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Real preacher: Difference between revisions

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== Srimad-Bhagavatam ==
[[Category:Real Preaching|2]]

=== SB Canto 5 ===
<div class="section" id="Srimad-Bhagavatam" text="Srimad-Bhagavatam"><h2>Srimad-Bhagavatam</h2></div>

<span class="q_heading">'''A real preacher cannot be bogus; he must first of all realize Lord Viṣṇu as He is.'''</span>
<div class="sub_section" id="SB_Canto_5" text="SB Canto 5"><h3>SB Canto 5</h3></div>

<span class="SB-statistics">'''[[Vanisource:SB 5.15.4|SB 5.15.4, Purport]]:''' The word anusasmāra is very significant. God consciousness is not imaginary or concocted. The devotee who is pure and advanced realizes God as He is, Mahārāja Pratīha did so, and due to his direct realization of Lord Viṣṇu, he propagated self-realization and became a preacher. A real preacher cannot be bogus; he must first of all realize Lord Viṣṇu as He is. As confirmed in Bhagavad-gītā (4.34), upadekṣyanti te jñānaṁ jñāninas tattva-darśinaḥ: "one who has seen the truth can impart knowledge." The word tattva-darśī refers to one who has perfectly realized the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Such a person can become a guru and propound Vaiṣṇava philosophy all over the world. The paragon of bona fide preachers and guru is King Pratīha.</span>
<div class="quote" book="SB" link="SB 5.15.4" link_text="SB 5.15.4, Purport">
<div class="heading">A real preacher cannot be bogus; he must first of all realize Lord Viṣṇu as He is.</div>

== Lectures ==
<div class="text">'''[[Vanisource:SB 5.15.4|SB 5.15.4, Purport]]:''' The word anusasmāra is very significant. God consciousness is not imaginary or concocted. The devotee who is pure and advanced realizes God as He is, Mahārāja Pratīha did so, and due to his direct realization of Lord Viṣṇu, he propagated self-realization and became a preacher. A real preacher cannot be bogus; he must first of all realize Lord Viṣṇu as He is. As confirmed in Bhagavad-gītā (4.34), upadekṣyanti te jñānaṁ jñāninas tattva-darśinaḥ: "one who has seen the truth can impart knowledge." The word tattva-darśī refers to one who has perfectly realized the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Such a person can become a guru and propound Vaiṣṇava philosophy all over the world. The paragon of bona fide preachers and guru is King Pratīha.</div>

=== Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures ===
<div class="section" id="Lectures" text="Lectures"><h2>Lectures</h2></div>

<span class="q_heading">'''So even despite being cheated, you should try to find out who is the real preacher. That requires little intelligence.'''</span>
<div class="sub_section" id="Srimad-Bhagavatam_Lectures" text="Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures"><h3>Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures</h3></div>

<span class="LEC-statistics">'''[[Vanisource:Lecture on SB 6.2.24-25 -- Gorakhpur, February 13, 1971|Lecture on SB 6.2.24-25 -- Gorakhpur, February 13, 1971]]:''' Haṁsadūta: Right now we have so many preachers, so many other kinds of preachers in India. Then how can they get rid of them just by chanting?
<div class="quote" book="Lec" link="Lecture on SB 6.2.24-25 -- Gorakhpur, February 13, 1971" link_text="Lecture on SB 6.2.24-25 -- Gorakhpur, February 13, 1971">
<div class="heading">So even despite being cheated, you should try to find out who is the real preacher. That requires little intelligence.</div>
<div class="text">'''[[Vanisource:Lecture on SB 6.2.24-25 -- Gorakhpur, February 13, 1971|Lecture on SB 6.2.24-25 -- Gorakhpur, February 13, 1971]]:''' Haṁsadūta: Right now we have so many preachers, so many other kinds of preachers in India. Then how can they get rid of them just by chanting?
Prabhupāda: That is the difficulty. That is the difficulty, but you have got little intelligent associate. Just like if you want to purchase something, once or twice you may be cheated. A third time, you are very intelligent. (chuckles) So even despite being cheated, you should try to find out who is the real preacher. That requires little intelligence.
Prabhupāda: That is the difficulty. That is the difficulty, but you have got little intelligent associate. Just like if you want to purchase something, once or twice you may be cheated. A third time, you are very intelligent. (chuckles) So even despite being cheated, you should try to find out who is the real preacher. That requires little intelligence.
Guest: But these so-called spiritual preachers are looking at you, and immediately you know they will pounce over you. Where is the guarantee...?
Guest: But these so-called spiritual preachers are looking at you, and immediately you know they will pounce over you. Where is the guarantee...?
Prabhupāda: Yes, there is such possibility. Yes.</span>
Prabhupāda: Yes, there is such possibility. Yes.</div>

