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| {{first|21Dec08}} | | {{first|21Dec08}} |
| | | {{last|19Mar10}} |
| {{last|21Dec08}} | | {{totals_by_section|BG=0|SB=1|CC=1|OB=0|Lec=1|Con=15|Let=12}} |
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| | | [[Category:Testimony|1]] |
| [[Category:Testimony]] | | </div> |
| | | <div id="Srimad-Bhagavatam" class="section" sec_index="1" parent="compilation" text="Srimad-Bhagavatam"><h2>Srimad-Bhagavatam</h2> |
| == Srimad-Bhagavatam == | | </div> |
| | | <div id="SB_Cantos_1014_to_12_Translations_Only" class="sub_section" sec_index="11" parent="Srimad-Bhagavatam" text="SB Cantos 10.14 to 12 (Translations Only)"><h3>SB Cantos 10.14 to 12 (Translations Only)</h3> |
| === SB Cantos 10.14 to 12 (Translations Only) === | | </div> |
| | | <div id="SB11289_0" class="quote" parent="SB_Cantos_10.14_to_12_(Translations_Only)" book="SB" index="4215" link="SB 11.28.9" link_text="SB 11.28.9"> |
| <span class="SB-statistics">'''[[Vanisource:SB 11.28.9|SB 11.28.9, Translation]]: By direct perception, logical deduction, scriptural testimony and personal realization, one should know that this world has a beginning and an end and so is not the ultimate reality. Thus one should live in this world without attachment.'''</span> | | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:SB 11.28.9|SB 11.28.9, Translation]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="trans text"><p style="display: inline;">By direct perception, logical deduction, scriptural testimony and personal realization, one should know that this world has a beginning and an end and so is not the ultimate reality. Thus one should live in this world without attachment."</p> |
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| | <div id="Sri_Caitanya-caritamrta" class="section" sec_index="2" parent="compilation" text="Sri Caitanya-caritamrta"><h2>Sri Caitanya-caritamrta</h2> |
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| | <div id="CC_Madhya-lila" class="sub_section" sec_index="2" parent="Sri_Caitanya-caritamrta" text="CC Madhya-lila"><h3>CC Madhya-lila</h3> |
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| | <div id="CCMadhya594_0" class="quote" parent="CC_Madhya-lila" book="CC" index="904" link="CC Madhya 5.94" link_text="CC Madhya 5.94"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:CC Madhya 5.94|CC Madhya 5.94, Translation]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="trans text"><p style="display: inline;">"Only if You go there in this form of Gopāla and speak the words from Your beautiful face will Your testimony be heard by all the people."</p> |
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| | <div id="Lectures" class="section" sec_index="4" parent="compilation" text="Lectures"><h2>Lectures</h2> |
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| | <div id="Bhagavad-gita_As_It_Is_Lectures" class="sub_section" sec_index="0" parent="Lectures" text="Bhagavad-gita As It Is Lectures"><h3>Bhagavad-gita As It Is Lectures</h3> |
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| | <div id="LectureonBG43942LosAngelesJanuary141969_0" class="quote" parent="Bhagavad-gita_As_It_Is_Lectures" book="Lec" index="200" link="Lecture on BG 4.39-42 -- Los Angeles, January 14, 1969" link_text="Lecture on BG 4.39-42 -- Los Angeles, January 14, 1969"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Lecture on BG 4.39-42 -- Los Angeles, January 14, 1969|Lecture on BG 4.39-42 -- Los Angeles, January 14, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Yes. That I have already explained, that our relationship with God is that I am infinitesimal, and He is infinite. This is knowledge. I am very small, and He is very great. "God is great." That is definition of every theistic man. So I cannot be equal with God. This is transcendental knowledge.</p> |
| | <p>But unfortunately, we are declaring, "I am God." This is insanity. How you can be God? Do you know what is God? Because you do not know what is God, therefore you are claiming that "I am God." What you have done? What is your testimonial that you are God? Simply by declaring "I am God," you become God? This is no knowledge, less intelligent, no knowledge about God.</p> |
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| | <div id="Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" class="section" sec_index="5" parent="compilation" text="Conversations and Morning Walks"><h2>Conversations and Morning Walks</h2> |
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| | <div id="1975_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" class="sub_section" sec_index="8" parent="Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" text="1975 Conversations and Morning Walks"><h3>1975 Conversations and Morning Walks</h3> |
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| | <div id="MorningWalkAugust121975Paris_0" class="quote" parent="1975_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" book="Con" index="171" link="Morning Walk -- August 12, 1975, Paris" link_text="Morning Walk -- August 12, 1975, Paris"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Morning Walk -- August 12, 1975, Paris|Morning Walk -- August 12, 1975, Paris]]: </span><div class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Prabhupāda:He is released from all political obligations or not?</p> |
| | <p>Brahmānanda: From the charges?</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Yes.</p> |
| | <p>Brahmānanda: No. Actually he can be called to give testimony.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Testimony?</p> |
