 1 first class harmonium with good bellow which sustains without much labor.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Hawaii 11 March, 1969:

Relishing the transcendental sweetness of Krishna Kirtana is only possible when one is actually advanced, towards perfection. Srila Rupa Goswami used to say, wishing if he had possessed millions of ears, and billions of tongues then he could chant the Hare Krishna mantra a little bit relishably. In the conditioned stage, we chant Hare Krishna mantra officially without any attachment and try to finish the rounds as soon as possible. Sometimes we also forget to chant the prescribed number of rounds. But Haridasa Thakura even at the last stage of his life, he was chanting 300,000 beads although Lord Caitanya personally asked him to not labor so hard. But Haridasa Thakura said that he would continue the practice till the end of his life. So that is the position of transcendental taste. Please therefore chant very sincerely with your present aptitude of mind and Krishna will bless you more and more in understanding this secret of transcendental vibration. Of course, sometimes the public may misunderstand such tears of bliss, so we may better have to check it from the vision of ordinary persons.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Hawaii 14 March, 1969:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated the third of March, 1969, and I think I shall be able to go to your center from Boston. There is an important engagement in Boston on the 24th April, and perhaps next on the 29th and I think after finishing these I can go to your place. So you can fix up your program in consultation with Satsvarupa. The idea of inviting everyone to Sankirtana in a larger meeting hall is very good. Instead of attending small groups of meeting, we can arrange to assemble them at one place—that will be less laborious and more convenient for us.

Prahladananda has sent me a check for $30 towards my book fund and I am very much thankful to him. I am enclosing the reply of his letter herewith.

Letter to Jayagovinda -- Hawaii 30 March, 1969:

I feel encouraged to act so busily day and night. But the body sometimes does not allow me to do so. So I have to sleep about 4 to 5 hours. But in comparison to our predecessors, the Goswamis, this engagement in insignificant. These Goswamis used to work almost 24 hours. They used to sleep not more than 2 hours, and they produced immense literature. Of course, it is not possible to be in their level of activities, but as far as possible, we should everyone of us try to work as hard as possible for Krishna's satisfaction. This material body can be adjusted with practice. If we adjust these bodily activities towards Krishna's side, then the labor is fruitful, but if we adjust towards maya's side, then the labor is useless. A little labor done for Krishna is never lost. But the greatest labor done for Maya is simply waste of time. So I think by the Grace of Krishna you are feeling nice now. Please try to work hard for Krishna, and your life will be glorious. By Krishna's Grace and by His desire, you are destined to go to Germany to take up the work of BTG in German. The three boys now working there are very sincere workers. You are also very sincere boy and I am sure when you go there you will find a very nice atmosphere of ISKCON workers.

Letter to R. Chalson -- New Vrindaban 12 June, 1969:

I beg to thank you very much for your kind letter dated June 8, 1969, addressed to our New York temple and forwarded to me. I am very pleased to read the contents. My Spiritual Master, Om Visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Goswami Maharaja Prabhupada, sometimes used to say that if after selling all of my property I can convert one person to Krishna Consciousness factually, then I shall think my mission is successful. Similarly, I am also thinking like that after reading your letter that if I could induce even one person to Krishna Consciousness through my publication, Bhagavad-gita As It Is, then I shall think my labor is successful. So I am very much encouraged to read your letter, and I have received many such letters from others also, so I am very hopeful.

Letter to Gurudasa -- New Vrindaban 21 June, 1969:

I have received your note about the new house, and I have arranged to send the money as requested by Mukunda. I hope the money is already received by you and the transaction is nicely executed. After hard labor, you are getting a nice house just suitable for your purposes. Now decorate it nicely, and go ahead with new vigor and energy to push on the Krishna Consciousness Movement in London. You have already created an impression in the greatest city in the world, and I hope in the future there will be even greater hope for this movement. I am glad to learn that the Beatles have showed guarantee for payment of the rent. It is a nice, friendly gesture. Recently Mr. John Lennon had an interview with one of our disciples, Vibhavati, and it appears that he is also sympathetic with our movement. Another point is that in BTG we shall now publish as many pictures of our Sankirtana Movement in different cities as possible. So get good snaps of your kirtanas and engagement in London, and send the photos on to New York.