=== Philosophy Discussions ===
<div class="sub_section" id="Philosophy_Discussions" text="Philosophy Discussions"><h3>Philosophy Discussions</h3></div>

<span class="q_heading">'''Yes. That is real preacher. That is explained in the Vedic literature, śravaṇaṁ kīrtanam. First of all he becomes perfect by hearing.'''</span>
<div class="quote" book="Lec" link="Philosophy Discussion on Origen" link_text="Philosophy Discussion on Origen">
<div class="heading">Yes. That is real preacher. That is explained in the Vedic literature, śravaṇaṁ kīrtanam. First of all he becomes perfect by hearing.</div>

<span class="LEC-statistics">'''[[Vanisource:Philosophy Discussion on Origen|Philosophy Discussion on Origen]]:'''
<div class="text">'''[[Vanisource:Philosophy Discussion on Origen|Philosophy Discussion on Origen]]:'''

Hayagrīva: During his lifetime Origen was a great teacher and was very much in demand. For him, preaching simply meant explaining the words of God and no more. He believed that first of all a preacher must be a man of prayer and must be in contact with God, and that he should pray for a better understanding of the scriptures.
Hayagrīva: During his lifetime Origen was a great teacher and was very much in demand. For him, preaching simply meant explaining the words of God and no more. He believed that first of all a preacher must be a man of prayer and must be in contact with God, and that he should pray for a better understanding of the scriptures.

Prabhupāda: Yes. That is real preacher. That is explained in the Vedic literature, śravaṇaṁ kīrtanam. First of all he becomes perfect by hearing. This is called śravaṇam. And when he is perfectly situated in spiritual life by hearing perfectly from the perfectly authorized person, then his next stage begins, kīrtanam. That is preaching. That śravaṇaṁ kīrtanam, everyone is hearing in this material world. Everyone is hearing. Even this material educationist, he also hears from the material person, professor. That hearing is there. Then he acts when he is grown-up, passed his examination, sometimes acts as professor. The same process: if one hears from the perfect spiritualized person, he becomes perfect, then he becomes actual preacher. Preaching, śravaṇaṁ kīrtanam, about Viṣṇu, not for any other person within this material world. The Supreme Person, transcendental Personality of Godhead, to hear about Him and to preach about Him, that is the duty of a liberated soul.</span>
Prabhupāda: Yes. That is real preacher. That is explained in the Vedic literature, śravaṇaṁ kīrtanam. First of all he becomes perfect by hearing. This is called śravaṇam. And when he is perfectly situated in spiritual life by hearing perfectly from the perfectly authorized person, then his next stage begins, kīrtanam. That is preaching. That śravaṇaṁ kīrtanam, everyone is hearing in this material world. Everyone is hearing. Even this material educationist, he also hears from the material person, professor. That hearing is there. Then he acts when he is grown-up, passed his examination, sometimes acts as professor. The same process: if one hears from the perfect spiritualized person, he becomes perfect, then he becomes actual preacher. Preaching, śravaṇaṁ kīrtanam, about Viṣṇu, not for any other person within this material world. The Supreme Person, transcendental Personality of Godhead, to hear about Him and to preach about Him, that is the duty of a liberated soul.</div>

== Conversations and Morning Walks ==
<div class="section" id="Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" text="Conversations and Morning Walks"><h2>Conversations and Morning Walks</h2></div>

