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Dictionary (Letters): Difference between revisions

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<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Sivananda -- New York 19 April, 1968|Letter to Sivananda -- New York 19 April, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Regarding the Christian's Trinity, I believe it is called God, the Holy Ghost, and the son. Person in Krishna Consciousness accepts this by the name Visnu, Paramatma, and Jiva. God is a Person, the holy spirit or the supersoul is a person, and the living entity is also a person. Also, Mary is the representation of the energy of God. Either as internal energy Radharani or as external energy Durga, the energy of Godhead can be considered the mother of the living entities. But there is no clash between the Bible and the Vedas, simply some people formulate their personal ideas and cause quarrelings. Nobody can say the Bible was meant for the same class of men as the Bhagavad-gita. And Bhagavad-gita is the ABC's of spiritual knowledge. Beyond that is Srimad-Bhagavatam. How great Srimad-Bhagavatam is nobody can imagine. And beyond that is Caitanya Caritamrta. But beginning from the Bible or Koran, on up the principle remains the same. Just like beginning from the pocket dictionary, up</p>
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Sivananda -- New York 19 April, 1968|Letter to Sivananda -- New York 19 April, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Regarding the Christian's Trinity, I believe it is called God, the Holy Ghost, and the son. Person in Krishna Consciousness accepts this by the name Visnu, Paramatma, and Jiva. God is a Person, the holy spirit or the supersoul is a person, and the living entity is also a person. Also, Mary is the representation of the energy of God. Either as internal energy Radharani or as external energy Durga, the energy of Godhead can be considered the mother of the living entities. But there is no clash between the Bible and the Vedas, simply some people formulate their personal ideas and cause quarrelings. Nobody can say the Bible was meant for the same class of men as the Bhagavad-gita. And Bhagavad-gita is the ABC's of spiritual knowledge. Beyond that is Srimad-Bhagavatam. How great Srimad-Bhagavatam is nobody can imagine. And beyond that is Caitanya Caritamrta. But beginning from the Bible or Koran, on up the principle remains the same. Just like beginning from the pocket dictionary, up</p>
<div id="LettertoBrahmanandaSeattle6October1968_1" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="350" link="Letter to Brahmananda -- Seattle 6 October, 1968" link_text="Letter to Brahmananda -- Seattle 6 October, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Brahmananda -- Seattle 6 October, 1968|Letter to Brahmananda -- Seattle 6 October, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Regarding the dust cover of Teachings of Lord Caitanya: I have found out two mistakes. One mistake is on the first flap, when Bhagavat reference is given, the canto is 11, not 9. So it should XI, not IX. So please rectify this. Another is on the last page of the flap, there's one word as raptuous, in the recommendation of Mr. James Howard, Life; I do not find any word as raptuous. The real word is rapturous. So you consult the dictionary, and do it nicely.</p>
<p>I think Seattle branch will come out very successful, because we have drawn the attention of the students of the university here. One girl came to see me, as representative of the student paper, and we had a nice discussion. But another thing, that the priestly class of Christian and Jews churches, I think they are becoming envious of our movement. Because they are afraid of their own system of religiosity, because they see so many young boys and girls are taking interest in this system of Krishna Consciousness. Naturally, they are not very satisfied. So we may be facing some difficulty by them in future. So, we have to take some precaution.</p>
<div id="LettertoGurudasaLosAngeles1December1968_2" class="quote" parent="1968_Correspondence" book="Let" index="460" link="Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 1 December, 1968" link_text="Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 1 December, 1968">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 1 December, 1968|Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 1 December, 1968]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">This is very nice, and all very encouraging to me. As you may have heard, our Bhagavad-gita As It Is is now published and can be ordered from the New York temple by writing to Brahmananda. Please try to popularize this book throughout England as much as possible. Because if these books are read, there is no doubt that many sincere souls shall be attracted and will join you in your work for Krishna. So please try for selling these books, it shall be considered as the greatest service.</p>
<p>You have requested of me to write one letter for opening the "board meeting" so when the meeting is arranged definitely I will send the same. So far as the dictionaries go, the Niruktih is the better of the two. I think that you may send me few more of the published Prahlada Maharaja prints so that other temples may be inspired and also may try to republish them in some American papers.</p>