Letter to Mukunda -- Los Angeles 28 June, 1969:

Without God, there is no question of happiness, and without God, there are no good qualities in a person. So the leaders of the human society are missing this point, and here is a program of Krishna Consciousness that if sober and truthful men join, certainly we shall be able to give something very sublime to the suffering peoples of the world. As requested by you, I am sending herewith a note addressed to the Archbishop, and you may do the needful.

I am so glad to learn that the lease agreement is already signed, and I shall be glad to hear from you further in this connection. I thank you so much for your hard labor in pushing on this Krishna Consciousness Movement, and surely Krishna will give you more and more strength in this endeavor. Sudama has left Hawaii already, and he is here in Los Angeles. He will not go to London until you are completely equipped to receive other brahmacaris from here.

Letter to Syamasundara -- Hamburg 31 August, 1969:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated August 27th, 1969, and I have noted the contents with great joy. You are improving in every respect of our London Yatra program, and I think your labor to make friends with the Beatles has been successful in the matter of pressing the Hare Krishna record. I hope by this means many thousands of pounds will flow into Krishna's treasury. We are very poor financially, but by Krishna's Grace we are getting help undoubtedly. That is nice. I came here without any money, singlehanded, and Krishna is sending me so many nice assistants and the required money whenever it is necessary. We should be satisfied with such Grace of Krishna. We do not want any extra money for sense gratification, but Krishna is so kind He is supplying the necessary amount. You will be glad to know that Satsvarupa in Boston has purchased property worth 70,000 dollars.

Letter to Bhagavan -- London 22 September, 1969:

So continue to develop your Sankirtana Party activities, and if you are given permission to accept donations, that will increase the strength of your activities there. You may consult with Tamala Krishna in Los Angeles for advice as to how to approach the authorities for obtaining such permission. That 50 people are coming to your Love Feasts and 15-20 people are coming to the kirtanas in the temple is good news also. As you are a sincere servant of Krishna, Krishna is recognizing your efforts to serve Him nicely and thus He is crowning your labors for Him with success. As more and more you increase in sincerity, similarly Krishna will more and more reciprocate by giving you the intelligence to serve Him nicely.

Letter to Vamanadeva -- Tittenhurst 21 October, 1969:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated October 14, 1969 and have noted the contents carefully. If you can open a center with Indira Dasi, that will be a great pleasure for me. I want that all married couples should open new centers and carry on by dint of hard labor. Every householder, husband and wife together, they require to live in an apartment, so if they have got an extra room, they can immediately start a center. You have seen in Hawaii how Gaurasundara and Govinda are gradually developing from this beginning to a nice center in Hawaii. Wherever we sit down and chant Hare Krishna people will gather and gradually become our devotees and thus the center is developed. So if you want to open a center, that is very good. But at the same time you must be able to measure your strength whether you will be able to do it. In the meantime Columbus center may require your services, so you may remain there, and when you feel strong you can do it with Krishna's blessings. But if you do it sincerely and seriously, you will be successful. In Japan Sudama and his wife are doing very nicely, and I have got encouraging letter that Bali Mardan is desiring to go to Australia to open a temple.

1970 Correspondence

Letter to Syamasundara -- Los Angeles 12 April, 1970:

They are very much fond of temple activities. I understand that George has got a nice chapel in his house and he is also anxious to develop his Krishna Consciousness, so it is not necessary that he has to become my formal disciple, but in order to develop his Krishna Consciousness, he should give us some opportunities to develop a duplicate temple in Oxon. Our staying in John's Tittenhurst garden was a failure because John wanted to utilize the labor of our men without giving us proper facilities for developing the temple.