=== 1976 Conversations and Morning Walks ===
<div class="sub_section" id="1976_Conversations_and_Morning_Walks" text="1976 Conversations and Morning Walks"><h3>1976 Conversations and Morning Walks</h3></div>

<span class="q_heading">'''I approached many friends, that "You have got four sons. Give me one son so that I can train him how to become a real preacher of Bhagavad-gītā, how one can understand."'''</span>
<div class="quote" book="Con" link="Interview with Trans-India Magazine -- July 17, 1976, New York" link_text="Interview with Trans-India Magazine -- July 17, 1976, New York">
<div class="heading">I approached many friends, that "You have got four sons. Give me one son so that I can train him how to become a real preacher of Bhagavad-gītā, how one can understand."</div>

<span class="CON-statistics">'''[[Vanisource:Interview with Trans-India Magazine -- July 17, 1976, New York|Interview with Trans-India Magazine -- July 17, 1976, New York]]:'''
<div class="text">'''[[Vanisource:Interview with Trans-India Magazine -- July 17, 1976, New York|Interview with Trans-India Magazine -- July 17, 1976, New York]]:'''

Interviewer: Prabhu, the... Can you tell us a little bit about the plans you have for your project in India?
Interviewer: Prabhu, the... Can you tell us a little bit about the plans you have for your project in India?

Prabhupāda: Yes, I wanted to start this movement from India. I even requested Mahatma Gandhi, that "Mahatmaji, you have got some respect all over the world, and you are known as a great student of Bhagavad-gītā. Now you have got your sva-rājya, the Britishers have gone away. Let us preach Bhagavad-gītā." But I don't think I got any reply from him. Of course he was very busy man. My letter might have reached him or not reached him. The secretaries might have rejected. I think received from secretary, like that. But then after few days he was killed. So I was trying for this purpose in India. I approached many friends, that "You have got four sons. Give me one son so that I can train him how to become a real preacher of Bhagavad-gītā, how one can understand." Because Bhagavad-gītā is being misinterpreted. So I wanted to preach it as it is. That was my mission. So practically nobody joined me. Then I decided to come here. And these boys cooperated. So I have got great desire to... Because India is by nature Kṛṣṇa conscious, but our modern leaders keeping them suppressed. That is the difficulty. There are so many other difficulties, and leaders are misinterpreting Bhagavad-gītā.</span>
Prabhupāda: Yes, I wanted to start this movement from India. I even requested Mahatma Gandhi, that "Mahatmaji, you have got some respect all over the world, and you are known as a great student of Bhagavad-gītā. Now you have got your sva-rājya, the Britishers have gone away. Let us preach Bhagavad-gītā." But I don't think I got any reply from him. Of course he was very busy man. My letter might have reached him or not reached him. The secretaries might have rejected. I think received from secretary, like that. But then after few days he was killed. So I was trying for this purpose in India. I approached many friends, that "You have got four sons. Give me one son so that I can train him how to become a real preacher of Bhagavad-gītā, how one can understand." Because Bhagavad-gītā is being misinterpreted. So I wanted to preach it as it is. That was my mission. So practically nobody joined me. Then I decided to come here. And these boys cooperated. So I have got great desire to... Because India is by nature Kṛṣṇa conscious, but our modern leaders keeping them suppressed. That is the difficulty. There are so many other difficulties, and leaders are misinterpreting Bhagavad-gītā.</div>

== Correspondence ==
<div class="section" id="Correspondence" text="Correspondence"><h2>Correspondence</h2></div>

=== 1968 Correspondence ===
<div class="sub_section" id="1968_Correspondence" text="1968 Correspondence"><h3>1968 Correspondence</h3></div>

<span class="q_heading">'''We may not expect good behavior from people where we go to preach, still we have to do that. But one who is real preacher, he shall be undeterred, and go on keeping his objective to the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord.'''</span>
<div class="quote" book="Let" link="Letter to Nandarani -- Seattle 15 October, 1968" link_text="Letter to Nandarani -- Seattle 15 October, 1968">
<div class="heading">We may not expect good behavior from people where we go to preach, still we have to do that. But one who is real preacher, he shall be undeterred, and go on keeping his objective to the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord.</div>