<div id="1969_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="4" parent="Correspondence" text="1969 Correspondence"><h3>1969 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoJanakiLosAngeles28February1969_0" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="153" link="Letter to Janaki -- Los Angeles 28 February, 1969" link_text="Letter to Janaki -- Los Angeles 28 February, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Janaki -- Los Angeles 28 February, 1969|Letter to Janaki -- Los Angeles 28 February, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">That is all right, and I am pleased to note that you six boys and girls are doing more than my expectation. Krishna will certainly be pleased to give you more strength to preach this glorious movement of Krishna Consciousness. So please keep yourselves steadily in the manner you are now keeping yourselves. The more you are working sincerely and steadily the more you will get strength from Krishna.</p>
<p>Regarding your questions, as Brahma realized that he was the maidservant of Krishna, similarly, everyone of us has to realize that Krishna is the only single purusa. purusa synonymously means male, but actually, in the spiritual dictionary, male means "enjoyer" and female means "enjoyed." So in this sense, Krishna is the only male and all others being energies of Krishna, they are prakrti, or female. Please do not try to understand this male and female in the material sense. In other words, our perfection of life will be actually realizing that we are all females. In the material world we have got simply different dresses. Here in the material world, everyone is in the temperament of male, even the so-called females are also in the temperament. This is very prominent in the Western part of the world, and you know it very well how the females here think on the level of equality with males. This aptitude is material.</p>
<div id="LettertoBrahmanandaLosAngeles1July1969_1" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="405" link="Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 1 July, 1969" link_text="Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 1 July, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 1 July, 1969|Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 1 July, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Your proposal to keep my apartment by arrangement with Mr. Chudy by the residence of Vaikunthanatha there is very nice. If this is done, I shall be pleased. So far as my goods are concerned, they must be packed in trunks with inventory taken of where each item is being kept. For the time being, you may send me immediately from my book-shelf #6 (SB, Cantos 4, 5, and 6—a red book), #48 (Websters Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary), and the black bound typewritten manuscripts of Srimad-Bhagavatam and Caitanya-caritamrta. I hope by now you have received the key from Purusottama, which I think is for the closet door. There are some important files in the closet. One of them is for the Radha-Damodara temple. That file contains many important documents. That should be kept very carefully. Immediately I don't require it, but I shall send for it when it is needed. When Gargamuni comes, or if Rayarama is coming, then the tape recorder, as well as the suitcase with my clothings may be sent.</p>
<div id="LettertoSyamasundaraHamburg31August1969_2" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="537" link="Letter to Syamasundara -- Hamburg 31 August, 1969" link_text="Letter to Syamasundara -- Hamburg 31 August, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Syamasundara -- Hamburg 31 August, 1969|Letter to Syamasundara -- Hamburg 31 August, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">If it was not presented before, it may be done so when George Harrison meets the Archbishop for the church. Actually our Krishna Conscious movement is genuine Christian movement. Christ means Krishna, love of Godhead, Who has His face anointed with tilak. There is a word Kristos in the Greek dictionary, and this word is supposed to be borrowed from the Sanskrit word "Krishna," and Christ is derived from Kristos. I find these things in a book known as Aquarian Gospel of Lord Jesus the Christ. Anyway, any genuine Christian will find our movement nice and perfect. We simply want their cooperation in this matter that they allow us to use their many vacant churches in the Western countries for rejuvenation of spiritual life in this part of the world. So if the Archbishop kindly gives us a church through the intervention of Mr. Harrison, it will be a great success for our movement. So try your best for this achievement.</p>
<div id="LettertoTamalaKrsnaHamburg8September1969_3" class="quote" parent="1969_Correspondence" book="Let" index="554" link="Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Hamburg 8 September, 1969" link_text="Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Hamburg 8 September, 1969">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Hamburg 8 September, 1969|Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Hamburg 8 September, 1969]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">Nobody can stay there or sleep there or anything. If she wants to worship Krishna in her own way, she must find an apartment outside the temple. She does not belong to the Vaisnava principles, therefore we cannot approve her Deity worship within the temple. Her example may be followed by others, therefore it must be stopped immediately. Regarding the house, it is not possible for us to pay such sums: it is untouchable. But if they are prepared to sell the house at 250,000 dollars when complete and finished, and accept 10% down payment, then we can consider to touch it. Regarding the Sanskrit dictionary, keep it there carefully. It is important. Regarding the information you sent from the Bank of America Calcutta, I am little busy now because I am starting for London this Thursday. I shall have to scrutinizingly see what they propose. I shall reply this from London. In the meantime, as you are getting goods from Delhi, there is no worry. This Bank of America in Calcutta will be needed when we begin business with Calcutta. There is no immediate hurry. I shall think it over and let you know from London.</p>
<div id="1970_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="5" parent="Correspondence" text="1970 Correspondence"><h3>1970 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoPradyumnaLosAngeles29April1970_0" class="quote" parent="1970_Correspondence" book="Let" index="277" link="Letter to Pradyumna -- Los Angeles 29 April, 1970" link_text="Letter to Pradyumna -- Los Angeles 29 April, 1970">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Pradyumna -- Los Angeles 29 April, 1970|Letter to Pradyumna -- Los Angeles 29 April, 1970]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">The word is __. That is called Odana-Sasthi and the date is 14th December, 1970. That is correct even if you do not find it in the dictionary. The dictionary may not have every word.</p>
<p>5. 7th February, 1971—Varaha-Dvadasi, I have explained the position in regard to #2.</p>
<p>6. So far determining Ekadasi it is counted 11 days after the full moon and 11 days after the new moon, but sometimes it so happens as you have noted one day later. However, what I have given is correct.</p>
<p>The Panjika which I gave you is old Panjika, our calendar is for this new year.</p>
<p>Regarding the Prayer book, I did not ask you to transliterate this—somebody else has underlined, I have not underlined it. I have received both the prayer book and the panjika also with your letter. Regarding your work on the Staal Correspondence, locating references to chapter and verses and adding appropriate translations after the Sanskrit, that is alright as you have done it</p>
<p>On page 13 of Three Essays, manasinah is the correct word.</p>
<div id="1972_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="7" parent="Correspondence" text="1972 Correspondence"><h3>1972 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoMandaliBhadraSydney2April1972_0" class="quote" parent="1972_Correspondence" book="Let" index="155" link="Letter to Mandali Bhadra -- Sydney 2 April, 1972" link_text="Letter to Mandali Bhadra -- Sydney 2 April, 1972">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Mandali Bhadra -- Sydney 2 April, 1972|Letter to Mandali Bhadra -- Sydney 2 April, 1972]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">It appears that in Germany we have got very good possibility, and I am glad to hear from Hamsaduta that he has expanded more centers, and that all programs are increasing. That is his success and your success. Actually, everyone in the world can accept this Movement very easily. My angle of vision is that throughout the whole world everyone is good and innocent, only they have been misled and corrupted by rascal leaders. If you can organize everything nicely, the Americans and Europeans of the future will come out very nice, that is my opinion. I have just seen one Sanskrit dictionary of Pradyumna's, and it is compiled by one Englishman, Williams, and he has taken so much trouble and he has made thorough study and it is very nice and scholarly books, so this dictionary is proof of the superior nature of this Indian Vedic culture. This great European scholar, he has not taken so much pains for Greek or Latin or any other old language, and because he has chosen Sanskrit language for his study, therefore it is the highest example of scholarship and knowledge.</p>
<div id="1975_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="10" parent="Correspondence" text="1975 Correspondence"><h3>1975 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoGirirajaVrindaban15September1975_0" class="quote" parent="1975_Correspondence" book="Let" index="538" link="Letter to Giriraja -- Vrindaban 15 September, 1975" link_text="Letter to Giriraja -- Vrindaban 15 September, 1975">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Giriraja -- Vrindaban 15 September, 1975|Letter to Giriraja -- Vrindaban 15 September, 1975]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 6th, 1975 and have noted the contents. Regarding the tax question, our Krishna consciousness movement is cultural. We are preaching Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Our mission is to spread the instructions of Krishna so that people may become happy, hopeful, and peaceful. The central point is to understand Krishna as the supreme proprietor, the supreme enjoyer and the best friend of all living beings. He is the best friend of the human society because He gives perfect social order, perfect economic development, perfect philosophy, perfect religion, and perfection of life.</p>
<p>Religion is described in the English dictionary as a kind of faith. Of course when we accept Krishna's instructions perfectly we become automatically perfectly religious person. Therefore Krishna consciousness movement is not a sentimental fanaticism of so-called religion. But, it is the perfect culture for peace and happiness of the whole human society.</p>
<div id="1976_Correspondence" class="sub_section" sec_index="11" parent="Correspondence" text="1976 Correspondence"><h3>1976 Correspondence</h3>
<div id="LettertoDrChittaranjanMohapatraMayapur21March1976_0" class="quote" parent="1976_Correspondence" book="Let" index="197" link="Letter to Dr. Chittaranjan Mohapatra -- Mayapur 21 March, 1976" link_text="Letter to Dr. Chittaranjan Mohapatra -- Mayapur 21 March, 1976">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Dr. Chittaranjan Mohapatra -- Mayapur 21 March, 1976|Letter to Dr. Chittaranjan Mohapatra -- Mayapur 21 March, 1976]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">In reply to your questions of your letter dated 16-3-76 addressed to my secretary, I beg to offer you the following on the basis of the sastras. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The dictionary defines God as the Supreme Being, therefore, Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita: Mattah parataram nanyat, kincid asti . . .  ([[Vanisource:BG 7.7 (1972)|BG 7.7]]) "There is no Truth superior to Me. Everything is resting upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread." And in many other sastras Krishna is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. All the acaryas such as Ramanuja, Madhvacarya, Nimbarka, Lord Caitanya, and innumerable others have come to this conclusion: that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.</p>
<p>Concerning your question as to why we should sacrifice everything to Him; because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He is the Proprietor and Enjoyer of everything; Bhoktaram yajna tapasam sarva loka mahesvaram . . .  ([[Vanisource:BG 5.29 (1972)|BG 5.29]]). Everything belongs to Him. We have unlawfully encroached upon His property this is mine, that is mine . . . Krishna comes down to teach us real knowledge, therefore He tells you to give up encroaching on His property. Better to deliver it to Him. Therefore, perfection of life is when we deliver or return everything to Him, and He tells us this for our benefit! The sooner we return everything to Him, the better it is for us. Our Krishna Consciousness Movement is teaching this fact all over the world.</p>
<div id="LettertoMrDhawanVrindaban2April1976_1" class="quote" parent="1976_Correspondence" book="Let" index="214" link="Letter to Mr. Dhawan -- Vrindaban 2 April, 1976" link_text="Letter to Mr. Dhawan -- Vrindaban 2 April, 1976">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Mr. Dhawan -- Vrindaban 2 April, 1976|Letter to Mr. Dhawan -- Vrindaban 2 April, 1976]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">The conditioned souls who have come to this world on account of forgetfulness of his eternal relationship with God is prone to be cheated, but a person who is sincere is not cheated, but he takes up the path which leads one to the perfection of life, how to love God. The present religious and spiritual systems in varieties come into existence on account of imperfect leaders who defied the authority of God. My suggestion is therefore that the leaders who actually agree as eternal servant of God may sit together and find out the ways and means of one religious system in this world. God is one. There cannot be many gods, otherwise there is no meaning of God. In the English dictionary, you find that God means the "Supreme Being." There are unlimited number of living beings, but God is one Supreme Being. Supreme Being must be one. Nobody can be equal to Him, and nobody can be greater than Him, otherwise there is no meaning of God. At the present moment it has become a fashion to become God very cheaply, therefore, such system being very cheap and not authorized, there are so many religious systems. Otherwise, God is one, all living entities are His eternal servants, and therefore, the real religious system is to learn how to serve God.</p>
<div id="LettertoMrDhawanVrindaban2April1976_2" class="quote" parent="1976_Correspondence" book="Let" index="214" link="Letter to Mr. Dhawan -- Vrindaban 2 April, 1976" link_text="Letter to Mr. Dhawan -- Vrindaban 2 April, 1976">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Mr. Dhawan -- Vrindaban 2 April, 1976|Letter to Mr. Dhawan -- Vrindaban 2 April, 1976]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I have not sufficient information about the instruction of Hazur Mohammed Sahib, but if you mean Mohammed, the inaugurator of Islam religion, I accept him as empowered servant of God because he preached God consciousness in those parts of the world and induced them to accept the authority of God. He is accepted as the servant of God and we have all respect for him. I do not know what he has said about the 14th Century, therefore, I cannot answer this point. You are mentioning the Holy Names of Nanak, Krishna, Kabir, Christ, Mohammed, etc. Out of all of these names we accept Krishna as the Lord and all others representative servant of God, Krishna. In the English dictionary, it is said God is the Supreme Being, and when Krishna appeared on this earth He proved to be the Supreme Being in all respects. We are spreading this Krishna Consciousness Movement all over the world and if all the leaders would accept this philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, then I am sure that the world would be fortunate to follow one type of religion, and accept one God without any faulty conviction.</p>
<div id="LettertoGuptajiVrindaban1October1976_3" class="quote" parent="1976_Correspondence" book="Let" index="548" link="Letter to Guptaji -- Vrindaban 1 October, 1976" link_text="Letter to Guptaji -- Vrindaban 1 October, 1976">
<span class="link">[[Vanisource:Letter to Guptaji -- Vrindaban 1 October, 1976|Letter to Guptaji -- Vrindaban 1 October, 1976]]: </span><div style="display: inline;" class="text"><p style="display: inline;">I am in due receipt of your letter undated and have noted the contents. Please come immediately and please bring one nice English to Bengali dictionary, prepared either by Subala Mitra or Ashutosh Deva. The price may be taken from the Temple to purchase it.</p>
<p>I shall be in Vrindaban up till the 8th, and then after going to Aligarh and Chandigarh I shall return about 17th-18th inst.</p>

Latest revision as of 10:26, 16 May 2018


1968 Correspondence

Letter to Sivananda -- New York 19 April, 1968:

Regarding the Christian's Trinity, I believe it is called God, the Holy Ghost, and the son. Person in Krishna Consciousness accepts this by the name Visnu, Paramatma, and Jiva. God is a Person, the holy spirit or the supersoul is a person, and the living entity is also a person. Also, Mary is the representation of the energy of God. Either as internal energy Radharani or as external energy Durga, the energy of Godhead can be considered the mother of the living entities. But there is no clash between the Bible and the Vedas, simply some people formulate their personal ideas and cause quarrelings. Nobody can say the Bible was meant for the same class of men as the Bhagavad-gita. And Bhagavad-gita is the ABC's of spiritual knowledge. Beyond that is Srimad-Bhagavatam. How great Srimad-Bhagavatam is nobody can imagine. And beyond that is Caitanya Caritamrta. But beginning from the Bible or Koran, on up the principle remains the same. Just like beginning from the pocket dictionary, up


Letter to Brahmananda -- Seattle 6 October, 1968:

Regarding the dust cover of Teachings of Lord Caitanya: I have found out two mistakes. One mistake is on the first flap, when Bhagavat reference is given, the canto is 11, not 9. So it should XI, not IX. So please rectify this. Another is on the last page of the flap, there's one word as raptuous, in the recommendation of Mr. James Howard, Life; I do not find any word as raptuous. The real word is rapturous. So you consult the dictionary, and do it nicely.

I think Seattle branch will come out very successful, because we have drawn the attention of the students of the university here. One girl came to see me, as representative of the student paper, and we had a nice discussion. But another thing, that the priestly class of Christian and Jews churches, I think they are becoming envious of our movement. Because they are afraid of their own system of religiosity, because they see so many young boys and girls are taking interest in this system of Krishna Consciousness. Naturally, they are not very satisfied. So we may be facing some difficulty by them in future. So, we have to take some precaution.

Letter to Gurudasa -- Los Angeles 1 December, 1968:

This is very nice, and all very encouraging to me. As you may have heard, our Bhagavad-gita As It Is is now published and can be ordered from the New York temple by writing to Brahmananda. Please try to popularize this book throughout England as much as possible. Because if these books are read, there is no doubt that many sincere souls shall be attracted and will join you in your work for Krishna. So please try for selling these books, it shall be considered as the greatest service.

You have requested of me to write one letter for opening the "board meeting" so when the meeting is arranged definitely I will send the same. So far as the dictionaries go, the Niruktih is the better of the two. I think that you may send me few more of the published Prahlada Maharaja prints so that other temples may be inspired and also may try to republish them in some American papers.

1969 Correspondence

Letter to Janaki -- Los Angeles 28 February, 1969:

That is all right, and I am pleased to note that you six boys and girls are doing more than my expectation. Krishna will certainly be pleased to give you more strength to preach this glorious movement of Krishna Consciousness. So please keep yourselves steadily in the manner you are now keeping yourselves. The more you are working sincerely and steadily the more you will get strength from Krishna.

Regarding your questions, as Brahma realized that he was the maidservant of Krishna, similarly, everyone of us has to realize that Krishna is the only single purusa. purusa synonymously means male, but actually, in the spiritual dictionary, male means "enjoyer" and female means "enjoyed." So in this sense, Krishna is the only male and all others being energies of Krishna, they are prakrti, or female. Please do not try to understand this male and female in the material sense. In other words, our perfection of life will be actually realizing that we are all females. In the material world we have got simply different dresses. Here in the material world, everyone is in the temperament of male, even the so-called females are also in the temperament. This is very prominent in the Western part of the world, and you know it very well how the females here think on the level of equality with males. This aptitude is material.

Letter to Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 1 July, 1969:

Your proposal to keep my apartment by arrangement with Mr. Chudy by the residence of Vaikunthanatha there is very nice. If this is done, I shall be pleased. So far as my goods are concerned, they must be packed in trunks with inventory taken of where each item is being kept. For the time being, you may send me immediately from my book-shelf #6 (SB, Cantos 4, 5, and 6—a red book), #48 (Websters Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary), and the black bound typewritten manuscripts of Srimad-Bhagavatam and Caitanya-caritamrta. I hope by now you have received the key from Purusottama, which I think is for the closet door. There are some important files in the closet. One of them is for the Radha-Damodara temple. That file contains many important documents. That should be kept very carefully. Immediately I don't require it, but I shall send for it when it is needed. When Gargamuni comes, or if Rayarama is coming, then the tape recorder, as well as the suitcase with my clothings may be sent.

Letter to Syamasundara -- Hamburg 31 August, 1969:

If it was not presented before, it may be done so when George Harrison meets the Archbishop for the church. Actually our Krishna Conscious movement is genuine Christian movement. Christ means Krishna, love of Godhead, Who has His face anointed with tilak. There is a word Kristos in the Greek dictionary, and this word is supposed to be borrowed from the Sanskrit word "Krishna," and Christ is derived from Kristos. I find these things in a book known as Aquarian Gospel of Lord Jesus the Christ. Anyway, any genuine Christian will find our movement nice and perfect. We simply want their cooperation in this matter that they allow us to use their many vacant churches in the Western countries for rejuvenation of spiritual life in this part of the world. So if the Archbishop kindly gives us a church through the intervention of Mr. Harrison, it will be a great success for our movement. So try your best for this achievement.

Letter to Tamala Krsna -- Hamburg 8 September, 1969:

Nobody can stay there or sleep there or anything. If she wants to worship Krishna in her own way, she must find an apartment outside the temple. She does not belong to the Vaisnava principles, therefore we cannot approve her Deity worship within the temple. Her example may be followed by others, therefore it must be stopped immediately. Regarding the house, it is not possible for us to pay such sums: it is untouchable. But if they are prepared to sell the house at 250,000 dollars when complete and finished, and accept 10% down payment, then we can consider to touch it. Regarding the Sanskrit dictionary, keep it there carefully. It is important. Regarding the information you sent from the Bank of America Calcutta, I am little busy now because I am starting for London this Thursday. I shall have to scrutinizingly see what they propose. I shall reply this from London. In the meantime, as you are getting goods from Delhi, there is no worry. This Bank of America in Calcutta will be needed when we begin business with Calcutta. There is no immediate hurry. I shall think it over and let you know from London.

1970 Correspondence

Letter to Pradyumna -- Los Angeles 29 April, 1970:

The word is __. That is called Odana-Sasthi and the date is 14th December, 1970. That is correct even if you do not find it in the dictionary. The dictionary may not have every word.

5. 7th February, 1971—Varaha-Dvadasi, I have explained the position in regard to #2.

6. So far determining Ekadasi it is counted 11 days after the full moon and 11 days after the new moon, but sometimes it so happens as you have noted one day later. However, what I have given is correct.

The Panjika which I gave you is old Panjika, our calendar is for this new year.

Regarding the Prayer book, I did not ask you to transliterate this—somebody else has underlined, I have not underlined it. I have received both the prayer book and the panjika also with your letter. Regarding your work on the Staal Correspondence, locating references to chapter and verses and adding appropriate translations after the Sanskrit, that is alright as you have done it

On page 13 of Three Essays, manasinah is the correct word.

1972 Correspondence

Letter to Mandali Bhadra -- Sydney 2 April, 1972:

It appears that in Germany we have got very good possibility, and I am glad to hear from Hamsaduta that he has expanded more centers, and that all programs are increasing. That is his success and your success. Actually, everyone in the world can accept this Movement very easily. My angle of vision is that throughout the whole world everyone is good and innocent, only they have been misled and corrupted by rascal leaders. If you can organize everything nicely, the Americans and Europeans of the future will come out very nice, that is my opinion. I have just seen one Sanskrit dictionary of Pradyumna's, and it is compiled by one Englishman, Williams, and he has taken so much trouble and he has made thorough study and it is very nice and scholarly books, so this dictionary is proof of the superior nature of this Indian Vedic culture. This great European scholar, he has not taken so much pains for Greek or Latin or any other old language, and because he has chosen Sanskrit language for his study, therefore it is the highest example of scholarship and knowledge.

1975 Correspondence

Letter to Giriraja -- Vrindaban 15 September, 1975:

I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 6th, 1975 and have noted the contents. Regarding the tax question, our Krishna consciousness movement is cultural. We are preaching Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Our mission is to spread the instructions of Krishna so that people may become happy, hopeful, and peaceful. The central point is to understand Krishna as the supreme proprietor, the supreme enjoyer and the best friend of all living beings. He is the best friend of the human society because He gives perfect social order, perfect economic development, perfect philosophy, perfect religion, and perfection of life.

Religion is described in the English dictionary as a kind of faith. Of course when we accept Krishna's instructions perfectly we become automatically perfectly religious person. Therefore Krishna consciousness movement is not a sentimental fanaticism of so-called religion. But, it is the perfect culture for peace and happiness of the whole human society.

1976 Correspondence

Letter to Dr. Chittaranjan Mohapatra -- Mayapur 21 March, 1976:

In reply to your questions of your letter dated 16-3-76 addressed to my secretary, I beg to offer you the following on the basis of the sastras. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The dictionary defines God as the Supreme Being, therefore, Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita: Mattah parataram nanyat, kincid asti . . . (BG 7.7) "There is no Truth superior to Me. Everything is resting upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread." And in many other sastras Krishna is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. All the acaryas such as Ramanuja, Madhvacarya, Nimbarka, Lord Caitanya, and innumerable others have come to this conclusion: that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Concerning your question as to why we should sacrifice everything to Him; because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He is the Proprietor and Enjoyer of everything; Bhoktaram yajna tapasam sarva loka mahesvaram . . . (BG 5.29). Everything belongs to Him. We have unlawfully encroached upon His property this is mine, that is mine . . . Krishna comes down to teach us real knowledge, therefore He tells you to give up encroaching on His property. Better to deliver it to Him. Therefore, perfection of life is when we deliver or return everything to Him, and He tells us this for our benefit! The sooner we return everything to Him, the better it is for us. Our Krishna Consciousness Movement is teaching this fact all over the world.

Letter to Mr. Dhawan -- Vrindaban 2 April, 1976:

The conditioned souls who have come to this world on account of forgetfulness of his eternal relationship with God is prone to be cheated, but a person who is sincere is not cheated, but he takes up the path which leads one to the perfection of life, how to love God. The present religious and spiritual systems in varieties come into existence on account of imperfect leaders who defied the authority of God. My suggestion is therefore that the leaders who actually agree as eternal servant of God may sit together and find out the ways and means of one religious system in this world. God is one. There cannot be many gods, otherwise there is no meaning of God. In the English dictionary, you find that God means the "Supreme Being." There are unlimited number of living beings, but God is one Supreme Being. Supreme Being must be one. Nobody can be equal to Him, and nobody can be greater than Him, otherwise there is no meaning of God. At the present moment it has become a fashion to become God very cheaply, therefore, such system being very cheap and not authorized, there are so many religious systems. Otherwise, God is one, all living entities are His eternal servants, and therefore, the real religious system is to learn how to serve God.

Letter to Mr. Dhawan -- Vrindaban 2 April, 1976:

I have not sufficient information about the instruction of Hazur Mohammed Sahib, but if you mean Mohammed, the inaugurator of Islam religion, I accept him as empowered servant of God because he preached God consciousness in those parts of the world and induced them to accept the authority of God. He is accepted as the servant of God and we have all respect for him. I do not know what he has said about the 14th Century, therefore, I cannot answer this point. You are mentioning the Holy Names of Nanak, Krishna, Kabir, Christ, Mohammed, etc. Out of all of these names we accept Krishna as the Lord and all others representative servant of God, Krishna. In the English dictionary, it is said God is the Supreme Being, and when Krishna appeared on this earth He proved to be the Supreme Being in all respects. We are spreading this Krishna Consciousness Movement all over the world and if all the leaders would accept this philosophy of the Bhagavad-gita As It Is, then I am sure that the world would be fortunate to follow one type of religion, and accept one God without any faulty conviction.

Letter to Guptaji -- Vrindaban 1 October, 1976:

I am in due receipt of your letter undated and have noted the contents. Please come immediately and please bring one nice English to Bengali dictionary, prepared either by Subala Mitra or Ashutosh Deva. The price may be taken from the Temple to purchase it.

I shall be in Vrindaban up till the 8th, and then after going to Aligarh and Chandigarh I shall return about 17th-18th inst.