Regarding how George may continue his meditation, that meditation may be done by keeping one picture of Krishna, keeping his mind concentrated on the picture of Krishna and softly chanting the Hare Krishna Mahamantra as long as he likes. That will complete both his meditation and Krishna Consciousness perfectly according to the last verse of the sixth chapter of Bhagavad-gita which says, "And of all yogis, he always abides in Me with great faith, worshiping Me in transcendental loving service, is most intimately united with Me in Yoga, and is the highest of all."

Letter to Upendra -- Los Angeles 22 April, 1970:

To face difficulty in the course of preaching work is a kind of austerity. These difficulties do not go in vain. The more we face difficulties, the more we draw the attention of Krsna. So in that way we shall be prepared to meet all kinds of difficulties in our preaching work. Such attempt gives us a lift on our progressive march in Krishna Consciousness.

In my last letter to Bali Mardan I have already written that I was very much anxious to hear from you. Now this letter has given me much relief. Thank you very much that you are working so hard for this movement, and surely Krsna will reward sufficiently for your transcendental labor. Be blessed and preach.

I shall send you very soon detailed photographs of our new temple room and I think you will very much appreciate it.

1971 Correspondence

Letter to Gurudasa -- London 11 August, 1971:

So my request to you now is that yourself and Tamala Krishna go to Delhi to organize a center there and make arrangements for printing our books and magazine in Hindi and recruit life members there also.

I understand that you have been invited by Syama Dasi in Africa. I don't advise that you associate with her because she is sahajiya. To associate with her will hamper pure devotional service. Besides that you are going there for only one month after taking so much labor. What will be the profit? Will they contribute money for our Mayapur project? Unless our Mayapur project is finalized, I don't think any one of you can go outside of India. My advise is that Tamala and yourself immediately make arrangements for going to Delhi and organize that center nicely.

Letter to Damodara -- Nairobi, Kenya 3 October, 1971:

Yes, this Govardhana puja is a bona fide procedure, but such things cannot be held in your country. It requires good space to decorate the imitation hill of rice. So when we offer such hill of rice, there must be other things also—a hill of capatis and other things. It is a huge affair. In India practically in all the Visnu temples this is observed and they spend huge amounts for this purpose and they distribute prasadam to thousands and everyone gathers to take even a little portion of it. If you can introduce this Govardhana puja, I have no objection, but it requires hard labor, good management and much money also. But the process is bona fide.

1972 Correspondence

Letter to Jayapataka -- Honolulu 17 May, 1972:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 5, 1972, and I have noted the contents. Yes, we shall personally supervise everything there at Mayapur, instead of giving everything to contractor. The engineer may simply see that things are being done properly and we shall see that the labor is working properly. Purchase first-class building materials, then there will be first-class building. So far your recommendation for getting money, this arrangement is approved. Accounts and money should be in one place. You have already got Rs. 1,10,000 from me, so if you submit account of this expenditure, you will receive more. All collections and Life Membership money should go to Bombay for deposit in the Building Fund. It is understood that Giriraja has asked Bhavananda for the Life Membership collections, but Bhavananda has not replied. What is the reason? Please do the needful. This fund shall never be used for maintenance. If there is shortage of maintenance, that fund will be also supplied from Bombay.

Letter to Cyavana -- Los Angeles 23 May, 1972:

If you can get materials donated as you have with the temporary temple structure, that is the best plan. So during rainy season, you may also work at acquiring materials such as sand, bricks, stone chips, etc. If there will be one retired engineer who will help you in this matter just as they have done in Calcutta, that is also a nice proposal. You can put one advertisement in a newspaper and many men will come for interview. Offer them nice place to live with the devotees and all prasadam and other conveniences should be offered to them. And in return they will see to the materials, labor, architects, etc., and give you their expert advice in all matters. Otherwise we have no construction experience and they may try to cheat us. We shall of course continue to also look after all aspects of the building operation, but we should have the help and assistance of a qualified retired engineer. Try to find out such a person. You may consult with Bhavananda and Tamala Krishna in this respect, as the building work in Mayapur is already well under way and it is going very nicely.

Letter to Jayapataka -- Amsterdam 30 July, 1972:

If you make it a first-class temple, there will be no lack of visitors for preaching, you will never even have to leave that place for preaching. And if you serve nice prasadam, the whole of India will come. So stick to our principles very rigidly, and everyone will come to see these American Vaisnavas. I want that we shall excel the Caitanya Math. They have been struggling for the last 50 years, and we shall surpass them in two years. We are working two shifts of labor: that is American style of doing things. I am very pleased if you can continue in this manner of American style. But if you do not, then I shall remain on the same level, then it is a great discredit to the Americans. But if I defeat my godbrothers, then I am worthy to be called the guru of the Americans. Even there is competition in spiritual life.

Letter to Jayadeva -- Los Angeles 16 August, 1972:

I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated August 10, 1972, and I am very much pleased to hear that you are making spiritual progress and you are more serious to attend to the real matter of your life. Go on in this way, reading, chanting, worshiping the deity, and offering the fruits of your labor to Krishna, and attend Mangala Arati at the temple and classes as much as possible, and very soon you will feel yourself becoming perfectly happy. This spot life is meant for becoming God conscious and there is no other purpose or meaning to life outside of this. So now you have got the right spiritual master, the process I've given you, so now it is up to you. If you really want to achieve the goal of your life, then become very serious to always pursue it at every moment and not be distracted by anything false. Sukadeva is the president now in Seattle temple, so if you can assist him in his management and other programs, kindly give him your help.

Letter to Krsna dasa -- Dallas 9 September, 1972:

I was hopeful that you would organize in Sweden. You have got the capacity to do that, you are one of my old disciples and you have proven your abilities to organize things very nicely. You went to Germany and organized very nicely. I know you have got that capacity. Why you have come back? You could have organized Sweden very gorgeously. You are very intelligent and also your wife is intelligent. Formally you were alone, now you are assisted by your good wife. Husband and wife equal double strength. You can do nicely anywhere. You know very well how Gurudasa, Mukunda, and Syamasundara organized the London center with great labor and hardship and now it is one of the first class temples. Syamasundara induced George Harrison to cooperate with us and he paid us nineteen-thousand dollars for Krsna Book. So there are so many works, if someone wants to work there are so many things. So eternally I want to remain your guide provided you want to accept me.

Letter to Bali-mardana -- Hyderabad 18 November, 1972:

Now you must be able to judge these things as you have got experience and you are there, what can I do from such distant place? If you think it is nice, then try for it. But one thing is, there is no residential place, so what is the use? But if that can be arranged somehow there is no objection. We are not so much after big, big buildings, we are interested to preach only. But if such building will enhance our preaching work and not distract us from the main business, then it is nice. But you must determine if it will be easy task to raise so much money, not that we shall have to labour so much just to get money and after for maintaining, so much so that our spiritual life becomes neglected, no. Real business is to spread the message of Lord Caitanya throughout the world. But if we are able to get the place in downtown centre of New York City, that is the most important location in the world, and from that place we may broadcast Krishna Consciousness all over the world.

Letter to Dhananjaya -- Bombay 31 December, 1972:

By our expending energy for Krsna, that is appreciated, not the actual result of our energy. But if there is lack of energy being devoted for some purpose, then everything will be delayed and possibly stopped. Better to seize the iron while the fire is hot, that my Guru Maharaja used to tell me. So George is now convinced of our movement, he will pay, so why the delay and difficulty? I think you should very seriously and with a cool head apply yourself to getting that place or some other place as soon as possible, at least by springtime. Otherwise Krsna may take away this golden opportunity, being disappointed by our lack of enthusiasm and labor. You may inform me from time to time how your search for the new place is progressing more and more.

1973 Correspondence

Letter to Tejiyas -- Bombay 5 January, 1973:

We shall henceforward concentrate our full energy in this program of distributing books in India. We shall not be very much concerned any more with properties and big big temples, now we have got our place at Vrndabana and our place at Mayapur, that is sufficient, now let us spend our hard-earned money for printing Krsna's books and distributing widely all over India. If someone steps forward to donate us land or building, that is another thing, but we shall not be very much interested to spend for that.

There are four pillars of a successful business, and that is land, labor, capital and organization. So first is the land. If you get nice land, then everything else will follow. So we have got place, labor, you are gradually getting more, we have got some capital, and we are organized, therefore I see no reason that we shall not be very much successful in India, as we shall be also all over the world.

Letter to Karandhara -- Auckland 21 February, 1973:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated 13 Feb. 1973 and have noted its contents carefully. Regarding Sriman Hayagriva Dasa; it is our duty to rectify him. To create a devotee takes much labor and to reject him in a minute is not to our credit so please try to do the needful in this regard. Consult the other GBC men there, then make a proposal to Hayagriva and if still he is incorrigible then you take the necessary steps.

It is not very good policy to move the deities once they have been installed. First thing you should try to get the authorities to reverse their classification of us as a church. Because factually we are not a church. It is true that our congregation is not increasing, simply the inmates are becoming more numerous. We should be classified as a residential temple. This is actually the case in India and it is the same case in Los Angeles. We simply have a bigger family therefore our temple is bigger.

Letter to Tejiyas -- Calcutta 15 March, 1973:

Even if 15 or 20 MPs join our Society that will be a new chapter for us. And your petition is very attractively worded. Actually India is the spiritual leader of the world but the fools and rascals are trying to sabotage the position.

Your school preaching is very much welcomed by me. We are in need of new recruits to carry out so many ambitious programs here in India, so if you can infiltrate the school system as you did in America that will be a great service.

Yes, this program for the factories I have already outlined. Let the labor-management disputes be finished by prasada and regular kirtanas with temples right on the premises.

Your statement that "no intelligent man can resist becoming the member" because of our books is a very good observation. Now these beautiful books have become the firm basis for our movement and any intelligent person in any part of the world cannot but fail to admire them.

1974 Correspondence

Letter to Bhavananda, Jayapataka -- Los Angeles 6 January, 1974:

Two signators out of three will be valid for drawing money. You deposit the balance Rs 27,000 in this account. I shall try to send more money as soon as I know the account is open and you can purchase land as much bighas as possible. But don't purchase more land than we can utilize. My only desire is that our temple must be a living temple by chanting Hare Krsna Mantra and distributing prasadam as well as distributing books to the intelligent class of men. This time we shall have the first part of Caitanya Caritamrta published 400 pages. I am working on Caitanya Caritamrta continually.

So by the time I reach India, maybe the first week of February, I hope that by that time my quarters will be completely open for use without any difficulty.

I am glad Bharadraja and others are learning laboriously how to model. materials like bamboo, thatch and tarpolin you can purchase if the prices are cheap. I cannot say how many will be required, but purchase and keep in stock. If Tirtha Maharaja is having a big showing then we have to show more and let everyone see what the American model makers can do. What exhibition of models are you going to show?

Letter to Resolution -- Bombay 1 April, 1974:

That the Society will construct one additional floor on each of the six existing buildings on the Hare Krishna Land, (purchased in October, 1973.)

2. That the President, Secretary, and Treasurer are hereby authorized to appoint any architect, labor contractor, other contractors, engineers, to purchase, etc. for the purpose of construction.

3. That the construction may begin immediately upon approval given by the Bombay Municipal Corporation.


Letter to Saurabha -- Bombay 6 April, 1974:

If you are collecting money from Mr. Bajoria or any life members take it and send it to the construction fund at New Delhi, in the Punjab National Bank. As far as Mr. Somani, let him come here and I will be very glad to receive him. If he can supply us paper we can start a Back to Godhead magazine in Hindi and Gujarati.

Regarding your report on the marble, let us apply the best one, as indicated by you, even if it costs Rs 8 per square foot including labor. So make contract, take delivery of the stone and engage this man who is the same one doing the Birla Mandir. I have sent a check for Rs 23,000 to Tejyas in Delhi so there is no scarcity of money. This temple must be finished by the deadline. Work very swiftly keeping in view everything expertly and solidly.

Letter to Tejiyas -- Bombay 9 May, 1974:

. I have received your letters of May 6 and May 7. You have requested 9 checks listed as follows:

Rs. 193/60—Munna—Sand

Rs. 2975/60—Munna—Sand

Rs. 895/00—Allahbux—Painting

Rs. 110/70—Munna—Labor

Rs. 8804/00—Allahbux—Labor

Rs. 25079/65—Yourselves—draft to Orissa Cement for hundi repayment

Rs. 3500/00—Rockwin India engineering for consultation

Rs. 384/83—Munna—Daily wages

Rs. 19858/70—Sri Girraj Cement Co.—white cement marble chips

The checks are duly enclosed. Please continue to keep accurate accounting and send me the ledger sheets periodically. This will enable me to keep up-to-date records. As for how checks will be handled when I am out of the country, I will arrange for this so do not worry.

Letter to Rupanuga -- Vrindaban 4 September, 1974:

I am glad to learn that in Philadelphia they are increasing Sankirtana. It is our life and soul. Sankirtana should be increased as much as possible. Side by side is book selling. Then our mission will be successful. It is also good that in Atlanta they are doing college courses. Similar attempts should be made in other places.

Regarding the Buffalo project, New Vrindaban is the example. You should develop in a similar way. Have milk, vegetables, simple living, and chanting Hare Krsna. The whole world is engaged in unnecessary hard labor with their factories. It is a brain killing civilization. Let them come to free life. Spend time chanting Hare Krsna, reading books and making their lives successful. This is very essential propaganda. People must be informed.

Letter to Jayatirtha -- Vrindaban 20 September, 1974:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 12, 1974 copy of which to all GBC Secretaries. My only requet is we must spend money very cautiously and not to waste. For improvement we can spend. I am simply afraid that money may not be wasted. So when I saw that the sanctuary was not being finished it gave me some agitation in my mind. So if people say it will be better than Birla Mandir, then your labor and expenditure is a success.

I am confident that you are a good manager. So you do the needful, so by your management I will get good satisfaction. You are a good manager and a devotee also. That is a good qualification.

1975 Correspondence

Letter to Prof. O.P. Goel -- Perth, Australia 10 May, 1975:

I very much appreciate your proposal. The mass problem at the present moment in India is actually a food problem. I have therefore decided to start some village organization program—namely, people should be invited to live in the village, produce their own foodstuff (grains, fruits, and vegetables), maintain a sufficient number of cows to get a large quantity of milk, produce their own cloth, eat sumptuously for keeping fit in health, and then they can regularly sit down and chant the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. I shall arrange for the irrigation of the land and the people living there should give their labor for their own food and clothing, and then chant Hare Krishna Maha-mantra and cultivate Krishna Consciousness. Besides that, our men should go from village to village with Sankirtana party, hold festival, namely distribution of Bhagavat prasadam and induce them chant and join with us in vibrating the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. In India, they are not less than 95% villagers and Mahatma Gandhi wanted this village organization. I think this is a solid program.