<span class="LET-statistics">'''[[Vanisource:Letter to Nandarani -- Seattle 15 October, 1968|Letter to Nandarani -- Seattle 15 October, 1968]]:''' I am very much pleased with your preaching enthusiasm, when you say, "If people won't come to us, here, we will go to them." And this is the process of preaching, and this is required. I thank you very much for your this spirit. Just like I have come to your country, with the same spirit. Actually, still even in so much fallen condition of India, if one has to learn spiritual science, then he must consult some bona fide spiritual master, in India. That is the opinion of a great Chinese author. So people are not going there, neither Government has any arrangement to educate this spiritual science. So therefore I have come to your country, and those who are eager to receive, they are coming to us. In this way, we have to forward our mission. We may not expect good behavior from people where we go to preach, still we have to do that. The best example is Lord Jesus Christ, he was crucified by the people who were not very much advanced. From their behavior it may be known that the people at that time or at least the place where Lord Jesus Christ preached, they are not very much advanced, otherwise they would not have dared to crucify such a nice saintly person. So preaching work is always like that. But one who is real preacher, he shall be undeterred, and go on keeping his objective to the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord.</span>
<div class="text">'''[[Vanisource:Letter to Nandarani -- Seattle 15 October, 1968|Letter to Nandarani -- Seattle 15 October, 1968]]:''' I am very much pleased with your preaching enthusiasm, when you say, "If people won't come to us, here, we will go to them." And this is the process of preaching, and this is required. I thank you very much for your this spirit. Just like I have come to your country, with the same spirit. Actually, still even in so much fallen condition of India, if one has to learn spiritual science, then he must consult some bona fide spiritual master, in India. That is the opinion of a great Chinese author. So people are not going there, neither Government has any arrangement to educate this spiritual science. So therefore I have come to your country, and those who are eager to receive, they are coming to us. In this way, we have to forward our mission. We may not expect good behavior from people where we go to preach, still we have to do that. The best example is Lord Jesus Christ, he was crucified by the people who were not very much advanced. From their behavior it may be known that the people at that time or at least the place where Lord Jesus Christ preached, they are not very much advanced, otherwise they would not have dared to crucify such a nice saintly person. So preaching work is always like that. But one who is real preacher, he shall be undeterred, and go on keeping his objective to the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord.</div>

Latest revision as of 06:19, 27 January 2022


SB Canto 5

A real preacher cannot be bogus; he must first of all realize Lord Viṣṇu as He is.
SB 5.15.4, Purport: The word anusasmāra is very significant. God consciousness is not imaginary or concocted. The devotee who is pure and advanced realizes God as He is, Mahārāja Pratīha did so, and due to his direct realization of Lord Viṣṇu, he propagated self-realization and became a preacher. A real preacher cannot be bogus; he must first of all realize Lord Viṣṇu as He is. As confirmed in Bhagavad-gītā (4.34), upadekṣyanti te jñānaṁ jñāninas tattva-darśinaḥ: "one who has seen the truth can impart knowledge." The word tattva-darśī refers to one who has perfectly realized the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Such a person can become a guru and propound Vaiṣṇava philosophy all over the world. The paragon of bona fide preachers and guru is King Pratīha.


Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures

So even despite being cheated, you should try to find out who is the real preacher. That requires little intelligence.
Lecture on SB 6.2.24-25 -- Gorakhpur, February 13, 1971: Haṁsadūta: Right now we have so many preachers, so many other kinds of preachers in India. Then how can they get rid of them just by chanting?

Prabhupāda: That is the difficulty. That is the difficulty, but you have got little intelligent associate. Just like if you want to purchase something, once or twice you may be cheated. A third time, you are very intelligent. (chuckles) So even despite being cheated, you should try to find out who is the real preacher. That requires little intelligence. Guest: But these so-called spiritual preachers are looking at you, and immediately you know they will pounce over you. Where is the guarantee...?