| | <p>Brahmānanda: Yes. There are certain pending investigations. So he is eligible for being called to give testimony for these investigations. But on the plea of his bad health, therefore he is not being called. He is afraid actually. Right now he does not go to any social gatherings, he does not make any public appearances. He is afraid that as soon as he makes public appearances, then he will be called to give testimony. So he is actually being forced to live a very lonely life.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Lonely life means drinking. What he will do?</p> |
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| | <div id="1976_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" class="sub_section" sec_index="9" parent="Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" text="1976 Conversations and Morning Walks"><h3>1976 Conversations and Morning Walks</h3> |
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| | <div id="RoomConversationApril231976Melbourne_0" class="quote" parent="1976_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" book="Con" index="85" link="Room Conversation -- April 23, 1976, Melbourne" link_text="Room Conversation -- April 23, 1976, Melbourne"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Room Conversation -- April 23, 1976, Melbourne|Room Conversation -- April 23, 1976, Melbourne]]: </span><div class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Guest (2): ...interesting. I see Elder Forester(?) in myself. We feel that we're called to God through a living prophet ourselves. And our feeling is in our own hearts we feel that we have a living feeling in what we call a testimony of Christ. And we feel that he is our savior and that he did atone for the sins of the world. And we were wondering what your feelings were about this.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Our feeling is direct, carrying the orders of God. The direct orders are there, and we have to carry. Ānukūlyena kṛṣṇānuśīlanam ([[Vanisource:CC Madhya 19.167|CC Madhya 19.167]]), favorably to carry out the order of Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa means God.</p> |
| | <p>Guest (2): Kṛṣṇa means God.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: So favorably. What God says, "You do it"—we have to do.</p> |
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| | <div id="RoomConversationJune171976Toronto_1" class="quote" parent="1976_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" book="Con" index="146" link="Room Conversation -- June 17, 1976, Toronto" link_text="Room Conversation -- June 17, 1976, Toronto"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Room Conversation -- June 17, 1976, Toronto|Room Conversation -- June 17, 1976, Toronto]]: </span><div class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Prabhupāda:Now what is the position of the Gurukula in Texas? Our Gurukula, I have repeatedly said that we want simply to know English nicely—English is international language—and Sanskrit just to read and understand our literature. But we don't find any progress in that way.</p> |
| | <p>Jagadīśa: Śrīla Prabhupāda, when you say that we don't find any progress, do you mean just on account of Pradyumna's testimony? Or do you see beyond that, also, that there's no progress.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: No. Pradyumna, of course, personally saw. But when I was in Dallas I could not find any good progress.</p> |
| | <p>Jagadīśa: How do you judge that progress?</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: By the chanting of the Sanskrit verses. Not all of them could do it very nicely. It is only practice, and.... Apart from Pradyumna. So his complaint is that he cannot write even 1, 2, 3, 4, up to ten.</p> |
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| | <div id="RoomConversationJune171976Toronto_2" class="quote" parent="1976_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" book="Con" index="146" link="Room Conversation -- June 17, 1976, Toronto" link_text="Room Conversation -- June 17, 1976, Toronto"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Room Conversation -- June 17, 1976, Toronto|Room Conversation -- June 17, 1976, Toronto]]: </span><div class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Hari-śauri: I don't think we have any reviews from any big German scholars yet.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: But if they have ordered for their textbook, that order will be...</p> |
| | <p>Hari-śauri: East Germany, yes.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Their order itself will be a testimony. If they order in their own form, "Supply this."</p> |
| | </div> |
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| | <div id="RoomConversationandReadingfromSrimadBhagavatamCanto1and12June251976NewVrindaban_3" class="quote" parent="1976_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" book="Con" index="161" link="Room Conversation and Reading from Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 1 and 12 -- June 25, 1976, New Vrindaban" link_text="Room Conversation and Reading from Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 1 and 12 -- June 25, 1976, New Vrindaban"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Room Conversation and Reading from Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 1 and 12 -- June 25, 1976, New Vrindaban|Room Conversation and Reading from Srimad-Bhagavatam Canto 1 and 12 -- June 25, 1976, New Vrindaban]]: </span><div class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Dhṛṣṭadyumna: We have found, Śrīla Prabhupāda, when the buses are going to many of these cities, they have never seen our devotees, because when we go, we are dressed like they are for distributing the books. So now the boys are going again in the streets with a kīrtana party once a week downtown, and they have all done front-page newspaper articles, because although they have been reading the books, they have never seen the devotees in many years. I think festivals like this...</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Yes.</p> |
| | <p>Dhṛṣṭadyumna: ...in all these cities would be very advantageous, and all the book distribution...</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: And therefore I said that introduce Ratha-yātrā every city. At least wherever we have got our centers. Bring Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa. They have received some testimonial from Indian...</p> |
| | <p>Hari-śauri: Oh, yes, Indian reviews?</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: You can open this file. I don't want, but...</p> |
| | <p>Devotee (1): Prabhupāda, how should we have these Ratha-yātrā festivals. Should they be big? Should they be big festivals? Should I plan on having three carts next year, just one, or a small cart?</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: As you can afford. Minimum one cart. Otherwise, three carts. In India the Ratha-yātrā festival is going on, according to rough estimate, for the last two thousand years, and the crowd never diminishes.</p> |
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| | <div id="GardenConversationJune281976NewVrindaban_4" class="quote" parent="1976_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" book="Con" index="170" link="Garden Conversation -- June 28, 1976, New Vrindaban" link_text="Garden Conversation -- June 28, 1976, New Vrindaban"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Garden Conversation -- June 28, 1976, New Vrindaban|Garden Conversation -- June 28, 1976, New Vrindaban]]: </span><div class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Rādhāvallabha: Symptoms of the age of Kali?</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Yes.</p> |
| | <p>Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa: Duration of life is decreased. If one is twenty years old, he will be a grand old man.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Hm. That is coming.</p> |
| | <p>Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa: Bodily strength decreases. Then smṛti, intelligence...</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Yes.</p> |
| | <p>Puṣṭa Kṛṣṇa: Memory is decreasing.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Dayā, dharma, religious principles—everything will be reduced. And the government men, instead of giving you protection, they will act like thieves and rogues. You cannot say anything. Very, very precarious condition, all freedom lost. In Russia, all freedom lost. They have no freedom. The professor giving that testimonial, and "Don't publish it." They are appreciating this book, but they cannot say "That is good book." Just see what kind of freedom is there. A nice book, I appreciate; I cannot give in writing.</p> |
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| | <div id="RoomConversationOctober311976Vrndavana_5" class="quote" parent="1976_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" book="Con" index="322" link="Room Conversation -- October 31, 1976, Vrndavana" link_text="Room Conversation -- October 31, 1976, Vrndavana"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Room Conversation -- October 31, 1976, Vrndavana|Room Conversation -- October 31, 1976, Vrndavana]]: </span><div class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Prabhupāda: Similarly here also, all the Kṛṣṇa conscious persons especially here in Vṛndāvana, all the goswamis, they should be approached that this is the genuine Indian culture.</p> |
| | <p>Haṁsadūta: Yeah.</p> |
| | <p>Hari-śauri: Perhaps we could even get statement from some of the favorable Indian ministers in the government? Just like this Home Minister and Tarun Kanti Ghosh in Calcutta.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Yes.</p> |
| | <p>Hari-śauri: That would be very weighty.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Yes. So do like that, that this is genuine, Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is genuine, cultural and religious movement. This should be taken from all prominent persons and sent there. And the copies of the standing order for all the universities.</p> |
| | <p>Haṁsadūta: Yeah.</p> |
| | <p>Hari-śauri: The order forms.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Original orders, that should be copied and sent. This arrangement, ask them all over India and beside that we have recently got a testimony of one University authorities, just like one Goswami from Calcutta University and many others they have got. These copies should be sent immediately. We can approach even the chief justice of Allahabad high-court, he came here, the minister here, the governor of Punjab, he came to see me, the governor...</p> |
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| | <div id="1977_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" class="sub_section" sec_index="10" parent="Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" text="1977 Conversations and Morning Walks"><h3>1977 Conversations and Morning Walks</h3> |
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| | <div id="ArrivalofBBTManagerJanuary91977Bombay_0" class="quote" parent="1977_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" book="Con" index="24" link="Arrival of BBT Manager -- January 9, 1977, Bombay" link_text="Arrival of BBT Manager -- January 9, 1977, Bombay"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Arrival of BBT Manager -- January 9, 1977, Bombay|Arrival of BBT Manager -- January 9, 1977, Bombay]]: </span><div class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Hari-śauri: They've actually legalized it. There's one group, they're claiming that by deprogramming people they give him freedom of thought.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: But you are... By deprogramming... They are thinking of Kṛṣṇa. You are checking. Where is the freedom of thought? Then you are illegal. They want to think of Kṛṣṇa, and you are checking. Then who is illegal? We have to put in that way, in their word, that "Then you have no right to check him about thinking of Kṛṣṇa." This will be our argument. Yes. How you can check? Let him think of Kṛṣṇa freely, because Kṛṣṇa wants. Then you have to take Bhagavad-gītā as illegal.</p> |
| | <p>Hari-śauri: Yeah, if they condemn the whole thing, they have to condemn the whole, entire Hindu religion.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: That's it. We have to fight in that way.</p> |
| | <p>Hari-śauri: This is really separating us from these other cults because most of these other cults, they have no defense because their whole thing is a concoction. But for ourselves, we're actually practicing a standard way of worship, and we have so many testimonials from actual Hindus themselves.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: No, outside scholars...</p> |
| | <p>Hari-śauri: And from all the scholars and professors and everything.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: "It is bona fide thinking and you are checking."</p> |
| | <p>Hari-śauri: What complicates it is they get ex-cult members to come and testify that "Yes, I was psychologically kidnapped. I was made into a robot just to think of God."</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Yes.</p> |
| | <p>Hari-śauri: So the whole thing's become a very...</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: We have to defend in our way.</p> |
| | </div> |
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| | <div id="ConversationandInstructionOnNewMovieJanuary131977Allahabad_1" class="quote" parent="1977_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" book="Con" index="28" link="Conversation and Instruction On New Movie -- January 13, 1977, Allahabad" link_text="Conversation and Instruction On New Movie -- January 13, 1977, Allahabad"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Conversation and Instruction On New Movie -- January 13, 1977, Allahabad|Conversation and Instruction On New Movie -- January 13, 1977, Allahabad]]: </span><div class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Rāmeśvara: They think it is simply caveman.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Yes.</p> |
| | <p>Rāmeśvara: Prehistoric. They call it pre—history, living in caves, monkey men. Also I was thinking, in the movie they can take the testimonial of different scholars and professors in India about your books and about chanting as a process for awakening the mind, because they are accusing us that "By chanting, you are killing your brain." So if we take...</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: That, it is acting, rascal, on brain. We are teaching or giving them process. That you cannot understand. But our mantra is so strong that it is acting on the brain. So why don't you take this side, that "If we are simply chanting and it is acting on the brain, even from your side, that it is so strong that we are giving up everything for this process. So how much this chanting is strong, why don't you see to that?"</p> |
| | <p>Rāmeśvara: We can even take testimony from some scientists...</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Yes.</p> |
| | <p>Rāmeśvara: ...about chanting.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Yes. "Why it is happening? Why we have given everything. Our father, mother, our home, our comforts, our ideas, stereotyped, our religion, culture—everything we have given up. So don't you see the power of chanting? You may think it is bad, but see the power.</p> |
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| | <div id="ConversationandInstructionOnNewMovieJanuary131977Allahabad_2" class="quote" parent="1977_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" book="Con" index="28" link="Conversation and Instruction On New Movie -- January 13, 1977, Allahabad" link_text="Conversation and Instruction On New Movie -- January 13, 1977, Allahabad"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Conversation and Instruction On New Movie -- January 13, 1977, Allahabad|Conversation and Instruction On New Movie -- January 13, 1977, Allahabad]]: </span><div class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Rāmeśvara: So far, the movies that Yadubara has made, the colleges will not use them in their religion classes so much because they are... They seem to be just religious propaganda for Hare Kṛṣṇa movement. So if this movie is made in a more scholarly way, the field is very good. They will use it in every college class all over the country.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Which movie?</p> |
| | <p>Rāmeśvara: The one I'm thinking of having Yadubara make, shooting in India professors' and scientists' testimony plus Vaiṣṇava festivals and Vaiṣṇava temples.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: No, that... And you'll see Tirupati, how they are standing for hours together.</p> |
| | <p>Rāmeśvara: Yes, like that. And also, if the movie is made very well, then we can make an excerpt...</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: How they are contributing their hard-earned money, how it is, the are collecting money, huge amount.</p> |
| | </div> |
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| | <div id="RoomConversationwithSannyasisJanuary221977Bhuvanesvara_3" class="quote" parent="1977_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" book="Con" index="44" link="Room Conversation with Sannyasis -- January 22, 1977, Bhuvanesvara" link_text="Room Conversation with Sannyasis -- January 22, 1977, Bhuvanesvara"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Room Conversation with Sannyasis -- January 22, 1977, Bhuvanesvara|Room Conversation with Sannyasis -- January 22, 1977, Bhuvanesvara]]: </span><div class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Rāmeśvara: Some of these scholars write "The message radiates and shines brightly from every page." They're writing like that.</p> |
| | <p>Satsvarūpa: And after describing the whole tradition, he said that the Hare Kṛṣṇa movement is the Western branch. So that's a good testimony for our movement, not just the...</p> |
| | <p>Hari-śauri: Not something concocted.</p> |
| | <p>Rāmeśvara: Yes. That's very good.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Hmm?</p> |
| | <p>Rāmeśvara: That's very important. He has given us historical...</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Place.</p> |
| | <p>Rāmeśvara: ...perspective.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: That is wanted.</p> |
| | <p>Rāmeśvara: Prabhupāda said this past week that in the future, historians will study this period of world history, how this movement has changed the world. He said in the future they will just note this period, how the world is being changed.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Yes, a new Renaissance. What is called? Renaissance?</p> |
| | <p>Rāmeśvara: Renaissance.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Historical Renaissance.</p> |
| | <p>Rāmeśvara: Jaya Śrīla Prabhupāda.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Jaya.</p> |
| | </div> |
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| | <div id="EveningConversationJanuary251977Puri_4" class="quote" parent="1977_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" book="Con" index="54" link="Evening Conversation -- January 25, 1977, Puri" link_text="Evening Conversation -- January 25, 1977, Puri"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Evening Conversation -- January 25, 1977, Puri|Evening Conversation -- January 25, 1977, Puri]]: </span><div class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Satsvarūpa: Śrīla Prabhupāda, one thing they're doing against us more and more in the West is taking the testimony of an ex-disciple of yours, and he will say, "I was a Hare Kṛṣṇa..."</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: "Because he is rascal, therefore he's 'ex,' excommunicated. My Guru Mahārāja kicked him out, so what is the value of his word?"</p> |
| | <p>Gargamuni: We can say these men were excommunicated.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Ex means he's executed. That's all. He's finished.</p> |
| | <p>Satsvarūpa: Why listen to his testimony? We can say, "Why listen to his testimony?"</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Yes. Why not take our testimony?</p> |
| | </div> |
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| | <div id="RoomConversationJanuary271977Puri_5" class="quote" parent="1977_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" book="Con" index="59" link="Room Conversation -- January 27, 1977, Puri" link_text="Room Conversation -- January 27, 1977, Puri"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Room Conversation -- January 27, 1977, Puri|Room Conversation -- January 27, 1977, Puri]]: </span><div class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Prabhupāda: Yes. (pause) If these people are making against our movement, so we should not be surprised. The parents who are leaving their children, dropping their children—"Yes, go and have homosex dancing"—if such parents protest against our movement it is not at all astonishing. But we should not stop it for that reason. This is apparent. So this thing should be brought in the court, that "This is the parent. The parent also requires this brainwash. Why the sons and daughters only? The father, mother..."</p> |
| | <p>Gargamuni: In the court they also have no standard. They don't know what moral life is. They think this is normal.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: At least you should take our books, that "This is our statement. Defense is. You first of all read this; then give your judgment."</p> |
| | <p>Satsvarūpa: One of their biggest charges is that we don't...</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Whatever it may be. All charges are replied in these books. So you read these books and argue on this. Finish this. Then give judgment. Make this. Make a firm. Bring all these eighty-four books. That is legal! From law point, it is legal. What I have to say, you have to hear. So we have said everything there.</p> |
| | <p>Gargamuni: Instead of spending for these lawyers, let us bring your books.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Yes!</p> |
| | <p>Gargamuni: That is the testimony.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: And read them and argue on them. "Finish this argument; then give the judgment." Why don't you do it? Make an experiment?</p> |
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| | <div id="RoomConversationJanuary271977Puri_6" class="quote" parent="1977_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" book="Con" index="59" link="Room Conversation -- January 27, 1977, Puri" link_text="Room Conversation -- January 27, 1977, Puri"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Room Conversation -- January 27, 1977, Puri|Room Conversation -- January 27, 1977, Puri]]: </span><div class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Hari-śauri: I think the New York part of the testimony is going to be... They're going to read the Bhagavad-gītā from cover to cover, everything. That's included in our defense.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: One book, and we have got eighty-four books. Come on. At least our books will be advertised.</p> |
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| | <div id="ConversationwithTamalaKrsnaaboutYadubaraApril221977Bombay_7" class="quote" parent="1977_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" book="Con" index="150" link="Conversation with Tamala Krsna about Yadubara -- April 22, 1977, Bombay" link_text="Conversation with Tamala Krsna about Yadubara -- April 22, 1977, Bombay"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Conversation with Tamala Krsna about Yadubara -- April 22, 1977, Bombay|Conversation with Tamala Krsna about Yadubara -- April 22, 1977, Bombay]]: </span><div class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: "Then we would show how Lord Kṛṣṇa's teachings are still manifest in India today by the nine devotional processes and the predominant role Kṛṣṇa plays in the culture and religious life of the people in temple worship, painting, dance, music and lifestyle, including offering and taking prasādam, varṇāśrama-dharma, etc... Then testimonials could be given by prominent supporters of our movement and perhaps a short statement by Your Divine Grace..."</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: There is some big, big temples and their proprietor... In every city there are so many Kṛṣṇa temples. Just like in Kanpur there is very important Dvārakādhīśa temple. Many such big cities they have got Kṛṣṇa's pastimes(?).</p> |
| | <p>Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: He says, at the end he would like to get "a short statement by Your Divine Grace in the movie on the importance of the Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement in the world today. This film could, hopefully, be distributed to schools and colleges, showing that India is full of transcendental knowledge and that this knowledge is meant for the entire world for the benefit of all humanity."</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: That I am speaking of, that this, that this knowledge should not be kept locked up. That is my mission.</p> |
| | <p>Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: I think this is an important movie to make, Śrīla Prabhupāda, the way he described it. He says in regard... He says, many people are approaching him with ideas for other films and he doesn't want to get misdirected, so he's mentioning to you. He says...</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Whose idea is this?</p> |
| | <p>Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: He says they've been requested by the various temples around our society to film Sudāmā Mahārāja's theater group playing "The Age of Kali" and, perhaps, other plays so that these films could be shown at Sunday feasts, because they can't have the theater group in every temple.</p> |
| | <p>Prabhupāda: Oh, it is good idea. Good idea.</p> |
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| | <div id="Correspondence" class="section" sec_index="6" parent="compilation" text="Correspondence"><h2>Correspondence</h2> |
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| | <div id="1967_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="2" parent="Correspondence" text="1967 Correspondence"><h3>1967 Correspondence</h3> |
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| | <div id="LettertoSatsvarupaDelhi6October1967_0" class="quote" parent="1967_Correspondence" book="Let" index="165" link="Letter to Satsvarupa -- Delhi 6 October, 1967" link_text="Letter to Satsvarupa -- Delhi 6 October, 1967"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Satsvarupa -- Delhi 6 October, 1967|Letter to Satsvarupa -- Delhi 6 October, 1967]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I may inform you in this connection that photo offset copies of the following testimonials are lying in my apartment in New York. Namely</p> |
| | <p>1. Certificate from Sri Caitanya Matha Mayapur,</p> |
| | <p>2. Certificate Institute of Oriental Philosophy Vrindaban</p> |
| | <p>3. Certificate Kesavaji Gaudiya Matha, Mathura.</p> |
| | <p>4. Certificate Gaudiya Samghasram, Calcutta.</p> |
| | <p>5. Certificate New York University</p> |
| | <p>If it is possible to get an official or provisional appointment letter through the influence of Mr. Ross and on the strength of the above certificates, it will be easier to get the permanent visa.</p> |
| | <p>Regarding Manuscripts you can hold on till my arrival or next letter in this connection. The thing is that there is regular negotiation with M/s MacMillan Co for taking up the publication. Brahmananda in his recent letter has informed that the sanction is awaiting the President's signature. So let us wait a few days more for the final word.</p> |
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| | <div id="1969_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="4" parent="Correspondence" text="1969 Correspondence"><h3>1969 Correspondence</h3> |
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| | <div id="LettertoGaurasundaraLosAngeles2August1969_0" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="491" link="Letter to Gaurasundara -- Los Angeles 2 August, 1969" link_text="Letter to Gaurasundara -- Los Angeles 2 August, 1969"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Gaurasundara -- Los Angeles 2 August, 1969|Letter to Gaurasundara -- Los Angeles 2 August, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Regarding the difficulties you are having because of the police stopping your chanting in the streets, when Subala was arrested in Philadelphia for this same reason the judge declared him as "not guilty" when he learned of the nature of our movement and the purpose of our collecting. Subala has testimonial of this "not guilty" verdict as declared by the judge, so if you think it will be of help to you in getting permission from the police for chanting on the streets, then you may write to Subala for a xerox copy of this testimonial.</p> |
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| | <div id="1970_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="5" parent="Correspondence" text="1970 Correspondence"><h3>1970 Correspondence</h3> |
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| | <div id="LettertoKirtananandaLosAngeles18February1970_0" class="quote" parent="1970_Correspondence" book="Let" index="104" link="Letter to Kirtanananda -- Los Angeles 18 February, 1970" link_text="Letter to Kirtanananda -- Los Angeles 18 February, 1970"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Kirtanananda -- Los Angeles 18 February, 1970|Letter to Kirtanananda -- Los Angeles 18 February, 1970]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Side by side, please try to introduce our books in the different university curricula, and that will be another success. I have information from Gargamuni that major portions of my TLC are not yet sold. Of course such literatures are not meant for ordinary public, but I am sure if you try to introduce in the university circle; and I have got many testimonials of my books and thus they can be introduced without any difficulty.</p> |
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| | <div id="LettertoVamanadevaBombay12November1970_1" class="quote" parent="1970_Correspondence" book="Let" index="587" link="Letter to Vamanadeva -- Bombay 12 November, 1970" link_text="Letter to Vamanadeva -- Bombay 12 November, 1970"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Vamanadeva -- Bombay 12 November, 1970|Letter to Vamanadeva -- Bombay 12 November, 1970]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I am very pleased to learn that you have several new devotees with you and the Temple has been completely renovated. It is a very nice house, so simply make it a palace for Lord Krsna and Srimati Radharani and that will be the perfection of its utilization and you will become perfect and happy by this work. Please continue your work in the "Bhakti-Yoga Society" at the University, the students cannot be over-estimated as our best prospects. The new growth of Tulasi is testimony to your sincere devotion because she will only grow and flourish in an atmosphere of Krsna Consciousness. Please see that the regular rules and practices are strictly followed by all the inmates and keep improving the quality of your Deity worship—this will keep you firmly fixed in the Absolute Truth.</p> |
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| | <div id="1972_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="7" parent="Correspondence" text="1972 Correspondence"><h3>1972 Correspondence</h3> |
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| | <div id="LettertoNityanandaLosAngeles16August1972_0" class="quote" parent="1972_Correspondence" book="Let" index="443" link="Letter to Nityananda -- Los Angeles 16 August, 1972" link_text="Letter to Nityananda -- Los Angeles 16 August, 1972"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Nityananda -- Los Angeles 16 August, 1972|Letter to Nityananda -- Los Angeles 16 August, 1972]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I am very pleased to hear that all of the programs there in New Orleans center are improving more and more under your capable supervision. Especially I am glad to note the judges decision in your recent court case and the nice words that he has used to describe our movement. Yes, that is the case, he has said rightly. So you may distribute a copy of the judges statement and the testimony of the child to all of our centers around the world.</p> |
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| | <div id="1974_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="9" parent="Correspondence" text="1974 Correspondence"><h3>1974 Correspondence</h3> |
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| | <div id="LettertoGovindaBombay8May1974_0" class="quote" parent="1974_Correspondence" book="Let" index="185" link="Letter to Govinda -- Bombay 8 May, 1974" link_text="Letter to Govinda -- Bombay 8 May, 1974"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Govinda -- Bombay 8 May, 1974|Letter to Govinda -- Bombay 8 May, 1974]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">The enclosed newspaper story, "Krishna followers freed from police harassment," is just further testimony of the great victory made by Caitanya Mahaprabhu in Chicago. I understand that the Chicago area is the most lucrative place in the world for distribution of our books and that you have done very careful work in getting all permission. Therefore this rumor that within a few years there will be police repression and people will have no more money to buy books and sankirtana will stop is completely bogus. Whoever told you that is a rascal, saying it in my name. I never said that. Rather sankirtana movement will expand, continuing so long as we are sincere.</p> |
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| | <div id="1976_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="11" parent="Correspondence" text="1976 Correspondence"><h3>1976 Correspondence</h3> |
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| | <div id="LettertoSatsvarupaHonolulu23May1976_0" class="quote" parent="1976_Correspondence" book="Let" index="303" link="Letter to Satsvarupa -- Honolulu 23 May, 1976" link_text="Letter to Satsvarupa -- Honolulu 23 May, 1976"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Satsvarupa -- Honolulu 23 May, 1976|Letter to Satsvarupa -- Honolulu 23 May, 1976]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">The public libraries can order many sets, 50 to 100 at a time, for all their branches. Your tactics sound very good. The Indian professors reviews can be used to stimulate American orders, and the American professors' reviews can be used to stimulate orders in India. So now with so many testimonials, why these libraries will not purchase?</p> |
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| | <div id="LettertoGopalaKrsnaLosAngeles9June1976_1" class="quote" parent="1976_Correspondence" book="Let" index="342" link="Letter to Gopala Krsna -- Los Angeles 9 June, 1976" link_text="Letter to Gopala Krsna -- Los Angeles 9 June, 1976"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Gopala Krsna -- Los Angeles 9 June, 1976|Letter to Gopala Krsna -- Los Angeles 9 June, 1976]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Then what is the value of such testimonial? Please clear it. Testimonial means it must be written or typed on their official letterhead, and duly signed by them. If it is not so, then what is the value of it?</p> |
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| | <div id="LettertoGLKapoorHyderabad23August1976_2" class="quote" parent="1976_Correspondence" book="Let" index="457" link="Letter to G. L. Kapoor -- Hyderabad 23 August, 1976" link_text="Letter to G. L. Kapoor -- Hyderabad 23 August, 1976"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to G. L. Kapoor -- Hyderabad 23 August, 1976|Letter to G. L. Kapoor -- Hyderabad 23 August, 1976]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"> |
| | <p style="display: inline;">Sri G.L. Kapoor;</p> |
| | <p>Please find below my testimonial in honor of Sumati Morarji.</p> |
| | <p>"Madame Sumati Morarji is a great friend of our Krishna Consciousness Movement. I first met her in connection with the printing of my Srimad-Bhagavatam and she was so kind as to immediately pay me 500 Rupees for it. Later on, in 1965 when I wanted to go to the USA, I appealed to this benevolent lady again to carry me aboard one of her ships to New York, and she immediately arranged for it. I was able to start for the USA on account of her kindness and taking some books with me I safely reached on September 19th, 1965.</p> |
| | <p>When I returned to INDIA in 1970, she gave me a good reception in her office building. Many nice gentlemen also met me at that time. I feel obliged to this benevolent lady in so many ways for her helping this Krishna Consciousness Movement. I wish that Lord Krishna may give her a long life fully engaged in the service of the Lord."</p> |
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| | <div id="LettertoTamalaKrsnaVrindaban30October1976_3" class="quote" parent="1976_Correspondence" book="Let" index="613" link="Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Vrindaban 30 October, 1976" link_text="Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Vrindaban 30 October, 1976"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Vrindaban 30 October, 1976|Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Vrindaban 30 October, 1976]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Get some Indian professor's opinions. Get a list of standing orders from Indian Universities. Take this opportunity for being well advertised. They are afraid. So many young men are being affected. They have rightly said that it is an epidemic. Let all the Indians say that this is bona fide. Have profuse testimony. Collect testimony in London and Toronto. Ask SubhaVilasa to collect opinions that this is bona fide Indian culture. This same attack came in Germany. By propaganda you cannot suppress the truth. You cannot suppress fire by propaganda. Now we have to become strong to defend. The fighting has become acute, but if you stick to the regulative principles, Krsna will give all strength.</p> |
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| | <div id="LettertoRamesvaraHyderabad2December1976_4" class="quote" parent="1976_Correspondence" book="Let" index="671" link="Letter to Ramesvara -- Hyderabad 2 December, 1976" link_text="Letter to Ramesvara -- Hyderabad 2 December, 1976"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Ramesvara -- Hyderabad 2 December, 1976|Letter to Ramesvara -- Hyderabad 2 December, 1976]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">If they are giving us trouble to distribute at the airports, then go to the courts. What can be done? We already have favorable decisions from some courts. We are doing something good for the whole world. Present the scholars' opinions. They have the power, we are powerless. What can be done? Depend on Krishna.</p> |
| | <p>You write to say that we are getting good response from the latest issue of BTG. These testimonials should be presented in the court. Dharmadhyaksa's article is very nice. Such articles should be published. Take the psychologists opinion in writing. If somehow or other people chant, they'll be our men. So, somehow induce them to chant.</p> |
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| | <div id="1977_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="12" parent="Correspondence" text="1977 Correspondence"><h3>1977 Correspondence</h3> |
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| | <div id="LettertoRamesvaraIndia13February1977_0" class="quote" parent="1977_Correspondence" book="Let" index="52" link="Letter to Ramesvara -- India 13 February, 1977" link_text="Letter to Ramesvara -- India 13 February, 1977"> |
| | <span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Ramesvara -- India 13 February, 1977|Letter to Ramesvara -- India 13 February, 1977]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Dear Ramesvara Maharaja,</p> |
| | <p>Please accept my blessings.</p> |
| | <p>I have received a very favorable testimony of our Movement from the President of Indian Brain Research Association, Department of Biochemistry, University of Calcutta, Professor J.J. Ghosh. Dhira Krsna das, who obtained this letter writes that he has sent you the original. This will help us, and therefore I want it printed in prominent newspapers, even if we have to pay them to print it as and advertisement. Papers like the San Francisco Chronicle and Los Angeles Times should carry it. Please do the needful.</p> |
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