Letter to Radheswaranand Goswami -- Perth, Australia 10 May, 1975:

I wish to open centers in the villages. The mass problem at the present moment in India is actually a food problem. I have therefore decided to start some village organization program—namely, people should be invited to live in the village, produce their own foodstuff (grains, fruits, and vegetables), maintain a sufficient number of cows to get a large quantity of milk, produce their own cloth, eat sumptuously for keeping fit in health, and then they can regularly sit down and chant Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. I shall arrange for the irrigation of the land and the people living there should give their labor for their own food and clothing, and then chant Hare Krishna Maha-mantra and cultivate Krishna Consciousness. Besides that, our men should go from village to village with Sankirtana party, hold festival, namely distribution of Bhagavat prasadam and induce them to chant and join with us in vibrating the Hare Krishna Maha-mantra. In India, they are not less than 95% villagers and Mahatma Gandhi wanted this village organization. I think this is a solid program. The people must eat sumptuously—not voraciously and make them fit for working and chanting. In this way, they will be purified and everything will be nicely organized.

Letter to Vahna -- Honolulu 26 May, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 12, 1975 and have read the Cintamani poetry book. It is indirect, impersonal and useless. Who will read these things? Krishna's name is only mentioned in two poems in the whole book. What is this? There are so many poems written by great acaryas. Why do you try to concoct something like this? It is not in our line. How is that our Kirtanananda Swami is there and he has approved printing this? It is a waste of time, paper, money, ink, and labor. There is so much work to do for spreading this Krishna Consciousness. Who will become attracted by such things as this. You should all spend more time reading my books very carefully and stop all this unnecessary manufacturing.

Letter to Mahamsa -- Detroit 3 August, 1975:

The literature you have published is very nice. The Explosion is very good. I started out with this kind of paper, only I was the only writer, the only editor, the only publisher, and the only distributer. So go on with your publishing. At least each month one Hindi and Telegu magazine should be published from Hyderabad. Arrange like that.

Regarding the Malaysian trip being called off, everything must be done very cautiously because our Indian people they are very poor and are prone to steal. We collect money with so much hard labor. But, one thing is that the money is not important. If the man goes away taking our money that is our discredit. The man is more important than the money. We admit everyone to our society, including the cheater, the drug addicted, all qualified. We should take the responsibility to train them. Why has he left? It is our responsibility to train and rectify them.

1976 Correspondence

Letter to unknown 2 -- 28 September, 1976:

At the age of 70 I had the energy to go outside India and apart from other various duties, engage myself in writing books even at night without sleep. All these have been done in accordance with the direction of my Prabhupada Gurudeva. My foreign devotees, with the help of various machines, do the needful for printing all these books written by me. These books are sold throughout the world for which an all round very hard labor is required. If sale proceeds of my books sold outside India are brought for aforesaid expenses in India, what harms and what is to be envied of. They have been spent for the benefit of the general public, materially as well as spiritually. We get help from foreign government is an absolute false report. What an unjudicious thinking. How can anyone think of that a foreign government will subscribe money for the promotion of Krishna Consciousness? So my request is not to do injustice to us in any way by unnecessary anti propaganda, but to cooperate with us by joining our Krishna Consciousness movement so that it may spread more and more satisfactorily, and for this we shall be highly obliged. Our cooperation on this account is much coveted for. Hare Krishna.

1977 Correspondence

Letter to VARIOUS -- Unknown Place Unknown Date:

Without such making sacrifice for God or Krsna, our life is only full of anxieties, worries, insecurities, and false ideas. Trying to be happy under these conditions is impossible. Still the materialistic men struggle to live long under great difficulty to tryto make a permanent settlement in the material environment, and everything is defeated at the moment of their death. So what is the use of such wasted labor? So we are most pleased that you and other good members and employees of Dai Nippon Company are giving such nice service to Krsna. That means you are getting benefit also. That means whenever Krsna is pleased by our working on His behalf, automatically everything becomes successful. He is the supreme proprietor of everything, so if He likes, He can give any amount of wealth, fame, reputation, like that. Therefore if one dedicates some portion of his energy to Krsna in this way, he is never the loser. And as you are wishing me the best in the new year, so also I wish you nice gentlemen and your co-workers at Dai Nippon the same. May Krsna bless you all more and more, in this year and all years to come.