Prabhupāda: Yes, there is such possibility. Yes.

Philosophy Discussions

Yes. That is real preacher. That is explained in the Vedic literature, śravaṇaṁ kīrtanam. First of all he becomes perfect by hearing.
Philosophy Discussion on Origen:

Hayagrīva: During his lifetime Origen was a great teacher and was very much in demand. For him, preaching simply meant explaining the words of God and no more. He believed that first of all a preacher must be a man of prayer and must be in contact with God, and that he should pray for a better understanding of the scriptures.

Prabhupāda: Yes. That is real preacher. That is explained in the Vedic literature, śravaṇaṁ kīrtanam. First of all he becomes perfect by hearing. This is called śravaṇam. And when he is perfectly situated in spiritual life by hearing perfectly from the perfectly authorized person, then his next stage begins, kīrtanam. That is preaching. That śravaṇaṁ kīrtanam, everyone is hearing in this material world. Everyone is hearing. Even this material educationist, he also hears from the material person, professor. That hearing is there. Then he acts when he is grown-up, passed his examination, sometimes acts as professor. The same process: if one hears from the perfect spiritualized person, he becomes perfect, then he becomes actual preacher. Preaching, śravaṇaṁ kīrtanam, about Viṣṇu, not for any other person within this material world. The Supreme Person, transcendental Personality of Godhead, to hear about Him and to preach about Him, that is the duty of a liberated soul.

Conversations and Morning Walks

1976 Conversations and Morning Walks

I approached many friends, that "You have got four sons. Give me one son so that I can train him how to become a real preacher of Bhagavad-gītā, how one can understand."
Interview with Trans-India Magazine -- July 17, 1976, New York:

Interviewer: Prabhu, the... Can you tell us a little bit about the plans you have for your project in India?

Prabhupāda: Yes, I wanted to start this movement from India. I even requested Mahatma Gandhi, that "Mahatmaji, you have got some respect all over the world, and you are known as a great student of Bhagavad-gītā. Now you have got your sva-rājya, the Britishers have gone away. Let us preach Bhagavad-gītā." But I don't think I got any reply from him. Of course he was very busy man. My letter might have reached him or not reached him. The secretaries might have rejected. I think received from secretary, like that. But then after few days he was killed. So I was trying for this purpose in India. I approached many friends, that "You have got four sons. Give me one son so that I can train him how to become a real preacher of Bhagavad-gītā, how one can understand." Because Bhagavad-gītā is being misinterpreted. So I wanted to preach it as it is. That was my mission. So practically nobody joined me. Then I decided to come here. And these boys cooperated. So I have got great desire to... Because India is by nature Kṛṣṇa conscious, but our modern leaders keeping them suppressed. That is the difficulty. There are so many other difficulties, and leaders are misinterpreting Bhagavad-gītā.


1968 Correspondence

We may not expect good behavior from people where we go to preach, still we have to do that. But one who is real preacher, he shall be undeterred, and go on keeping his objective to the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord.
Letter to Nandarani -- Seattle 15 October, 1968: I am very much pleased with your preaching enthusiasm, when you say, "If people won't come to us, here, we will go to them." And this is the process of preaching, and this is required. I thank you very much for your this spirit. Just like I have come to your country, with the same spirit. Actually, still even in so much fallen condition of India, if one has to learn spiritual science, then he must consult some bona fide spiritual master, in India. That is the opinion of a great Chinese author. So people are not going there, neither Government has any arrangement to educate this spiritual science. So therefore I have come to your country, and those who are eager to receive, they are coming to us. In this way, we have to forward our mission. We may not expect good behavior from people where we go to preach, still we have to do that. The best example is Lord Jesus Christ, he was crucified by the people who were not very much advanced. From their behavior it may be known that the people at that time or at least the place where Lord Jesus Christ preached, they are not very much advanced, otherwise they would not have dared to crucify such a nice saintly person. So preaching work is always like that. But one who is real preacher, he shall be undeterred, and go on keeping his objective to the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord.